Welcome back to Day 717 of America Held Hostage by the Biden* regime, and our first full post of teh new year! I hope that everyone had a healthy and happy holiday season, so let’s see what insanity our Lefty pals are bringing to the new year!
12/28 – Germany’s ZDF Public Television Suggests Bathing Once A Week Would Be Beneficial
Among our more extreme Lefties wouldn’t showring once per week be an increase in water consumption?
12/29 – Will China Reinfect The World? Will Biden React Correctly This Time?
We’re all waiting for the long awaited sequel of Fauci Flu II: Electrc Bugaloo
The sad part is that there is not a single Democrat that won’t swallow the Buden* talking points hook, line & sinker
12/31 – While Taliban Beat Women, Secretary Blinken Releases Playlist
Am I the only one reminded of ESPN’s annual sloggering over Obama filling out his NCAA brackets?
12/31 – Democrats May Regret Releasing Trump’s Taxes
Meh. As if we can count on Republicans to do anything meaningful. I can’t wait for those sharply worded talkings to from Trey Gowdy and Ted Cruz! And nothing else
1/1 – BBC Lying About Happisburgh Erosion
Climastrologists lying? I am shocked! Shocked!
1/2 – We Must Convince People That The Fascist Far Left Wants To Destroy The US
Meh. We scream it from the rooftops, and they make no effort to hide it. I’m not sure what else we can do.
1/3 – The Battle of Princeton, 1777
On a more positive note, here is an excellent American Revolution story that even I didn’t know!
Yep, pointing out crime is far more of an outrage than the crimes themselves.
1/5 – America Would Be A Better Place If We Taught The Truth About Slavery
And if we taught the truth on every issue the Democrats would no longer exist
The title says it all
Have a great weekend!
The Left has become almost completely lawless.
Any Leftist with any power or position at all apparently feels free to set policy according to Leftist agenda, in complete disregard to law, statute, norms, traditions. https://t.co/Iu4HcwETpg— Gitabushi (@Gitabushi) December 28, 2022
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
I thought that was already the frequency. Wasn’t that how the Plague spread so readily?
China proves that taking the oppressive measures used here to the most extreme level doesn’t control the spread of their virus. Idiot Biden will react in a way that promotes their totalitarian agenda. No, he won’t “shut down the virus”. When you tailor every policy to benefit the politics, you never solve anything.
Well, what do you expect him to do? Every critical issue facing the US today has been created or made worse by Democrats due to their actions. Correcting the problems would violate the demands of the radical left that controls every aspect of the DNC. So, all they can do is lie about the outcome.
There are a number of Democrats that need to “face the music”.
As McConnell made them regret removing the filibuster from judicial confirmations, so should this idiotic violation of the 4th Amendment in the forlorn hope of finding something of political use (how’d that work out, dumbasses?) should be shoved right up their… er, down their throats. Imagine the political gold buried just beneath the surface of idiot Biden’s, Pelosi’s, Schumer’s, Swalwell’s, Schiff’s, Waters’, Jefferies’, AOC’s, Tlaib’s, Omar’s, Bush’s returns. Let’s open them all up and just see.
You simply can’t expect those whose entire belief system is based on lies to tell the truth. EVER.
Actually, you have to convince the people that support the destruction of the US that, if they were to think about it, they really don’t want that. Every one of them of mindless fools that never grow weary of being lied to. Nothing the Democrats have done has benefitted the country or the taxpaying citizens and that can’t be an accident.
The British were distracted by several other fights at the time, of course, but the small American army defeating the British army is still an historic achievement. Thank God.
Now, is denying your guests your property and lives being a good host? It seems those who intentionally conflate the fact that most of the terrorism is committed by Muslims with the falsehood that all Muslims are terrorists really doesn’t mind Muslims being terrorists.
If someone wants to learn about and experience the slavery culture, I suggest they visit some of the restored plantations of Louisianna or the slave trading markets of S. Carolina. Slavery was the culture and was by no means a racist punishment. Yeah, today we are more humane and the understanding that slavery and racism is abhorrent and vile is in our DNA. People back then simply didn’t think that way. That’s over. There’s nothing we can do about it now.
I question the sincerity of those pushing reparations and admonishing all whites for slavery when they selectively choose who bears guilt. For instance, Yale University, founded by, not a slave owner, but a slave TRADER, is totally left off their shit list. Muslims, who led the slave trade and had taking hostages and slaves as a part of their culture, escape all culpability. My view is, since Democrats were the party of slavery, defended slavery, created the KKK and were responsible for Jim Crow laws, those who support Democrats should bear the responsibility for reparations. No, targeting white people and greed is the primary focus.
An example of the police doing their job without political consideration. We don’t know this guy’s motive yet, but it appears to be a random crime of a lunatic and this makes it difficult to track the criminal down without an eye witness or evidence left at the scene. This kind of professionalism is what we lose by the racist left defunding police all across the nation.
It’s not like the lockdowns nor any other measures had anything to do with public health. They did make for a nice cash / freedom grab tho
Cash, freedom grab AND culling of “excess” people.
Just today I learned that another top athelete, this time an 18-year old woman from Hawaaii who was a mixed martial arts champion, died before a competition in Asia that required all contestants be up-to-date on all covid boosters.
Video of her vigerous physical activity from last Sept:
Death announcement:
And of course, to Fauci these are “conspiracy theories”
A repeat of the Kung Flu?
So Solly Carradine kill hisself.
Everyone who owned a slave should pay big bucks to a person that was actually a slave right now!
The Bee was on it this week
Nation In Shock As Politicians Show Up To Work 4 Days In A Row
After 15 Grueling House Speaker Votes, America’s Long National Nightmare Can Finally Begin
Bathing 1 time a week, well I cant do that with a walk in shower.
The Ohio murder has an out this was the same chilling technology they tracked 2000 mules with, so there is simply no evidence.
Democrats and WEF going to Mastadon…no link
That’s OK, don’t need to see Mastadon and its Lefty kiddie p0rn
They need an echo chamber. Having people not infected with leftism pummel them with facts challenges their belief system, which they haven’t the courage to face.