The Week in Radical Leftism, 12/02/2022

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Welcome back to Day 682 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! Another week, more crazy. Let’s get to it!

11/25 – Now Teachers Unions Are Against Lockdowns

Expect more of this revisionist history (Republicans wanted to defund the police, etc). Do not let them get away with this.

11/26 – Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized With ‘Colonizer’ and ‘Land Back’ in Chicago During Thanksgiving Weekend

You didn’t this this was going away with the summer of BLAmtifa riots ended, did you?

11/27 – Trudeau cabinet discussed ‘crushing Freedom Convoy with tanks’

Even more offensive is knowing that nothing like this would have ever happened during the BLAmtifa riots

11/28 – A Montana ‘mountain man’ goes to court to protect his property rights

And The Radical Left wonders why we Normals don’t share their blind faith in government


I’ve been thinking this for a while when I hear about China buying up US property. I actually remember the same fears about Japan 30 years ago & how it ended.

11/30 – Do Conservative Lawyers Know What Time it Is?

I’ve been asking this for a while now

12/1 – GOP Senators Say They Will Block Military Funding Unless Vaccine Mandate Scrapped

It’s about time. And more of this, please

12/2 – Senate Dem Demanded IRS Revoke Conservative Group’s Tax Status for Not Masking

And on the flip side of the coin is the party of tyranny

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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First….. Happy News, They lied again.
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Green energy
Switzerland will ban the use of electric cars for ‘non-essential’ journeys if the country runs out of energy this winter, the government has announced.
Of course if its to cold the damn thing wont charge anyway.

Trudeau cabinet discussed ‘crushing Freedom Convoy with tanks’

Geeze the draft horses trampling the elderly native woman just didnt have the impact they were looking for.

Switzerland will ban the use of electric cars for ‘non-essential’ journeys if the country runs out of energy this winter, the government has announced.

Did they run out of unicorn farts?

Good catch about the red meat study.
Somebody over at Gab linked to a recipe, new to me, of “poaching” beef steak in butter!
So, we had that today.
I took a smallish package of Cheetos, cushed it up and used it to flavor my mashed potatoes.
Then I drenched those potatoes with the butter I used to poach the steaks.
It was amazing!

11/25 – Now Teachers Unions Are Against Lockdowns

I saw this beagle-faced carpet muncher at the State Dinner. I guess being a union leader that funnels taxpayer cash into the DNC overrides all the children’s lives she has destroyed. That’s Democrat morality.

11/26 – Abraham Lincoln Statue Vandalized With ‘Colonizer’ and ‘Land Back’ in Chicago During Thanksgiving Weekend

The left hates Lincoln for freeing all their slaves. Now they have to open our southern border and get new ones.

11/27 – Trudeau cabinet discussed ‘crushing Freedom Convoy with tanks’

Ha, ha. Let’s crush peaceful protests we don’t like with tanks. Giggle, chortle. They look on in envy at what China does to protesters.

11/28 – A Montana ‘mountain man’ goes to court to protect his property rights

 he just wants the government to agree to “what they wrote and said they would do.”” THESE guys? The spit on the Constitution, good luck getting and honest response from them. They won’t even honor a SCOTUS decision. Here’s a guy that lives like climate dupes think everyone (but them) should live and they can’t even keep a simple and painless promise put on paper.


If they weren’t controlled by the CCP, the federal government could regulate them back to China. Of course, that might get idiot Biden a good chewing out by his boss, Xi.

11/30 – Do Conservative Lawyers Know What Time it Is?

We need more “conservative judges”, if not all of them. By “conservative”, we mean judges that say, “This is what the law says” instead of “This what the law OUGHT to say, according to ME.”

12/1 – GOP Senators Say They Will Block Military Funding Unless Vaccine Mandate Scrapped

Hopefully, they can muster up the balls to hold fast to this position and hold up all funding on everything until service members forced out of the military for refusing what could be a dangerous vaccine are reinstated, with back pay. Every one of them.

12/2 – Senate Dem Demanded IRS Revoke Conservative Group’s Tax Status for Not Masking

Few come more stupid than Whitehouse. Perhaps he, or one of our resident totalitarian police state supporters from the left, can provide the part of IRS code that cites tax exempt status is contingent on following useless and ignorant masking mandates?

The promotion of the failed science experiment Levine to “admiral” is a slap in the face to everyone in the military and everyone who has ever served in the miliary. To top it off, it gets service ribbons:

Public Health Service Presidential Unit Citation
Department of Homeland Security Outstanding Unit Award
Public Health Service COVID-19 Pandemic Campaign Medal
Public Health Service Regular Corps Ribbon
Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon
Assistant Secretary for Health Badge
Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services Badge

In other words, a bunch of made up bullshit. Where is the “Killing Seniors in Nursing Homes Campaign Ribbon”? In case of poisoning, ingest this regime to induce vomiting.

The bad news is that this is the military that will be fighting our foreign enemies.
The good news is that this is the military that will be fighting us.