The Week in Radical Leftism, 7/01/2022

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Welcome back to Day 528 of the Let’s Go Brandon* Occupation! So, did anything crazy happen since last week’s post went up on Friday morning? Indeed there was. But first we jump into The Wayback Machine to a year ago

4/6/21 – We Have Met the Enemy

This one is a tough read, as it puts a lot of the blame on us Normals for letting the Radicals take charge. But the writing is amazing – I hope that when I grow up someday I can write like Tal Bachman. Here’s a taste:

Whether they realize it or not, Wokists themselves combine the lunatic loyalty of the Manson family with the hollow pseudo-joy of Jonestown residents, the racism of National Socialists, the inhumanity of Mao Tse-Tung, the bratty tantrums of Veruca Salt, the nihilism of Bakunin-style anarchists, the totalitarianism of Stalin’s Soviet Union, the child torture and sacrifice of the Mayans, the derangement of Heaven’s Gate followers, the sadistic violence of the Jacobins, and the ruthless control-freakism of the current Chinese Communist Party.

6/24 – Chairman of DNC calls Supreme Court “ILLEGITIMATE” – What’re you gonna do now, NeverTrumps?

Mostly peaceful.

6/25 – Antifa In NYC Brought A Flamethrower To Abortion Protest…

Mostly peaceful.

6/25 – A Mostly Peaceful Insurrection: Deranged Pro-Abortion Mob Storms AZ Capitol

Mostly peaceful.

6/25 – D.C. Declared Worst-Run City in America

Not Portland or Seattle? Frisco and NY came in at 2 and 3.

6/26 – Second Night of Vandalism and Protests Take Place in Portland in Response to Roe v. Wade Decision

Mostly peaceful.

6/27 – A South Carolina Democrat strategizes about sleepers in Republican campaigns

Stupid or evil? Yes.

6/28 – America Is Not Immune from Brown Shirts

This problem keeps getting worse.

6/29 – The Institution of Marriage is Under Mortal Attack

Don’t think that what’s been happening for teh last few decades has not been deliberate.

6/30 – Michelle Obama Is Running for President in 2024

Take this threat seriously – do you see amy other viable candidate for the Dems? But will it be Barack 2.0 or Hillary 2.0?

7/1 – SEC’s New ESG Rule Hurts America’s Small Farms & Ranches

The ony scarier thought other than how stupid this is would be the idea that this is completely intentional

Have a great weekend, and Happy Independence Day!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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4/6/21 – We Have Met the Enemy

I suppose it is our fault. Trouble is, we like to think the best of people and are slow to rile. We don’t flip out on a whim like the left. In the 30’s, most Germans were terrible people, but they allowed themselves to be manipulated by a deluge of propaganda; they only saw and heard what the government wanted them to know. It’s the same now; look at the lemmings in a frenzy because THE GOVERNMENT tells them abortion is banned when, in fact, it is merely returned to the states. The government now intentionally incites unrest and violence in order to exploit the chaos. They show that, as long as you do so in the service of the government, any means of promoting the leftist agenda is allowed and forgivable.

6/24 – Chairman of DNC calls Supreme Court “ILLEGITIMATE” – What’re you gonna do now, NeverTrumps?

If following the Constitution makes one “illegitimate”, what do they regard as “legitimate”?

6/25 – Antifa In NYC Brought A Flamethrower To Abortion Protest…

Did they get a permit for that from NYC? Did they show a legitimate NEED to have a flame thrower?

6/25 – A Mostly Peaceful Insurrection: Deranged Pro-Abortion Mob Storms AZ Capitol

Before it was deemed “mostly peaceful” and “not to be confused with an insurrection”, the left did the same thing in the Texas Capital, shutting down a vote on an abortion bill and then, the next day when the vote was to resume, bringing containers of their doo-doo and pee-pee (obviously, euphemistically representing their “opinion”) to throw on those they disagree with (their ammunition was taken from them at the door).

6/25 – D.C. Declared Worst-Run City in America

I’m sure the competition was fierce. NYC, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Detroit: “Come on, people! We can do this! Just wait till next year!”

6/26 – Second Night of Vandalism and Protests Take Place in Portland in Response to Roe v. Wade Decision

I have to wonder, why are the worst uprisings peaceful protests occurring in cities and states where baby death and dismemberment is already codified?

6/27 – A South Carolina Democrat strategizes about sleepers in Republican campaigns

Just remember, election fraud never happens and is out of the question. Say it. SAY IT!!!!

6/28 – America Is Not Immune from Brown Shirts

Immune? That is exactly what ANTIFA is. Perhaps they should study what happened to them.

John Adams was absolutely prophetic when he said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ” I wasn’t aware Adams said that, but I’ve come to the realization that our government depends on people with good intentions. That is not what we have right now.

6/29 – The Institution of Marriage is Under Mortal Attack

Like most things that have survived over millennia, the institution of marriage has proven to be the best way to promote a healthy society. No, it’s not for everyone and for some, marriage would be an impediment, but promoting the strong family and morals is what makes society and government work. When it doesn’t work is when only following rules and laws when convenient and discarding the needs of everyone else when it gets in the way of YOUR needs becomes prevalent. This is what the left promotes and the results are clear and obvious.

6/30 – Michelle Obama Is Running for President in 2024

If she won, she would be the first… WHAT? President?

7/1 – SEC’s New ESG Rule Hurts America’s Small Farms & Ranches

Any time the left interjects “climate” into something vital (which is, of course, EVERY F**KING TIME), it’s never good. Sounds like this will be before the SCOTUS soon.

Was a time when workers held on to a job for their entire work career.
Not anymore.

No one should pick getting vaxxed to “keep a job,” while pregnant.
That job might disappear soon enough anyway.

Protect yourself and your baby.
Sadly too many feel cornered and vax themselves and the baby.
There are NO covid vaccines in the USA that are FDA approved.
All there is is emergency authorization.
This protects the manufacturer, not the person being jabbed.

Well, it’s kept Fauchi 100% protected, hasn’t it?


The Dutch farmers are not about to let their Government close up their farms over this false Threat of Global Warming,Climate Change

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