Donald Trump is not to blame for Jan 6. Someone else is.

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There is a joke currently making its way through the internet. It goes something like this:

Elon Musk has offered to buy the FBI for $100 million.

No word on whether Hillary Clinton will sell.

You laugh, but not too hard, because it has more than a little ring of truth to it. The FBI has been behaving as though it was an arm of not only the DNC, but also the Hillary Clinton personal protection agency, and so has the CIA.

The Jan 6 hearings will be held in all their glory in prime-time television beginning Thursday. This is what the premier legislative body in the world is concerning itself with- not the failing economy, not inflation, nor baby formula, not skyrocketing food, gasoline and diesel prices. It is being done to once again deprive Donald Trump of the Presidency because of his alleged participation in the Jan 6 protests. I submit that it is not Trump who is to blame for Jan 6.

The Michael Sussman trial (and I think we’ll get into that soon) proved one thing for certain- that Hillary Clinton hatched the scheme to smear Donald Trump as colluding with Russia. Robby Mook testified that she personally approved the smear that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia through Alfa Bank. The FBI was conveniently working out of Sussman’s office:

“We have learned that since March 2012, the FBI approved and facilitated a Secure Work Environment at Perkins Coie’s Washington, D.C., office, which continues to be operational. In a letter dated May 25, 2022, the law firm confirmed and acknowledged the arrangement,” Jordan and Gaetz told Wray.

“We have been informed that former Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann had access to this Secure Work Environment, and during the course of his recent trial, it was disclosed he had special badge access to FBI headquarters.”

It was Sussman who fed the collusion lie to the FBI, who then acted as Sussman’s employer and proceeded to open investigation after investigation, prolonging the farce with deceitful FISA warrants.

Both the FBI and the CIA knew this not to be true. They knew Hillary Clinton had concocted it.

John Ratcliffe declassified a July 26, 2016 John Brennan note which read:

“We’re getting additional insight into Russian activities from [REDACTED],” Brennan notes read. “CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service,”

Peter Strzok, who opened Crossfire Hurricane despite knowing there was no evidence to support its continuation.

“This statement is misleading and inaccurate as written,” wrote Strzok in the newly declassified notes. “We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with [intelligence officers].”

They knew, from minute one, that the Russian collusion accusation was false. Then again, you will also recall that Strzok had repeatedly promised to “stop” Trump.

The Hillary campaign then went on to fund the phony research undermining Donald Trump. Then we saw the rest of it- Adam Schiff seeing fantasy Russian collusion evidence “in plain sight”, Nadler claiming “open collusion” between Trump and Russia and Eric Swalwell (who was having sex with a Chinese spy) openly calling Trump a “Russian asset.”

Then, of course, the ever Clinton-compliant FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop, which it had since December 2019. and allowed it to be called “Russian disinformation.”

All of this took a toll on the Trump Presidency and the 2020 campaign. Without that bullsh*t dossier contrived by Hillary Clinton, Trump wins the 2020 election. Without the subsequent FBI and CIA interference, Trump wins reelection. If Trump wins the 2020 election, there is no Jan 6. So yes, the election was rigged. Clinton rigged it. Jan 6 was the consequence of her lies. The blame for Jan 6 is not on Donald Trump.

It is on Hillary Clinton. And we all know exactly what she would say to this:

‘What difference at this point does it make?!’


Look at the dirtbags on the Jan 6 committee. Remember that this was the first time in US history the minority was not allowed to choose its committee members. Remember, when you see the faces of Schiff and the rest of them who lied so assiduously to the country about Trump and Russian collusion ask yourself – why the hell would anyone believe anything they have to say now?

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J6 was a false-flag operation meant to solidify and finalize the coup waged against our remaining democratically-elected government.

It was both expected and overtly telegraphed, just as the rigged election was.

Leftist politicians and celebrities called for Trump to be killed, replaced, and any other kind of treason you can imagine. Leftists burned cities and waged real insurrection against local, state, and federal governments.

The deep state is well versed in “flipping the script.” They’ve done it in many countries, notably Ukraine.

Using provocation and stage-craft, the deep state/Democrats/globalists easily built a false-flag on January 6th, and continue to push that farce today.

Now it’s important to disarm the more-than-half of America who does not acknowledge Biden as a legal president, nor views the Federal Government as having real authority.

Good luck to them. I suggest they push for a peaceful divorce instead of the standard crackdown that all dictatorships like this engage in we’re too armed for that to work.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Democrats couldn’t defeat Trump in the polls. They couldn’t destroy him with coups. They couldn’t destroy him with the corrupt media. They couldn’t destroy him with impeachment. Only with fraud (with the help of the corrupt media and DOJ) could they take him out and now they fear him coming back.

But, with the strong list of great Republicans that could easily carry on most of Trump’s agenda (without any of the phony baggage the left loaded onto him), they could very well be shooting themselves in the foot. If Trump doesn’t run, DeSantis most certainly would and he would crush any of the proven incompetent Democrat opponents.

I agree, but the issue is if the Left/Dems/Globalists can rig an presidential election, historically you don’t get your democracy back.

The country is going to split. We’ll continue to eat steak, and the beta cucks polluting rational discourse will be eating instant noodles bowls made in Shanghai.

The United States of America, a bit less than 50 states, and…whatever the Marxist, godless hatemongering fools want to call their Soros-funded hell.


Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Red states take more in taxes than they give; blue states give more than they receive. That’s just a fact. You guys aren’t economically prepared to run your own country.

So Blue states give taxes? The statement you posted is nonsensical.
Illustrate the point.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Blue states subsidize red states. Some examples:

“Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

“Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.

“California fared a bit better than other blue states. It received 96 cents for every dollar the state sent to Washington.”


Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

Much better way to phrase it teacher.
The states named used to be deep blue democrat southern states, agricultural, share croppers. Weaning people off the government titty isnt easy. Ask and Nato seems we are footing the bill to protect Europe again, and they expect it.

Those states were Blue until the Democrats began passing civil rights legislation in the 1950’s, and moved entirely Red after Johnson sighed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Acts. What’s consistent in those states is the sustained “conservative” block of white supremacy. Race has always driven the issues.

The carpet baggers moved north and created the rust belt and high crime rates. 1 in 6 Americans are on some type of food assistance. Help wanted signs everywhere.

I hate to tell you, Booger. Obama sent trillions to blue states which was laundered through the DNC.It was not “tax dollars”, but federal debt loaded onto the Federal Reserve balance sheet. NJ got huge grants from FEMA after Hurricane Ida also.

Blue states impose heavy state income taxes, then the residents get to deduct those income taxes on their federal taxes. This means the rest of the nation is paying their state income taxes. This bit about blue states contributing anything is pure bullshit.

Your math is all screwed up there. Blue states subsidize red states.

No, they don’t.

“No, they don’t.”

Simply contradicting the facts doesn’t change the facts, and your “the rest of the nation is paying their state income taxes” doesn’t make any sense at all, no matter how you look at it.

Statistics aren’t facts they are numbers to be twisted however you need to support your argument

He knows that. greg and he are here to push the 20th Century model of “authority,” making sure it comes form the government and the prevailing information cartel to keep us in line.

They don’t want to win arguments, but they do require anything you say to have to come from a “link” that obviously was allowed in the search by a Democrat-controlled Google.

That’s their play….but it’s already crumbled.

Simply contradicting the facts doesn’t change the facts, and your “the rest of the nation is paying their state income taxes” doesn’t make any sense at all, no matter how you look at it.

Oh… I’m sorry. Here, let me offer my more succinct, fact-filled, detailed response.

I hereby refute the points.

“I hereby refute the points.“

That’s what your side of discussions amounts to anyway. That’s why I wrote it.

That’s what your side of discussions amounts to anyway. That’s why I wrote it.

Refute. Refute, refute, refute.

You can’t reason with someone, like Deplorable Me, since he’s long since abandoned reason.

Biden Resorts To Late Night TV As Approval Ratings Plunge To Record Lows

Pretty sad when one has to go on late night tv to appeal to one’s base

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Probably be Kimmel’s funniest show yet. I hear “Depends” will be the sponsor.

REVEALED: Joe Biden Refuses to Provide Security to His Grandchild and Hunter Biden’s Arkansas Love Child with Stripper

As Gas Prices Soar to Record New Highs on a Daily Basis Joe Biden Enacts Defense Production Act to Produce More Solar Panels

STUNNING: 12,000 Illegals Form Record Migrant Caravan on Way to Open US Border


I’m pleased to see from some clips on twitter than normal men are standing up, publicly shaming drag-queens and the like for grooming children.

It’s about damn time.

Good for you!

This phony all-Democrat committee is the worst example of Democrat hatred for due process and truth yet.

“Hang Mike Pence!”

“He’s got to condem (sic) this shit. Asap,” Donald Trump Jr. texted at 2:53 p.m.

“POTUS needs to calm this shit down,” GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina wrote at 3:04 p.m.

“TELL THEM TO GO HOME !!!” former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus messaged at 3:09 p.m.

“POTUS should go on air and defuse this. Extremely important,” Tom Price, former Trump health and human services secretary and a former GOP representative from Georgia, texted at 3:13 p.m.

“Fix this now,” wrote GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas at 3:15 p.m.

“I know your pain. I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now.” Trump, at 4:17 p.m.

A timeline of how the Jan. 6 attack unfolded — including who said what and when

NPR, what a gravy train that is. We, the taxpayers, pay those bastards to lie to us.

I trust NPR about as much as you trust Trump.

But then, remember, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. And there’s always “I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.”

Those are the slugs you support.

Trump incited a deadly riot, and screwed around watching it on TV instead of calling off his mob. When he finally did do something, he only repeated the goddamn LIE that set off the mob in the first place.

January 6 was an attempt to overthrow the results of a presidential election by unlawful interference with the prescribed constitutional process, and people DIED as a result. Anyone who can’t figure that out from the information already made public has got to be dumber than a box of rocks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

That is total bullshit. Go F yourself


Biden caused a war, Comrade Greggie.

And the only people who died on or from January 6, 2021 were Trump supporters. I’m sure that gave you more pleasure than whacking your chicken.

Trump might as well have shot Ashley Babbitt himself.

Trump’s buddy Putin caused the war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You are not taken seriously here sparky. Nothing you say here is taken with any degree of validity.
You eat one shit sandwich after another and then you spit out nothing but shit

Trump might as well have shot Ashley Babbitt himself.

He should have been cleared. He did his job. The mob was breaking down the damn door. He was defending the lives of our elected officials. The single shot he fired stopped the mob long enough for elected officials to be taken to safety. It’s unfortunate Ms. Babbitt was hit, but the outcome could have been much worse. He had every reason to believe that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

He committed first degree murder. But you and the democrat party are fine with that

You obviously don’t even know what “first degree murder” is. The shooting meets NONE of the criteria. Look it up.

You obviously don’t even know what “first degree murder” is. The shooting meets NONE of the criteria. Look it up.

Oh, please, Comrade Greggie, tell us where you obtained your law degree that gives you the right to determine what is considered murder in the first degree.

You’re so full of crap.

First-degree murder? My friend, you don’t understand what that is.

Tell us, Groomer, what exactly is murder in the first degree?

Did you get your law degree at the same place Comrade Greggie did?

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

First-degree murder requires premeditation on the part of the killer. I assumed all grownups knew that. I was incorrect.

1. the action of planning something (especially a crime) beforehand; intent

Well, you can double down, take Webster’s Dictionary to the D.A. and try to get the shooter charged, or you can skulk off and pretend you didn’t write something that made you look entirely clueless. The choice, as always, is yours.

Michael, do you even read your source? Or do you just not understand the meaning of the word “or”?

There is no instance of the word “or” on the page that does anything to make your case any stronger.

Let me guess: next, you’re going to argue about the definition of the word “is.”

They broke a window she climbed through, you have no idea what happened that day you just make shit up. You lie as poorly as your media.

He should have been cleared. He did his job. The mob was breaking down the damn door. He was defending the lives of our elected officials.

Gee, if that was the case, I wonder why the 4 cops standing on HER SIDE OF THE DOOR didn’t do anything to stop them? Why didn’t Mr. Sure Shot shoot the BLM punk that was actually INSTIGATING the push on the door and encouraging others to “BURN THIS MFer DOWN!”? I guess he knew the leftists would approve of him killing a woman for no reason.

gregs reasoning is absent any opinion of a reasonable person.
byrd acted in a racially motivated manner, period end of story.
He is and was a loose cannon. Too bad there is not a lawsuit against him where there could be discovery

When one is guided only by ideology, reason is not a consideration. He thinks a cop shooting someone coming at him with a weapon or trying to take his weapon is “murder”, but shooting a woman posing NO threat whatsoever is justified. It all depends on what the ideological overlords tell him is beneficial to think.

You disgrace yourself. This board does not need your bullshit in my view.

Political Theater: Pelosi’s Sham Jan 6th Panel Hires TV Network Executive in a Shameless Attempt to Turn Thursday’s Hearing Into “Must See TV”

You need for someone to pop your propaganda bubble, so you can get a fresh look at reality.

There are two Republicans on the January 6 Committee who haven’t bent over and grabbed their ankles for Donald Trump.

You still continue to try to win your coveted goal of being the village idiot except they guy you voted for is beating you out. You can only be second best!

Joe Biden is trying to deal with problems that Trump never had to deal with, while opponents concerned only with exploiting the situation to their own political advantage do everything they possibly can to impede him. That will be appreciated only in retrospect—assuming that there’s actually some retrospect to appreciate it from. The nation is in greater danger now than it has been since the Cuban missile crisis.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Biden is not in charge, and the regime he’s a puppet for have solely caused the nation’s issues or exacerbated them.

The nation is in greater danger now than it has been since the Cuban missile crisis.

Yes, because we had a duly elected President Trump who was winning on the world stage. Holding NATO accountable, more jobs, record unemployment, low interest rates, low gas prices, lowest illegal immigration saving lives, cheaper generics, no lobbyists…Trump is a Legend.

All those crooks were losing money, so they installed Biden via a pandemic genocide and a rigged election.

The nation is in greater danger now than it has been since the Cuban missile crisis.


The nation is in greater danger now than it has been since the Cuban missile crisis.

Are you getting it yet?

The nation is in greater danger now than it has been since the Cuban missile crisis.

This is because you fools had to bypass American democracy and installed a weak, unelected Biden who cannot possibly do anything prevent the world from collapse.

You caused this.

The nation is in greater danger solely because Democrats/globalists/the deep state had to have their own way and transform our democracy into a tyranny.

Trump dealt with ALL OF THIS. Successfully.

Now people are dying. You people need to be held accountable for the death and ruin you’ve unleashed on our world.

And you will…

Trump might as well have shot Ashley Babbitt himself.

I’m sure that’s how a whiny, sore loser crybaby that has blamed Trump for everything real and imagined for over 5 years, but that’s not reality. In fact, a frightened little coward that can’t even keep up with his own weapon shot a defenseless woman and the left lauded it.

Idiot Biden might as well have given the signal to commence the Ukraine invasion himself. He enabled Putin, his employer.

Coemployer, XI has biden by the tape on his depends adult diapers

Trump incited a deadly riot, and screwed around watching it on TV instead of calling off his mob

“Peacefully go” is not the way to incite a mob. When Trump sent a tweet out telling those incited by the FBI cheerleaders, Twitter permanently blocked his account, so whose fault was that, scooter?

greg has these dreams of grandeur that President Trump will somehow be kneecapped by this fake news. He also has dreams that President Trump would be criminally convicted of some obscure law preventing him from wing for a third time in 2024.
gregs thoughts a wishes are not remotely based in reality. He is in a minority population of less than 5% of like minded mentally retarded revolutionary marxists leftists.

Remember, Greg actually believed Hillary deleted 33,000 subpoenaed emails just because they were only about weddings, funerals and yoga. Then, he believes Kavanaugh has the responsibility do DISprove the false accusations made against him, instead of his accusers proving their accusations. THEN he believed threatening to kill the Covington kids for wearing MAGA caps and smiling was justified. He STILL believes the “collusion” lies even though they were proven lies at conception. If you have a stupid conspiracy theory you want someone to promote, contact Greg. But he’s no different from every other leftist.

I triple-dog dare you to find lies in the NPR newscasts. I’ll bet you’ve never listened to a second of NPR news programming.

“triple-dog dare?” How freaking immature and juvenile are you?

Yeah, I used to listen to NPR but have not for years after I realized it is nothing but a Democrat tool.

Now, how stupid are you that you don’t even understand what your own sources explain for murder in the first degree? Quite stupid, that’s obvious.

“but have not for years”

The People rest, Your Honor.

Playing lawyer now, Groomer? Well, guess playing lawyer is as good as anything since it is obvious you are an idiot who does not have the capability to be a good teacher. (you teach in California, right?)

I stopped giving any attention to NPR in 2007. But I admitted that so you take that as an admission that I have “never” listened to NPR (“I’ll bet you’ve never listened to a second of NPR news programming.”)

Learn to read what you present as a source for your argument. Otherwise, STFU.

National pubic Radio is bias beyond scope and is filled with lies that are obviously left leaning.

Why are my tax dollars funding this disinformation?

National pubic Radio is bias beyond scope and is filled with lies

Please share some examples.

The case against NPR has been settled with their coverage of the 2016 conventions.
NPR focused on a single protestor at the Republican convention, provided zero coverage of the hundreds of Bernie Sanders Screamers at the Democrat clanbake. After airing a full documentary on how bad the Dominion voting machines were before the 2020 election, they called it conspiracy theory afterwards. They should stick to the Global warming conspiracy theories.
Case dismissed

“How freaking immature and juvenile are you?”

Surely no more immature or juvenile than you with your name-calling, friend.

I’ll bet you’ve never listened to a second of NPR news programming.

Na, na, na, na, na, na…….that’s more your speed.

And I’m not your friend. I’m not even your acquaintance. I don’t hang with scum. Not even juvenile scum.

And don’t ever claim again that you always answer questions put to you. That was a lie. You rarely answer questions and only those that you think won’t expose you for the idiot you are.

I responded to your question up above:

“There is no instance of the word ‘or’ on the page that does anything to make your case any stronger.”

“There is no instance of the word ‘or’ on the page that does anything to make your case any stronger.”

“First degree murder is the intentional killing of another person by someone who has acted willfully, deliberately or with planning.” 

Your source does NOT say “and” with planning” (premeditated)

What is the meaning of the word “or”?

You really are butt stupid.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

From the Cornell page:

“A premeditated intent to kill requires that the defendant had intent to kill and some willful deliberation (the defendant spent some time to reflect, deliberate, reason, or weigh their decision) to kill, rather than killing on a sudden impulse.

“Prior planning and deliberation are often closely intertwined. Courts focus on the ‘pre’ in premeditation, and generally look for evidence that the defendant deliberated and subsequently formed the intent to kill prior to the act of killing.”

Here is the link you provided:

And what you will read in the very first paragraph:

“First degree murder is the intentional killing of another person by someone who has acted willfully, deliberately or with planning. Generally, there are two types of first-degree murder: premeditated intent to kill and felony murder. This definition will focus on first-degree murder involving premeditated intent to kill.”

Not only did you flunk out of law school (providing you even went to college) you also flunked out on ethics.

You had to go to the third paragraph to try to cover your stupid liberal ass. MAJOR FAIL.

You exposed yourself for the clown you are.

This point you’re trying to make is not the coup you think it is.

Reading to the third paragraph of something is not an unusual thing to do in the real world of grownups.

If I was trying to count coup, there would not be one hair on your head.

Most people, who are intelligent that is, read the paragraphs in the order they are written as the author has a reason for the placement of those paragraphs. Now you are suggesting violating an age old standard to try to drag your stupid ass out of the mud instead of just taking your hits and being done with it and move on.

You are simply trying to dodge admitting that I was right and you were wrong in your comprehension of the article. But like Comrade Greggie, you do not seem to possess enough self pride to admit when you are wrong so you continue to drag the issue on, making yourself an even bigger fool.

“Most people, who are intelligent that is, read the paragraphs in the order they are written as the author has a reason for the placement of those paragraphs. Now you are suggesting violating an age old standard to try to drag your stupid ass out of the mud instead of just taking your hits and being done with it and move on.”

Or—and we can just try this on for size—I first provided a quote that I thought proved the point. Then, when that didn’t convince you, I chose another quote from elsewhere on the page that addressed the concerns you raised.

You know: the way a grownup does things.

I triple-dog dare you to find lies in the NPR newscasts.

Another lying media tool of the Democrat party (NPR) issues a far too late retraction of their defense of Joe and Hunter Biden

Publicly funded (with taxpayer money) NPR simply decides that the Hunter Biden laptop and corruption story isn’t a story but “a waste of time”
NPR “reporter” cuts context out of Trump Tweet, then the left does wild with it
Trump’s approvals are up so NPR (publicly funded) refuses to air his briefings

As Trump Coronavirus Handling Hits 60 Percent Approval, Taxpayer Funded NPR Station Says Won’t Air White House Briefings on Crisis

Trump’s approvals are up so NPR (publicly funded) refuses to air his briefings

As Trump Coronavirus Handling Hits 60 Percent Approval, Taxpayer Funded NPR Station Says Won’t Air White House Briefings on Crisis

NPR compares ICE agents to the GESTAPO

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

A few things:

First of all, the topic is lies. The quote from my comment that you cited was this: “I triple-dog dare you to find lies in the NPR newscasts.” What we’re talking about here is lies. I don’t pretend that NPR is saying all the things you want to hear the way you want to hear them, but my point is that they’re not making shit up.

Second, refusing to air Trump news briefings is not a lie. You can argue that it’s a bad decision, but it’s not a lie.

Third, deciding that a story is not worth covering is not a lie. Again, you may not like it, but it’s not a lie.

Fourth, doing something like saying the 2020 election was fraudulent and never backing down on that assertion despite the facts is a lie; making a mistake and then correcting it is making a mistake, not telling a lie.

Finally, Yaminche Alcindor works for PBS, not NPR, so she is not a part of this discussion of lies by NPR. By your metric, your saying that she works for NPR was a lie. I’m guessing that it was actually a mistake.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

I think this could be a breakthrough… I’ve figured out your problem. You don’t know what a lie is, or the difference between a lie and the truth. Or, it could simply be you don’t mind being lied to as long as it reinforces your prejudice. In any case, you can’t identify them.

First, taking someone’s quote and deleting part of it to fabricate a comment that can be criticized is LYING. No doubt NPR was also one who repeated on a continuous loop that Trump called Nazis “fine people”, even though just seeing Trump’s actual words dispels that lie completely.

Yes, suppressing facts is the same as lying, especially when they are promoting the lies that the press conferences would dispel.

Declaring that evidence a Presidential candidate is corrupt is not worth covering (especially after hyping a known and proven lie for 4 years) is a lie. How is that POSSIBLY not worth covering? Keeping critical knowledge from the very people that are paying for the broadcasting is criminal. Without a doubt, NPR needs to be defunded.

I’ve provided a wealth of evidence that the 2020 election was rife with fraud. The only “evidence” you have is a bunch of fellow liars saying “Nuh-uh!” like parrots. The fact that this dimwitted idiot is in the White House when he couldn’t even campaign, never drew a crowd for a rally and was one of the least popular candidates paired up with THE least popular candidate is proof in itself.

Like I said once before, National pubic radio is totally biased to the left and they produce far and away more lies than truth.

Yes, absolutely they should be defunded.

For you, “lie” means “something saying something I don’t like to hear” or “someone not saying something I like to hear,” and a liar is someone whom you can imagine saying something you don’t like.

You are proving my point. A lie is something promoted that is untrue. I spelled them out for you. You are addicted to lies, so you ignore the points and tangent away, just as you avoid answering questions.

Dep, guess The Groomer, the legal eagle, has never heard of “lying by omission.”

Nah, he continues to push his stupidity without shame.

We only see Michael and Greg here, they are a true representation of liberals across the board. They are blinded to the lies they are fed by their representatives and favored media. No matter how many lies they are told and then see blow up in their faces, they dutifully believe the next one and the next one and the next one… indefinitely. No matter how many you point out to them, they persist with their willful ignorance.

A sideshow to a sideshow.

And this connects Trump… HOW? The FBI has already dispelled ANY notion that there was any (aside from their own) coordinated or pre-planned effort to enter the Capital. Dang, those FACTS just won’t go away.

And, as always happens, we now know Trump was RIGHT. Massive and widespread fraud robbed him of a victory. Now, in place of success and growth, we have failure, inflation, a wide open southern border and a war in Ukraine.

Oh, and to add, we are STILL WAITING for Democrats to denounce an entire YEAR of violence and political terror carried out by BLM/ANTIFA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

Yeah real damming stuff there. I wonder it shithole schiff doctored any of those texts

Yeah, him and his play-acting.

“Hang Mike Pence!”

Cheney Claims There Is Evidence Trump Said “Mike Pence Should Be Hanged” – Then Never Shows Said Evidence…Teasing the sequel in the opening act of the first movie? Not a great sign

It’s right next to all that evidence of Russian collusion Schiff has.

That is Nancy Pelosi who refused the National Guard when Trump offered it.

Yes, yes, we all know how bad they are. Each ‘New Bombshell’ is just an echo of things we’ve known for years. Nobody expects anyone with a ”D” by their name to be held to account. If republicans eventually get to ‘investigate’… that is all it’ll amount to, more echos of things we know. All we want is to be left alone.

Testimony by Robby Mook and others verified what we the public have known for years but had no proof.
Somehow, someway Hillary must be made to pay for her crimes.

The entire January 6 side show to a side show is nothing more than a controlled opposition show trial. Nothing will come of it other than speculative circumstantial non evidence that it was an insurrection attempting to overturn an election.

Does it really take 18 months to investigate what happened from a body with no investigative authority? The Constitution makes no affirmation to the Congress to conduct investigative action. It does give the Congress oversight into activities relative to legislative functions.

The Constitutional activity of counting electoral votes is not a legislative function. The individuals who have been incarcerated have been held against their will unconstitutionally and have not received due process as set forth in the Constitution.

The angry 9 democrats that comprise the sham committee are going to drop a huge dud on the American people.

Add it up; the Hillary campaign is fined for lying about funding the Steele dossier, Mook confesses that Hillary pushed selling the “collusion” lie to the media and FBI and Sussman billed the law firm working for Hillary to the hours he was at the FBI, as a “concerned citizen”, selling the collusion lie.

Yet the jury couldn’t find Sussman guilty of lying to the FBI.

THAT’S how corrupted by the left our justice system has become. Like prohibition-era Chicago.

Your Show of Shows

The unravelling of the USA gets its summer steroid booster shot this Thursday when the political twerk-fest known as the January 6th Select Committee commences prime-time televising of its inquiry into the so-called “insurrection” the day that Congress met to tally the 2020 electoral college vote when hundreds of protesters entered the US Capitol illegally, egged on and enabled by a squad of FBI plants larded through the crowd, and by shadowy figures inside the building who unlocked the doors for them.

The objectives of this extravaganza are A) to soften up the remaining “purple” voters before the midterm election, B) to paint former president Donald Trump as an instigator of the uproar and an enemy-of-the-people so he won’t be able to run for office again, and C) to punish former White House employees and Trump partisans with onerous legal fees so as to knock them off the political game board.

The Party of Chaos certainly doesn’t need to reinforce the mass formation psychosis of its base who maintain that the 2020 election was the fairest-and-squarest in US history. The committee members will chant the talismanic phrase “The Big Lie” ad nauseam to ward off reasonable suspicions that they are the ones doing the lying. Since a kind of maniacal stupidity attends all the party’s doings these days, it could easily backfire on them. Even two years later probes are still pending in several swing states, and only a few weeks ago, the documentary 2000 Mules released time-stamped videocam footage of blatant wholesale drop-box ballot-stuffing around the country.

Lawsuits filed lately also claim the committee itself is illegally constituted, since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disallowed (against the rules) the minority Republicans from appointing their own chosen members. Instead, she did it for them, planting the vehemently hostile rogues Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger on it, meaning no witnesses will be called who might refute pertinent details of the “insurrection” narrative already constructed. Much of the testimony presented will be videotaped interviews with Trump White House officials and there will be no accounting for what may be edited out. In other words, you have an obvious setup for a star chamber, a device for disregarding individual rights and fair procedure.

The context, of course, as I aver above, is a country that is imploding six ways to Sunday — to paraphrase Chuck Schumer, the Party of Chaos’s Senate leader. At least half the public is already onto the extravagant damage inflicted upon our national life by the beneficiaries of the 2020 election. Thanks to “Joe Biden,” the dollar is hemorrhaging value, we instigated a war in Ukraine that will lead to global famine and mass refugee events, oil and natgas are unaffordable thanks to our destabilizing of global distribution networks, spare parts are unavailable for every imaginable machine in the land, the business model for farming is broken, real estate is groaning under rising mortgage interest rates, the CDC is still pushing Covid vaccines despite proof that they are ineffective and harmful, cities are overwhelmed with criminal violence and psychotic homeless drug fiends, and, as a final indignity — actually, an advertisement to the world of our depraved weakness — the US military is hosting drag queen shows at our European air bases.

Are these the circumstances that American voters are expected to endorse in the November election when all these conditions are liable to get a lot worse? Apparently, the Party of Chaos thinks so, since they’re delivering exactly what they stand for. And yet, they’re clearly nervous about it, as if they suffer fugitive doubts that we-the-people are avid for cultural and economic collapse.

My advice, then, is to take the televised January 6th hearings for the grand entertainment it’s intended to be. Enjoy the sob stories of the Capitol Police officers pretending to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Behold the terrible “threat to our Democracy” of the bare-chested interloper in a horned helmet chatting-up security guards in the Senate chamber. Note the “insurrectionists” taking seditious selfies in statuary hall and trying to fob off with souvenir furnishings. See Rep. Liz Cheney fulminate with scorn and disgust against her orange nemesis. Sympathize with committee Chair Bennie G. Thompson as he bangs his gavel and cries for order when any live witness utters the name Ashli Babbitt. Watch Rep. Adam Kinzinger turn on the waterworks. Take it all in and ask yourself: who exactly seeks to subvert this republic of ours?

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You stole that from William Kunstler, didn’t you?

A shame you didn’t read the whole report from 2020, when Trump was still in office.

06/06/22 – Enrique Tarrio and Proud Boys members charged with seditious conspiracy for alleged Jan. 6 crimes

Washington – The leader of the far-right Proud Boys and four of the group’s members have been charged with seditious conspiracy stemming from their alleged planning for and participation in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Enrique Tarrio, along with codefendants Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, and Dominic Pezzola, are accused of conspiring to use force to oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power “by preventing, hindering, or delaying by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of power,” according to a grand jury indictment filed Monday.

The five men were previously indicted on charges of conspiracy and pleaded not guilty. Monday’s indictment adds the even more serious “seditious” element to the counts, although many of the details in the new indictment had previously been alleged in the initial conspiracy charges. 

According to the indictment, in December 2020, Tarrio and the Proud Boys members conspired to obstruct and stop the counting of the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6. An unnamed individual sent Tarrio a document entitled “1776 RETURNS,” which described a plan to occupy multiple buildings in Washington, D.C., including congressional office buildings. 

Using encrypted messaging programs, the indicted Proud Boys are accused of discussing their plans for the rally and beyond. One member of the group allegedly asked on Jan. 3, 2021, “What would they do if 1 million patriots stormed and too the capital building. Shoot into the crowd? I think not…They would do nothing because they can do nothing.”… 

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yes, we are well aware a false-flag was conducted by the FBI to install an unelected Biden, and that same corrupt usurping government arrested and invented charges for those they entrapped.

This is what all banana republic dictators do when they steal power.

The FBI was there because right-wing extremist groups they had infiltrated were there. The FBI was doing their job.

Just doing their job but testimony before congress they just wont say if the Agents broke the law…hmmm
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06/06/22 – Capitol attack panel to unveil new evidence against Trump at public hearings

Committee intends to reveal previously secret White House records, photos and videos to prove how Trump broke the law

The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack will unveil new evidence at Watergate-style public hearings this week showing Donald Trump and top aides acted with corrupt intent to stop Joe Biden’s certification, according to sources close to the inquiry.

The panel intends to use the hearings as its principal method of revealing potential crimes by Trump as he sought to overturn the 2020 election results, the sources said, in what could be a treacherous legal and political moment for the former president.

As the justice department mounts parallel investigations into the Capitol attack, the select committee is hoping that the previously unseen evidence will leave an indelible mark on the American public about the extent to which Trump went in trying to return himself to the Oval Office.

“They’re important for setting a record for posterity, but they’re also important for jolting the American public into realizing what a direct threat we had coming from the highest levels of government to illegitimately install a president who lost,” Norman Ornstein, a political scientist and emeritus scholar at the conservative thinktank the American Enterprise Institute, said of the hearings.

The panel’s ambitions for the hearings are twofold, the sources said: presenting the basis for alleging Trump broke the law and placing the Capitol attack in a broader context of efforts to overturn the election, with the ex-president’s involvement as the central thread.

At their heart, the hearings are about distilling thousands of communications between top Trump White House aides and operatives outside the administration and the Trump campaign into a compelling narrative of events about the events of 6 January, the sources said.

In order to tell that story, the sources said, the select committee intends to have its senior investigative counsels reveal previously secret White House records, photos and videos that will be presented, in real time, to starkly illustrate the live witness testimony.

On Thursday night, at the inaugural hearing at 8pm, the panel’s chairman, Bennie Thompson, and the vice-chair, Liz Cheney, are likely to make opening arguments, outline a roadmap for the hearings, and give an overview of the events of 6 January, and the preceding weeks…

No evidence against Trump. Just a Putin-style manufacture of “crimes” against a political rival.

Typical tyrannical behavior.

They haven’t presented their evidence yet. The presentation begins Thursday evening.

They haven’t presented their evidence yet. 

They’ve leaked everything they have. None of it moves the public opinion needle, so they have to “prime time” their little theater in one last desperate attempt to try to make political something out of factual nothing.

The panel intends to use the hearings as its principal method of revealing potential crimes by Trump

Definition: Not an actual crimes, just crimes if we suddenly declared something illegal for our own political purposes. What an absolute and transparent JOKE.

Unlike the very real rioting, burning, destruction of property, terrorizing of citizens and severe and dangerous assaults on police officers we watched for months with little or no arrests, the J6 political prisoners did not have what the Democrat politicians think of as a JUST CAUSE (to honestly MOSTLY peaceful protest). The possible DISENFRANCHISEMENT of millions of voters is not considered a JUST CAUSE with the Democrats and RINOs that claimed victory. Now the questions are: Will they stack the jury with Democrat donors and Hillary supporters like they did for Hillary’s attorney? SHOULD the committee be forced to show every last video that was taken at the Capital on J6. What did the people do when they entered the Capital? Did they burn paintings? Did they topple statues? Did they do billions of dollars like BLM and ANTIFA did? If we can get an honest president back in our White House will all the J6 political prisoners be pardoned as they should be?

What’s more, the Democrats cannot understand how people might PERCEIVE election fraud by seeing the obvious and blatant examples and then become infuriated when Democrats just tell them to shut up and sit down. The biggest liars in the country tell them, “Don’t worry about it. Trust us.” instead of addressing the accusations and dispelling them with FACTS.

We can also compare the left’s reaction to actual violent terrorist attacks upon the White House, the Capital and the Supreme Court by BLM/ANTIFA the summer before to their hyperbolic faux outrage over January 6th.

People like Greg believe, once again, that THIS is the big one. They ignore that the FBI has already dispelled any “conspiracy” theory and they are not known for their allegiance to Trump.

Using the Schiff model, the “Kommittee” is constructed so that only the “evidence” they want presented will ever be seen.

The Democrats have hired an ABC producer for their “hearings” to make it appear more dramatic and true. Production values are more valuable to Democrats than truth and substance.

Or: they think that the truth and substance to be shared during the hearings is so important that they want to present it in the most effective way possible.

Or: they think that the truth and substance to be shared during the hearings is so important that they want to present it in the most effective way possible.

What’s more effective than the truth that can be backed up with evidence? When you need to include hype (like that liar Schiff’s rendition of Trump’s phone call with Zelensky) is when you are lying and you need flash and sparkle to distract attention away from the weak lies.

Let us remember that the same people presenting this theater are the same that lied for 4 years that Trump was a Russian asset and they had EVIDENCE to prove it, even though they had kept classified the evidence and testimony proving it was a lie. When people destroy their own credibility, they don’t restore it with more lies.

Democrats are trying to distract Americans from this (from the Dem’s favorite site):

CNN Pollster Predicts Republican Tsunami — ‘The Best Position … In Over 80 Years’ | The Daily Wire

You’re right: the January 6 committee started its work so long ago because they knew that this dude was going to make this particular prediction on this particular day. Illuminati confirmed!

There is little difference between the nine angry democrats on the January 6 sham circle jerk and the failed effort put forth by mueller.
In the end nothing but a waste of time and money will be the result.

Hey, Democrats, No One Gives a Damn About Your Hearing
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Ever watch 2020 on a Friday night? Or Dateline? What once used to be serious “news magazine” shows have devolved, like everything else in journalism, to a complete waste of time that exists only to manipulate your emotions and keep you watching. Every week, they’re reality murder mysteries where half way through you’re convinced (because producers manipulated you into believing) the killer is someone it’s not. By the end, the truth is revealed in a way that leaves you in shock. It’s as predictable as the setting sun. And so are Democrats.

When word came out this week that the January 6th committee – Nancy Pelosi’s inner circle of flying monkeys eager to do as much damage to Republicans as possible – had hired the former head of ABC News to “produce” their big prime time hearing tonight, I knew the only thing missing would be the melodramatic Keith Morrison voiceover. 

The simple fact of the matter is the American people don’t give a damn about any of this. Was the January 6th riot good? Hell no. It was stupid. But was it a “threat to democracy”? Absolutely not.

There was no plan, no plot. To the extent that anything was coordinated it was between a couple of guys no one has ever heard of who, for reasons maybe someone should ask the FBI, did their best to stir people up. Creating an angry mob and getting them to do stupid things is pretty easy, Democrats spent a year leading up to the 2020 election doing just that. Does that mean it’s a plot to overthrow our government? 

In the case of Democrats, maybe. They did sustain their attack until it was no longer needed, whereas the January 6th riot lasted a couple of hours. The majority of people who entered the Capitol that day did so on the Senate side, not the House side where the fighting was taking place. Having worked in that building I can tell you it’s huge and it’s easy to have zero clue what’s happening on the other side of it while you’re in it. As the small mob was breaking windows, more people walked in the Senate side through doors held open by Capitol Police. They even got directions to parts of the building from police so they could get the best selfies. There are police officers in Seattle and Portland still traumatized by Democrats trying to set them on fire with Molotov Cocktails and permanently blind them with green lasers who’d love to have had that kind of interaction with their mobs.

The American public has seen all of this footage for a year and a half and we’re unimpressed. That some self-important blowhard politicians might’ve been scared for a few minutes that day, or a couple of staffers had a few nightmares is irrelevant, honestly. Not a single Member of Congress or their staff was physically assaulted. If they were a blood thirsty mob looking to murder, they really sucked at it. 

Punish the people who did fight with police or did damage the building, but everyone else should be treated like they are Democrats and be given a BLM/ANTIFA pass. The only person killed that day was Ashli Babbitt and the cop who killed her didn’t even face professional discipline, let alone charges. No matter how many times Joe Biden and other Democrats lie and claim police officers were killed that day it won’t make it true

So when the left drag this waste of time and money into prime time, complete with dancing Liz Cheneys, no one cares. We’ve heard it all already, we’ve seen it all already. That these people are content, even proud, of Americans being held in solitary confinement for more than a year for the “crime” of parading on government property tells you more about them than any of those arrested. That two leftist lawyers could get sweetheart deal slicing off 90 percent of the jail time they were facing for trying to kill police in the name of BLM/ANTIFA “justice” while Americans who were simply in DC that day are harassed tells you everything you need to know about where the real “threat to democracy” is coming from.

To hell with the Democrats and their GOP puppets name Cheney and Kinzinger, to hell with the media coordinating an in-kind donation to carry a rehashing of a “nothing new” hearing live in prime time. We aren’t interested. 

And spare us the lectures about “violent rhetoric” in a week that sees yet another progressive leftist arrested trying to murder a conservative. After a month of “They’re trying to rip away your right to an abortion, you must do something” and worse, one of their side took them literally and plotted to kill a Supreme Court Justice. MSNBC’s ratings decreased by one viewer, but their intensity turned up to 11. Finally, they have proof that someone is watching and their message is getting through. Maddow will just have to monologue harder next time.

Yeah, to hell with all of these people and their stupid hearing.