Critical Race Theory Is Doubly Racist Against Asians

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The battle over critical race theory – at its core, a “different” way of looking at race relations in the U.S. – continues to heat up. As a community organizer on the ground in a very divided Orange County, I am front and center witnessing top-down efforts to implement and fund Critical Race Theory curriculum into our local schools. I am also of Asian descent – and stand leading the charge for pushback from those who see CRT for what it really is.

Critical Race Theory is, in a word, racist. While supposedly honoring the minority experience, it is condescending and hateful towards the dominant culture experience, calling anything “white” racist, ugly and guilty. Anyone who conforms is “white adjacent” and therefore also guilty. The entire premise of CRT is rooted in disdain and rejection. That doesn’t mean that many of the bigger and finer points concerning race are not worth exploring. That doesn’t mean that minorities don’t have a different and often alienated experience in every facet of American life. Validation would be obviously preferable in a perfect world. Still, I believe that approaching race as the overriding issue and a CRT curriculum fundamentally rooted in division and victim mentality ultimately offers no positive way forward.

When CRT was developing in legal circles in the 1970s, the idea was that certain groups — like Asians, in particular — were so foreign that the dominant white culture with all its assumptions would be doubly difficult for an Asian person to understand. Simple example: a math test might reference a NASCAR race, asking students to compare the speeds and arrival times of two vehicles. Now, for an Asian student who was never exposed to NASCAR, this would be completely foreign background and possibly add some extra mental stress to solving that math/word problem. Still… I myself managed to excel in math. Many others of every race and background did and continue to do so. As Lindsay Lohan said in the movie Mean Girls, “I like math because it’s the same in every country.”

Why are we removing a necessary part of the learning experience — the struggle — and shielding our students from the uncomfortable growing pains and feelings that come along with it? Ultimately, minority students will suffer more by remaining in their own box. I speak as someone who understands the feelings of being an outsider all too well. If I had wallowed in those feelings, I would be a useless human being, unproductive and bitter, and would not have achieved much in life.

CRT is particularly galling to Asians, the so-called “Model Minority.” Its tenets are doubly racist — first stripping us of “minority” status because of our success and successful integration into the American fabric of business owners, home buyers, and the scientific and academic professions (and making inroads into every other field!) More insidiously, CRT limits the major vehicle for upward mobility in our communities: academic success. These days, California Department of Education is considering removing Honors and Advanced Placement Math in high schools. Destroying meritocracy: How, exactly, will that benefit our society?

Progressives bemoan the lack of diversity in higher education. Funny, that – Asian-American students – who make up 1/11th of K-12 students in California, take up 1/3 of UC university spots. There is plenty of backlash about that – and the UC system is on track to follow in the footsteps of America’s finest private universities. Harvard has effectively capped Asian-American admissions to 20 percent – a policy ruled acceptable by a federal judge last fall.

The focus in our schools needs to go back to the individual, not subgroup solidarity. Yet this is exactly what CRT attacks. Its fundamental premise is to say that as part of a group you are forever chained to the insecurities and trappings of that particular subgroup. If you are Hispanic or Asian, you are chained to the immigrant experience and will always be seen as “foreign.” If you are black, you are oppressed by the white man who continues to keep you down. If you are white, you bear a legacy of racism and must forever manage your white guilt and make amends and reparations.

My lived experience is a better barometer for me than academics trying to condescend to me with theories. I am Marc Ang, not just an Asian American but a collection and summation of my many experiences in life and the roles I play, from my work to my community activism to my love for music and my collection of animals — an individual with interests, experiences and passions that are uniquely me. I have chosen to not let my race define me or prevent me from accomplishing everything I want to in my limited time here. Isn’t that what CRT should really be about?

Break free of those chains, whatever color you are. Do not let the double-talk of the CRT ideology kill your valuable spirit by trapping you into being defined by your skin color and their definition of what it means to be white, black, Latino or Asian. You are so much more than that.

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A few months ago when the attacks on elderly Asians were at their then-peak, the Asian community decided that, despite the fact most of the attackers were black, it was time to march against White Supremacists (code for “all whites”).

Leaders of the Asian community clearly wants to make sure they get their part of the victimhood pie and whites are really the only ones who have the $ to pay.

agree. the douche bag black has no money, out on parole with two felony warrents. the communist re-education theory will destroy Asians in this country. WHY! because Asians are RACISTS to this garbage, plagiarized, marxist manifesto.

CRT is just racially weaponized CT: mentally or actually engineering the “oppressed” who then become willing slaves to eradicate those who value freedom.
The result is a very small group of elites ruling everyone, autocratically.

China continues to be a prime example 20th century failed ideology that has been allowed to fester on.

Trump was elected.

Biden is not.

This is another example of the failure of Democrats to do anything that benefits the people. When Asian take full advantage of the American Dream and excel, the liberal response is not to help others to see the opportunity and exploit it to the fullest but to hold back those who make the most of their opportunities. The only thing that holds blacks back from achieving anything and all that Asians achieve is they being convinced they are victimized and can’t accomplish whatever they set out to achieve. Though numerous blacks stray off the Democrat plantation and out of their bondage to prove them wrong, the agenda to convince blacks of their inherent inadequacy remains strong and, apparently, dominant.

Why doesn’t the left promote the Asian immigrant success story as a model of accomplishment instead of discriminating against them? Successful students benefits the entire nation and dumbing-down the curriculum and penalizing the best and brightest helps no one.

While it is true blacks have historically been held back and down due to their race and being relegated into perpetual poverty (thanks, Democrats), it is now the case that they have all the opportunity anyone else has; possibly more. All they have to do is realize it and reach out and grasp it. They must shed the Democrat shackles that holds them in never ending poverty and dependency, go forth and achieve. Trump showed them it is possible.

Democrat’s concept of “progressive” is to provide regression to anyone that has the ambition and talent to excel.

Good article. Did you notice how reports of anti-Asian attacks fell off the radar when it became apparent who comprised just about all of the attackers?

Yeah, nothing matters to Demediacrats unless it serves a political purpose.