Biden: “Oh sure you’ve lost a lot here on Maui but let me tell you what real loss is”

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Joe Biden’s version of empathy is to lie and make everything about himself.

We’re all kind of inured to it now and the left wing media has little interest in fact checking the geezer. His BS stories are the stuff of legend now:

  • The Amtrak story
  • That time he drove an 18 wheeler
  • That time he was a baseball all-star
  • That time he was a full Professor
  • That time he visited Golda Meir in 1967
  • That time he was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela

His water had its own little podium, perhaps letting Hawaiians know that he didn’t have anyone holding up his water in the name of equity. He just doesn’t stop and he did it again in Maui. He mauled the names of local officials.

What Biden didn’t lose was sleep.

He had to remind everyone how his first wife and daughter were killed in a car crash

How that related to Maui is a mystery. As if the people who lost everything weren’t already feeling worse for Biden he spit out another big mouthful of manure.

I almost lost my 67 Corvette! Oh the humanity!

The number of lost children pales in contrast to Biden’s near loss of his automobile.

NY Post:

Then Biden decided the best way to show Hawaii that he cares is to lie. Again. He recounted the harrowing moment firefighters had to “run into the flames” of his home to save his wife, Jill.

This. Never. Happened. For years, Biden has turned a minor kitchen blaze into the Great Chicago Fire, even after the Delaware department he praises says it was “insignificant.”

The press tries to gaslight us by saying that Biden recounting this fire, or insisting his son Beau died in Iraq when he really died of cancer, resonates with victims. “Biden … has long been seen as uniquely adept at leading with empathy amid tragedies like this one,” the Washington Post claimed this week.

As they note, this isn’t empathy. It’s one-upmanship.

And it’s insulting. Many were not taking it well.


I once burned my finger on the stove so I know what it’s like to perish in a fire.


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Looks like Biden didn’t get the Welcome Mat nor the Red Carpet Treatment on Maui that must really frustrates the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and Gutter Dwellers

Hawaii is on the March to becoming MAGA country. President Trump should upstage idiot biden by dropping by and seeing the folks.

Did Joe Biden Nod Off or Check His Watch During Maui Wildfire Memorial Service? (VIDEO)

The Nene just said Nay to Biden

Now, let’s be fair. Maybe idiot Biden got the actual scope of his kitchen fire confused with what he claimed as a loss on his homeowner’s insurance. He probably claimed his entire house burned down and cashed in, since he lies and steals with every move he makes.

Hollywood couldn’t write a more uncaring and inconsiderate villain. Idiot Biden out piece-of-shit himself every day.

hiroshima, it could be worse.jpg

They lost their trust of Biden and his entire cabinet and maybe in the Democrat Party as well

Over 2,000 Children Missing From Lahaina Public Schools Two Weeks After Maui Fire: Report

For the globalists, human suffering does not even enter into their diabolical thinking. How much more evidence do we need around the world? How many more incidents of absolute moral depravity do we need to witness? These people at the top of globalism are demonic satanists! Don’t expect anything positive, moral, or ethical from them. They only want to destroy. They are quite literally doing the bidding of their master– satan. With this in mind, we should behave accordingly.

This is what Democrat governance on an island (where it’s all up to them) looks like. Democrats are better at creating a disaster then handing it off to someone while they steal the supplies and make a fortune scamming rebuilding efforts.