The Week in Radical Leftism, 10/20/2023

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Welcome back to Day 1004 of the Biden* occupation!

10/1 – Jefferson Historic Sites Allergic to Jefferson

I’m curious as to how many museums and statues dedicated to Indians emphasize their practice of slavery?

9/22 – Do All Religions Share a Common Interest?

You already know the answer, and still worth the read.

10/3 – Islam Just Conquered One of the Oldest Christian Nations in the World (Video)

More to follow.

10/9 – Globalists open second front in World War III: Attack on Israel activates ‘zero hour’ around the world, and America is not immune

Israel is just one front in a broader war.

10/10 – Leo Hohmann: Why Were Israelis so Defenseless Against Hamas Terrorists Going House-to-House Killing and Raping?

Hint: It’s the same reason Democrats want the same for us law abiding Normals

10/10 – Decoding Agenda 21: Control, Power, and Manipulation

This could also be called the DNC’s current platform summarized in 3 words.

10/11 – Hatred of Biblical Christianity at Parliament of World’s Religions

Of course, because Statism is a jealous god and will tolerate no God before it.

10/11 – Campaign Donations Show the ‘Flagship’ Publication for Evangelicals Has Been Captured by the Left

At least Christianity today responded – BS or an outlier? I can’t say I know.

10/11 – To Win a War, Fight One

We’re getting to the point where it applies just as much at home.

10/12 – An Organized Disruption

You have to give The Radical Left points for creativity. Imagine what they could accomplish if any of them possessed an ounce of sense or morality and directed their energy toward something constructive.

10/13 – So-Called ‘Women’s Rights’ Organizations Utterly Silent about Hamas Raping and Murdering Women

Meh. They don’t care about men beating and raping women here in the US in what were formerly women’s spaces, so why is this a surprise?

10/14 – Expert Says Congressional Republicans’ Plan To Curb CISA’s Criminal Censorship Practices Is Ineffective And ‘Sloppy’

Sadly I’m forced to agree. Money is fungible, and remaining funds will be directed toward their election “security” campaigns. Then when the next major cyber attack hits expect a coordinated media attack blaming the Republicans for slashing funding. GOP promptly caves. Rinse, lather, repeat.

10/15 – It’s ‘1984’ all over again in Biden’s ‘Police State’

Make Orwell Fiction Again.

10/15 – Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students

More of this. Much more of this.

10/16 – Planned Parenthood Uses Aftermath Of Hamas Attack To Fundraise For Its Own Killing Operations

Stupid or evil? As The Vodkapundit says, “Embrace the healing power of AND”

10/16 – RAW EGG NATIONALIST: Watching the Left die of their own failures is hilarious

As my friend Auron MacIntyre puts it, “It’s not rocket science. They’re just evil and want to diddle kids.”

The desire to do evil, and to diddle kids, can’t be discounted as a powerful motivation for the footsoldiers and banner-wavers of radical leftism. (Then again, the Jeffrey Epstein saga revealed a large portion of the global elite are probably evil kiddy-diddlers too.) Deep-seated resentment and hatred of what is good and beautiful – and especially of what is innocent – combine in a murderous, frothing rage for inversion.

10/17 – Biden Health Department Forces ALL Employees To Use ‘Preferred Pronouns’

I can’t wait to get fired the first person who refuses to acknowledge my pronouns: The Earl of Funk, The Duke of Cool, The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla!

10/18 – NY Times: Davis Polk Rescinds Offers To Three Students At Columbia And Harvard For Statements On Israel, But May Reverse Itself

Much more. Victory will be achieved when The Radical Left issues their standard apology to admit they were wrong, “Both sides need to stop!”

10/18 – The Media’s Eager Terrorist Lies That Set the Middle East on Fire and Got Synagogues Burned to the Ground

At what point do these jackals get held accountable?

10/19 – America’s largest poultry producer partners with European insect plant to open a major facility stateside

Meanwhile back at home our country is under attack.

10/20 – Pentagon CFO’s Chief of Staff Has Family Ties to Islamic Terrorism

This is part of a bigger picture, and if you’re not seeing it yet you will when I pull it together in an upcoming post.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Missed Testicle Chin Biden sending in the rapid response Marines to teach the Jihad joes how to shoot straight.

Victoria Secrets found out Fat and trans models does not sell sexy undies.
Yes men do buy that stuff for their wives and guess who looked at the display and said..nope not today.
Ladies looked at the models and thought whoa Im gonna look like that in that padded push up underwire, take that bra and shove it, I aint shopping here no more.

Soon to be the hottest selling model of 0 turn mower in the USA
comment image

Remember when Joe exposed Seal team 6?
here we go again…

Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

As for that mower, I’ll put it on my wish list for Sister Babe at Christmas….
Ut oh getting into the get off my lawn stage of life 😉

10/1 – Jefferson Historic Sites Allergic to Jefferson

The left wants to replace history with their propaganda.

9/22 – Do All Religions Share a Common Interest?

Note that if Christians followed their tenets faithfully, the world would be a better place, but if Islamists followed their tenets faithfully (which some do), everyone else would be dead.

10/3 – Islam Just Conquered One of the Oldest Christian Nations in the World (Video)

Islam wants to conquer and convert. I can’t imagine why so many have a problem facing that reality.

10/9 – Globalists open second front in World War III: Attack on Israel activates ‘zero hour’ around the world, and America is not immune

Who needs an AR-15? Well, anyone that wants to stay alive, it appears.

10/10 – Leo Hohmann: Why Were Israelis so Defenseless Against Hamas Terrorists Going House-to-House Killing and Raping?

Apparently, they’ve wised up a little. They are relaxing the restrictions on purchasing weapons. Seems they realize they don’t just fear rockets; now they should fear terrorists with guns. Over here, we don’t (currently) fear a terrorist offensive, but the violence can come from random directions. At least in Israel, they can regulate WHO can purchase a weapon. Of course, just as here, laws cannot regulate criminals/terrorists having weapons.

10/10 – Decoding Agenda 21: Control, Power, and Manipulation

Basically, aside from the ruling elite, those allowed to survive will be treated like farm animals.

10/11 – Hatred of Biblical Christianity at Parliament of World’s Religions

I wonder, who has been beheaded or burned alive for not confessing to Christ?

10/11 – Campaign Donations Show the ‘Flagship’ Publication for Evangelicals Has Been Captured by the Left

It can be replaced. Hopefully, it will be.

10/11 – To Win a War, Fight One

Jews have been through this before. I don’t know for sure, but I strongly suspect the lessons of the Holocaust is still taught in their schools. And, as they say, when someone says they want to kill you, believe them. And remember, Israel has nuclear weapons.

10/12 – An Organized Disruption

Maybe it’s encouraging to see how the left fears free speech.

10/13 – So-Called ‘Women’s Rights’ Organizations Utterly Silent about Hamas Raping and Murdering Women

I think we repeatedly see that the left has no principles, they just use topics as weapons.

10/14 – Expert Says Congressional Republicans’ Plan To Curb CISA’s Criminal Censorship Practices Is Ineffective And ‘Sloppy’

No matter what you do, as long as we have leftists with fascist predispositions will find a way to suppress rights and promote propaganda. What laws are proposed to keep the FBI and DoJ from persecuting the political opponents of the party in power, as is currently the case? Only the moral follow the laws. Democrats will always find a way around them.

10/15 – It’s ‘1984’ all over again in Biden’s ‘Police State’

I think it’s significant that, while they create this imaginary terrorist threat of MAGA/white supremacists (who, by the way, never seem to appear to cause any violence), they intentionally and overtly ignore the REAL threat of violent leftist terrorism presented by BLM/ANTIFA and pretend $2 billion PLUS in destruction never happened. ANTIFA is the government’s (the Democrat’s) own political muscle.

10/15 – Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students

Those who endorse Hamas endorse violence and anti-Semitism. To believe in Hamas, one has to believe lies and lie themselves. Aside from organized crime, where would such people fit in? Who would expect people who can’t understand the principle of defending one’s self from terrorism to serve the law?

10/16 – Planned Parenthood Uses Aftermath Of Hamas Attack To Fundraise For Its Own Killing Operations

Actually, abortion of Hamas pregnancies is not that bad an idea. Maybe even after birth and up to the age of 30.

10/16 – RAW EGG NATIONALIST: Watching the Left die of their own failures is hilarious

It is undeniable; a bullet does ultimately resolve the issue.

10/17 – Biden Health Department Forces ALL Employees To Use ‘Preferred Pronouns’

Everything about Levine is contrived. He’s not a woman, he’s not an admiral and he’s not a leader. If you think government workers were incompetent before, just wait until their mandated stupidity kicks in.

10/18 – NY Times: Davis Polk Rescinds Offers To Three Students At Columbia And Harvard For Statements On Israel, But May Reverse Itself

Supporting Hamas shows nothing but stupidity and bad judgement. At worst, it shows violent tendencies. Let them flip burgers.

10/18 – The Media’s Eager Terrorist Lies That Set the Middle East on Fire and Got Synagogues Burned to the Ground

When there’s not enough violence to satisfy them, the left will always spread a lie to generate hate and violence. They have no use for the truth.

10/19 – America’s largest poultry producer partners with European insect plant to open a major facility stateside

Wait… I thought they were going to feed the bugs to the chickens.

10/20 – Pentagon CFO’s Chief of Staff Has Family Ties to Islamic Terrorism

Have a terrorist sympathizer in the Pentagon and give them a security clearance? What could go wrong?

Last edited 10 months ago by Just Plain Bill

When they get to their final destination, they can ask Ernst Rohm what went wrong.

Lil brother we just aint gonna make it.

The needed a study?
Research finds charging electric vehicles will increase Colorado energy bills.