China’s goal is to overtake the US as the world’s superpower and dominate the world economy. And more
Chang’s comments follow a recent Pentagon report suggesting that China is planning to double its stockpile of nuclear warheads in this decade — including those designed for ballistic missiles and that can reach the U.S. The report adds a time clock to Trump’s decision, Chang said.
“[President] Xi Jinping has been talking increasingly about this notion that China has a mandate of heaven to rule the world,” Chang explained. “They [believe that they] not only have the right to do it, they have the obligation to do it.
He’s become very specific about this in public and so have his officials, which means that they are trying to change the international system, not to compete within it,” Chang said.
Chang has been screaming about the threat from China for a long time.
It’s so grave that former Google CEO Eric Schmidt issued a warning
A group of tech and policy leaders including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is warning that China is “surging to overtake the United States in critical areas.”
The group called the China Strategy Group published a memo obtained by Axios that proposes a number of “urgent policy solutions” that “position the United States to out-compete China” without inciting more tension or conflict.
“America’s technological leadership is fundamental to its security, prosperity, and democratic way of life,” the group wrote in their introduction. “But this vital advantage is now at risk, with China surging to overtake the United States in critical areas.”
One of the vehicles used in China’s drive to stomp the US is the theft of Intellectual Property
There are no exact statistics on trade secret theft ranked by nation, but China remains the world’s principal IP infringer across all types of IP theft, according to a spokesman for the IP Commission, which estimates up $600 billion annually in cost to the U.S. economy from these actions. The IP commission noted that Chinese citizens are prosecuted most frequently in U.S. courts for trade secret theft.
1 in 5 corporations claim that China has stolen IP from them.
Possibly the worst of it is the theft of military secrets. This is the new Chinese stealth fighter:
If it looks familiar, it should
Yes, it’s a ripoff of the US F 35. Ever wonder how that happened? This is how.
China obtained more than 50 terabytes of data from U.S. defense and government networks, notably the Joint Strike Fighter’s stealth radar and engine secrets, through cyber espionage, according to newly disclosed National Security Agency documents.
A NSA briefing slide labeled “Top Secret” and headlined “Chinese Exfiltrate Sensitive Military Data,” states that the Chinese have stolen a massive amount of data from U.S. government and private contractors.
The document was made public by the German magazine Der Spiegel in a two articles detailing how NSA in the mid-2000s was capable of conducting global cyber intelligence-gathering by tapping into the networks of foreign intelligence services and stealing the data they were collecting from others.
The unique capability of spying on the spies was described in a series of documents that were stolen in 2013 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, currently a fugitive in Russia.
More about that here.
Now China has a new long range stealth bomber. That shape look familiar?
It ought to
The H-20’s specifications include a range of 8,000 kilometers without a refueling session and a weapons bay that can carry more than 10 tons of munitions, including thermonuclear weapons.
Down the line, the H-20 should expand its operational range to 12,000 kilometers and hoist 20 tons of payload, aviation analyst Fu Qianshao said in comments to the Global Times in April.
Last November, Asia Times reported that Beijing would like for the H-20 to be able to fly up and down the US’ West Coast and be able to deliver conventional or nuclear strikes on US targets.
Some believe China can incapacitate America right now
Last week, the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security issued a scary report on China’s ability to conduct an Electromagnetic Pulse attack on the United States. The key takeaway, according to Dr. Peter Pry, executive director of the task force, is that China now has super-EMP weapons, knows how to protect itself against an EMP attack, and has developed protocols to conduct a first-strike attack, even as they deny they would ever do so.
According to the Center for Strategic International Studies, China has the most active ballistic missile development program in the world, so this is doubly troubling. China used stolen U.S. technology to develop at least three types of high-tech weapons to attack the electric grid and key technologies that could cause a surprise “Pearl Harbor” attack that could produce a deadly blackout to the entire country.
Dr. Pry outlines how China has built a network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and super-electromagnetic pulse weapons that could melt down our electric grid, fry critical communications, and even takeout the ability of our aircraft carrier groups to respond.
This is atrocious, but Joe Biden has a plan to deal with this- badly. It’s called “Strategic Patience”
President Biden has been part of the problem in Washington for a half-century. Yet, apparently, he just discovered China.
“We want to approach this with some strategic patience,” White House flak Jen Psaki cautiously explained this week when asked about the president’s approach to the world’s most populous country whose communist government is hellbent on destroying America.
“Strategic patience” is diplo-speak for “do nothing,” “ignore problem” and “pretend does not exist and hope goes away.”
“Strategic patience” is usually followed by “need to learn to speak Chinese!”
In the White House press briefing room, Ms. Psaki went on to say that Mr. Biden needs to “conduct reviews internally, through our interagency …” she trailed off. Then she apologized for not drinking enough coffee that might have helped her more enthusiastically convey Mr. Biden’s sleepy strategy of “strategic patience.”
As Hurt observes, Biden is the problem
And here is the problem. While Mr. Biden and Ms. Psaki and America enter this new period of “strategic” hibernation, China is on the march.
This is nothing new. They have been on the march pretty much the entire time Mr. Biden has been part of the problem in Washington.
Even more amazing is that Mr. Biden wasn’t just part of the problem when it came to foreign policy. He was THE WHOLE problem.
Much of Mr. Biden’s career, he was heralded as the greatest foreign policy expert Washington could come up with. Every war, every global failure and every foreign policy disaster of the past 50 years has Mr. Biden’s fingerprints somewhere on it.
This looming disaster is far worse than any of his others. I hope the Biden family financial score was worth it.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Glossed over WHAT? When Democrats opposed Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts? Republicans taking over the South, and then removing the Democrat’s institutionalized racism? YOU glossed over the facts… again.
Talk about bastardizing history; the Democrat Party embraced the Civil Rights Act? Really? By filibustering the CRA? Over 80% of Republicans voted to pass. Less than 70 % of Democrats voted to pass and of that -70%, most all were Northern Democrats. How many Democrats who voted in the 1964 legislation flipped to the Republican Party, Comrade Greggie? Do you even know the answer or do you just blather the bullshit you have been programmed to blather?
And the South suddenly turned Republican? Really, Comrade Greggie? 1994 was also the first time Republicans ever held a majority of House seats in the South–a full 30 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Somehow the adjective “suddenly” doesn’t seem to ring true. Three decades is not “suddenly.”
You seem to have no problem accusing others of what you, yourself, are guilty of. But that is the normal tactic of left wingers so no surprise.
They all think that fools someone.
@retire05, #52:
I don’t recall Lyndon B Johnson being a Republican. Nor JFK, either.
That’s it? That’s your proof that the Democrats embraced the CRA?
Sorry, JFK was dead and LBJ didn’t have the support of his own party. You are a dimwit.
How many Democrats who voted in the 1964 legislation flipped to the Republican Party, Comrade Greggie?
There’s a slight possibility that you might have an argumentative personality.
@retire05: Strom Thurmond was a colossus of the Senate, and the ringleader of the racist Southern Caucus. In this role, he enacted the longest filibuster of all time.
His was part of a larger team effort to terminate the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the first piece of Civil Rights legislation passed since the 1866 and 1875 Acts.
Thurmond began speaking at 8:54 pm on 28 August and continued until 9:12 pm the next day. To pad out his remarks, Thurmond recited the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and George Washington’s farewell address among other documents.
Overall, the segregationist caucus expended 57 days effort filibustering the bill – from 26 March to 19 June – before it was eventually passed.
Greggie poo just doesnt like history, but now like the black guy that get accused of winking at a white woman they have a new toy same old tactic but this time its the 75 million Trump voters the worst of them white.
There’s a greater possibility that you are a f*cking idiot.
No, this would be an effing idiot. But hey, these are all past words. You know…the sort of crazy words that got her elected.
August 11, 2020 – QAnon Booster Marjorie Taylor Greene Continues March Toward Congress With Runoff Win
Crazy, and armed.
Do you happen to remember Johnson’s famous remark about WHY he supported the Civil Rights Act? I believe you do, yet you lie about it anyway. I can’t even use the word he used to describe the blacks he expected to vote for Democrats for the next 100 years here. THAT was why he supported it. Pandering for votes. My, how things have changed so very little with the Democrats.
Actually, mostly true.
Actually, mostly true.
How many Democrats embrace the conspiracy theory, proven absolutely and totally false, based on lies and which the Democrats promoting the seditious conspiracy KNEW were lies, are in Congress? Why don’t you demand those, who lied to you and made you look stupid when you repeated their lies, are kicked out of Congress? Why do you still support Schiff, who BLATANTLY LIED about having any evidence Trump colluded with Russians and BLATANTLY LIED ON THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD about what Trump said in his call with Zelensky? Because he’s YOUR liar and you love his lies.
How about the insane idiot Maxine Waters saying Trump was guilty of premeditated murder? Is that the level of intelligence you are proud of supporting? Your entire party is nuts.
@Greg: So these non-government issued conspiracy theories are dangerous how? Often started not by Q but by those that question the official government explanations on events. Many of those explanations have holes you can drive a fleet of trucks through.
Q’s “Trust the plan” is hardly a call for violence.
The whole Satan worshipping thing was certainly not squashed by Cheryl Mills email to Hillary. The Pedophile thing can be seen by Jeffies flight log of power brokers.
But back to Your “Pesidents” pro China Pro endless war agenda and his job killing Pendemic.
Seems he has no confidence in this pro commie agenda will pass in congress so like Barry just makes up laws with his pen, every one should be challenged.
Already some State legislatures are resisting the Obiden dick tater.
Wait til he sends everyone a mask made in China and not a relief check. (pox blankets for everyone)
@Greg: Much more crazy things said by Biden, Harris, AOC, Talib, Swallwell, Pelosi, Shumer, and many many other Democrats.
Better to focus on them than to suddenly serve a double-standard by CCP-style execution of a Republican who exercised the same right to speech all the paid and corrupt Democrats do.
This is true war, if they do.
The USA is the least racist, most free country on the planet. No other has or supports such diversity in race, religion, and every other metric you can name.
The Chinese are racists…as are most people on the planet: FACT. It’s primarily white-European-majority nations that push for racial equality, America being the most prominent and most successful. Democrats, like Soviets before them, use race and class to cause division.
I’m glad you finally found an article, but the fact is this was an issue for years, and one that Trump and his admin took seriously.
It should be front page news.
Instead, we have Time Magazine gloating about the rigged election, brought about by the collusion of big money, big tech, and the Democrat Party.
As many of us said was happening.
HydroxyCL is safe. Hunter Biden laptop. Yeah, we cheated. All stories now.
China is a shithole that has been used by the West for manufacturing. They have no culture, no values, and nothing to offer the world beyond stone-aged level totalitarianisms.
I think Xi and his pawns are ripe for “regime change”.