The Week in Radical Leftism, 03/31/2023

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Welcome back to Day 803 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! Plenty of crazy to get to, so let’s hop to it:

2/17 – Refighting the Vietnam War

A long book review by the great VDH, and some new insights on the war

3/17 – Tennessee Lawmakers Consider Ending Federal Funding of Education

This is how we restore America – one piece at a time

3/18 – What Is Woke? One Sound Bite Can’t Capture It All

I just call it Leftist hatred

3/21 – Leo Hohmann: Amazon Just Banned My Book, Stealth Invasion

Mustn’t upset the regime!

3/21 – Deep State Plan Behind the Banking Crisis: Alex Newman

There is no problem that can’t be made worse by this administration

3/22 – Academics miraculously criticize the ‘Golden Age’ myth of Muslim empire

Will wonders mever cease?

3/23 – Women Under Sharia

It would be nice if “feminists” and the LGBWERTY crowd spent some time trying to have rallies in Muslim countries. Now that I think about it, I’s sign up for a pay per view if they did!

3/24 – Military recruitment under Joe Biden reaches ‘bleakest’ levels since post-Vietnam nadir

Considering the military’s top brass seems to be preparing fr its next war to be against half of this country, I’m OK with this

3/25 – Ray Epps’ Lawyer Threatens Tucker Carlson: ‘You Didn’t See What You Saw on J6 Video — or Else’

Be careful, TuCa. Ray Epps does have some friends in high places…

3/26 – Fear And Loathing On The Intertubes

A heartwarming tale of some well deserved pushback

3/27 – Barack Obama Falsely Claims Guns Are Number One Killer of Children

I ask this often, but if Leftists’ ideas are so great, how come they have to lie about every issue and cheat in elections?

3/28 – Trans Activists Called for ‘Day Of Vengeance’ Before Shooting of Christian School

I’ll be really curious to see if this story quietly disappears by the time the weekend rolls around.

3/29 – The Implausibility Of A Net Zero Carbon Energy Future Is Now Obvious


3/30 – Speaker Todd Gilbert Blasts VCU For Failing to Protect Pro-Life Speaker

The less reported story about violence by The Radical Left this week. Am I the only one who finds it disturbing that so many law enforcement agencies are acting as the armed backup to protect the Antifa thugs?

3/31 – The Attack on Trump is an Attack on America

We’ve heard this before, but it bears repeating.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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I know that train derailments, toxic barges sinking and food processing plants burning up is the new normal, but now its a chocolate factory the saboteurs have gone to far. Who thinks chocolate bunnies are explosive?

Video Captures Explosion Tear Through PA Chocolate Easter Bunny Factory; Two Killed, Nine Missing

Last I knew, they still didn’t have the cause of that chocolate factory explosion. Sure are some weird occurrences under this corrupt idiot Biden regime.

2/17 – Refighting the Vietnam War

A reminder that the Democrat’s propensity to screw things up goes way back.

3/17 – Tennessee Lawmakers Consider Ending Federal Funding of Education

Federal funding equals federal control and we can clearly see that the federal government doesn’t always have the good of the vast majority of citizens at heart.

3/18 – What Is Woke? One Sound Bite Can’t Capture It All

By my definition, “woke” is opposing anything that is traditional and useful and replacing it with grievance, victimhood and hatred. It places any minute, radical fringe before the majority that want a patriotic, healthy, wealthy nation. I avoid network television and new movies because I know they will be totally infected with woke messaging: if it benefits American and Americans, it is bad.

3/21 – Leo Hohmann: Amazon Just Banned My Book, Stealth Invasion

Remind me again, WHO is it that bans books? I was told otherwise.

3/21 – Deep State Plan Behind the Banking Crisis: Alex Newman

And this is why the wealthy support idiots like idiot Biden; he brings opportunity for them to scarf up more.

3/22 – Academics miraculously criticize the ‘Golden Age’ myth of Muslim empire

I KNEW there was a sound reason Vlad did all that impaling.

3/23 – Women Under Sharia

When they fail miserably, I would hope they would keep trying… until they are all gone.

3/24 – Military recruitment under Joe Biden reaches ‘bleakest’ levels since post-Vietnam nadir

Who would join a military to serve the most racist nation on earth only to be punished if you use the wrong pronoun of your enemies? And members are leaving as soon as possible before they get thrown in the brig for posting something common sense on social media.

3/25 – Ray Epps’ Lawyer Threatens Tucker Carlson: ‘You Didn’t See What You Saw on J6 Video — or Else’

If Epps is a MAGA fanatic engaged, on his own, in promoting an insurrection, what is he doing with a Perkins Coie attorney?

3/26 – Fear And Loathing On The Intertubes

Though that’s not my realm, any time the LGBTQ fascists get a dose of their own medicine, I’m a big fan.

3/27 – Barack Obama Falsely Claims Guns Are Number One Killer of Children

Obama may not lie quite as much as idiot Biden (who possibly can?), but he damn sure lies a LOT. And, yeah, if he actually has some good ideas, why lie about them? Also, are these deaths the result of a gun jumping up and shooting a child or deaths from the culture of violent crime the left cultivates and encourages by lack of law enforcement?

3/28 – Trans Activists Called for ‘Day Of Vengeance’ Before Shooting of Christian School

Any seriously conscientious group would cancel any such protest in light of the Coventry shooting, but these are leftist terrorists, so we’ll have to wait and see.

3/29 – The Implausibility Of A Net Zero Carbon Energy Future Is Now Obvious

How can we be net-zero when it takes fossil fuels to CREATE renewable green energy?

3/30 – Speaker Todd Gilbert Blasts VCU For Failing to Protect Pro-Life Speaker

Kind of dangerous to life and limb for “just a concept”, huh? Without question, the left and Democrats absolutely advocate violence.

3/31 – The Attack on Trump is an Attack on America

The purpose of these attacks is not to succeed in eliminating Trump; they know their attempts are ridiculous. The purpose is to scoreboard. The left loves to chortle, “Trump is under investigation”, “How many of Trump’s associates have been indicted?”, “Trump was impeached… twice!”, “Trump is under investigation by a Special Prosecutor” and now, “Trump has been indicted!” Now, depending on the judge and the jury pool, anything is possible, regardless of the total lack of merit, but the left knows the worthlessness of their attempts. All they care about is the stain of the accusation, not taking into consideration that people other than themselves actually can SEE the facts.

He gave a good acceptance speech promising unity, bipartisanship and transparency. It sounded good, but it was all bullshit. There was never a greater empty suit than Obama. He is the political equivalent to a Kardashian.

Well, an empty suit inasmuch as the President of the People of the United States. Yeah, he’s a professional scumbag, but as the representative of US citizens, he was a nothing.