Jan 6 as related by democrats
If you want to see hyperbole in action, spend some time on Twitter (X). It is populated by quite a diverse assortment of liberal yokels. Someone seizes upon a theme and when the dog whistle is blown they come a runnin’ for a day or two and then the air comes out of the balloon. But one theme persists-that Jan 6 was an insurrection.
It wasn’t.
But that doesn’t dissuade the left from continuing the nonsense.
Tell me which part of this isn’t true: pic.twitter.com/2mUf5S1kvm
— Andrew—Author of America Rises On Substack—Wortman (@AmoneyResists) January 1, 2024
As 2024 begins, we have to keep in the forefront of our minds that Trump and traitors poured the gasoline on , lit the match, and attempted a coup on the United States government.
Y’all saw it play out in real time and no matter how the GOP tries to spin it, it was an… pic.twitter.com/Hv0pduS0f3
— We HearVoicesOutThere #voteBlue2024 (@WeHearPodcast) January 2, 2024
And my favorite
We must never forget what Trump did to our country on January 6, 2021 – and just because his coup did not succeed, we can't let the outrage we felt that day subside.
Because if a coup attempt goes unpunished, then it is simply a training exercise for the next one.#TraitorTrump pic.twitter.com/b6n7pmQ0co
— Democratic Coalition (@TheDemCoalition) January 2, 2024
The left loves the word “insurrection.” It is a mainstay for CNN. But who has been charged with insurrection? To my knowledge, no one.
NPR grudgingly calls it what it was – a riot. A protest that turned into a riot. Newsweek also calls it a riot.
Was it armed? Not seriously. A few carried weapons with them, but the only weapon discharged that day was the one used by Michael Byrd to murder Ashli Babbitt.
It is not disputable that some Capitol officers escorted protesters into the building. Six were suspended and 29 more were under investigation.
The fear of Donald Trump is the fuel for this ongoing misrepresentation. Here’s the thing-anyone who seriously believes that any action by the rioters, should it actually have gone anywhere, was going to be recognized as a legitimate action is a complete moron.
The Republic was not going to change. The results, as dubious as they were, were not going to change. This hysteria about the loss of democracy is just that-vapid hysteria. More stupid is the suggestion that Trump would use the military to install himself as a dictator. No one should be buying into it no matter how many times it’s uttered.
Besides, we already have a dictator.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
joe’s economic growth has consisted of two things: People getting their old jobs back and new government workers.
joe’s voter growth has consisted of one thing: illegal aliens.
Those two constituencies are democrats biggest.
And all joe has done for three years is grow them both.
Whoever really runs joe’s admin is dug in like a tick.
Should the USSC rule in favor of Fischer V United States, half of jack shits case will be default go away. The other half will never see a courtroom.
On January 09, 2024 there will be a case in Georgia that will show the fraud that occurred in 2020. That will end the fat ass willis case.
The moon bat judge in NY will have his decision reversed on appeal and will receive a harsh rebuke.
The ugly lunatic dressing room “rape” victim is not believable and there is zero evidence she was raped.
Dems’ whole point of all these court cases against Trump was to keep him in court and only covered in media in a negative way.
Apparently dems forgot that “all publicity is GOOD publicity.”
Trump keeps becoming more popular.
I’ve seen (here in Utah!) a black man wearing a Trump T-shirt that read,”Straight out of Mar-A-Lago,” sporting Trump’s mugshot.
So far, Trump has been able to do both court cases and public speaking at rallies.
What does ugliness have to do with anything?
What does ugliness have to do with anything?

Is Jill Biden the “ugly lunatic dressing room ‘rape’ victim”? If not, what was the point of posting this in response to my question?
Just giving you a comparison, seems Biden came back from vacation looking like a lobster another example of elder neglect and abuse dump the ol boy on a beach and let him bake.
Jill hasnt aged well, but this thing never looked good
She is a lunatic
In 2012 — seven years before E. Jean Carroll publicly accused Donald Trump of raping her — “Law & Order: SVU” aired an episode featuring a rape in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room, her favorite tv show.
They left him laying on the beach hoping the tide would take him away once and for all, but the ocean rejected him.
Oh no Jill needs him to have her status, the doctor just not smart enough to put a bit of sunscreen on the carcass while closer to the equator. Even the real doctors that are in constant attendance are thoughtless.
Think she’ll visit Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in prison? Will she wait for him or will she get coked up with Hunter and let him service her?
That’s about the character of that family. Scum.
That’s a disturbing glimpse into what’s going on in your brain.
That’s what’s going on in the Biden Crime Family, which you wholeheartedly support.
Who cares whether she’s good-looking? Are you under the impression that rape is about a guy finding a woman to be good-looking?
Looks aside, she’s also a lunatic that shouldn’t be taken seriously. Unless, of course, it’s all you have.
Ugly and a lunatic, no way to go through life.
Yes, your life must have been difficult.
How’s the weather in your little pretend world?
Are you suggesting that the deposition I linked to is pretend?
Yes, it is pretending Trump did something to this woman.
Speaking from experience?
She cant remember the year, did not report to police.
Mikey she got it from a TV show, what are the chances CSI has the exact scenerio?
J6 was not an insurrection.
Lots of women who have been raped don’t go to the police, mainly because they’re afraid of being shamed and treated as if they’re lying—just as you’re doing now.
Your internalized misogyny is appalling.
Tara Reade did. But Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden won’t release his Senate archives so she can locate her complaint. Clinton’s victims tried to, but the Arkansas State Police protected him.
Okay. But lots of women don’t.
Also, some women will appear every time Trump is running for office and make unsubstantiated accusations. Then, leftists that call any woman that accuses a Democrat a liar will reactivate the #BelieveHer beacon.
Lots of women make false accusations because there is no punishment for doing so.
Deny very powerful pedophile and sex cults all you want, who is the misogynist?
The top stories from the Birdcage Liners/Fishwraps all Fake News the Washington Compost has the worst
I would like to see that Giant UFO Blast the UN Facility to smitherines
Soros and his Globalists ilk have their Fingerprints all over this whole thing all over this whole globalists Plans China is just one as well
In one discussion I had, a guy argued that was an “armed insurrection”. I told him there were no weapons at the riot. His example was a guy who was charged with trespassing that admitted he was legally carrying a concealed weapon, which he never drew out. That’s the left’s weak-ass idea of the “armed insurrection” that threatened democracy and the very existence of this nation. The sad part is I don’t think they even realize how pathetic they actually look.
You’d think that with the left’s proclivity to overcharge anyone they can use as a prop to promote their existential threat narrative, they would have charged someone somewhere with insurrection, but apparently even by any stretch of the imagination, they don’t think they could sell that. But, stand by; I bet it’s coming.
All those liberal Rags with their False Headlines should be on every Americans Boycott List
Massive evidence.
More than 2/3 of Americans are now questioning the results of the 2020 election.
Actually it’s 1/3. Believe nothing you read or hear on right-wing social media without checking it yourself.
Nope, it’s 2/3rds.
But it’s 2024. That’s too late to verify election fraud in 2020. Of course, that’s the Democrat plan, just deny it happened, refuse to investigate it, deny anyone else the opportunity to investigate it and by the time individuals squeeze the truth out, some bumbling, stumbling, incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile has been in office for three years, destroying the nation.
pelosi is the leader of the Neo-Confederate insurrectionists using any means necessary to stop Trump and the MAGA movement. She and her fellow conspirators fabricated the Russian Collusion investigation, tried to impeach Trump for questioning the Ukrainian President about Biden admitting in a video that he strong armed & bribed Ukrainian officials to fire the prosecutor investigating Biden’s son’s firm. pelosi likely coordinated the rigging of the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections, and likely participated in setting up a Reichstag-like event on Jan.6th to malign Trump and the MAGA movement.
pelosi is probably regretting not destroying the tapes (CCTV) as her Jan. 6th committee puppets did with other evidence, records, and notes.
Proof of Perjury | The Truth About January 6
01/30/24 – Retired conservative judge: ‘Trump disqualified himself’ from ballot –
Luttig is whack job.
There was no insurrection, armed or otherwise. Only pretend imaginary.
Even the corrupt FBI said there was no insurrection.
2/2/24 – Supreme Court to decide whether insurrection provision keeps Trump off ballot –
The article summarizes the arguments for and against 14th Amendment disqualification that the SCOTUS will consider. Oral arguments are to be presented this coming Thursday.
Except there was no insurrection. Had there been, someone somewhere would have been charged with insurrection. No one has been because there was no insurrection. No insurrection, no insurrectionists.
The look on the crazed biotch looks demonic.
02/06/24 – Trump not immune from prosecution in 2020 election case, federal appeals court rules – Trump claimed presidential immunity prevented prosecution for his actions in office
Meaningless ruling. Will be appealed. Next stop, USSC.
Be careful what you wish for. obama murdered Americans with drone strikes.
What you’re wishing for would also give Biden immunity from prosecution. I don’t wish that for any American president.
Giving the person with the most power total immunity from prosecution for their actions is crazy.
I don’t believe we have a majority of crazy people serving as Supreme Court justices.
Only…. there is nothing for him to be immune from.
Obviously there is, or he wouldn’t be doing everything humanly possible to delay his trials.
He doesn’t want to play the left’s lawfare games while he is trying to campaign and get back in office to begin repairing all the damage Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden caused.
Trump is up against the third coequal branch of our nation’s constitutional government. (Social media is not a fourth branch. It’s more of a Fifth Column.)
The DC Court of Appeals that unanimously shot down his immunity claim included a republican judge.
He really does not have the power to indefinitely delay court dates. Just as he cant force a jury to hear evidence in his favor, that is the judges decision.
He has yet to be charged with insurrection because there was no insurrection. Congress shortly after the civil war passed a law defining insurrection. None of the bogus charges alleged any insurrection.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection
Trump not only incited and set on foot a mob to stop the electoral count; he had fraudulent electoral votes ready to roll; he subsequently stated publicly that there are times that allow “for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”
President Trump has no been charged with insurrection. Further, the FBI concluded the riot on January 6 was not an insurrection.
Swing and a miss, scooter.
None of the people barred from holding office or removed from office under section 3 of the 14th Amendment were formally charged with or tried for treason. That includes the commissioner who was removed from office for his actions on January 6.
Sucks to be you.
Bless your heart. Now run along and have a nice day.
And who barred them?
Judges in courtrooms barred them. The courts comprise the third coequal branch of our constitutional government—an essential component of our checks and balances system. Trump, knowing he will be checked and checkmated, hopes to kick over the chess board.
“And who barred them?”
The court decision removing the Otero County Commissioner under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment for his part in the events of January 6. Refer to the last couple of pages.
The Supreme Court of New Mexico threw out his appeal, upholding the lower court’s decision. Griffin failed to file a statement of issues—because there weren’t any problems with the lower court’s decision.
An Overview: Mandatory v. Persuasive Authority
So, County Commissioner = President of the United States of America? I don’t really believe the situations are the same. State/Federal. This is probably a straw you should give up pathetically grasping at.
02/05/24 – Over half of US wants Trump election subversion verdict before November, poll says –
CNN survey shows 48% of those polled believe it ‘essential’ case is resolved before voting as judge orders delay, and another 16% would prefer it
THE MAN CAN’T WIN THE GENERAL ELECTION. The level of distrust is too high.
Well, that’s tough shit for them because it was Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland and Jerk Smith that waited to time the trial to the campaign. One less straw for you to grasp at.
From a president to a county commissioner, they’re all governmental officers, and all subject to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. No one is above the law.
No one? Biden opened the border assisted in an invasion refused to uphold his oath of office, Stole documents and allowed access of those government document to a known drug addict. Other Documents stored unsecured at a college that was partially funded by the CCP.
That’s nice. But, there was no insurrection and Trump incited no violence. If he had, it would have started BEFORE the Capital Police opened fire on a peaceful crowd.
Yup heard that , meaningless, it will be appealed. You are so funny repeating the dumbest talking heads that ever polluted a TV.
Andrew McCarthy Flash Headline — ‘Extremely unlikely’ Trump DC case can begin until after Supreme Court rules on ‘obstruction charge.’
SCOTUS will not announce until end of June, and Jack Smith may have to ‘start over.’
BREAKING: DOJ to arrest The Blaze’s independent journalist Steve Baker for covering J6…
Stephen Horn on X: “BREAKING: DOJ asks Steve Baker (@TPC4USA) to turn himself in next week to face misdemeanor charges for covering J6 as an independent journalist” / X (twitter.com)
Steve Baker – TPC on X: “Misdemeanors? For what? Terrorism? Is there such a thing as misdemeanor terrorism charges? 60 other journalists entered the Capitol on J6. Do we all have to see the world through the same prism? Here we go. Game on. I will not take a plea deal.” / X (twitter.com)
Glenn Beck on X: “Blaze Media revealed that the Capitol Police MOVED CCTV cameras away from the scene of the Jan. 6 DNC pipe bomb. Why would a government who is tracking down every grandmother who was in DC on that day do this? Investigative journalist @TPC4USA gives me his take: “[The pipe bombs]… https://t.co/l0HvOyJvAk” / X (twitter.com)
The Scaffold Commander’s real name is John Nichols. He’s a far left lib journalist who lives in D.C. The FBI pretends they can’t find him because they recruited him for the purpose of rallying all Trump supporters present on January 6, 2021 to storm the capitol building. By the way, we can expect to see a dramatic increase in FBI arrests of January 6 Trump supporters this year, an election year, so that the J6 set up, the Pelosi staged riot, remains a top story in the news. They think that this is their best chance to defeat Trump.
Maybe they can’t find Nichols because he only comes out at night. The FBI confirms they have no capability to solve any crimes that happen at night because that’s when it’s dark.
Exclusive: Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump’s Push For National Guard
Those documents support the committee’s narrative rather than the truth of the events leading up to January 6, 2021, said Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight.
“The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative. Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along: President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down,” said the Georgia Republican.
The whole farce of an “investigation” supported the false narrative the left wanted (and still wants) to promote.
Election Integrity Attorney Arrested After Revealing Sensitive Emails by Dominion Voting Systems
Read more at thepoliticsbrief.com …
The Election Integrity Force provided the latest details on the case against Lambert.
She is resolute because she has seen the evidence. The government is persecuting her because THEY have seen the evidence.
The insurrection was in Nov of 2020.
I heard about the sherriff, I hope the documentation they have obtained has a huge deadmans switch. The Northwoods can be very dangerous. Maybe even a copies to Special Counsel Gableman and a few others. Witmer and her cronies have made things very uncomfortable for those that want to run elections by the laws on the book. The kind of woman that would send contagious patients into old folks homes, lock away toys, paint and gardening supplies from her subjects. No escaping the city to your own property in the woods, no fishing or boating except her and hubby etc.
She has been in contact with Congress…
My office is investigating criminal acts related to elections in Barry County, the State of Michigan, and the United States. I am in possession of evidence involving voting machines. Additionally, I have recently received a· subpoena from Prosecutor D.J. Hilson of Muskegon County for my file. D.J. Hilson worked with the Michigan Attorney General to bury the Muskegon fraud investigation that was initially reported by the Muskegon local clerk. Not one person was charged related to the Muskegon fraud despite confessions, and physical evidence. Considering this, I am going to provide portions of my file to Congress for immediate review and investigation.
Desperate acts by desperate people.
Biden regime just proved once and for all that the US government is the most corrupt organization in the world, and it’s not even close…
(1) Collin Rugg on X: “JUST IN: ‘Praying grandma’ Rebecca Lavrenz has reportedly been found guilty by a DC jury after she briefly entered the Capitol on J6. Glad to see our ‘justice system’ going after some “hard-hitting criminals.” Lavrenz spent 10 minutes inside the Capitol and was seen praying… https://t.co/gNhmczA6nA” / X (twitter.com)
(1) Jack Poso https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg on X: “Prayer request is immediately sent out for Rebecca Lavrenz @j6prayingrandma This grandmother is currently on trial in DC for Jan 6 This is who our govt is focused on locking up while violent criminals and illegals go free It’s not an accident. It’s an agenda. https://t.co/Qfv740nl5w” / X (twitter.com)
Rebecca, in a recent interview, stated that garland and the doj are attempting to seize her givesendgo funds she would use for her defense.
And where is John Sullivan, the BLM violent thug repeatedly arrested for violence (and released) that was breaking down the door where Ashlee Babbitt got murdered? How long is his sentence? What prison is Ray Epps in?
They are part of the coup, they are protected by the state.
04/20/24 – Four ‘Three Percenter’ militia members sentenced to prison over Jan. 6 charges –
Who are the Three Percenters?
Yet Ray Epps gets no indictment, no trial, no prison. Hmmm…
Ray Epps was in the command structure of the FBI for January 6. He was instrumental in the go signal to breach the bicycle barriers.
He pled guilty and was sentenced.
Guilty to what? Sentenced to what? He was instigating violence and got NOTHING while those who were merely THERE are in prison for years. Yet, you see nothing suspicious about that?
“Guilty to what? Sentenced to what?”
You don’t know that basic information, yet you’re outraged. Google will tell you the info in about fifteen seconds. Go ahead; break a sweat.
I know he wasn’t put on trial and sentenced to a decade in jail, like those who did far less. I also know that, for some bizarre reason, the same people who cheer every January 6th defendant that gets 5 to 10 for “trespassing” and “parading”, with terrorist enhancements when they have no prior arrests, defend a man who openly exhorted people to storm the Capital and helped take down barricades.
Why don’t you, the person ignorant of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s fantastic lie about his uncle being eaten by cannibals, tell me all about research and knowledge.
FOX News made Epps a scapegoat and destroyed his life. He’s had to go into hiding because of the death threats. Are you not content with that?
Fox had nothing to do with it. There are videos of him inciting people to storm the Capital, he led people taking down barricades and exhorted those around him to storm the Capital. Now, on a normal scale, this wouldn’t be that aggregious, but when you compare his actions to a little old lady with cancer who just walked around the building and got years in prison and massive fines, what is the f**king explanation? There is but one, scooter, and YOU know what it is.
He had to hide from his complicity with the government inciting this riot.
Ok so what? there were no weapons. A fed gets into a chat and adds stupid, they vent shit suddenly its evidence. Like a kidnapping plot against a governor.
Most of America is over January 6. It was never on the scale of December 7 or 9-11. That was fake news by the left.
The House has rejected Trump’s appeasement of Putin.
Only Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has appeased Putin. That’s why there is a war. He appeased Iran. That’s why there’s a war THERE.
We have another border…forgotten

Our border is being invaded by 8+ million illegal aliens
Fentanyl is killing tens of thousands of Americans
We have record inflation, unaffordable housing, rising violent crime, and grocery bills that cost double
And what does Congress do?
Wave Ukrainian flags