Biden: Guilt, Shame, and Regret

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Thirteen brave U.S. service members were recently killed by an explosion outside of Afghanistan’s Kabul Airport. These magnificent men and women sacrificed their lives in a futile attempt to accomplish a mission contrived by a befuddled president and his crack gang of moronic, muddled, nincompoop advisers. Alfred Lord Tennyson, 167 years ago, accurately described the plight of our Marines as they observed the cluster f—k their “commander in chief” had conjured up.

“Forward the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred

All 13 did their duty that day, honored their country, and followed orders. They were abruptly thrust into the valley of death appropriately called Afghanistan. They didn’t reason why or shirk their responsibility. Someone had definitely blundered and those brave men and women paid the ultimate price for defending our country. “Theirs but to do and die.” Their hearts would beat no longer.

President Biden flew to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to receive the flag-draped remains of the 13 U.S. service members killed in the attack. One of the Marines mother, Kathy McCollum, was furious with Biden’s incompetent leadership and called his words “scripted, shallow and a total disregard for the loss of our Marine.” Kathy accurately described Biden’s entire presidency.

But Biden wasn’t done disrespecting the men and women who carried out his fateful mission. As each flag-draped coffin was removed from the plane, Biden, in a callous demonstration of his total lack of empathy, was observed checking his watch. Mark Schmitz told Sean Hannity that Biden checked his watch AT LEAST FIVE TIMES during the ceremony. I can only surmise that the intoxicating guilt of making such a horrible decision is wreaking havoc on Joe’s mental state of mind. Biden blundered and now 13 wonderful men and women will never see another sunrise or hold a loved one in their arms.

It is getting increasingly difficult to find anyone who voted for Biden. A recent Zogby poll found that only 20% of Biden voters now regret their decision. Really? Apparently, 80% of Biden voters still believe that electing Joe was a wise decision. President Obama once told a Democrat, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f—k things up.” Hello…ringing any bells? You were warned that Joe didn’t have the right stuff and you voted for him anyway. You hated Trump with a passion and his angry tweets drove you insane. Now good Americans are dying and this country is going to hell in a handbasket. Shame on you.

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I thought colleges were bastions of liberal ideology.
So, how do we account for the many crowds of college football fanatics chanting “F*** Joe Biden,” this week?
Suddenly no one wants to admit having voted for the biden puppet.

Speaking from personal knowledge. The profs and Admoi have been ‘Bush Republicans” for 65 years. Not the students!

Trump left 2500 troops, which was MORE THAN ENOUGH for any American pullout to not end like this botched one from Biden.

No amount of Leftwing partisan spin can take the blame from this impostor.

Biden needed 26,000 to protect Washington politicians.

They are finding that trying to sweep dead bodies under the rug still leaves a lump that can’t be hidden. I’m sure those 13 lost loved ones is just “a bump in the road” Democrat’s political ambitions.

Everyone knew idiot Biden would be a catastrophe. His history is nothing but lies, racism, corruption and failure. This is why idiot Biden lost the 2020 election but for the massive fraud perpetrated on the nation.

Are you calling the “Bush Republicans” running DOMINION Fraud meisteren!
“Hoytsa GOp MOrgsn Die Velt!”

Excellent piece Larry. I had heard about the poll where 20% of biden voters have buyers remorse and would most likely have voted differently had they been afforded the information that was suppressed by both the media and big tech.

That being said, there is now undisputed realization that biden did not get 81 million votes. The 20% are actual voters who did vote for biden. The vast amount of fraudulent votes of voters are understandably unable to provide opinion.

That obviously does not affect the percentage. But more importantly diminishes the overall numbers of support verses those who now do not support.

20% of 81 million is roughly 16+ million give or take. Given the current state of affairs, it is hard to believe 65 million voters still support biden. It has been analyzed that biden perhaps received somewhere south of 40 million actual legal votes.

My point is that his support is actually a very small acceptable number once the volume of fraudulent votes is removed. And, that number, perhaps 32 million is a much more realistic number of support instead of 65 million. There just are not that many ignorant and stupid Americans.

Trump won

DOMINION is very happy! Say they will do it again!

Joe Biden did not serve in the military. He received five student draft deferments during his time as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware, and at Syracuse University, where he studied Law. Joe Biden was medically exempt from being drafted. During a physical assessment in April 1968 he was given the classification ‘1-Y’. This meant he could only be drafted in the case of a national emergency.

This POS has complete intolerance and disrespect for the men and woman that died. in the service they refer to a person of this nature as a “f**k stick”. not to be trusted and no leadership qualities=traitor in short.

Let the reader now finish the poem:

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder’d.
Honor the charge they made!
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!

SemperFi Brothers

Their charge was not in vain! Russia lost the war! And their story , once again, exposed how vicious and brutal the savage “ROP” was and still is!
When in “the Corps”I used Wilkinson Blades!

UPDATE: SIX PLANES in Northern Afghanistan NOW HELD HOSTAGE BY TALIBAN — Filled with Americans and Afghan SIV Holders #BidenEffect

Biden Effect: Americans and Visa Holders Stranded in Afghanistan Flood Private Rescue Groups with Travel Requests Knowing Biden Admin Won’t Help Them

The aircraft are actually sitting empty at the airport.

Is that what your Taliban friends are telling you?

It’s what Afghan airport officials at Mazar-e-Sharif
have reported.

I suppose you needed a distraction from the Texas Taliban’s law requiring incest and rape victims to give birth.

I suppose you and Biden need a distraction from Afghanistan.

Stop projecting.

Glad to see the “Texas Taliban” indoctrination program stuck with you, drone.

They could tell you to do anything in their name, and you wouldn’t question it.

The identities of the passengers are unknown. Apparently most lack passports and visas. The State Department can’t confirm who they are, because the government wasn’t involved in chartering the aircraft. Evidently they’re waiting in local hotels for this to be sorted out.

It’s interesting that in your enthusiasm for attacking the Biden administration you would have no concern whatsoever about who they might be. You’ll predictably become obsessed with the threat you imagine they all pose the moment Muslim refugees begin arriving in the United States. This will also be an occasion for attacks on the Biden administration.

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“It’s interesting that in your enthusiasm for attacking the Biden administration you would have no concern whatsoever about who they might be.”

Meh. You just described yourself and your Cult for the past 20 years or so.

You never cared about Covid deaths, just that it could be twisted to support your irrational and partisan hatred of Trump.

After Obama was installed, we got Trump.

What exactly do you think is going to happen after Biden?

It’s Spreading: “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Break Out Across the Country

Democrat Senator Blumenthal Blasts Biden Admin Over Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan: “Furious at Our Government’s Delays and Inaction”

The State Department can’t confirm anything because they’ve skedaddled. If this regime cared about US lives, they’d have gotten the civilians out before they pulled the military out.

If You took out your wallet and paid atention 17 days ago; it was cleraethey intended to leave as many as 1,ooo American hostages.’Look at what the WOKE Adm and Gen said!

This did not “just happen’ it was a desired result!

“This will also be an occasion for attacks on the Biden administration.”

This is the precedent you people set for the past for years plus.

“Trump is literally Hitler…”

Should have thought about that.

Looks like you do not believe senator skelator.

Democrat Senator Blumenthal Blasts Biden Admin Over Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan: “Furious at Our Government’s Delays and Inaction”

Just another one of your many lies…

Hey, Blumenthal didn’t leave his friends face down in the mud in Vietnam to see idiot Biden abandon Americans in Afghanistan.

Good ol’ DaNang dick

You went from “empty airplanes” to “we don’t know them”. What’s your next excuse for this hateful regime letting Americans and allies be held hostage by their Taliban friends just because it’s embarrassing that an NGO can get them out when they wouldn’t? Hell, obviously they didn’t know who the State Department were loading on the airplanes. I think the people who actually worked with those trying to get out know them better than the State Dept. knew those who just showed up and they flew out just to pad their numbers.

And now taliban joe wants 6.4 billion to house the unvetted afghans. The same afghans the taliban pushed through the gates at the Kabul airport onto planes. The ones that woke greg was so enthusiastically cheering that taliban joe had rescued.
taliban joe punted on securing the Kabul airport instead giving favor to the taliban. What on earth could possibly go wrong? taliban joe assumed the talliban would let all of the americans and SIV’s pass through to evac out of country.

oops, those were denied as the taliban loaded up the planes with those we would deem as undesirable…(pardon the racist implication, my bad).

Everything they do is calculated as an opportunity to steal taxpayer money and line their own pockets.

Oh, is that what CNN told you?

Humanitarian Rick Clay on War Room: Biden State Department Is Preventing Planes with Americans from Leaving Afghan Airport

bidens state department can not let private planes rescue the stranded because that would only intensify criticism as to why he failed where others succeeded.

So, in bidens world they are expendable.

Polls fail in the face of college students chanting “f*ck Joe Biden”

No one likes this guy.

Taliban Invites Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Qatar to Ceremony Announcing New Government in Afghanistan

Looks like they dissed their newest butt buddie…biden

The Taliban announced on Monday that they have invited Turkey, China, Pakistan, Iran, Russia and Qatar to participate in a ceremony announcing their new government in Afghanistan.

“You Leave Americans Behind!” – Angry Protesters Heckle Joe Biden in New Jersey

“Murderer! Worthless Piece of Trash!” – Trump Supporters Line the Streets in New Jersey to Tell Joe Biden What They Think of Him (VIDEO)

Yeah, the loudmouth idiots all came out. Probably they’re mad because he threw out no rolls of kitchen towels.

Truth hurts, huh? I wonder where all those that cast a legitimate vote for idiot Biden are? Maybe lining the streets with supportive copy machines and Dominion tabulators would be more applicable.

Idiot Biden is a lying moron. Never letting a crisis go to waste, his main task is pushing his $5 trillion of waste and pork of which 10% MIGHT go to infrastructure. He’ll leave all those people behind just like he did Americans and allies in Afghanistan.

“How Old Are You?” – Biden Awkwardly Shouts to 7-Year-Old Child During Speech in New York

Pedophile joe at it again

He was probably shouting at a 40-year-old Trump supporter.

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Except he wasn’t.

Keep your irrational hatred of non-existent people to yourselves, don’t vote, and don’t bother us.

Trump, you know, is an INCESTUOUS pedophile. (Why don’t you cut the crap so normal people can have meaningful discussions?)

No evidence of that, AMPLE evidence idiot Biden is a groping, raping, sniffing sicko. He and his son.

Probably sent a Secret Service agent to bring the kid to his limo for a sniff and grope.

People tend to be what they think about the most.

Thus idiot Biden always sniffing and fondling young children.

I don’t recall any photos of the Biden’s partying with Jeffrey Epstein his procurer of underage girls.×4096

Hey, Comrade Greggie, how many times was Bubba Clinton on the Lolita Express manifest? Why didn’t you mention that?

Because he’s not Joe Biden, who never even met Epstein. Idiot.

I don’t see any partying. I see standing. With his wife. No, idiot Biden just rapes his aides, fondles children and pinches the nipples of little girls. If you don’t find that sick, perhaps you need therapy. Epstein’s flight manifests are like a Democrat roll call.

Hunter had to kick back 50% of his bribes to daddy; he probably had to kick back a percentage of the crack whores he partied with as well. After all, he used daddy’s credit card to pay for them sometimes.

If you are going to support the Democrat party, it’s probably not wise to try to use morality as a weapon.

Yes. You ARE the projection of the 1983 Right-wing fundamentalist you think you are fighting.

Glad you finally got it.

Abbott says the lack of a rape exclusion is fine; Texas is gonna get all rapists off the streets.

(Inconvenient fact: 90 percent of all rapes in the United States are committed by men who are known by their victims. The problem the young ladies are having isn’t strangers jumping out of dark alleys, Gov.)

THAT’S the sort of stupidity that Democrats are fighting.

You voted for idiot Biden so, obviously, you support rapists.

Trump relied on secret catch-and-kill payoffs by accomplices to cover up his sexual misconduct, not Biden. It was Trump who kept a full-time bag man to handle his dirty laundry. Last count, 26 women had accused Mr. Grab-Em-by-the-Pussy, the under-age beauty pageant dressing room crasher, of sexual misconduct. He’s a damn pervert. You’ve got nothing on Biden but projection and the content of your own imagination, which seems a bit fixated on olfactory gratification.

The GOP purged the wrong people.

Mmmm…. “secret” list that only you know about. I think you have him mixed up with Hangin’ Hillary.

Do you ever consider that when you have to MAKE THINGS UP to hate about Trump, maybe YOU’RE the problem?

Um…you can’t have a problem with Trump and then NOT have a problem with Biden.

That would make you a hypocritical partisan hack with worthless and dismissible opinions.

Sure you can. Their problem with Trump was that he was so successful and would make Republicans popular and more electable. No such problem with success with idiot Biden.

DOMINION says, “We’re happy! We’d fabricate 23,000,000 votes again!”!

Four Gitmo Detainees Released in Berghdahl Swap are Now Taliban Ministers for Afghan Government – Interim Government Will Be Officially Introduced on Sept 11th

The official Taliban government of Afghanistan will be celebrated and introduced on September 11, 2021. Four of the Afghanistan ministers appointed to government are former Gitmo detainees released during the Obama-era swap for captured U.S. service member Bowe Berghdahl, pictured below with new titles:
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Afghanistan – […] “The Islamic Emirate will take serious and effective steps towards protecting human rights, the rights of minorities as well as the rights of the underprivileged groups within the framework of the demands of the sacred religion of Islam,” reads the statement.

The new caretaker cabinet consists of the following people:
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• Prime Minister (head of state): Mullah Hassan Akhund

• Deputy: Mullah Baradar

• Deputy: Mawlavi Hannafi

• Acting Minister of Defense: Mullah Yaqoub

• Acting Minister of Interior: Serajuddin Haqqani

• Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi

• Acting Minister of Finance: Mullah Hedayatullah Badri

• Acting Minister of Education: Mawlawi Noorullah Munir

• Acting Minister of Information and Culture: Mullah Khairullah Khairkhah

• Acting Minister of Economy: Qari Din Hanif

• Acting Minister of Hajj: Mawlawi Noor Mohammad Saqib

• Acting Minister of Justice: Abdul Hakim Sharie

• Acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs: Mullah Noorullah Noori

• Acting Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development: Mullah Mohammad Younus Akhundzada

• Acting Minister of Public Work: Mullah Abdul Manan Omari

• Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum: Mullah Mohammad Esa Akhund

• Acting Minister of Water and Energy: Mullah Abdul Latif Mansoor

• Acting Minister of Civil Aviation and Transport: Mullah Hamidullah Akhundzada

• Acting Minister of Higher Education: Abdul Baqi Haqqani

• Acting Minister of Telecommunication: Najibullah Haqqani

• Acting Minister of Refugees: Khalilurahman Haqqani

• Acting Director of Intelligence: Abdul Haq Wasiq

• Acting Director of the Central Bank: Haji Mohammad Idris

• Acting Director of the Administrative Office of the President: Ahmad Jan Ahmady

• Acting Minister of Dawat-u-Ershad: Sheikh Mohammad Khalid

• Defense Deputy Minister: Mullah Mohammad Fazil

• Army Chief of Staff: Qari Fasihuddin

• Deputy Foreign Minister: Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai

• Deputy Interior Minister: Mawlawi Noor Jalal

• Deputy Information and Culture Minister: Zabihullah Mujahid

• First Deputy of Intelligence Department: Mullah Tajmir Javad

• Administrative Deputy of Intelligence Department: Mullah Rahmatullah Najeeb

• Deputy Interior Minister for Counter Narcotics: Mullah Abdulhaq Akhund
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And the Biden regime is filled with “diplomats”. Not like the rubes that got the Abraham Accords passed. These are REAL “diplomats”. Can’t get anything by them.

BREAKING – HUGE: Results of Canvassing in Arizona Released – ELECTION STEAL IS NOW CONFIRMED

BREAKING: AZ Candidate For Secretary of State Mark Finchem: “I Call On Arizona To Decertify The Election Of 2020 And Recall The Electors… We Have A Duty To Act” – 96K+ GHOST VOTES

Bad polling news for taliban joe;

YouGov/Economist, first poll that has Biden’s approval under 40%. (approve/disapprove)

Overall: 39/50
Men: 36/53
Women: 42/46
White men no degree: 28/61
White women w/ degree: 53/42
Black: 65/26
Hispanic: 41/36
Registered Voters: 43/53
Dems: 77/15
GOP: 9/89
Indie: 35/56

Just a brutal poll for Joe Biden. -11 with adults, -10 with voters. YouGov/Economist has been bearish on Biden compared to some other pollsters. But it’s still a surprise to see him under 40 in it. He may not have bottomed out yet, which, if so, is awful news for Democrats.

YouGov/Economist, first poll that has Biden’s approval under 40%. (approve/disapprove)

Overall: 39/50
Men: 36/53
Women: 42/46
White men no degree: 28/61
White women w/ degree: 53/42
Black: 65/26
Hispanic: 41/36
Registered Voters: 43/53
Dems: 77/15
GOP: 9/89
Indie: 35/56

There is no bottom to taliban joe. These numbers are indicative of the fact that he did not get 81 million votes. A blind person could see this…

oops, second poll was supposed to be camel-la…

Ryan James Girdusky
Still, Kamala has worse fav/unfav ratings than Biden

Overall: 39/52
Men: 35/57
Women: 42/46
White men no degree: 25/64
White women w/ degree: 52/46
Black: 64/25
Hispanic: 47/35
Registered Voters: 43/53
Dems: 77/17
GOP: 7/87
Indie: 32/58

Even with a D+10 sample, the newest YouGov/Economist poll shows Biden with only a 39% approval rating.— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 8, 2021

taliban joe is on a downward trajectory with little or no indication of reversal. What is interesting is taliban joes poll numbers are the same as clintons at this time in his presidency. The difference, blow job billy had 43 million popular votes compared with the fictional 81 million for taliban joe…

Joe Biden’s approval rating has crashed through the forty percent barrier in a new YouGov/Economist poll that has Biden now at 39 percent approval. Biden has been in freefall for the past month in the wake of his self-induced debacle in Afghanistan and the spread of the Delta variant that has belied Biden’s campaign promise to crush the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden, who had already lost independents, is now losing support from Democrats–going from support of well over 90 percent to the mid-70s.

The American people are turning their backs on Joe Biden after he repeatedly turned his back on them.

Numbers posted by Ryan Girdusky:

“YouGov/Economist, first poll that has Biden’s approval under 40%. (approve/disapprove)

Overall: 39/50
Men: 36/53
Women: 42/46
White men no degree: 28/61
White women w/ degree: 53/42
Black: 65/26 (Typo, actually 55/26)
Hispanic: 41/36
Registered Voters: 43/53
Dems: 77/15
GOP: 9/89
Indie: 35/56

The poll of 1500 U.S. adult citizens was taken September 4-7 and covered a lot of issues. Biden is given across the board negative views on Afghanistan, terrorism, the pandemic and the economy.

This article will be updated as more results are reviewed. Link to poll results here. The Biden approval question is number 77 found on page 225.

Biden approval/disapproval percentage on issues:

Economy: 41/47
National Security: 39/47

Taxes and Government Spending: 34/50

Biden Cares About People Like You: 42/51 (a lot: 22, some 20, not much 14, doesn’t care at all 37.)

Biden Strong or Weak Leader: Strong: 40. Weak: 60 (rounded)

Is Biden Honest and Trustworthy: Yes: 38. No: 44.

Confidence in Biden Ability to Wisely Handle an International Crisis: Confident: 34. Uneasy: 50.

Biden Sincerity: Says What He Believes: 35. Says What He Thinks People Want to Hear: 46.

Will Biden Be Able to Bring the Country Together: Yes: 17. No: 57.

Are You Optimistic or Pessimistic About the Next Few Years with Joe Biden as President: Optimistic: 35. Pessimistic: 45

YouGov conducts its “polls” online, and pays its self-selected poll participants for participation.

But everyone agrees, idiot Biden SUCKS.

So does every poll, you idiot….including your carefully cherry-picked ones.

No, most poll and survey companies DO NOT pay people for answering their questions. Nor do most gather results from selected “panels”. Most use random sampling methodologies.

They may in fact pay but, a deeper dive into their payment structure defies a payout for all participants of the recent “economist”/yougov poll. All participants in statistical likelihood do not get paid. It seems like there is much work for little monetary reward.

taliban joe is in the crapper with a 42% approval among independents. His numbers have only one way to go and that is down…

Simply, YouGov surveys is an online market-research site where you can do surveys and get paid from doing so. You probably already know that – you’re here to work out if it’s ever going to pay you any cash or if it’s just one big scam, right?

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How often can I do YouGov surveys?

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Here is it:

Total surveys completed (I answered all available surveys in that period):

85 – to earn points
7 – to earn prize draw entries (I know, I am an utter fool for doing this. I won nothing)
Total length of time to earn $50: 312 days

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YouGov Surveys Payment Progress
As you can see, it was a long, hard road to get my S50 payout on YouGov. But two things I do want to stress, to their credit, are:

Surveys do keep coming steadily. The cynic in me wondered if they would completely stop when I got close to the payout threshold.
When I reached the payment threshold I had no trouble getting paid out. I just entered my bank details and the payment landed in my account in a couple of weeks.
So, there you go. YouGov: it’s a way of making some side money. $50 is still a decent amount of money to be earning in your spare time, but it’s hard work and going to take you a long time to earn it!

If you do choose to do it then don’t say I didn’t warn you. But if you do, please consider doing it using this link – which gives us some bonus points and all contributes to the cost of counselling, which is needed to recover from 10 months of doing these surveys.

Well, they depend on their stupid followers forgetting disaster after disaster after disaster by election time. Of course, somehow they will have to stop the steady flow of disasters.

42% of independents believe taliban joe is illegitimate.

taliban joe will achieve lame duck status when his numbers crash under 35. Just a mater of time.

Agree President Biden needs the 25 Amendment immediately not bogged down in red tape, force this senile 78 year old to resign now!

No, he needs to be IMPEACHED. For the damage he’s done, impeachment is the ONLY solution.

YouGov/Economist, first poll that has Biden’s approval under 40%. (approve/disapprove)

Overall: 39/50

His own staffers are terrified of him on the loose in front of cameras.
He told an off-color “joke” about sleeping with a union member.
He said we have a new name for “tornadoes,” now.
He remembers going to The Tree Of Life synagogue.

Only paid operatives are still posting as if they love the guy.
When their paychecks end their support ends, you watch.

SHOCK: ‘The Economist’ Proves Biden Didn’t Win Legitimately

Even Independents increasingly know Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 vote — look at this latest survey from The Economist/YouGov, 42% of non-partisan voters acknowledge the problems of the 2020 presidential vote…

Yellen: US on track to default on national debt in October

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday warned congressional leaders that the U.S. is on track to default on the national debt in October if the White House and Congress are unable to raise the debt limit.

In a Wednesday letter, Yellen said that the Treasury Department would likely run out of cash and exhaust “extraordinary” measures to keep the federal government within its legal borrowing limit at some point next month.

Reports: China May Take over Bagram Air Force Base Abandoned by Joe Biden – China Denies Report

This is a traitorous act. Forget impeachment, move to a military tribunal. taliban joe is guilty as sin

Joe Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years in July by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left.

WOW. Biden Admin DISCONNECTS State Department Help Line for Americans or SIV Holders Stranded in Afghanistan Seeking to Escape Terrorist Regime

America Last: Joe Biden Expected to Waive Sanctions on Syria to Allow Pipeline Project to Hezbollah-Controlled Lebanon

China is welcomed to take on the Afghanistan problem, if they learned nothing from the Russian and American experiences there.

There’s a reason why historians call Afghanistan “The Graveyard of Empires”.

And yet that doesn’t absolve Biden’s botched pull out, at all.

There’s no excuse for this and he must be removed from office immediately.

He’s grossly unfit. Our enemies and allies alike all know this.

America was there to curb global Muslim terrorism in the wake of 9/11.

To that and we were vastly successful.

This pedantic view of history is being propagated simply because idiots get to post their lack of education online.

And, taliban joe imported more than 100k jihidis instead of keeping them in the region. These camel humpers were not vetted at all. There are reports from some of the military bases stateside where our guys who were in theater, recognize some of the terrorists that are here now. It has also been confirmed several of those identified have been and are currently on a terrorist watch list as well as a no fly list.

Gee, I wonder if at the Kabul airport our guys had been at the gate check point to get on the plane, would we have caught the scumbags that were on both or one of those lists? Hmmm

The CCP is not going to Afghanistan to fight shit breath. They are going there to inhabit the Bagram air base surrendered by taliban joe.
taliban joe is aiding and abetting the enemy, in this case, the CCP

“We Have Won!!” – Fort Hood Shooter and Islamic Terrorist Nidal Hasan Congratulates Taliban From Fort Leavenworth Prison

WAR CRIME: Biden Afghanistan Drone Strike Killed the WRONG PEOPLE — NOT a “Suicide Bomber” — Kills Aid Worker, 7 Children

US drone strike that Pentagon said killed Kabul suicide bomber actually ‘killed aid worker and seven children who ran to greet him when he arrived home’: Video allegedly shows he filled car with water not explosives

Shocking report reveals apparent botched drone strike killed Afghan aid worker

The August 29 strike at a home near the Kabul airport killed 10, including 7 kids

Pentagon claimed the vehicle was ‘known to be an imminent ISIS-K threat’

But driver Zemari Ahmadi, 43, was an aid worker seeking asylum in the US

Surveillance video shows him loading the trunk with water jugs, not explosives

Witnesses say he spent the day running normal errands for a US-based aid group

Pentagon claimed his movements were suspicious and tied him to ISIS-K

DoD tells ‘We still believe that it prevented an imminent threat’

The drone strike that the Pentagon claimed killed an ISIS-K suicide bomber in Kabul actually targeted an aid worker who had filled his car with water jugs, rather than explosives, according to a shocking new report.

Zemari Ahmadi, 43, was driving the 1996 Toyota Corolla that was destroyed in the August 29 drone strike, killing him and nine family members, including seven children, according to a New York Times investigation.

The Pentagon still maintains that only three civilians died, despite the family now detailing in the new report how their 10 relatives were killed in the blast.

Days after the attack, Taliban joe Xibiden gave a speech in which he marked the withdrawal of American troops in Afghanistan by the August 31 deadline. He touted America’s ability to strike terrorists and targets without boots on the ground. But he failed to mention the high civilian casualty rate from the August 29 drone strike, and he failed to mention that children had been killed.

But soon after the 13 service members will killed at the Kabul airport reports surfaced that we could have taken out the would be suicide bomber. Not only did we have a chance at preventing the carnage, taliban joe also chose to not secure the Kabul airport with our personnel. The taliban offered to allow American forces to secure the airport. Had taliban joe accepted the offer, does anyone think a sucide bomber toting 25lbs of explosives would have made entry into the secured portions of the airport?

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roger Pardo-Maurer dropped some incredible information during an interview and it’s huge, if true.

Director of MRC Latino, Jorge Bonilla, posted an interview of Pardo-Maurer. Pardo-Maurer, who was in the State Department for years, since at least 2001, said he was being told that the Department of Defense already knew who the bomber was ahead of time, before the bombing and when the Kabul attack would occur.

Pardo-Maurer went further in his interview. He said not only did they know where and when it would happen, but that they had a Predator drone lock on the bomber, but that “they” refused to grant permission to take the guy out. “[Permission] was requested and was denied,” he said. Why? “Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.”

So is he really saying what it sounds like he’s saying? Because it sounds like he’s saying that we had the shot to take this guy out but they were afraid of angering the Taliban if they took the shot. Yikes.

taliban joe is personally responsible for the 13 service members deaths as well as the ten innocents killed in the drone strike. He has blood on his hands…

A New York Times reporter visited home of Ahmadi’s in-country boss, who has a pending resettlement case in the United States.

“We have nothing to do with terrorism or ISIS,” he said. “We love America. We want to go there.”

The Geneva Convention defines a war crime as:

Willful killing;
Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;
Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health;
Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.
It further defines violations as:

Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;

Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives;

Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict;

Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;

Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives.

Reports now from Capital Hill are saying that the taliban provided the US military with information of the eventual drone target. They identified the victim as a terrorist and taliban joe killed him….

Breaking: Genocide In The Panjshir Valley – The Taliban Begins To Round-Up All Males 12 And Over

This is a first-hand report from an asset on the ground in the Panjshir Valley in Afghanistan with whom AND Magazine is in contact.

Taliban forces in the Panjshir Valley are rounding up all males 12 and over and taking them away. The individuals being taken are not being questioned. There is no indication that any of these individuals will ever return. No camps have been built to hold them. Residents of the valley assume that they will all be killed as part of a “genocidal cleansing.”

In the past, the Taliban typically carried out extermination operations of this type in the following manner. They herded the individuals to be killed into empty cargo containers, shot them, and then closed up the containers. The containers were then buried. This was done to avoid creating large-scale mass graves because the Taliban was conscious that these could be detected remotely via satellite and might lead to international sanctions and pressure.
Residents of the Panjshir Valley believe that the current roundup is being done to entirely strip the area of any males with knowledge of the period of American occupation. It is believed by the Taliban that it is necessary to “cleanse” the area of anyone who might be able to organize resistance to the regime in the future.

No assistance is being provided by the United States to the resistance forces still fighting in the Panjshir Valley. No assistance is being provided to individuals trying to escape from the Taliban and leave Afghanistan.

AND’s source in the Panjshir stated his belief that the United States Government wants anyone who is a witness to the ongoing atrocities to die. “They want us all to die here. We can’t talk if we’re dead. If we make it out everyone will know what happened here.”

House and Senate hearing about bidens bitched Afghanistan surrender are not going well. Sec def declined to testify and blinken can not answer the tough questions.

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More ‘Trump Won’ Banners Dropping at Sporting Events – Americans Waking Up to Realize Biden Is a Thief and a Joke