Justice is dead, dead, dead

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Today Merrick Garland informed the country that he will give a US Attorney the power to kill off investigations into the Bidens. The sweetheart deal that was supposed to free Hunter Biden from any possible criminal liability fell apart in Court when the judge saw it for what it was- a vehicle to kill the Hunter Biden investigations and set Hunter free from all future crimes.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers did not take it well. The DOJ did not take it well. So what are they to do?

Garland elevated US Attorney David Weiss to Special Counsel. This is meant to be an umbrella for the Biden family and shield them and their teams from jeopardy.

David Weiss is the a%%hole who kept the Hunter Biden laptop from entering the 2020 election debate.

David Weiss is the a%%hole who intentionally allowed the statute of limitations on the Hunter Biden felony tax evasion charges from 2014 and 2015 to expire.

David Weiss is the a%%hole who was the architect of the Hunter Biden sweetheart plea deal.

Garland made Weiss special counsel so he could continue his malfeasance.

As special counsel, Weiss can hamstring the House investigations and will run the clock out on all the current investigations and in 2025 write a report exonerating everyone in the Biden family.

But in appointing Weiss special counsel, Garland has run afoul of the law. Statute 28 CFR § 600.3 – Qualifications of the Special Counsel states:

(a) An individual named as Special Counsel shall be a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decision making, and with appropriate experience to ensure both that the investigation will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial decisions will be supported by an informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government. Special Counsels shall agree that their responsibilities as Special Counsel shall take first precedence in their professional lives, and that it may be necessary to devote their full time to the investigation, depending on its complexity and the stage of the investigation.

“The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government.”

David Weiss is a corrupt integral part of the corrupt DOJ and is NOT from outside the Government. I am wondering how it is that the Attorney General of the United States need not abide by the law.

Garland and Weiss are political wh*res. The DOJ is irrevocably stained. It’s bullsh*t. Justice in this country has collapsed entirely. We are now officially a banana republic. There has been little faith in government up to now. Now there should be none.

Strongly worded post to follow.


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GOPe globalist Rick Santorum, thinking he was going to be petted and told, “Good Boy!,” by dems went on TV news claiming this Special Prosecutor for Hunter was a good thing for Republicans and a horrid thing for the bidens and Dems!
Not true, as you’ve shown, DrJohn.
The uniparty members, like Mitt and Santorum play a nasty game.

David Weiss is a corrupt integral part of the corrupt DOJ and is NOT from outside the Government. I am wondering how it is that the Attorney General of the United States need not abide by the law.

Well, Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland is, you see, a fascist that has no regard for justice, due process, laws or the Constitution. That’s why he’s there. It may be the only notable thing he ever did, but thank you, Mitch McConnell for keeping this lying, corrupt scumbag off the Supreme Court.

In so many ways, the Democrats all but admit idiot Biden is a criminal and must be protected from prosecution.

It is nothing more than a coverup.

When was the last time you saw this corrupt regime restricted by rules or laws?

098/11/23 – Judge shuts down Trump lawyer as he claims protective order would give Biden an ‘advantage’

“We are in the middle of a campaign,” Mr Lauro said, adding that a protective order limiting what Mr Trump can and cannot say would “provide an enormous advantage to President Biden”.

“To the extent your client wants to make statements on the internet, they have to yield to witness safety and witness security,” the judge told Mr Lauro, according to ABC.

“He is a criminal defendant. He is going to have restrictions,” Judge Chutkan said, adding that “this case is proceeding in the normal order”.

Yeah, the judge admits that is the WHOLE POINT of the charges. Democrats are disasters, they are failures, their approvals are tanking, so the leading opposition candidate has to be taken out by lawfare.

He’s got the same rights as any other accused criminal and all the legal defenses and dodges money can buy, but he doesn’t get to stir up his mob against witnesses or attack state’s evidence before his trial—which he shows every sign of being more than willing to do. He’d tear down the criminal justice system to evade responsibility for his actions.

That’s not going to happen. He gets his day in court.

like the 2016 campaign, only leaks allowed will be to harm the political opponent.

Why wasn’t a “protective order” brought against Schumer for calling for violence against the Supreme Court? Democrats make a habit of doing that, not Trump. Naturally, the same gutless cowards that need to remove Trump’s right to run for office won’t stop at his right to free speech.

Idiot Biden is the corrupt criminal, not Trump. Not Trump by any stretch of the sick Democrat imagination.

Trump wants the trials delayed until after the election, hoping he can regain immunity from criminal prosecution. His entire campaign is now about evading justice and revenge.

He simply wants to deny the Democrats the sole purpose of bringing all those phony charges. Idiot Biden is going to have to get some of those SAG writers off their strike and at work writing some more imaginary crimes to charge Trump with.


They aren’t “phony charges”, as the evidence and witness testimony will clearly demonstrate. No one has rigged multiple grand juries.

Every bit of it, from NYC to Florida to DC and, soon, to Georgia is phony, politically driven, cowardly lawfare designed to try and take Trump out of the campaign because for idiot Biden to win in 2024, it will take a massive amount of election fraud, which cannot possibly go undetected and be denied and ignored.

The real, evidence and testimony-backed charges are that idiot Biden had Hunter influence peddling, the collected bribes, sold out the US and the citizens, and he is compromised by Kazakstan, Russia, China, Ukraine and, apparently, Iran.

You’re crazy.

I’ll tell you what’s crazy. After Russian collusion, Russian asset, quid pro quo, Hunter’s laptop, “insurrection”, Afghanistan, the open border, mounted Border patrol “whipping” illegal immigrants, SWAT raids on abortion opponents, SWAT raids to retrieve a diary, conspiring with social media to censor free speech, putting protesters in prison, weaponizing the IRS, FBI and DOJ, anyone believes anything idiot Biden, the Democrats or the Ministry of Propaganda says.

I wonder if the charges have been explained to them and if they could apply. Evidence, like the mountain that Schiffty has somewhere, I guess his whistleblower for Ukraine took it with him when he vanished into thin air right back where he came from. Like all the tax fraud, you dont seem to have anything to say about those taxes you drooled for.
If you could only see how pathetic your posts are, naive, ignorant and consistently a weak parroting of cable news.

You should see the view from outside the cult compound.

Yeah, YOU should. All you know is leftist propaganda.

Garland who dose he really work for Biden, Soros, Bragg the UN the CFR or someone in a flaming placed going by names like Satan, Lucifer Etc.

Weiss does not qualify to be a Special Counsel.

True a Special Counsel needs to be from outside the department but silly rules ans ethics never stops these bastids.

Yeah, but if they followed the rules, they might not get the requisite hack to do the party’s bidding instead of seeking true justice. Don’t you understand how important it is to the nation, the people, the economy and the world that Hunter be given permission to commit all the crimes he wants and never be held accountable? After all, a conviction might stain idiot Biden’s otherwise pristine record.

Trump cultist’s bitched when there was no special counsel, and now they’re bitching because there is one.

Trump cultist’s bitched when there was no special counsel, and now they’re bitching because there is one.

Just because a town doesn’t have a police officer doesn’t mean it should accept one that’s on the take from the mob.

You’re an idiot.

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

While Republicans wanted a special counsel, I guess they expected Herr Obergruppenfuhrer to obey the law and select someone outside the DOJ, certainly someone that didn’t intentionally allow the statute of limitations to run out on crimes and who whipped up a sweet plea deal giving Hunter immunity from any crime he has ever committed and tried to sneak it past the judge. That kind of fell through when they had to admit Hutner was still under FARA violations investigation; he would have had immunity from that.

Silly Republicans, thinking the fascist Garland would respect the laws.

08/13/23 – Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump’s team is behind voting system breach

Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is expected to seek charges against more than a dozen individuals when her team presents its case before a grand jury next week. Several individuals involved in the voting systems breach in Coffee County are among those who may face charges in the sprawling criminal probe.

Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort sprung from sympathetic Trump supporters in rural and heavily Republican Coffee County – a county Trump won by nearly 70% of the vote. They have gathered evidence indicating it was a top-down push by Trump’s team to access sensitive voting software, according to people familiar with the situation…

What local authorities will do without federal constraints: ‘Stressed beyond her limits’: co-owner of Kansas newspaper dies after police raid

…The Reflector added that the warrant signed by Viar “appears to violate a federal law that provides protections against searching and seizing materials from journalists”. The law requires authorities to instead subpoena materials, the circumvention of which by the police prompted Eric Meyer to liken the raids his newspaper endured to those conducted by repressive government regimes.

Furthermore, press advocates have condemned the raids which Viar’s warrant greenlighted – and which Cody’s entire five-officer police force carried out alongside two local sheriff’s office deputies.

Kansas Press Association director Emily Bradbury told the Reflector that the raids were “an assault on the very foundation of democracy and the public’s right to know”.

…The Reflector added that the warrant signed by Viar “appears to violate a federal law that provides protections against searching and seizing materials from journalists”.

Precedent to violate any such laws established by Obama and repeatedly violated by idiot Biden. What’s wrong, I thought you LIKED the police state? Hell, thanks to idiot Biden and Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland, attorney/client privilege doesn’t exist anymore, either.

We’ve seen the FBI carry out armed SWAT raids on pastors that have committed no crime whatsoever other than opposing abortion, a thought crime. I guess you expect the heavy-handed methods would be restricted just to the left carrying out their agenda. Much like the raid on O’Keefe to search for idiot Biden’s daughter’s personal diary (!), authorities now routinely confiscate all electronics. Hell, they can even just approach a citizen or even attorney out of the blue and take their phones without a warrant.

Look at the SWAT raids on Manafort and Stone, sick old men that posed no threat to anyone and where prepared to turn themselves in. That’s the precedent Obama and idiot Biden set. Now, if you simply express your feelings about idiot Biden, the most decadent, corrupt, incompetent moron to ever scheme their way into the White House, you get summarily shot. You don’t think that kind of oppression can’t be turned on just anyone?

Quit your spoiled crybaby whiny bullshit. THIS is exactly what you’ve been supporting since Obama was elected and the DOJ and FBI was weaponized against anything not leftist. Yeah, it’s really funny to watch someone like Trump have the full weight of the federal government illicitly aimed at him but you don’t seem amused when one of your propaganda leakers get targeted. Meyer was 98; I’m sure if it wasn’t for this raid, she’d lived to 128

Manafort and Stone were both convicted of felonies.

Coincidentally, for the same felonies Hunter has committed, which Weiss tried to give him a total and broad immunity for. In other words, trumped up charges, political persecution, score boarding.

federal law that provides protections against searching and seizing materials from journalists”. The law requires authorities to instead subpoena materials, 

Apparently Obama didn’t care when he spied on James Rosen and other journalists.