Did Schumer hire a hitman for Kavanaugh?

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An armed man was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home in Maryland. He wanted to kill Kavanaugh.

“A California man carrying at least one weapon near Brett M. Kavanaugh’s Maryland home has been taken into custody by police after telling officers he wanted to kill the Supreme Court justice,” reports the far-left Washington Post.

From the looks of it, the Democrat party and corporate media’s jihad against Kavanaugh, the one that started with all those lies about him being a serial rapist in college and continues over the possibility that the atrocity known as Roe v. Wade might be overturned, has finally borne some wicked fruit.

“Two people familiar with the investigation,” continues the Post, “said the initial evidence indicates the man was angry about the leaked draft of an opinion by the Supreme Court signaling that the court is preparing to overturn Roe. v. Wade[.]”

He was also angry about the “recent spate [of] mass shootings,”—so, according to police, he grabbed a gun to go out and shoot a Supreme Court justice.

The suspect not only had a gun, he also had burglar tools.

democrats have been stoking fires of hatred for quite some time now, none more than Sen Chuck Schumer. In fact, it was Schumer who outright threatened Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.

“Now, we stand here today because behind me, inside the walls of this court, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments, as you know, for the first major abortion right cases since [Justice] Kavanaugh and [Justice] Gorsuch came to the bench. We know what’s at stake. Over the last three years, women’s reproductive rights have come under attack in a way we haven’t seen in modern history. From Louisiana, to Missouri, to Texas, Republican legislatures are waging a war on women, all women, and they’re taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

“You will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.”

Doesn’t seem much of a stretch to think that Schumer, alone or in concert with the DNC, hired someone carry out his threat and make Kavanaugh “pay the price.” Would anyone really be surprised?

Our current Attorney might also be part of the plot. He refuses to enforce the Federal law protecting Justices

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

But then, Garland is too busy conspiring with FBI to target school moms unhappy with the garbage being taught to their kids as domestic terrorists.

The evidence that Schumer could have a hand in this attempt on Kavanaugh’s life is, as someone might say “in plain sight.” The FBI absolutely must investigate Schumer. I’m thinking leg shackles and Hinckley’s cell for holding.

Just in case it’s true.

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He threatened the justices in advance of them taking the roe case

Years ago, if you told me that a Democrat could lose an election, but the get the FBI’s help to concoct a faux scandal on the real winner by paying Russian spies, I’d never believe you.

But now, I guess anything is possible for these criminals.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Until Democrats started inciting political violence, there was none. The summer before the 2020 election, BLM and ANTIFA attacked targets around the Capital and White House on a nightly basis and the Democrats did NOTHING. This alone proves their phony-ass “January 6th hearings” are nothing but propaganda.

If this useful idiot had actually made it to Kavanaugh’s house and harmed someone, I have no doubts the leftist media and Democrats in office would suppress the attack or simply call it a “mostly peaceful attack”. At most, they would clamor for outlawing Glocks.

But make no mistake; Democrats encourage this. They want more of it. Without any policies or agenda to offer the American people, the left resorts to violence and intimidation. When the Supreme Court has a sound majority of Constitutionalists, the left resorts to violence and intimidation. It is simply the way fascists behave.

I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

That’s threatening violence.

The man should be in jail for this, and for the insurrectionist “impeachments” trying to overthrow a duly elected President.

Agree 100%

and for the insurrectionist “impeachments” trying to overthrow a duly elected President

There was nothing illegal about the impeachments.

There was nothing illegal about the impeachments.

Says the guy who can’t even understand the links he uses to explain law.

You’re welcome to explain how the impeachments violated the law.

You’re welcome to explain how the impeachments violated the law.

You’re the one who claimed there was nothing illegal about the impeachments. The onus is on you to prove your claim. Maybe you can find a legal explanation that you can accurately quote.

“The onus is on you to prove your claim.”

Actually, you started us off by saying that Schumer should be jailed for the impeachments. Please explain. Be my guest.

Actually, you started us off by saying that Schumer should be jailed for the impeachments. Please explain. Be my guest.

And I did that where?

My bad. It was Nathan. He gets to start.

“And I did that where?”

I love your inverted questions when you think you’re being tough! I picture you sitting there at your computer, scowling as you peck out your answer. I’ll bet you imagine yourself saying it “dangerously quiet,” as the authors put it.

You just don’t like being shown up for the uninformed dimwit you are.

You should not be allowed to teach church mice much less children. But then, California IS the state of low/no standards.

“You should not be allowed to teach church mice much less children.”

I addressed this down below.

The onus is on the anus.

The onus is on the anus.

I guess that brings you front and center.

And just like that, the anus responds.

Unlike you, mine is not under my nose.

You’re welcome to explain how the impeachments violated the law.

Because impeachment, the ultimate penalty for elected officials, is reserved for high crimes and misdemeanors. In the first impeachment, Trump was impeached for what idiot Biden actually did. To try and justify his show trial, Schiff did what he called a “parody” of Trump’s call. The entire event was a parody. There was no crime; it was a political hit job. That violated the Constitution.

There is no real agreement on what constitutes “high crimes.”

“High crimes and misdemeanors” is surely the most troublesome, misleading phrase in the U.S. Constitution. Taken at face value, the words seem to say that impeachable conduct is limited to “crimes”—offenses defined by criminal statutes and punishable in criminal courts. That impression is reinforced by the fact that the phrase follows the obviously criminal “treason” and “bribery” in Article II’s list of the kinds of conduct for which the “President, Vice President and all civil officers” may be impeached.

But this is not, in fact, what the Constitution requires. “High crimes and misdemeanors” is not, and has never been, limited to indictable criminality. Nonetheless, despite centuries of learning on the point, there the phrase sits, begging to be taken at its delusory face value.

Source (Actually an interesting article)

There is no real agreement on what constitutes “high crimes.”

I am aware of that, but there should at least be a crime involved. In Trump’s case (twice), there was none. It was nothing but a political exercise (which was why Schiff blocked the Republican witnesses and evidence) and that is against what the Constitution laid out.

there should at least be a crime involved

In order to make that the case, you might need to get the Constitution amended.

As was discussed ad infinitum during the impeachments themselves, the phrase “high crimes” is generally interpreted to include abuses of power that may not be against a particular statute, but which presidents shouldn’t be engaging in.

In order to make that the case, you might need to get the Constitution amended.

So, in your mentally ill leftist view, impeachment, the ultimate and disruptive punishment for an elected official, is nothing but a political weapon to be used by the party that has the votes to pull it off. Name me an “abuse of power” that does not break a law.

I am writing my representatives repeatedly to make sure they understand my expectations that if the Republicans capture enough of a majority to accomplish it, idiot Biden should be impeached and removed from office. The laws broken? Ordering that our southern border be left open and undefended and human trafficking illegal immigrants, many infected with COVID19, throughout the country. THEN he should be impeached for illegally ending our energy independence by abrogating contracts made with pipeline builders, energy developers and refiners. We can go on and on.

THAT’S what impeachment for cause looks like, not driven solely by political expediency.

“You will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.”

Nathan just said pretty much this same thing to me today in another thread. I guess he needs leg shackles, too. Just in case.

Nathan just said pretty much this same thing to me today in another thread.

Are you a USSC Justice protected by federal law?

Nah, you’re just a groomer with nothing to do now that school is out.

“Are you a USSC Justice protected by federal law?”

One assumes that all citizens of the United States enjoy the protection of the law.

“Are you a USSC Justice protected by federal law?”

One assumes that all citizens of the United States enjoy the protection of the law.

Give me the USC that specifically states that you have the same guarantee of protection as USSC, and other federal justices, do. Or are you just making an ass out of yourself again?

Do you deny that all citizens enjoy the protection of the law?

Give me the USC that specifically states that you have the same guarantee of protection as USSC, and other federal justices, do.

Do you deny that all citizens enjoy the protection of the law?

I do. If you are a conservative, protections are denied and enforcement against you is exaggerated. If you are a liberal, protections are exaggerated and enforcement is waived.

Kyle Rittenhouse is an excellent example. Hunter Biden is the other. But, they are not isolated incidents.

One assumes that all citizens of the United States enjoy the protection of the law.

HA! You just said that out loud!

Betteridge’s Law.

Betteridge’s Law.

I asked you about US Code and you reference journalistic standards which not only is not part of USC but isn’t even a real law?

Nothing like proving how clueless you are and what a pathetic joke for an educator you are. Bet you can’t answer the question “What is a woman” either.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

That comment was not a reply. You can tell because there’s no reply line connecting it to a previous comment.

Michael, stop with the games. Perhaps Comrade Greggie thinks it’s cute but adults do not. You are a dishonest slug who wants to make up the rules of the games you play.

wants to make up the rules of the games you play

Do you seriously not understand how the comment-reply lines work?

Do you seriously not understand how the comment-reply lines work?

Do you seriously not understand that your attempt to obfuscate isn’t working?

Not only are you a pathetic excuse for a teacher, you deal in juvenility trying to one-up those whose higher intellect level is beyond your reach.

whose higher intellect level is beyond your reach.

Sure thing, dude!

As you would have noticed on glancing at an article about Betteridge’s Law, that law states, “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”

You might have noticed that the headline of this thread is written in the form of a question:

Did Schumer hire a hitman for Kavanaugh?

My reference to Betteridge’s Law is a backhanded way of answering that question with a “no.” Thus, the comment about Betteridge’s Law was a comment on the headline of this thread, not a reply to you or anything you had written. It was not aimed at you. It was not specifically inviting comment by you. The fact that it wound up underneath something you wrote about laws is a pure accident and something over which I had no control, but, as I’ve mentioned, if you knew how to read the comment lines in a comment thread, you’d be able to tell whether a particular comment is a reply to some other comment.

I’m not even sure how you could read anything about Betteridge’s Law and think that it was in any way referring to something that had written. I mean, yes, the word “law” appears, but come on, man. Not everything is about you.

Your insistence on digging your heels in here has done nothing except demonstrate, again and again, that you can’t follow your way around a comment thread. I’m sorry about that, but there’s no need to take it out on me.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

if you knew how to read the comment lines in a comment thread, you’d be able to tell whether a particular comment is a reply to some other comment.

You clearly do not understand basic open forum styled websites. And while you seem to think that you have the authority to deem the rules of debate on this website, but there are no rules of debate outlined by the webmaster so you are over your skis on your assumptions of authority.

I’m not even sure how you could read anything about Betteridge’s Law and think that it was in any way referring to something that had written. I mean, yes, the word “law” appears, but come on, man. Not everything is about you.

Nothing in this thread is “about” me, Groomer, so that statement makes absolutely no sense at all. Just more of your typical liberal circular thinking.
Instead of pulling your ass out of the quicksand, you simply dig in deeper, showing you have no real debate abilities nor do you excel in logic. You are simply, once again, obfuscating. You are a singular circular firing squad, continually shooting yourself. When your errors are pointed out, like Comrade Greggie, you simply change the subject as if you are fooling everyone. You’re not.

Hey.. what do you think about assassination attempts on Supreme Court Justices? What do you think of leftists being allowed to VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW and protest in front of Justice’s homes?

Breaking the law is generally a bad idea.

Don’t do the crime if you’re not willing to do the time.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

So, based on your non-answer, you are all for assassination of Supreme Court Justices and the enforcement of laws on the books to be determined by ideology. Got it.

It’s not clear how that was a “non-answer.”

Doubling down. Wow.

Why are you wasting time here? You should be at some childrens summer camp continuing your grooming crusades.

Your presence here is pointless. But we know why you come and stay, you are an attention seeker pure and simple.

Violence lives on the left

Democracy dies in darkness.

The eagle flies at midnight.

The left thrives on it. It is a vital component of fascism.

Schumer is guilty of inciting violence period full stop

Call schumers office and insist he resign.

US Capital switchboard

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

He should be censured and then impeached from the Senate. But, like racism, like misogyny, like guns, Democrats use violence when it benefits them while accusing all others of being the violent ones. For instance, Michael above simply cannot bring himself to denounce violence when the left commits it. It’s something to joke around about. Lack of objection is support.

“Hiring” is not the right word for what he, and others are doing.

Just for you, retire05: Texas Paul vents

Such language! But he is trolling folk like you. Your liberal targets here are much more polite. Maybe you should get a Twitter account and go after Paul.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Only a yellow dog faced pony soldier would think that “Texas” Paul is worth the click. He must be so proud to have followers like Adam Schiff, David Hogg, Eric Swallwell and Cary Elwes (yeah, I know, who’s that?).

He relies on idiots like you to build his click rate.

Maybe you should take a Constitutional course.

Michael, stop with the games. 

What, you thought he answered a question? BWA, HA, HA, HA! Cmon, man!

“what a pathetic joke for an educator you are”

From what I can tell, you left school at the end of third grade, so you’ll forgive me for not putting a lot of stock in your judgment.

From what I can tell, you left school at the end of third grade, so you’ll forgive me for not putting a lot of stock in your judgment.

Ah, aren’t you clever?

Uh, no, Groomer, you’re not.

Uh Duh Murphys law? What a cuck he is.

chucky schumer clearly incited violence. He should be expelled from congress immediately.

LOL. If he were to do anything that stupid s to getting someone to off the judge, I’m sure he’d cover his tracks and reach out to the professionals into offing folks, You know! bill and Hillary