Biden lowers the expectation bar for himself

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Back on October Joe Biden had the answers for everything, including the pandemic. Back in October he presented a plan, which was pretty much Trump’s plan at the time.

  • Masking: Biden said he would go to every governor and ask them to impose a mask mandate. If governors refused, as they have in several states, Biden said he would turn to local officials. He also said he will mandate masks in all federal buildings and on all interstate transportation.
  • Testing: The former vice president said he would launch a national testing plan aimed at conducting as many tests each day as the U.S. currently performs each week, which would amount to approximately 7 million tests a day. Biden would also build lab capacity, hire a national corps of contact tracers, and ensure that tests are free and accessible regardless of immigration status.
  • Personal protective equipment: Biden intends to use “the full power of the Defense Production Act” to drive the domestic manufacturing of masks, gloves, gowns and other equipment, including ample N95 masks for health-care workers. Biden also said he would appoint “a fully empowered supply commander in charge of filling in the gaps.”
  • Uniform, scientific reopening guidelines: A Biden administration, he said, will “provide consistent, reliable, trusted, detailed nationwide guidance and technical support for reopening safely and the resources to make it happen.” Biden also said the government would provide consultations and technical advice “so people have a place to turn with their questions.”
  • Treatments and vaccines: Biden’s plan would put an emphasis on equitable and widespread delivery of therapeutics in the near term and eventually a free coronavirus vaccine, he said. But Biden acknowledged that even if a vaccine is found to be effective, “It will still be many months before any vaccine is widely available.”

Note that last part.

Biden was and is highly critical of Trump

At a campaign event Wednesday in Warren, Mich., he noted Trump’s assertions in recorded interviews with writer Bob Woodward that the president had intentionally played down the lethality and rapid spread of the coronavirus last winter, calling them “beyond despicable. . . . He knew how deadly it was. He knew and purposely played it down. Worse, he lied.”

So did Fauci. Repeatedly. Biden’s approach?

Biden’s team says his approach to the virus will center on science, outreach and consistency. A Biden administration would counter any public skepticism and opposition with thoughtful messaging that centers the voices of experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci rather than politicians.

The guy who lied to you repeatedly.

Biden promises 100 million shots in his first 100 days. I am putting down a marker for that now.

But as inauguration nears, Biden and his allies are moving the goalposts and his tune is changing. Gone is the optimism and cockiness he was overflowing with prior to the election. He must temper expectations:

In an end of the year address on Tuesday, President-elect Joe Biden warned Americans that even as the first COVID-19 vaccinations begin in the United States, the “darkest days” in the pandemic are yet to come.

Biden spoke in Wilmington, Delaware and urged Americans to “remain vigilant” as experts say “things are going to get worse before they get better” in the pandemic, “notwithstanding the fact that” two coronavirus vaccines have now been approved.

“I’m going to tell it to you straight,” Biden said. “I’m going to tell you the truth. And here’s the simple truth: our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us. So we need to prepare ourselves, to steel our spines.”

Fauci supported Biden in his typically qualified manner

“So I share the concern of President-elect Biden that as we get into the next few weeks, it might actually get worse.”

But Biden has given us a standard by which he can judge him, beginning first with a shot at Trump:

President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday criticized President Donald Trump’s promised swift coronavirus vaccine rollout, saying it has fallen behind expectations, and warned it could take years before the bulk of Americans receive the necessary shots.

But here we go:

“As I long feared and warned, the effort to distribute and administer the vaccine is not progressing as it should,” the Democrat added.

Biden’s goal of ensuring that 100 million shots are administered by the end of his 100th day in office would mean “ramping up five to six times the current pace to 1 million shots a day,” he added, noting that it would require Congress to approve additional funding.

“Even with that improvement, even if we boost the speed of vaccinations to 1 million shots a day, it will still take months to have the majority of the United States’ population vaccinated,” he said.

And from where is that additional vaccine to come?

Biden’s coronavirus response plan includes invoking the Defense Production Act to produce vaccines faster, encouraging mask usage for his first 100 days in office, and opening most public schools within his first 100 days.

And if speeding it up causes mistakes? Well, you know it will be Trump’s fault.

You’ve got 100 days, old man. If you don’t make it, you are a failure as President.  And don’t forget that back in October Biden was the guy who said

“It will still be many months before any vaccine is widely available.”

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He dug a hole and buried it then.

C’mon, man.

This spring Democrats/media lackeys screamed and berated Trump for claiming a vaccine could be ready by the end of the year. Impossible, they cried, never been done. He’s just trying to talk his way past it!

Now they are having a fit because as of this morning only 2.1 million people have been vaccinated. This year.

1.5 BILLION used masks already pollute our oceans.
Yes, by all means, ramp up DOMESTIC production of more single-use masks.
Who needs reusable, washable masks anyway?
I made 20 cloth masks out of a fine sheet material over 600 count material.
There’s a pocket between the two layers for a Kleenex Anti-Viral tissue that is disposable.
But Biden will probably criminalize masks like ours.

Then, at 1 million/day, if vaccines are also made mandatory, he might get to all 329 million Americans in 310 days considering President Trump will have already vaccinated at least 19 million people.
That’s almost a year.
And that’s if the shots are mandatory.
But Biden wants mandatory masks anyway afterwards as well as a lockdown for the NEW purpose of saving the planet!
We have seen a 7% lowering of CO2 levels just because of the covid lockdown.
He’s just green enough to want to see this continue even if it destroys American business.

Anyway, he’ll quit before all that.
(if Jill will let him.)

PPE is so important that the Obama administration used it all up and didn’t bother to buy more (probably funding transgender surgeries instead or sending the cash to Iran). The vaccine was so important that the FDA stalled approving them until after the election so Trump couldn’t take credit for it.

Biden doesn’t have to lower expectations; that happened the moment we began to accept the fact that fraud and corruption wins as long as our worthless media plays along. This is a page out of Obama’s book, where he constantly whined about how terrible and deep the recession he “inherited” was so his economic failure could be blamed on the insurmountable obstacles to overcome. But, really… no one expects Biden, of all people, to meet expectations. He is pre-packaged failure.

He already told us that wearing masks for 100 days would resolve this. Now, what… it won’t? Now, what idiot ever believed THAT?

With Trump, when someone failed, he fired them and replaced them. With Biden, as with Obama before him, when he fails, he’ll just blame Trump and keep on failing.

Biden promises 100 million shots in his first 100 days.

Yeah. Those are the vaccines Trump already ordered. Easy to take credit for something you had nothing to do with.

@Nathan Blue: Those are the vaccines Trump already ordered.

Had you seen the story about a Lefty employee at Advocate Aurora Health?
He left a bunch of the vaccine out of the freezer so it went bad,
To do his part in preventing President Trump from vaccinating more Americans.
Think your life means anything to the Left?
COVID-19 vaccine doses ruined ‘intentionally,’ hospital says

You are expendable.

Cool graph here:
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@Nan G: If Democrats were involved in the development of the vaccine, they would require a vaccine for racism, transgender bias and homophobia be developed at the same time.