The Week in Radical Leftism, 12/11/2020

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12/3 – Jen Psaki: Useful Idiot

Yes, I know that last week I already ripped on the lady who, during her stint working for Obama, David Burge had previously dubbed “Buffy the State Dept. Tri-Delt”, but I need to make my personal confession here. After the Soviet Union fell, I started collecting Soviet memorbelia, mostly war medals. I would wear them on my coat, and when asked why I said simply that the Soviet Union was the 2nd most powerful empire the world had ever seen… and we made them tap out. What better way to celebrate than by wearing the colors of a defeated enemy? For that same reason, this Canadiens fan still enjoys rocking his Nordiques cap, but I digress. I made a point to not wear the medals whenever the US was involved in any military action (such as in Bosnia) lest they be mistaken as support for our troops’ enemies, and when 9/11 hit they got retired permanently. So if you end up seeing any old pics of Brother Bob from the 90s, know that I wasn’t the same useful idiot that Psaki and Kerry still are. But you can make fun of my George Clooney Roman haircut.

12/4 – More Progressive Rationalization

Understanding why rational conversations with Leftists is damned near impossible

12/5 – Vandy’s Sarah Fuller: We’re Probably Going to PC Hell For This One.

I do feel badly for the members of teh Vanderbilt football team who had to put up with this crud.

12/6 – Our Betters Are Better Because, Well, They’re Better

Gulag Barbie is just the gift that keeps on giving. In a sane world she would have been primaried out by Pelosi, but in our Idiocracy in a few years I will be completely unsurprised when she is on the Dems’ presidential debate stage.

12/7 – A personal note about Pearl Harbor day

A story from the other side of the Pacific. And completely unrelated, but today’s Morning Report at Ace had the perfect headline: “79 years later, the names Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania come back to haunt us”

12/8 – AOC, Omar, and Squad Want to Free 500,000 Fat Criminals


12/9 – MI Democrat Removed From Committees, Facing ‘Investigations’ After Making ‘Threats’ Against Trump Supporters

Is a peaceful coexistence dropping out of site? – Part I

Until The Radical Left starts facing consequences for their actions, expect more of this

12/10  – The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past

Is a peaceful coexistence dropping out of site? – Part II

A bit long, but an important look at how we Normals have to reconsider how we treat Leftists

12/11 – Police Defunding, Like Communism, Can’t Fail

The money quote is how Councilman Jeremiah Ellison (son of Keith Ellison) argued that defunding won’t fail because it’s never been tried. If you’re wondering how to respond to a remark like this, read the 12/10 link,

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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I will offend some readers by what I say. It is not possible to reason with a Biden supporter. There can be no reasoning when there is no common language. And no common heritage. And no common word definition. “Trump is evil.” I have heard this many times. Many reasons have been set forth. He has violated the emoluments clause. Not exactly. Those who stayed at his hotel paid a fee for service. This was not an emolument (gift). “Trump supported our enemies.” Well, he did meet with the leader of North Korea. And they have not nuked us yet. Is this a bad thing? “Trump is against women.” Well, he did make a crude remark in 2003. But there are certainly a lot of women on his staff.
And when you seek reasons for supporting Biden, they all come down to “he’s not Trump.”
And, I suppose, universal amnesty. And free abortion on demand. And letting Iran have nukes, so they can nuke Israel. And pacifying China by letting them roll over us and steal all our technology. Good old Joe.

Texas sueing 4 other States has become the latest rage so much so that would you believe even one of the states being sued joined in. Yup PA HOR is sueing itself.

AOC is Goyas employee of the month due to her outstanding sales ability for the company

These weird alien monoliths keep popping up then vanishing, before one disappeared they got a photo of the odd message to NASA written on one side about trying to reach us about our vehicles warranty?
Hal take us off your calling list! This weeks song

I guess it’s true: covid can’t infect people who attend Black Lives Matter protests. Science!

So, Dec 8th we learned that Cornell offers a race-based exemption from its new mandatory flu shot, requiring only white students get immunized.

Gosh, wouldn’t it be horrible if this led to a whole bunch of really smart black students, who managed to get into an Ivy League College, getting covid?

12/3 – Jen Psaki: Useful Idiot

Question: exactly how difficult is it do dupe people like Psaki, Kerry or any of Biden personnel, into serving the role of “useful idiot”?

12/4 – More Progressive Rationalization

I just read a comment about Trump’s “attack on democracy” to which I asked, as I always do, what, exactly, were these attacks? It is never answered. It appears, once again, the cacophony of such accusations is intended to cover up for Democrats crushing the 1st Amendment and committing massive voter fraud. As my oldest daughter told her mom and me when, at 3 years old, she had written on a planter in our house with a pencil, “Don’t see something.” I guess their view is, “The election turned out like I wanted it, so it was legal and honest.”

12/5 – Vandy’s Sarah Fuller: We’re Probably Going to PC Hell For This One.

Fuller is a bit confused. You don’t win games by superior cheering. You win it with superior talent and leadership. Perhaps Vanderbilt lacks both. This is the same as when transgenders compete against girls in sports; it is no competition. Her performance reminds me of the performance of our “first black President”. I don’t think her miserable performance is indicative of the potential other girls/women could have, just as all black candidates for President should be deemed incompetent failures just because Obama was.

12/6 – Our Betters Are Better Because, Well, They’re Better

It could be argued that she thinks bartending is a hard, grueling job because she’s never had a hard, grueling job. Certainly, having a license to lie to the public with no accountability does not qualify.

12/7 – A personal note about Pearl Harbor day

People sure do act arrogantly when they believe this will be no accountability, don’t they? Fast forward to Democrats today. Ignoring history assures it will be repeated.

12/8 – AOC, Omar, and Squad Want to Free 500,000 Fat Criminals

I have never understood this idea that, because of COVID, prisoners locked up in jail should be released so they don’t get the virus. Why? Who is more controllable than prisoners? First, give them masks (100% effective… right?). Control who sees them. Only let them out of their cells in small groups. If the virus doesn’t get into the jail, where is there a safer place for them? It’s just an excuse to dump the jails and shed responsibility.

12/9 – MI Democrat Removed From Committees, Facing ‘Investigations’ After Making ‘Threats’ Against Trump Supporters

You know… because all the fascists are Trump supporters.

12/10 – The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past

I encountered this on a Facebook group (which I’ve since been kicked off of) that was ostensibly for “political discussion”. It wasn’t. It was to repeat liberal dogma. But what surprised and shocked me was that these people, mostly in the city where I lived (population 100,000) were communists and anarchists. So, yeah, there was no arguing with them; tearing everything down was their only goal. I think they were all on the wrong continent.

12/11 – Police Defunding, Like Communism, Can’t Fail

You gotta laugh at the left, Biden and Obama, who don’t denounce defunding the police and leaving people exposed and vulnerable, they only denounce saying it out loud and letting voters know that they are about to be rendered defenseless (defunded police and confiscated self-defense firearms). That costs them votes, as Biden inadvertently blurted out, “hammered across the country”. Yeah, dumbass… you LOST.

It’s odd, though that the same people who think it is wrong to restrain a resisting criminal think it is OK to intimidate, threaten or kill someone for what they think.

@Brother Bob: It needed some scantily clad broads. 😉
I think the deepstate is setting up the alien invasion as we are rebelling against the kung flu lockdowns, these metal thingies are popping up everywhere.
No longer follow the science but the superior intellect of ET.
Reminder….. its a cookbook.
Trump has negotiated a new treaty