Can Democrats Constitutionally End Trump’s Campaign?

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We all know what an October Surprise is. It’s when a rival campaign or supporter releases information about an opponent at a point in October. The idea is to release the skeleton or some other damaging information at a point when it’s too late for the opposing candidate to recover, giving the candidate whose team released the information a clear path to victory. Always feared, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t.

As the number of inane indictments of Trump demonstrates, the Democrats will do virtually anything to keep Donald Trump from ever again occupying the White House and threatening the Swamp’s grip on the throats of the American people.

I don’t, however, think a traditional October Surprise is much of a danger in this election. Why would Democrats wait until the last minute to release some exquisite horror that will send Trump packing? They wouldn’t. The fact that they haven’t released such a campaign-killing bit of information already means that they simply don’t have one.

As such, the Democrats are in trouble.  Between having a guy who electrifies crowds like no one in American history on the other side and their presumptive nominee being a doddering Alzheimer’s patient they really have two problems to solve, not one.

One wonders if there is not some constitutional answer to their quandary… I think there is.

Now, I can’t suggest this would be successful, but I can guarantee that it would set the political universe of the “Rich Men North of Richmond,” on their heads.

The solution for the Democrats lies in the 22nd Amendment. Here is the relevant language: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

This language offers Democrats the opportunity to eliminate both of their problems at the same time. Now, of course, it has risks, may be legally or constitutionally impossible, and has the potential to send the nation into chaos or a civil war, but as we’ve seen, none of those things is a barrier to Democrats doing anything, legal, illegal or unconscionable in order to win.

So how does the 22nd Amendment offer the Democrats a way out of the morass they find themselves in? Simple: Make Donald Trump president again. Essentially this would involve Democrats revealing (admitting, really) that, after an unprecedented national investigation of the 2020 election, it turns out that, shockingly, Donald Trump was right and the election was tainted. He did, in fact, win the 2020 election.

Check out the language of the Amendment. It says: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…” It doesn’t require that the person has actually served as president for two terms. It literally only states that a person cannot be elected more than twice, without regard for whether he served in the position.

So, in one action, Democrats can eliminate both of their problems. The first and most consequential is to keep the feared Donald Trump from running again. The second is to send Brandon to the sidelines, having undermined the only reason he’s even thought of by a single American, which is that he sits in the Oval Office.

But, you say, “That’s crazy! That’s impossible. There’s nothing in the Constitution that would allow such a thing!” True, but then there’s nothing in it to prohibit it, either. And as we know, the Democrats are willing to do anything, constitutional or otherwise, if it will bring them power. This is particularly true with a Supreme Court led by the lion from the Wizard of Oz.

Proof of such is legion. Think how the IRS and DOJ eviscerated the First Amendment, the government obliterated Chrysler creditors’ contract rights during the last financial meltdown, and the DOJ being weaponized against private citizens.

There are cultural attacks, too. For more than 2,000 years of Western civilization, marriage was one man and one woman. Thanks to the Democrats, that’s no longer true. There’s dude in a dress, “Rachel” Levine, who’s the Assistant Secretary for Health. He insists that he’s a woman, and the government agrees with him, while anyone who points out the obvious is castigated. Today, governments across the country are not only allowing prepubescent children to be butchered by predatory doctors and rapacious hospitals, but some are paying for it and doing it without parental consent.

There’s literally nothing the Democrats wouldn’t do for power…

Now the question is, how and when would the Democrats put forward this innovative plan? Perhaps they’ll act as Americans are basking in the relative quiet of summer, when they can enjoy the last bit of peace before the cacophony of election propaganda ramps up its around-the-clock assault on their senses. Or they could wait until October to spring it on the American people…

The first approach would have the advantage of allowing them to find a suitable candidate for November and begin marketing him or her as the savior of “Democracy.” The downside of that timing would be that after swearing in Trump, he’d be in control of the bureaucracy for about half a year. But the truth is, given the resulting chaos of the move and the depth of the Swamp, what he might accomplish, even with an ostensible GOP majority in the House, would be very limited. The second approach has the benefit of having Trump in the White House for just a couple of months as a lame duck.

Now, both of these assume that Trump would acquiesce and allow himself to be sworn in… which he’d never do. But here’s where it gets interesting. If Trump saw the sham for what it was and refused to participate, then it would fall to Mike Pence to be sworn in and take over the Executive Office, and don’t for a second think that he wouldn’t do it, because he would.

This of course sounds absurd, and it is, but so too did the idea of gay marriage for all human history except for a nanosecond. That doesn’t mean that Democrats won’t consider it. Once they accept that their comical indictments of Trump are not only not scaring off his supporters, but are actually strengthening his position, they’ll begin to feel like cornered animals willing to do anything to escape.

Somewhere in the Democrat brain trust (sic) the people who decided that it was a good idea to put an Alzheimer’s patient in charge of the nuclear football are going to realize that Donald Trump, if he’s on the ballot in November, will win the election. So, whether it takes the form of an October Surprise or July Fireworks, don’t be surprised if the Democrats risk civil war to stay in power. After all, they did once before…

Follow Vince on Twitter at ImperfectUSA.

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This is not that outlandish. Democrats are totally desperate and, as such, dangerous. They were desperate in 2020 and committed massive amounts of election fraud. While they’ve managed to keep the official admission fraud swung the election at bay, more and more indisputable evidence continues to surface, in addition to all that official Washington has refused to look at for three years.

It’s also feasible that the Democrats would have enough faith in their Ministry of Propaganda to rely on them to spin an admission of election fraud into something positive for them. Maybe they would sacrifice a few useful idiots like van der Luub to make a show of their “integrity”.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has been an unmitigated disaster. Mayorkas is a disaster. Buttplug is a disaster. Granholm is a disaster. Brinton and Levine are embarrassing disasters. The regime has achieved nothing but piling up more debt and raising inflation. They realize there is NO WAY to win an election with that stinking record. So, desperate, illegal, unconstitutional, warfare tactics are all they have as a default position. Very desperate, very dangerous and a threat to the entire nation.

It isn’t critical that Biden be reelected, but it’s totally imperative for the well-being of the nation that Trump not be.

Anyone but Trump.

Joe Biden was a black president’s choice as a running mate, you stupid fuck. Grab your crotch and rap about that, why don’t you?

I’m more partial to musical comedy, myself…

Ahem. Obama’s mother is white. Biden’s history is what it is. Racist parts included. I can’t help it if Obama chose poorly.

Joe Biden was a black president’s choice as a running mate, you stupid fuck.

Yeah, because Obama was young and inexperienced (except in smoking coke and pole, apparently) he picked Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to be the “wisdom” part of the ticket! Let THAT soak in, scooter!

Already, 8 Senators Line Up to Support Ken Paxton in ‘Ambush’ Impeachment

So WHY DOES HE think a convicted felon would be a good choice for the presidency? He never answered the question.

The reason is because there’s no way in hell he’ll ever be nominated, but thinks publicly kissing Trump’s butt could win him a VP shot.

CNN Sounds the Alarm on Biden’s Sinking Job Ratings – Majority of Democrats Want Alternative to Joe Biden in 2024

“There’s Already Enough Evidence to Point to Joe Being the Ringleader – This Is Very Organized Criminal Activity” – Oversight Chair James Comer on Lou Dobbs Podcast Names Joe Biden as Biden Crime Family Leader (AUDIO)

Ken Paxton is a crook. He’s been avoiding trial on felony state security fraud charges since his 2015 indictment by employing a series of procedural evasion tactics. (Sound familiar?) Just the sort of person you want as the state attorney general, right?

Forget your standard “Democrat lawfare” bullshit. Trump’s little buddy was impeached by the Texas republican-majority House, and is being tried by the Texas republican-majority Senate.

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s orders to help donor rattled office, former aides say at impeachment trial

09/07/23 – AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — An extramarital affair Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had with a donor’s employee helped connect the dots about why the Republican was using his power in ways that are now at the center of his impeachment trial on accusations of corruption, a former top aide testified Wednesday.

“It answered that ‘why’ question,” said Jeff Mateer, who was Paxton’s second-in-command at the Texas attorney general’s office.

The account by Mateer, who went on to report Paxton to the FBI in 2020 over allegations of abuse of office, quickly injected an affair that Paxton has acknowledged to staff into the historic impeachment trial — the gravest threat to Paxton’s political career after years of criminal charges and alleged scandal.

The trial, which could last weeks, was set to resume Thursday for a third day with the testimony of another former aide who has also accused Paxton of wrongdoing.

09/07/23 – AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — An extramarital affair Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had with a donor’s employee helped connect the dots about why the Republican was using his power in ways that are now at the center of his impeachment trial on accusations of corruption, a former top aide testified Wednesday.

Wow, Comrade Greggie!!! Could you find a more biased article? Oh, wait, it comes from the AP. Would this be the same AP that we recently learned is financed by radical left wing organization? Do you think that those in management at AP are hard core conservatives who only employ reporters who are hard core conservatives although their financing comes from the radical left wing side of the aisle?

Odd, your article doesn’t admit that those who are attacking Paxton (claiming he has done things he has NOT done) are Democrats and RINOs who not only supported Joe Straus but now support alcoholic Dade Phelan. Want to explain why that is?

You are such a joke. You have been coming here for what? over a decade? lying and spreading your bullsh!t for your left wing comrades. You are a disgusting pig and it is clear you will die a disgusting pig.

Paxton was impeached and is currently being tried by a Republican-majority Texas House and Senate.

It’s a separate issue from his long-delayed securities fraud felony indictment.

Paxton destroyed bush in the primary.

STUNNING: Ken Paxton Accuser and his Bushie Cohorts Went to FBI to Report on Paxton Without ANY Evidence of Wrongdoing – VIDEO

There is not a current candidate or one unnamed who can defeat President Trump in a fair and free of fraud election in 2024, full stop.

We already know the Democrats want to totally replace the U.S. Constitution with Various UN Treaties why else do they always violate it and get the M.S. Media bottom Feeders to cover up for them

“There once was a time in history when the limitation of governmental power meant increasing liberty for the people. In the present day the limitation of governmental power, of governmental action, means the enslavement of the people by the great corporations, who can only be held in check through the extension of governmental power.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt, September 14, 1912 ~

We (Progressives) propose to use the government as the most efficient instrument for the uplift of our people as a whole; we propose to give a fair chance to the workers and strengthen their rights. We propose to use the whole power of the government to protect all those who, ………… are trodden down in the ferocious, scrambling rush of an unregulated and purely individualistic industrialism.

Marx? Lenin? Or an American left winger?

Oh, this poor persecuted man, who isn’t allowed to say things, can’t do whatever the f*ck he wants, is forced to tolerate those unlike himself, is menaced by electric cars, has to pay taxes, and has been deprived of access to firearms! It breaks my heart.

I feel punished after listening to him whine for 7 minutes.

Democrats are destroying this country. No argument or possible debate. The evidence is clear. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a pedophile, incompetent, corrupt and a traitor. He has sold out the American people and they have to destroy Trump to keep the truth from being completely exposed. It ain’t gonna work.

So what about the $2 Billion Jared Kushner received from the Saudis 6 months after leaving the White House? Any thoughts on that?

Probably the news never penetrated the walls of the cult compound.

09/06/23 – Jared Kushner’s Saudi-backed private equity fund clinches first investment in Israel

Affinity Partners, headed by Trump’s son-in-law, to invest $150 million for a 15% stake in Shlomo group’s car and credit business unit

Jared Kushner’s US private equity firm Affinity Partners is buying a 15 percent stake in Shlomo group’s car and credit unit, for NIS 570 million ($150 million).

The deal marks Miami-based Affinity Partners first investment in the country. As part of the investment agreement, a new subsidiary will be created with an equity valuation of NIS 3.8 billion consolidating Shlomo Holdings’ car leasing, car rentals and sales, and its credit business operations.

Shlomo Holdings will hold 85% of the new company’s issued share capital and Kushner’s private equity fund — which is backed by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund — will hold the remainder 15%. The transaction is still subject to necessary approvals, the two partners said in a statement.

None so blind as those who will not see…

The private equity firm, which has $3 billion in assets under management, is largely supported by Kushner’s close contacts in the Arab world, with whom he worked closely during his time in the White House. Earlier this year, it was reported that the UAE and Qatar added hundred of millions more dollars to the $2 billion already deposited by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund in Kushner’s private equity firm…

Kushner was able to secure 4 historic peace initiatives. All crack head Hunter and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden were interested in was getting personally wealthy. VERY wealthy.

Now, where is the crime Kushner is involved in?

In front of your noses, for four long years.

Kushner was empowered to conduct secret negotiations with these people, remember? When he couldn’t qualify for a security clearance, Trump simply ordered that he be given one.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST! could be written across the sky by God from horizon to horizon, and Trump’s followers wouldn’t see it. They’d only damn all Democrats and insist Trump needs four more years to finish ‘draining the swamp’.

Now, where is the crime Kushner is involved in?

Who said he didn’t qualify? There is no “conflict of interest”. Kushner succeeded in closing four historic peace deals between Israel (not Saudi Arabia) and her historic enemies (not Saudi Arabia). I believe we could assume that if there was even a HINT of corruption, it would have been already indicted, tried and convicted. Please… stop embarrassing yourself. It truly is pathetic.

Who said he didn’t qualify?

Kushner’s application for a Top Secret security clearance was rejected by White House security specialists after he failed to pass the required FBI background check. Trump installed Carl Kline as director of the White House personnel security office in May 2017, who overruled the rejection. Kline also overruled the rejection of clearances for over 30 additional incoming Trump officials, essentially rubber-stamping anyone Trump wanted to be given one.

There is no “conflict of interest”.

Kushner’s enthusiastic support of his evil little buddy Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud followed by a $2 Billion Saudi capital investment six months after Trump left office looks a lot like reciprocity to me.

Maybe you should have paid attention to the news rather than attacking news sources.

Biographer: Elon Musk Turned Off Starlink Network To Prevent a Ukrainian Attack on Crimea, Out of Fear of a Nuclear Retaliation by the Russians – Musk Clarifies the Report

Remember how Musk was a leftist darling until he supported free speech?

Musk claims to have stopped an attack that could have ended Putin’s assault on Ukraine.

Yeah, right.

Oh, you have the app? Show us. Maybe he lied about being a crack head? Nah, that couldn’t be it; there’s nothing illegal about lying about drug use on a federal background check.

Show us the rejection and the reason. Your petty and pointless lies are getting boring and tiresome.

Also provide you proof of Kushner’s “enthusiastic support” for Al Saud. But first, where is the evidence of a crime? We’re all still waiting.

You’re starting to issue demands like Retire05.

Show me proof that Trump passed his cognitive function evaluation. His dementia is obviously progressing.

So, you admit you simply make whatever random accusation the pops into your atrophied brain and expect it to be accepted as credible? No, you are a proven liar, so either fork over the citations of shut the f**k up. What crime has Kushner committed? Extortion? Influence peddling? Being bribed? Drug abuse? Lying on a federal firearms background check? Stealing classified documents? The Mann Act? What is it? Where’s the proof?

When did Hunter get his security clearance to handle the classified documents Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden stole?

Note that Kushner is a business man, not a hopeless crack head. So, this is kind of in his wheelhouse, as opposed to Hunter being on the board of a corrupt energy company and getting his daddy, the US VP, to get the prosecutor investigating corruption FIRED.

$2 billion for an equity firm. Note, AFTER he left the White House. Do you know what equity is? It wasn’t for Kushner, it was for a company. Now, if you know of some specific crime involved, DO let us know.

Did you happen to notice that Trump used US energy production to cut Saudi Arabia’s and OPEC’s influence? So, what was the crime? Be sure to let us know.

greg and the democrats desperation is palpable. Their desperate attempt to link kushnee to Trump like hunter to biden is apples to oranges.

Right. Apples and oranges.

Hunter Biden used his father’s name to peddle imaginary influence.

Trump invested his daughter and son-in-law with official powers to conduct secret negotiations on behalf of the United States government.

Do you know what equity is? It wasn’t for Kushner, it was for a company. 

That would be hilarious if I didn’t realize you were serious.

It would only be hilarious if you were too stupid to know what it is. Again (and again, and again, and again, and again), where is the crime? What are we supposed to be concerned about? Does Kushner have 20 shell companies moving money around? Does he have offshore accounts? Is he getting paid $1 million to get his daddy to fire foreign prosecutors? Is he receiving millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs? What is it he is doing we should be alarmed about?

Kushner closed peace deals. They were pretty public; Trump was nominated for several Nobel Peace Prizes. Again… what’s the problem? Peace? Is peace a problem for Democrats? No money in it?

Jared Kushner receiving $2 Billion in Saudi capital after providing official cover for Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud’s 2017-2019 purge and rise to power… What could be suspicious about that?

Where is you proof of any crime being committed or even accused? At least Jared didn’t leave coke laying around all over the White House.

Nobody cares about Jared kushner, he is yesterday’s news.

09/08/23 – Fulton County DA Fani Willis declines to indict Trump’s lap dogs, despite recommendation of Grand Jury.

Georgia special grand jury recommended charges against 39 people, including Sen. Lindsey Graham

Weasels Я Us: “…I didn’t find any evidence of massive voter fraud, but…”

That there was no evidence of Trump’s massive voter fraud is the entire point, yo-yo. Trump and his accomplices knew that, but tried to overturn the election anyway.


Hang Mike Pence Donald Trump.

STATE FARM ARENA. No one can explain the faked water main break and ensuing election fraud.

More proof of what a complete joke the grand jury and the indictments are. Nothing credible or containing integrity about it. Oh, and that grand jury foreperson?

Georgia grand jury foreperson nut goes out and compromises the grand jury. Oh… and she’s a witch.
This is what passes for competency, credibility and integrity in the leftist fascist world.

09/08/23 – Judge denies Mark Meadows effort to move Georgia case to federal court

A federal judge denied a request Friday from former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to move the Georgia election-interference case against him from state to federal court, a shift he had sought on the grounds that he was a federal officer at the time of the actions that led to his indictment.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Steve C. Jones in the Atlanta-based Northern District of Georgia represents a setback for Meadows, who had asked for removal under a federal law that allows people charged with crimes while carrying out their official duties to be prosecuted in federal court, even in cases involving state law and state prosecutors.

Meadows had hoped a move to federal court could lead to a quick dismissal of the case against him because he had argued to Jones that as a federal officer, he is immune from prosecution for acts taken in the course of his normal work.

Instead, Jones found that the actions “at the heart of the State’s charges against Meadows were taken on behalf of the Trump campaign with the ultimate goal of affecting state election activities and procedures.” He added: “Meadows himself testified that working for the Trump campaign would be outside the scope of a White House Chief of Staff.”