The Sting

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Trump has sprung his trap. Liberals, your hate has made you stupid.

Let’s go over the timeline:

  • Trump; as Presidents do, takes materials with him. The GSA even sent more. The National Archives wants them back beginning in January, I think. Trump sends back 15 boxes back.
  • In June Trump’s lawyers meet with Feds. Trump takes them on a full tour of his residence. The Feds recommend a more secure locker which later installs.
  • In August a warrant is issued; the Feds raid the residence. 30 agents spend nine hours searching and bust the locker they asked Trump to install. They leave, according to Christina Bobb, a wanting inventory.
  • An alleged leaker is said to claim that Trump had nuclear documents. Cries erupt from the left to imprison and even execute Trump
  • Garland says he will make public the warrant if Trump OKs it.
  • Trump dares Garland to make the warrant public

Then the other shoe drops

What does one do when one wants to bury something like FBI misconduct that one wants never to see the light of day? One classifies it “top secret.” And where are those “nuclear secrets”?

The Espionage Act? LOL. John Ratcliffe:

“As people talk about Espionage Act and classified documents and all of that, the standard was set in 2016. Remember the Department of Justice and the FBI took the official position that Hillary Clinton, who was in possession of classified documents … that in possession of that — that wasn’t enough and that being grossly negligent … that’s not enough under the Espionage Act,” Ratcliffe continued.

Just as Kash Patel said, Trump had declassified all this stuff, including proof of FBI misconduct- which is what the FBI was after. If you remember, back in April, Biden said he wanted Garland to act more like a prosecutor. He wanted Garland to go after Trump. Garland got the memo and this is the fallout. Unfortunately for them, it has backfired completely. I’ve been saving some of these for the purpose of ridicule.

Trumpland ‘caught off guard’ by Merrick Garland calling his bluff: report

Kathy Griffin on Twitter: “Ohhhhhh, our bad. IT WAS MERELY THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS DOCUMENTS.” / Twitter

Antonio Arellano on Twitter: “Hillary warned us Donald Trump couldn’t be trusted with the nuclear codes.” / Twitter

George Takei on Twitter: “Our nuclear secrets already fell into the wrong hands. The wrong small, orange hands.” / Twitter

And there’s loads more, like this as**hole “historian” how has Toobined himself daily over what he thought was Trump going down

The FBI is worth sh*t. They kept Trump’s attorneys baking in the sun instead of allowing them to stay and observe the search, which opens the door for the accusation of planting evidence. It’s not as if the FBi hasn’t abused its authority over the last few years either.

IMO opinion there a couple possibilities here. Either Trump knew who the leaker was or designated a leaker himself. That leaker was to let slip that Trump had nuclear secrets to sell. Biden and Garland swallowed the bait whole as did the FBI. Hence the raid on Mar a Lago. Here’s the thing- if the “leaker” knew what as there and where it was located why did the FBI need to spend nine hours looking for it? I waited and waited, but when Trump dared them to release the warrant, I knew it was over. I knew he had them.

Bravo. And to you liberals

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Here’s what really happened. It’s the absolute truth because cousin Wilbur has never lied to me.

An agent of the FBI cultivated a member of Trump’s inner circle as part of an intelligence operation. The Trump guy told him that Trump had documents that, among other things, were extremely damaging to the Democrats, the FBI, and the DOJ. They were hidden amongst Melania’s undies and in a safe. The Feds had to know what the Orange Guy had on them, and maybe catch him in a crime, so they raided Mar a Lago. When they didn’t find anything they spent nine hours digging in the manure because they were sure there was a pony in there somewhere.

Turns out the Trump guy sold them a kettle of fish – red herrings to be specific. The Donald and family had a jolly old time watching the Feds reelect him on CCTV.

This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth according to cousin Wilbur. By the way, Wilbur is quite a movie fan. Two of his favorites are “The Sting” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”.

Trump has sprung his trap. Liberals, your hate has made you stupid.

I’m pretty sure the stupid came first. That’s why they are so easily manipulated to hate.

For whatever reason idiot Biden and Obergruppenführer Garland decided this raid was a good idea, it is pretty apparent they didn’t find what they wanted to find. Had they, they wouldn’t have waited 3 days to say anything about it.

The intention is to indict Trump for something and let that drag on for two years before it collapses under its own unsubstantiated weight. By then, it is expected, it’s too late for Trump (and the nation).

The trap was sprung and the Democ-Rats were caught along with all those are lower lifeforms from the M.S. Media

Garland needs to prove Trump knew he had lost the 2020 election and had deliberately tried to obstruct Congress with this lie.


Hell, they don’t have to prove anything. They’ve packed the system with enough ideologues to push anything through. And they wonder why they have no credibility. If Trump actually DID commit a crime, no one but those who have believed all the past lies would believe it.

Why prove anything when you can just make it up and lie?

Russia Collusion
Pee Tape
“Very fine people”
“Bunch of losers”
81 million votes
January 6th
And now a “raid” for nothing.


It’s been proven the 2020 election was rigged. The aftermath is now taking place, with Democrats desperately digging their own hole as they scramble to lie more…

I suspect that Trump will be charged. These men are beyond the law. They have suborned the Federal government. To stop Trump, to punish his allies, to send a signal they brook no resistance anything will be used and then drag it out if possible with Trump in jail or neutered. The contemporary nation is not even close to 2018. We are a distant cousin. We are living in the transition to a DDR. One party with no spine disputing the percentage of the spoils from looting America.

I think America is made of tougher stuff.

This latest false charge on Trump has the majority of Americans ready to throw Biden and the rest of the deep state out on their ass.

87,000 IRS goons with 5 million rounds is no match for the average American mind.

They are desperate, and they’ve destroyed any chance they had to instituting their one-party police state by actually being stupid enough to attack a President of the United States.

Fortunately, Trump isn’t beyond our laws.

Trump isn’t beyond our laws.

Fortunately. Yes, he is protected against the “show me the man and I’ll show you crime” Stalin shit you losers are trying to pull.

And also fortunately, Trump has broken no laws.



And the assholes in the government no longer have credibility or even AUTHORITY to level any charges against him.

They burned that privilege when they committed treason against our nation.

“But Hillary!” More apologist nonsense for a guy who we clearly know would sell anything, including the most sensitive secrets of the USA, for his own advantage. Trump’s violations are the worst by an actual president in our history. Trump supporters are grasping at straws today, because they know the facts won’t get any better for them or Trump as more information becomes known.

Trump has always been a confidence man. Now he’s clearly a traitor too.


Pointing out the double standard is what Trump, and every Patriot, should be doing.

Trump had no violation. None.

There are no facts, just lies from paid f*ckstains like you.

Now he’s clearly a traitor too.

Coming from a boob who supports the traitors occupying our WH and government?

Come and get us then, asshole. We are America. You are typical tyrants.

More apologist nonsense for a guy who we clearly know would sell anything, including the most sensitive secrets of the USA, for his own advantage.

haha. When you find an example, let us know.

As for Uranium One Hillary and $31 million from China Joe Biden, we know.

Piss off, creep. You lose.


More apologist nonsense for a guy who we clearly know would sell anything, including the most sensitive secrets of the USA, for his own advantage.

Yeah? Based on what evidence? I mean, it’s not like he approved the sale of 20% of our uranium to a company known to be controlled by Russia in exchange for $1 million in “donations” or shut down our pipeline while supporting the opening of Russia’s.

“But Hillary” indeed. She actually illegally kept highly classified State Department documents on her illegal, secret, unsecured server, which Russia and China hacked, then destroyed 33,000 emails the moment they were subpoenaed and THEN lied about it under oath before Congress. So, why worry about Trump? Far worse has been deemed acceptable by the left.

What “violations? Cite them, but restrict yourself to those backed up with evidence.

You see the swell of support this illegal raid generated. Indict Trump and see what that gets you.

Trump’s violations are the worst by an actual president in our history.

Perhaps I should remind you of a man named Brian Terry. He was the victim of another’s President’s illegal actions that were facilitated by his wingman. Now the NARA is lying about that former president’s possession of classified documents that are not under anyone’s control but his. And there is always this:

President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”

President Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”

President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”

And perhaps you think that the sexual violation of a very young White House intern is A-OK as long as that President has a D behind his name.

Now, go and wipe the mud off your face since you just proved you have the intellect of a garden slug. Or maybe you are just Comrade Greggie with a different name.

“The power to classify and declassify documents rests solely with the President of the United States. The idea that some paper-pushing bureaucrat, with classification authority delegated BY THE PRESIDENT, needs to approve of declassification is absurd.”
-John Solomon
Just The News

John Solomon has lots of opinions, but this one requires application of the law. If your argument is that Trump, unlike every other president, is above the law, please go right ahead and make that argument to the courts.


No one says or expects Trump is above the law. What is expected is that he gets treated like everyone else instead of accused of imaginary crimes, tried and convicted with no due process.

How about you provide an example of Trump getting by with ANYTHING.

“John Solomon has lots of opinions, but this one requires application of the law.”

The application of law, OUR Constitutional Laws, forbids weaponizing technicalities to take our political opponents.

Trump is not above the Law.

He’s also not BELOW the law, either…which means this goes nowhere.

Good luck with the coup. You’re going to need it.

Bullshit. The powers of the presidency belong to the office, not to the person occupying it, and are conferred, defined, and constrained by law–not by pronouncements of the person who temporarily holds that office.

A president doesn’t get to extend personal power and influence by declassifying and taking classified materials home with him.

The power to classify and declassify documents rests solely with the President of the United States.



The President of the United States has both the constitutional (and statutory) power to declassify anything he wants.

If President Trump left the White House with classified records, they are declassified by his actions.

Period. All former Presidents get a federally funded office.

Office of the Former President

With staff.

And security clearances.

And Secret Service protection.

And secure facilities (SCIFs) for classified records.

Even if Trump had classified records, they were protected.


All Presidents take records when they leave.

They don’t pack their own boxes.

National Archives takes the position that almost everything is a “presidential record.”

…Presidents have the inherent constitutional (and statutory) authority to declassify anything they want.

They don’t need to label it.

They don’t need to report it.

They don’t have to tell anyone.

They can do it through their actions. As a matter of law, no President can be charged under the Espionage Act for “mishandling” classified records.

When President Trump had the records sent to Mar-a-Lago, they were declassified.

Former presidents don’t have this power.

But Trump did this as the President. As discussed, the Office of Former President Trump—like every other former president’s federal office—is equipped and secure enough to handle these declassified records.



Once again, you find yourself totally wrong.

The pathway to clean this up and stop the slide to totalitarianism comes through the states, not the federal government. The federal government is corrupt. All of it. It is incapable of cleaning itself up as the system of checks and balances no longer exists at the federal level. The demokrats are full blown Communists and the establishment Republicans who run the party are nothing more than controlled opposition. We need to take back as many governorships and state houses as possible. Hold a Constitutional convention and amend the Constitution imposing severe limits on the feds including term limits and a balanced budget amendment. Some of our founders were reluctant to sign the Constitution because they felt it gave the central government too much power, hence the Bill of Rights. Time is proving them correct as it has dissolved into an elitist, criminal, self-serving enterprise that has abused the powers granted to them by, “We the People”.

This isn’t what I spent 30 years in the military defending. It reminds me more of Saddam’s Iraq than the constitutional republic it is supposed to be.


Well said. They have to move now, raiding people and making things up as they go. A small minority of people think Biden is the real president. Everyone else knows we have a banana republic coup in process.

State powers must remain secondary to constitutionally ordained Federal supremacy, unless you want to become a collection of vassal states subservient to the ascendant global powers of Russia and China.

There are currently state-level leaders who would accept vassal status of a balkanized America for increased personal power and authority over some resultant fragment. They’re the people that any true patriot should be wary of. “United we stand, divided we fall” is an entirely legitimate warning.


State powers must remain secondary to constitutionally ordained Federal supremacy, unless you want to become a collection of vassal states subservient to the ascendant global powers of Russia and China.

You can’t trample the Constitution and then when you begin to lose your grip, hide behind it for protection. If you want to the Constitution to work, you have to respect it at all times.

You sound like one of the mindless drones who should have never had the opportunity to serve at all.

constitutionally ordained Federal supremacy

The Federal government has no such supremacy.

You’re an enemy of our country, and pushing for tyranny.

The states are poised to dismantle the now defunct Federal Government, and replace it with a legal, working one.

You sound like one of the mindless drones who should have never had the opportunity to serve at all.

Says the dumbfuck following the Democrats/Deep State right over the cliff.

Have fun. We won’t be worrying out your ignorance forever. Freedom always wins.

The Federal government has no such supremacy at all

Sorry, but you are absolutely, positively, completely, totally, 100% WRONG:

Article VI, Clause 2:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”


“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

Pursuant to that last clause, all members of the U.S. Congress–the House and Senate–and all members of all State legislative bodies, take a Oath of Affirmation, swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Allegiance to any state is constitutionally secondary.

That is all part of the Constitution that you keep referencing and claiming to support.

Trump’s January 6th bullshit, which involved an effort to stop and pervert a constitutional process in order to remain in office, was actually TREASON. Had it not been for Pence’s integrity and his defiance of Donald Trump, we might now be under unconstitutional, authoritarian rule.


Pursuant to that last clause, all members of the U.S. Congress–the House and Senate–and all members of all State legislative bodies, take a Oath of Affirmation, swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Ha. We’ve seen how “seriously” Democrats take THAT pledge. Their allegiance is to the Democrat party and their bank accounts.

I see the mindless trolls are out again. It must be a boring day in their parents basement.

greg’s fill in, SkippingDog is here, I see.


Same WH-fed media points that don’t make sense.

What an idiot.

For all of you quoting John Solomon today, please feel free to fill in the parts he left out of his claim. You can easily do that by showing us any – any – legal case exempting the president from any law of the United States. Absent that, please show us where a president is exempt from being accountable for legal violations in the Constitution. I’ll save you a little time; it isn’t there.

Enjoy your little sideshow and wishfest. Watch what happens next to see how the law “grinds slowly, but very fine.”



But, see, here’s your problem… what law are you implying Trump has broken? What part of the Constitution has he violated? He hasn’t imprisoned innocent people or people for minor offenses. He hasn’t ordered the IRS to target anyone for political purposes. He hasn’t sacrificed national security to protect his and his family’s Chinese investments. He hasn’t ordered the FBI to spy on anyone’s Presidential campaign. What are you implying Trump has done that is illegal?

You are questioning the power of the President, go ahead and give us the statute he violated. He would have had to mishandled the documents, but followed the directions by putting extra locks on the room.
Yo gelding when you are off 4 chan you best be ready to back up the crap you spew.

Skipping Dog, Comrade #2, it is you who seems to be claiming that President Trump violated Constitutional law. Sorry, Bubba, but the onus is on you to prove he did.

Maybe you can use the same lame resources Comrade Greggie uses which makes him look stupid.

Obama violated his oath of office, the oath to protect and defend the United States of America, when he put weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, an enemy of the United States of America.

That’s what grand juries, grand jury subpoenas, and search warrants are all designed to do: reveal evidence of criminal violations. Enjoy the show – at least the parts you’ll be able to see.

After we’ve watched 6 years of literally creating false evidence on Donald Trump, I’m not sure what kind of stupid you’d have to be to think this is nothing more than the usual totalitarian pap.

Enjoy the divorce, greg.


That’s what grand juries, grand jury subpoenas, and search warrants are all designed to do: reveal evidence of criminal violations.

Not under the Democrats. You should probably pay closer attention.

The village idiot, greggie, as well as most of the left just do not understand that Trump declassified all the documents he took out of the white house just by taking the documents out. the 1987 decision by the Supremes (greggie, this is not the organization headed by Diana Ross) detailed that. Trump is in the clear and if the DOJ had any ideas about federal law, they would not be in this mess.

You say the following, but claim that I’m the idiot?

The village idiot, greggie, as well as most of the left just do not understand that Trump declassified all the documents he took out of the white house just by taking the documents out.

The President of the United States has both the constitutional (and statutory) power to declassify anything he wants.

If President Trump left the White House with classified records, they are declassified by his actions.

Period. All former Presidents get a federally funded office.

Office of the Former President

With staff.

And security clearances.

And Secret Service protection.

And secure facilities (SCIFs) for classified records.

Even if Trump had classified records, they were protected.


All Presidents take records when they leave.

They don’t pack their own boxes.

National Archives takes the position that almost everything is a “presidential record.”

…Presidents have the inherent constitutional (and statutory) authority to declassify anything they want.

They don’t need to label it.

They don’t need to report it.

They don’t have to tell anyone.

They can do it through their actions. As a matter of law, no President can be charged under the Espionage Act for “mishandling” classified records.

When President Trump had the records sent to Mar-a-Lago, they were declassified.

Former presidents don’t have this power.

But Trump did this as the President. As discussed, the Office of Former President Trump—like every other former president’s federal office—is equipped and secure enough to handle these declassified records.


But officials familiar with national security law said courts generally have held the president’s power to declassify is far-reaching and that the process for how that happens can be more happenstance, something the Bush and Obama executive orders from 2003 and 2009 made clear.

Obama’s executive order no. 13526, issued in 2009, laid out the stringent process all federal officials and agencies needed to follow for declassification, but explicitly exempted the sitting president and vice president from having to follow those procedures.

Who is Mike Davis, besides some former republican lawyer repeating the nonsensical horseshit Trump’s brainwashed followers want to hear?

An assertion that ‘Trump had constitutional power to declassify documents simply by the act of taking taking them home with him’ is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who actually has any.

Who is Mike Davis

A lawyer who has clerked for SCOTUS and knows what he’s taking about. Where’s your constitutional law degree tard? You bring nothing to the table except your constant masterbation over anything the lib media tells you to masterbate over.

Trump DIDN’T declassify the documents in his possession. He simply took them.

In 1987, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that the President doesn’t have to get permission from Congress or bureaucrats to declassify.

Bullshit. He declassified everything and they even looked them over a year and half ago and asked for a better lock which he complied with. Jesus, you idiots are grasping at anything. But I hope they indict him, I really do. Will guarantee a landslide come November and even bigger one in 2024.


So where’s the documentation that he did this? There’s a prescribed declassification process. “I took ’em, therefore it was OK that I took ’em” isn’t it. Executive Order 13526 describes how that works.

This is just the latest example of why these clowns should never have been in the Oval Office. Most people figured that out when he handed out Top Secret security clearances to family members, over the objections of those who did their background checks.

Bullshit. He declassified everything and they even looked them over a year and half ago…

Here’s just one of em

More will be forthcoming.

Can’t wait to watch you flail and flail as you did with Russiagate, Pee-gate, Nazi-gate, oh and who can forget… the Russians are losing to the Nazi’s.


So where’s the documentation that he did this? There’s a prescribed declassification process.

Either you are incapable of understanding what is being said or you deliberately expect the rules for Trump to be different than the rules for others. Pay attention and you MIGHT not look so utterly stupid.

Trump has continually made them all look foolish. They underestimate him every single time.

Here’s just one of em

Why would we think that memorandum relates to ANY of the material that the FBI removed?

You really believe that he didn’t declassify those items when they had a list of everything taken and even inspected them a year and a half ago….lol.


Flail away tard.

“So where’s the documentation that he did this?”

It’s already been provided.

Careful, greg. You’re committing treason, or an act of espionage against the United States of America.

Tread lightly. Trump did nothing, and we don’t suffer tyrants who might invent charges, a la Putin-style.

Exclusive photo of the raid on material Trump was sent from the White House.
comment image

If he had properly declassified them, the FBI wouldn’t have conducted a raid that could be easily blown out of the water simply by showing he had done so. That would have already happened.

If the material had been properly declassified, it would all have become part of the nation’s public records.

So yeah, that’s what I believe–with good reason.

You really believe that he didn’t declassify those items when they had a list of everything taken and even inspected them a year and a half ago….lol.

He can order anything declassified at any given moment while sitting president. There is no “properly”…as if some government agency can deny it. Read the SCOTUS decisions or even your lord and saviors EO.

Damn… your really bad at this

Also, these items are packed and transported by the GSA, which is charged with government oversight. They are told what they want packed but will inspect it before packing for compliance with laws and regulations. That’s their job chucklehead.

Add in the standing executive order on declassification, and that Trump was the declassification authority, it’s obvious this was nothing more then a Orange man bad fishing expedition.

All they want is to indict him thinking this will prevent him from the WH in 24. How wrong they are.

the FBI wouldn’t have conducted a raid

You mean the American Stasi? Ha, yeah… they are nothing but the lefts henchmen at this point and not to be believed.

Did the Stasi serve a warrant on Hillary when she had classified documents and had no authority to declassify them?

Didn’t think so….

If he had properly declassified them, the FBI wouldn’t have conducted a raid that could be easily blown out of the water simply by showing he had done so.

Uh, the FBI already invented Russia Collusion, and helped in a false-flag at our Capitol, and sham impeachments.

They have ZERO credibility, and will be lucky to get out of this with only an ankle bracelet instead of life in prison for treason…

If he had properly declassified them, the FBI wouldn’t have conducted a raid that could be easily blown out of the water simply by showing he had done so. That would have already happened.

If the material had been properly declassified, it would all have become part of the nation’s public records.

So yeah, that’s what I believe–with good reason.

The DOJ and the FBI knew the documents were declassified IAW the 1987 Supreme court decision. They conducted the raid because they wanted to try to convict Trump in the court of public opinion in the minds of people like you greggie the village idiot to prevent Trump from another term as president. Trump has already revealed that every DOJ and FBI employee who knew the Russian issue and the other false attacks on him would be fired by him. The game would be over and it is also likely that now the gloves being off, the Biden and Obama contributions would also be revealed. The raid was just another false effort to try to make Trump look bad in the eyes of low information voters like you greggie.

Grasping for straws is a very poor strategy when already in over your head. And that is what the DOJ and the Joe Stolen/”Que mala” Harris regime have been reduced to.

Nothing so far precludes Donald J. Trump from seeking the nomination for and election to the Presidency of the United States in 2024. No matter how much the teeth-gnashing and angrily seething anti-Trumpers wish and hope for that outcome.

I love to see this kind of wholly ineffective meltdown among the Establishment and Deep State. They flail, and they fail, a swing and a miss every time.

President Trump will win for a third time in 2024. He will win unopposed as there is not a single democrat who will want to run against him and have the legacy notoriety of have not won a single state. Only in history has a candidate only won one state in a presidential election, that was democrat walter mondull in 1984. And President Reagan was just under 2000 votes in Minnestota from winning all 50.

President Trump will win a third term in a 50-state landslide. How many democrat congress critters will object to the counting of electoral votes, greg?


If he had properly declassified them, the FBI wouldn’t have conducted a raid that could be easily blown out of the water simply by showing he had done so. That would have already happened.

How true. So, one wonders why they weren’t subpoenaed? Or, why the raid happened when no one was there? How could the attorneys provide such information when they weren’t allowed in the premises? You think they carry “proof of declassification” with them 24/7 just in case of FBI raid? The answer to your question is that it wasn’t the point; the point was the raid, taking the documents without any Trump representation to see what was taken (why they refused any representation AND wanted the cameras turned off) so that later, the blanks can be filled with whatever is required AND anything that is harmful to the regime can be destroyed.

If the material had been properly declassified, it would all have become part of the nation’s public records.

You mean like Obama’s 30 million pages? Or idiot Biden’s Senate records, which hold the truth about Tara Reade’s rape accusations? Yeah, sure Greg. As we know, Democrats ALWAYS follow all the rules and respond with transparency to every request. Let’s raid Obama’s records and see if the “Fast and Furious” documents subpoenaed are within them. Let’s raid them and make everyone leave as we go through Mr. Michelle’s jock strap drawer.

The discrepancies are as clear as the nose on your face, Greggo. Wake up. You follow a totalitarian regime.


President Trump will win for a third time in 2024.

There’s the last resort the Democrats will sink to in order to prevent Trump from running again. In September or October, 2024, they will declare there WAS election fraud and Trump had been President all along, so he CAN’T run for a third term.

Yeah, they are THAT desperate to actually try something so stupid.

“Properly” is defined by law. If Trump goes to prison, it will be no one’s fault but his own.

He can order anything declassified at any given moment while sitting president. There is no “properly”…

“Properly” is defined by law.

Give us the statute, Comrade Greggie. Give us the exact code on how a President is allowed to declassify anything.

And don’t quote Obama. Any EO by Obama was not applicable to another president.

You remain an idiot.

If you and yours try to put Trump in prison, you’ll BE in prison.

Choose wisely, jerkoff.

Trump committed no crimes. NONE.

Presidential Executive Orders remain in effect until they’re rescinded, revoked, adjudicated as unlawful, or expire in accordance with their own terms. Surely a stellar genius such as yourself knows such a basic governmental FACT.

You must have, or you wouldn’t have made a pathetically lame effort to discount it.

And don’t quote Obama. Any EO by Obama was not applicable to another president.

Presidential Executive Orders remain in effect until they’re rescinded, revoked, adjudicated as unlawful, or expire in accordance with their own terms. Surely a stellar genius such as yourself knows such a basic governmental FACT.

This shit-stain doesn’t even understand he just destroyed his own argument.

The IRS doesn’t have enough bullets if they are stupid enough to actually arrest Trump on these non-existent charges.

But luckily, Democrats and the Left are destroying themselves in real time. Even their own are jumping ship.

No, he can’t. He’s not a king.

He’s not a king.

No shit. He’s an American Citizen, protected by the Constitution.

Cry more, bitch. It’s never going to happen.


“Properly” is defined by law.

Show us the law, as it pertains to the President of the United States.

Unlikely. The people behind this lost all credibility, for inventing non-existing crimes and lying under oath.

They used the Logan Act to illegally spy on Trump and his team.

I’m not sure what kind of f*cking stupid you are to think “The Espionage Act” will do anything except lead to the FBI people doing this to lead away in chains, looking forward to life in prison.

We have Laws.

The Democrats and FBI have broken them.

Nathan Blue just can’t accept reality. Oh well, he’ll have plenty of time to consider it as the criminal case against Trump and his gang proceeds. I do enjoy watching his pain.


08/13/22 – Unsealed FBI warrant reveals Trump under investigation for possibly violating Espionage Act

They might just as well cited the Clean Water Act or the Affordable Health Care Act. It has nothing to do with what they did; they just needed a premise to get a warrant from a loyal ideologue magistrate. Then, they made sure no one was home and attacked. GESTAPO tactics. An embarrassment before the entire free world and China and Russia are laughing their asses off at how far the Constitution has been buried in Democrat muck.

By the way, exemption of a sitting president from Executive Order 13526 declassification protocol applies ONLY to classified information ORIGINATING with the sitting President, Vice President, or their White House staff or advisors. Trump’s media tools are trying to spin that into a sitting president’s total exemption, which is complete b.s. This is what the E.O. actually says about that:

“Information originated by the incumbent President or the incumbent Vice President; the incumbent President’s White House Staff or the incumbent Vice President’s Staff; committees, commissions, or boards appointed by the incumbent President; or other entities within the Executive Office of the President that solely advise and assist the incumbent President is exempted from the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section.”


Trump isn’t part of the elite, deep state/establishment approved people ALLOWED to be President.

But he IS the choice of our democratic elections.

He’s a threat to you and yours.

Trump committed no crimes, did no wrong.

You people are going to end up in jail…real jail, for real crimes…if you keep trying to illegally arrest Trump because you can’t beat him in an election.

Turn back now.

I just love all the constitutional law experts here. Remember all your concerns about “enumerated powers” for Congress and non-Trump presidents? Lol.

You assholes have played your hand. You don’t give a DAMN about the Constitution, and now you’ve run out of room…have you backs against the wall.

YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO INVENT ENOUGH FALSE CRIMES AND FALSE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST TRUMP to prevent him from running, for Americans to go back to sleep.

You lose.

Touch Trump, and you’ll be going to jail.

@Skipping the point

Well, YOU’RE certainly no Constitutional scholar. What is being argued is that Trump should not be treated completely differently from every other President leaving office. He has the same Constitutional rights as every other citizen, which have been totally ignored and trampled on numerous occasions. Raiding a former President’s residence is unprecedented, as is conducting such a raid without providing a copy of the warrant, without telling the representatives what is being searched for, without providing access of the representatives to the search to SEE what is being removed and without actual provocation.

You just might want to consider going out and getting a clue. You would benefit greatly.


The Federal government has no such supremacy at all

Sorry, but you are absolutely, positively, completely, totally, 100% WRONG:

Article VI, Clause 2:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

Except for one fact that apparently the resident fascist greg, in his constitutional ignorance, is unaware. It is called the 10th amendment.

The final of the 10 amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment was inserted into the Constitution largely to relieve tension and to assuage the fears of states’ rights advocates, who believed that the newly adopted Constitution would enable the federal government to run roughshod over the states and their citizens.

In legal terms, the Tenth Amendment is what is known as a “rule of construction.”
It doesn’t add anything to the Constitution, nor does it take anything away. But it serves a very important function. It tells us how to interpret the document. Think of it like a lens through which we evaluate everything the federal government does..

The Tenth Amendment makes explicit two fundamental constitutional principles that are implicit in the document itself.

The federal government is only authorized to exercise those powers delegated to it.
The people of the several states retain the authority to exercise any power that is not delegated to the federal government as long as the Constitution doesn’t expressly prohibit it.
In a nutshell, the federal government has a very limited number of things it is authorized to do. These powers are listed throughout the Constitution.

Most power and authority remains with the states; either with the state governments or with the people themselves as they determine in each state.

St. George Tucker summed up this rule of Construction in View of the Constitution of the United States, the first extended, systematic commentary on the Constitution published after ratification:

“The powers delegated to the federal government, are, in all cases, to receive the most strict construction that the instrument will bear, where the rights of a state or of the people, either collectively or individually, may be drawn in question.”

Thomas Jefferson said he considered “the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground.”

If you apply these rules to anything and everything federal government does or proposes to do, your foundation will remain strong.

The only exception for supremacy exists when a state(s) has a similar law with the federal government, period.

The constitution preceded the “Bill of Rights”, a set of amendments that were promised to the states in exchange for the state’s ratification of the Constitution. The 10th amendment invalidates any theory of the supremacy clause relative to states’ rights. Constitutional ignorance does not lend itself to credibility when attempting to argue a nonfactual concept.

The recent 6-3 decision by the USSC in EPA v West Virginia will be a basis going forward to deconstruct those unconstitutional overreaches by the federal government into things that belong to the states in terms of states’ rights, i.e. energy, education, health etc.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and nutritional support for children of impoverished families aren’t based on powers specifically granted to the Federal government, are they?

Have you heard Rick Scott’s ideas about making Social Security a program that requires renewal each 5 years, or it automatically expires?

No doubt individual state governments could tend to all that the federal government does in an equitable fashion. You’ve already seen what they think of the right of women to exercise sovereign control over their own bodies.

Give the GOP more power in 2022 and 2024 and see what happens.

Except for one fact that apparently the resident fascist greg, in his constitutional ignorance, is unaware. It is called the 10th amendment.


Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and nutritional support for children of impoverished families aren’t based on powers specifically granted to the Federal government, are they

Hey greg:

Fuck off fascist


Give the GOP more power in 2022 and 2024 and see what happens.

Exactly. An economy where far fewer REQUIRE aid and subsidies. Give them more power and see who gets impeached, indicted, tried and convicted.

You didn’t actually address the question, did you? I wonder why the right never wants to talk about the agenda that they’re actually shilling for.

The top 1% now own 1/3 of the entire wealth of the nation, and that’s still not enough for them. So how does the GOP make it possible for them to own even more?

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and nutritional support for children of impoverished families aren’t based on powers specifically granted to the Federal government, are they?


The top 1% now own 1/3 of the entire wealth of the nation, and that’s still not enough for them.

The new Inflation Explosion Bill will benefit the wealthy and punish the middle class with higher taxes, more inflation and higher fuel costs.

greg, the Federal Government is not what it was intended to be. It’s become a one-party police state.

It’s against our values, and our Constitution…so it must be either replaced or reformed.

We’ve been told for DECADES that people past a certain point wouldn’t even receive Social Security.

Now it’s one of your provided talking points?


When Donald Trump started his run in June 2015 I figured it was just a matter of time before the Left, media and pols would find something disqualifying from his past.
They didn’t.
Who could imagine a squeeky clean person running for president?
Who could imagine a billionaire with no dirt on him?
But Trump’s opponents tried mightily and failed completely.
This might be a set up or it might be an act of flop sweat level desperation.
But, fact is, most Americans regret joe taking office and ruining our country.
Most Americans look back on the Trump years very fondly and hope he will do it again.

I worked for a guy that was fastidious with his performance and behavior. He called people out for using terms that could be an HR issue. When he accidentally laughed at a quip or joke that MIGHT be inappropriate, he would follow with “I don’t get it.”

He never drank alcohol. He did nothing where he wouldn’t be in full control of his faculties. He was a relatively young guy and obviously had a definitive plan for his life and career.

He was also a great director. I would make a guess that if you delved deeply into his past, you would find NOTHING that could be used against him other than in management, he was tough and had high expectations.

08/14/22 – Larry Hogan describes comparisons of the FBI to Nazi Germany’s secret police, made by Florida senator Rick Scott, as dangerous

…Maryland governor Larry Hogan, a Republican moderate, described attacks by party members as both “absurd” and “dangerous”, after a week in which certain Republicans have compared the FBI to the Gestapo and fundraised off the slogan: “Defund the FBI”.

Speaking to ABC News on Sunday, Hogan described the comparisons of the FBI to Nazi Germany’s secret police, made by Florida senator Rick Scott, as “very concerning to me, it’s outrageous rhetoric”…


Our FBI acting like Nazi’s IS dangerous, you twit.

The FBI has been the SA. The real horrors will start when the IRS, the new “SS” starts goosesteeping over America.

The FBI is the American gestapo.

Well, the way the FBI, DOJ and federal government is behaving under Democrats cannot be compared to a Constitutional democratic republic. Due process was indeed discarded under the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China and N. Korea. When the agenda is “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”, the comparisons are pretty limited.

Don’t like the comparisons? Don’t think they are helpful? Think they might provoke violence? Well… STOP ACTING LIKE FASCISTS.

Little is presently known concerning the specific documents that Trump had, how and when each was allegedly declassified, the circumstances under which they were removed to Mar-o-Lago,

Patently false statement.

or the reason that his lawyer asserted that no classified documents remained there.

He “asserted” it because it was a statement of fact.

Perhaps you need to study Putin, and other dictators, to understand how legal things are suddenly “crimes” whenever they need to take down an opponent they can’t win in a legal election?

The facts of this have been stated. Trump held declassified docs. The FBI already viewed and cleared them.

There’s NO indication that he did so while Commander in Chief, and he certainly had no such power afterward.

Simply taking a document home with him doesn’t automatically remove its Top Secret classification or any other level of classification. To claim that it does is absurd. It would mean that anything and everything in his possession has automatically lost all protection conferred by classification, no matter how sensitive or potentially dangerous to national security.

As Commander-in-Chief, the Supreme Court has (repeatedly) held the President has constitutional power to declassify anything he wants, for any reason he wants, in any manner he wants.

Patel: He can literally stand over a set documents and say these are now declassified

For how many miles in all directions is this magical spell effective?

The real magic spell, the propaganda of the Leftists, is what’s losing it’s range.

“Allegation: Trump did “X” according to anonymous sources”

“American Voters: Uh, probably not.”

“The Federal Government and their Media Outlets: Projectile vomit of disconnected, unrelated facts, illogical conclusions, and complete desperation.”

“Voters: Millions more go from being Democrat to Republican”

By all means greg, keep casting that spell. It’s working…*hahahaha*


There’s NO indication that he did so while Commander in Chief, and he certainly had no such power afterward.

There’s no indication he didn’t.

“There’s no indication that he didn’t.”

That’s true. Little is presently known concerning the specific documents that Trump had, how and when each was allegedly declassified, the circumstances under which they were removed to Mar-o-Lago, or the reason that his lawyer asserted that no classified documents remained there.

There’s NO indication that he did so while Commander in Chief, and he certainly had no such power afterward

He says he did, fascist greg says he did not. Not hard to choose who to believe. greg is a proven liar and a partisan asshole

Fuck you greg

“It’s true because I say it is” ought to hold up in a courtroom about as well as his unevidenced claims of massive election fraud.

He says he did, fascist greg says he did not. Not hard to choose who to believe. greg is a proven liar and a partisan asshole


“It’s true because I say it is” ought to hold up in a courtroom about as well as his unevidenced claims of massive election fraud.

You mean like idiot Biden saying inflation is ZERO now? It is because he says it is? You’ve yet to provide the citation that says Trump CAN’T declassify what he wants to or that he didn’t declassify what he took.

They make up new crimes til they find out that aint working like COLLUSION, how did that work out, even with the entire law library they couldnt find that a criminal offence anywhere.
They couldnt even pin conspiracy on the family.
It was testified that Hillary fabricated the entire hoax with Obama.
I think they are rich they should pay the entire cost of the whole fake investigation.

They make up new crimes til they find out that aint working like COLLUSION, how did that work out, even with the entire law library they couldnt find that a criminal offence anywhere.
They couldnt even pin conspiracy on the family.
It was testified that Hillary fabricated the entire hoax with Obama.
I think they are rich they should pay the entire cost of the whole fake investigation.

Comrade Greggie opined:

You didn’t actually address the question, did you? I wonder why the right never wants to talk about the agenda that they’re actually shilling for.

This is the same clown that refuses to answer the question “What is a woman” or will not respond when caught fabricating the facts.

The top 1% now own 1/3 of the entire wealth of the nation, and that’s still not enough for them. So how does the GOP make it possible for them to own even more?

Let’s talk about the top ten wealthiest men in America, shall we, Comrade Greggie? How many of them do you think contribute to the Democrats? How about Mark Zuckerberg who spent over $300 MILLION of his own money to buy election administration offices, especially in the five swing states where we saw the greatest election fraud? How are the Democrats, now in control of all threee branches of our government, making it easier for them to get even richer?

Here, folks, you have a great example of how the left like Comrade Greggie are willing to pimp false facts just to maintain their power over the little people.

It’s truly wonderful to have such a dedicated fan as yourself. I also appreciate how consistently you have something insightful to offer concerning the actual topic at hand.

We’re just controlling useless trolls like you, lest you influence normal Americans into believing things that aren’t true.

So far, we have you well in hand.

Hope they gave you immunity somewhere.

Democrats are the Party of the elite. They are the Party of the 1%.

Democrats represent wealth, greed, and crony capitalism.

It’s a fact. Banks, Pharma, Tech…they all “donate” to Democrats.

The 1% has gotten richer under Democrat Policies, and WEF actions, such as releasing Covid intentionally.

greg’s plan is to make so-called “conservatives” in the new Jews and kill them off, but I don’t think he understands what’s really happening.

It’s not going his way…at all.

Comrade Greggie:

It’s truly wonderful to have such a dedicated fan as yourself. I also appreciate how consistently you have something insightful to offer concerning the actual topic at hand.

I guess you think saying stupid shit like you do eliminates your need to defend the things you claim.

Why are you here so much? Won’t your neighbors talk to you? If they don’t, I can’t say I blame them. You really are an idiot.

Why are you here so much?

1. Because I take Trump and the threat of what he represents very seriously. I saw what he did, I understand what he tried to do, and I think he’ll try to do it again;

2. and because it makes no sense to argue with people who already agree with you.


1. Because I take Trump and the threat of what he represents very seriously. I saw what he did, I understand what he tried to do, and I think he’ll try to do it again;

What he did: revitalize a lethargic and dormant economy, create the lowest unemployment (with the highest labor participation) in recent history, highest employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, made the nation energy independent (with low energy costs), finally began securing our border and stopped the flood of illegal immigrants, crime and drugs, brought peace in the Middle East, stopped N. Korea’s threats, curtailed China’s unfair trade practices, strengthened NATO, kept Putin corralled, enacted prison reform, all while being relentlessly persecuted with false accusations and threats from the left.

Do you ever bother to tally up the list of how many times you have been catastrophically wrong about Trump? Russian collusion, racist, Russian asset, emoluments, quid pro quo, dishonored vets, weakened NATO, overheating the economy, January 6th are all boondoggles you join in on and declared EACH ONE would be the end of Trump, and I’m sure I’ve missed a few. Every time it is PROVEN to be nothing but unfounded lies. Now… THIS? Do you not learn? Do you not see the lies and subterfuge? Do you enjoy being the fool dancing on a string for the left? Or, is promoting these gross lies simply your job?

It’s this simple; just like every other President, Trump secured his Presidential records and left the White House. Failing at all of the above, the Democrats use this as their latest pretext to invent the latest bombshell de jour to close them walls in on him. Each one looks weaker, but more desperate, than the last one, but foolish idiots like yourself keep falling for them and/or dutifully aiding and abetting in propagating the lie. Know that as long as you keep destroying your own credibility, the harder it is to get anyone to take anything you say with a shred of seriousness.

@ greg

and because it makes no sense to argue with people who already agree with you.

Then you shouldn’t be here. You’re only helping Trump get more votes with each bit of ignorance you spout.

Because I take Trump and the threat of what he represents very seriously. I saw what he did, I understand what he tried to do, and I think he’ll try to do it again;

Trump didn’t do anything, except excel as President. This sparked the ruling class to release a weak virus that was spun into a “pandemic”, rig election, erode our laws, to openly and unapologetic push by the Deep State and Democrats to install a one-party police state, and to execute illegal police action in both the J6th false-flag and banana-republic style raid on Trump.

and because it makes no sense to argue with people who already agree with you.

and because it makes no sense to argue with people who already agree with you.

and because it makes no sense to argue with people who already agree with you.

Then run on home, boy. You don’t belong here. We all know what you are going to say long, long before you say it.

The existence of our Constitutional Republic is at stake…and we can only hope those misled people like you come to your senses…or we’ll have to handily defeat you in the coming years.

Either way, the vision you have for our Country will NEVER happen.

Trump = Freedom

Biden = Tyranny

The choice is clear.

1. Because I take Trump and the threat of what he represents very seriously. I saw what he did, I understand what he tried to do, and I think he’ll try to do it again;

Meanwhile, the biden regime has posed and is posing a far more egregious threat to the freedoms of all Americans because the biden regime is fascistic.

2. and because it makes no sense to argue with people who already agree with you.

greg does not argue here because his comments are lies and propaganda. It makes no sense to argue with people who constantly lie and spread disinformation.

At some point, greg needs to be labeled as an “enemy combatant” to the United States of America.

He’s fomenting insurrection and unrest, and calling for violence against our government.

@Deplorable Me

What he did: revitalize a lethargic and dormant economy, create the lowest unemployment (with the highest labor participation) in recent history, highest employment for blacks, Hispanics and women, made the nation energy independent (with low energy costs), finally began securing our border and stopped the flood of illegal immigrants, crime and drugs, brought peace in the Middle East, stopped N. Korea’s threats, curtailed China’s unfair trade practices, strengthened NATO, kept Putin corralled, enacted prison reform, all while being relentlessly persecuted with false accusations and threats from the left.

And idiot greg calls all of that a threat. The threat to idiot greg and his fellow fascistic followers, is the above becoming the new normal. That would destroy over 100 years of authoritarian control over the people of America.

In President Trumps third term, the process of deconstructing the administrative state must begin on day one and continue into successive America first Presidential administrations, 2028, 2032, and on and on until full power is restored to the people(states). The Federal government must be reduced to what was constitutionally proscribed to do and nothing more.

The experiment in centralized government within a Constitutional framework has failed and in order to save the Republic, a full-on Constitutional Republic must be restored.