Joe Biden’s policies have led to Israel’s 9-11.
This morning, from out of the Gaza Strip, Hamas launched an attack on Israel. As of this writing at least 100 Israelis are dead and 700 have been wounded.
Make no mistake- this is all on Biden. Biden, following Obama’s lead, has bent over for Iran. Obama was willing to allow Iran to do anything in order to get Iran to join the JCPOA, which Iran violated from day one. Iran even used the Accord to boost funding for Hamas and Hezbollah
Since the deal was signed, Iran has significantly increased its financial support for two of the largest terror groups in the region that have become political players, Hamas and Hezbollah. … This support, for example, has enabled Hezbollah to obtain highly developed new armaments, including advanced technologies that many militaries around the world would envy. Al-Rai, a Kuwaiti newspaper, reported Saturday that Hezbollah has received all the advanced weaponry that Syria has obtained from the Russians. … As regards the Palestinians, in the past two months, Iran has sent suitcases of cash–literally–to Hamas’s military wing in Gaza.
Obama also sent $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.
Then Obama traded five high value terrorists for a US deserter. Biden has continued that policy of appeasement idiocy. In the typical Obama/Biden fashion, Biden got five American hostages from Iran for five Iranian spies and $6 billion. The Biden regime promised that the money would be closely monitored.
While the Iranian government claims it can use the money however it pleases, the Biden administration has repeatedly stressed that the funds are narrowly limited to non-sanctionable purchases like food and medicine, and that they will be subject to strict oversight.
Moreover, US officials have made clear that the funding, which is Iran’s, not from US taxpayer dollars, is not under the control of the Iranian government.
Brett McGurk, White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, said Monday that “no funds are going to Iran at all.”
“These funds are paid to vetted third-party vendors for food, medicine, medical products and agricultural products to go into Iran over a period of years. If there is any diversion, we’ll know it and we’ll lock up these accounts,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead.”
But as we’ve noted, Iran does not respect any agreements it does not like. Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism and there’s no doubt as to who funded this attack. This is a pretty good summary
Let me see if I got this right:
Joe Biden botched Afghanistan so the Taliban could take back over AND he gave them the weapons to do it with.
THEN, Joe Biden goaded Putin into making a move on Ukraine.
And NOW, Israel is under attack just 19 days after Joe Biden gave Iran…
— Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸 (@lavern_spicer) October 7, 2023
Properly funded, Hamas is committing atrocities
HORRIFIC: Hamas terrorists kidnap
Israeli teenage girl into Gaza, parade her in the streets screaming “Allah Akbar.”I pray for the people of Israel who simply want PEACE and freedom, yet are terrorized just because of who they are. These terrorists are godless monsters.
— Xaviaer DuRousseau (@XAVIAERD) October 7, 2023
These are the “innocent Palestinian civilians”, cheering to the public display and lynching of Israeli victims of the terror attacks.
These are the people you support when you say “Free Palestine”, next to the pronouns in your names…
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 7, 2023
This was the Biden administration’s first response to the attack:
Here’s the Iranian parliament making their feelings clear
RIGHT NOW: Iran’s parliament is chanting “Death to Israel! Death to America!” as their terror cells massacre Israeli women and children
This is the regime that JOE BIDEN just gave $6BILLION & a pathway to nuclear weapons too
Pure evil
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 7, 2023
Obama gave Iran $1.7 billion. Biden gave Iran $6 billion. They have funded terrorism and that’s led to another war- another Biden proxy war.
You know who didn’t cause any wars?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
“Joe Biden funded Israel’s 9-11” … One guess who will continue to fund and vote DEMOCRAT.
Apparently Kushner’s Middle East peace deal bought Hamas time to stockpile thousands of rockets, in addition to the $2 billion private capital infusion from Mohammed bin Salman.
Add that Trump administration achievement to the containment of Vladimir Putin and the reining in of Kim Jong-un and Iran.
Biden Admin Raised Concerns Palestinian Aid Would Boost Hamas. It Went Ahead With Aid Anyway. (
Geeze they say they bought them from Ukraine the most corrupt country on the planet.
in the ass with hot Mentholatum.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden continues to not only be an unmitigated disaster for the United States, but for the entire world. Nations look upon the US and how weak it has become; how weak it becomes every 4 or eight years. Every time a Democrat gets in office, the US becomes an unreliable, incompetent, cowardly ally.
We don’t see them, we don’t hear them, we don’t know them, but Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is causing the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent people.
Trump didn’t.
It’s hard not to believe that Israel won’t strike back at Iran itself. That could lead to the largest war ever in the ME. When Pervy paid off and coddled Iran it showed weakness. In that part of the world this is what happens when weakness is projected. Pervy helped get the Ukraine War started with his incompetence and corruption. He has now helped start two wars. At the same time he has decimated our own military with wokeness. It is undermanned, short on equipment and munitions, and being led by woke social justice ‘warriors” concerned with gender pronouns and which bathroom to use. Taiwan beware.
You people keep voting for Dumbacrats and expect a different out come! YOU are to blame for all of this crap!
I haven’t voted for a demokrat in years.
Jump in and tag the wrong guy
I had a hunch that’s what happened. I see the one troll who had been bounced from here had his posts deleted. He is probably crying to mommy and daddy now.
The problem in the UNUPARTY! Many R suppo
Alex said 2,300 years ago, “know your enemy. If you know hin notd HE WILL WIN!”!rt Jo in deed, contrary to their words! Naming some of hundreds of names: P. Ryan, Micth, J. Tune, ‘eye patch” Dan…..
Alex said 2,300 years ago, “Know your enemy. IF YOU KNOW HIM NOT HE WILL WIN!”!
The Taliban has reportedly asked Iran, Iraq and Jordan for passage to Israel to help Hamas continue it’s terror against the Jewish state.
The Taliban is much better positioned to wage major offensives in the Middle East thanks to Joe Biden’s strategically inept withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 which saw $86 billion in abandoned military equipment fall into the hands of the jihadist group.
Trump’s absurd Doha Agreement and sudden troop withdrawals weeks before leaving office created the situation Biden had to deal with. The Taliban had positioned themselves to take control of the country by the time Biden was sworn in.
To me, it looked like deliberate politically motivated sabotage.
The Afghanistan debacle was all Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s doing. 100%. He was too busy counting his bribes and hiding the money trail to take care of a organized withdrawal. It wouldn’t have happened under Trump. HE was a leader.
There was NOTHING in DOHA to prevent joe from removing (or destroying) military equipment.
That was an $86 BILLION gift to our enemies.
joe’s puppetmasters have not been ready for prime time this entire time since joe took the oath.
How do you remove the equipment after you’ve already removed the troops, not even leaving enough to protect the US embassy and airport?
Trump’s withdrawal plan was conditions based. Biden threw that away
People like Greg want us to believe that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who has thrown out and discarded every policy and program Trump had working, blindly followed his Afghanistan plan to the letter. They actually think we are as stupid as they are.
I knew TDS card ,Trumps fault that Biden FU again would be played.
How bout them dead service people abandoned dogs and droning an aid worker and kiddies?
I bet if he got a call at 3am that one of his offshore accounts had been hacked he’d wake the f**k up.
Well, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden made a stern face and told other countries they better not take advantage of this war (he enabled), so they’ll be afraid and not cooperate with the Taliban. You’ll see.
That money allows them to use other money to fund Hamas and it doesn’t account for the oil revenues Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has allowed them to collect by not enforcing Trump’s sanctions.
Bidens Crimes are for real this case against Trump has no merit its total fraud by the UN/Globalists/CFR/DNC. the UN/Globalists don’t want Trump in office he gets in the way of their Globalists Plans for Americans
For the record, I do not believe a single word coming out of the mouth of either the demented President or his lying scum of White House staff.
Well, you shouldn’t. They lie constantly.
Saudi Arabia funded 9/11