From Russia With HATE

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Mad Vlad has attacked the Ukraine and continues to kill innocent women and children just because he can.  This is a far cry from the righteous battle waged against the diabolical German juggernaut in WWII.  Russians were bravely defending their country from Hitler’s henchmen who initiated an unprovoked and despicable invasion of the motherland. The German advance stalled at Moscow and a surprise Russian counter-offensive sealed their fate.  Exhusted and frozen German soldiers began a slow retreat home defying Hitler’s orders to die for the Fuhrer.  Hitler fumed in his bunker and refused to admit that the invasion of Russia was a terrible mistake.  The Russian defense of their beloved country was heroic and admired by countries around the world.

Vladimer Putin’s unprovoked attack on the Ukraine is despicable and morally reprehensible.  Many Russian soldiers are understandably ashamed of participating in such a senseless and agressive invasion of their own peaceful neighbor.

However, some Russian soldiers, filled with blood lust, are intentionally butchering innocent civilians.   Ukraine Policeman Oleg Fedko, his partner Irena, their infant son Ivan and their sweet daughter Sofia were fleeing for safety in their car.  The entire family was accosted by Russian soldiers and died in a hail of bullets, begging for mercy.  They were shot multiple times in a gruesome execution. That beautiful family died horrible deaths at the hands of a Russian soldier, not a missile or an errant bomb.  This was up close and personal-deliberate murder.

Vlad’s Stormtroopers were fresh out of mercy in that despicable encounter!

Irena, Ivan and Oleg Fedko

Sweet daugher Sofia 

Innocent families are being butchered to satisfy the lust of a cowardly tyrant hiding in his secret lair in the Ural Mountains.  Vlad is mad that Ukrainians have not capitulated to his threats and instead has awoken a sleeping, peaceful, neighbor and filled it with a terrible resolve. Ukrainians are heroically defendng their country against overwhelming odds and impressing the world with their resolve to remain free-just like Russia did in WWII. Ringing any bells Vlad?

The world is horrified at the carnage Vlad has inflicted on a peaceful neighbor.  President Biden is so upset that he will continue to buy 600,000 barrels a day of Russian crude oil and petroleum products just to keep American gas prices below $8.00 a gallon.  Joe stomped his foot, pointed a finger and said, “Keep that oil flowing Vlad but Hunter and I ain’t happy.”

What are the odds it just happens to be an election year?  Democrats across the board are terrified that their brand has become so toxic under Biden that they may go the way of the Whig Party and be permanently relegated to the dustbin of history.  The wonderful people in the Ukraine aren’t happy that American dollars ($112 a barrel) are supporting the genocide of Ukraine engineered by Vlad the “Bully.”

Biden did talk tough during his recent “weak and forgettable”  State of the Union Address. In a blistering warning, Biden said, “Putin may circle Kiev with tanks, but will never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.”

Putin needs to stop this invasion now.

Vlad is fuming in his  bunker and refusing to admit that the invasion of Ukraine was a mistake. Vlad should be imprisoned for war crimes including the cold blooded murder of the Fedko family.  That family didn’t deserve to be executed and Vlad doesn’t deserve to enjoy one more day of freedom!

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And our “president” can only level sanctions…hurting all the innocent Russians that they claim don’t support Putin.

Putin is doing this alone. Putin is crazy.

No. You’re attacking Russian citizens instead of putting up or shutting up.

If we want to stop Russia from taking Ukraine, we have to do it militarily.

If you don’t want to take those actions, stop hurting the innocent Russians you claim don’t want this war.

Reminder: this war was telegraphed by Putin and his new friend Xi, a friendship in which “nothing is forbidden” as they openly stated they will support each other in taking the Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively.

The sanctions will NOT hurt Putin and his oligarchs. It WILL however build support from the citizens who will now want Putin to keep going.

Great job for the usual paid-actors pretending to be our government.

Putin didn’t invade without KNOWING the US and NATO won’t do sh*t about it.

Just like Hitler, Putin determined the west was weak and cowardly and he pushed that mostly correct assumption too far. Hitler pushed it too far with Poland, Putin has done it here.

It is a sad fact of life that one way to hurt Putin and possibly see him removed is to cause the Russian population enough pain and suffering to take the necessary actions. It will be up to the Russian generals to get this done, but I have no idea if there are any with such sympathies.

biden has engaged in economic war with Russia. All Americans are now combatants. What is the purpose at this point. Sanctions will have no effect on Putin or the oligarchs.

Just like creating the mess in Afghanistan, the foreign policy dunce does it again.

The purpose is to convince Putin’s oligarchs and the Russian people that Putin has become a serious national liability.

NATO has been bolstering and repositioning troops and equipment in eastern Europe for weeks. That includes the United States. Be careful what you wish for. Western military involvement could come in the blink of an eye.

By making the people poor? They are going blame Putin and not the people making them poor?

NATO caused this mess. Vlad was backed into a corner.

Trump knew how to handle this megalomaniac.

Your ideas, and voting choices, have gotten Ukrainians killed.

The blood of the Ukrainians is on the globalists and biden

putin is responding rationally

putin is responding rationally

Putin is not “responding”. Putin has launched a war of aggression. If there’s a hell, Putin has got a First Class Ticket—possibly in the same seat Hitler once occupied.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Putin is seizing the moment, a limited window in time when the US has the weakest and most incompetent “leader” in US history.

Plenty of Russians know WHY sanctions are being imposed. There have been mass arrests of anti-war protesters in Russia. Thousands have been taken into custody.

By making the people poor? They are going blame Putin and not the people making them poor?

While they fed nothing but a diet of state propaganda (sound familiar?), the Russian people have far more access to real world information than, say, the Germans under Hitler or Soviets under Stalin.

Putin will take the blame there, just as Biden takes the blame here for countless issues beyond his control. One big difference, though, is that Putin started this war. He invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. And at some point, Russian wives and mothers will learn not only of what he has done to Ukraine, but of their dead husbands and sons.

Putin will take the blame there, just as Biden takes the blame here for countless issues beyond his control. 

While idiot Biden IS to blame for all the disasters since he took office, he doesn’t. He either blames Trump or lies about them even existing. But idiot Biden’s polices themselves have brought about the disasters that are costing him support and so terribly hurting the nation and world.

biden has engaged in economic warfare. He is playing with fire.

the Ukraine polls so low among the American people. It is of no concern for America. It is a Eurasian issue.

We did not declare war on nazi Germany. We declared war on the empire of Japan. Germany declared war on us.

03/01/22 – Americans’ approval of Biden’s handling of Ukraine crisis rises -Reuters/Ipsos

A strong majority – 71% – of respondents to the poll on Ukraine said they believed the United States should provide it with weapons to respond to attacks that have seen Russians bomb urban areas as a six-day assault on its neighbor stalls. Some 77% said the United States should impose additional sanctions on Russia as a result. Support was bipartisan, with majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents backing those moves. read more

The Majority of Americans DO NOT approve of Biden’s handling and initiation of this war.

Saying we “should” do certain things and “approval” are different, Cletus.

While The World Watches Ukraine – Biden Prepares To Surrender To Iran comment image
Sam Faddis,c_scale,f_png,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ 3
The full import of what is happening to American national security remains apparently unclear to the media, both left and right. Even Biden’s harshest critics accuse him merely of incompetence and weakness. They avoid the increasingly obvious truth. Joe is guilty of malfeasance. What he is doing to America is deliberate.
And, so far remarkably successful.
Afghanistan is lost. A new terrorist superstate has been born. Ukraine is in flames and all of Europe is destabilized. And meanwhile, as the world fixates on Kyiv and Odessa, Biden’s team in Vienna is preparing to surrender to Iran and the ayatollahs.

Wow can this story be verified? Was it Russian or Angry Ukrainians stopping a guy that would flee not defend his country.
Ive seen where a video game company was sueing for copyrite infringement for footage of airstrikes.
A pro russian mayor kidnapped and murdered.
So many convinced in such a short time by the media that has lied for years about both the pandemic and our election.
No doubt there will be civilian casualties, its war it happens in every war. Innocent aid workers and children get droned.
Our government heads did not negotiate before the invasion, are they ready to do so now? 140 countries walked out on the russian speaker in the UN.
Both oil and wheat are on the rise 2 of the biggest exports of Russia.
Biden borrows a page from the late 70s dont use oil, how is that 70s idea from before the wall fell working out?

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Are they going to start a war over Fossil Fuels all so we can prevent fake crisis of Global Warming/Climate Change just to keep those idiots from Greenpeace happy? Biden is a Traitor just like Clinton(Bill and Obama as well

Finally an article that makes sense, both rationally and morally. Thank you.

For 30 years Russia has said “don’t expand NATO, don’t arm/support Ukraine. Make them neutral”.

This is not the action of simply a “madman.”

You touched the dog. It growled. You taunted it. It growled. You provoked it.

Now it’s biting.

You either let it have Ukraine or you fight the dog. Now.

For 30 years Russia has said “don’t expand NATO, don’t arm/support Ukraine. Make them neutral”.

Now, why would Ukraine being a part of a totally DEFENSIVE alliance annoy him? Why would he not other nations to come to the aid of Ukraine if they were attacked? We have to wonder no longer.

It’s not that NATO is an extension of the US, it’s that the US is now an extension of NATO.

The Globalists bought our government and Vald is just opposing the New World Order.

Polling in the Ukraine indicates the people there do not trust biden either.

Welcome Ukrainians to our world

Do you think Ukrainians don’t know what Trump tried to do? Ukraine has a much higher adult literacy rate than the US. They have an informed population. Having Russia as a neighbor, they also understand propaganda.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Do they have an understanding of what a New word order is all about?
Do you?

It apparently has something to do with the right’s delusional construct. Others view the emergence of greater international cooperation as recognition that we all live on one small planet and have a single shared destiny, whether we like it or not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

a recipe for disaster

Stow the shallow platitudes.

Anyone who understands and actually cares about the Ukraine crisis soundly rejects all of the propaganda you’re spouting.

China and Russia even SAID they are forming a pact to press back against the New World Order with a world order of their own.

Others view the emergence of greater international cooperation as recognition that we all live on one small planet and have a single shared destiny, whether we like it or not.

Except that all that “cooperation” is expected to be paid for by the capitalistic economic juggernaut that is the United States, which would cease to exist under the NWO.

Uh, there’s an actual book called “The Great Reset”, by Klaus Schwab…and man actually “resetting” the world.

I do not share your destiny.

Trump tried to uncover Biden and other’s corruption in Ukraine. Trump is popular in Ukraine, as he is in most of the World. There’s no pictures of Taiwanese and Hong Kongers holding Biden banners: they were all routing for Trump, and still are. Freedom is in their best interest, and Trump equals freedom. Biden is the NWO.

Ukraine is a poor nation, and objectively one of the most corrupt.

Putin had a puppet president, then we staged a coup there and installed our own puppet.

This has escalated as expected, and the US and NATO are far from innocent.

Remember Trump’s speech in Poland? Trump was seen as a LEADER, a serious authority that would not tolerate aggression, and that’s what he was. None of this bullshit took place under his watch. Democrats made it clear to all our adversaries to just bide their time and another weak, incompetent idiot would be there soon to allow them to have their way with the world again.

Do you think Ukrainians don’t know what Trump tried to do?

Trump didn’t “try” to do anything. He DID it. He told Zelensky he had to make sure the corruption of the former regime was being investigated and rooted out for them to get financial aid from the US taxpayer. Part of that corruption was idiot Biden and crack-head Hunter.

Trump ARMED them with Javelins. Trump HELPED them. Obama sent them blankets and put the most incompetent and corrupt member of his regime in charge of overseeing the aid to Ukraine. That’s why Burisma put Hunter on their payroll; it makes the corruption and graft inevitable which provide the cover for Ukrainian corruption.

How about we see all the transcripts of idiot Biden’s discussions with Putin and Zelensky, or at least provide them to Republicans in Congress. Let’s just see how intent idiot Biden has been on averting the disaster.

No one in their right mind should trust idiot Biden. He put them in this position.

Is he making Hunter the bag man?

03/03/22 – With war on its doorstep, Moldova applies for EU membership

Moldovan President Maia Sandu signed a formal application for her country to join the European Union on Thursday, charting a pro-Western course hastened by Russia’s invasion of neighbouring Ukraine.

Sandu’s move comes days after Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy signed a request for immediate EU membership as it battles invading Russian forces. 

Moscow is fiercely opposed to the eastern expansion of both the EU and especially of NATO, which it sees as a direct threat to its own national security…

“National security” being the reason Putin is giving for the invasion and occupation of sovereign nations outside of Russia’s national borders, which he is intent on expanding. So, who should feel more threatened?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

And admitting Moldova will make things much, much worse.

So Europe should sit by while Putin takes another nation? Because he will. Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland…all of which are NATO nations. Where will he draw the line?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

No he wont

You mean, “so Putin should just sit by while NATO takes another nation?”

You failed to see what going on here, and how the US/NATO caused it.

One of Putin’s major mistakes is to expose to the world how weak his military is. They cannot coordinate services in attack and their logistics have failed. Their weapons are no match for ours or NATO’s. Russian soldiers don’t seem to have the heart to fight and die on foreign soil.

More of that hot air.

Wisconsin’s election will be decertified, and then we figure out this rigged election fiasco for the future of our democracy.

Depends on if Putin is still around and who takes over after him.

Why does biden insist on continuing to buy oil from Putin fueling his war machine?

So your gasoline prices don’t double. But I’m thinking now that’s not a good enough reason.

Duh. We could pump more ourselves. We produce millions of barrels less now that Biden is in office. He wants it that way. If Trump were doing this you’d be calling him Putin’s puppet. This is all on Biden and we all know it.

12/06/21 – Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands than Trump, analysis finds

The Biden administration has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands per month than the Trump administration did during the first three years of Donald Trump‘s presidency, according to an analysis shared exclusively with The Climate 202.

The report by Public Citizen, a liberal advocacy group, illustrates that President Biden has been slow to reverse Trump’s fossil-fuel-friendly agenda, despite his campaign promise to push for “no more drilling on federal lands” because of climate change.

The analysis looked at data from the Bureau of Land Management, which processes applications for drilling permits on public lands. Its main findings were:

During Biden’s first year in office so far, BLM has approved an average of 333 drilling permits per month. That figure is more than 35% higher than Trump’s first year in office, when BLM approved an average of 245 drilling permits per month.

That number is also higher than the monthly average in 2018 (279 permits) and 2019 (284 permits), but lower than the monthly average in 2020 (452 permits), when oil companies stockpiled permits in the final months of the Trump administration.

Under Biden, monthly permit approvals peaked at 652 in April but have started to trend downward in the second half of 2021.

(When analyzing Biden’s first year in office, the group excluded January 2021, when Trump was in office for most of the month. Similarly, when analyzing Trump’s first year in office, it excluded January 2017, when Barack Obama was president for most of the month.)…

Washington compost

running dogs for the democrat party

Dude. It’s smoke and mirrors. He jacks up the costs for producers and discourages banks from lending to energy companies. We are producing millions of barrels less. Even Petey Butt plug says we might consider imports from Iran. BTW some of the articles referenced in your last cut and paste post are old and not all that relevant.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

Approval is one thing. Actual yield is another.

Shutting down the Keystone was bad, and for unknown reasons.

Idiot Biden revoked the permits. He’s in the bag for Putin and Xi. It helps HIS bottom line to screw the US citizen.

Why has biden not made the case to the American people about what we are doing with economic warfare that ultimately can result in regime change?

is it in our National security interest to engage in regime change in Russia?

comment image

Yo tinkerbell, if gas goes up everything follows it, everything. You are not thinking at all. You simply cant.
Making our own gas employs people. They just fired all the employees from the pipeline that the EU shut down.
Green weenies want our pipelnes in Wisconsin shut down They can go to their own houses and shut off their NG pipelines to their own houses stop filling their own cars tanks, In Superior Wisconsin.
Its the last place that thaws.
Increase our production by 8 % and Russia petro not needed.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Increase our production by 8 % and Russia petro not needed.

So tell the US oil corps to start using the leases they already hold. Only 35 percent of the land they already hold leases on is in production.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

So tell the US oil corps to start drilling an pumping from the leases they hold but aren’t using.

Tell idiot Biden’s regime to lift the regulations on refining and to honor agreements already made. Companies are tired of getting f**ked over by this incompetent regime.

Oil companies drill wells that are projected to have acceptable returns on capital employed based on forecast oil prices and costs. Oil companies do not set the oil prices. The Biden Administration has delayed drilling permits, increased regulations thereby limiting BLM acreage, threatened to jail oil executives who called BS on the fake man-made climate change narrative, and proposed removing the deduction for intangible drilling costs. Government discouragement combined with decreased oil prices during COVID and inflationary prices on tubulars have reduced production. Wall Street has also demanded the focus to shift from production growth to rate of return. 
Here’s just one example of what they face several oil companies applied for leases to drill in the Gulf of Mexico recently, which would have given the federal government millions of dollars. A Texas judge approved it, but then the climate change groups re-sued and appealed, and it went to a court in Washington DC. The judge in Washington DC, Judge Rudolph Contreras, appointed by Bill Clinton, denied the oil companies the right to drill in the Gulf, stating that more research needs to be done to investigate the effect producing this oil would have on climate change. 

Then we have this.

And this one.

They are as forward thinking as our idiot Democrat green energy climate change zealots. Will ANY of them see the error? No, I sincerely doubt it.

Russia holds 40% of the world’s potash and nitrogen. Two things that are critical in the production of fertilizer.

So your gasoline prices don’t double. But I’m thinking now that’s not a good enough reason.

It’s already gone up 50% and the Democrats are taking the hit for it. That’s the ONLY reason idiot Biden doesn’t have the balls to cut off Putin’s flow of revenue, which is the acme of stupid. If he cut off Russian oil AND reopened our production full-bore AND restored Keystone construction, he would only have to endure skyrocketing costs until our production kicked in and people would finally see him doing SOMETHING to ease the pressure AND severely hurt Putin instead of just lying.

But he is too gutless and afraid of AOC to do any such thing.

Vlad the Invader has sealed his own fate. He invaded without provocation. Invade a neighbor because they might join a defensive alliance? Really? He should have said that out loud and listened to how stupid it sounded before he acted on it.

Ukraine was part of Russia? Take a look at the map of Europe; NO country has borders that have been stable for 100 to 200 years. Ask Poland about getting their boundaries moved about. How about Hungary. Czechoslovakia… where are you? Damn, Vlad, just suck it up and make the most of it. How about developing friendly relations with your neighbors? JOIN NATO, don’t wait until they come begging you to join.

But idiot Biden set all this in motion, first giving Putin the gift of massive oil revenues and then making sure Putin fully understood just how weak, incompetent and stupid idiot Biden truly is. Perhaps the sanctions, combined with the Ukrainians’ courage, can turn the tide, but the fact is it is all totally unnecessary and avoidable. All it would have taken is a full-time President that could present a complete, cognizant sentence and exuded strength and competence… something we are sadly lacking yet recently had.

Not only should Putin be tried for war crimes (and convicted), but Belarus needs to be harshly sanctioned. Also, every nation that voted against the condemnation and is supporting Russia needs to be sanctioned and forced to realign their ideologies so that they know the difference between a member of a civilized world and aggressive war mongers. But, again, the UN is sadly lacking in resolve and capability to achieve the purpose of its very existence: world peace.

03/01/22 – White House announces new sanctions on Russian oligarchs

…The new list of individuals described as “Putin’s cronies and their family members” will be cut off from the US financial system, their assets in the US will be frozen and their property will be blocked from use, according to a fact sheet from the White House.

There will be full blocking sanctions on eight Russian elites, plus their family members and associates.

It includes a move to target Putin ally Alisher Burhanovich Usmanov, “one of Russia’s wealthiest individuals,” according to the White House, and will include his super-yacht and private jet.

Better fill ’em before any long trips, because nobody in the free world is going to be selling you any fuel.

The US is also sanctioning Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, whom the White House describes as “a top purveyor of Putin’s propaganda.”

“The United States and governments all over the world will work to identify and freeze the assets Russian elites and their family members hold in our respective jurisdictions — their yachts, luxury apartments, money, and other ill-gotten gains,” the fact sheet said…

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg


stop buying Russian oil

He needs to cut off Russian energy revenues. Everything else is useless.

They can go lots of places Japan, Brazil I dont sanction theft but its all the lefties do. How about All Those that bought Oil lets take the Bidens mansions and those PMs and presidents in the EU.

03/03/22 – Top Russian general is killed by Ukrainian sniper as Kyiv claims 9,000 of Putin’s troops have died during invasion

A top Russian general has been killed amid bitter fighting in Ukraine in what represents a major blow to the Russian invasion.

Major General Andrey Sukhovetsky, who was the deputy commander of the 41st Combined Arms Army of Russia’s Central Military District, died yesterday as Ukrainian defence forces repelled the Russian offensive.

His death has not yet been officially confirmed by Russia’s Ministry of Defence, but was announced on social media by his colleague Sergey Chipilyov and was widely reported by several Russian and Ukrainian news outlets…

Hopefully this is not another “Snake Island” propaganda battle.

In less than 8 months, idiot biden has had two colossal military blunders

Who the US President is important. You can’t just have anyone sitting in the WH.

“We Have Declared War on the State Authority – We Are Breaking the Central Bank of Russia” – Steve Bannon Explains the Financial War Biden Launched on Russia (VIDEO)
we are playing with fire here. Forget nuclear weapons. Russia has a more advance arsenal of cyber weaponization and could accomplish much more devastation by launching an all out cyber attack on it’s opponents. In 2017 they shut down the entire country of Ukraine.

03/07/22-NATO Allies Send Ukraine 17,000 Anti-tank Missiles in Six Days: Here’s the Result

In just six days, the United States and other NATO allies have supplied Ukraine with more than 17,000 anti-tank weapons, the New York Times reported Sunday. 

The shipments include the medium-range, U.S.-made Javelin; the Anglo-Swedish short-range NLAW; rocket-propelled grenades; and other anti-tank systems, according to the report… 

Of course there are biological research labs in Ukraine. There are biological research labs in every modern nation.

The article photo is a screen capture from a popular video game. NewsPunch is a fake news and hoax site.

There are documents searched through the state dept showing payment up to 2 million to labs in Ukraine. Fauci has shown without a shadow of a doubt that labs outside the US are funded for types of experiments forbidden in the states.
I knew the photo was CG its obvious much to cartoon like, we know what full containment suits look like. Why would Vicky be so concerned about what the russians would find, then the statement about a bio attack.
You really need to begin watching senate and congressional hearings and less MSM. I have previously linked about these lab directly from the State department website.
Russia has complained about them for years.

Here is a novel thought. In the early days of the conflict, it was reported that Putin was specifically targeting these labs for destruction. What did Putin know and was he taking out a threat that he may have thought would be a covert attempt by the globalists et al to institute eventual regime change in Russia?

The pos, victoria nuland was behind the “color revolution” in 2014. There appears to be more here than we are being told. Her careful response and body language indicate she was tip toeing on eggshells…

Propaganda and manipulation of video has gotten so sophisticated, it’s impossible to know what to trust. Mostly, we have to rely on the history of Putin which shows us he is a despicable character capable of this atrocity.

Russia may have had as many KIA losses after only 13 days in Ukraine as the US lost in the entire Iraq War. The numbers are uncertain, as Russia has locked down all such information. It’s been reported that Russian families are not being informed of family military losses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Russia is successfully invading Ukraine, and no one is stopping them.

Stop posting propaganda.

There are a lot of burned out Russian tanks sitting around. 17,000 is one helluva lot of anti-tank weapons. Putin f*cked up.

03/09/22 – Ukraine war: Lost equipment, casualties and communication failures: How the Russian military is faring in Ukraine

The Russian military is losing “significant” equipment, “about to run out of available troops” and failing to move its convoy into Kyiv, according to a security and defence analyst.

Sitting convoys are sitting ducks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Uh huh.

None of that will bring back the dead kids our bad Democrat-led foreign policy has killed.

Biden f*cked up.

I’m trying to figure out why the Left and some others don’t understand that wars are fought over time, with blood, and the propaganda reported about them for “public opinion” won’t change a damn thing.

You should pivot back to posting ridiculous videos of Ukrainian kids singing..

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

You know damn well Putin won’t stop with Ukraine. We’d best hope he severely damages or destroys himself in the course of this “military operation”. We should do everything possible to help the Ukrainians make that happen.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Greg if everything that sky news says is true, what is the panic over him rebuilding the old soviet union all about? Are you all just screaming retards?
The US made short work of the 4th largest military in the world with desert Storm.

I know you cant read but heres the documentation of US funding of the labs.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

We’d best hope he severely damages or destroys himself in the course of this “military operation”. 

“Hope” doesn’t win wars, shithead.

We should do everything possible to help the Ukrainians make that happen.

We did everything possible to help Russia invade Ukraine.

Russia offered terms to Zelensky yesterday.

Dmitry Peskov said Moscow was demanding that Ukraine cease military action, change its constitution to enshrine neutrality, acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory, and recognise the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent states.

Ukraine cease military action? Ukrainians are defending themselves from the bastards on their own soil.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Oh well Russia was good at wiping out the Nazis before so I guess they must again. You dont think when an agreement is made they should stop shooting, you really are a screaming retard.

I’m hoping someone will kill Putin. Nerve gas seems to be a method he himself approves of. They could call it a stroke, put the blame for the entire Ukraine debacle on him, and put forward a more rational Russian gangster as his replacement. There’d be no need for any more dead Ukrainians or Russians, and Russia could get rich selling their oil and gas to Europe.

Instead, we’ve got this lunatic in elevator shoes shelling Ukrainian Russian-speaking cities “to protect ethnic Russians,” babbling about Nazis as he acts like Adolf Hitler.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You know they are there. Real live neo nazis wanting to hook up with Germany. You dont take into account the history of Russia and the 3rd Reich.
Putin by doing what he did it was illegal, what caused it, its a proxy war with Nato.
The elites dont GAF about the bloodshed. They just print up money and sacrifice the useless eaters. Nato was full of ex german NaziGenerals, it is systemically a Nazi organization without the trappings of a swastika.
Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2 For decades former Nazis and German war criminals served at the highest echelons of NATO. Most of them were highly decorated Nazis, who later served in top positions in the Western German army, and were later promoted to serve as Commander and Chief of all NATO forces in Europe.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

I’m hoping someone will kill Putin.

Your willingness to assassinate world leaders is sickening, though it’s expected.

You people want blood, and would like to commit a genocide on the new Juden of the West, the white Christain male.

Perhaps the situation in Ukraine is a bit more complicated than the 12-year-old understanding you seem to have?

Glad you are in charge of jack-sh*t. The world has enough problems without people like you having any real power. Enjoy the internet. That’s the closest to having a “voice” as you are going to get.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Your willingness to assassinate world leaders is sickening…

It’s unfortunate that no one succeeding in assassinating Adolph Hitler. Millions of innocent lives would have been spared. Put millions of innocent lives in the balance against the life of one murderous dictator, and then lecture me about morality.

Ukraine can end this and surrender. The terms have been given.

This country was to remain a neutral buffer between Nato and Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Putin can end it with a pocket pistol. Which is a pointedly mean way of saying, he’s the one who launched this. He’s the one with the invading army. He’s the one who made the abysmally stupid play. Thousands of Ukrainians and Russians have died as a result. He’s brought the world to the brink of disaster.

Now he has to destroy a nation to prove it wasn’t an abysmally stupid play. That’s not a good enough reason.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Putin has violated every deal he enters into. All he wants is a ceasefire to be able to reorganize and resupply. What needs to happen is Russia withdraws completely and pays reparations.

What needs to happen is Russia withdraws completely and pays reparations.

Never going to happen, at least not without some nation answering the question “you and who’s army?”


03/09/22 – Over 300 Companies Have Withdrawn from Russia – But Some Remain

Since Putin’s devastating invasion of Ukraine began, 300 companies have announced their withdrawal from Russia in protest.

Nevertheless, some western companies have continued to operate in Russia undeterred; we identify several dozen companies with particularly significant exposure to Russian markets. In the days since we initially published our list, many of the “remain” companies have responded to public backlash and decided to withdraw, and we are continuously revising our list to reflect these decisions as they are made. 

The full, current list of companies that have curtailed operations in Russia as well as those that remain, as of March 9, can be seen below… 

Yep. People can see which companies are which, and take their business elsewhere if they wish. Given that a majority of Americans support gasoline sanctions, even knowing that their pump prices will rise as a result, that might be something for companies to think about.

Most of the free world is giving Putin the finger. The Russian stock exchange was closed for the 8th straight day, because they know there will be a market crash if it opens. The ruble has already gone in the crapper.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

America and the West f*cked up by allowing this to happen.

No spin can change that.

Given that a majority of Americans support gasoline sanctions, even knowing that their pump prices will rise as a result, that might be something for companies to think about.

No, they do not. Leftists love pretending their cancel culture is somehow conscientiousness
and not the simple hate it is.

And if you are a company who can censor free speech, like Amazon, Google, and Facebook, you have NOTHING to worry about. Your army of undereducated, under-employed woke goons will post on the internet for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

This seems be part of the greater push to FORCE Americans to drive electric cars rather than let Capitalism do its thing.

Musk has not been included in the new Biden totalitarian EV vehicle push.

What are they up to? Not saving the planet, though that is the pretense.

I think we’ve discovered a new energy source, and we’re keeping it secret while we pretend the grid is being powered off of solar…but it’s really being powered off of something closer to Tesla’s “aether physics” principles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Yeah, don’t think that is going to work in the midterms. Just look at the results in Texas last week. If that is a bellwether, democrats will get shellacked.

Idiot Biden and Democrats blame everyone but themselves for the failure and disaster they bring upon the world. Yet, they possess ALL the power and pull ALL the strings.

Idiot Biden only speaks to stupid people. He knows anyone that can tie their own shoes sees through his lies. That’s why he only got about 30 million votes in 2020.

Now duckduckgo has gone woke

We know that the Karens would be out with a list of evil companys that dont tow the WW3 line of propaganda. I really dont care about the virtue signaling. I have only one flag it isnt blue and yellow.
Nazi Nato can go fund themselves with their nation gobbling war mongering bloodlust. Did they GAF about Ukraines genocide of the russian ethnics in eastern Ukraine? 13 thousand murdered by Neo nazis, did those companies pull out of Ukraine for the last 8 years?
If they dont want to do business with Russians no big deal to me if they do no big deal to me.
I am looking at reasons why and not thinking Putin just woke up one morning and went insane.
Under estimating him by thinking he is crazy is not smart.

Its out in the mainstream already, now veritas with J6 and undercover agents. This is the “I told you so” we never wanted. Like CRT, defunding the police and so much more.
Its always the poor who get hurt and the rich who say its no sacrifice its for the cause.

Soon, pornography corporations, Facebook, Netflix, Disney, Coke, MacDonald’s and Taco Bell will stop operations in Russia.

People are estimating that within three months Russians will be the most adjusted, healthiest people on the planet.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Google sucks globalist pigs that helped Chna with its social credit system.

Big tech works for the government. It was the biden regime that told them to take it down. Google just did not take it upon themselves to self administrate

You should drop the anti-Ukraine propaganda. Trump has REVERSED COURSE and is now sailing in the opposite direction:
03/08/22 – Russia’s invasion puts a new light on Trump’s Ukraine pressure campaign

…Trump has shifted his positions on the war in Ukraine. Shortly before Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion, Trump called Putin “smart” and “savvy” because Putin had declared portions of Ukraine “independent,” something Putin had no right to do.

After the invasion began, Trump defended saying that Putin was “smart,” then called President Biden “weak” and described NATO countries as “not so smart.”

“The problem is not that Putin is smart — which of course he is smart,” Trump told a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “But the real problem is that our leaders are dumb. Dumb. So dumb.”

As scenes of war and death in Ukraine at the hands of Russia have played out for the world to see on television screens all day for days on end, Trump has changed his tune.

In recent days, he called what’s happening there a “holocaust”; said many times over that the war would never have happened if he were still president; and even called for the U.S. to attack Russia but make it look like it was actually China — by flying American planes with a Chinese flag on the side…

Trump flips like a weather vane with every change in the wind.
Trump calls the Russian invasion ‘a holocaust,’ urges Russia to stop fighting

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

National Pubic Radio


utter waste of taxpayer dollars

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

After Trump said that “something could be done with [Russia] right now,” Bartiromo asked him “what’s the solution.”

“Well, you have to work out a deal. They have to stop killing these people,” Trump answered. “They’re killing all of these people, and they have to stop it, and they have to stop it now.

“But they don’t respect the United States and the United States is like, I don’t know, they’re not doing anything about it. This is a — this is a holocaust. This is a horrible thing that’s happening. You’re witnessing and you’re seeing it on television every night.”

Trump has repeatedly put out statements saying the conflict would never have happened if he was still president. 

Ah, of course. A deal! Why did no one think of so obvious a solution?

It was most likely the same people who installed the new regime in Ukraine who conducted the false-flag on January 6th.

Man-made, man-released viruses are funny like that.

On a possibly relevant topic, news outlets start to trickle out information supporting that Covid was a released bio-weapon meant to depopulate the world, especially the West.

On a possibly related topic: 03/08/22 – Even a mild case of COVID can shrink your brain the same as aging 10 years, study shows

Your case must have been horrific.

Nothing like blaming the virus for side effects of the jabby
US Agencies Quietly Studying Reports of Post-Vaccination Neurological Issues

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Why did no one think of so obvious a solution?

Why indeed. You’d think there was way, way more to this than some f*ckstain saying “Putin is evil.”

If all you had to negotiate was the idiot Biden regime, the same one that is giving away the farm to Iran, begging them for a deal just to be able to say “We got a deal!”, would you consider “doing a deal”?

They send “Who’s on top this time” Kamala to Poland, but she’s not there do negotiate or make a deal, just to “be the face” of the US. I guess this corrupt regime thinks the world already forgot how weak, stupid, incompetent and useless the US is under this merry band of morons.

As usual she drones on in her nasal whine telling all the obvious we already see. Nothing different than that stupid moron Kerry sending a folk singer to France as a response to a deadly terrorist attack.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

Ah, of course. A deal! Why did no one think of so obvious a solution?

What’s your solution, Wellington?

Um, so you and Trump agree, and now you’re flipping and you WANT war in Ukraine?

What a f*cking idiot you are.

Trump is consistent. Biden is not.

It’s fact.

Did you have mild COVID? Just curious.

Trump’s discussion of “a deal”… Yeah, that doesn’t sound like someone playing with a full deck. It sounds rather like early Alzheimer’s talking. I’ve seen that up close before.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Did you get Biden and Putin’s c*cks out of your mouth yet?

Just curious.

Bet they both could fit.

Biden would be the guy who organized sanction measures that are crashing the Russian economy. I approve of that approach. Give it a few weeks, and we’ll see what happens to Putin. Maybe continuing his war isn’t going to seem like such a good idea.

Trump would be the guy who wants to play “Let’s make a deal”—no specifics stated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

What you’re saying might make sense if it wasn’t “10% for the Big Guy.”

The blood of Ukrainian children is on Biden’s hands.

And why should I believe that’s anything more than another in an endless stream of right-wing political smear?

No smear needed. The results are empirical, and clear.

As for an endless stream of political smears, see: Democrat Party and Donald Trump, 2015 to Present.

How’d that latest round of concocted “crimes” in NY work out, pussy?

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

And why should I believe that’s anything more than another in an endless stream of right-wing political smear?

Because it’s on Hunter’s laptop.

Trump would also be the only President in 20 years or so who could say “Russia didn’t invade anything on my watch.”

What a f*cking legend.

Biden would be the guy who organized sanction measures that are crashing the Russian economy. I approve of that approach.

Idiot Biden would be the guy that, through his stupid domestic energy policies and incompetence at foreign policies, brought this upon the world.

Trump would be the guy who wants to play “Let’s make a deal”—no specifics stated.

Remember all that specificity idiot Biden laid out about what the sanctions would be if Putin invaded Ukraine? Oh, wait… there WAS none. Just empty talk, like idiot Biden bumbles his way through day in, day out (except for weekends, when he is off the clock).

If fraud hadn’t removed Trump from office, this wouldn’t have happened.

biden declared economic war on Russia making the US a combatant in this policy. When will biden come before the American people to explain just what the vital National Security interest is in the Ukraine border. And why are we sending another 14 billion to Ukraine when we have an invasion of more than 2 million illegal aliens annually at our southern border?

And why are we sending another 14 billion to Ukraine when we have an invasion of more than 2 million illegal aliens annually at our southern border?

Because idiot Biden always needs to create a NEW disaster to distract from his other disasters. They can never FIX anything, only try and cover up the bad results.

I’ve seen that up close before.

Because you worked on Joe’s “campaign”.

Nicely done, sport. The free world will rest soundly tonight, knowing our enemies rely on you and people like you to sow discord.

It’s the upside of the degrading educational standards: the radicalized youth can’t even use logic.

Trump flips like a weather vane with every change in the wind.

When did Trump have a different view? At least he never extorted Ukraine like idiot Biden did and THEN was STUPID enough to cheerfully brag about it on video. But even THAT wasn’t enough evidence of corruption for stupid, brain-dead, led-by-the-nose Democrats.

But, speaking of flipping, when with the State Department and DOD get on the same page and make up their minds about the MiG-29’s? Seems when Poland calls idiot Biden’s bluff, the DoD backs down. Now, sending jets to Ukraine is unnecessary. Cowards. They send 17,000 Javelins but can’t find a set of balls among them all to send the MiG’s?

greg employs the usual Leftwing crazy-cult tactics: just say the opposite of what’s empirically true, and hope no one notices.

Trump is perhaps the most consistent President in the history of our Union.

Trump has never endorsed Putin or the war he’s waging.

You’re flipping like a trans-swimmer at a gay pride parade.

Just to educate you, Trump…or anyone…can say Putin is smart, and also that what he’s doing it a holocaust.

Just stop. You people caused this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

comment image
McConnell Ups Pelosi’s $10 Billion for Ukraine to $14 Billion – Where’s It All Going?

Meanwhile not a penny for the invasion at the southern border

Mitch = Pelosi.

Prove me wrong.

And the trolls think they are “fighting the GOP.”


Where’s it all going?

Weapons and humanitarian aid. We’re in a proxy war against Putin. If it weren’t for his nukes, NATO forces would be fighting in Ukraine alongside the Ukrainians.

We’ve BEEN in a proxy war against Putin. Only and your Leftist cucks are just know understanding that.

Why would nukes stop you from acting?

Don’t the screams and dying sighs of dead Ukrainian kids keep you up at night, you f*cking monster?

Pig. Oink, boy.

Sane Americans know this war was created by elements of our government we do not condone.

PUTIN launched a brutal military invasion of a neighboring country. PUTIN’S war machine crossed Ukraine’s borders and began killing people, NOT the other way around. PUTIN is the threat to Western democracy and freedom to choose, NOT the other way around. Sane, informed Americans know this, because they see it happening before their eyes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Putin is one side in a decades-old conflict between Russia and NATO/USA.

Both sides topple governments and install regimes. That’s evil.

Perhaps this war would not have happened without the US installation of a Western-puppet regime and IMF-backed government built to help Western companies and banks make money?

Own it, pig.

I’m afraid no side gets to claim they are innocent in this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Putin is a homicidal lunatic.
There is no moral ambiguity here. One side is fighting a war of aggression. The other is trying to defend itself from that aggression. The defenders are standing between a tyrant and the rest of Europe. We owe them all the support we can provide. If nothing else, it’s a matter of self interest—unless you want a world dominated by Communist China on one side, Putin’s empire on the other, and both across from us to the north.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

No moral ambiguity, but an objective rejection of the “Putin is crazy” narrative being pushed by Democrat-owned propaganda outlets.

The situation in the Ukraine is far from an evil man invading an innocent land free of a complicated backstory.

Ukraine is a pawn the EU and USA are leaving to die.

Shame on you, piggie.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

And you would do what?

I hear endless angry criticism of Biden from the right—certainly nothing new, whatever the topic or occasion might be—but not one damn thing in the way of constructive suggestions.

That absence of anything remotely useful is accompanied by criticism and slander of Zelensky and courageous people who are laying down their lives in defense of their homeland, assertions of some sort of weird moral equivalency, and repetition of Putin’s bogus rationalizations for actions that are nothing less than deliberate war crimes.

So what do you suggest? Biden and NATO certainly have an organized approach. Putin sure as hell isn’t happy about it. It represents a very serious threat to him.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Lindsey Graham has a constructive suggestion: “Somebody in Russia needs to take this guy out”

Russia demands US condemn Senator Lindsey Graham’s call to assassinate Putin

Putin has sent mercenary teams into Ukraine to assassinate Zelensky. Multiple attempts have been made.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg


“Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military? The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your country – and the world – a great service,” Graham tweeted Thursday evening. “Unless you want to live in darkness for the rest of your life, be isolated from the rest of the world in abject poverty, you need to step up to the plate.”

He only said what’s on a lot of people’s minds.

Graham is bought and owned by the same Oligarchs who own the Democrats.

Who cares what he thinks? He’s part of the reason this is happening.

Prior to the war, Left wing news sources said Putin was a moderate in comparison to many in his country who want to go all out and go to war with the world.

Now he’s suddenly the crazy extremist.

Haha. No. Firstly, the US and EU are too chickenshit to assassinate Putin, and if they did, they’d GARAUNTEE someone worse would take his place.

Glad you assholes aren’t in charge.

Yes, that’s the new propaganda hotness. “It’s just Putin. Nothing else to see here.”

The US government and the American/EU Oligarchs who install them are to blame as much as anyone.

Putin has sent mercenary teams into Ukraine to assassinate Zelensky. Multiple attempts have been made.

I guess that’s true because you said it on the internet. You might want to think a little more about your provided talking points before you really set of a nuclear WWIII.

P.S. – We, as in the United States of America, assassinate world leaders all the time. We installed the current regime in Ukraine, and our own politicians are knee-deep in financial investments in the region.

We know who the REAL enemies are.

And you would do what?

Again, this idiot Biden f**k up is so large and catastrophic it might not be able to be fixed. This incompetent regime just reacts. The solution is to remove every idiot Biden member of government and replace them with AMERICANS that care about this country and world peace. I doubt that will happen, so we will watch the world burn and continue to point out to people like YOU that all this is the result of Democrat election fraud that put the WORST example of a human in the White House at the WORST possible time.

Currently, whore Kamala cannot answer the question of how we will get aircraft to Ukraine. Just stammering blah, blah, blah. This is the SHIT we have to depend upon. God help us and God have mercy on the Ukrainian people and forgive those who made this happen… DEMOCRATS.

That’s not a constructive suggestion. Biden’s critics have none. They’re just undermining the efforts of their own nation’s President.

This works out to “They’re assisting Vladimir Putin.”

Only despots speak and think like that.

What would you suggest Biden and his handlers do, given the number of ukrainians who are dying and the complete lack of organization from both NATO and the United States to do anything constructive?

You’re asking me how I stop totalitarian assholes from allowing Putin to invade Ukraine?

There’s no lack of organization. The sanctions are putting ENORMOUS pressure on Putin. So is military equipment provided to Ukraine.

Putin could become a liability. Liabilities in Russia don’t tend to last for long.

There’s no lack of organization. 

TOTAL lack of organization. Not going to sanction SWIFT… sanction SWIFT. Not going to boycott Putin’s oil… boycott Putin’s oil. Nothing stands in the way of sending MiG-29’s to Ukraine… we can’t sent MiG-29’s to Ukraine. NO ONE in this stupid regime knows what the hell to do. Then, just to show how incompetent they truly are… they send that WHORE to Poland to “represent” the United States and, apparently, to make sure Putin doesn’t understand just how INCOMPETENT they are.

SWIFT sanctions have excluded Russian energy transactions for the same reason Biden delayed sanctioning Russian gasoline. We want to damage Russia, not European nations that are presently dependent on Russian energy sources.

That could change quickly as Europe’s winter weather ends.

SWIFT sanctions have excluded Russian energy transactions for the same reason Biden delayed sanctioning Russian gasoline. We want to damage Russia, not European nations that are presently dependent on Russian energy sources.

They are disorganized, incompetent morons reacting to Putin as he plays them like a fiddle.

That’s not a constructive suggestion. Biden’s critics have none. They’re just undermining the efforts of their own nation’s President.

Can’t help but notice that there have been no effective suggestions of how to un-f**k idiot Biden’s latest f**k up. Why is that? Could it be that this one is so bad, there IS no solution that does not result in really painful effects on the US?

You DO ignore the multiple persons that have made one effective solution: restore the energy production of the US. Finish the pipeline. Produce as much as possible and cut the price of oil, which would cut Putin’s revenues. As soon as it is announced we will supercharge our production, futures will tank. But guess who stands in the way of that?

Yep, you guessed it… the idiot Biden, the very idiot that created this catastrophe. All because he is afraid of scrawny AOC. Gutless, lying, corrupt piece of shit.

But, again, let’s here YOUR brilliant solutions.

I totally ignore them, because nothing they suggest would have any effect whatsoever on current prices, which they know that very well. They’re using current circumstances to push their corporate agendas.

I could just as easy say we wouldn’t be feeling Putin’s invasion of Ukraine if we were all driving electric vehicles—so we had better ramp up electric car and wind turbine production. It wouldn’t be an honest argument.

I totally ignore them, because nothing they suggest would have any effect whatsoever on current prices, which they know that very well. They’re using current circumstances to push their corporate agendas.

Just announcing that production would ramp up would send oil futures plummeting. The Keystone will be operational in 8 months. Production could have affect in a month. How long do you think Putin is going to be in Ukraine?

You, like that muddling, stupid, cowardly, corrupt idiot Biden, ignore the ONE thing we can do that would MOST impact Putin. Because Putin has idiot Biden bought and paid for.

You’re evading the point. This debacle has been created by your false Leftist gods. NATO and the US are far from organized, pretending to fight back while they are just letting this happen.

I hear endless angry criticism of Biden from the right—certainly nothing new, whatever the topic or occasion might be—but not one damn thing in the way of constructive suggestions.

This is war of Russian Oligarchs against EU and US Oligarchs. This is their war, not ours. America is compromised with an installed dictatorship, just as Ukraine is.


This is their war, not ours.

Compare the freedoms we have here with what Putin has allowed for the Russian people.

There are two world views with two attendant sets of consequences involved. I prefer those that we have here. I do not live under the thumb of a dictator.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

do not live under the thumb of a dictator.

I’m glad you finally admitted you don’t live in the US.

Compare the freedoms we have here with what Putin has allowed for the Russian people.

Judging from the way Democrats trample the Constitution, censor free speech, ignore due process, rely on propaganda and imprison political enemies, there’s not a lot of space between Putin and the Democrat’s dream of a totalitarian police state.

Free speech has not been censured. Some people have been denied free use of a soap box and megaphone which never belonged to them to begin with.

Free speech has not been censured. Some people have been denied free use of a soap box and megaphone which never belonged to them to begin with.

That’s what free speech is, you idiot. Note that Russia has not been silenced. Nor has China. Or Iran. Only Democrat’s political opponents get censored.

This conflict should be blamed on the West. The US, Eu, NATO and the party of Davos. The west is seeking regime. Ha he in Russia. The color revolution in 2014 started this mess. Victoria nuland is the head of the snake.

This conflict should be blamed on the West.

As I observed earlier, this is a Putin troll nest.

You do not know shit.

This is another color revolution. The target is Russia

Our current government can not be trusted

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You do not know shit.

I recognize patterns. Yours is very repetitious.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

What do y’all prefer, Trump’s gas prices or Biden’s “roaring economy”?

Those are not actually the choices confronting us.

As you said, the “sides” are not Biden or Trump.

You give someone enough time, they tell you exactly who they are.

The choice is this: surrender to the New World Order, or dismantle it.

Putin’s War is what the Globalist/Democrats get for toppling regimes and getting rich off the bounty of other countries.

They caused this. Biden caused this.

Those are not actually the choices confronting us.

They were, in 2020. The choice was totally clear. It took election fraud to put us on the path of idiot Biden’s series of disasters.

Russia has surface-to-air missiles in place that would quickly neutralize MiG-29 aircraft. This is why Ukraine isn’t presently using the jets they still have.

In addition to instantly becoming helpless targets, Putin would portray them as western escalation.

If at some point we escalated, there would have to be sound military thinking behind it, not obsolete aircraft that are simply flying targets.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

This was a problem soundly handled under Trump.

What do you suggest we do, since Biden can’t do anything of value or that resembles a plan?

Any ideas at all?


Biden organized sanctions that are pounding Putin. If you doubt their effect, check the current value of the ruble. The current exchange rate? A ruble has 0.0075 the value of One US Dollar.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Biden organized sanctions that are pounding Putin.

Idiot Biden hasn’t done a goddamn thing. He threatened sanctions and Putin invaded anyway. Then he only applied sanctions under public pressure. Idiot Biden doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground; he waits for public opinion to tell him what is POPULAR.

Always an excuse.

This war has been going on for over a decade.

You are a patten.

The unelected part of the West that is, that’s been bought and perusing their own interests at odds with what We the People want.

This isn’t our war. It’s Putin and the globalist-bought shadow government that has taken control of our government.

Questioning what the “news” is telling us?

Yes, that’s very totalitarian of us.

You’re the troll.

If nothing else, it’s a matter of self interest—unless you want a world dominated by Communist China on one side, Putin’s empire on the other, and both across from us to the north.

Democrats don’t care, just as long as they get their check.

PUTIN launched a brutal military invasion of a neighboring country.

IDIOT BIDEN gave Putin the green light. IDIOT BIDEN is a threat to world peace. IDIOT BIDEN is corrupt and controlled by foreign powers, mostly China.

Graham is right in removing a world leader, but he’s just talking about the wrong one.

03/10/22 – Mariupol children’s hospital bombing one of many attacks on medical facilities since Russian invasion, WHO says

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been 24 verified attacks on health care facilities in Ukraine so far.

Did more kids die there than died of the experimental covid vaccine here in America?


Just give up while you’re behind. No One believes your propaganda.

Are you going to actually address the globalist and Biden family interests and dealings in the Ukraine over the last decade, or are you going to keep saying that because the global newspapers keep doubling down on the same b******* stories, that’s somehow the truth?

You’re not equipped for this information war

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Goldman Sachs estimated that more than half of Russian oil exported from ports remained unsold, while JP Morgan estimated that 70 per cent of Russian seaborne oil was struggling to find buyers.

Gas and oil exports account for 40 percent of the entire Russian economy. The longer Russia remains in Ukraine, the greater the damages to the Russian economy. And the war itself is a drain.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg
Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Do you even understand what Putin is doing? Does the significance even register?

03/12/22 – Fighting rages outside Kyiv, Ukraine says it hopes humanitarian corridors can open