It’s Simple: America Made a Mistake

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Electing Joe Biden was a terrible, horrible, mistake.  We all know it.  President House Plant is so bad that Democrats have either quietly disappeared into the Witness Protection Program or are hiding in bunkers.  Liberals were ecstatic to throw Trump out of office because of those mean tweets and his aggressive, bombastic behavior. Democrats were conditioned by the media 24/7 to loathe all things Trump but unfortunately their visceral hatred poisoned their own minds.  Buyers remorse is now shrouding the entire country like a heavy, damp, dense, fog that rolled in from the sea.  No one will admit that he/she voted for Biden/Harris in 2020.  It’s simple: America made a mistake and Democrats are embarrassed!

Democrats drank the Kool-Aid now our beautiful country is stuck in the hospital on life support. It is tragically ironic that out of a population of 300 million, we are cursed with the befuddled Keystone Kops trio: Biden, Harris and Pelosi.  Their popularity polls are lower than whale sh-t at the bottom of the ocean and the country just wants this nightmare to end. The godforsaken presidency of Biden and his sidekick Kamala is turning into the longest, loudest……

I TOLD YOU SO, in history.

Trump maybe gone but he is not forgotten.  He understands the chicanery and sleight of hand that the treacherous Dems used against him in 2020. Trump also knows the cowardly generals and RINOS who stabbed him in the back.  Ralph Waldo Emerson warned them that, “When you strike a king you must kill him.” Trump’s enemies betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver and a book contract.  Fortunately, Trump’s wounds have healed and he will not forgive and never forget their treachery.

Trump is amassing his army and carefully plotting his return to the oval office. Melania Trump probably begged Donald to stay home and let someone else lead the dangerous charge against the enemies festering in the slimy DC Deep Swamp. Trump is a fighter and a man of action.

Canon to the right of them
Canon to the left of them
Canon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered:
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and rode well
Into the jaws of Death
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred

Hillary still has nightmares about Trump humiliating her in the 2016 presidential election.  She cries nightly in her glass of Chardonnay while reading her old, crumpled, acceptance speech stained with six year old salty tears.

You don’t understand! I coulda had class.
I coulda been a contender
I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Hillary is plotting her triumphant victory, extravagant coronation and ascension to the throne.

Hillary knows how the Dems garnered 81 million votes for Biden.  She is now “encouraging” them to get on board the Clinton presidential train (with 4 locomotives) hauling enough box cars to carry her excess baggage.  Apparently, in 2016 she was a very naughty girl who allegedly paid tech companies to spy on Trump before the election, during the election and after the election.  Then she concocted a false Russian collusion hoax and prodded the horrid, corrupt hyenas in the media to attack. Shame!  Shame!

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Hillary may end up sentenced to a prison farm like Cool Hand Luke (Takin it off here, Boss!) Who are we kidding?  Hillary has amassed dirt on everyone, including Obama and she is not afraid to use it against her enemies. She will never be convicted because of her Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) strategy.  Anyone who attempts to take her down will be nuked and the mushroom cloud over the smoking crater in the ground will serve as a cautionary tale for others.  That’s a fact Jack! 

Hillary will run for president in 2024.  It’s her time.  She will not be deterred.  She is the anointed one.  Resistance is futile.  She is sooooo close to grabbing the brass ring.  Members of her campaign staff might have to drag her across the finish line in the Scooby van but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The boxing card for the grudge match in 2024 is already being prepared and voter ballots will soon be printed in China.

Trump vs Clinton
Rumble in the DC Jungle
Tuesday, November 25, 2024
This Time It’s Personal!


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President Trump won the 2020 election, period full stop. biden was installed as the occupant at 1600. biden did not get 81 million legal votes. Estimates no suggest he most likely did receive less that 40 million legal votes.

The shadow government that is behind biden is the enemy of the people. They are becoming more and more desperate day by day as this junta is collapsing and never going to reverse course.

What is important here is the American people are now realizing they have been duped and are being sold a con.


 “Estimates no suggest he most likely did receive less that 40 million legal votes.”

You just make shit up as you write it, don’t you?

When the fraudulent votes of all 50 states are reconciled, the number will be below 40k. Bank on it.

Show me how many cases Trump filed altogether, then show me how many of those cases stood up in a court of law.

Biden did not win. America made no mistake because America did not chose the current corrupt retard.

2016 was the first US presidential election where neither candidate had a penis.

Wrong, both candidates have a penis.
hillary is a hermaphrodite.

Show me how many cases Trump filed altogether, then show me how many of those cases stood up in a court of law.

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Electing Joe Biden was a terrible… Sure, but he was not elected, he was installed.

Joe Biden was installed. He was not elected.

Trump was REJECTED and Biden was ELECTED—pretty much in that order.

The election was stolen. hillary is guilty of treason

Trump was REJECTED, and Biden was ELECTED.

biden was not elected. Not even a moron gets 81k votes and now has an approval in the 30’s

Yet there Biden is, in the Oval Office, while Trump fumes in Mar-o-Lago and worries about prison time…

Correction Biden has no idea where he is. Trump is a free man and will remain one. But he does live rent free in your head. The rest of us get to live the trainwreck of Biden’s policies. He’s still a screwup as always.

Yeah, there he is… destroying the nation.

Presidents are chosen every four by election, not by weekly popularity polls or reality television ratings.

Trump lost because a record number of voters utterly DETEST the man. He brought people out to vote AGAINST him. And that was BEFORE January 6.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

And why is idiot Biden’s approval in the shitter?

You can’t figure Biden’s poll numbers out? It’s because people are worn down after two years of COVID, worried about inflation, and worried about Putin. Presidential job approval polls are a reflection of the nation’s state of mind.

Then there are Trump’s supporters and the right-wing media, working 24/7 to damage Biden’s image because they want Trump back, no matter what it takes. They hate Biden because he was chosen, and Trump was rejected. They’ll cheer for Putin before they’ll left a finger to support their own President. They’ll deny COVID, if doing so presents a means to attack Trump’s enemies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Seriously, right-wing propagandists are pitching the claim that Biden is provoking Putin—while Putin has massed over 150,000 troops on the Ukraine border and is hauling in trainloads of military equipment. In Russia, the people are being told that Ukraine is the threat to Russia.

You’d have to be stupid to not to grasp the fact that Putin is the aggressor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

This is the same intelligence agency that told Brandon it would take a year for the Afghan army to fall?

Only Joes inability simply to walk his puppy off the helicopter made a bigger fool of Biden than Putin. Hes going in on Wednesday, any minute now.(its Saturday)
Putin moves his dangerous toys and soldiers around. The US also moves its dangerous toys and soldiers around. The President of Ukraine is trying to say he isnt worried about his next door neighbor, only nobody seems to listen, the old poots shakey boney finger trembling on the nuke button to begin WW3. I saw old blue haired women given assault weapons being trained by military marksmen. I’m sure she heard how her female relatives were raped and killed during WW2 a terrified old woman who would most likely be a cause of friendly fire.
This administration cant resolve domestic issues. Our sacred border our inflation our gas prices driving that inflation mostly harming those on fixed incomes, he thinks its child care of working people that is stupid, we all found child care before, with a simple tax credit taken on tax forms. Crack pipes for racial equity? Can you explain that brain fart?

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

You’d have to be stupid to not to grasp the fact that Putin is the aggressor.

You have to be stupid to think that strawman will be taken seriously.

Here’s your “strawman”, fool.

Sporadic shelling taking place near border of Russia, Ukraine with attack believed to be imminent

You won’t care until your gasoline prices double. And then you’ll blame Biden.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Well, stupid, the straw man is your implication that anyone is “provoking” Putin. The only provocation he has is to quickly exploit the weakness of the United States due to the weak, incompetent, corrupt idiot in charge now.

You won’t care until your gasoline prices double. And then you’ll blame Biden.

Indeed, because idiot Biden will be 100% responsible. He eliminated our energy independence and he allowed Putin to restore his energy revenue stream. Idiot Biden has projected nothing but incompetence and weakness, emboldening Putin’s aggressive moves. Only a blind, deaf, stupid idiot moron can’t see the facts right before their stupid, ignorant, fact-denying faces.

NONE of this would be happening if Trump had not been cheated out of the White House. NONE OF IT.

Trump lost the election because a HUGE majority of voters know what Trump is. He didn’t even win the popular election the first time around, in spite of Putin’s targeted social media assist.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You deny Putin’s intentions exactly as you deny 933 thousand US COVID deaths, the effectiveness and importance of COVID vaccinations, the obvious signs of accelerating climate change, and the fact that Trump attempted to remain in power by overturning an entirely legitimate election that he lost by a record margin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Feb. 20, 2022 – U.S. intel shows Russian military officials given order to proceed with invasion of Ukraine

WASHINGTON — The U.S. has picked up intelligence showing that Russian military officials were given an order to go ahead with an invasion of Ukraine, a U.S. official and another person with knowledge of the matter told NBC News.

The intelligence, which was developed very recently, informed President Joe Biden’s startling declaration on Friday that the U.S. believes President Vladimir Putin has already decided to invade, the individuals said.

The U.S. then witnessed Russian military units taking steps to carry out the order in preparation for an invasion, further bolstering the assessment that Putin could strike at any time, they added…

Why would any US intelligence official reveal our intercept capabilities?

I would guess to put Putin’s behavior in the spotlight every step of the way, making it difficult for him to pretend this is anything other than an overt act of Russian aggression.

China, by the way, has never officially recognized Russia’s territorial acquisitions in Ukraine or Georgia as belonging to Russia. They’re officially viewed as military occupations. China might become more wary of Putin, which is not something Putin wants.

It might also be beneficial to us for Putin to know how closely he’s being watched. Kind of like a WW2 door gunner firing a short burst at a stalking Messerschmitt still out of effective range, just to let him know the formation is watching him. Putin might yet weigh the risks involved and decide to back off, while he can still claim it was all just a demonstration of what he could do. He could then use that as a bargaining chip to get NATO to take a step back–though hope of that is rapidly fading.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Curt, unfortunately, Comrade Greggie is just too damn dumb to think that information (that may, or may not be truthful) is being leaked to the friendly leftwing press for a reason. And then we have the comments of Tony Blinken (of Winken, Blinken and Nod) that leaves any logical person scratching their head. Biden is NOT going to levy sanctions against Russia UNTIL AND UNLESS, Putin does in fact invade Ukraine?

Blinken stated:
“Biden has said while we believe President Putin has made the decision, until the die is cast, until that die actually settles, and until the tanks are actually moving, the planes are actually flying, the bombs are actually dropping, we’re going to do everything we can with diplomacy and with deterrence and persuasion to get President Putin to reverse the decision that we believe he’s made.”

“The purpose of the sanctions in the first instance it to try to deter Russia from going to war,”

Can there be a bigger idiot in D.C. (outside of Biden himself)? Sanctions are designed to deter war but Biden is not going to implement sanctions until Putin actually goes to war and the bombs are dropping?

Zelensky gets it:

“We don’t need your sanctions after the bombardment will happen and after our country will be fired at, or after we will have no borders and after we will have no economy or part of our country will be occupied,” Zelensky said. “Why would we need those sanctions then?”

But then, Victoria Nuland has the ear of the President more than the President of Ukraine does.

Your understanding of geopolitical reality is on the level of a game of checkers. How many times was it pointed out that Russia, China, and Iran were the chief beneficiaries when the GOP waded out into the Iraqi quagmire?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

If anyone lacks geoplitical reality, Comrade Greggie, is it you and Joey Softserve Biden. And Tony Blinken who has been a Swamp moron from day one.

Putin is playing Biden like a cheap violin. Even Lloyd Austin realizes that.

As to Russia, China and Iran, no greater gift was given to them than the absolute disaster that was our Afghanistan pull out and the gift of $80 billion in military hardware to the Taliban. China had the Taliban on the phone before our dust had settled.

This mess in the Ukraine started with the Obama/Biden administration and the deviousness of Victoria Nuland. And where is she now? Right back with the Administration doing her evil. She should be walked down the plank but no…..she is a trusted advisor to the absolute most incompetent president this nation has ever had, Joe (On The Take) Biden.

You would know about being played like a cheap violin.

Notice Twitter allows them to coordinate their violence and destroying evidence. No law enforcement engaging ANTIFA and shutting the violent terrorists down, even as Democrats call for PEACEFUL protesters in Canada crushed, ruined and destroyed. Then ANTIFA shut down a police briefing because… they are so innocent, I guess. Why are violent disrupters like that not shut up and arrested? Well, because Democrats sanction left wing violence.

Yeah, we have you here every day, the most played fool we know.

Actually, Russia, Iran and China didn’t have a foothold in Iraq until Obama screwed up! I know your geopolitical view was developed while you peeled potatoes in Vietnam, but the World has changed quite a lot since then to the point a village idiot would not understand. So do not continue to show how ignorant you are, you likely should cease responding to the posting of sane people.

No one wearing a US uniform peeled potatoes in Vietnam, Randy, nor did they clean latrines.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

How many times was it pointed out that Russia, China, and Iran were the chief beneficiaries when the GOP waded out into the Iraqi quagmire?

You mean after Obama squandered our victory in Iraq? Who profited from Obama supporting the Muslim Brotherhood overthrowing moderate middle eastern countries and disrupting Syria? Democrats are catastrophic at foreign policy and idiot Biden is THE WORST.

None of you have addressed a single possibile answer that I suggested to an intelligent question.

That’s because you didn’t post an intelligent question; you posted a straw man question. It was only after Obama created the chaos in Iraq and gave ISIS life that Russia, China and Iran benefitted.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

You still haven’t said anything more substantive than a duck fart.

If it is possible to have a more embarrassing fool on the world stage than jackass biden, it is the whore veep, camela harris

That’s because you didn’t post an intelligent question…

I’m not the one who posed the question. Someone else asked, and I offered a possible answer. That’s how real discussions work.

The Ukraine crisis is as fake, as the imbecile’s administration.

The Ukraine crisis is as fake, as the imbecile’s administration.

Yep. As fake as Hitler’s invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland…

The Ukraine is not worth the life of one American service member to try to raise his poll numbers or make Americans forget about his failing economy.

Trump is not worth your treason.

That’s the kind of mindless stuff you like, isn’t it? No threatening thinking is required.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

That’s been the basis of all the spying, investigations and persecution of Trump and his family; in the liberals’ opinion (the same people who worship corruption and criminals), Trump is a “bad guy” because he is patriotic and puts America and Americans FIRST.

Old Joe and his gang of misfits just can’t stop telling lies, they would start WW3 just to cover up their willful ignorance.
Shutting down drilling and shutting down pipelines has nothing to do with the Ukraine.

They lie and mislead so much it is impossible to take anything they put forth seriously.

And Greg is already on the job of trying to misdirect the blame for our terrible economy:

You won’t care until your gasoline prices double. And then you’ll blame Biden.

Hey, is this the same IC that all agreed that Trump colluded with Russia? THAT IC? We won’t know if they are credible now until it happens; THAT’S the lasting damage Obama and the Democrats have done to the entire IC community.

Look at this: “Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed Sunday to hold three-way talks with Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe amid repeated US warnings Russia plans to invade its eastern neighbor, according to reports.
The meeting, to be held Monday, was scheduled during a phone call between Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron.”

Biden not even invited. The White House is in a complete panic.

It might be better to read the article. Here’s a link to it: Putin agrees to talks with Ukraine, European security organization: report It doesn’t seem to say anything about the White House being in a complete panic. Maybe you thought that spin needed to be added?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Here’s a take from a Russian, I’m sure you’ll find it humorous:

“It’s the same old situation with the Americans,” Dmitry, a 49-year old Muscovite smoking a cigarette outside a metro station, told The Moscow Times with a laugh. “Nothing will happen, and then they’ll go around saying they beat everyone.”

Links really aren’t difficult: ‘We Are One People. Why Would We Fight Our Brothers?’ Russians React to Ukraine War Threat

Civilians in the Russian capital were inclined to agree with their government. 

“There is no attack from Russia on Ukraine, I don’t even believe one was planned,” said a retired IT specialist who declined to give his name.

“Yes, of course the relationship between the two countries is complicated, but there was no question of any attack; it was invented by the Americans,” said another man, a ​​67-year-old Ukrainian who has spent much of his life in Moscow.

Despite the latest troop buildup and the souring of relations that took place after Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula and conflict broke out in eastern Ukraine in 2014, Russians continue to play down the prospect of another war. 

“Putin is very smart, he wouldn’t allow war, especially not between Ukrainians and Russians, we are one people with almost the same language, why would we fight our brothers? It is stupid,” said 50-year-old Savely, an unemployed Muscovite.  

Russia has been conducting warfare against Ukraine since 2014. Russian proxy “separatists” and unlabeled Russian military forces occupy Crimea and Donbas. There have been around 14,000 killed in the conflict thus far. This is not a matter of Ukraine menacing Russia.

Russia has been conducting warfare against Ukraine since 2014. Russian proxy “separatists” and unlabeled Russian military forces occupy Crimea and Donbas. There have been around 14,000 killed in the conflict thus far. This is not a matter of Ukraine menacing Russia.

No, it’s a matter of you not knowing your rear end from a hole in the ground. Nor do you know the history of Ukraine.

What is happening now can be easily laid at the feet of Obama, Biden and the Obama administration which covertly caused a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Even left wingers knew it was wrong (although they tried to blame others than Obama) and know now that we are just seeing the results of the Obama administrations dumb actions.

So before you post another of your idiotic comments, I suggest you do some research and understand that the Ukraine is serving for nothing more than a distraction of how a senile, demented man occupying the Oval Office is f*cking up on a daily basis. Even Ron Klain can’t cover for Biden.


The initial major incident of fraud. Every swing state was infected with fraud. Fraud decided the election, not voters. Copy machines favored idiot Biden over Trump, but AMERICANS favored Trump.

Now we have chaos, failure, disaster and corruption.

You can’t figure Biden’s poll numbers out? 

No, we’ve figured them out. It’s because he’s a failure. It’s because he’s a liar. It’s because he’s corrupt. It’s because he’s incompetent. Worst of all, making it all more painful, it’s because he is there illegally, installed through fraud.

Unless they are installed through fraud, as happened in 2020.



IMO… she has no intention of waiting til 2024, the current pResident will be long gone before then.

Why does Joe Biden need the Russians to have immediate plans to attack the Ukraine? So the U.S. embassy can be ordered to destroy a ton of records, which coincidentally happen to incriminate Joe Biden?

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Biden Says He is “Convinced” Putin Has Made the Decision to Invade Ukraine (VIDEO)
The jackass dementia addled dolt who goes to bed at 5:30 after a meal of smashed peas and peaches, says Putin is invading when Putin has no such intention…

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Blood-Thirsty Fake News Media is Devastated after Russian Ambassador Says Putin Will Not Invade Ukraine (VIDEO)
The invasion was never going to happen. Putin made jackass biden look like the moron he is.