The MFM suppressed a whole lot of things prior to the election and some of them (Hunter Biden being owned by China) would certainly have altered the outcome. But there are many more things we now learn belatedly. For instance;
Hydroxychloroquine does work on COVID
REPORT: @realDonaldTrump WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!#AmericanMedicalAssociation QUIETLY REVERSED Position On #Hydroxychloroquine In LATE Oct. They RESCINDED THEIR REQUEST THAT DOCTORS STOP PRESCRIBING #HCQ! Now Admit Benefits FAR OUTWEIGH The Extremely Low Risk!
— John Basham 🇺🇲 (@JohnBasham) December 16, 2020
Were you wondering where the regular seasonal flu went? It went here
Adam, did you know they’ve been (meaning CDC) grouping COVID w/ pneumonia and influenza and namely calling it PIC? Everything is under the COVID umbrella now. That’s why numbers are so low for influenza. Because they’re grouped with COVID-19.
— Zachary Williams (@zacko7_0) December 16, 2020
The Chinese paid Jill Biden’s long time personal assistant $6 million. No one knows why.
This is Jill Biden’s former longtime WH personal assistant. The Chinese communists paid this woman’s family $6 million for no apparent reason. Her husband, in a recorded phone call, begged Tony Bobulinski not to go public. The corrupt DC media hasn’t asked her any questions.
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) December 13, 2020
A Black Lives Matter founder has ties to China
Andrew Cuomo is accused of sexual harassment
Yes, @NYGovCuomo sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched.
I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation? This was the way for years.
— Lindsey Boylan (@LindseyBoylan) December 13, 2020
The NY TImes has yet to mention Eric Swalwell being shagged by a Chinese spy.
Bias is often found in stories the press does NOT cover. Another day another lack of the NYT telling its readers about a D Congressman, who sits on the Intelligence Committee, who briefly ran for POTUS, who was caught in a prior relationship w a Chinese spy. But it’s not news.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) December 12, 2020
Hunter Biden begged a Chinese tycoon for $10 million in 2017 and sent wishes from the entire Biden family
Hunter Biden lobbied since-vanished Chinese oil tycoon Ye Jianming to “quickly” wire him $10 million to help establish and fund his failed business venture SinoHawk Holdings in 2017, according to an email obtained by The Post.
In the June 18 email, the president-elect’s scandal-scarred son sent “best wishes from the entire Biden family” before outlining his expectations for their joint venture.
Wonder why COVID deaths are so high? Well, people are dying of COVID but with the comorbidity of fatal gunshot wounds
GRAND COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) – The Grand County coroner is calling attention to the way the state health department is classifying some deaths. The coroner, Brenda Bock, says two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds. Bock says because they tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 30 days, they were classified as “deaths among cases.”
We learned that “Dr.” Jill Biden’s doctorate is junk:
Jill Biden’s dissertation is not an addition to the sum total of human knowledge. It is not a demonstration of expertise in its specific topic or its broad field. It is a gasping, wheezing, frail little Disney forest creature that begs you to notice the effort it makes to be the thing it is imitating while failing so pathetically that any witnesses to its ineptitude must feel compelled, out of manners alone, to drag it to the nearest podium and give it a participation trophy. Which is more or less what an Ed.D. is. It’s a degree that only deeply unimpressive people feel confers the honorific of “Doctor.” People who are actually smart understand that being in possession of a credential is no proof of intelligence.
Today we learned that Russia did interfere in the 2020 election. So did China and Iran.
CBS News Senior Correspondent @CBS_Herridge reports that @DNI_Ratcliffe has "told CBS News that there was foreign election interference by China, #Iran, and Russia in November of this year [2020]."More to
— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) December 16, 2020
Alavi tells us one of the reasons why this is important
Why is this important?#Iran has been increasingly aiming to interfere in U.S. elections specifically through its U.S.-based lobby group @NIACouncil.DNI John Ratcliffe shed light on this important
— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) November 26, 2020
And guess who is a huge supporter of NIAC?
NIAC has strong ties with Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT who had a secret meeting with Iranian FM Zarif during the Munich Security Conference back in February.— Heshmat Alavi (@HeshmatAlavi) November 26, 2020
By all means read the entire thread.
And then read this:
Have a good night.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Some of these things we knew before the election if you steered clear of the DNC’s press core.
The HCQ issue falls directly on Fauchis head and he should be named as one of the most prolific serial murderers in history. It takes early treatment combined with zinc and D3. or a zpac and a steroid, every one testing positive should be given a prescription symptomatic or not.
As he and Bill gates say you will need to mask even after the jab of the franken vaxx. BTW many who never attended college have the identical science and medical degree as Bill Give em polio Gates. Ivermectin is pretty awesome too.
Fauchi refused or ended trials.
We find systemic fraud, ignorance and lawlessness in our elections where death threats are only taken seriously if they are against the cheaters, not bomb or shooting at witnesses for the Trump investigation. The machines, yes the awful so complex you need tech support in the counting centers oh boy they create 600 votes where only 3 voters filled in ovals. They excuse this by saying, but there are paper ballots so every clerk must hand count the votes for every race on the ticket before certification to prove your junk calculators are accurate every election?
Gee… Iran, China and Russia looking to interfere in our elections and our Democrat geniuses (knowing they ALL want Biden just as badly as they do) hook the tabulating machines up to the internet! I can see no way anything could POSSIBLY go wrong there.
Jill is like Obama; a big bag of NOTHING the left loves to worship. I’ve been asking what kind of woman marries a man who, to try to squeeze out as much sympathy as possible when his wife runs a stop sign and is killed, accuses the other driver of drunk driving and manslaughter; I guess the kind that, just because she wants a title, goes to a college where her lying husband wields influence and pretends to earn a doctorate. THAT kind of woman. Will she decorate the White House next Christmas all in red and yellow?
Now we know, the left has been doing all they can to not only cause as many to suffer and die from COVID19, to kill small businesses (Amazon must be REALLY raking it in, thanks to closures and fear to venture out), blocking desperately needed aid to small businesses and the unemployed AND bloating the records of COVID19 deaths.
Todays Senarte testimony
Senator Johnson:
“…but those tabulators are connected on Election Day ’cause that’s how they transmit the data to the counties and also into the official — uhm –“
“In some cases, yes, sir.”
Internet connections of elections tabulators as in a sworn affidavit.
We were first told by Michigan witness Senator Patrick Colbeck in early November that the routers and WiFi connectors were used throughout the TCF Center during the ballot counting on election night.
Ya ok who is this guy?
Senator Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer.
Krebs you more than deserved to get canned.
This was available before the election.
It seems like a glorified asset seizure policy, but instead of drugs, it is votes that got bought and sold.
Rand Paul (who was nearly killed by a lefty) made a statement yesterday to the effect that, now that THIS election was over, even tho it was tainted and probably stolen, let’s just do this: make sure we’ve passed a few new laws so it can never happen again.
Now, Rand Paul can be excused for this cowardice in that he nearly died after that lefty tried to kill him, but since when does he even pretend to believe that CRIMINALS obey laws?!?
They don’t.
No number of new laws will prevent our country from suffering under this new level of voter fraud.
They got away with it, so they double down.
One question: Have they gotten away with it …. yet?
@Nan G: Unless and until people go to jail for THIS fraud, it will never be stopped… if we even have another potentially fair election.
The investigator into the auto crash of Kemps daughters BF and Senator lofflers staffer, Harrison Deal was found dead of a “suicide”, the EO mandatory election report is due tomorrow.
Earlier this year there were hacks into 911 systems hospitals etc, the password into solar winds was… solarwinds123 they were hacked earlier this year, Chinas 400 million dollars to dominion in October, yes the tabulators were connected to the internet, china spies everywhere, Wikileaks massive dump
We seem doomed to live in interesting times.
Be prepared and stay frosty
We now know know without question, the entire political is a fraud. If American don’t stand up and take it back we are doomed.