John Kirby should burn in hell

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John Kirby is a disgraceful, shameful lying dog. On this eve of Good Friday news dump, the White House decided to release its “review” of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. I knew, you knew, everyone knew who Biden was going to blame. Trump

He made a number of incredibly mendacious statements this afternoon. After blaming Trump he then said today is “not about accountability”

Did you know that we didn’t leave millions of dollars in hardware behind?


The Department of Defense estimates $7.12 billion worth of military equipment purchased by the United States was left in Afghanistan following the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops that concluded August 30, according to a DOD report obtained by CNN Wednesday.

But even we did leave all that there, it’s not our fault!

And abandoning Afghanistan wasn’t chaotic!

Chaos at Kabul airport as Afghans try to flee Taliban NFE News # ...


And poor President Biden! He was helpless to do anything!

President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,’ the White House report read.

Kirby: Well, when we said he was helpless, we didn’t really mean helpless.

Hey, does the President have any regrets? NOt at all. In fact, he’s very proud.

'Gone, but never forgotten': Poignant photo emerges of flag-draped ...

What We Know About the 13 US Service Members Killed in Kabul - The New ...

Family Of Marine Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal Stunned To Learn Snipers Could Have Taken Out Suicide Bomber

  • Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews’ revelation that he could have shot the Abbey Gate suicide bomber before the attack ever occurred shocked family and advocates of one of the service members killed in the attack, they told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Vargas-Andrews told Congress earlier this month that he was denied permission to engage the individual who killed 13 U.S. service members assisting in the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Very proud.

John Kirby, who used to be an admiral, is a frightening indication of how far the US military has fallen. The guy just stands there and lies as freely as his damned boss.

He and his boss should burn in hell.

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The Trump administration set a deadline for withdrawal based on conditions to which the Taliban had to adhere. biden* basically said to hell with conditions, we’re outta here. He surrendered. He stupidly changed a conditional deadline into a firm unconditional deadline.

Last edited 1 year ago by Swifty

How stupid was it to remove any ability to enforce the agreement based on the Taliban’s promised to adhere to its terms?

That’s what Trump did. He even kept the full extent oi the withdrawal secret from his successor, until it was leaked.

Why did joe give the stand down order for the sniper to not take out the suicide bomber?

Biden didn’t give such an order.

Biden didn’t give such an order.

So, idiot Biden wasn’t in charge? He didn’t have the power to veto the RoI?

Lloyd Austin actually testified that he has NO REGRETS over the withdrawal.
John Kirby is even worse saying that he is PROUD of the withrdrawl and if you don’t like
it, It’s Trump’s fault.
Kirby is a Rear Admiral? The man is a disgrace as ther is no lie that he will not tell and is
nothing but a gopher for his Democrat masters.

Of course they don’t. When your business is destroying American, you don’t have regrets when it is destroyed.

Now, we should be proud of the effort those put back in Afghanistan put forth to make the best of the disastrous situation idiot Biden created for them. They DID do a spectacular job, but it shouldn’t have been necessary to perform such a task. They took idiot Biden’s massive f**k up and did the best anyone could have possibly done.

Believe it or not, Biden doesn’t have an all-seeing eye. He doesn’t know all things happening everywhere in the world at all times in real time. Nor do Rules of Engagement perfectly cover all situations that might arise in conflict situations.

How do you know the suicide bomber wasn’t one of the 5,000 captive enemy combatants that Trump ordered set free as part of his deal with the Taliban? They were the most likely group of fanatics the airport suicide bomber might have come from. Wiser heads warned that an escalation of violence would surely follow. Trump ignored them.

From the Trump administration’s mind-boggling Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America, dated February 29, 2020:

The United States is committed to start immediately to work with all relevant sides on a plan to expeditiously release combat and political prisoners as a confidence building measure with the coordination and approval of all relevant sides. Up to five thousand (5,000) prisoners of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and up to one thousand (1,000) prisoners of the other side will be released by March 10, 2020, the first day of intra-Afghan negotiations, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar. The relevant sides have the goal of releasing all the remaining prisoners over the course of the subsequent three months. The United States commits to completing this goal. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban commits that its released prisoners will be committed to the responsibilities mentioned in this agreement so that they will not pose a threat to the security of the United States and its allies.

Trump’s release of 5,000 Taliban fighters was completed in early September 2020, while Trump was still in office. Refer to page 11 of this CRS document.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Believe it or not, Biden doesn’t have an all-seeing eye. He doesn’t know all things happening everywhere in the world at all times in real time. Nor do Rules of Engagement perfectly cover all situations that might arise in conflict situations.

Oh, there is no doubt that idiot Biden knows nothing about anything and everything. He proved that Day One of this disastrous regime when he destroyed our energy independence. He didn’t really need to re-prove the fact by totally f**king up the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The ROI would not allow a US sniper to take out a suicide bomber, but it didn’t restrict idiot Biden from taking out an entire innocent family because they “looked like terrorists”, just so idiot Biden could look tough.

How do you know the suicide bomber wasn’t one of the 5,000 captive enemy combatants that Trump ordered set free as part of his deal with the Taliban?

Because he was one of the terrorists held at Bagram AFB that the Taliban released after idiot Biden abandoned the base and turned Kabul over to the Taliban before any of the civilians had been evacuated. Notice that while Trump was in office and threatening the Taliban with massive retaliation, NOT ONE US MILITARY PERSON WAS KILLED OR WOUNDED in Afghanistan.

This would never have happened under Trump. Idiot Biden created every aspect of this disaster, much against the lame, limp-wristed, mealy-mouthed advice of his military advisors. Idiot Biden should take full responsibility for the ensuing catastrophe and national embarrassment because he and no one else IS responsible.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Plain Bill

So was Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Biden is a war criminal.

And a traitor

Trump is a chronic bed wetter. He had his doctor’s office raided and all of his records confiscated to prevent this from becoming public. Everybody knows this.

March Jobs: Cuts Surged by 15 Percent – Large Scale Layoffs Likely to Continue

LIAR: Biden Regime NSC Spokesman John Kirby Says It’s “LUDICROUS” to Say Biden Left Millions of Dollars of Military Equipment in Afghanistn – HERE ARE THE PHOTOS

It was all abandoned when Trump pulled out the troops protecting it, leaving it all behind. May be Biden should have sent in armed repo men?

Trump didn’t pull all the troops out. Idiot Biden did.

No, Trump pulled out US forces where most of the equipment was located. Biden only managed an evacuation Trump had made no provision for.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

No, Trump pulled out US forces where most of the equipment was located. Biden only managed an evacuation Trump had made no provision for.

As you yourself have stated, Trump left 2,500 troops in country. Under Trump, there were NO Taliban attacks, so obviously 2,500 was plenty. But idiot Biden pulled them ALL out and abandoned Bagram AFB, with ALL the equipment.

The truth is the truth. The facts are the facts. You can’t change them by Goebbelsing them.

Youare insane
Biden is a war criminal and profiteer.

Trump has turned you into a bed wetter. Sadly, you kind of like it.

greg needs to be blocked.

And a pedophile.

Not one teeny tiny shred of it is Trump’s fault. Trump would have avoided such a disaster completely Idiot Biden, the least qualified person to ever be President, even through fraud, and he is 100% responsible for that catastrophe, from top to bottom, front to back, left to right. Idiot Biden and no one else.

Here is the problem with Bidens argument. They claim they had no idea what Trumps plan and withdraw agreement was when they took office. Kirby repeated that many times today. The problem and proof they are lying is this. Gen Mark Milley was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff since October 1, 2019. Prior to that, he was the chief of staff of the Army since 2015. Milley KNEW what Trumps admin had planned. He was tip of the spear on planning. It’s certain Milley told Biden EVERYTHING. Biden knew the framework and deviated from the plan and withdraw agreement with Afghan Gov and Taliban but trashed it and did what HE wanted to do, and we saw how that turned out. The blood is on Bidens hands 100% and they are LYING to us and placing blame for their incompetence and treason elsewhere. This will all come to light.

Keep in mind, idiot Biden’s lies are not for people who have the ability to think about things. They are for those who just nod and accept. If they didn’t know anything about the plan, why didn’t they find out? They KNEW they were going to withdraw, shouldn’t they have either studied Trump’s plan or create their own?

Idiot Biden abrogated every policy and plan Trump left behind. Why was the Afghanistan plan, if it was such a bad plan, the only thing idiot Biden left intact?

Their execution of the withdrawal was a brilliant success they are all proud of but the chaotic disaster was Trump’s fault? Which is it?

Trump’s “plan” was FUBAR, but its critical commitments and moves had already been made before Biden took office: US troop levels had already been reduced from 15,500 to a mere 2,500; military bases and equipment had already been abandoned; territory controlled by friendlies had been effectively ceded by default; and 5,000 Taliban hostiles had already been released from prisons into Afghanistan—all based on the imbecilic premise that the Taliban would honor their side of the agreement.

What Biden found already in place was a perfect setup for disaster.

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America, February 29, 2020

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Hey, genius… if you think 2,500 wasn’t enough, how stupid was taking ALL US forces out before the civilians were evacuated? If 2,500 wasn’t enough, why didn’t idiot Biden move more troops back before he abandoned Bagram AFB?

With the 2,500 US troops still in country, NOTHING was abandoned. Idiot Biden abandoned the equipment, idiot Biden abandoned Bagram, idiot Biden abandoned the embassy, idiot Biden abandoned our allies, idiot Biden abandoned all the US citizens and green card holders. Idiot Biden got those 13 US service people killed.

What the White House has tried to do is wait a year to make this absolutely ridiculous attempt to rewrite documented history because they feel the memory of the standard leftist is about 6 months and they won’t remember what actually happened.

He didn’t. In August 2021 Biden sent 5,000 US troops to cover the US withdrawal, adding to the 3,000 already there. He also staged a combat infantry brigade of another 3,500 in Kuwait to further reinforce them, if required.

Maybe you need to shout STATE FARM ARENA a few times to clear your mind.

Hey, genius… if you think 2,500 wasn’t enough, how stupid was taking ALL US forces out before the civilians were evacuated? If 2,500 wasn’t enough, why didn’t idiot Biden move more troops back before he abandoned Bagram AFB?

Even CBS says you are insane.

Those are the facts. like ’em or not.

Biden had to increase troop levels to cover a mass evacuation of 122,000 friendlies that Trump didn’t even have a plan for. Trump didn’t only abandon vehicles. He abandoned allies.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Biden had to increase troop levels to cover a mass evacuation of 140,000 friendlies that Trump didn’t even have a plan for.

AFTER he had pulled every soldier out, leaving our allies isolated and vulnerable.

He didn’t. In August 2021 Biden sent 5,000 US troops to cover the US withdrawal, adding to the 3,000 already there.

You are either a liar or you have no idea what you are talking about. You can clarify that, but the bottom line is idiot Biden pulled ALL troops out in the middle of the night without notifying our allies. THEN he had to send troops BACK because the entire situation there, including the security of the Americans left behind, totally collapsed.

You know how to shut me up about State Farm Arena? Either provide a valid explanation of what happened or admit the Democrats lied about a water main break to flush the observers out so the cheating could commence.

Just in: House Oversight Committee Issues Subpoenas to Several Major Banks for Biden Family Financial Records

“It is One of the Darkest Moments of the Biden Presidency” – CBS Blasts Biden For Shameful Attempt to Rewrite History on Deadly Afghanistan Withdrawal

Didn’t Biden brag that he was not going to uphold President Trump’s withdrawal plan…

Now it’s President Trump’s fault that Joe Biden is too stupid and his administration is too incompetent to handle the withdrawal that was already planned and coordinated for them?

It has always been our military’s SOP to destroy any equipment left behind that the enemy could use against us…
B lack Hawk Down, the raid on Bin Laden’s compound… We destroyed the damaged helicopters so that the technology they contained would remain secret.

But what does Traitor Joe do?… Whatever his Communist Chinese puppet masters who installed him tell him to.

The Taliban offered Biden total control of the entire city of Kabul which included the airbase but Traitor Joe turned it down. 13 U.S. soldiers died as a result and now Communist China has since taken control of the airbase along with $80 Bil worth of our state of the art military equipment that they will reverse engineer… They will now get the rare earth metals in the Afghan region to further their Belt and Road Initiative towards what has always been the Communist’s openly stated goal of World Global Domination.

How stupid was it to remove any ability to enforce the agreement based on the Taliban’s promised to adhere to its terms?

I don’t know if you have any interest in reality (nothing tells me you do), but the forces Trump left behind could utilize the air power we had there to target and destroy any Taliban efforts to violate the pact that was made. That was never necessary because, based on their past experience, the Taliban knew what would happen if they violated the pact.

How stupid was it to remove ALL military forces before any civilians were evacuated? How stupid was it to pull all our forces out in the middle of the night and not even give our allies there a heads-up? How stupid was it to abandon Bagram Air Base? How stupid was it to ignore the Taliban’s offensive across Afghanistan and then put on a surprised face when Kabul, without US air support, just folded?

Idiot Biden simply allowed the Trump agreement to be violated, making it null and void, but continued on the same path to withdrawal. Idiot Biden is stupid and made stupid decisions. Even his military leaders said so.

How stupid was it to remove ALL military forces before any civilians were evacuated? How stupid was it to pull all our forces out in the middle of the night and not even give our allies there a heads-up? How stupid was it to abandon Bagram Air Base? How stupid was it to ignore the Taliban’s offensive across Afghanistan and then put on a surprised face when Kabul, without US air support, just folded?

Anyone with knowledge and experience of how withdrawals are supposed to be conducted knows this was a first class goat fuck. The security element is the last element that leaves. In this case, the security element was pulled out first thus ceding control of the operational environment to the Taliban and the terrorists which led to all of the problems including 13 dead Americans. There have also been numerous suicides committed by service members who were there because they believed they failed in their mission. In reality, they were set up for failure by their leadership starting with the brain dead person that was installed in the WH. Kirby is a liar and an idiot as is anyone parroting or believing his version of what happened. It will take years to undo the damage these Communist, anti-American shitbags have done to our military.

Idiot Biden’s disaster would be like the British evacuating all the officers from Dunkirk in the middle of the night and leaving the rest of the force there at the mercy of the Germans, then a year later calling it a great success, but it was Chamberlain’s fault. (No, that’s not a typo… that’s leftist reasoning.)

No, the military personnel did an outstanding job under impossible conditions. They were purposely put into an unwinnable situation by idiot Biden and yet they performed in exemplary fashion, as usual.

Lefties never take responsibility for their actions. It’s part of their lowlife mentality. No one is accountable. They could care less about the brave souls who were sent into harms way by a bunch of uncaring, incompetent, self centered, egotistical morons. The entire situation was summed up perfectly when the demented pervert glanced at his watch while the bodies of those brave souls were coming off the plane.

No one is accountable.

Well, none of THEM. However, they don’t miss an opportunity blame their disasters on the opposition and exploit them. In fact, for those purposes, the more disasters there are, the more they like it.

Trump killed them all.

Biden is a war criminal
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Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

Yeah, right. He was out of office for 7 months. I guess he killed that family of 10 as well, right?

The entire disaster was 100% idiot Biden’s fault. You put that shitbag in office KNOWING he was incompetent and he certainly lived up to all expectations.

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The collapse of the Afghan National Army was because of the abandonment of Bagram Air Base. The ANA was structured to fight US style. They needed centralized command with drones for battlefield intel and support. Stop this and it all collapses. The US was also to provide political support to the Army. IE make sure the government pays the soldiers. This was Trump’s plan.

BIDEN ABANDONED Bagram and pulled political support for the ANA. THAT is WHY the ANA collapsed. This catastrophe was 100% Biden’s fault.

biden should be impeached for such gross incompetence which led to US deaths and Americans left behind.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

You people are going to pay for your coup.

If Trump’s plan was bad (it wasn’t, but anyway…) then idiot Biden following it was idiot Biden’s fault, not Trump’s.

If Trump’s plan was good and idiot Biden altered it, that’s idiot Biden’s fault, not Trump’s.

If there was no Trump plan and idiot Biden f**ked around for 7 months without planning for the withdrawal from Afghanistan, then pulled all our troops out, that’s idiot Biden’s fault, not Trump’s.

Maybe you’ve figured out that the Goebbels technique of repeating a lie and we’ll simply believe it. A lie will always be a lie and your fantasized version of events is a lie.

LIAR: Biden Regime NSC Spokesman John Kirby Says It’s “LUDICROUS” to Say Biden Left Millions of Dollars of Military Equipment in Afghanistn – HERE ARE THE PHOTOS

I’m making eighty bucks for every hr. to finish some internet providers from home. I absolutely never thought it would try and be reachable anyway. My comrade mate got 13teen thousand bucks just in about a month effectively doing this best task and furthermore she persuaded me to profit. Look at additional subtleties going to
this article..

Last edited 1 year ago by rebmcr

I Read Biden’s Afghan Whitewash Report So You Don’t Have To. Here’s What Stands Out.
The Biden White House appears to be blaming Trump for not prioritising immigrants, and wanting U.S. troops out earlier.

By now you may have heard the Biden White House blaming the Trump administration for its botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. That’s the lazy read of a new, 12-page document that is replete with whitewashing, including of the literal war crime committed as U.S. troops were pulled out in 2021.
While the word “Trump” appears 14 times, and first appears after just one paragraph, the specifics of the blame game are somehow far worse, with the report focusing intently on the relocation of Afghans or dual citizens into the United States, instead of the protection of U.S. troops, or the repatriation of U.S. military arrests. Here are the stand out points:

Biden Blew Through Trump’s Negotiated Withdrawal Date, Blames Trump.Trump set the latest date for the withdrawal of 2,500 troops for May 1st, having already halved the military’s presence since taking office. The deal with the Taliban said U.S. troops would remain safe, as long as the date was adhered to. Biden decided to place U.S. troops in harm’s way by both loudly announcing his government’s nervousness, while extending the date to the widely Islamist-significant 9/11/2021 withdrawal date.
The report effectively confirms this, contradicting itself by claiming the U.S. government made 55,000 phone calls and sent 33,000 emails urging people to leave. This was at the same time as claiming they did “not broadcast loudly and publicly about a potential worst-case scenario unfolding in order to avoid signaling a lack of confidence in [the Afghan army]…” See more below, from pages six and nine:

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Page 9:

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Prioritizing Immigrants Over U.S. Troops.The report pays extra attention to the plight of the ‘Special Immigrant Visa’ (SIV) applicants, which they allege led to a build up of 18,000 people in a backlog. It’s a fitting prioritisation, too, considering this was also the Biden regime’s approach at the time. Americans last, seemingly. If at all.
By page four, the excuses offered are in relation to “[r]efugee support services had been gutted and personnel dramatically reduced, lowering admissions to historic lows and forcing more than 100 refugee resettlement facilities in the United States to close.”
In fact, a previously secret October 2021 report from U.S. Central Command concluded that “the attack was not preventable at the tactical level without degrading the mission to maximize the number of evacuees,” reflecting Joe Biden’s change in priorities from Donald Trump’s, as expressed in the new report which states:

“During his first two weeks in office, President Biden signed Executive Order 14013 requiring departments and agencies to surge resources and streamline the application process for SIV applicants. On February 2, the Department of State resumed SIV interviews in Kabul. State doubled the number of SIV adjudicators at Embassy Kabul and quintupled the number of staff processing SIV applications—from 10 to 50—in Washington, D.C. As a result of this surge, the United States went from issuing 100 SIVs a week in March to more than 1000 a week in July, and, working with Congress to streamline the process, reduced the average SIV processing time by more than one year. In July, the United States issued a record number of SIVs to our Afghan allies and began running the first ever SIV relocation flights.”

Page 10 of the report boasts of the 70,000 “vulnerable Afghans” evacuated, but neglects to mention the incidents of child marriage (and therefore underage sex trafficking) that came along with it.

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On the same page the Biden government boasts of welcoming “100,000 Afghans as part of Operation Allies Welcome” with many more to come. Remember, on page 9, they noted that “the U.S. Government evacuated over 6,000 American citizens from the country.” That’s some ratio of Afghan nationals to U.S. citizens.

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Blaming Intel (Especially for the War Crime).For a group of people who lean so heavily into the idea of consensus amongst intelligence agencies, the Biden White House seems to blame bad intelligence wherever it’s not blaming Donald Trump. Sometimes, it’s both.
Poor intelligence can be quite routine on such matters, especially where the stakeholders have a vested interested in remaining in the country and dragging out deployments. But there also appears to be no contrition over the deaths of ten civilians targeted in a face-saving drone strike shortly after the Abbey Gate attack in which a massive 183 people lost their lives, including 13 U.S. Servicemen.
The report callously dismisses the incident. If it had happened under Trump, there would be demands for the 45th President to appear in the dock at The Hague. Biden waves it off as “lessons learned”:

The Department of Defense conducted detailed after-action reviews of the tragic attack that took American and other lives at Abbey Gate and of the drone strike that tragically killed ten civilians, and implemented their lessons learned. After the Kabul strike, the Secretary of Defense ordered a 90-day review of how the Department of Defense could better avoid civilian casualties in its activities, and has implemented new policies to do so.

It’s also worth checking out this thread for some further context.
While we’re all tempted to shrug, and wave this “CYA” attempt off as just that, it stands to reason that since the Biden White House is so keen to pass the blame off onto Donald Trump, he is entitled a response. And he provided one, Thursday afternoon, via Truth Social:

These Morons in the White House, who are systematically destroying our Country, headed up by the biggest Moron of them all, Hopeless Joe Biden, have a new disinformation game they are playing – Blame “TRUMP” for their grossly incompetent SURRENDER in Afghanistan. I watched this disaster unfold just like everyone else. I saw them take out the Military FIRST, GIVE $85 Billion of military equipment, allow killing of our soldiers, and leave Americans behind. Biden is responsible, no one else!

He’s not wrong.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Tiny distraction from the Biden financial investigation,impending financial collapse and the dollar losing its reserve currency status.(Brics) Think France went to Xi to talk peace? Macron is going to buy NG with china currency.

Meanwhile back in reality, SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas received gifts and vacations worth over $500,000 from a billionaire republican donor. Thomas says there was no requirement that he disclose this, so it’s perfectly OK.

Non story

The story is Sandy making such accusations when she has her own ethics (or lack thereof) issues.

Meanwhile, back in random deep state troll land, assholes like greg on this site, twitter, and everywhere on the internet are suddenly pushing this Thomas hoax, like we don’t have a dictator who is paid by China, and our former Speaker wasn’t making millions illegally with insider trading.

Thomas’ “gifts and vacations?”

No one cares.

Correct. None of you care that a billionaire republican donor has secretly made gifts to a SCOTUS Justice worth half-a-million dollars.

Because corruption is what makes Trump’s world go ’round.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Of far greater concern is the money idiot Biden took from the CCP.

Of greater concern than bribes and influence peddling that go to the very root of all constitutional law?

That’s how things are done in Russia, not America.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Yes, you and Democrats have made us like Russia and China.

You have no evidence of bribes or influence. What opinion of Thomas’ appears to have been influenced instead of Constitutionally sound? However, we DO have evidence… LOTS of it… of idiot Biden being bribed by foreign governments and acting to harm US interests.

You are correct in that the Democrats act like other totalitarians around the world have behaved.

Corruption makes Trump’s World go ’round, World go ’round, World go ’round…

Corruption makes Trump’s World go ’round, World go ’round, World go ’round…

Cite some corruption Trump himself has been implicated in. Meanwhile, the Clinton’s, the Pelosi’s, the idiot Biden Crime Family, Epstein Island Visitors Log, etc, etc, etc.

It’s a bot.

Curt, I really think you guys should consider blocking this A.I. fed bot account, “greg.”

The corruption, and money, is almost exclusively on the Democrat side of the fence as they get paid by Mega-donors and turn around and line their pockets.

Pretty stupid to accuse Thomas of what you people do ALL THE TIME, and on a level no Republican comes close to.

We care about Zuckerberg paying half a billion to corrupt an election.

Not this (most likely false) story on Thomas.

The left is always looking for an angle to put another leftist radical on the Supreme Court. Plus, they hate blacks that don’t have the good sense to stay on the Democrat plantation.

Clarence Thomas released a statement on his private jet travels paid for by Harlan Crow.

“Harlan and Kathy Crow are among our dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years,” Thomas said in a statement.

“As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them. Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable. I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines. These guidelines are now being changed, as the committee of the Judicial Conference responsible for financial disclosure for the entire federal judiciary just this past month announced new guidance. And, it is, of course, my intent to follow this guidance in the future,” he said.

Meanwhile back in reality, SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas received gifts and vacations worth over $500,000 from a billionaire republican donor. 

So? It’s not like he took $3 million from the CCP, like idiot Biden did. All Justice Thomas did was accept the hospitality of a wealthy friend. Period.

Funny, though, that AOC is making the accusation when she herself is shown to have been on the take, to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.


“So?” is exactly the point. Clarence, and his MAGA Momma, secretly taking loot worth half-a-million from a billionaire Trump donor, and Trump cultists don’t care…

That’s the GOP’s new ticking bomb.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Requesting FA block the greg account.

It’s not a retiree. It’s an enemy combatant.

I disagree. I enjoy making him (it?) look stupid, hypocritical and ill-informed. His reactions confirm my convictions as proper.

If Greg is the enemy they have already lost the war.

Yeah, SO. Let’s resolve the Biden’s criminal and treacherous activity with China. Let’s resolve Hillary selling our uranium to Russia. Let’s resolve the left’s subservience to China. There has been NO rulings by Justice Thomas that has even a hint of influence from something or someone other than the Constitution?

None. This is simply a racist assault on Justice Thomas.

But the Bidens will declare the hospitality of their rich pals, in SC.and
the Bidens stay at the home of his friends Bill and Connie Neville in St. Croix, the White House says. The president and first lady have stayed at the home of the tech executive on previous visits to the island.

But Greg wants to concentrate on accusations made by Sandy, one of the least credible and most unethical members of the House. The idiot Biden’s corruption is so given and prevalent that it isn’t even shocking. Since the left’s actual goal is to wreck America, whatever harm idiot Biden does is inconsequential to them.

Comrade Greggie, I see you are sticking with the Democrat Socialist Party’s goal of destroying a black Justice simply because he left the DNC plantation. Of course, Teddy Kennedy made his thoughts on blacks quite clear when he told Joe Biden, another racist, that Thomas should never be on the USSC because Thomas had the audacity to marry a white woman.

Nothing like showing what a racist you are.

Another ass-hat conservative judge has just suspended approval of an abortion drug nation-wide, that’s been used for nearly a quarter-of-a-century.

You’re going to get steamrollered in 2024.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Comrade Greggie, where’s your link to prove your claim?

Death and taxes, that’s your political party.


It’s a bot. It’s A.I.

The term is “Steamrolled”.

Block this thing now, please.

Do you want reinstatement of Roe v. Wade?

Myself and millions more, as a matter of principle. The State has no right to deprive a woman of sovereign control of her own body and its reproductive function. Doing so is about as intrusive as government can get.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

The State has no right to deprive a woman of sovereign control of her own body and its reproductive function.

They aren’t. A woman is free to have sex and conceive.

She’s not free to kill the baby.

Move on.

Well, Roe v. Wade restricted abortions to the first trimester, except in cases of medical emergency. It doesn’t seem you are willing to honor even that agreement. If the left cannot show they can responsibly handle the power of life and death that is abortion, they should have NO abortion.

Biden Gave Afghanistan To The CCP

One of the hallmarks of the Biden administration has been its capacity to “memory hole” events and developments that reflect badly on Joe and his key advisors. Such is the case with Afghanistan. After a twenty-year war to prevent that nation from falling into the hands of terrorists we fled the country at Biden’s direction, abandoned billions of dollars worth of U.S. military equipment, and created a terrorist super-state that dwarfs anything ISIS ever built.

That is only the beginning of the debacle in Afghanistan, however. The Taliban, already joined at the hip with Al Qaida and a host of other Islamic terrorist groups now have a new, extremely powerful ally – Communist China.

We have reported on multiple occasions about the Chinese presence at Bagram airbase and the geopolitical implications of that development. The number of Chinese on the ground in Afghanistan continues to grow, however, and the scope of their activities similarly is expanding.

Sources on the ground in Afghanistan advise AND Magazine:

A meeting was held recently between Chinese officials and a Taliban representative known at this point only as “Amin.”This meeting took place inside Afghanistan and concerned the establishment of a Chinese intelligence base in Paktia Province. The meeting was large enough that a total of six interpreters speaking both Pashto and Dari were required. Paktia Province is on the Afghan-Pakistan border. Pakistani Taliban forces use Paktia Province as a base of operations for attacks inside Pakistan.

Chinese personnel are already present in Paktia Province. They are housed in two buildings owned by Haji Muhammed Aman Zadran who is affiliated with the Haqqani network.

Chinese engineers have visited Shindand Air Base on multiple occasions. Shindand is a massive base in western Afghanistan. The facilities at Shindand are extensive and include sophisticated simulators for training pilots to fly aircraft provided to the Afghans by the United States. Many of those aircraft were left behind when Biden ordered all forces out of the country.

Construction is underway in the vicinity of Bagram airbase. The purpose of the ongoing work is unclear, but Chinese personnel are involved. Both Shindand and Bagram give China the ability to deploy strategic bomber forces and hit targets across South Asia and the Middle East.

Chinese intelligence officers have established a base in Kabul and another office in Khost.

[Editor’s Note: The information being provided to AND Magazine, from sources inside Afghanistan, appears consistent with reporting showing up in a variety of other outlets.]

US News recently reported that China was considering deploying military personnel and economic development officials to Bagram airfield. According to the report, the Chinese military is conducting a feasibility study to determine if it should send workers, soldiers, and other personnel to the base. Multiple outlets have reported on wide-ranging contacts between Beijing and Kabul and a deepening alliance.

Incomplete as the picture is at present, what is clear is that the Chinese have established a partnership with the Taliban and they are settling in for the long haul. They aren’t establishing intelligence bases all over Afghanistan to collect on the Taliban. They are setting up to work with the Taliban, a group that recently announced its intention to increase the size of its military to 200,000 men. The implications of this are extremely troubling.

China Is Giving Killer Drones To The Taliban

Joe Biden began his term in office by ordering a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. As ugly as the scenes we saw from Kabul were, however, what has transpired since has been far worse. Afghanistan is now an Islamic Emirate, a terrorist super state that threatens the entire world…

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Idiot Biden? I thought Trump flew in there and gave it away.

It’s a bot. It’s A.I.

More like R.I. (real ignorance).

The FDA didn’t properly approve it. Do you want women to die?