Fauci’s lies cost Trump the Presidency and the media played along

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Dr. Anthony Fauci recently admitted that he lied about COVID 19. Specifically, he lied about herd immunity and PPE.

We’ll come back to that shortly.

In an interview with Bob Woodward Trump acknowledged how dangerous the Wuhan virus was

The president said the coronavirus was “more deadly” than “even your strenuous flus,” and difficult to address because “it goes through air.”

He also admitted downplaying its severity- for a reason

“I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic,”

He didn’t want to create a panic or a run on PPE. Remember that.

For this, he was excoriated endlessly

In his twisted, narcissistic mind, Trump no doubt believes this admission casts him in a positive light. Here’s the concerned national patriarch risking his own credibility to keep Americans from freaking out and doing who knows what. Maybe making a run on the grocery stores, canceling vacations and pulling kids out of school? Well, good thing that didn’t happen. Oh, wait — it did.

And more

He would have supported the sensible recommendations of his own health experts, rather than repeatedly trying to muzzle and sideline them while pushing unproven miracle cures. He would have donned a face mask the minute researchers made it clear that wearing one would protect people from infection.

Face masks? The recommendations of his own experts? This expert?

“Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks,” Fauci said during the interview. “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

Back to Fauci. Fauci admitted he lied about the Wuhan virus- more than once.   He lied about herd immunity:

In a Christmas Eve interview with the New York Times, Fauci acknowledged he had offered a lower estimate of the level of herd immunity necessary to stop the COVID-19 pandemic because he thought Americans would be discouraged by hearing his true thoughts on the issue.

He recently raised his estimate on the herd immunity threshold “partly based on new science,” the newspaper reported, “and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.”

He told us what he thought we wanted to hear- and for the sake of polls

Fauci himself told the paper that he had withheld the higher estimates because polling results made him think such estimates would be viewed unfavorably.

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” he told reporter Donald McNeil. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.”

Fauci admitted that scientists “really don’t know what the real number is,” though he himself estimated that the “real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent.”

He also lied about PPE:

Fauci in subsequent weeks and months made a sharp 180-degree turn on the subject of masks, advocating their universal usage and arguing that mask-wearing is critical to stopping the spread of COVID-19.

When pressed in June on why he had initially argued against masks, Fauci said that the public health community was “concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.”

Trump took his medical advice as policy and it cost him politically in a big way. As for so-called journalists, how did they respond to Fauci’s lying?

Nominated for Time Person of the Year.

Receives the 2020 Lienhard Award

Named the 2020 Federal Employee of the Year

Gets the Service to America Medal

All because he lied to the American public “for its own good” – just as Trump did. As I wrote before, Fauci made all the mistakes but it was Trump who got all the blame. But it seems as though they weren’t mistakes.

They were lies and they helped cost Trump the Presidency. Makes you wonder…

The MFM loves him. It has erected a wall of silence around him. It is protecting Fauci and his lies as they shielded the country from Hunter and Joe Biden’s China ties. The MFM is exactly that.

The MFM.

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Fauchi did not cost Trump the Presidency, he won another bad title for an article. Election fraud is the only answer.
I saw one of our State Senators on TV yesterday, on a state politics show Up Front, she sat in on the hearing of election fraud here in Wisconsin. She said they were going to pass more election laws.
I had to write her a polite note, a Clerk from Dane county, and the president of WEC had testified and admitted breaking the law with zero remorse.
I asked her what good are more laws when they are not followed and there is no accountability. This Senator was a former Clerk and knows it was her job to facilitate the laws at that level.

All because he lied to the American public “for its own good” – just as Trump did.

Well, now, Trump didn’t “lie”. He simply didn’t engage in the panic-inducing hysteria the left was promoting. The only “lies” Trump told were based on the “science” he was provided by the “scientists”.

The left has jumped on Jennifer Aniston for “making light” of the pandemic with a Christmas ornament. The entire left made a mockery of the pandemic by doing nothing but using it as a political tool, a weapon to wield against Trump. It’s clear how seriously THEY regarded the threat by how they are constantly caught disregarding their own rules, which they think people should be held accountable by law to follow. Trump did his job and did it extremely well while they did nothing but toy with the lives of Americans.

It’s funny how right wingers are so terrified of Fauci.


@bubba: Its even funnier how left wingers suck up to experts that arent, Fauchi has always been a failure cant even retire the dope is 80 has no life to retire to.
per the latest CDC report, the new death rate from COVID is only 0.0057%. Bow to your false masters

@bubba: How is anyone expressing fear of Fauci? The question is, why do Democrats fear the truth and worship lies?

Fauci’s lies cost Trump the Presidency

But, but, I thought it was voting machines and suitcases and dead foreign presidents.

My oh my, what will it be tomorrow?

@Ronald J. Ward: It was. All that and more. Democrats cannot survive in a fair competition.

But, to the point; has Fauci been totally honest with the American people?

@Deplorable Me:

@Ronald J. Ward: It was. All that and more. Democrats cannot survive in a fair competition.

You ignorantly want it both ways, saying the people didn’t reject Trump at all as it was rigged yet Fauci’s lies tricked the people into rejecting Trump. And as more reality disqualifies both of those, you will be supporting whatever propaganda is tossed your way tomorrow.

But, to the point; has Fauci been totally honest with the American people?

That isn’t the point at all but rather a point you concocted out of thin air. The “point” is that we are now seeing Fauci as an excuse of misleading to explain Trump’s loss. Perhaps a closer to reality point is that Trump has been profoundly dishonest with the American people which is one of the reasons they voted him out.

@Ronald J. Ward: Math is so hard Democrats just cant figure it out.

White House Has Extensive Evidence Of Foreign Interference In Nov 3rd Election-Example 1: Nevada SoS Sent Voter Information To Pakistani Intelligence –
Must be to assist with gender studies.

We know you really dont care about the country its why you keep your sources so limited, just what China and the CIA want you to know.

Hey what is Gates gonna be spraying us all with? Why is he funding lawsuits against Sidney Powell?

@Ronald J. Ward:

You ignorantly want it both ways, saying the people didn’t reject Trump at all as it was rigged yet Fauci’s lies tricked the people into rejecting Trump.

No, I only want it one way: HONEST. You, obviously, don’t. You want it any way you can get it, by corruption, by fraud, by lying… any way to grab power, you will look the other way and accept it.

That isn’t the point at all but rather a point you concocted out of thin air.

It IS the point. THE point. Did Fauci lie to the American people? It is the point because Trump told the American people what Fauci told them and you ignore Fauci lying and accuse Trump of lying. Trump was only “following the science” and speaking to what his advisors told him. So, why do you feel Fauci’s lies is not an issue, but Trump telling people what Fauci said, i.e. “lying” is a major factor? THAT is what the article is saying aided in destroying confidence in Trump.

Until we have a complete investigation of all the fraud, the machines changing votes, Biden votes being counted numerous times, illegal immigrants, dead and non-residents voting, illegal mail in ballots all need to be removed from the tally to determine if Trump was “rejected” or not. In fact, it looks more like Trump got around 77 million votes while Biden would be lucky to have received 60 million. Fauci was just a part of the left wing disinformation operation. It took massive voter fraud to “defeat” Trump.

A new Gallop poll shows Trump to be the most admired man in America, surpassing your Lord and Master, Obama.


White House Has Extensive Evidence Of Foreign Interference In Nov 3rd Election

The White House has lied to us repeatedly for 4 years. As Jake Tapper correctly stated of the WH spokesperson; there’s no value in interviewing her because she lies like most people breathe.

Discredit Tapper all you like but the White House (Trump) lies profusely. Love him and asskiss him all you like but to say he doesn’t lie is beyond delusional.

According, your argument of “because the WH says” has no credence. Trump lies like most people breathe.

@Deplorable Me:

No, I only want it one way: HONEST

Hold your cards, we have a bingo.

This is why we have elections. The majority rules. You’re not getting it your way.

Dr John
Yes he did tell Woodward tgat in an interview
But 3 weeks later he told America it was no worse than the flu
Your post is deception by omission
Curt are you going to censor this ?

@Ronald J. Ward: Do take notice that Tapper had zero examples perhaps you can provide 1.
Our WH spokesperson loves to set them up she is well prepared to use their own reporting against them, I know you dont actually watch the pressers you simply ape what Tapper claims.
But the thread is about how Fauchi has been lying and moving goal posts the entire time. try to stay focused he admitted to it and doubled down.
Hell he even described the pain from his vaxx for the wrong arm.

@Ronald J. Ward: I didn’t get my way in 1992. I didn’t get my way in 2008. I didn’t get my way in 2012. But, I didn’t riot. I didn’t loot. I didn’t protest. I accepted it because it appeared to be legitimate.

The 2020 results do not appear legitimate. They, by ALL measure, appear ILLEGITIMATE. Clear evidence of widespread discrepancies if not outright fraud. So, what I want is investigations and conclusions, not just a bunch of proven liars and people more than willing to violate our Constitution (Democrats) telling me, “Don’t believe your lying eyes and ears; despite what we ALL said in 2016, there is NO WAY to fraudulently turn an election. Trust us.”

You lie constantly. You almost got kicked off here for a grievous and unsupportable lie. Yet, I am supposed to accept YOUR view that there was no fraud in the election? Why would I accept your opinion when you won’t even address the questions about the fraud we see?

If Biden actually won, we could all be past this if only Democrats were not suppressing evidence and blocking investigations. It only appears they fear transparency. That only leads to one conclusion: they are trying to hide their crimes.


@Ronald J. Ward: Do take notice that Tapper had zero examples perhaps you can provide 1.

Yeah, right. For the first time in history, THAT is about to happen.

The premise of this article is wrong. Trump was besieged by Democrat Marxists, Uniparty Republicans, Tech monopolies, and a state-run Media.

Even with that, they had to cheat.

Trump lost nothing, and Biden isn’t the President


@Ronald J. Ward: Do take notice that Tapper had zero examples perhaps you can provide 1.

You need examples of Trump or Kayleigh McEnany lying in order to consider it as valid?

Seriously, you didn’t type that with a straight face, right? As Joe Biden would likely say: “oh come on man!

It’s incredibly asinine questions such as this that prevents you or Deplorable from being taken seriously or that you could possibly engage in a realistic political discussion.

@Deplorable Me:

@Ronald J. Ward: I didn’t get my way in 1992. I didn’t get my way in 2008. I didn’t get my way in 2012. But, I didn’t riot. I didn’t loot. I didn’t protest. I accepted it because it appeared to be legitimate.

Two points:

1) What rioting, looting, and protesting are you talking about regarding anyone getting or not getting their way from the 2020 election?

2) You ain’t getting you way this time either.

@Nathan Blue:

Trump was besieged by Democrat Marxists, Uniparty Republicans, Tech monopolies, and a state-run Media

But you’ve said for months that Trump had no obstacles and would win by a landslide?

@Ronald J. Ward: Yes I require examples, Im funny that way I need proof. I wouldnt take Jake Tappers word for anything. You can put your head up his ass if you want dont be surprised if you smell fortune cookies.
Fauchi lied many people died.

@Ronald J. Ward:

1) What rioting, looting, and protesting are you talking about regarding anyone getting or not getting their way from the 2020 election?

The left, which has been rioting and looting for the past 8 months, threatened to do the same if Trump won (which he did, but fraud has thus far disguised the fact). I guess your left wing propaganda deliveries don’t cover those facts.

Biden says lots of things. One is this:


So, what’s the story here? Is he lying? Is he exposing the network for fraud that, indeed, was necessary to drag him across the finish line? Or is he simply an idiot?

Even someone that indicated they would vote for Hitler should be able to answer that one.

But you’ve said for months that Trump had no obstacles and would win by a landslide?

I don’t think anyone ever has said Trump faced no obstacles. Perhaps you have examples handy.


The rabid right, indoctrinated by the Trump propaganda machine, has mindlessly marched off the cliff of insanity and following the orders of crying voter fraud even though no credible evidence has appeared.

Everyday there’s a slip of admission of other reasons. When those admissions are exposed, you, deplorable, et al go to work to obscure or change the subject.

Predictably, deplorable needs to know my take on Fauci’s honesty and you need an example to confirm Trump ever told a lie ( because you’re funny that way and need proof).

No cigar.

The media’s phony coverage of President (also candidate) Trump didn’t fool any of his supporters.
Big lefty tech’s phony fact checking and frequent throttling of Trump and his supporters did nothing to dampen Trump’s supporters’ spirits.
BUT, of all the many American institutions that the Left have destroyed with their media and tech assistance, the Electoral College’s demise did come as a discouraging surprise.
Elections are now who can produce the most votes.
And that is most easily accomplished in large Democrat-run cities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
Democrat machines control those cities and can effortlessly run up large vote counts for Democrats without fear of being found out.
Local Democrat judges are “on the payroll” so they look the other way.
Big Media leads the cover-up with information blackouts.
Big tech and foreign entities bankroll the job.
Suddenly our electoral system degenerated into a de facto direct voting structure, invalidating the Electoral College.

How soon before the entire country looks like Poopville, San Francisco, CA?

@Ronald J. Ward: You accuse us of changing the subject when not 1 comment from you is about Fauchis lies, that is the subject of this thread.
In your twisted head you change from the press sectretary and whatTapper said to Trump you are one sick puppy.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Everyday there’s a slip of admission of other reasons. When those admissions are exposed, you, deplorable, et al go to work to obscure or change the subject.

Again… example, please. Or, stop lying.

Predictably, deplorable needs to know my take on Fauci’s honesty and you need an example to confirm Trump ever told a lie ( because you’re funny that way and need proof).

Yeah, the article is about Fauci lying. YOU accuse Trump of lying when he said the same thing Fauci said. So, why do you give Fauci a great big pass (and virtual sloppy kiss on the ass) but accuse Trump of being the liar? And, as you deny the existence of voter fraud, you stealthily avoided addressing Biden explicitly admitting massive fraud. How about that?

Dominion voting systems, millions from Big tech, and simple fraud “cost” Trump an election than any thinking American will NEVER say that Biden won.

That’s it.

@Ronald J. Ward:

The rabid right, indoctrinated by the Trump propaganda machine

Haha. Yeah, where’s all that “propaganda?”

Meanwhile, Democrats own 90% of the media, which is now a de facto state run media.

Everything you think about Trump is the product of simple propaganda.


As influenza levels continue cratering, some cite COVID measures — even as COVID rates have multiplied nearly sevenfold since the spring in spite of enhanced mitigation policies.

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

Dr. Death wrote a paper on the Spanish flu and the pnuemonia that killed a majority of victims, could he, should he have known it was mask use ?
Watch people will ill fitting masks constantly adjusting them contaminating them with their hands. Often its the more fashionable masks, and the medical versions that are to small for the wearer.
The new and improved unproven mutation is a sure sign they have no intention of reopening.


The new and improved unproven mutation is a sure sign they have no intention of reopening.

Don’t worry, Asterisk Obiden said he’ll shut down the virus, not the economy, so he’s got the plan. I know he can do it because his wife is a doctor.


The new and improved unproven mutation is a sure sign they have no intention of reopening.

My thoughts, exactly, when this strain suddenly appeared when the vaccines went out…

How curious.