He’s going to start WWIII

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Biden is going to get us killed.

A couple of days ago Biden told US troops that they were going to be in Ukraine

“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground,’”

He also said that the US would respond “in kind” if Russia used chemical weapons in Ukraine.

President Joe Biden said Thursday that NATO would respond “in kind” if Russia uses weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine.

“We will respond if he uses it,” Biden said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The nature of the response depends on the nature of the use.”

Clean up in aisle 3!

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. has “no intention” of using chemical weapons, after President Biden said his administration would respond “in kind” if Russia uses such a weapon in Ukraine.

Not content with these actions, Biden went off script to say that Putin should be taken out of office

‘For god’s sake this man cannot remain in power,’ he said of Putin, describing the Russian president as having a ‘craving for absolute power and control.’

That didn’t go over well.

‘This is not to be decided by Mr. Biden,’ Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in response. ‘It should only be a choice of the people of the Russian Federation.’

Others were similarly displeased

Richard Haass, the Council on Foreign Relations president, tweeted his concerns that Biden had ‘just expanded US war aims, calling for regime change.’ ‘However desirable it may be, it is not within our power to accomplish-plus runs risk it will increase Putin’s inclination to see this as a fight to the finish, raising odds he will reject compromise, escalate, or both,’ wrote Haass.

Biden’s remark could also diminish Putin’s interest in compromise and increase his temptation to escalate in Ukraine, ‘because if he believes he has everything to lose then he’ll believe he has nothing to lose,’ Haass said.

Antony Blinken told us that Biden didn’t say what he just said

“I think the president, the White House, made the point last night that, quite simply, President Putin cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said hours later in Jerusalem.

“As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia or anywhere else, for that matter,” he said.

The Russian incursion into Ukraine reminded me of 1968, when Russian tanks rolled into Prague. The thing is, it’s not 1968 anymore. The world is far more interconnected. People are far more connected to each other. There is too much interdependency for this kind of thing. You can watch a golf tournament in high definition with Top Tracer Technology live from literally the opposite side of the Earth. Putin, whose actions are killing relatives of Russians near the Ukraine border, really has to end this right away or be removed from office- but that has to happen from within. I believe he’d be gone pretty swiftly were he to order any nuclear action, but you never know for sure. Then again, it’s frightening to think that Biden might say he’d tolerate a “minor” nuclear incursion, given that he did open the door for Putin in the first place. Furthermore, Putin can use Biden’s words for his own internal propaganda.

There isn’t any doubt that adversaries around the world have been emboldened by Biden’s monumental f**kup in Afghanistan. The problem is now the US is facing existential threats because of Biden’s incompetence and he’s thrashing about trying to look like a leader in charge, which he is not. These outbursts are not helpful.

A mentally impaired leader sinking in the polls and needing a spark is a bad combination, especially when that spark could be nuclear.

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This is most likely, among other things, what Biden was installed for.

Trump clearly won the 2020 election by a landslide, counting legal votes, and no democracy would except any election where one side got Six Billion from companies, banks, tech, pharma, and foreign Trillionaires after an obviously staged virus release.

Biden won nothing, and will never be our president.

Trump continues to lead the county despite it being overthrown, our noble democracy replaced with Biden’s puppet dictatorship.

There is zero doubt now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

President Trump stood in the way of the globalists. It is one reason Putin did not do what he is doing now. A historical analysis of the damage done by the recently deceased albright holds the key to the mess we now see ourselves in. Albright was an interventionist hawk. It was one of her ambitions to normalize Russia into a more westernized sovereignty. She emphatically promoted the aggressive expansion of NATO in the late 1990’s and into the early 21st century.

useless piece of garbage. every time he opens his mouth SHIT comes out of it, the moronic, demented pedophile will start WWIII

Speaks for itself.

That’s going to burn coming out… probably during a speech or a meeting.

Honestly, it makes me sad. Biden is bereft of morals, principles, and anything beyond being a paid shill, but this is just sad.

When he grins at questions posed during press conferences…the devil’s grin….the Devil literally smiling through Biden…I feel less sad.

The left is always telling us what we heard, despite what we heard. When Trump clearly denounced all racists and white supremacists, the left told us (idiot Biden STILL does, despite it being a proven lie… but what else is new) he said “Nazis are fine people.” Trump cracked a joke that even though crooked Hillary blasted 33,000 emails into oblivion, he bet the Russians had them, but we were told he was asking the Russians to hack Hillary (the joke was that, because Hillary had all those emails on an unsecured server, they and every other adversary already HAD them). Now, idiot Biden says we would use chemical weapons, we’re told, “He didn’t say that.” He tells the 82nd Airborne they’ll soon be in Ukraine, we’re told, “He didn’t say that.” He says Putin should be removed from power we’re told, “He didn’t say that.” Worse, when idiot Biden says “sanctions are never meant to deter”, the criminally corrupt liberal media doesn’t hammer the point home that he and his lackeys said EXACTLY that.

Wars start when aggressive leaders see an opportunity, usually weakness. Idiot Biden is certainly weak and telegraphs his weakness and incompetence like a robot caller, but he compounded that severe flaw by also enabling Putin to invade Ukraine by supercharging his energy revenues by, a), cratering our energy production and independence and, b) green-lighting the Nord Stream II pipeline (after pulling the plug on our Keystone XL) so Putin can not only fill his war chest but also hold Europe hostage for energy.

How stupid and weak is idiot Biden and the Democrats? Well, in order to “negotiate” a nuclear deal with Iran to try (supposedly) to halt their development of nuclear weapons, we have the guys who threaten US with nuclear war and who we are imposing sanctions on negotiating on our behalf. I, for one, am not holding my breath expecting a successful outcome for our nation.

Should we survive long enough to have more elections, Republicans will use this tragic and embarrassing episode in US history as campaign ads explaining WHY relying on the lusts of the two elitist coasts to determine US policy and the dangers of election fraud is not only bad for the US, but a threat to the survival of the entire world.

You keep calling the puppet masters’ front man “stupid,” and “an idiot.”
Maybe he is, but he is doing their bidding.
Globalists want a nice big war of white VS white.
Here’s the 2018 breakdown on earth:comment image
What’s the ultimate goal?comment image
I’m really shocked the POC useful idiots haven’t seen it yet.
It’s already common in Africa and Eastern Europe.

Maybe he is, but he is doing their bidding.

There is no “maybe” about it. And, yes, he is nothing but a puppet, but he’s the face of it.

Lets hope the world will understand what we have on our hands here and have a bit of mercy and patience.
I have to admit with Rocket man I thought our ally Japan or S. Korea was gonna get it. Seems Trump understood Kim just wanted to look tough and be recognized, so Trump pretended to butt heads with him. The nuclear twitter exchanges of dotard and fat The Christmas gift and nice vase.
The NATO proxy war with Putin is tricky, there are no real diplomats or world leaders left. The elites dont care a whit about the death of those that can not get out of the way, hell NATO loves death and destruction, on the American dime.
Who ever is controlling Biden, best beware after over 2 years of pandemic BS the food shortages promised might be THE straw. We wont accept the excuses of identity politicians put in positions they were way way less than qualified for.

In the past, us and the rest of the West had moral standing to confront thugs like Putin. The totalitarian methods that were gleefully implemented to deal with Covid changed all of that. The leftist, globalist bozos running the show have damaged Western credibility and it will take years to get it back and that will only happen if there aren’t any more leftist totalitarians following in their footsteps.

The TV has convinced us we had moral standing as we bombed and bombed and murdered. I dont think Putin is a thug, I think its Russia first for him its all he cares about, Russia isnt going to fall to the NWO under his watch. Ukraine is the elites corruption play ground a maytag for money laundering, for illegal bio research, human trafficking.
What is moral about we dont want those people to live under a certain regime so lets go kill them?

Biden Job Approval Drops to Lowest Level of His Presidency Amid High Inflation Rates, Soaring Gas Prices
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According to a new NBC poll, Joe Biden’s approval has dropped to 40%, the lowest level of his presidency.
71% of Americans do not have confidence in Biden’s ability to respond to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

This is a left-leaning poll so the numbers are much worse than they are admitting.

comment image

NBC reported:

Amid Europe’s largest land war since World War II, 7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Biden’s ability to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in a new NBC News poll, and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons.

And during the nation’s largest inflation spike in 40 years, overwhelming majorities said they believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapproved of the president’s handling of the economy.

Those are some of the major findings of the new national NBC News poll, which found that Biden’s overall job approval rating had declined to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency. The survey also found that Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answer to which party should control Congress ahead of November’s midterm elections.

Biden’s job rating among all adults participating in the poll stands at 40 percent who approve of his performance, and 55 percent who disapprove — the lowest mark of his presidency in the NBC News poll, though the movement is within the poll’s margin of error.

In January, Biden’s overall job rating stood at 43 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove.

More from NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd:

Seriously? ‘Some/Very little’ deliberately mixes positive responses with negative. It could actually mean that 99 percent of respondents have confidence in Biden’s approach, either a great deal, or to some extent. The result, as stated, is utterly meaningless.

Turn on your brain, or you will be led around like a stupid sheep.

A great deal/some: 28%

Some/Very little: 71%

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

71% little confidence.
the economy ranks high on interest, the conflict, not so much.
It is an nbc poll
generally left leaning even had chuck Todd concerned

nobody gives a rats ass about the Ukraine border with Russia

nobody gives a rats ass about the Ukraine border with Russia

Vladimir Putin wants you to believe that. Hence the endless repetition.

Endless repetition is an immediate red flag that your mind is being manipulated.

That is your opinion


Why does EVERYTHING you post about Ukraine serve the interest of Vladimir Putin???

Allegedly used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.

By the way, is someone under the impression that an invading army that’s flattening your cities and killing your people is treated with kindness? If so, you don’t really know what war is. The Ukrainians are fighting a war for their nation’s very survival.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You’re repeating the same thing over and over again.

Putin is crazy.
If you call out Europe and the United States on their b*******, you’re supporting Putin.


You’re on the wrong side of this Greg, and I’m not talking about biden or Trump, Ukraine or Russia.

Endless repetition is an immediate red flag that your mind is being manipulated.

How many times did you repeat “Trump is a con man” with NO evidence whatsoever to back it up? You’re mind isn’t just manipulated… it is OWNED.

You can always count on greg stepping in his own shit daily

Another daily reminder as I log off for awhile:

Meanwhile, a reminder of Greg’s thoughts when his lord and savior Obama was in office:

Putin sent troops into Crimea because he perceived a growing threat to Russia’s national interests. He perceived that threat because of what the Ukrainian government was saying and doing.


What should have been done differently? Are you suggesting that we should have gone to war with Russia?

You people are quick to criticize, but slow (as always) to state specifically what should have been done differently. Most likely because you realize you’d scare the bejesus out of all rational people who realize that Crimea really isn’t our problem.

Purim’s sent troops into Ukraine because he perceived a growing threat to Russia’s national interests.

what is different now?

what is different now?

Eight years of observing the behavior of Vladimir Putin, and knowing people in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

There is no difference

Pretty sure you were too focused on your Trump derangement to know a damn thing, or care, about Russia/Ukraine…except that you had to cover up all the 10% for the big guy.

The “Trump derangement” is one of Putin’s primary weapons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

We have to save the West from fools like you somehow.

But please keep posting. The state of world is all the proof we need of our values, beliefs, and voting choices.

You’ll have to live with yours. Hope you adopt at least on Ukrainian child you helped kill the parent of with your ridiculous partisan garbage:

What I would call “inept” was the neocon ambition to push westernized former Soviet republics right up to the Russian border, and squarely into Vladimir Putin’s face. What that seems to have achieved is a newly extended Russian border.

That was a weak edit, my friend.

You’re implying Putin is using the Left through Trump derangement syndrome.

Seems you fools want nuclear war afterall….whatever might prevent you from questioning your own vile beliefs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

I’m implying nothing. I’m SAYING that the right’s attacks on the US president are a tool being used by Vladimir Putin. Social media trolls are one of Putin’s most effective and most frequently used tools.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

It is long past time greggie that you take you ignorant posts and move on. Everyone here laughs when they see you have posted another stupid remark. You are a joke! You have as much knowledge about foreign affairs as my sisters German Shepard! Move on and try to impress some of those lefties you adore.

There are a few different “gregs” using this account.

From the diction and tone, you can tell this is the one who claims he is 71, fought in Vietnam, went to an Episcopal school, and lives in Indiana…oh oh, and lived in Puerto Rico or something.

The other ones are obvious to spot. One swears, one calls Trump “Fat Guy”, and others go on and on.

Know your “greg.”

well, it likely is the same greggie just different of his personalities. LSD does that

Pathetic that all of Greg’s cohorts, Michael, AJ, numerous others, have all run for the hills rather than try and defend the indefensible. Even AJ can’t find enough imaginary racism to come forth any more. Idiot Biden has wrecked the Democrats.

No attacks.

Just pointing out empirical facts.

You’re implying that pointing out the facts is helping Putin.

It’s damaging to the regime in the WH that at least half of Americans do not give the privilege of ruling them, and soundly reject Biden as being a President that speaks for our nation.

That’s the cost of releasing viruses and rigging elections.

Biden’s installation obviously served Putin well, as he moves into other nations with impunity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

You’re implying that pointing out the facts is helping Putin.

Putin hopes and prays idiot Biden remains in office. He is Putin’s best hope.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

Gangsters are the the sort of people that Putin prefers dealing with.

03/28/22 – Federal judge: Trump and lawyer John Eastman likely committed crimes in attempt to overturn election

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Clinton appointed judge pfft

Judge has no idea of what the Constitution permits

 I’m SAYING that the right’s attacks on the US president are a tool being used by Vladimir Putin. 

No one is “attacking” idiot Biden. We are stating obvious facts about his incompetency. LYING about his performance is dishonest, stupid and self-delusional. We all saw something like this coming because it has been idiot Biden’s MO. A few million actual votes plus massive election fraud brought the WORLD to this dangerous point.

Idiot Biden tries to act tough and simply looks like a stupid fool. This is something that needs to be acknowledged and FIXED, not papered over and pretended it doesn’t exist.

You’re attacking your own nation’s President and aiding a Russian tyrant in order to reinstall your own corrupt son-of-a-bitch back into the White House—possibly the most hated former White House occupant in the past 100 years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Not my president. He is in free fall in the polls. NBC poll says he sucks.

Not my president. 

Because you’re no true American’s fellow countryman.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Biden is a severe national security risk: surreal when you really think about it.
Fortunately and no matter what you think of Putin, he does seem sane when you listen to him..unlike whatever is sitting in our White House.

Now I see where Greg gets it. Idiot Biden cannot see the formerly friendly media lemmings actually questioning his sanity. He thinks he can still claim he didn’t say something or do something and the media will carry his water. Hey, DUMBASS… that’s CBS and NBC ASKING about what you said.

Doocy hammered biden on his lies

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Who cares what Douchy said? He’s a FOX News tool. It seems to be a hereditary condition. He’s a professional gadfly. He doesn’t ask questions to hear opinions or obtain information.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Who cares what Douchy said? He’s a FOX News tool. It seems to be a hereditary condition.

What did Doocy ask that was wrong or improper? Cmon, man! For once, man up and answer a question!

They didn’t have time to limit and sculpt the media like they did with Obama.

The free media was compromised like no other time in American history during Obama’s installed terms.

He’s the natural response to Jim Acosta…and yet Doocy can actually keep the Truth in perspective and grill Biden and the “admin” with both tenacity and integrity.

As real journalists should.

Imagine 90% of all media acted like Doocy, all the time, and then you know what Trump went through.

Suck it.

Doocy is a FOX News press conference troll.


You people started that. Set the precedence, like drawing crowds with Marxist-style propaganda for Obama. Then Trump drawing crowds is now wrong?

Own it.

Doocy holds Biden and this illegal regime responsible.

Own it.

A Free Press needs to do this.

At least Trump never got shitty like loser Biden when he was questioned. It’s part of living in our democracy.

Biden should get out if he can’t take it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Russia getting their asses kicked…yeah right

Zelensky cried uncle. He is ready to accept terms.

Russia getting their asses kicked…yeah right

So, you think your team is winning?

So, you think your team is winning?

We’ve been asking you that since Nov. 3rd, 2020.

The Natural Gas deposits are in the Black Sea, and Russia is taking control of most of the coast for that reason.

Of course “for that reason”. Putin wants an open military path to Europe, and a Russian energy monopoly so he and his billionaire-gangster government can squeeze wealth out of the West. Other than natural resources, Russia doesn’t produce much that anyone wants. Nobody with a brain believes his invasion of Ukraine has anything to do with “denazification”, or his abiding concern for “ethic Russians”. He has shelled predominantly Russian-speaking Ukrainian cities into rubble without giving Russian ethnicity a second thought.

Everybody lost it when Biden said Putin had to go. He only said what other Western leaders are thinking.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

He went into eastern Ukraine for the same reason you spelled out in 2014

Putin sent troops into Crimea because he perceived a growing threat to Russia’s national interests. He perceived that threat because of what the Ukrainian government was saying and doing.


How do you imagine Russia perceives the expansion of NATO? Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey… North Atlantic? WTF, indeed.

Are we perceiving a growing threat at our southern border?

Only Americans see a threat there. Democrats see the opportunity to maintain power.

Have you never learned anything over the course of 8 years? I have learned that Mitt Romney was right about Vladimir Putin.

Have you never come to understand that you were wrong about something with the passage of time?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Bullshit. You backed your leader in 2014 and now back your leader in 2022.

The President it the only thing that’s changed.

What were YOU saying about Putin and Crimea, back in 2014?

Nice try at deflection. The subjects is what you said. Nobody gives a rats ass about what anyone else said.

What I thought in 2014 is not what I think 8 years later. My understanding has changed. Why do you find that so difficult to grasp?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

 I have learned that Mitt Romney was correct.

Does that mean Obama was wrong?

obama was wrong about everything because obama hates Americans and America

Obama wanted a weak and subservient United States. Through his idiot Biden conduit, he his making far more progress to that goal than he ever had the guts to do under his own name.

Yet it was Trump who divided the nation into warring factions as a means to personal power. He has divided the GOP in exactly the same fashion. He divided his own family to grab the lion’s share of his father’s wealth. It’s how he operates. Every damn rally he holds is an exercise in divisiveness. Only he and his followers are right. Everyone else is the enemy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Everybody has been wrong about something at some point. Except, possibly, for Donald Trump, I suppose.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Everybody has been wrong about something at some point. Except, possibly, for Donald Trump.

Do you get excommunicated from the liberal religion if you admit Barack the Infallible was wrong? Not only was he wrong, but the corrupt liberal media defended his error. See the risks of that bullshit?

Trump was definitely wrong to trust those in his administration and in government that were more loyal to the leftist ideology than to the United States. But, he was damn sure 100% right about the Russian collusion witch hunt, government spying, securing the border, trade with China, engaging N.Korea, tax cuts, boosting the economy, reinforcing NATO, energy independence, confronting Russia, the method of Afghanistan withdrawal, COVID and Europe becoming dependent on Russian energy.

I asked you (twice) what would be worse now if Trump was still President. You’ve chosen to dodge the question, just as you do all the questions for which the answer is not only obvious and irrefutable but embarrassing to your ideology. The fact is we would now be enjoying a completed border wall, border security, a booming economy WITHOUT 10% inflation, energy independence, better trade agreements with China, Putin behaving, reduced crime but continued Democrat lies, subterfuge, sedition and racism… because that is all they have to oppose Trump.

I asked you (twice) what would be worse now if Trump was still President.

It’s an unanswerable question. We would argue about differences that can only be imagined. What would history have been if Booth or Oswald had missed their shots? What would the world have been with a President McCain, or Romney? What if we hadn’t removed Saddam, and he had remained Iran’s biggest worry? No one knows.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Everybody lost it when Biden said Putin had to go. He only said what other Western leaders are thinking.

But was it smart to say it out loud? Does that do anything to help?

But was it smart to say it out loud? 

Dmitry Peskov: “This is a statement that is certainly alarming. We will continue to track the statements of the US president in the most attentive way.”

Yes. By all means, pay attention, Dmitry.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The Biden experiment has failed. He does not speak for Americans, and is not our leader.


Do some more research before you comment.

You have no clue what’s going on or what Putin’s obvious objectives are.

Just to fly your Ukraine flag, and let we educated Americans take care of global affairs.

Everybody lost it when Biden said Putin had to go.

Idiot Biden needs to have his mouth duct taped, and be dragged off stage for incompetence and open treason.

Russian energy monopoly so he and his billionaire-gangster government can squeeze wealth out of the West

You dumb bastard.

The “West” as in Europe and the Davos people have been milking Ukraine dry secretly over the past few decades.

They caused this.

Do you think it was wise for idiot Biden to call for Putin to be removed from power?

bidens war is a lost cause

war through weakness

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Since the United States is not in this war I have no team. Just pointing out your idiocy in thinking Russia will be beaten.

Now you, you’ve picked a team and its the side of the Nazi’s

This Greggie goose stepper is cracking up
The “Trump derangement” is one of Putin’s primary weapons.
Hating Trymp for no other reason than the TV tells you so is a Putin weapon
Putin is telling us what to think
Trump is telling us what to think
He has Ukrainians contacting him (voices in his head Im sure he gets contacted by those from Uranus and a galaxy far far away too and he chats with them from his window which can be closed with the Sony remote)
The lawsuit against Trump in NY is no more, and now Trump is suing his only friends.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

don’t need Putin to tell me what to think.
I follow biden in that whatever position he takes, I take the opposite

biden is a louse

Then you are not thinking your own thoughts, or making your own decisions.

“I follow biden in that whatever position he takes, I take the opposite”

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

“I follow Biden in that whatever position he takes, I take the opposite”

Demonstrated logic for making good decisions, it seems…dismissing all the ephemeral “gotchas” and just going off of empirical fact.

I like Biden’s proposal for a 20 percent tax on billionaires, too. An excellent idea. I’ve got a feeling polls will show enormous popular support for that.

Trump won’t like it, of course. He never had any real intention that ‘people like himself’ would pay more taxes. He only said that to gain support for the tax cuts that actually saved him a fortune.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

I’ve got a feeling polls will show enormous popular support for that.

The sole purpose. It will never raise the revenue they claim and eventually, it will be used to extract the savings and retirement from all those who have tried to prepare for their later years.

Pocahontas Warren is proposing Biden forgive the student debt (remember that stunt back in 2020?)…but only for WOMEN.

Indeed, using the “haves” to kill off the “have nots” is very effective in killing democracies, historically.

It’s window dressing, as any of those Billionaires already know how to legally bypass taxes and aren’t paying anything near that. This is primarily companies who donated to Biden’s campaign.

Jealous poor people are still just…jealous.

Perhaps you and others should read the Bible story of Cain and Able. Let’s just say being a jealous asshole doesn’t end well for anyone.

Cooking polls is not going to save Joe Biden.

It’s not going to save the Democrat Party.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

indeed, using the “haves” to kill off the “have nots”

Taxing billionaires at a rate of 20 percent most likely won’t kill them. I paid that much in taxes most years until I retired, and I never had more than a respectable 5-figure income.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

It will never happen.

And you’re understanding of taxes is…false, and what a child would say.

Better go back and learn what income tax is vs. other forms of tax. I’ll be merciful and not call you f*cking idiot.

Oh, and was this you???

What I would call “inept” was the neocon ambition to push westernized former Soviet republics right up to the Russian border, and squarely into Vladimir Putin’s face. What that seems to have achieved is a newly extended Russian border.

Talk about just pushing whatever is opposite to the political party you’re being paid to smear.

The usual threats to tax those who install Biden and other politicians is always laughable.

It’s meant to pray on the human need to hate those with more, simple jealously, which is always useful in keeping a population serving a rich elite who oppresses them.

The vast majority of American voters would support a minimum 20 percent tax on billionaires. There’s no question about it. That theory may be tested before the midterms.

That would matter if we have a direct democracy.

We have a representative democracy.

Using media to influence and indoctrinate “voters” and “polls” is so 20th Century, you know.

And yes, we all know this nevergoingtohappen bill is meant to save Democrats in the midterms.

The president’s new budget, the document said, would also propose “additional smart, targeted investments designed to spur durable economic growth, create jobs, reduce cost pressures, and foster shared prosperity — while more than fully offsetting their cost.”

Shared prosperity. Yeah right. That’s called stealing.

America offers the solution to poverty: the freedom to go make whatever you want of yourself. No country has come close to the ideal.

Biden and the New-Marxists are killing that dream. Like Putin and the Soviets before him, they will be the only ones who are rich and simple Americans will never have a chance to build a business, do the things that millions of dirt-poor Americans have done for years.


The real question is, reading all that babble…

 spur durable economic growth, create jobs, reduce cost pressures, and foster shared prosperity — while more than fully offsetting their cost.”

…offsetting the cost of what, exactly?

Taxing billionaires at a rate of 20 percent most likely won’t kill them. 

He’s taxing unrealized income and assets; future income before it is even realized. What do you suppose that might do to investments? Do Democrats EVER look past the short-term political gain from stunts like this and see the damage they cause? EVER?

No. They don’t. They know they can always depend on their Ministry of Propaganda to divert the responsibility. “Putin’s inflation.”

Manchin Drives a Dagger Through the Heart of Another Hare-Brained Biden Scheme

Manchin Drives a Dagger Through the Heart of Another Hare-Brained Biden Scheme – Becker News

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Taxing the rich is never a successful policy.

Taxing the rich is never a successful policy.

“Billionaire” and “rich” are actually two different categories. The cost of one billionaire is one thousand millionaires.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

A billionaire is rich. Someone rich need not be a billionaire.

Go learn logic, you cretin.

A billionaire is rich. Someone rich need not be a billionaire.

Very good! Although you missed my meaning entirely. I’m guessing the average voter wouldn’t.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

More like debunked it.

The combined wealth of America’s 745 billionaires is $5 Trillion. 5 million ambitious Americans could be millionaires instead. The combined wealth of America’s billionaires has grown 70 percent since the beginning of the pandemic. They use their wealth to buy political power, in order to retain and accumulate even more wealth.

The average American voter would be delighted to see them taxed at a minimum of 20 percent.

U.S. Billionaire Wealth Surged by 70 Percent, or $2.1 Trillion, During Pandemic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

 5 million people could be millionaires instead. 

What an abhorrent, ignorant statement.

The truth: 5 million people ARE FREE TO BECOME millionaires if they choose, do the work, and win at their trade and decisions.

You really are a woke, worthless, godless Marxist.

greg, just a reminder. Marxism doesn’t work. You go try that shit somewhere else.

We don’t tolerate that here in this country. The five Billionaires, assuming they did it legally, do not earn the petty, jealously-laden sentiments fomented by useless politicians to take their wealth.

The combined wealth of America’s billionaires has grown 70 percent since the beginning of the pandemic.

Many of them having given to Biden and Democrats, being demonstrably pro-Left, pro-fascist companies.

Bezos and Zuckerberg are on that list.

We’re talking about a minimum 20% tax on billionaires, not creating a Marxist state.

We all saw how trickle down from the Great Table Above worked out a long time ago. We’ve run up ridiculous debt paying for irresponsible tax cuts that have made billionaires enormously richer. When wealth can by power, it’s a very short step to plutocracy and autocracy.

They should put the question to the voters before the midterm elections. I think there could be a popular grass-roots initiative. People know that money, propaganda, and greed are destroying their democracy.

Another one probably thinks he needs to be president. Elon Musk Giving ‘Serious Thought’ to Creating Social Media Platform With Free Speech as Top Priority

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

We’ve run up ridiculous debt paying for irresponsible tax cuts that have made billionaires enormously richer. When wealth can by power, it’s a very short step to plutocracy and autocracy.


The combined wealth of America’s 745 billionaires is $5 Trillion.

And you could take every penny of it and it wouldn’t pay for the Democrat’s spending LAST YEAR. The problem is not taxes or revenue… the problem is reckless and wasteful spending. Democrats need to figure out how to boost economic activity, which produces revenue, not figure out new ways to pander for votes through theft.

And many of those rich(billionaires) are democrats. How is that going to play? This is a poly to try and get mid-term votes. biden is asking the rich to fall on their swords for him…

Jason Miller: Biden’s Impeachable Offenses
Jason Miller: Biden’s Impeachable Offenses (rumble.com)

Then again it’s probably not workable.
Regardless of the amount of tax the government confiscates, it won’t be enough. It’s never enough. If this tax ever went through the law of unintended consequences would arise to show the folly of it.
It’s just another way to buy votes. They already bought yours just by proposing it.

You dont see that he is taxing unrealized gains? How many times can those be taxed?It will drive the very rich out of the US market, when the billionaires are gone its the millionaires then everyone that has any money to invest. It wont just be the midwest rust belt.
There are 700 billionaires in the USA, the idiots in congress are tossing trillions around.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

If they’re more loyal to their money than to their country, maybe they should leave the US market.

03/28/22 – Biden’s budget proposal includes billions to counter Russian aggression and new tax on wealthiest Americans

If they’re more loyal to their money than to their country, maybe they should leave the US market.
That is the most moronic thing ever said.
1000 billions to make 1 trillion, the government has a spending problem, its long past time to pop the gigantic ass zit they have become.

That is the most moronic thing ever said.

Maybe you should read more of the posts around here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

As should you.

I read your posts dont brag, that one was on a greg scale of moron pretty high up there, it show cases ignorance of economics on a galactic AOC, Bernie Sanders level.
Take every dime of those billionaires put thousands out of jobs close down all the businesses that support those jobs, the give it to Zelensky to support Nazi war crimes on POWs and civilians. Minus the big guys cut and all the war profiteers inbetween.

That would be a great solution to those Billionaires installing bad people like Biden and Pelosi.

The “Billionaires” you speak of are Democrat donors.

You really need to take your meds, first its Trump telling us what to think now its Putin telling us what to think. How about your thoughts that we dont hear first from CNN or MSNBC.
Tell us why the Whitehouse has to continually walk back the Pedos statements, why he is given a list of who to call on why he says hes gonna be in trouble.

Seriously? ‘Some/Very little’ deliberately mixes positive responses with negative. 

Is that the straw you are going to cling to? Truly pathetic.

I asked you elsewhere what would be worse now if Trump was President. Naturally, you avoided answering, for obvious reasons. The answer is NOTHING would be worse, EVERYTHING would be better. Idiot Biden is a complete and total disaster. Perhaps, by design.

It’s the truth. The Twitter spin of the poll results is deliberate deception.

The Twitter spin of the poll results is deliberate deception.

Always is. The 2020 polls were MORE WRONG than they’ve ever been.

Poll influence and manufacture public opinion, not measure it.


What about CNN spin this one is fun
Edmonton is in Canada this reporter is as lost as you are.
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Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

NBC Poll, Most Believe Biden to Blame for Inflation, 60 Percent Disapprove of Handling of Economy and 71 Percent No Confidence in Biden Foreign Policy
Even NBC’s Chuck Todd was forced to admit Joe Biden’s polled domestic support keeps getting worse. His approval rating is now the worst in their polling.

The Poll Data is AVAILABLE HERE. Somehow NBC found enough people to show 33 percent of Americans approve of the president’s handling of the economy, compared with 60 percent who disapprove. “Overall, NBC News puts Biden’s approval at 40 percent, which is a record-low for that network’s survey, compared with 55 percent disapproval.” (article link).

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Idiot Biden could pop out of his basement every once in a while during the campaign and recite some sentences his puppet masters assembled for him, but the proof is in the results. Idiot Biden’s results are abysmal and clearly demonstrate that Democrats and the left have no idea how to govern.

The United States has a border currently under an invasion. 12 consecutive months of illegal aliens crossing into our country in excess of 150k per month. On a monthly basis that is the equivalent of the combined forces that landed in Normandy on D Day.
The first article of impeachment for biden is a willful violation of Article 4 Section 4 of the US Constitution.

Joe Biden

“To the American people: F**K you. Give me your money.”

Vladimir Putin’s control of Ukraine would give him eventual mastery of ALL of Europe. Mastery of Ukraine would give him both a clear military path, and a stranglehold on energy supplies.

Ukraine’s undeveloped offshore energy reserves could eventually REPLACE those of Russia as Europe’s primary source. Putin’s intention, among other things, is to make those reserves his own. Without that, Russia is just another nation with marketable energy to offer to a global market—which should be more than adequate to assure his people’s prosperity.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Then “Europe” should stop Putin themselves…with there own resources.

Trump pulling funding from Nato (which was the overwhelming wishes of the people of the United States of America) was most likely the primary reason that “Europe” released covid and rigged the 2020 election.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Europe’s conduct, including espionage and using the United States to help them or throw governments and install puppet regimes has given Putin plenty of reasons to invade.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Yeah, right. Vladimir Putin, Savior of the Oppressed, Guardian of Truth, Liberty, and International Justice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Maria Dubovikova is a Moscow-based Putin propagandist. She can say NOTHING on Twitter that Putin doesn’t approve of.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

And your actor hero reminds his soldiers about the Geneva convention just because eh?


You typically showcase A LOT of Putin propagandists. More and more lately. It’s really being poured on, now that Putin’s invasion is turning into a debacle.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Ah… Your go-to lately. RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA!!!!

Sad man, just sad

There’s been a connection between Trump and Putin all along. There’s overwhelming evidence. This is just the latest reminder.

And now you pull out the bu-bu-but TRUMP!!!!

Only because Putin is Trump’s model of The Ideal Autocrat.

Only because Putin is Trump’s model of The Ideal Autocrat.

Only a leftist would embrace the concept of the “ideal Autocrat”. There is, in fact, no such thing and you absolutely have no evidence or reason to believe Trump has any such idea.

Biden is autocratic, empirically.

Trump is not….at least as far as facts go.

Try again.

Indeed, as so often happens when war breaks out, anyone questioning U.S. political leaders instantly had their patriotism and loyalty impugned (unless one was complaining that the U.S. should become more involved in the conflict than it already was, a form of pro-war “dissent” that is always permissible in American discourse).

With these discourse rules firmly implanted, those who attempted to invoke former President Obama’s own arguments about a conflict between Russia and Ukraine — namely, that “Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one” and therefore the U.S. should not risk confrontation with Moscow over it — were widely maligned as Kremlin assets if not agents.

The perfect description of Gregs mindset

There’s overwhelming evidence.



There’s overwhelming evidence. This is just the latest reminder.

It’s so “overwhelming” that they lost all of it?

Meanwhile the door is thata way… Make use of it if you like. You won’t be missed

Any Trump site you find now will be overflowing with anti-Ukraine, pro-Putin bullshit.

We see the mindless drivel you liberals are spewing for what it is.

Daily reminder:

Greg 2014:

What I would call “inept” was the neocon ambition to push westernized former Soviet republics right up to the Russian border, and squarely into Vladimir Putin’s face. What that seems to have achieved is a newly extended Russian border.

And more:

All it took was an indication that an unpredictable revolutionary government in Ukraine might pose a risk to Russia’s only access to a year-round, warm water port. Perhaps the revolutionary government’s signals were only a bit of ill-considered bluster and bravado, but Putin took it with dead seriousness. He couldn’t afford not to. He couldn’t wait for Ukraine to begin entertaining thoughts of defense pacts with Western nations. There was too much to lose. It’s a pretty good indication of the current Ukrainian government’s state of disarray that they couldn’t figure out how Russia would likely react.

Even more

How do you imagine Russia perceives the expansion of NATO? Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey… North Atlantic? WTF, indeed.


Meanwhile the door is thata way… Make use of it if you like. You won’t be missed

I’ll second that

The dots all connect.

Empirically-minded Americans won’t ignore obvious truths.

Biden admits withholding aid, Trump investigates, Trump is “impeached”, now Biden is installed, and Putin moves on Ukraine.

Easy deductions.

Because a failing Putin is just going to go home and say “oh well.” Mushroom cloud(s) incoming.

You idiots are going to kill us all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

And it’s just propaganda huh?

And it’s just propaganda huh?

It’s a war. Men are repelling invaders. I have no doubt that worse has happened. Do you not understand the nature of this war? Perspectives changes when people come and start killing your friends.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

So you’re ok with this?

Someone might as well ask if I’m OK with reality. When the wolf comes to your village, you kill the wolf.

So you’re ok with shooting prisoners of war….gotcha.

No, I’m not OK with it. But anyone who thinks this doesn’t happen in war is naive. I’m not OK with Putin deliberately targeting civilians, either.

The chaos of war releases every devil of human nature. The worst among us sometimes have free rein. Even the best among us can find themselves doing what they later regret.

United States war crimes during World War II

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

But still you defend the torture of POW’s because eh, shit happens in war eh?

I’m not defending it. I’m saying that when you have war, it happens. Putin is waging a war of terror. He is deliberately having innocent people killed to get his way. If Putin were captured by the people whose friends and families he as done this to, he would be lucky to live to stand trial. Who would I be to condemn them, if he didn’t?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Killing Putin will not end this war.

You’re the wolf.

Sure Comrade Greggie is OK with the mistreatment of POWs. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with the abuse of the Uighurs in China so why do you think he might believe the Ukrainians should follow Geneva Convention rules?

American Who Lived 8 Years in Ukraine Speaks Out on Russia War – YouTube

Ukraine is a thug nation,, and this is the kind of stuff that makes wars escalate into world wars..and for what ? A junkies laptop?


War is hell. The USA has killed plenty of civilians over the decades.

Funny that the Democrat Party who once embellished the “torture” of waterboarding now condones Ukrainians torturing Russian POWs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

War is hell.

Greg’s heroes. Such great fighters!!!

War crimes

Perhaps they should go home and stop shelling cities. There’s not a Russian/Ukrainian problem. There’s a Vladimir Putin problem.

Like I said, you’re ok with shooting prisoners of war.

There’s a Vladimir Putin problem.

Yes, that’s the narrative “they” and you are repeating….repeating…repeating.

But saner minds know better.

Vladimir Putin, Savior of the Oppressed, Guardian of Truth, Liberty, and International Justice.

Your words.

No one else’s.

 Mastery of Ukraine would give him both a clear military path, and a stranglehold on energy supplies.

Only as long as the US stupidly refuses to exploit its own resources. Idiot Biden’s energy policies, dictated to him by the likes of AOC, make the US weaker and enriches adversaries like Putin. That’s the idiot Biden plan.

03/28/22 – Roman Abramovitch “poisoned” at peace talks with Ukraine

The Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiators are reported to have suffered symptoms consistent with chemical poisoning during negotiations about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It’s undertood that Mr Abramovitch was taking part in informal peace talks when he became ill, along with two Ukrainian negotiators. The symptoms are said to have included red eyes and peeling skin on the face and hands.

However a US official said intelligence suggested the cause was environmental and not deliberate poisoning. Presidential officials in Kyiv also sought to play down the claims.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Biden did say using Chemical Weapons against Russia was on the table.

I take people at their words, even if those words are Adderall-induced.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

The last thing Biden and the Euros want right now is peace.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

greg must be busy celebrating Klaus Schwab’s birthday.

I wonder what “function” he serves in such an event.