The Biden regime is the worst thing that’s happened to this country since the Civil War

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democrats have a lot of balls to complain about disinformation and it isn’t simply about COVID. It’s about control. COVID is just part of the plot.

While Joe Biden is seeking to smother the First Amendment rights of Americans democrats are actively spreading lies. Overt lies. There’s a pattern and there’s a reason.

Here’s your axiom: democrats will blame everyone else for their actions and crimes

You can bet your life on that.

Over the last few years democrats have been screaming for the defunding of police. Now as crime spirals out of control in the cities democrat liars are attempting to shift the blame to Republicans.  Little Red Lying Hood herself accused Republicans of defunding the police but could not name a single one who did:

Conversely, there is almost no end to the number of democrats who have demanded that police be defunded.

Crime in democrat cities is going crazy. Murders are skyrocketing.

In 12 American cities run by Democrats, the murder rate is skyrocketing, according to a study by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF).
The LELDF study sees a direct correlation between the Democrat party’s anti-police rhetoric and how Democrat-run cities have turned that rhetoric into action through police budget cuts, mandates that reduce policing efforts such as stops and arrests, a lack of criminal prosecution by far-left prosecutors,  and the morale issues that have resulted in a massive number of retirements.
In 2020, across the nation, homicides jumped a whopping 25 percent, which took us all the way back to the bad old days of 1995, the year before a violent crime and murder spree that launched in the 1970s finally started to come to an end.

Black people are disproportionately affected:

  • The number of homicides in six major cities across the country has increased compared to last year, disproportionately affecting black people, according to crime data.
  • “We are seeing an uptick in violent crime across the country, specifically gun violence,” Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told The New York Times.
  • In Chicago, black people have been the victims of roughly 81% of the 317 murders in the first six months of 2021, data shows. They were the victims of about 70% of the 295 murders committed in the first six months of 2020.

So who does Biden regime blame for this?

White supremacists, police and racism. No sh*t.

According to a Biden Administration email exclusively obtained by Human Events, the White House and Department of Justice hosted a training seminar that claimed inner-city violence is caused by white supremacist ideology and racism.
The training was titled Community Violence Intervention (CVI) Webinar Series: Evidence-based Theory and Research on CVI and hosted by government officials Chiraag Bains and Phelan Wyrick.
Chiraag Bains is the White House Special Assistant to the President for Criminal Justice & Guns Policy at the Domestic Policy Council. He previously was legal director of the far-left dark money group Demos, and an Open Society Foundation fellow.

The training was brought forward as its first speaker Professor Maury Nation of Vanderbilt University, whose section was titled “Leveraging Social and Structural Factors to Understand and Prevent Community Violence.” On slide 7 of the presentation, he stated that community violence is caused by White Supremacist Ideology.
Professor Nation then claimed (slide 8) that racism was to blame for the violence because ethnic minorities are more likely to be involved in community violence. He did not offer any data or research to support this claim.
While discussing his next section (slide 9), Professor Nation stated that ‘structural determinants’ were also a cause of community violence. One example he gave was that ethnic minority areas tend to see a higher level of police activity. He did not offer any data or research to explain how higher policing rates cause higher rates of community violence.

This is beyond outrageous. It is flat-out propaganda.

Biden and his authoritarian pals seek to restrict free speech and gain Federal control of all elections to make certain there is no party rule in this country forever.

Just like in Russia, China, and North Korea.

Joe Biden is the worst thing to happen to this country since the Civil War.

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Indeed. Our first unelected Dictator, Joe Biden, is the end of our democracy.

The minority Democrat base continues to pretend, self-inflate, and self-congratulate itself as it controls media, ed, and entertainment.

But it’s not a majority. Only idiots who need the safety of the herd let their political ideas be formed by late night hosts and Oprah Winfrey.

America did not elect Joe Biden. I’m afraid it’s just going to get worse from here, especially since the new totalitarian federal government is locking up Trump voters while letting Leftwing terrorists go free.

That’s how tyranny works.

Time to split the country into America and…whatever Democrats want to call their silly little autocratic state.

Yes he is the worse thing that ever happened to this country. Of course it was not by the majority of the American people.

America is under a coup.

President Trump won in a landslide. Those who support biden are enemies of the United States and are guilty of treason. Let the firing squads begin…

In 2020, Trump was BURIED by a landslide. His popularity has gone down even further since then.

A landslide of fraud.

Uh huh. 75 million votes…the most in history.

Trump has real support.

Biden does not.

And those votes didn’t come out of a copy machine or cemetery, like idiot Biden’s.


(No doubt this headline will give a few people who see what they hope for rather than what they’re actually seeing a momentary thrill.)

Comrade Greggie, we all understand your desire to create click bait for the failing CNN website. We understand that you don’t want to see lying Rachael Maddow out of a job. But we have better things to do with our time than propping up CNN’s click numbers.

Another of Trump’s associates arrested. They’re working up the ladder. They’ll eventually get to the boss.

Maddow isn’t with CNN.

Here’s a Democrat sweetheart.

Trial of Democratic Megadonor Gets Dark as Prosecution Rolls Horrific Video, Judge Warns Traumatized Jury May Need Counseling

Yes. Fascists/Marxists lock up their enemies one by one.

We know.

biden could only muster 50 million votes if even he did that. The 2020 election was rife with fraud by the democrat party and the Washington elite.

Joe Biden’s current job approval rating is PLUS 52.4 percent.
Donald Trump’s current favorability rating is MINUS 52.8 percent.

Weird numbers since Joe has a barely over 50% job approval from a group polled who are over 64% pro-biden enough to have voted for him!

The other big takeaway from that poll is that the majority of Republicans would rather see Romney than Trump run!
Who ARE these people?!

Who are there people?” would be a good question to ask about Trafalgar:

“Trafalgar weights its polls to account for “social desirability bias,” or the so-called “shy” Trump voters who do not admit to pollsters that they support him. Pollster Robert Cahaly told The Hill there are more of these today than there were four years ago.”

In other words, their poll results are rigged.

Where things stand in 13 battleground states

command greggy-poo: it is obvious that you hate this great country. never served in the military, could care less of the soldiers that died to give you the freedom to run your illiterate opinions. You are a true Communist. Reconcile the difference-GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY

As before, what is amazing is that idiot Biden’s approval is not in the 90’s since he avoids making anything but teleprompter-driven statements (but still manages to f**k them up) and the media gives him 95% positive coverage, avoiding mentioning his utter failure at the border, failure controlling COVID, foreign policy disasters, the spiking misery index, inflation, high unemployment and his overt and out of control racism. Likewise, with the media hammering Trump with 93% negative coverage, endless lies and promoting unproven rumors that they later have to “correct”, it is amazing his approval is as high as it is. That represents the percentage of Americans that value truth over propaganda.

2020 Presidential Polls were MORE WRONG than they ever have been.

Your polls are rubbish. Biden has no such approval. You just want to manufacture coherence.

Look at all the thumbs down you are getting. That’s YOUR job rating.

Good grief, all the books they are writing, they are gonna need a bigger library.

80 million, the gaslight special.

The biden regime is dangerous for America. How much sense does it make for homeland security to announce travel restrictions for Americans at border due to china virus variant but southern border to remain open to Illegal aliens with no testing what so ever? This would never happen under President Trump…

“Here’s your axiom: democrats will blame everyone else for their actions and crimes

You can bet your life on that.”

Safe bet.

White supremacists have to be the most peaceful most dangerous violent existential threat to the nation in world history. Also the most invisible. Or, maybe they simply can’t be seen for all the flames and smoke created by the peaceful BLM/ANTIFA riots, looting and plundering. I guess as long as they operate only in leftist imaginations, they can’t harm much that is important to anyone.

<—— People should closely examine statements like that before allowing them to enter their heads. The assertion is patently absurd. Critical thinking is an individual's only defense against brainwashing,

Um… how would you know?

I know from observing what people who DON’T follow that simple principle become.

Yeah, you vote for them exclusively.

There is almost no metric of presidential performance that Dictator Biden has failed at.

Dead kids at the border/Caged Kids
Handed a vaccine but can’t get it out
War in the ME
Russia attacking our infrastructure.
China re-asserting it’s dominance in the world.
Printing money…for….what, exactly?
Keeping our workers out of work
Gas prices skyrocketing
Denigrating a majority of the population by way of race…the same race that racist Biden is.

You can enjoy the media production, but the facts are facts:

Biden is both an embarrassment, and our first Dictator.

Trump continues to have real support amongst working Americans and will likely retake the WH in 2024…

…unless the Democrats stop pretending and just go full Fascist….without hiding it.

You are brainwashed.

Al those in favor of defuding the Police should be arrested and charged with Aiding and Abetting Felon the Commission of a Crime lets start arresting those Democrats

They should definitely be denied police or private security protection.