Yes, COVID is a lab manufactured virus and it did escape from Wuhan

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In February of last year I put up a post

Is Corona an escaped lab virus?

Being the cynic I am, I cannot shake the feeling that this is an escaped virus from the Wuhan lab. A lab rat (lab worker) may have gotten sloppy with HAZMAT technique and carried it outside.

Nothing I’ve seen since then has changed my mind. This is a lab engineered virus. It is part of the “Gain of Function” efforts in the Wuhan lab. This virus does not exist in any animal.

Fauci has denied funding “Gain of Function” research but at this point I believe him to be a flat out liar. Last year Newsweek reported this:

In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

Gain of Function is so dangerous that it was halted in 2014 but the pause was lifted by the National Institute of Health in 2017.  And somehow Fauci knew that Donald Trump was going to face an outbreak

Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.

During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.

And he didn’t say “maybe.” He said “definitely.”

“We will definitely get surprised in the next few years.”

Last year SoS Mike Pompeo asserted that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab and was roundly ridiculed for it. The sh*tbags at Politifact gave anyone who hinted at this a “Pants on Fire” rating. Recently they quietly retracted that position:

  • PolitiFact quietly retracted a fact check from September 2020 on Monday that called a Hong Kong virologist’s claim that COVID-19 was a lab-created virus a “debunked conspiracy theory.”
  • “The claim is inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” the now-retracted fact check stated.
  • A PolitiFact editor’s note appended to an archived version of the fact check stated that the statements from scientists who asserted that the virus that causes COVID-19 could not have been manipulated is “now more widely disputed.”

The rest of the turds who were so adamant about the virus not coming from the lab are finding their legs getting wobbly.

If you still have any doubts let’s kill them off now.

The Biden regime not only doesn’t know the origins of the virus, it doesn’t want to know.

Doocy asked Psaki why Biden, who often speaks of his close relationship as vice president with Chinese President Xi Jinping, doesn’t call Xi to demand transparency.

Psaki sidestepped the question and instead focused on an argument that China’s participation is necessary, along with “a range of partners around the world.”

“You’re misunderstanding how this process actually works. An international investigation led by the World Health Organization is something that we’ve actually been pressing for for several months, in coordination with a range of partners around the world. We need that data, we need that information from the Chinese government,” she said.

The World Health Organization. Right. The same WHO that swallowed China’s lies and the virus not being contagious and then regurgitated them to the world.

Biden so desperately wants to protect China that he shut down a Donald Trump investigation into the origins of the virus

Joe Biden‘s team shut down a State Department investigation into the Wuhan laboratory as a source of the COVID-19 outbreak, CNN reported on Tuesday night.

The existence of the investigation, run primarily out of the State Department’s arms control and verification bureau, had not been previously known – nor had the Biden administration’s actions.

The revelations will lead to uncomfortable allegations for Biden that his team politicized the public health effort, and harmed the nation by shutting down a useful inquiry begun by his predecessor.

To me that’s the final nail in the coffin. Here’s my take:

  • This virus was created in Wuhan as part of the Gain of Function research.
  • It escapes the lab in 2019
  • China recognizes what happened early but lied about it and destroyed evidence.
  • In January 2020 China tells the WHO that the virus is not contagious or transmissible person to person
  • Instead of sealing off the country, Xi chooses not to let a good crisis go to waste.
  • Xi seals off Hubei province from the rest of China in January but does not seal Hubei from the rest of the world
  • China hoards PPE in early 2020 and does not come clean

The leak may have been unintentional, but instead of acting to shut it down, Xi used it as a weapon to bring the rest of the world to is knees. It is a war crime. Instead of seeking the truth, your President (and his minions in the media) is acting as the lead defense counsel for the CCP.

It’s where the family money comes from.

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China needs to pay restitution for all of the damage their negligence has caused around the world.
You can bet that if the USA was responsible, every nation would be sending us a bill.

The virus originated from an area of China’s only viral lab. Why accusations that it leaked from the lab, a sloppy one at that, were deemed fantastic and outrageous to contemplate is what is fantastic.

Why, it would almost seem like leftist media and their Democrat co-conspirators were working to protect China from responsibility rather than find the truth. Yet another situation where the most lying, disreputable and incredulous demand to be believed on trust. Like the CCP, they have destroyed their own credibility. Like COVID, they are a deadly infection.

Idiot Biden can’t afford to hold China accountable; he and his family have investments to look out for (forget about all those who lost investments and loved ones due to China’s incompetence and deceit). Apparently, no one on the left wants to interrupt China’s march to communist world domination.

#ChinaVirus #ChinaJoe knows…

Wuhan Lab used the safety level of a dentist’s office to create Wuhan Virus

[T]he Wuhan lab was using a bio-safety level 2 security while doing this incredibly dangerous gain of function research that we funded to the tune of $500,000.

Safety level 2 is what they use in a dentist’s office.
Obviously, it should have been bio-safety level 4.
For those who don’t know what gain-of-function research is, in this case, it is taking dangerous live bat viruses and making them more virulent.
What utter nonsense to say China was following international safety standards. Has she no common sense at all? “Outsiders” can determine if something like this should be at bio safety level 4 (BSL4).
Chinese communists allowed their people to travel the world while not allowing them to travel within China. They knowingly spread the virus and lied about it.

And there’s the rub.
Old Rahm Emmanuel’s “never let a crisis go to waste,” moment.
China accepted that they had to throw one whole province under the bus, but it might be worth it if they took down “the (capitalist) West.”
It was WAR after China’s leaders took that route.
We are late to fighting this war.
We might just lose because of it.
(And China’s part in Biden’s theft of the election was a major part in this multi-pronged war.)

If they were conducting this gain of function research to develop vaccines for if or when such a virus developed naturally, why didn’t China have a effective vaccine first?

The same cycle keeps happening. The media forcefully puts out propaganda and brow beats anyone who challenges their lies as idiots or conspiracy nuts.

Then 6 months to a year later the truth overcomes the propaganda blitz. By then they have moved on to new lies that are more important than looking into those old lies. They just don’t cover the correction and sporadically tell the old lie again just to muddy everything up as they exit accountability.

Yeah, suddenly the genius* Biden will discover, when no one else could possibly conceive, that the virus came >GASP!< from the Wuhan Lab and be praised as courageous. Of course, he won't do anything about it (would hurt his families bottom line).

*he's not… he's a complete idiot

If they mean escaped by deliberately released, OK!!!!!

Trump cut US CDC staff monitoring viral diseases in China by 2/3 prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. The need to bury that long-established fact is why the right has been pedaling an assortment of Wuhan Lab conspiracy theory so furiously.

In April 2020, Trump also terminated funding for research into the transmission of coronavirus from bats to human populations.

Obama instructed that the U.S. would not participate in “gain of function” research. Seems your boy Faux-Xi ignored that directive and went around it.

But unfortunately, you’re not adult enough to admit that it was a Democrat that brought about the Chinese flu that is so devastating. Go away, Comrade Greggie. You were not missed.

I hear criminal charges related your cult leader’s business dealings are going before a NYC Grand Jury.

And your idiot illegitimate president* won’t hold China accountable for unleashing a deadly pandemic upon the world because it would cost him and his filthy family too much personal income.

*he isn’t

I heard your premier disinformation outlet, CNN, lost 67% of it’s viewers over this Trump Lust-Affair idiots like you keep propagating.

Trumps charges are like those Putin brings to his political opposition: false and tyrannical.

He’ll NEVER see the inside of the jail cell.

“He’ll NEVER see the inside of the jail cell.”

I suspect you will adamantly stand behind that claim, even after he’s locked behind bars in an orange suit.

You’ll say, “he’s not in a real jail” or “it was a rigged jury so he’s innocent and therefore not really in jail” or something akin to such stupidity and denial of reality.

He’s committed no crimes. No doubt, the same due process rules as Schiff employed would apply in corrupt New York (where murdering sexual predator Cuomo still walks free), but the bar will be much higher still than in Schiff’s little kangaroo court.

How about touting some of idiot racist criminal Biden’s fantastic successes? Oh… sorry. Probably a sore subject.

“I hear criminal charges related your cult leader’s business dealings are going before a NYC Grand Jury.”

Get back to me when your moron is indicted for treason selling out this nation to China. Oh, wait, he let his crack head son do that for him. But then, you don’t want to talk about that.

Well, no. He didn’t and this false accusation has been debunked before.

Media LIES about Trump dissolving the CDC unit to deal with epidemics

No, Trump did not fire CDC pandemic specialist or defund CDC

False Claim About CDC’s Global Anti-Pandemic Work

So, why is it necessary to lie? Why is it you never come forth with an argument that idiot Biden has done something positive? Why are all your posts about Orange Man Bad? Here, let me help; I know the answer.

Idiot Biden is a complete and total disastrous failure. Trump did a great job, which infuriates you leftists as he proved he had the right answers every time. This is but another example of when Trump and Republicans had it right and Demediacrats were so blinded with Trump-hate that they could not see the obvious facts. You all wanted to blame Trump for the pandemic so badly that you could not bring yourselves to actually hold the responsible party, an avowed adversary of the US, accountable. It is despicable how you leftists always choose the US’ enemies over the US.

I’m afraid that bit of gaslighting lost it luster about a year ago.

China caused Covid, and is responsible for the death. Xi should be dragged from his pathetic office and put on trial at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Nobody needs to tell lies to make Donald Trump look bad. Lies need to be told to make him look even marginally competent.

The 12 Best News Sites You Can Trust for Credible Stories

Is CNN, down 67% in viewship and flailing, on that list? I hope not.

I’m not sure why you are defending the Cathedral, but yours is a demonic faith.

So your opinion is to show us a collection of someone else’s opinion. Since you bought into Russian collusion for two years I don’t trust your judgement. I wonder how did your “trust” news sites make out with that piece of political garbage. Or how about the Duke lacrosse team, the lies about the Covington kids and Jussie Smollett’s hoax about being attacked by white racists. Just because you are easily fooled don’t try to dumb down others. But then again I guess you don’t know any better

That’s funny, because for over 4 years, that’s all you leftists did. From collusion to emoluments to porn stars to obstruction to quid pro quo to inciting violence, you’ve done nothing BUT lie. Now you have to lie to make idiot Biden “president”. No amount of lies can make THAT incompetent dumbass appear competent. He’s supposed to have a face to face with Putin, as if this nation hasn’t suffered enough embarrassment in the past 4 months.

Mostly because lies are being told to cover the fact that he was effective, competent, and the choice that real voters made as to who sits in the Oval Office.

Third-world sh*thole China caused this. They must be held responsible.

Several facts are indisputable:

1. The COVID-19 virus originated in Wuhan.
2. The CCP hid the virulent and deadly nature of the virus from the rest of the world.
3. All travel from Wuhan to the rest of China was stopped, while all travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world was not, making China culpable for the global spread and the millions of resulting deaths.
4. In January 2020, President Trump ordered a travel ban from China and Europe. This action was fought and he was called a xenophobe by Biden and the Dems. Trump may have saved another million American lives with that action that Dems would have prevented.
5. At the same time period, Nancy Pelosi and Bill DeBlasio urged people to come to Chinatown in SF & NY to celebrate Chinese New Year. They claimed on national TV that it was perfectly safe.
6. Governors Cuomo, Whitmer, Wolf, and Newsom put COVID patients in nursing homes, killing thousands of seniors. Now the Dems are shouting about what a terrible job Trump did on the virus.

You’re indisputably off to a flying start—like a COVID-infected bat out of the abandoned Chinese mine near Danaoshan.

Greggie loves to be wrong. We all know we are right when greggie takes the liberal point.

The Democrat’s communist allies must be defended and protected at all costs.

He’s a Marxist.

Except they haven’t found that bat yet.

Maybe it’s one of those fluttering around in idiot Biden’s head.

Even your State-run media disagrees with you, ace.

Everyone agrees it came from the Wuhan Lab.

Sorry, but you conspiracy theory died a long time ago.

And who is this? You don’t sound like a Vietnam Vet, more like just another low Testosterone beta male that the Left seems to love…

Also, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed developed two effective vaccines in one year, at least four years faster than any previous vaccine, saving potentially millions more. But he did a terrible job. Right.

Trump’s flaw was following the “science” of people who had politicized the epidemic and were working to destroy him. His administrative decisions were all spot-on. Democrats failed the American people at every turn, right up to withholding aid until Trump was gone and the “aid” packages could be loaded and bloated with leftist waste and pork.

The Chinese Foreign Minister has a much better theory:

Covid-10 was developed at the US Army’s biowarfare laboratory (USAMRIDD) at Ft. Detrick, MD, and it was planted in Wuhan during the 2010 International Military Games by US Army athletes.

That actually makes more sense.

To who?

I bet there’s a kernel of truth to that.


Oh wow. we even have a Greggie sighting on this one!
As a senior Chinese official is opening bragging about it, I am willing pt say this was not an “escaped” test virus but in fact a purposely released viral attack on the west.

Hope you haven’t missed this much, but Moron Alert! The Chinese are not our friends. They are an enemy just as the radical Muslims who will do whatever it takes to destroy us. Until the muckrakers like Greggie and his leftist Commie friends get their heads out of their asses and face up to this fact, we will continue to be the laughing stock we have become around the world.

Hate is hate folks and the Chinese are open about it.

No doubt, like Obama and Kerry when the Iranians illegally captured our sailors and held them hostage, idiot Biden and Blinken are preparing to apologize to China for getting infected with their virus.

ABC’s Jon Karl on Sunday discussed the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic and conceded that indeed it is possible the virus is man-made and came from the Wuhan lab.

He did the Left a favor, should it want to ever rehabilitate it’s reputation when he added, “Some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them.”

That’s the kind of thing adults already realize. For instance, if idiot Biden said something true, it would be true despite the fact that someone told him to say it.