Biden is hoping to save his Presidency with a war

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I have a feeling of déjà vu today. It’s 1968 again.

From the day he took office Joe Biden has sought to weaken the United States of America. Biden began his Presidency bowing to Russia when he lifted sanctions on Nordstream 2. He said would tolerate a “minor incursion” by Russia into Ukraine. Biden has done nothing but signal lack of strength and determination and appease our adversaries.

He has replenished the coffers of Iran so that it may continue funding terrorism and making weapons.

He continues to boost China at the expense of jobs in the US when he lifted tariffs.

A Huntsville, Alabama, solar panel factory will close after President Joe Biden exempted foreign-made bifacial solar panels from United States tariffs earlier this month.

Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline in order to make us more dependent on Russian oil

In July Biden gave Putin 16 US infrastructure entities which were to be off limits to cyber-attacks, implying that everything else was fair game.

The same people (democrats) who are screaming about democracy being crushed in Ukraine are making boatloads of money (Biden family, Pelosi) from the authoritarian regime in China. But is Ukraine a democracy?

“The American people understand that defending democracy and liberty is never without cost,” President Biden said recently, regarding the United States’ role in protecting Ukraine.
However, the Economist Intelligence Unit, which recently released its 2021 Democracy Index, doesn’t even consider Ukraine either a full or flawed democracy. Rather, Ukraine falls into the “hybrid regime” bucket, tied for 86th place with Mexico in the democracy rankings. (The United States ranks 26th, making it a “flawed democracy.”)
Ukraine ranks 17th in Eastern Europe, five spots ahead of Russia but with a significant gap in their scores.
Ukraine is a republic, with a president chosen by popular election, a prime minister appointed by the president and confirmed by the legislature, a unicameral legislature that’s a mix of single-seat and proportional representation, and a Supreme Court that is appointed by the president.

Putin clearly is afraid of Ukraine becoming more of an independent democracy and desperately wants Ukraine not to join NATO.

Still, over the last year Biden has begun to beat the drums of war. The President democrats tell us is trying to prevent war called Putin a “murderer” as though that would be an impressive addition to Biden’s curriculum vitae.

Responding to the comments, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday that “there hasn’t been anything like this in history.”
He said it was clear that Biden “definitely does not want to improve relations” with Russia and that the relationship between the two countries is “very bad.” When asked how it can affect relations, Peskov said “it is absolutely clear how,” but refused to elaborate.
“These are very bad statements by the President of the United States. He definitely does not want to improve relations with us, and we will continue to proceed from this,” Peskov said.

Over the last few weeks democrats have also been encouraging war. I don’t think there’s any question that the left sees this as a crisis not to be wasted. They are hoping that a war can save Biden’s pathetic Presidency.

You think things are expensive now? You just wait.

Say what you want, but there were four years of peace under Trump.

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This is the price the world pays for the fraud of 2020 not being addressed. Ukraine will suffer most severely, but the pain will be felt widely. Here at home, with the Russian invasion available to use as an excuse for the dismal economy and possibly embolden them to cause more damage to the economy while blaming Putin for the disastrous results.

While it goes without saying that we find ourselves in a dire crisis with the worst possible excuse for “leadership”, the fact is that if we actually HAD leadership, this would never have happened.

This is part of the plan. Globalists need to use China, Russia, and the US to consolidate on districts in the world.

We have no business becoming engaged in this conflict. biden the jackass is not fit to be a commander in chief. Having a dog named commander does not make one a commander.

Wars have a tendency to release a LOT of “greenhouse gasses”. Looks like idiot Biden is responsible for damage to their precious anti-global warming scam.

Missed it by 30,000,000.

This was the result of: gross incompetence (as Gen Flynn pointed out today wars result when diplomacy fails), it was intentional, or it was a combination of the two. Biden is a weak, demented fool. Everyone knows that. The Russian Foreign Minister publicly called him that last year. In addition, our country is divided and weakened and our military military leadership is seen as weak woke warriors instead of being actual warriors who know how to win wars. Biden gave the go ahead for this last month with his stupid statement about “a minor incursion”, or whatever he called it, being tolerated. But perhaps they wanted Russia to invade in order to have something to blame for their other disasters like the economy etc. Taiwan beware.

Russia will defeat Ukraine. There will be no military response from NATO or us. Our military is in no shape to fight a war right now anyhow. If the Ukrainians resort to guerilla warfare, they can at least make Russia pay a heavy price for their victory. In the meantime, what about the hundreds of Americans and allies this administration left as hostages in Afghanistan. It has now been 178 days since they were abandoned by Biden and the wokesters at the Pentagon. Nothing like a war to take attention away from that as well.

Biden never had a presidency to begin with.

The biden’s, Joe, Jill, Jim and Hunter need to, “get their story straight.”
It’s happened before when Hunter was inappropriate with his underage female relative.
Hunter’s Uncle, Jim Biden, wanted a meeting with Hunter, himself, and Joe Biden so they could get their stories straight about the alleged inappropriate activity.
What will make that easier considering there is Hunter’s laptops out there?
Destroying all records in Ukraine.
The US Embassy in Ukraine has already destroyed all their own records.
Now the Ukrainian gov’t is probably doing the same.
Will Putin’s troops get in there quick enough to get the goods on Joe, et al?
It’s a good question.
How will joe and his family spin these records of payments from Ukrainian businesses to the Biden clan IF they come out thru Russia?
Fake news?
Wait for it.

Trump thought US troops were making an amphibious landing in Ukraine

Quick! Somebody bring me the nuclear football!

Your Biden administration in action like a Swiss watch:

“President Joe Biden on Thursday contradicted Vice President Kamala Harris’s assertion less than a week ago that Russian sanctions would “absolutely” deter Russia from invading Ukraine.
Speaking from the White House, Biden told reporters that “no one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening,” referencing Russia’s Wednesday evening invasion of Ukraine. Russian leader Vladimir Putin ordered a “special operation” into Ukraine that has resulted in ongoing heavy military clashes between the two countries and the Russian seizure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.”

Is “absolutely” the full quote? I’m curious what you would recommend in the place of sanctions. Maybe an amphibious assault? Or perhaps the West should do absolutely nothing in the way of retaliation? That would certainly send Putin a message.

A good recommendation would be for biden to resign. He is clearly over his empty head

Uh huh. How about that amphibious assault? If that fails, Joe could always blow up some beautiful golden turrets.

Alternatively, we could do something that causes Putin trouble at home. Boycotting Russian energy, which is their main source of cash, and putting a serious crimp in the cash flow to the Russian government and oligarchs might have such an effect.

Putin already has thousands of Russian peace protesters to deal with, and the Russian bodies aren’t even coming home from Ukraine yet. This will all be on Vlad. We don’t need to shoot at anybody to make him feel some regret.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

So, to distract, we’re supposed to give a flying f*ck about yet another invented “Trumpism”?

Are you f*cking serious?


And your alternative, more rational response to Biden’s escalating sanctions would be what?

Why does he feel free to do this, you idiot?


He’s already weighed the “sanctions”.

Biden is weak and Putin is moving.

Patience pays off.

Putin waiting for idiot Biden.jpg

greg can not bring himself to the reality that biden is America’s weakest link

You seem to have no alternative strategy against Putin’s aggression to offer. Coulda woulda shoulda is a duck fart in the wind. Biden has undertaken specific, logical responses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Uh, we did. Keep Trump in office and don’t rig the vote.

Then Putin would be sitting down and quiet.

Biden has undertaken specific, logical responses.

No once can prevent what has already happened. That doesn’t mean we don’t punish criminals.

Unless they are Democrats. They can do whatever they want.

And people who pay Democrats to “win” elections.

They can do anything they want, too.

You can’t spin this one, asshole. Biden has allowed a peaceful world to fall into ruin.

biden should step to the front of the line and be first

“Putin is strong and mean and we don’t know what to do.”

No once can prevent what has already happened. That doesn’t mean we don’t punish criminals.

Trump prevented it.

joe should resign now

As I observed, you have no alternative strategies to offer.

Here’s what I’m thinking: Putin has screwed up. His invasion of Ukraine is going to bring him nothing but trouble. And your attempt to exploit it will not play well at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Your assertion is a logical fallacy. Stop saying it.

We elect Presidents and others to handle things like this. Biden isn’t handling it.

Putin is moving because he can. Biden is a powerless cuck and our enemies know it.

Biden IS handling it—without a bit of support from Trump or his supporters, who apparently don’t have a single constructive thing to offer. Handling something doesn’t mean magically making it go away. There is no quick and easy solution to people like Vladimir Putin. They’ve always been a problem and they always will be.

The fallacy–or falsehood–is the title at the top of this thread. Actually, Biden has done everything in his power to STOP a war, which Vladimir Putin has unilaterally started.

 Actually, Biden has done everything in his power to STOP a war, which Vladimir Putin has unilaterally started.

He’s done nothing but talk from a position of weakness and incompetence.

You still haven’t said one effin’ thing about an alternative strategy. You don’t have anything. Only ‘If Trump were still in office...’ That, my friend, is NOTHING.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You still haven’t said one effin’ thing about an alternative strategy. You don’t have anything. Only ‘If Trump were still in office...’ That, my friend, is NOTHING.

Just like with Afghanistan, if Trump were in office, we wouldn’t even be discussing this; IT WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED. So, to figure out the best way to un-f**k an idiot Biden f**k up is above my pay grade. However, imposing sanctions for Putin massing troops on Ukraine’s border would have been a good move. Not f**king up the Afghanistan withdrawal would have been helpful. Not cutting our energy production throat would be good; maybe restarting it all and showing the world we are serious and not letting the mythical “climate change” fantasy control our foreign and domestic policy.

But idiot Biden has screwed this up beyond fixing it. These are the wages of fraud.

Biden IS handling it

He’s reacting. He’s always reacting, and usually weakly and impotently. We’ll have to see if his actions actually causes any harm to Putin, but one thing is for certain; he absolutely FAILED at making Putin think he was serious and could hurt him. Seems failing is the only thing consistent about idiot Biden.

I think you are exactly right about that, which was why I didn’t really think he’d do it. But, that will be small comfort to the Ukrainians killed by Putin because idiot Biden’s weakness and stupidity gave him the green light.

You seem to have no alternative strategy against Putin’s aggression to offer. Coulda woulda shoulda is a duck fart in the wind. Biden has undertaken specific, logical responses.

Yeah, idiot Biden has created quite the disaster, hasn’t he? At this point, there’s not much that can be done to undo the damage he’s caused.

Hey, we’re talking about you. Full and contextual quotes would negate literally every bad thing you said Trump did/said.

The contrast is stunning …
“If you move against Ukraine while I’m president,” Trump is said to have told the Russian leader, “I will hit Moscow.”
Putin reportedly scoffed, “No way,” leading Trump to say, “All those beautiful golden turrets will be blown up.”


No he didn’t.

Trump thought US troops were making an amphibious landing in Ukraine

Quick! Somebody bring me the nuclear football!

That is exactly what Laura Ingram indicated. When Trump repeated what she said, she tried to cover her ass by claiming it was NOT what she said, when it was.

Of course, the buttlickers at MSN, in order to slam Trump, prints this:

“During the interview, Ingraham noted that the network had learned that “U.S. officials are looking at a potential amphibious landing now in Odessa, Ukraine,” referring to a potential ground invasion of the city by Russian forces. Later in the interview, Trump mistook the comment to mean that the US was planning an amphibious landing and scolded Ingraham for giving away American plans.”

The problem being that Ingram, who loves to correct others for their mistakes in speech, never once indicated she was talking about U.S. officials are looking at a potential amphibious landing now in Odess, Ukraine by the Russians.

I heard what she said when she said it and she misspoke but being the egotist that Ingram is, she will never admit that it was she who misspoke, not Trump who misunderstood.

Anyone following the news would have known that a US amphibious assault was as improbable as a Martian invasion of Mar-o-Lago.

The absurdity of this is that Russia has invaded Eastern Europe, and you’re making it all about Trump vs Biden.

Russian attack helicopters assaulting the airport near Kiev. Putin’s invasion has thus far cost the lives of 137 Ukrainian defenders.

I have an acquaintance in Krakiv. No word from him since last night.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The Ukrainians are fighting back and retook the airport. Putin is demonstrating his military is NOT the US military. That, too, could prove to be a massive mistake.

and you’re making it all about Trump vs Biden.

WE are? You are ridiculous.

Read your own posts. Everything you say circles back to Trump vs. Biden.

Nope. Wrong. Again.

Everything you say circles back to Trump vs. Biden.

From Greg in just the last few hours:

  • Trump didn’t prevent squat. Russian Tank Column Crosses Bridge Under Heavy Ukrainian Fire

  • Anyone following the news would have known that a US amphibious assault was as improbable as a Martian invasion of Mar-o-Lago.

  • Trump overturned Obama’s nuclear agreement and shoved Iran into the arms of Russia.

  • Biden IS handling it—without a bit of support from Trump or his supporters

  • “And then Donald said, ‘Pull my finger”.

  • Yeah, that explains Trump’s moronic comments. “We could use that on our southern border.” The man is an IDIOT.

  • Trump thinks Putin’s invasion was pure genius.

  • What do you not understand about this? The man is a f*cking idiot.

  • 2020 was also the year of Trump’s Doha Agreement, and the year he reduced US troop levels to 2500.

  • This is happening because of 4 years of the idiot that Putin helped put in the White House

  • Trump, on Putin’s invasion

  • Which was pretty much how I felt listening to Trump’s moronic comments about Putin’s invasion.

  • Like Trump, he’s all about revenge.

  • just to support a megalomaniac’s personality cult.

  • May Trump choke on his next cheeseburger, for what he has done to America’s simple-minded.

  • Trump probably couldn’t find these places on a map.

greggie is just a village idiot with no continuity between posts and the only consistency is to blame Trump. greggie didn’t post anything about NY DA stopping Trump inquest due to no crime! Noone but greggie could be wrong about everything!

Yet here you are, bringing up the name again…

Trump charges dropped.

Own it.

It’s Trump vs. Biden, democracy vs. totalitarianism.


Trump charges dropped.

Which charges are you referring to? With this guy, you’ve got to be more specific.

What do you want Biden to do? Send in troops? He said he wouldn’t. Let’s hope that he doesn’t. But the NATO wall is being reinforced. If you want a red line, that’s it. Let’s hope Putin knows it.

So, what does that leave to be done for Ukraine, beyond what Biden is already doing? Not many ideas around here, so far as I can see. Just efforts to politically exploit the situation. No big surprise there. Constructive input from the GOP? Nope. They don’t have to provide constructive input. They don’t feel they were elected to be helpful.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Trump charges dropped. You know which ones, dickless.

Putin is attacking BECAUSE of Biden.

Politically exploit the situation? That’s you. That’s who you people are.

Putin could start a global conflagration. He’s almost certainly assuming the threat of that will constrain anyone who would help Ukraine. He’s relying on the sanity of others to hold them back. But he isn’t considering the consequences of what he believes he’ll get away with. He will have very costly and prolonged resistance to deal with, when opposition has already broken out at home. And sanctions on top of that. He imagines he’ll be a hero of Russian history, but this might also be the first step toward the end of himself.

Things could take many dangerous turns, there, and here.

Putin could start a global conflagration. 

That’s right. So might the Chinese. N.Korea is always a risk. That’s why using election fraud to remove a LEADER and replace him with an incompetent puppet is never a good idea. Sure, corrupt Democrats can make a lot of money for themselves, but we can clearly see the danger of having NO leadership in the United States, and idiot Biden is NO LEADER.

Just own the fact that you were wrong in voting for Biden, a paid puppet, and your hatred of Trump was completely provided and media-made



Bwahahahaha Boy where have I typed that before.
zero original thought.

Around here, that seems to be the one context of all things.
I mean, see what happens when anyone tries to get away from it…
The problem is, that’s NOT the one context of all things. That’s not reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The Man Who Can Do No Wrong referred to Putin’s invasion of as “a peacekeeping mission.” Think about that as you criticize Biden for ‘doing nothing’. Think about what it means, even if you call it sarcasm. And then ask yourself what Trump would actually do differently. Maybe you’ll come up with something.

Of course, the question will be dodged. No answer will be coming. Instead you’ll get, If The Man Who Can Do No Wrong had been there, this never would have happened. So, no answer required.

The Man Who Can Do No Wrong referred to Putin’s invasion of as “a peacekeeping mission.” 

I’m beginning to think you are truly stupid. So stupid, in fact, that you cannot discern fact from your leftist propaganda fiction.

That is what PUTIN called his “minor incursion” (which idiot Biden green-lighted) into eastern Ukraine. Don’t be such a foolish dope. When you base your entire argument on such a transparent misrepresentation of what Trump says, you beclown yourself.

If Trump was still in the White House, indeed, this would NOT be happening.

It’s funny to watch you fail.

Trump DID prevent this.

ask yourself what Trump would actually do differently. Maybe you’ll come up with something.

First, throw the doors to the office of oil permits in the U.S. wide open. Russia cannot sustain a energy war with the U.S. Call in a meeting with every major crude/NG producer in the U.S. and ask “What do you need to put this operation into warp speed?”

Instead, Joey Softserve continues to buy energy from Russia while he has our own producers hog tied and refuses to release them. I guess because that idiot John Kerry is so very, VERY concerned with the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on global warming (although he is still traveling in his private jet). No doubt the inmates are running the asylum.

What can we do? Lend-lease programs come to mind.

But then, you’re a dumshit who can only follow other dumshits.

The FACTS are there. During Trump’s watch, North Korea contained, Isis contained, Iran played stupid games and Trump gave them stupid prizes (killed Solemani). Putin WOULD NEVER HAVE INVADED with Trump at the helm.

We knew this, that’s why voting for an installed Biden was unacceptable.

You have to like Trump, but you CANNOT deny his competence at being a world leader. To do so admits either treasonous intent or simple lack of intelligence.

Try not layering your masks when you are all alone, let a tiny bit of oxygen get in. Could be that blood brain barrier thing due to the boosters,
read this

Shocker: pandemic end game; Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall; cover is blown



You are indeed in your own Trump cult. That’s all you can say, and it’s really just what you are being told to think.

You’re the Nazi.

see greggie, you are as ignorant as Biden.

So, what does that leave to be done for Ukraine, beyond what Biden is already doing?

Exactly. The damage due to having NO LEADERSHIP, to having a weak, incompetent spore in the White House is already done. Now it must be dealt with. Meanwhile people are dying. Due to election fraud. You must be so proud.

We’re not.

You are.

You know you’re wrong.

Trump didn’t say that. This is more Clorox, pee tape, Russia collision idiocy.

“Why the hell would you vote for Trump over Biden?”

Me: *points to the news, Russia invading Ukraine* “This is why.”

If only…

Emergency Trump.jpg

Bottom line:

Did Putin invade Ukraine when GWB was POTUS? No.

Did Putin invade Ukraine when Donald Trump was POTUS? No.

Did Putin invade Ukraine when Barack Obama was POTUS? Yes.

Did Putin invade Ukraine when Joe Biden occupied the WH? Yes.

See a pattern?

I wonder what has been used more to inflict Russian casualties- the blankets Obama sent Ukraine or the weapons Trump sent them?

Just remember: the “impeachment” started when Trump investigated Biden’s dealings after that clown admitted to withholding aid for favors.

Biden was installed for a good reason.

How many of Hunter’s laptops do you suppose Putin has? Hunter himself said he thought his Russian drug dealer stole one.

What a family.

Who will release the damning documents on the “big guy” and hunter, Zelinsky or Putin?

The documents, who do they hand them to?
Foggy bottom, CIA, FBI Right now they are being torched and would be if given to any of our ABC government agencies. Remember the 1.8 billion that was transferred to Qatar from the Clinton fund?
Was it even investigated? I bet Qatar has strict accounting rules on charities.

comment image
The Associated Press


BREAKING: Just 26% of Americans say the U.S. should play a major role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict in a new AP-NORC poll. President Biden has argued that fundamental American values are at stake in Eastern Europe.

There is no support for this debacle biden created.
Second article of impeachment right behind the southern border debacle

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Fundamental American values ARE at stake in Eastern Europe, and this time “Hitler” has nuclear weapons. That’s what Biden and the Western European democracies are trying to deal with.

There hasn’t been a single constructive suggestion from the right, which have become nothing but a swarm of termites gnawing away at America’s underpinnings during any moment of crisis.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Biden is the reason this is happening. Biden is to blame.

The constructive suggestion was to have strong leadership and American values: basically, Trump as President and a removal of all paid-cronies and insiders from our lawful Government.

It’s not about Trump, it’s about having a strong leader who Putin fears. Biden can’t suddenly become non-senile and suddenly have a record of success and competence. He’s a liar, a traitor, and has a rich history of being paid off and plagiarizing others.

Biden is all the invitation Putin needed, especially after Biden and Biden alone botched the Afghanistan pull out and killed Americans, and gave 80 Billion in weapons to our enemies.

Biden does not represent or fight for Fundamental American values (which greg can’t seem to define).

Trump does. It’s fact.

The right of the people of a free and sovereign nation to democratically select their own leaders is fundamental. When a foreign power puts tanks in the streets to impose the will of its dictator, it’s a fair bet that’s not happening.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The right of the people of a free and sovereign nation to democratically select their own leaders is fundamental. 

Yes. Which is why whenever this is called into question like the rife and evident voting fraud of 2020, EVERY citizen is required to give a shit and investigate, to make sure our democracy still stands.

When a man who history will ALWAYS question whether he had the title of president, the ensuring war after his installation will always be tied to him as a failure.

Biden failed. Putin is doing this because Biden, and America, are compromised.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

So, Putin stayed in his lane for 4 years while the horrible Trump was in office, but after the nursing home refugee Biden took office, he put Putin in a position of power by handcuffing our energy production and quickly blew himself up in Afghanistan. Putin saw weakness and attacked Ukraine. Now Joe is called the “adult” who is going to straighten it all out? Good grief, the delusion is amazing.

He is expendable. He was a Hail Mary to turn the country into another Venezuela and if he failed, his career was over anyhow so no big deal.