The Week in Radical Leftism, 05/26/2023


Welcome back to Day 857 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! As I usually do on holiday weekends, this week’s post will be lighter than normal. That said, let’s get to it:

5/18 – ‘Progressivism’ is for the wealthy

5/19 – The Trans Mind-Virus Is Mutating


5/20 – Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table

5/21 – As ye have sown, so shall ye etc

5/22 – Flunking the Equity Test

5/23 – Three Lies They’re Telling You about the Debt Ceiling

5/24 – Tampa Pride Cancels Drag Show As It Might Expose Children To Sexually Explicit Material

5/24 – Barack Obama’s True Legacy

5/25 – Why Kari Lake Couldn’t Close the Deal

This one dovetails nicely into the ICYMI below

5/26 – Biden’s Antisemitism Strategy Fails to Condemn BDS, Includes CAIR

ICYMI – While the 2024 Election is Still Already Over, I’ve Decided that Trump Needs to be the Nominee

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! Be sure to remind the kids / grandkids the reason for the holiday. And since June 6th will be hitting before next week’s TWIRL, here is Mark Steyn’s excellent critique of the movie. And June 6th is also what’s known in our household as “Sister Babe’s and Little Bob’s least favorite holiday”, International Day of Slayer. F***IN’ SLAYER!!!


Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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As clever as the U-haul truck trick
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This is the shit you get with CIA diversity hires.

5/18 – ‘Progressivism’ is for the wealthy

What is a “strong pro-safety message” without enforcement? It’s funny how the left accuses the right of being in the pocket of big money when they are who kowtow to the wealthy. In fact ALWAYS seems to be the opposite of what the left claims. Funny.

5/19 – The Trans Mind-Virus Is Mutating

To the left, children are just sexual objects for their mental illness.


It’s good to see organizations helping with fighting back. For far to long, we on the right just had to take it when the left comes at us with this stupidity. “It’s not a big deal, so we won’t make a big deal out of it” has been the idea. The problem is, when the left gets away with one interference in personal rights and privacy, they aren’t sated; they want FULL CONTROL. We are supposed to sit idly by and allow one right after another stripped away. For instance, apparently “gay marriage” was never the goal; ultimately, the goal is to be able to sexually abuse children without having to hide it. Notice this judge is an example of what the left wants in a judge; someone that will be a reliable firewall against the Constitution, NOT someone that will follow the Constitution.

5/20 – Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table

Well, if the left gets the power, NOTHING is off the table. They have clearly shown us that nothing like the Constitution, laws or morality will stand in the way of their pursuit of the fascist totalitarian police state. I’m just glad someone is stepping up and addressing the over-abundance of food and the reasonable prices. Thank you, Easter Island Noggin!

5/21 – As ye have sown, so shall ye etc

I wouldn’t be surprised to see their offices robbed and the crime unsolvable.

5/22 – Flunking the Equity Test

Isn’t “equality of opportunity” contrary to the socialist dogma? The left intentionally masks the true underlying message of CRT because, to achieve their goals, they MUST indoctrinate children into the concept that white people are racist and should be punished. What the studies DO show is that the vast majority of Americans are NOT racist and want racism to be eradicated, not promoted and taught in schools, as Democrats do. For instance, in Florida, the lying left characterize prohibiting the racist teachings of CRT with refusing to teach history. No, it is the refusal to replace history with the left’s racist version of it.

5/23 – Three Lies They’re Telling You about the Debt Ceiling

A major problem with out debt is we, apparently, seem willing to just eat the debt incurred dealing with COVID. Instead, we should be suing China and holding them accountable for the trillions spent on equipment, treatment, mobilization and recovery aid. Of course, the trillions in waste Pelosi and Democrats padded the aid with should be excluded, but we can cut our debt to China by trillions by making them pay for our suffering from their incompetence. It would be great if the rest of the world would join in; maybe China would have less to spend on taking over the world.

5/24 – Tampa Pride Cancels Drag Show As It Might Expose Children To Sexually Explicit Material

That’s like forcing bars to serve nothing but non-alcoholic drinks. What’s the point, then?

5/24 – Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Obama is a gutless piece of shit. He tried to “fundamentally transform” the US, but he was always afraid to go all in (like the many delays he issued for the full implementation of Obamacare. Obama didn’t want the full effects of the disaster to fall on HIS watch. But, when pulling the strings behind the scenes, he is fearless. When things go tits-up (as idiot Biden’s entire term has), his name isn’t attached to anything. But, the goals are the same: weaken the United States, punish her and render her incapable of exerting influence anywhere because, as all sensible people know, the influence of Communist China or Russia is far more beneficial to the world than spreading freedom and democracy.

5/25 – Why Kari Lake Couldn’t Close the Deal

I guess it’s a real advantage for the Democrat candidate to also be the Attorney General overseeing the process of the election, huh?

5/26 – Biden’s Antisemitism Strategy Fails to Condemn BDS, Includes CAIR

That’s quite a deviation from their usual position that criticizing any of the left’s agenda is deemed racist, transphobic, homophobic, white supremacist or misogynistic. While boycotting Israel for one reason or another might not in and of itself would not be antisemitic, boycotting because Israel retaliates against the terrorists the boycotters support IS antisemitic and it is no surprise the racist antisemites of the Democrat party would align with them.