Well, Isn’t That Awkward?


Apparently there is trouble in River City and by River City I mean the White House.  Kamala Harris was handpicked by President Biden to be his VP because “she is smart, tough and ready to lead.”  Yeah, how’s that working out?  150 days after his inauguration, Biden & Company are exploring the possibility of kicking Kamala to the curb because, well, she isn’t quite as smart, tough and ready for prime time as they had hoped. Her toxic staff is leaking gossip like a sieve  and some malcontents anonymously whine that Kamala’s leadership style is just a tad to the right of Atilla the Hun. 

Democrats fear that she cannot go the distance with a strong Republican candidate in 2024, but I suspect an ulterior motive.  Apparently, they’re worried that Kamala will be a disaster if she needs to replace President Biden somewhere down the line.  During his first interview on CNN Joe himself said, “If there’s a fundamental disagreement we have on some moral issue, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.” That was a bizarro statement but may have been a harbinger of events in the future.  

I was curious to find out if a sitting president could actually fire a vice president.  I am not a legal eagle but after a very brief internet search of multiple mumbo jumbo opinions on the matter it seems that the simple answer is NOPE.  Biden cannot drag Kamala into the Oval Office and say, YOU’RE FIRED! I guess in reality Joe could, but Kamala would just laugh and say, “Larry says you can’t, and I have him on speed dial if you want to speak with him.”  

In other awkward news, the Japanese State Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama just warned us that China and Russia are secretly planning to launch a Pearl Harbor-style attack on the United States.  Isn’t life ironic.  Our mortal enemy in WWII, Japan, is now our best friend.  Our courageous and honorable allies in WWII, China and Russia, are now our worst enemies. That seems like a sad state of affairs. Both China and Russia are filled with wonderful people who vividly remember the horrors of WWII and consider it insanity to start WWIII and expect to emerge unscathed.  That’s not how war works.

In the movie War Games, Stephen Falken reflects on the insanity of thermonuclear war: “…a millisecond of brilliant light and we’re vaporized.  Much more fortunate than millions who wander sightless through the smoldering aftermath.  We’ll be spared the horror of survival.” 

China and Russia riding on their red horses should pay heed to the song War, written by the great Motown writers, Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong. They wisely warned the world in 1969: 

“I said war, huh
Good God, y’all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing”

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Kamala was chosen as a hood ornament, some useless bit of shiny distraction to pander to the type of voter that finds such things important. Dr. Jill hates her guts, and said so after she called idiot Joe a racist and a liar. No doubt, Dr. Jill is also one of the numerous people Kamala hates. But, this is simply how Democrat’s manage; slipshod, incompetent and chaotic.

Gee, I wonder why China invested so much in getting idiot Biden elected, even if through fraud? Well, so they could have some bumbling idiots in charge worrying about pronouns and equity while they take over the world.

All these black slave descendants live in the USA, are over 35 and citizens, yet, twice now, Democrats have found non-African-American slave descendants to place at & near the top of their party’s nomination.
Obama’s mama was lily white, blond even.
Obama’s daddy was an absentee father from Africa who already had many other children by a few other women. He never raised Obama for even one month, much less shared any of his “dreams” with his biological son.
Kamala’s mamma is Shyamala Gopalan who took her PhD in California after graduating college in nutrition from her Indian homeland.
Kamla’s dad, Donald Harris, is Jamaican. He also took graduate studies in CA after he graduated from Jamaica’s University College of the West Indies. Altho dark-skinned, Donald’s family held slaves in their past, not were slaves!

We really have yet to see a Democrat African-American of slave ancestry near their top of the ticket.

And, the way things are going, there’s a big and growing chance we won’t last long enough as a country to ever have one.

In 1775 there were about 500,000 slaves in America. by 1850 there were 3.2 million in bondage. WHY? Cotton was King and to increase the southern financial dominance, slaves were needed to work the fields. History 101. to bad the millenniums snowflakes, and the domestic terrorist can not read.

And sugar cane.