As questions about the January 6 Capitol protests mount, something very bad is afoot. A police state is taking shape.
It is being suggested (and I agree) that the FBI had paid informants among the Capitol protesters who actually helped plan the protests and encouraged violence.
It is unsettling to entertain the possibility that the federal government knew of a potential for violence on 1/6 and did nothing to stop it. It presents the question: why would agencies, or certain elements within, sit back and let something like this happen on purpose?
A still more disturbing possibility arises from a careful study of the unindicted co-conspirators listed throughout the various charging documents of individuals facing the most serious charges related to 1/6.
We at Revolver News have noticed a pattern from our now months-long investigation into 1/6 — and in particular from our meticulous study of the charging documents related to those indicted. In many cases the unindicted co-conspirators appear to be much more aggressive and egregious participants in the very so-called “conspiracy” serving as the basis for charging those indicted.
This would be the foundation for the creation of a police state.
First, though, let’s examine the January 6 protests. Left wing drama queens describe January 6 as a coup or insurrection. What happened in the riots over the last year were far worse. What happened in Portland was far worse. In 2011 when a mob stormed the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison Nancy Pelosi called it an “impressive show of democracy in action.”
There are questions that really need answering. The Capitol doors are magnetically locked. Someone had to unlock them from inside in order for the protesters to gain entry. They had help. Watch as Capitol cops wave protesters onto the grounds.
One cop politely held a door open for the protesters to exit the building.
Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside.
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021
Here an officer is chased up some stairs.
Nearly 500 people have been arrested. Many, in violation of their 6th Amendment rights, are still being held. Jacob Chansley, the “Qanon Shaman” and Navy veteran, has been charged with “knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.” Wow. Hard core stuff.
What’s missing?
You know what else is missing? Weapons charges.
You know what else is missing? A speedy trial.
Why are these people not seeing their chance at a fair trial? It’s been more than 5 months. But what if this is part of a larger plan? What if the plan was to plant FBI informants to wave in protesters, open the doors and encourage some minor violence? Where could that lead?
It could lead to what’s happening right now.
Biden is claiming that he has a plan targeting violence, and it has four pillars:
The Biden strategy is based on what it calls four pillars, designed to understand, prevent, disrupt and address long-term drivers of domestic terrorism.
This is a good place for some definitions. Whenever you hear the words “domestic terrorist” or “right wing extremist” or “white supremacist” think “Trump supporter” or even simply “a conservative” because that’s exactly what they’re thinking.
Alejandro Mayorkas, a truly evil person bent on making the US a Latino state, calls domestic terrorism the “most significant and persistent terrorism-related threat to the homeland today.” Mayorkas wants to examine the DHS itself for dissents.
Administration officials said the Pentagon, DOJ and DHS are “pursuing efforts to ensure domestic terrorists are not employed within our military or law enforcement ranks and improve screening and vetting processes,” administration officials said.
Now check this out
“We will not allow hateful acts or violent extremism to penetrate the fabric of our Department and fundamentally compromise our ability to protect the Homeland,” Mayorkas wrote.
The DHS is comprised of more than 240,000 employees spanning multiple agencies including FEMA, the Secret Service and the Coast Guard.
They’re going to purge the entire government of conservatives and install the woke supremacists.
In other words, a purge of conservatives from the DHS. It gets worse. They’re going to train (brainwash) departing service members to fight right wing organizations.
The Pentagon will train service members leaving the military to resist being recruited by violent extremists, as part of a sweeping new plan by the Biden administration to squelch the “lethal threat” from violent white supremacists.
…”The Department of Defense, in addition, is incorporating training for service members separating or retiring from the military on potential targeting of those with military training by violent extremist actors,” the report reads. “The U.S. Government is also developing a mechanism by which veterans can report recruitment attempts by violent extremist actors.”
It’s not sitting well.
“They don’t come out and say it directly, but they’re scared of us,” one Army infantry sergeant said.
“This is wrong,” one Department of Veterans Affairs official told Just the News. “They want you to report your neighbor.”
Not just your neighbors, either. No, you are to report your families.
President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism. In a conversation with reporters, one senior administration official explained the importance of stopping politically fueled violence before it started.
…“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” the official said.
There was plenty of political violence in the Northwest, and not one democrat batted an eyelash. There was plenty of domestic violence in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and not one democrat batted an eyelash despite the 30 deaths and 700 injured in those two areas. Only one person died on January 6- Ashli Babbitt. We still do not know who murdered her, and her murder just might become a template for handling “right wing extremists.” January 6 will be used as the excuse to ferret out, ostracize and marginalize Trump supporters and eventually all conservatives.
“Are you now or have you ever been a Trump supporter??”
But eventually January 6 will become the next “Trump is a Russian asset” or “COVID did not come from a lab” story, and it will evolve the way these two did- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
“It is unsettling to entertain the possibility that the federal government knew of a potential for violence on 1/6 and did nothing to stop it.”
What is even MORE unsettling is the thought that the true instigators were the “unindicted co-conspitators” and the ones currently incarcerated WITHOUT BAIL are mere dupes. We already have political prisoners. We already have multiple federal agencies actively purging conservatives – HELL! purging any/all non-true believers! Can “reeducation” camps be so far away?! Remember, leftist media stars and even government officials have already called for them!
Noteworthy that Putin and Xi use this totalitarian terrorism to silence any complaints about their human rights violations. Under Democrats, the US is becoming just another dictatorship that imprisons political prisoners and imprisons people for their political beliefs. We are losing our moral righteousness.
Look at the Whitmer kidnapping plot. 2 of the 4 plotters were undercover FBI and the main plotters…they found 2 dupes to go along with them. This type of thing has been going on for years…remember all the militia plots they uncovered? FBI informants drove all these plots and got unsuspecting rubes to go along with them.
Nothing else is required to know in order to realize that this is aimed solely at political opponents of this regime but the fact that for almost two years Democrats encourage, excuse, promote and enable left wing violence (the real kind) that has been ongoing and do nothing to stop or punish it but pretend to see a threat in “right wing extremists” who have posed NO threat. Every example of violence from conservatives has a corresponding physical attack from BLM/ANTIFA terrorist thugs.
Democrats in Congress showed the kind of justice system they have in mind for the police state and Democrats across the nation show their willingness to employ political violence and terrorism to establish their police state upon the citizens. It’s real.
Soon one the resident brain numbed lefties will be by to remind everyone that Trump is a threat to democracy.
My money is on it being Greg. Any takers?
soon, Trump will be labeled as a terrorist.
Yet another prime example of the rabid right chasing their tails to exonerate their Mango god.
First, the violent mob was Antifa and the far left dressing up as Trump supporters.
Next, there was no mob at all and the “peaceful patriots” who came were no different than a “normal tour guide” and accordingly, were actually the victims.
Now (at Carson Tucker’s nod), another reversal and it was a false flag orchestrated by the FBI.
Remarkably, we’ve even seen and heard U.S. Congressmen and Senators reversing their own stories and outright lying with abandon.
And interestingly, the Tucker conspiracy theorist and enablers of the bullshit factory want nothing to do with an independent commission to investigate what and how it actually happened.
Realizing, Dr John, that Deplorable will respond by calling me a “lying liar who likes to lie a lot” which he will declare as some victorious smack down and Nathan will likely slobber all over the place with Trump admiration and denial of his loss and Retire05 will likely chime in with some irrelevant gibberish but it’s an amazing site to see how the propaganda machine leads the basket of gullibles by the nose in any and every direction it chooses, as if you have no control of your own though process.
Congratulations you have at long last directed your comment to the subject. You should look into what happened in Wisconsin with the WEC and election officials breaking the law with curing ballots and harvesting operations paid for by a big tech oligarch. Emails obtained prove it was a coordinated effort of 5 counties. They refused open record demands then tried to state its to late to complain.
You choose to ignore the Antifa boy paid by the media for his footage of Ms. Babbits cold blooded murder. His companion a contributor to NPR and NBC, He lied to her telling her the footage of her cooperation would be deleted.
And its sight not site your dumbed down public education shines again.
You need to take a moment and use your brain.
This was a classic false flag.
They will come for you as sure as they come for one of us, and they won’t care that you faithfully helped them by adhering to their Left-wing Cult rules, even if you did it for decades.
With the realization that logic nor reality make a lick of difference in your unhinged hate screeds, if this was, as you say, a “false flag” (which by definition would say that it was anti-Trumpers dressed up like Trump supporters), why is it that the anti-Trumpers are so willing to an open, bipartisan congressional investigation and the Trump supporters are so adamantly against it?
“…why is it that the anti-Trumpers are so willing to an open, bipartisan congressional investigation and the Trump supporters are so adamantly against it?”
That’s one of those rhetorical questions that no Trump supporter would touch with a 10-foot barge pole. Thinking about it might make their heads implode.
The smarter ones KNOW DAMN WELL that the mob was comprised of various sorts of Trump lunatics. A bipartisan investigation would only serve to make that even more obvious than it already is.
You’re simply a fool.
And yet, NO ANSWER to the “why is it” question. It’s a very simple and obvious question, and one that will be asked every time some idiot starts yammering about false flag bullshit in connection with Trump’s failed insurrection.
Nonsense. Republicans have allowed investigations and not abused their power to simply NOT investigate things, like Democrats have.
Mueller? Reps allowed it.
Rigged election? Dems, like toddlers, just deny and deflect. They invented a false flag at the Capitol to coverup the real issue: voting fraud.
Once again, you accuse Reps and Trump supporters of doing what you idiots have been doing for over four years.
Get a clue.
I’m afraid your need to hide in a flock of similar scared sheep is what leads cowards like you to slaughter.
The false-flag on the Capitol was the expected red-meat we all knew usurping Democrats would need to keep their sheep in line.
Yes, Republicans are open to investigations….even if they are against one of their own.
Democrats are not, and that’s why we have people like you succeeding from our Union.
Hope you’re ready.
With the exception of a few of each party not present, very single House Democrat were joined by only 35 Republicans in voting in favor of the investigation. Every single Democratic senator voted in favor to bring the bill to a floor vote yet only 6 Republicans joined them. So the Republican party killed the bill.
You say so many things that are just not related to reality or the truth.
Speaking of rabid, apparently it has reached your brain.
“Yet another prime example of the rabid right chasing their tails to exonerate their Mango god.”
And yet, another example of a dimwitted statement that means absolutely nothing.
“First, the violent mob was Antifa and the far left dressing up as Trump supporters.”
Are you saying there were absolutely NO Antifa thugs at the Capital on January 6th?
“Next, there was no mob at all and the “peaceful patriots” who came were no different than a “normal tour guide” and accordingly, were actually the victims.”
Did you take that from one of the MSM’s comments about Portland?
“Now (at Carson Tucker’s nod), another reversal and it was a false flag orchestrated by the FBI.”
Well, actually, it wasn’t Tucker Carlson who said the FBI was involved in January 6th. But you have always had trouble with facts.
“Remarkably, we’ve even seen and heard U.S. Congressmen and Senators reversing their own stories and outright lying with abandon.”
Oh, yes, let’s rely on The New Republic, a publication started by Walter Lippman (for one) and other radical leftists and Communists.
“And interestingly, the Tucker conspiracy theorist and enablers of the bullshit factory want nothing to do with an independent commission to investigate what and how it actually happened.”
You seem to be disturbed, as is Comrade Greggie, over the fact that there are no less than six Congressional investigations going on now. You demand one more. Or maybe 10 more, what ever it takes to pimp the left mantra.
“Retire05 will likely chime in with some irrelevant gibberish”
Nah, you assumed that responsibility a long time ago. Carry on.
“but it’s an amazing site to see how the propaganda machine leads the basket of gullibles by the nose in any and every direction it chooses, as if you have no control of your own though process.”
Well, we all know what the left leads you around by, but I’ll not name that body part. The left has been lying to people (of color) like you since 1918 and jacked the lies up in 1965. I don’t see any hope of that changing anytime soon.
Intelligent Texans need to vote out republican state legislators for their own protection.
These idiots can’t even effectively regulate their independent power grid. When the grid can’t cope with the heat, and can’t cope with the cold, there’s clearly a problem. It isn’t as if extremes of heat and cold haven’t been predictable; such occurrences have been CERTAIN all along, and will happen more often because of climate change–ANOTHER reality that republicans deny.
Aren’t these the same morons that made a stink about energy-efficient light bulbs? Now they’re insisting everyone must limit their use of electricity to avoid blackouts. Oh, yeah—and the majority of generating units that have gone offline this time around are FOSSIL FUEL burners.
You know why you’re always so PO’ed? Because the people you support are consistently WRONG. They’re organizing STUPIDITY for its more effective application.
Hehe. The Califoria wild fires were due to mis-management.
The Texas power outage was a natural disaster, like Hurricane Katrina.
You wouldn’t blame New Orleans and LA for Katrina, now would you?
Be consistent, you moron.
Texas has strong leadership, and strong values as compared to most Democrat-run states.
This, apparently, is the level of “discourse” Trump cultists like.
You (and by “you”, I refer to the basket of gulibles) can’t argue the timeline and events of the article because they are factual and the world witnessed it in real time.
So,,,, you simply dismiss it because it isn’t some right ring, Trump sucking, rabidly lying propaganda arm of today’s so-called conservative party who as we all know, would never ever report a Trump misdeed or give a negative analysis of him or his party. And if a Trump enabling news outlet ever did such a thing (rather than spin, defend, and blame Democrats or BLM or Antifa or someone else), the glazed over/batshit crazy basket of gulibles would promptly turn on them as well.
They tell you the mob was Antifa et al dressed as Trump supporters and you believe them and defend it.
They then tell you it was a peaceful “normal tour” of patriotic Trump supporters who are the actual victims and you do a 180 degree and believe and defend that as well.
They then tell you that it was the FBI and you obediently flip flop at their command.
They’ve even trained you how to selectively pick and choose from any of the 3 when ever convenient regardless of the fact that they contradict the other- all while defending the party of Trump from obstructing a bipartisan congressional investigation in order to prove what happened and why.
Of course we’ve seen variations of this movie with Ukraine, Covid, the economy, Mexico paying for the wall, and I could go on for days. You are only allowed to believe what a Trump friendly media tells you to believe. And they are only going to spin and point blame to those not loyal to Trump. And if they deviate from that, you will then dismiss them.
It’s been a remarkable 4 years watching the basket evolve into what you’ve become.
From a bi-partisan Senate committee report:
“The Nation and the New Republic have long records as liberal publications. They cannot be described as Communist, but they are so infiltrated with the Communist Party policy that they serve the interests of the Communists and confuse liberals on many issues, much more than so some of the Communist publications.”
The rest of your post is just more of the same meaningless claptrap you continue to post here. In typical radical leftist mode, you make accusations with no basis of fact provided. You name call because that is all you have. You comment on what I think as if you have the power to know what anyone else thinks. i.e. “They then tell you that it was the FBI and you obediently flip flop at their command.”
As I have not indicated, in any post, that would even come close to a true statement, you lie. What I will tell you about my opinion of “The Agency” has a lot to do with its history of dishonesty (see: Mark Felt).
You impress no one, AJ. Unless it is your fellow mental midgets that you surround yourself with in the “birds of a feather” tradition.
Well, all that was really awesome and all but it fail short of explaining why you (once again as you obviously missed it the 1st time, “you” refers to Trump supporters in general) believe 1 thing 1 day and a totally different thing the next only yet backtrack on what you believed the day before.
Was it an insurrection or was it a false flag operation of Antifa & BLM etc pretending to be Trump supporters or was it a peaceful protest of patriot Trump supporters or was it some deep state plot from the FBI?
And considering you (the real you this time) seem to put faith in a bi-partisan Senate committee report bashing a liberal news outlet (although it was actually a Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of the 1950s), why would you not put faith in them investigating the Jan 6 insurrection, or uh, peaceful protest or Antifa attack or FBI plot or whatever spin the propaganda machine wants to put on it next?
It would just stand to reason that you (and/or the basket) would be demanding that Antifa or the FBI be held accountable or the victimized Trump patriots be exonerated. Yet what we’re hearing is the demands of investigations coming from the left, even hearing GOP McConnell and McCarthy change their story of what they said earlier.
And again, this denial of reality and alternative fact world you live in has been on display on other issues such as Trump’s “rigged election” con, covid “rounding the curve, “good Nazis”, “stand down but stand by” and I could go on for days.
You (all of you) have taken stupid to an entirely new level.
“Was it an insurrection or was it a false flag operation of Antifa & BLM etc pretending to be Trump supporters or was it a peaceful protest of patriot Trump supporters or was it some deep state plot from the FBI?”
Some of it? All of it? None of it? I don’t know but neither do you.
Did Officer Sicknick really die from injuries sustained on January 6th like the Democrats and the press (but I repeat myself) claimed? Did two more PD officers commit suicide because of January 6th? Did the ALL people that entered the Capital building really break and enter or were some let in by PD officers as shown on video?
“And considering you (the real you this time) seem to put faith in a bi-partisan Senate committee report bashing a liberal news outlet (although it was actually a Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of the 1950s), why would you not put faith in them investigating the Jan 6 insurrection”
Why would I think that one more (just one more) Congressional committee would reveal any more than the previous six did? Do you not have faith in the six already chaired by Democrats?
“You (all of you) have taken stupid to an entirely new level.”
You’re projecting again, AJ.
“Considering live footage and statements of mostly all white men displaying Trump banners and MAGA hats along with arrest records showing mainly Facebook and Twitter bellowing Trump lovers and/or activists and that no indication of false flag participants and that Trump had groomed and instructed these thugs for years and then the just recently released videos and other factors, it isn’t illogical to deduce that this was in fact an insurrection and the mob was there to prevent Biden from becoming President.”
And exactly how many of the approximately 500 arrest warrants issued have you had access to or read? Why must you claim to be privy to information you do not have?
“You state that there has been 6 investigations already (and I suppose there’s been 100s from different law enforcements and such) as if that’s plenty when they no way compare to an actual congressional investigation.”
Try again, dumbass. That’s not what I said.
Your quote is from a 1949 report cranked out by a Senate Fact-finding Committee on Un-American Activities in California, at the height of McCarthyism. Maybe you need to roll your calendar ahead 72 years.,&source=bl&ots=lcNzokbOOw&sig=ACfU3U18_0TsLMQaKMVaEfuLbTo3wbwH9A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZkbuhx6XxAhVZV80KHZ1JCAgQ6AEwAHoECAMQAw#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%9Cthe%20nation%20and%20the%20new%20republic%20have%20long%20records%20as%20liberal%20publications.%22%20cannot%20be%20described%20as%20communist%2C&f=false
Which only shows that The New Republic has been far left wing for almost it entirety. Thanks for pointing that out.
Republicans investigate, and allow things to be investigated.
Democrats do not.
You are dismissed.
If you care about the silly “bipartisan” investigation on the Capitol False-Flag, you also are demanding an investigation into rampant voter fraud and irregularies.
You aren’t, then stfu.
Republicans like PARTISAN investigations—their own, for propaganda purposes, and the opposition’s, because they can simply slap a “democrat” label on them, which puts them on their populace base’s anathema list. The idea of any IMPARTIAL, officially constituted committee putting Donald and his seditious rhetoric in the spotlight and under an objective magnifying glass scares the crap out of them.
Trump supporters think they know others, but they don’t even know themselves. They have no more insight or foresight about Trump or his political spin offs than Hitler’s early followers had about Hitler. You are, in fact, much alike. It’s just anti-democratic authoritarianism dressed up in an Uncle Sam costume.
And as usual, Comrade Greggie, you have nothing of value to contribute. Just accusations with no basis of fact or proof.
Your evasion of important questions that anyone with a brain sees as obvious certainly proves something. So does the serious butt kicking that your tin god took on election day. Stupid lost. Smart prevailed. Some people can’t even figure THAT out. They prefer their delusions. But Trump is DONE.
Again, Comrade Greggie, you have nothing of value to contribute. All you can offer is the same old left wing talking points that are echoed day in and day out.
How about these important questions?
Why does Jill Biden have to go retrieve her husband and lead him off by the hand like a senior care center patient?
Why does Biden keep saying he is going to get in trouble? Trouble with who? When is Biden going to take a cognitive test?
Let’s see what kind of bullshit answer you have to those questions, Commiecrap.
It’s interesting that when the ability to defend the rigged election Big Lie and the Trump mob insurrection has been exhausted, the next step is rhetorical questions to insinuate that Biden is utterly unfit and the country really and seriously needs him out and Trump in.
This further explains the need of the cultist to reject the will of the people and to justify the big lie, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This is why they must defend the Trump mob insurrection regardless of reality.
It always ends up being a reminder of just how bad Biden is which is why a bipartisan congressional investigation would be so bad.
This has nothing to do with the validity of the election.
What is interesting is the extent you, and your fellow Comrade, will go to in order to avoid answering questions when the answers don’t fit your agenda.
“This has nothing to do with the validity of the election.”
Why are you bringing up that subject? I never spoke of it. Nervous with what is being exposed about the depths of Democrats deviousness?
You are sounding sillier than a box of Deplorables.
“Now you up and want to demand answers to irrelevant questions pertaining to Biden’s mental capacity, ”
Do you not know the difference between an inquiry and a demand? And since the left demanded (yes, demanded) a cognitive test from Trump, is it not also fair to demand one from Beijing Biden? I can just imagine the meltdowns on the part of the left had Melania Trump been pictured working at the President’s desk on AF1. Or telling her husband to “pay attention.”
Your problem is you know the truth, as does Comrade Greggie, but to admit the truth about Biden would destroy the DNC.
My my, you are the dense one.
Neither inquiries or demands of Biden’s health are relevant to the fact that a mob of Trump supporting insurgents attacked and ransacked the Capitol in order to overthrow the results of a fair election.
“Why does Jill Biden have to…” She DOESN’T. She openly and proudly displays a wife’s support for her husband. There’s no slapping away of hands like we saw with the previous administration. No doubt that happened more in private than in public.
You’re simply a fool and a lying Nazi
Soo…Id LOVE to see the “evidence” of MY fingerprints on the FIRE EXSTINGUSHER that I apparently KILLED Officer Sindnick with. And ALL the pictures of moi inside the Capitol Building carrying bags of whatever I could STEAL. Sheesh I photobombed myself into SOOOOOOOOOOOO many other peoples pics that I’ve LOST COUNT!!!!!
Hurry UP …RON! From what I understand there is a REWARD for my BUTT…………..DEAD or ALIVE.
Western Journal just released the following:
According to a White House transcript from Monday, an unidentified senior official in the Biden administration discussed plans meant to curb domestic terrorism. “This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” he said. In other words, the Biden administration is actively encouraging American citizens to report their friends and family to the government if they “perceive” them to be too radical.
Nazi Germany, Stalin’s communism and Xi communism has arrived in America
You’re all bat shit crazy, but you don’t realize it because you’ve submerged yourselves in an alternate social media reality where bat shit craziness has become the norm. You yammer about police states, but it’s lunatics on your side of the divide who are threatening the lives of election officials in locations all across the United States. Do they tell you that’s happening on your chosen non-mainstream news outlets? I doubt it, but it IS happening.
When you finally go too far, and the vast majority of sane people finally lose patience, you’ll be thinking what happens is evidence of your “police state”, but it will only be the last remaining option for dealing with your extremism in defense of constitutional law, democracy, and sanity.
Personally, I think you already crossed the line on January 6th. Numerous elected republicans are talking in ways that could incite more. THEY and those they pander to are the real threat. You don’t really want constitutional democracy. You talk the talk, but that’s only part of your collective delusion. You want an authoritarian leader who gives you your way, even against the will of the majority.
“Personally, I think you already crossed the line on January 6th”
Who is “you?” That’s crazy Nazi talk, you inbred CCP troll.
“You want an authoritarian leader who gives you your way, even against the will of the majority.”
That’s you. Biden is an unelected Dictator.
You and the Democrats are not the Majority.
Even if you were, we do not suffer tyrants, including the tyranny of the Majority.
You mean like saying the Russian collusion accusation was fake? You mean like saying COVID came from a lab was delusional?
OK Greg………… Want to make some $$$$
Turn my BUTT IN!!!!!
NO I DID NOT KILL Officer Sindick! Apparently YOUR fbi has “EVIDENCE” that I DID!!
Hurry UP though, your “comrade” Ron has a HEAD START!!!
81 Union Street #6
Rockland, Maine 04841
Hello, DHS, I’d like to report domestic terrorist extremist behavior by persons named chuck shummer, nancy pelosi, and hunter biden. Please arrest them immediately for the safety of their neighbors. Thank you.
Well there they are. Commie Greg and Psycho Ward. After being totally fooled for two years by the Russian collusion investigation and the pipeline hypocrisy of Joe Biden, that they are suspiciously quiet on, they once again pop up like a version of kook lib whack-a-mole to set the record straight. Blind to the hypocrisy of their words.
Off topic but remember when those two were all in on Trump being Putin’s puppet? Well who is the puppet now?
Ironic that it is Kamala Harris’ staff who are “leaking” to their own fawning press little digs about Joe Biden’s senility from sources inside the WH.
Soon, once the Lefties all get their symbolic “Letter from Hanoi,” telling them their party’s newest talking points du jour, all our local lefties here will parrot that new line:
That Joe needs to take that cognitive test, perhaps in rep for using that 25th Amendment to replace him with Harris and Harris with Pelosi.