The Week in Radical Leftism, 5/20/2022


Welcome back to Day 486 of the President Ultra Dementia* occupation! Let’s get straight to the insanity:

5/12 – Amber Heard and the Man-Haters Club

RS McCain gives some sound dating advice about avoiding bisexuals. Although I still would have ignored it when I was in this situation many years ago, I have no regrets. Get your mind out of the gutter – the bad ending helped beat the stupid out of me when it came to dating.

5/13 – Prominent Transgender Activist Touted by New York Times Arrested and Charged with 16 Felonies for Rape and Sexual Abuse of a Boy

I’m guessing that he’s getting a lot less coverage now from The NY Slimes

5/13 – “Russia Exporting More Oil Than Before War”…India, China Snapping Up Tankers Of Oil At Large Discounts

Strengthening our economic rivals, another side effect of the Biden* administration’s “energy” policy. Which takes me to “Brother Bob’s Razor” – never attribute to political stupidity that which can be explained by genuine malice

5/14 – WOKEs Charge 3 Boys with Sexual Harassment Over Pronouns

The parents need to sue, and hit back hard. As Paul Williams said so well at the start of Smokey and the Bandit II, “Daddy, this bulls*** has GOT to stop!”

5/14 – The NBA’s Culture War

A surprisingly “just the facts” and low on heat look at how the league has changed for the worse over the last two decades. Never more than a casual fan myself, I completely tuned out of the NBA when they became the standard bearers for a domestic terror group.

5/15 – Cancelling women

Republican politicians, I can’t repeat this enough. Remember that annoyingly lazy and dishonest phrase that The Radical Left used to use, “War on Women”? We’ve already overrun their artillery; now it’s just time to load their shells and start raining their own ammo down on their Leftist heads

5/16 – Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ People

Thsi story show’s how The Rasdical Left’s lie that all they wanted was acceptance is a lie, and always was a lie

5/17 – California Judge Strikes Down Law Forcing Companies To Appoint Women To Corporate Boards

Sanity from California?

5/18 – Tales From the Swamp: How a Republican Senatoar’s Son Partnered With a Liberal Dark Money Group To Sink Voter ID Expansion

This story makes the cut for being so bizarre I had to double check that it wasn’t from The Bee. Sadly, it’s not.

5/19 – Leftist media want to convince you that you’re obsessed with ‘replacement theory’

Projection isn’t just a river in Egypt.

5/20 – Eric Swalwell’s Four-Year-Old Son Hates You. Here’s Why

Here’s a disturbing thought – what if his four year old really is already a nasty, hateful Leftist like Fang Fang”s ex boyfriend is?

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Its a fitting send off.

Why the terrorists will not invade

5/12 – Amber Heard and the Man-Haters Club
I have found that, even if idiot Biden wasn’t destroying the world at this time, there would be nothing that could possibly interest me less than two Hollywood degenerates suing each other.
5/13 – Prominent Transgender Activist Touted by New York Times Arrested and Charged with 16 Felonies for Rape and Sexual Abuse of a Boy
I’m afraid my “shocked face” will simply not activate here.
5/13 – “Russia Exporting More Oil Than Before War”…India, China Snapping Up Tankers Of Oil At Large Discounts
I was just yesterday trying to think of a single positive result from idiot Biden’s foot on the throat of energy production here. To date, none have been stumbled upon; everything about it hurts the US and doesn’t do the rest of the world any favors, either. But, if Russia cannot fill its coffers, how can the Democrats expect this war to continue indefinitely and continue making them richer?
5/14 – WOKEs Charge 3 Boys with Sexual Harassment Over Pronouns
I’ll bet liberal Soros-backed prosecutors and AG’s won’t have any problem prosecuting every case of “pronoun assault”. After all, next to white supremacy (which never materializes except in the liberal imagination), pronoun assault is the greatest existential threat to life on earth.
5/14 – The NBA’s Culture War
Maybe the NBA can soften the hypocrisy of their financial support for BLM by relabeling it as a housing program? Maybe my interest in the NBA (even with the Mavericks in the playoffs) challenges my level of interest in Depp/Heard.
5/15 – Cancelling women
Did Michelle’s use of the term “womxn” (pronounced, “whatthef**k”) herald her finally coming out as a tranny?
5/16 – Fairfax, Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ People
The left:”If you can be stupid on your own volition, we will FORCE you to be stupid.”
5/17 – California Judge Strikes Down Law Forcing Companies To Appoint Women To Corporate Boards
Why couldn’t some of the men on the board simply “identify as female” to satisfy the requirment?
5/18 – Tales From the Swamp: How a Republican Senatoar’s Son Partnered With a Liberal Dark Money Group To Sink Voter ID Expansion
Why is the left so afraid of election integrity? Oh, yeah… now I remember.
5/19 – Leftist media want to convince you that you’re obsessed with ‘replacement theory
Gee, I wonder if many Democrat cities and states giving illegal immigrants the vote and the Democrats luring in a quarter of a million illegal immigrants a month and spreading them all across the country has anything to do with each other? Just a weird coincidence?
5/20 – Eric Swalwell’s Four-Year-Old Son Hates You. Here’s Why
Fartsmell should be worrying about a ban on spy/ignorant dupe asset marriage.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

Although, I must admit, anytime someone purposely doo-doo’s in someone else’s bed, it’s always an interesting story.

I heard the 2 lb dog ate some of Jonny’s drugs and that caused it to poop 4 times its body weight.

They could turn that into a Disney movie.

Even better, a trans-breed. A dachshund that identifies as a St. Bernard and all the obstacles that must be overcome.