Mohammed Anwar was a 66 year Pakistani immigrant who was making money as an Uber Eats driver. On March 23 he was carjacked by two teenage girls. Anwar was tased and then dragged at high speed while holding on to the door until the open door of the speeding car was slammed shut by a pole. Anwar was thrown away and the vehicle crashed and came to rest on its side.
There is a very graphic video of the tragedy and it can be seen here. I won’t post it here but I believe it should be seen. To their credit Twitter refuses to take it down. People need to see it what liberals have done to society.
In the aftermath of the murder the two girls climb out of the car and with Anwar lying dead and crumpled against a fence one of the teens starts screaming- not for him but for her phone. She left her phone in the car.
Not one thought from either girl for the man they just killed. No remorse.
What were these girls doing there? What were they doing with a taser? What kind of parenting taught them that this was acceptable behavior?
This is murder was monstrous. It is every bit as horrific as any other high visibility murder in the news right now, but it doesn’t get the same coverage. The galactic outrage is absent.
A brief report notes that the two girls have been charged with murder.
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser put out a tweet appearing to blame the victim.
Car jackings in DC have quadrupled over the last year thanks to democrats’ policy of disrespect, defame and defund the police.
This murder doesn’t have the same media snap that others have because the circumstances weren’t worthy of liberal attention and discomfort for various reasons. The victim and perpetrators don’t fit the leftist narrative. That means the murder will fade from the media as quickly as did the Boulder shooting, which only compounds the horror.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Wrong color perps, wrong color victim.
Gabriella Hoffman:
Now that a 13 and 15 year old are charged with “murder,” we’re likely going to learn it isn’t 1st degree.
Maybe not even 2nd degree.
And they will probably be free before they turn 18.
So, they can vote Democrat.
This is terrible.
I live, and want to continue to live, in a nation where race doesn’t mean anything.
Why can’t Leftists/Dems just listen to the words of MLK for once?
@Nathan Blue:
For over 60 years liberals have been about destroying America. MLK was a useful tool 60 years ago. No longer useful.
@Nathan Blue:
Yet the first and most important detail of any crime is the race of the victim. If it is the useful race, then the race of the perpetrator is brought into focus. Black victim, white perp, big news. NO OTHER combination has any value to the left, and therefore, to the media.
A black kid kicks the shit out of an elderly white woman; nobody cares. Blacks attack Asian-Americans, nobody cares. Blacks slaughter blacks, nobody cares. A white cop is restraining a black criminal when he dies of a self-induced fentanyl overdose; cities are destroyed, police departments are defunded, parks are renamed and cops are assassinated. That’s the accomplishment of the left.
I wonder what Greg and Ronald and A.J. have to say.
It only rates when the Victim is Black and the Murders are White that’s the way it gose with Liberal Idiots
@Bill H: Greg will blame Trump and AJ will call us all racists.
@Bill H:
They only, ONLY, comment on things that deal with the Democrat power structure, as if they have been given orders on what issues to propagandize on…
…because they have.
They are both paid or volunteer disinformation operatives who merely sh*t on the argument to keep it obtuse while their Party does what every despotic group has done in history: steal power for themselves.
They are the enemy.
P.S. – greg sometimes claims to be an old Vietnam Vet, but writes like Baghdad Bob. He is incredible promoting of China and Communism, which is why I think he’s writing for the CCP.
@Deplorable Me:
Isn’t that the same thing now?
The new scarlet letter: Racism, Trump, etc. No logical argument, just Nazi-like focus on marginalizing you.
@Nathan Blue:
Yah. I was calling their asses out more than anything else. I really wanted to see those three try and excuse the carjacking and murder. But, you’re right- they don’t pop out like a case of acne unless political theory and a threat to control is on the line. The day-to-day results? Not so much.
So, Greg claims to be a Vietnam vet. That would make him right around 65-70 at the youngest. My dad fought in Vietnam. Was a Jarhead, went over twice- once in ’68, and again in ’72, both times in Da Nang. I wonder if Greg can remember when and where he served. You’re God-damned right I’m touchy about that subject.
@Deplorable Me: They could change it up a bit, and call us mathematicians 🙂
@Bill H:
I have a hard time believing him given he parrots the kind of Leftwing talking point an over-educated Starbucks barista would paint pen on their car windows.
The Vietnam War, regardless of any valid criticisms, was a war against Communism.
greg is a fan of Communism, thus it’s likely he’s a CCP troll
Anyone else watching the Minn VS Chauvin trial on TV?…’s on multiple channels.
The feelings and emotings of the so-called state witnesses are like babies.
There are no “standards for liberal indignation.”
It is all how they feel at the moment.
I just saw an older man break down and cry because he watched himself (on video) telling George Floyd to obey the police and Floyd kept resisting.
Will this case be decided on emotion or facts of the case in line with the law of the land?
Everybody involved is liberal, including almost all of the jury, based on their comments during voir dire.
Race has little to do with it, white witnesses and jurors have expressed emotions as if they were facts, too.
One woman, an EMT, never ID’ed herself as such BUT joined the chorus of screams from the sidewalk about how bad the police were.
We’ve dumb’ed down our education of Americans so much that they can’t tell the difference between facts and emotions, between laws and feelings.
We are heading into a Dark Ages where ignorance is in charge.
Who knows?
Maybe we will become dumb enough to put Bardo on crops: It’s better than water; it’s got electrolytes!
” he was carjacked by two teenage girls”
BLACK teenage girls! Why are you afraid to name the race of these ‘n-word’ ‘c-words”?
I don’t don’t quite follow the reasoning there. People are responsible for their own actions.
@Bill H, #10:
Yep. I’m now 71. I arrived in Vietnam a few months before my 20th birthday. I was with the 459th Signal Battalion, based at Camp McDermott near Nha Trang. 1970 seemed like a long year, but I can’t complain.
Agreed. Those actions include getting to the ballot box without Zuckerberg’s help, resisting arrest after committing a crime while on 3.5x the max does of fentanyl, not blaming other people or a race for your own life, etc.
There’s been ZERO evidence of racism in the Floyd, Taylor, or Blake cases. Yet the Party you support pushed outrage and now people are dead and businesses destroyed, mostly black.
Very doubtful, though I do know a few older people who are about 40 years behind in their understand of things in the US, making them easy prey for Leftist ideologies, so maybe?
“People are responsible for their own actions”. Glad you finally understand that, at your age.
Maybe someone shouldn’t be criticizing others for being “behind in their understanding” when they’re essentially espousing the same ideas as Joseph McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, and the John Birch Society well over half-a-century later.
The right wants their Communist Menace back. They always need some sort of External Menace as a unifying principle, because it’s so much easier than articulating and organizing around constructive majority-supported goals and principles. They lost that with the break-up of the Soviet Union. Russia won’t really do as a replacement, Putin’s obvious expansionist ambitions notwithstanding, because you’ve gotta love those wealthy oligarchs. They tried Islamic Extremism for a while, but that really hasn’t worked out. Hey, maybe China? They’re communists! And, dammit, they’ve become a technologically advanced global market competitor despite having an economic system that we all know can’t possibly work…
I can’t help but remember that half the reason they’ve got us at a disadvantage at the moment is because our own corporate leaders enthusiastically outsourced production and imported foreign-made products to rapidly cut costs and expand their own profit margins, without caring what that would do to American workers and their communities. It’s the same sort of greed for reduced costs and higher profits that was actually the root cause of our undocumented alien problem. Typically, the blame for all of that gets shifted to somebody else, by people who don’t want to be held responsible for what they themselves were party to. It’s all the fault of democrats, unions, environmentalists, etc.
Were these teens girls any of the supposed boogeymen you list. What type of education or parental rearing created little monsters like these? Have any of your MSM had a circle jerk on air conversation about that?
I’ve made ZERO claims matching anything of the sort, junior.
Accuse the right of what you yourself are doing. Got it.
The new McCarthism is of the Left’s construction, and it’s the scarlet letter of “racism“….always without proof and certainly without clear definition.
Yes. That’s you. That’s what you are doing with Con/Reps by calling them racists, rapists, and Russians.
As far as shithole China, it is not the technical masterpiece you say. Hell, they couldn’t even do virus research without letting Covid-19 escape and kill millions (FACT).
But honestly greg, if you are just a dipship Boomer who somehow missed the lessons of the 20th Century, I’m content to let you pretend you matter, blather on about the Leftist propaganda of the day, and then just die peacefully.
You’re ideas are incomplete, ignorant, and not part of present reality.
Yesterday my 12 year old went to school and had a substitute teacher round up the white kids in the class as she told them they were privileged, racists, and didn’t know how good they had it. She was black, by the way. By my action, she is now fired, of course…for blatant racism.
That’s the world you’re supporting. Whatever the “Right” was to you, was 40 years ago, is not what it is today.
The Left represents racism, corporate greed, censorship, and Communism.
You probably should have seen more time in The Shit over seas. Would have you see things with clearer eyes.
You just don’t see how much you’re projecting your own actions and beliefs as those of your “enemy”.
You’re the enemy.
No, no, no. Much better to follow along with the liberal Democrats who espouse the teachings of Herbert Marcuse and Saul Alinsky, just to name a few.
I guess then we need to contact the left who for four years screamd “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA.” Meanwhile Dianne Feinstein has to fire her Chinese spy employee and the brilliant and intellectual Eric Swalwell has to stop playing bang-bang with Fang-Fang, another Chinese spy.
Maybe someone needs to take the Communist Manifesto out of the hands of Democrats who use it like a Bible.
But of course, you still refuse to criticize China even after China is responsible for the deaths of over 1/2 million Americans.
You’re scum, Comrade Greggie.
If that’s what we want, then we are getting what we want. BLM/ANTIFA are full-on Marxist and the Democrats encourage, defend and promote them.
I’m not sure how it was supposed to “work out”, but here’s a bulletin for you: Islamic Extremism actually exists and ignoring it or blaming “white supremacists” didn’t make it go away, as we saw in Boulder.
Another bulletin for you, since you didn’t know… China was bankrupt before they embraced capitalism.
And you leftists helped them out as much as you could. High taxes and excessive, onerous regulations is what drove businesses overseas, and the idiot Biden is bringing all that genius back. When you tax businesses, “business” doesn’t pay the tax; it gets passed on to the consumer. WE pay the tax in higher prices. The same with the costs of complying with oppressive regulations that China certainly does not impose on its revenue-generating capabilities. Those drive the costs of goods and services up as well. This also creates a fertile market for foreign businesses to come in and compete with domestic businesses, who cannot compete because they have more expenses (note Ford changing its mind on building a new manufacturing plant in the US; going to Mexico. Thanks, idiot Biden!). So, to compete, domestic businesses have to move overseas to lower costs and, thus, prices. I believe there isn’t a liberal alive that understands this.
The economy doesn’t need $7 trillion of ink-smeared fresh money to grow; it needs to be unleashed. All those trillions didn’t go to the economy, anyway; it got flushed down the liberal waste toilet. Billions for schools that won’t open. Trillions for infrastructure that, just like last time, will not get addressed. Billions to import COVID-infected illegal immigrants to drive wages down. Billions to pursue a green agenda that, again before, failed miserably. A better plan to destroy this country could not have been concocted by Russia, China, Iran or N. Korea. YOU put it in office; you have the White House, House and Senate. You won’t be blame anyone else for the impending disaster. You’ll TRY, just as you did with the Obama failure, but it won’t work… again.
But, back to the current subject. Demediacrats do not care about a despicable crime like this; they can’t use it to attack the freedoms of citizens. It only confirms how little the left cares about the individual.
@Nathan Blue:
Excellent. Hopefully, she will not be able to teach again until she decides not to indoctrinate children with her vile racism.
How about Trump’s buddy Matt Gaetz? You folks sure know how to pick ’em. Apparently you’re no judge of scum, or scams.
@Greg: How about the FBI leaking partial information of an ongoing investigation? Gaetz was being blackmailed and says the FBI has the recordings to prove it. So, if unless the FBI releases the recordings and they refute Gaetz, he is telling the truth and, once again, the DOJ proves what leftist scumbags they are.
You really are stupid, Comrade Greggie. You bring up Matt Gaetz when Eric Swalwell of Chinese honeypot fame, still sits on the Intelligence Committee?
And let’s not forget the total lack of morals on the part of Democrats from JFK to Gerry Studds (of 17 year old Congressional page fame) to Teddy Kennedy (murderer) to handsy Biden of young girl fondling fame.
Keep bringing up the total disgrace that is the Democrat Party.
@Greg: So the teens committed this crime because a republican was threatened with blackmail? Is the jab you took affecting your brain already?
Matt Gaetz has as much to do with the unfortunate Uber driver’s death as my Vietnam service, or rants about the communist manifesto.
@Greg: Just making a vain attempt to keep you on topic for 1 thread. What was the mayor blathering on about?
They all are important. The manufacturing of “sources” to find something to attack Gaetz on, especially from a Party who had a serial rapist as a President and a current dictator with a son who is pedophile is what we are talking about:
The double-standard in applying the Law, morals, and objective analysis.
That’s Marxism, something you obviously prescribe to. Your Service, where you claim to be in a war against Marxism, makes things even stranger.
Biden has destroyed our Southern Border and is getting people killed, while putting kids in cages.
If you can’t admit that, you have no seat at the table as an adult.
Apply the same standards you apply to Reps to Democrats.
@Greg: You don’t quite follow the reasoning that individuals are responsible for their actions and groups who work together are also responsible for their actions? Alrighty then, Greg.
@Nathan Blue, #29:
Gaetz is the sort of snarky, entitled, scumbag-of-a-frat-boy-on-the-make that I instinctively dislike and distrust on sight. I’ve had nothing but contempt for this posturing little jackass since he inexplicably wound up on the House Judiciary Committee and led a pack of idiots who crashed the Capitol’s Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility while the investigation of Donald Trump was underway.
How much time, energy, and money did the GOP spend investigating and re-investigating their political enemies, coming up with absolutely nothing? Personally, I hope the DoJ turns over every suspicious rock to see what’s lurking under it. Given that we’ve just had four years of one of the most corrupt administration modern history in the White House, I’m pretty sure the results will be far more productive. Nor will there be a President this time who will hand out pardons to his convicted accomplices.
The problem at the border has existed for years. Trump exploited that to his political advantage, but solved nothing. What, exactly, did Biden “destroy”, other than a number of inhumane responses that weren’t actually accomplishing anything?
Nah, you have him confused with Schiff.
Indeed it has. Mostly due to Democrats and mostly because they LIKE the problem because they can demonize Republicans with it. Whenever a compromise on immigration is reached, Democrats kill it with a poison pill.
Trump, finally, fixed the border. He put an end to the incentive to illegal immigrate and held other countries accountable for aiding and abetting the illegal immigration. Had he been able to finish the wall, despite idiot Biden’s stupidity, the damage done now would have been far less. Even the President of Mexico denounces idiot Biden’s stupidity; they were finally working through the humanitarian crisis Democrats had caused with their caravan invasions of our border, which Trump pushed back. Now idiot Biden has created a NEW crisis.
Looking at the reports (attempted to be suppressed by the idiot Biden) the response under Trump was far more humane than the idiot Biden’s stupid response.
Human trafficking, rape, robbery, murder, drugs, guns all due to idiot Biden’s stupidity. He BEGGED them to come, then made no preparation when they did! How stupid is that? We can’t get our kids in schools because of COVID19, but we can bring hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant kids across the border with a 10% infection rate (BEFORE they are tightly packed in the Biden Baggies) and then distributed all across the country. So, which is it here; utter stupidity in spreading the virus or the revelation that the virus is not that much of a concern for them after all? Quite the dilemma, huh? Kind of like the eternal question, which came first, the stupid idiot Biden or the stupid idiot that voted for the stupid idiot Biden?
Worst of all, the border fiasco is but one of the idiot Biden’s disasters. And he’s only been pretend-president * for less than three months. What a complete pile of shit; no wonder his dog shits all over the White House. Just following the example his master showed with his treatment of this country.
Swalwell is the sort of snarky, entitled, scumbag-of-a-frat-boy-on-the-make that I instinctively dislike and distrust on sight. I’ve had nothing but contempt for this posturing little jackass since he inexplicably wound up on the House Intelligence Committee and led a pack of idiots only to be given a pass after he was bang-banging Fang-Fang, a Chinese spy.
Perhaps you would like to show how cayotes were dropping toddlers off the edge of a 14 foot high wall during the Trump administration? Or how many children were slammed into a pen that was designed for far less than Biden is slamming them into, 10% being Chi-Com flu positive and spreading it to every one else? Or maybe you would like to provide us with the videos of illegals being quite clear that they were coming across the border because Trump invited them?
This is Beijing Biden’s disaster and you know it but just as you will always defend China (who has now killed over 1/2 million Americans) you will always defend the demented Beijing Biden who really doesn’t know what day it is and is being led around by others tugging on his nose.
@Greg: Obama put kids in cages. Trump got them out. Biden put them back in again.
Trump secured our Southern border thus reducing if not all out ending drug trafficking and human trafficking. A large portion of border wall that he built was a success, and his ability to negotiate with the Mexican government (largely ignored by CNN etc al, your usual news sources) resulted in tens of thousands of Mexican troops posted at the border and a safer America and Mexico.
Biden’s incompetent and partisan actions have now killed many and put many of us all at risk.
This isn’t open to debate. Trump was demonstrably effective.
Biden is tragically a failure at the border, and of course in general. You haven’t been able to argue one policy of his intelligently.
Not one.
@Deplorable Me, #32:
There’s no confusion here about either one of them. Nor am I the least bit confused about the character of Donald Trump. Happily, he lost the election. The damage he does will now be limited to the unfortunate Republican Party, but it’s their own fault.
@Greg: Yeah, happily we have shed 300,000 jobs, lost our energy independence, have an open southern border sucking in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and a fresh supply of COVID to spread among the citizens. In addition, we have dangerous adversaries licking their chops to take advantage of the stupidest person to ever occupy the White House.
We also have a dangerously violent leftist terrorist group operating with impunity in every city where Democrats allow, promote and encourage them to terrorize the citizens. Radical Islam has reared its ugly head again as well, already costing 11 lives.
Idiot Biden, aware of his unpopularity and illegitimacy of power, has to concoct one emergency after another to keep the military and walls up in DC. He also, just like other totalitarians, has to have villains and scapegoats to draw attention away from his utter failures and use as an excuse to suppress civil liberties and prepare the citizens for losing their freedoms altogether.
Yeah, that’s much better than security, respect and economic prosperity.