“Send in the clowns,” was a circus phrase used when a performer was seriously injured or killed while performing a dangerous act. People in the audience had to be distracted from the tragedy and clowns were summoned to divert the crowd’s attention.
The Democratic Party, terrified about the blowback from Biden’s shaky reign as a confused, dithering, monarch, yelled “send in the clowns. Let’s put on a show to distract the rubes and blame Trump.” Inflation is raging and gasoline prices are higher than Hunter Biden on crack cocaine. The southern border is wide open and will intentionally remain that way. Caravans of poor, uneducated, sick, immigrants are headed for a better life in the U.S.A. and I don’t blame them. I blame bumbling Biden and the sniveling cowards hiding behind the curtain intent on destroying America. The stock market is in the toilet (DOW dived 800 points), the Midterm elections are looming this fall and the prognosis for the toxic Democratic Party is total extinction. Who knew that dumb, Bible reading, God fearing deplorables in fly over country would notice wacky liberals taking a flame thrower to the greatest country on earth?
“Send in the clowns!” Never fear, two RINOs Dizzy Lizzie Cheney and her side kick, Adam “big family disappointment” Kinzinger, arrived in the nick of time at the Capital for the televised J6 kangaroo court. Adam’s mom called her RINO son an “embarrassment to our family” and a member of the “devil’s army.” That’s gonna leave a mark and the next Kinzinger family Thanksgiving dinner should be a pay for view televised event.
Imagine if you will: Adam and Lizzie’s clown car screeches to a halt on the Capital steps and both exit carrying balloons, seltzer water bottles and wearing big floppy shoes. IMPEACH TRUMP is printed in large red letters on each balloon. The balloons were left over from 2021 when both of those traitors lost their minds, betrayed their party and voted to impeach Donald Trump.
As they head to the J-6 Inquisition/Gong show/three-ring circus, Dizzy Lizzie squirts a FOX News reporter with seltzer water and Kinzinger honks and yells, “We are duty-bound to conduct a full investigation on the worst attack at the Capital since 1814…” Apparently, Kinzinger conveniently forgot about 4 other deadly attacks on the Capital that actually were devastating:
1915: Erick Muenter (Harvard professor) planted a package containing three sticks of dynamite in the Capital near the Senate Reception room. The explosive device detonated around midnight.
1954: Four Puerto Rican Americans fired guns in the House of Representatives injuring five congressmen.
1971: A bomb exploded in the Capital building. A group calling itself the Weather Underground claimed to be behind the bombing.
1983: A bomb tore through the second floor of the Senate wing of the Capital. The device detonated in the late evening. A group calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit, claimed responsibility for the attack.
Yeah, but January 6 was soooo much worse. The lamestream media moaned and groaned ad nauseam that the January 6 protest was just a tad worse than the Bubonic Plague of 1331. Chuckling Chucky Schumer hopped on board the moron train and compared January 6 to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor which killed 2,500 Americans. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. One guy actually stole a podium (how do you fence a podium?) and another dude put his feet up on Pelosi’s desk. Oh, the horror. Those villainous scoundrels must be identified, punished and banished to a dark, dirty, dungeon. “Send in the clowns” and distract Americans from the actual horrors being perpetrated against our beloved country by Biden and his far-left wing nut job liberals and their toxic agenda. Their ultimate goal is to destroy America by encouraging anarchy, defunding the police, and watching with glee as our beautiful cities burn baby burn.
When the smoke has cleared and America lies in ruin, conservatives across the land will loudly scream like Charlton Heston at the end of the movie Planet of the Apes:
“You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you!”
About Larry
The picture of ‘Krying’ Kinzinger caught my attention. How did that guy ever get elected to the klass klown position? Yeah, I’ll bet even a ‘fly on the wall’ will skip his next Thanksgiving dinner. Who would want to spend a meal time with that Krying Klown? I don’t even have to mention Lying Lizzie, she hurts her own case bad enough without me having to point anything out. How does she justify running as a Republican? She’s never even casually supported anything that Republicans support. All the information I have seen about the capital invasion on Jan 6 was that it was the Dimocrat Demo of the Decade. Let’s be sure they get the credit.
You can’t use “Krying Klown.” Kavanaugh has already registered that trademark. He’ll be sending you a cease and desist notice.
Troll alert
I can tell that you posed for that sculpture, TrumpWon, because it’s dickless.
Troll alert
Like to keep track of where all the dicks are, do you?
When TrumpWon sends me his version of a dick pic—or a dickless pic, I guess—I don’t know what it is until I open the attachment. I wish he’d stop. I’ve told him more than once that I’m not into guys.
It’s a little different with Kavanaugh, when you have supposedly ethical Senators lying about you and trying to destroy your reputation and family to serve a corrupt political end. I could see you crumpled on the floor in the fetal position begging for mercy in the same situation.
Kizzazzer, on the other hand, was nothing but cheap theater.
The same situation? It couldn’t happen. I haven’t committed any sexual assaults.
Prove you haven’t. Like Kavanaugh, you are guilty and condemned until you can prove you’ve committed no crimes. That’s what you demanded of Kavanaugh.
By the way, in the three years since the accusations against Kavanaugh were made, where’s the proof? Do you EVER notice the significant absence of PROOF every time you brainlessly believe a Democrat accusation?
Oh snap!!!!
Exactly right.
Not exactly right at all.
“Condemned”? He was applying for a guaranteed lifetime job. If he didn’t get that, he would have gone back to the guaranteed lifetime job he already had. If that’s your definition of condemned, you need to get yourself a new dictionary.
Oh. So, due process applies to some, but not to others? For you, does this just apply to political parties, or do you use skin color as well? How about sexual orientation? Do you sort out who gets the benefit of due process by religion, too?
See, THIS is why I object to Democrats/liberals/leftists determining or enforcing red flag laws. You are all far too prejudiced, bigoted vindictive and have no respect for the Constitution.
Of course, we’re talking about the guy you had no problem being the target of assassination, so perhaps when you are denying someone due process, you deny them their right to actually LIVE, too.
Such a pompous jackoff.
You very obviously did not read beyond the first sentence of my comment.
Yeah, I read it all. I even re-read it to make sure I didn’t miss anything and, nope, got it right the first time. You believe in condemning people based on accusations without any due process or proof. I strongly suspect that you also subscribe to the leftist notion that no matter how much evidence is presented, you will never condemn a liberal.
Troll alert
The average IQ, and GPA, has went down considerably to get into the FBI.
Hey stranger, where ya’ been? You can tell this was nothing more than a Soviet style show trial because all that was presented was the “prosecution’s” case. The accused weren’t allowed to present their argument because in this case it would have destroyed their “evidence”. Barr keeps lying about the voter fraud being disproved. He never cites what he investigated, when, and what the specific results were because he investigated NOTHING. He also shouldn’t comment about cell phone tracking technology because it’s obvious he knows nothing about that either. The ability to zero in on a person’s location using their electronic communications has been around for a long time. It’s called directional finding and has been used by the military for decades. A Veteran like Kinzinger should know that. And being part of a Communist show trial makes him a piss poor excuse for a Veteran at that. Lizzy will get hers in the primary.
The M.S. Media is always supporting t he Democrat Party in just about all the elections they support all Democrats and their preposals no matter how globeralidt they are then they wonder why their losing the trust of the American People
Like both impeachments, the kartoon kangarroo kommittee depends on lies and suppressed facts to make their case. This is a characteristic of Democrat “law”. I shudder to think of the US with a one party system, but damn, these Democrats need to be run completely out of government. Maybe there are enough people that actually cherish this country on that side somewhere to form a responsible political party. These Democrats are tearing the country to pieces.
ho didnt know exactly what this flock of marsupials was up to? One of their first actions was to falsify evidence.
January 6th Committee Ratings: The Democrats Threw A Party, And Nobody Came
Kinzinger has introduced an Authorization to Use Military Force in the Ukraine resolution. It would take effect if anyone (like CIA or MI6) detonated a WMD in Ukraine.
Based on the evidence being presented today, Trump and Giuliani were essentially the only people in the circle of those involved who believed that Trump had won.
You embarrass yourself. There were dozens who knew fraud had occurred
I’m not talking about you back-seat paranoiacs. I’m talking about the people actually involved.
That seems to be the problem with the j6 group of clowns. If they were seeking truth they would engage far more people with evidence. But we know why they restrict participation, they must control a narrative if they want to succeed in smearing President Trump.
Your biases are crystals clear groomer
Anyway, the j6 group of clowns is not important. Hey groomer michael, are you happy with your president today?
They’re presenting testimony from Republican after Republican, including people within the campaign itself, people whom you would think would be almost as eager for a win as was Trump himself.
Nice generic deflection groomer. You do not have any names of those who would provide truth in opposition to the established narrative. That testimony will never be shown to the American people.
I think it was you, groomer, who the other day quoted the Washington compost. Democracy dies in darkness. It is dying in the darkness of the j6 group of clowns groomer.
In summary, the j6 group of clowns means nothing. Are you still happy with your groomer president today, groomer?
One wonders who you think the committee should be calling to testify.
I suppose you believe to presentation this far and going forward to be unbiased, huh groomer.
will we see any evidence presented from Boris Epshteyn, Jenna Ellis, Bernard American or Rudy Giuliani?
Pelosi. McConnell. Schumer. Schiff. Ray Epps. Barr. Those that were at State Farm Arena that ran the election observers off. But, they should be questioned by Republicans, not the Quislings Pelosi picked.
I’m sorry that you don’t understand the GOP is as much of an enemy to our democracy as Democrats.
Both parties wanted Trump gone. He wasn’t part of the club, as in he wasn’t bought off and hadn’t been built by the usual lobbies and corporations, all having joint leverage…everyone scratching each other’s backs and lining each other’s pockets.
That’s why so many people voted for him.
There was no insurrection beyond the one committed by Leftists from 2016, up to and culminating in the J6th false-flag.
Our federal government is compromised and has no real authority, at least not Constitutionally.
To continue to invent false charges, or even try to arrest Trump is treason and secession. For real.
You’re aware that Trump isn’t the president any more, I assume.
If the Feds arrested Trump—a thing which is not going to happen—that isn’t “secession.” The Federal government can’t secede from itself.
It doesn’t have to. It can secede from the American People, who are the only authority in our Country next to God Himself.
The Federal Government is currently compromised, fundamentally unelected, and no longer serving the people of the United States.
If they touch Trump, they will spark a Civil War. As you say, they’re not stupid enough to try that.
Glad you see reason.
Haha. You hate that word, God…don’t you?
That’s what this is all about for you. Killing off the Christian Faith and replacing it with your own religion.
Good luck.
Go ahead and be a Christian. Just don’t try to force me to be a Christian.
No one is forcing you to be a Christian. 1983 called. They want their strawman back.
Your religion IS forcing others to conform to it’s ideology.
And that’s the problem. You Christian in your thinking. Christianity has allowed Woke-ist Atheism to come into being. You should be grateful. We’re not forcing our faith on you. You’re forcing your faith on us.
Troll alert
This is too funny:
Ya sure Okay? Bake the cake, they will never stop never leave us alone. Use the pronouns, you have the right to our opinion.
You mean the actual people that would have to FIX the problem say there was no problem? Really? Gosh… shocking
Over half of the United State population believe the election was rigged, and are planning accordingly.
Hope you have a plan.
Well over 60% in recent polling
Ah, the veiled threat! The threat of choice for cowards the world over!
I’m trying to protect people like you…people who are, in actuality, cowards. That’s why you rankle and choose to find meanings that aren’t there.
Over half of the United State population believe the election was rigged, and are planning accordingly.
Hope you have a plan.
And we know you are not a teacher. No teacher would come here to simply confuse and talk in circles.
You’re an information-management “specialist”, and you’ve been assigned this site. A “G.”
Because if you are not, it’s even more pathetic to think you are a simple quisling…
Either way, you’re useless.
If my straightforward comments are confusing to you, that says more about you than it does about me.
AAAAAAnnd…..like clockwork, another circle.
Great job, Quantico.
You won’t even deny it.
I’d be interested to know why you think this site would be worth assigning one Federal agent to, let alone two of them. There are only about six or seven people who comment here.
Because authoritarian regimes are, if nothing else, quite thorough when it comes to finding and silencing those who don’t support their rule.
And greg works for the WEF people. He’s Euro, not American.
But you already know that…
You guys are doing the same thing with this administration that you did with the Obama:
ONE MINUTE: The Biden Administration is a bumbling clown car full of bumbling clowns!
THE NEXT MINUTE: The Biden Administration is an organization of unparalleled efficiency that can assign a Federal spy to watch over and influence every single two-bit Right-wing web site!
Now observe the defensive posture.
I never said you work for the Biden Administration.
Cope more.
You responded, “Great job, Quantico,” to one of my comments. You also said that I’m a “G.” I didn’t assume you meant it as in “O.G.,” but maybe you did.
What, pointing out the undeniable examples of abject failure?
It depends on what they want to prioritize. Democrats don’t work very hard to make life better for the US citizen, just to consolidate power.
What would you bet michael is monitored here by his minders.
Jan 6 Star Witness Backs Out Last Minute – Corrupt Committee Must Regroup
Says he enjoys the company. Yeah don’t think anyone is buying that. Must have a depressing life.
Ah, the veiled threat! The threat of choice for cowards the world over!
And we know you are not a teacher. No teacher would come here to simply confuse and talk in circles.
You’re an information-management “specialist”, and you’ve been assigned this site. A “G.”
Because if you are not, it’s even more pathetic to think you are a simple quisling…
Either way, you’re useless.
michael is a troll and a groomer pedophile hardly a teacher. He is much like greg. They both come here with no relevance and no purpose except to disrupt. A normal person would leave once that realization had occurred. That is why we know he is a troll. michaels behavior is not normal
I’d really love to know who they work for. We’ll never know, I guess.
In the case of michael he is telegraphing his attempted hidden agenda. I knew he was a troll early on. Has all of the requisite characteristics. He is so not believable
Even greg gives it away. But, we have come to expect that from him
He apparently trolled here years and years ago.
I think he’s a fed.
A fed, yet somehow not working for the Biden Administration.
Most likely a fed to spy on us real Americans because in their view we are the threat
You know, he whispers in their ear. Evil has convinced them it is good.
Murder is healthcare, abomination is diversity. Michael isnt the enemy he is only a pathetic megaphone for it.
But I enjoy your company. I love the spirited give and take!
Bullshit your are a paid troll informant. You do not enjoy the company you claim to have here.
There has been no evidence.
As the testimony indicates, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF VOTING IRREGULARITIES. That’s what Trump’s own people are saying. They’re saying that what the stolen election people were telling Trump was flat out NUTS. (Their word, not mine.)
Who? Bill barr
Don’t believe me. Watch the sworn testimony and hear what they’re saying with your own ears.
As soon as you watch 2000 mules.
Would not waste my time listening to lies
FY troll
We DON’T believe you. We don’t believe them, either.
Then you might as well check yourselves in somewhere for psychiatric evaluation or cult deprogramming.
Troll alert
You mean “Trump’s own people” that Pelosi decided to question? No opposition is asking questions; aside from the predetermined result, what do you expect to accomplish by that?
The f*cking “opposition” blew off their subpoenas and REFUSED to tell their side of the story under oath. It’s not like they were locked out of the hearings.
ala Eric Holder.
You thought blowing off subpoenas was great when Eric Holder did it, but then, you do have a habit of having an opinion of political convenience.
There is no opposition on the F**KING PANEL, you stupid dumb shit! Who will ask the questions of the police beating innocent protesters to death? Who will ask the questions about the innocent protester shot to death? Who will ask the questions about the lies about Sicknick being murdered? Who will ask the question about WHERE is Epps? Who will ask the questions about the absence of security? Who will ask the questions about who refused National Guard support? Who will ask the questions about, if Trump planned an “insurrection”, why he WANTED National Guard support? Who will ask the question of who removed the barricades? Who will ask the question of who unlocked the doors?
The whol j6 clown show is a 1938 Moscow show trial
Hey look! “michael” sent in the CLOWN!
Trump was flat out NUTS. (Their word, not mine.)
It’s likely your michael. No need to put parenthetical caveats.
(Gives signal for greg/michael to say “but you said greg was with the WEF!?).
This is fun, spinning you around.
Try reading the sentence again: ‘They’re saying that what the stolen election people were telling Trump was flat out NUTS. (Their word, not mine.)’
No doofus, even biden can get 81 million votes and now be in the low 30’s in approval
Trump did it. His last rating before leaving office was 34%.
biden is below 34%
You said “low 30’s.” Trump was in the low 30’s when he left office, possibly because he fomented an insurrection to overturn the results of the election.
Is 33 in the low 30’s
All approval polls on Trump were completely cooked, and completely dismissible.
How dare he get elected democratically and not spend a few decades getting embedded with the lobbyist/deep state song and dance.
Trump did nothing except win an election and then fight the pukes we all knew were gaming our government.
No one with a brain believes the “Trump fomented an insurrection” nonsense from the very people who waged and completed a REAL insurrection over the course of 4 years.
Now we have two Americas.
’81 Million Vote Getter’ Biden’s Poll Collapse Continues: New Low of 33 Percent Approval with Only 21 Percent Approval by Independents in New Survey
Don’t worry. History won’t consider Biden a president anyway.
Biden’s current average approval rating is 38.9 percent, so he’s still above Trump’s final rating. Not that polls actually mean anything, as Nathan has pointed out.
It is going nowhere but down
Why is your president failing?
At this point in his legitimate Presidency (as opposed to this absolute farce born of election fraud) Trump was at 45%. 39% is six days ago. What do you think (looking at the markets today) idiot Biden has done to improve his rating since then?
He’s a complete disaster because he should have NEVER BEEN in the White House. No one should be placed in the White House through fraud; the PEOPLE should choose the President, not an elitist cadre of Democrats.
Why is your president failing economically?
Why is biden failing abysmally
Biden isn’t failing. The nation is falling apart, and some people are actively promoting that. They seem to believe that they will somehow benefit from it.
So, you are saying it was idiot Biden’s mission to destroy the country? The total disaster is his plan? Well, we were wondering…
I know, this is intentional. The question is per formative for the board trolls.
what is happening is a manufactured crisis
never would have happened under President Trump
Trump’s profligate spending and irresponsible tax cuts were the set up for today’s inflation. Trump added $6.7 TRILLION to the national debt in only 4 years–$1.7 Trillion of which was added to the wealth of America’s billionaires. Their collective wealth increased by 58 percent during the Trump years.
Nice try
Facts do bounce off the impenetrable Trump World propaganda bubble, don’t they?
Facts do bounce off the impenetrable Trump World propaganda bubble, don’t they?
Hmmm… I don’t know. Maybe. Why don’t you try some and we’ll see.
No way. Trump was leveraging debt. OBAMA and BIDEN have run it up.
The usual propaganda against Trump’s use of debt only works on the dumb and uneducated.
American’s revenue increase from Chinese tariffs and by not paying for NATO are ignored intentionally, because the average swine Leftists doesn’t know money.
Trump did…and the economy and prosperity of nation were proof enough.
How much of that was related to COVID? Remember, after the initial COVID aid was passed and before it was even even spent, Pelosi was pushing for trillions more, which she got passed THEN, when idiot Biden took over, spent trillions MORE.
Without COVID, Trump would have been in the black. The tax cuts were ADDING revenue.
greg says the quiet part out loud
Yeah, they’re called “Democrats”, and they started January 20, 2016.
Oh, so you intended to look as if you can’t keep your own comments straight in your head? Interesting choice.
Sure thing, junior. Just know you’ll never be the kind of man who used to sit in the chair you are keeping warm for a better generation to come.
No, that’s what the people Pelosi picked to question by the people Pelosi picked are saying in response to the questions Pelosi picked.
If Trump were to be indicted, you’d get all the two-sidedness you could wish for at the trial.
Would we? Who says? And, why not follow that due process BEFORE we get to that point? Do you have any sense whatsoever? Oh… that’s right; you believe in condemnation by false accusation and assassinating judges. What the hell was I thinking?
06/13/22 – The 14 most compelling lines from today’s January 6 committee hearing
(Because FOX News and other pro-Trump outlets have imposed a blackout on what Trump’s own people are saying under oath.)
Full video of the televised 06/13/22 January 6 Committee hearings
Yet another flop
The link doesn’t work. ^^
The link works fine, unless you’ve downloaded ®Trump World Reality Blocker software.
I love corny jokes, but that was bad…
…real bad, greg.
And btw: I made you look, asshole.
Hey! I remember saying that when I was ten years old, too!
This link works too. Enjoy.
More flop
Touch Trump, and you start a Civil War…and you’re the new Confederates.
Just don’t.
Nobody’s going to touch him. They’re just going to expose his BIG LIE.
If the GOP wants to take a Trump flag to the polls with them in November, they’re welcomed to do so.
Trump didn’t say the election was rigged.
The overwhelming evidence did.
The overwhelming evidence indicates that you’re out of touch with reality.
Are you so sure?
I guess we’ll see.
Hope you’re ready.
Hey Greggie hey hey hey, where have we heard this before can you remind us ?
The Internet Tough Guy rides again!
I’m just the messenger. I’m rather sure you think you can keep your hand’s clean through all of this, but history has shown us what you people do when hysteria kicks in.
The only one at this blog threatening violence is you and greg.
Mmmmm… justice by talking point. Food for the stupid mind. Eat up!
TRAINWRECK: Sham Jan. 6 Committee Postpones Wednesday Show Trial — Need More Time to Put Together Video Because 17 Months Not Enough Time
benny thompson says the quiet part out loud They have no authority to provide a criminal referral.
all they can do is write a report.
j6 clown show is over. It produced nothing.
I guess the hearings are postponed because Schiff is having trouble finding all his “evidence.”
There is no evidence of President Trump inciting violence or an insurrection. There is however abundant evidence that the fbi employed anarchists to cause a riot. And there is evidence the US Capital was woefully prepared for the numbers of patriots that would be in DC j6
There is actual evidence of Trump encouraging anyone at his rally to be peaceful. I doubt, though, that this will be presented at the phony, embarrassing, obscene Democrat excuse for a “hearing”.
Maybe there’s disagreement about whether or not “Hang Donald Trump” is an appropriate recommendation, even though his mob already set such a rhetorical precedent.
How can you ignore what the man encouraged and what followed, to such an extent that you’d empower him to do such things again? Where we are now is what he has done already.
The j6 group of clowns is done, stick a fork in them
81 Million Votes! DNC Forced to Move Kamala Harris Fundraiser to Fall because “They Couldn’t Sell Enough Tickets”
DOJ Inspector General: Senior FBI Official Assigned to Trump-Russia Probe Had Unauthorized Contacts with Media – DOJ Declined Prosecution
Uh, NO. The precedent was set BY THE LEFT.
Trump did not incite and insurrection He was the victim of it. We know this.
You “know” many things that most people recognize as complete nonsense.
No disagreement. It’s the silly rant of a crybaby sore loser. No intelligent person feels that way.
The election was fraudulent and it should have been investigated before the electoral vote. The result has been a public and international embarrassment.
Trump’s own lawyers, advisers, and Attorney General said under oath that they repeatedly told him the stolen election theories were complete nonsense. Those who told him otherwise have all refused to testify.
It isn’t complicated. There’s an obvious reason that they won’t tell their side of the story under oath.
Total bullshit
We’re seeing those people Greg referred to testify under oath, saying that they told Trump that he’d lost the election.
The ones who testified on tape that they told Trump he had lost. Barr, for one. You didn’t watch the hearing or see any recaps, I take it.
bill Barr, dirtbag. Where is the report he said he wrote?
I’m afraid I don’t understand the question.
Note there is no one like Banks or Jordan asking any questions. Having all the questions aimed towards one predetermined conclusion isn’t really likely to uncover any facts. It’s all propaganda.
You do not what the fuck you are talking about troll
White House lawyer told Trump attorney John Eastman the day after the Capitol riot: ‘Are you out of your effing mind?’
A White House lawyer, not President Trump’s lawyer.
Giuliani, Powell, and Eastman are the nut cases that got Trump in deep sh-t with their assorted goof-ball conspiracy theories. The White House lawyers and Attorney General were the sane people in the room.
Bill bar is a sumbag and a liar
Apparently you don’t think much of Trump’s judgement, when it comes to important presidential appointments.
Barr was a Trojan horse promoted by the NJ orca Christie
Your case is made immeasurably stronger by pointing out that Chris Christie is fat. I’m almost convinced!
The desperation by you and greg is on full display. You are losing
Losing what? Trump is an ex-president. What is there to lose in this situation?
In what way is that meaningless? It’s meaningless if it’s not Giuliani?
Yet, after actual investigation, so many of the claims have been proven to be absolutely true.
And if someone asks you which ones, you say that you’ve gone over all this before, and you don’t want to do it again.
To be methodical and take them one at a time, I have chosen the first major example, State Farm Arena. I haven’t only asked you and Greg, I’ve asked anyone the topic has come up with. NO ONE has an answer except that it’s been “debunked”.
Yet, obviously, it hasn’t.
After State Farm Arena, we could move on the the thousands of underaged voters that voted. Then the dead voters. The the counting machines.
The we could move on to Pennsylvania. And on and on and no.
Just because you don’t want to SEE something and, therefore, simply refuse to LOOK at it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
I just addressed the State Farm Arena thing elsewhere in this thread. The Republican Secretary of State for Georgia says that what you seem to believe happened did not happen.
You addressed it, but it didn’t answer why there was a faked water main break and the observers sent home, then counting continued.
By “fake,” do you mean that there was no water, or that it wasn’t a water main?
By “fake” I mean they LIED about a water main break to get the observers to leave.
Georgia election officials shows frame-by-frame of State Farm Arena Election Night video | WSB-TV
Fake water main break. Observers run off. Counting continues.
Later corrected to urinal leak. Is that what you’re pinning this on? That the initial report got the water source wrong?
You don’t tell people to go home because a urinal was leaking. It wasn’t until the records for the repairs were requested that they finally came up with the “leaking urinal” tale.
Listen: the Democrats are the people that you guys maintain have operated a baby-rape and child-cannibalism ring for decades without anyone getting caught. Just looking at it from the Right’s perspective about the Democratic Party, why didn’t they just use their limitless power and evil to simply crank open a water main, if that’s what they wanted to do? Why screw around with a urinal? And why didn’t they turn the cameras off while this stuff was going down?
There was NO water leak. It was a total lie.
Why did they use “mail in ballots” that had never been folded? Why did they stuff collection boxes when there were cameras on them? Why commit fraud at all?
Because the DOJ was already weaponized for the Democrats. Because there was no fear of prosecution. Because too many wanted Trump out and the old money making system back in operation. Because it was important to put an incompetent puppet in place.
But the fact remains, there WAS fraud.
You’re correct. And they didn’t. At least, so says the Republican Secretary of State.
The j6 group of clowns has jumped the shark
His attorney General also had something to say about Hillary Clinton being guilty of Sedition. Why is it for 4 years she could say the election was stolen from her but Trump cant say the same?
The hearings are not about Trump refusing to accept his loss; they’re about what transpired because he refused to accept the loss.
If Clinton instigated an armed insurrection, there should be a Congressional commission to investigate it.
Without investigating them. Without research. Without knowing the facts. Without, basically, wanting to know because THEN they would have to do something.
Why did they claim there was a water main leak in State Farm Arena, run the election observers off, THEN resume counting, producing a huge spike in votes for idiot Biden? That’s really the first example (though it happened numerous times across the nation) and it has YET to explained.
This fraudulent stain can now never be removed. There will always be the embarrassing fraudulent election of 2020.
Then every future president-elect would be kept from taking office by challenges based on no credible evidence. They’ve had over a year now, and still haven’t come up with anything but conspiracy theories, a mob riot, and a feature-length propaganda movie.
If multiple challenges that fail in court can’t settle matters–and virtually all of the many have failed–then what? Then the people will have lost any say about who rules them and who doesn’t. Then the first authoritarian to win presidency will never leave it. Then we might as well have a Putin.
No, dumbass. First, stop the fraud. Restrict voting by mail. Require valid signatures. Require valid post marks. Maintain chain of custody. NO vote harvesting. Enforce voter ID. Limit early voting to a reasonable amount. Then, the claims of fraud are greatly reduced.
Then, when there IS a valid claim of fraud, INVESTIGATE it. Don’t just blow it off as, “It didn’t happen.” Investigate and prove it either valid or false. That was part two of the fraud; NO INVESTIGATIONS, just cover ups and stonewalling.
It doesn’t need to be limited at all.
So… start voting for 2024 now? Yeah, that’s smart.
The longer votes lay around, the more opportunity for fraud.
My mistake; I thought you were referring to limiting the number or categories of people who could vote early
I don’t know of anyone anywhere that has proposed that.
As I said: my mistake.
The Republican Secretary of State investigated.
How does that work, when the loser blasts the integrity of every investigator, public official or judge that tells him what he doesn’t want to hear, even when they’re from his own party or part of his own administration?
That’s a reasonable question.
Against all recent experience, I live in hope of reasonable answers.
“He who lives on hope dies of starvation.”
—someone who knew what it was all about.
I don’t know; maybe when someone does an investigation or a judge actually hears the evidence, we would find out.
By the way, almost EVERY Democrat contested the 2016 election.
Fraud claims and ballot counts were investigated and re-investigated in multiple states and counties, by both state officials and independent pro-Trump third parties. Judges considered all filings; they always evaluate the merit of a claim and the evidence that will be put forward to support it before convening proceedings in a courtroom. Most claims couldn’t even get over that first hurdle.
Whenever they are actually investigated, as happened in Michigan and Nevada, fraud is found, just as it was suspected.
Not quite. What was suspected by the Trump team was enough fraud to turn the election in his favor. Instead, here’s what was found:
Regrettable, but not the landslide of fraud the Trump team was touting. I don’t think that anyone on either side has ever said that there was zero percent janky votes in any national election, ever.
Biden got 2,804,040 votes in Michigan. Trump got 2,649,852 votes. Even if you simply transferred all 1,657 of the troublesome votes to Trump, it wouldn’t have made a difference. You could have doubled that, and it still wouldn’t have made a difference; Biden would have pulled all 16 electoral votes.
Ballots were dumped in Michigan and other swing States.
It was planned, and even telegraphed by the strange over reporting of Hawkfish’s “red mirage” propaganda meant to keep people from questioning the sudden materialization just the right amount of votes for an unelectable Joe Biden.
Michigan was, clearly, rigged…as we’re the other swing States.
Biden won nothing and we’re on the edge of WWII and poorer because of Leftist arrogance.
I see people on the Right already talking about a “red tsunami” for the election this fall. Surely that, too, must be a portent—this time, that Republicans are going to be doing the cheating.
The Left covers their own transgressions by blaming and manufacturing false events on the right.
HRC colludes? Say Trump collided.
Biden withholds aid? Say Trump did.
The Left attacked our local, state, and federal government? Stage the J6 false flag.
The Left was caught rigging an election. You just got sloppy and showed your hand: you pigs plan on staging a “GOP election fraud” operation.
I expected it.
And you fucked up when you said “this time”. You know goddamn well your Party cheated.
So now I’m supposed to be part of the election fraud task force.
Because that’s not what happened. Please remember that the Georgia Secretary of State mentioned here is a Republican.
You simply don’t get it. The fact that the “water main break” was a lie doesn’t make it any better. We KNOW it was a lie because none of those counting the votes left. But, the did indeed tell the observers that counting was done for the night, to go home and to come back the next morning. There are signed affidavits proving this.
And I just cited a signed affidavit to the contrary from the Republican Secretary of State’s office. A guy on Trump’s team.
There were signed affidavits of the observers told to leave.
Left on their own because they thought they were supposed to.
The affidavits they signed said they were told counting was over and to leave.
Were these affidavits signed by Republican observers?
Poll observers in Atlanta were told to just go home… counting continued
Were these partisan Republican poll observers, by any chance?
Excuse the format. I copied it before the “paywall” came up.
Georgia Poll Observers Say They Were Effectively Told to Go Home
By Zachary Stieber
December 5, 2020 Updated: December 6, 2020
Several poll observers in Georgia said under penalty of perjury that they were effectively told to go home on election night before ballot counting resumed for several hours with no observers present.
Republican poll observers Mitchell Harrison and Michelle Branton said in affidavits that at approximately 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 3 inside an absentee ballot-counting room at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, a woman shouted to everyone to stop working and return the following morning at 8:30 a.m.
“This lady had appeared through the night and Mitchell and I believed her to be the supervisor,” Branton wrote in an affidavit.
Following the instruction, nearly all workers left, except a handful of people. All ballot counting stopped.
The poll observers were the only outsiders left, along with a Fox News crew. Harrison spent some time seeking answers from Regina Waller, the Fulton County’s public affairs manager for elections, but she refused to answer his questions, he said in an affidavit.
A few minutes later, Branton, Harrison, and the crew left. Only four people remained in the room including Waller, when they had departed.
The group later heard that ballot counting had resumed at the arena, despite the public being told that it had ceased for the night. Observers rushed back at around 1 a.m. on Nov. 4 and found that to be the case.
An absentee-ballot processing room at State Farm Arena is empty except for a handful of workers, after observers heard officials say ballot counting would be halted for the night, in Atlanta on Nov. 3, 2020. (NTD Television via President Donald Trump’s campaign)
David Shafer, head of Georgia’s Republican Party, said in a statement on Dec. 3: “Our Republican observers and members of the news media departed State Farm when they announced they were shutting down for the night and would resume counting at 8:30 a.m. the next day.”
Citing surveillance video footage that showed everyone leaving except a handful of workers, he said the workers “continued counting ballots in secret until 1 a.m.”
The footage was presented by President Donald Trump’s campaign during a state legislature hearing this week. It appears to show a few workers pulling out boxes filled with ballots from underneath tables and counting them after the room cleared.
Officials insist the video doesn’t show fraud. They said on Dec. 4 that they are probing why poll observers left on election night.
“We have launched an investigation into why the monitors from the political parties left before scanning ended. While it was their right to leave early, we want to make certain they were not misled into thinking scanning had stopped for the night when it had not,” Walter Jones, a spokesman for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, told The Epoch Times via email.
The issue appears to center around semantics. While observers weren’t explicitly told to leave, they believed counting was stopping because officials made it seem that way.
Waller told ABC on election night that the county’s election department sent the ballot counters at the arena home at 10:30 p.m.
“For clarification, I informed ABC News that some workers left but four remained,” Waller told The Epoch Times in an email.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during a news conference in Atlanta on Nov. 13, 2020. (Brynn Anderson/AP Photo)
Raffensperger and his team “are busily ‘investigating’ whether or not Fulton County elections officials sent our monitors home on election night, as if that question is actually in dispute,” Shafer wrote in a tweet on Dec. 4. Gabriel Sterling, an official in Raffensperger’s office, “has accepted Fulton County’s explanation that the Republican monitors and news media are to blame for believing the election officials who told them that they were shutting down, packed up the voting equipment, and started cleaning,” Shafer added in another post.
Sterling said in a statement that the video “shows normal ballot processing.” He said investigators with his office watched the surveillance footage. Sterling and other state officials have said Fulton County “cut corners” and showed “managerial sloppiness” in handling the election and subsequent recounts.
A county spokeswoman told The Epoch Times on the day after the election that Registration & Elections Director Richard Barron told the Board of Commissioners that when he learned that staff was dismissed at 10:30 p.m., he advised that some workers needed to continue.
“Based on that directive, a smaller crew continued to work through the night. It may be possible that observers left at the time the majority of the staff left, but from the information we have, the processing area was never closed to observers,” she wrote.
Other people in Georgia said they were inexplicably told to go home.
Poll manager Susan Voyles, who was helping audit ballots at Georgia World Congress Centers, said she was told to go home on Nov. 15 after counting just 60 ballots, even though workers at nearby tables had thousands to process.
“We offered to help on some larger piles that were still evident, and the officials present were adamant that they did not need any help,” she said in an affidavit.
Supporters of President Donald Trump protest outside State Farm Arena as ballots continue to be counted inside, in Atlanta on Nov. 5, 2020. (Megan Varner/Getty Images)
That same day, county officials told most of the counters to go home around 9:10 a.m., Maria Diedrich, a monitor for Trump’s campaign, said in an affidavit.
Other observers claimed they directly witnessed fraud.
Carlos Silva, a trial lawyer from Florida, said in an affidavit that he saw two vote counters in DeKalb County pull out a pile of ballots that had two distinct characteristics.
“One, I noticed that they all had a perfect black bubble and were all Biden select. I was able to observe the perfect bubble for a few minutes before they made me move away from the table. At no time did I speak to the poll workers or obstruct them in any way. I heard them go through the stack and call out Biden’s name over 500 times in a row,” he said.
He also said he witnessed something similar in Cobb County.
Nicholas Zeher, another observer, said he never saw vote counters or anyone else verifying signatures as ballots were counted. He also said he saw ballots on a review table with markings only for Biden and no other candidate. And he saw a batch of ballots where the bubble for Biden appeared to be a perfect black mark.
The affidavits were entered in a federal court case, Pearson v. Kemp.
Thanks for cutting and pasting. Here’s something that jumped out at me:
An independent observer and an observer from the Republican-run Secretary of State’s office were in attendance while these women were gone.
Source: The virulently Left-wing Washington Times
Plus, the state investigator told Lead Stories that partisan election observers were never told to leave the counting room on election night, but instead left voluntarily after some staff members went home — and although Democratic and Republican observers are allowed to watch vote-counting in Georgia, they are not required to be present (the Secretary of State’s office told Forbes it is investigating why partisan observers left before ballot-scanning ended).
An independent state-appointed monitor was also present during vote-counting in Atlanta, and did not find any indications of illegal counting, a spokesperson for the Secretary of State’s office told Forbes.
Source: The insanely socialistic Forbes
Source: the well-known Bolsheviks down at the Associated Press
I gave you the testimony. The result follow that testimony, not your version of events. A water main was faked. Observers were told, no more counting. The observers were told to leave. They left. Then, contrary to what the observers were told, counting resumed.
But the Republican Secretary of State investigated and said that your preferred version of events simply didn’t happen.
Furthermore, what was the result?
Let me ask you; If had found the fraud, what was he going to do? At the time they finally did their investigation, if they came out and said, “Damn, there sure was a lot of fraud here.”, what would they do? It would have been chaos. So, what were their options; be honest and report what was found as it was found and throw the nation into chaos or try to smooth it all over with a lie?
There are a number of Republicans that would like to go back to the establishment politics version of our government, when Republicans and Democrats make their backroom deals where everyone gets their share of the graft. Trump disrupted that. Trump made government work for the people.
Why, then, after that election, did Georgia take steps to prevent “what didn’t happen” from ever happening again, against the infuriated wishes of the Democrats?
At the time they paused counting, Trump had a substantial lead in Georgia. Over the next week, they just kept “finding” more and more votes.
Vernon Jones Points Out Jan. 6 Committee’s Numerous Incorrect Facts
The video show why it is very important to have some confrontational people on the kangaroo kommittee to cross examine instead of feeding the witness opportunities to support their own point of view. Election law was utterly trampled in numerous states to open the opportunities for the election fraud we are discussing.
“michael” knows the election was rigged. He’s here as the regime’s “rumor control.”
Notice there’s no Ron/AJ, but there is another guy pushing the same censorship?
AJ failed miserably and got fired.
Based on what you’ve told me, it looks like the person these observers “assumed” was a supervisor wasn’t a supervisor. Other people were still hanging around when the word came down to get back to work, but these observers weren’t nearby.
Side note: why didn’t these people know who the supervisor was?
It’s like listening to a crumb-covered toddler insisting they didn’t eat the cookie. They did.
In your mind, what am I insisting I didn’t do?
Back to questions?
You lose.
If you don’t want me to ask for clarification, you need to make sense the first time around.
No no, it’s your panic move: you ask dumb questions when anyone destroys your argument.
They really need to fire over half of the pencil pushers in our government like you. You’re worthless.
What was this person (not necessarily NOT the supervisor) doing telling observers to go home then? And, still, how do you mistake a leaking urinal for a water main break?
You aren’t helping your case.
michael, the groomer, engages in crafty word salad in an attempt to cause confusion. And then it claims others are guilty of what it is doing. I am still curious if he was a featured guest on Date Line with Chris Hansen.
Well, give him a break. That’s what it takes to defend the indefensible. I am astonished at the argument that, “Oh, it wasn’t a water main break after all.” Really? That makes it better? We all know that was a lie now. And a LOT of people saw the fraud but feared the effects of pointing it out. Like I say above, by the time anyone began seriously looking into the fraud, what were they going to do when they found it? The damage was done (and, thanks to idiot Biden, getting worse) so now the mission is to make sure such fraud NEVER can happen again… should the nation last long enough to have another election.
We can’t know until someone investigates. No one seems to want to find out.
Left of their own accord.
The georgia SOS is not a guy on Trumps team, any more than Lizard Chaney.
Ha ha! You made fun of her name! You should do standup!
All hilarity aside, your thesis seems to be that nobody who was not part of Trump’s inner circle can be trusted for anything. Even being a Republican is not good enough; you have to be the right kind of Republican, or you’re prejudged a liar. I’m assuming that the twenty-some Trump-appointed judges who ruled against his post-election motions were secretly in the tank for Biden, as well?
The usual false consensus.
The idea was that our politicians are all crooks installed by lobbies and corps.
If we elected a non-politician who was a demonstratedly successful executive, would they do better than the usual nipples installed by the powers that be?
The answer was “yes.” Trump is one of the best presidents we’ve ever had, and every effort is being made by the establishment he embarrassed to destroy him.
That is the only reason you’re here: to ensure democracy doesn’t live on through candidates your agency hasn’t preselected.
Trump…and every American candidate who understands political service is a solemn duty, not a way to get rich…2024.
I’ll take a guy who spends a billion of his own money over a career politician laundering money through a nation he’s now caused a war in, any day.
A laudable sentiment, but, in that case, Trump might not be the guy you’re looking for. Have you heard about the $250 million collected by the “Election Defense Fund” that didn’t exist?
Uh, sure…as in no. You’re pathetically trying to find something that you can’t. Anything else? Biden got Six Billion from banks, tech, and pharma so they could get more money. Trump was good for Americans, but bad for the usual backscratching DC money game.
Trump spent a billion. It cost him to be president. All the rest get rich from it.
Trump’s America is better..much better than Biden’s. It actual fact.
Oh. Well, you should try to keep up with the news.
The propaganda?
No thank you. Trump did not grift $250 million.
And Biden didn’t win the election.
A question.
Yes. I get to ask questions.
We are not the same.
Truer words were never typed.
I support your right to be, your right to speech and belief…groomer, atheist government troll though you may be.
Sadly, that right to for my freedoms and existence isn’t reciprocated.
Reminder: Trump didn’t scam $250 million dollars in campaign money.
Try again.
NEVER FORGET: Antifa-BLM Leader Who Was Filmed Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6, Broke a Window, and Organized Antifa Rally Near Capitol That Day – ONLY SPENT ONE DAY IN JAIL
the clown show continues to suppress the truth.
The information has been around a long time. This is from November 2020:
Because that’s what you do, of course, when you want to clear your name after being accused of something you didn’t do: you do not respond to requests for comment.
So, one way or the other, the funds go to fight Democrat corruption and election fraud. I don’t see the problem.
You’ve failed to prove that $250 million was taken from donors and not used for the campaign. It’s the usual lies, and I’m waiting for something real if you want to keep going on this silly tact.
I watched the media go with the false story that Trump colluded with Russia, after the Truth being a criminally insane Hillary Clinton and FBI paid to create a scandal.
The hoax you’re citing is just that: a hoax. Trump DID NOT steal $250 million from donors. That’s what the Left needs to propagandize about, so their own minority voters don’t look to hard at the six billion spent to install an unelectable Biden.
Trump had to raise money? Let’s make up a new story and say he “stole it.”
No. That little hoax has been debunked for quite some time.
If you have read any of the articles about the dossier, the level of illegal spying conducted by the FBI and the massive abuse of FISA warrants, it appears that trust the people in government would do their jobs instead of furthering a political agenda was a serious problem.
Shows all how ill informed the groomer is
But it is what happened. I don’t need anyone to show me a report of what happened; I was watching it WHEN it happened. They announced a water main break and that counting was suspending until the morning. Coincidentally, there were counting suspensions announced in other states as well. The results in each was the same; a massive spike in votes for idiot Biden.
In some areas, observers were not allowed into the counting areas. Some counting areas covered their windows with cardboard to prevent observation. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin have all had investigations and all have found improprieties.
The Jan 6 Committee Failing Big Time – Even Rachel Maddow Doesn’t Buy It
The j6 committee has now lost msnbc. It is time for this charade to end.
And all of the political prisoners biden has locked up in DC unconstitutionally be immediately released.
The government is going to have one huge payout to this people whom they have incarcerated unconditionally
Everyone that voted for impeachment based on a purely political need should be kicked out of Congress.
Uh oh!!!
Democrats dreamed of turning Texas blue then destroyed that dream with their own stupid, disastrous, failed policies. Puto O’Rook trails Abbott by 19 points.