No evidence of voter fraud?


The media, which has been part of the Biden campaign since its inception, wants desperately to convince you that there is no evidence of voter fraud. This is meant to discourage interest in vote audits and recounts. Without question voter fraud occurred and probably on an industrial scale.

Evidence? Lots.

USPS worker arrested at Canadian border with bin of mail, undelivered ballots

An upstate USPS employee was arrested Tuesday while crossing the US-Canada border with hundreds of envelopes and other undelivered mail — including several absentee ballots.

The Buffalo mailman, who was caught with over 800 pieces of mail inside his trunk that he had failed to deliver, said he had ended up on a bridge between the US and its neighbor to the north by accident, the Buffalo News reported.

Customs and Border Protection found a huge bin of mail spanning several zip codes in the vehicle. Among them were three absentee ballots from the Erie County Board of Elections, authorities told the newspaper.

Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count

Two observers who were at the TCF Center in Detroit during the absentee ballot counting process have produced affidavits claiming they witnessed workers create new voter files with information obtained from ballots.

Wisconsin Clerks May Have Unlawfully Altered Thousands of Absentee Ballots

Wisconsin Statute 6.86 provides that an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is also required to list his or her address. If a witness address is not listed, then the ballot is considered invalid and must be returned to the voter to have the witness correct.

Instead, multiple sources tell “The Dan O’Donnell Show,” municipal clerks and vote counters across the state simply filled out witness signatures themselves. Acting on false and unlawful advice from the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), these clerks may have inadvertently invalidated thousands of absentee votes.

“The statute is very, very clear,” said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who worked as a poll watcher in Milwaukee on Election Day. “If an absentee ballot does not have a witness address on it, it’s not valid. That ballot is not valid.”

Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016

Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania so far this year have been accepted at almost 30times the rate predicted by historical rejection numbers, raising potential questions in a state in which Democratic challenger Joe Biden is maintaining a lead of just several thousand votes.

A county-by-county review by Just the News of accepted and rejected mail-in ballots throughout the state of Pennsylvania show that, when added up, the state only rejected 951 of 2,614,011 mail-in ballots this year, or a rate of 0.03%.

That is significantly less than the historical rate of mail-in ballot rejection, which generally hovers around 1%. For first-time mail-in voters the rate can jump as high as 3%.

Software that incorrectly gave Biden thousands of Michigan votes used in 28 other states

Election software that incorrectly awarded thousands of votes to Joe Biden in Michigan is used in a majority of U.S. states, including statewide in Georgia where it has reportedly been implicated in several voting-related “glitches” there.

The Michigan Secretary of State confirmed on Friday that a software error in Antrim County, Michigan, in which Joe Biden was incorrectly awarded thousands of votes that led him to be declared the county winner, was caused by an error in which the county clerk “did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.” The software is administered by the company Dominion Voting Systems.

Beyond Michigan, Dominion Voting System is also used in a majority of U.S. states, with the company boasting on its website of having “customers in 28 states,” including “9 of the top 20 counties” and “4 of the top 10 counties” throughout the county.

Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

A wealth of facts show that there are ample openings for non-citizens to illegally vote and that roughly 16% of them voted in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. If this was also the case in the 2020 battleground states where Biden currently has slim leads, the numbers of non-citizens in these states and their preference for Democrats may have netted Biden enough fraudulent votes to tip the overall election winner from Trump to Biden.

Administrative changes in Wisconsin election put tens of thousands of votes in question

The Constitution allows only for state legislatures to change the ways elections are conducted, but memos show Wisconsin election supervisors made three substantial changes in 2020 that impact potentially tens of thousands of ballots in a battleground state that Joe Biden won by just 20,000.

Records reviewed by Just the News show that an executive branch agency called the Wisconsin Election Commission:

  • permitted local county election clerks to cure spoiled ballots by filling in missing addresses for witnesses even though state law invalidates any ballot without a witness address.
  • exempted as many as 200,000 citizens from voter ID rules by allowing them to claim the COVID-19 pandemic caused them to be “indefinitely confined.”
  • failed to purge 130,000 names from outdated voter rolls as required by law.

And do read this entire thread:

In layman’s terms

Every state, Red areas are way up for Biden vs 2016

Every State, Blue and red way up for Trump vs 2016

Swing states after the shut down. Reversed Trumps Blue vote & increased it for Biden to levels seen in no other states.

Demand a Recount & an Audit. You win BIGLY

UPDATE: PA-based USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Comes Forward & Agrees to Testify; Whistleblower Testifies Late Ballots Back-Dated for Nov. 3, Election Day; Whistleblower: Other Employees Feel the Same…Contacted Me: ‘That Was Badass’

The Erie, Pennsylvania-based postal service whistleblower is named: Richard Hopkins, he said.

Hopkins said, “I’m nervous. I am nervous because this is a big deal.”

Some people at his work surmised that he was the one to talk to Project Veritas about the scheme to postmark late ballots with ‘Nov. 3,’ which was Election Day, he said.

“I did not witness them backdating, I witnessed them talking about backdating,” he said.

“Other employees feel the same way I do, but they do not want to say anything,” Hopkins said. “They contacted me, and actually were like: ‘That was badass and what-not. They were kind of glad that I did what I did—because they know things are—some odd stuff.”

No evidence?

There’s a ton of evidence that fraud went on. This morning Lindsey Graham said that in Pennsylvania six dead people registered to vote and then voted.

On Monday Trump lawyers will flood the courts with lawsuits. This cannot stand.

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But.. but… but the Russians interfered with the election and stole it from Hillary!

Nov 2020 – Nothing to see here, what little fraud that might occur doesn’t really change the outcome of an election.

Sorry Putin, but your interference guys were mere toddlers compared to Google, Facebook, Twitter, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, etc. etc.

welcome to America, now the new Third world country. Pa Tx, OK, AZ, NM will all be dead states in 2-3 years.

If we can have video cameras mounted on every friggin’ street corner in America, we can have one looking over the shoulder of every vote counter in America, too.
Make them live view, so anyone can watch.

Remember Cindy Sheehan and how the Left/media tried to inoculate her from any and all criticism simply because her son died in war?
I think of this when I recall how often and how loudly the Left/media proclaimed that Trump wouldn’t accept the results of this election.
Now, that huge amounts of fraud has been uncovered (I loved the Xerox’ed ballots with only Biden’s vote on them that all got counted) they repeat this old refrain as if this election was up&up.
Honest brokers have no fear of transparency.
Dems are coving up everything from windows to viewing the recounts closer than 6 feet.

Biden has won nothing.

“No evidence of voter fraud?”

If there’s evidence, and this isn’t just another instance of manure spreading in an effort to rile people up, the obvious thing to do is show it. Which, so far, no one has done.

Republicans control every aspect of the election process in Georgia, from voter registration to organizing and processing the results of state and federal elections.

Republican observers were actually present inside the facilities were votes were counted, just as they always are.

There was no Sharpie pen conspiracy.

The Justice Department is presently in republican hands, is it not? William Barr could be taking action on any credible evidence of voter fraud. Why isn’t he?

Then there’s Rudy, who has seamlessly moved from his Hunter Biden laptop scam to claims of a massive, multi-state election fraud conspiracy. There’s a red flag. Haven’t you noticed how many republican aren’t getting on board with his campaign to destroy all confidence in the nation’s election process? At some point they’ve each taken a moment to do a reality check. Everybody should do so. Run down the long list of politically useful conspiracy theories that have been floated on the right. If you believe them all, it’s time for a QAnon hat and tee shirt.

Someone submitting a ballot that a dying relative had filled out but didn’t get a chance to to submit is sad, and was wrong, but it isn’t evidence of a massive organized conspiracy. There are undoubtedly people who properly completed the entire early voting process including submitting their own ballot, and then died before election day. Hey, a dead person voted! It’s likely rare but undoubtedly happens, almost certainly without regard to political affiliation, but it’s not evidence of massive voter fraud.

@Greg: Plenty of evidence of election fraud, voter fraud a few hundred dead people always happens.
The election fraud is what the Supreme court will have before it. Changing the rules without proper legislation.
It would be nice to see the voter fraudsters get a tidy 10K fine and a felony on their record but that would just be icing on a cake.


World famous Joe Frazier has been dead for 9 years, yet he voted in this election.

Don’t you think 9 years is long enough to purge him from the voter rolls?


@Greg: Plenty of evidence of election fraud, voter fraud a few hundred dead people always happens.

Well, no, actually it ain’t. It’s actually plenty of right wing talking heads and the Trump propaganda machine making claims of nonexistent election fraud rather than providing any evidence.

Trump lies are 1 thing. Factual evidence is entirely another thing.

Considering Trump has now gone from hero to zero and the American people have clearly rejected him, his lies and incoherence no longer have the support as if he was still relevant.

The con man is now a loser and toast.

There’s your difference.

@Ronald J. Ward: You are an illiterate fool.
You cant change the rules of an election without the State legislature voting the changes into law.
You dont have to like the facts, Its written in our countrys constitution.

Title should be changed in line with Dem talking point:

“No evidence of voter fraud?”


“No evidence of WIDESPREAD voter fraud?”

Dems just love them some moveable goalposts.

Well-funded conservative groups have been beating the bushes for evidence of widespread voter fraud for years. They’ve never come up with diddly squat—only occasional instances that are so rare in the context of hundreds of millions of votes cast they they’re statistically insignificant.

It’s not about “moving the goalposts.” Statistical significance has always been the goalpost, because it’s the only threshold that matters. Occasional instances of anything people are not supposed to do will always be present, because it’s a predictable part of human nature. Do you think there’s never been voter fraud on the part of any republican voter?

What this bullshit is all really about is destroying confidence in the integrity of the nation’s democratic process, because Trump and his supporters can’t deal with the fact of a lost election. It’s irresponsible and potentially dangerous. If Rudy and his merry band of nitwits have proof, they should show it instead of just asserting they have it. If they’ve only got anecdotes, rumors, goofy theories, outright lies, and phony videos, they should shut the hell up and behave like adults, because there are actual serious problems to be dealt with—like a COVID-19 surge that’s again killing a thousand Americans a day and is very much headed in the wrong direction. Or like millions of people who could suddenly face eviction.

What happened to “Hunter Biden’s” laptop? It was b.s., just like Rudy’s evidence of a massive, multi-state election conspiracy.


What this bullshit is all really about is destroying confidence in the integrity of the nation’s democratic process, because Trump and his supporters can’t deal with the fact of a lost election. It’s irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

That’s pretty funny coming from you, Comrade F**khead. For four years, you left wing Commies have been screaming, along with Hillary Clinton, how the election was stolen from her. How many times has some Democrat, like Palsi Pelosi, called Trump an “illegitimate” president? But you know, THE RUSSIANS.

If Rudy and his merry band of nitwits have proof, they should show it instead of just asserting they have it.

They will show their proof… a judge, not some dimwit who thinks he is too cute by half by posting on a blog. To a judge that has the authority to seek redress for President Trump.

Seems you just confirmed Nan’s comment when you said:

It’s not about “moving the goalposts.” Statistical significance has always been the goalpost, because it’s the only threshold that matters.

This is an interesting map. It’s actually far more accurate than the typical red state/blue state map, which greatly exaggerates our nation’s political divisions by wrongly suggesting entire states are republican or democrat. The most common color on the map is the one signifying a 50-50 split.


“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,”

Joe Biden – October 2020

@Greg: Cute map you should visit there sometime, the constitution of that fine real estate says state legislators are the only ones that can make election laws . All Bidens horses ass lawyers judge shopping cant change that fact, funny how Justice Amy refused to say she would recuse, like Sessions ended up doing.
The High Court isnt on the yellow brick road
But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn’t, didn’t already have
The Democrat commies have a real lousy record when it comes to beating Trump.

@Southern Roots: Hell, Putin is probably firing people because they couldn’t do the job as well as the Democrats have done.


If there’s evidence, and this isn’t just another instance of manure spreading in an effort to rile people up, the obvious thing to do is show it. Which, so far, no one has done.

You seem worried. You know, there’s a site called “Flopping Aces” and they regularly… oh. Wait. Nevermind.

Then there’s Rudy, who has seamlessly moved from his Hunter Biden laptop scam to claims of a massive, multi-state election fraud conspiracy.

Our electoral system, the very HEART of our nation and government, is a bit more of a priority. Funny how you Democrats keep creating one crisis after another. You also leave a pretty easily followed trail.

Haven’t you noticed how many republican aren’t getting on board with his campaign to destroy all confidence in the nation’s election process?

You goddamn Democrats are working overtime to do that yourself, and you have just about done it.

Someone submitting a ballot that a dying relative had filled out but didn’t get a chance to to submit is sad, and was wrong, but it isn’t evidence of a massive organized conspiracy. There are undoubtedly people who properly completed the entire early voting process including submitting their own ballot, and then died before election day. Hey, a dead person voted! It’s likely rare but undoubtedly happens, almost certainly without regard to political affiliation, but it’s not evidence of massive voter fraud.

This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about. You on the left have already accepted voter fraud as an acceptable way of life. It’s just how business is done, right? Fraud? Corruption? Stealing? Robbing others of their votes? No big deal; just another day at the office.

No. I don’t accept that. I believe in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

What happened to “Hunter Biden’s” laptop?

What happened to COVID19? Served its usefulness, now massive crowds of happy anti-Americans can party hearty? The thought of investigating voter fraud scares the shit out of you, doesn’t it?

@Ronald J. Ward:

Well, no, actually it ain’t. It’s actually plenty of right wing talking heads and the Trump propaganda machine making claims of nonexistent election fraud rather than providing any evidence.

Look, YOU believed Trump was a Russian agent based on NO EVIDENCE, just like Greg, so your view is WORTHLESS.

Considering Trump has now gone from hero to zero and the American people have clearly rejected him, his lies and incoherence no longer have the support as if he was still relevant.

Yeah, he was so rejected that you had to rely on massive voter fraud to beat him.

Greg and AJ sound just like my liberal brother-in-law that sent his magnanimous email out TO HIS ENTIRE ADDRESS LIST giving everyone he and my wife’s twin sister have excluded out of their lives and insulted for the past 4 years the opportunity to pledge their loyalty to “making America great again”… Yes or No. Seems he is getting a LOT of “shove it, you pompous jerk” responses. The left has been petulant, spoiled, sore loser, crybabies for FOUR GODDAMN YEARS and now WE are supposed to promise we’ll be nice? All while AOC, Reich, Simon and others are pledging to go out searching for anyone that dared support the USA? Yeah, the left can KISS MY ASS TILL MY HAT BOUNCES.

@Deplorable Me: BRAVO

@Deplorable Me, #17:

You seem worried.

I’m worried that Trump is going to further damage any chances of drawing the nation back together, or even incite violence.

What happened to COVID19?

If you’d take the time to read the news, you’d find out. We’ve been back over one thousand deaths in a day several times recently; 238 thousand Americans are now dead; new daily cases are rising all over the country; experts are warning that January and February could be worse than anything we’ve yet seen. Add to that a new COVID-19 mutation recently found in Denmark that could totally screw up vaccine development. Let’s pretend we’ve rounded a corner isn’t working out so well.

@Greg: Good Morning its one day closer to the end of the world.

I’m worried that Trump is going to further damage any chances of drawing the nation back together, or even incite violence.

What about the violence that the communist BLM and the Nazi Antifa are actually doing? BLM raising money for the democrat Party with act blue.
Hundreds and hundreds of millions can you tell me what they are doing with all that money?
No matter this election fraud will be stopped by the high court. They will rampage, we expect this uncivilized behavior from them.


I’m worried that Trump is going to further damage any chances of drawing the nation back together, or even incite violence.

Don’t worry; the damage done to our nation by you extremist liberals will never be exceeded.

If you’d take the time to read the news, you’d find out.

The news shows massive rallies celebrating Biden’s cheating. What happened to masks, distancing, small crowds and fear of infections mandating universal vote by mail? I expect those counts of cases to fall to ZERO when Biden is sworn in since he said he would have had zero deaths due to COVID if he were President. Likewise, there is no excuse for Biden not being prepared for any “mutations” or a single death. I’m sure you will take the same position, since you took the same position with Trump.

I wonder, as Biden pretends to try to “heal” the nation (which Democrats tore asunder), do you support the growing number of Democrats, like Reich, Simon and AOC, that call for identifying anyone that supported Trump and punishing them?

@kitt: 70 million supported Trump and 300,000,000 guns in America; why hasn’t every city been destroyed?

So, it turns out that Daryl Brooks, the first member of the congregation to step forward and testify at Rudy’s big Four Seasons Total Landscaping Election Fraud Event, is a convicted sex offender. He’s not really a resident of Philadelphia, but of New Jersey, where he’s known as a recurring candidate in local elections.

Trenton NJ Mayor Reed Gusciora’s comment, regarding the Four Seasons event and Daryl Brooks:

I started watching it and all of a sudden I was like, ‘there’s New Jersey’s perennial candidate claiming to live in Philadelphia and Giuliani claiming him to be a poll watcher and Philadelphia resident.”

Breaking news about Rudy’s collected evidence, which was to be filed first thing today:

Yeah. That’s pretty much what was expected.

@Greg: Why… because some Democrat operative says so?

An avalanche of lies, accusations, and and allegations—but where is the evidence and where are the court filings?

@Greg: Unlike Russian collusion, the evidence is coming in by avalanche, too. Of course, you gobbled up collusion like it was banana pudding.

How long ago was it that Donald Trump stated he had ordered all classified Russia investigation evidence and testimony declassified and released? That was on October 6. Followed by a court filing from the White House on October 20, clarifying that such statements by the President had no legal status and should not be taken seriously.

Trump’s repeated assertion that he would release his tax records as soon as he’s free to do so are equally truthful—which is to say, they’re not at all.

I don’t know what it would take for some people to finally figure out this guy’s obvious duplicity, but I’ll tell you this: He’s gone, as of January 20th. It doesn’t matter what bullshit Rudy Giuliani reaches into his legal briefs and whips out. The countdown to reality is already underway. A campaign to build a false media narrative has no more weight in a court room than empty claims made on Twitter.

Joe Biden is the apparent President Elect, even if Trump & Co refuse to acknowledge it. That will become official.


I don’t know what it would take for some people to finally figure out this guy’s obvious duplicity, but I’ll tell you this: He’s gone, as of January 20th.

That’s pretty rich coming from you who would not denounce Joe Biden telling America that he had the greatest vote fraud organization in the history of elections. You just toddled on off to another thread.

Here’s the reality on the ground; your party may manage to steal this election just like Joe Kennedy managed to buy Illinois in 1960. But things are not like they were even in 2008. Conservatives were sad they lost to Obama. Now, they are flat out angry. #Resistance will now belong to Trump supporters if Biden is inaugurated. And it’s not like the Democrats don’t have their own internal problems. Antifa protesters took to the streets and shouted “F**k Biden”, and vandalized the Democratic Party offices in Portland. So they don’t care who won. They are going to continue to Burn, Loot and Murder even with senile Joe in the Oval Office.

On top of that, you are going to have a internal war between the wealthy of the Beast and Left Coasts, Silicon Valley, legacy media big wigs and the academia left who are going to be up against OAC and Squad’s leftist agenda. Do you really think the revolutionaries give a good damn about Don Lemon, Rachael Maddow and Fredo Cuomo?

All I can tell you is to lock and load. You’re going to be fighting your own.

@retire05: When Democrats are committing them, they don’t care about crime, corruption and fraud.

@Deplorable Me:

The coastal elites, Silicon Valley and academia are not going to appreciate higher taxes, higher gas taxes, New Green Deal restrictions on their central HVAC systems, minimum wage increases, etc. But Antifa/BLM doesn’t care. The first group will off-shore the jobs to Biden’s China and the second group will get even more radical with no jobs in sight.

And we conservatives can sit back and watch them eat their own.


The only person trying to “steal this election” is Donald effin’ Trump, who has been methodically setting up his plays for the past year. You’d realize that if you didn’t automatically reject anything but your right-wing “news” sources, which demonstrably pedal conspiracy theory, lies, and assorted b.s. What makes “the mainstream” less likely to be crazy is the very fact that it is mainstream, and not monolithic.

You are not a traditional American conservative, any more than Donald Trump is a conservative. The Party of Trump is not the traditional conservative Republican Party. RINO applies to Trump and his followers far more than it ever applied to people in their own party they slapped the label on in the process of purging it of traditional values, common sense, and reason.

On top of that, you are going to have a internal war between the wealthy of the Beast and Left Coasts, Silicon Valley, legacy media big wigs and the academia left who are going to be up against OAC and Squad’s leftist agenda. Do you really think the revolutionaries give a good damn about Don Lemon, Rachael Maddow and Fredo Cuomo?

That would seem to be your take on diversity of opinion, which is not only allowed within the Democratic Party, but welcomed as part of the democratic process. The GOP is the organization that’s in danger of a fracture. Trump’s “my way or the highway” isn’t going to continue working, but he shows no signs of giving it up. He listens to nobody who doesn’t tell him what he wants to hear and believe.

Your “lock and load” nonsense is just one more symptom of crazy.


You are not a traditional American conservative, any more than Donald Trump is a conservative. The Party of Trump is not the traditional conservative Republican Party. RINO applies to Trump and his followers far more than it ever applied to people in their own party they slapped the label on in the process of purging it of traditional values, common sense, and reason.

And who the f**k are you to decide what a traditional American conservative is? And no, Trump is not a “traditional” conservative. That is the reason he was elected in 2016. The DC swamp “traditional” conservative long ago forgot how to fight back against radical Commie-bastards like you. You don’t know me, and you want to, as all leftists are wont to do, put me in some little categorical box you designed out of absolute stupidity.

That would seem to be your take on diversity of opinion, which is not only allowed within the Democratic Party, but welcomed as part of the democratic process.

Wrong, Bubba. Those coastal elites are going to want a return on their money, as will Silicon Valley and Wall Street and all you little peons are just going to have to suck it up, well, at least until you take to the streets.

The GOP is the organization that’s in danger of a fracture.

The GOP has done what you on the left said it could never do. It is now the Party of the Working Man, Hispanics are fleeing the DNC in droves, in case you didn’t notice. Blacks are beginning to realize that the Democrats motto is “Promise Much, Deliver Little.”

What you know about political science could be stuffed in the eye of a gnat. All you can do is repeat what your Chinese handlers tell you to say and like you, they don’t understand the American DNA.

Your “lock and load” nonsense is just one more symptom of crazy.

It’s a metaphor, you stupid bastid.
It ain’t over yet, Comrade Greggie.

And who the f**k are you to decide what a traditional American conservative is?

I’m the guy who is telling you that. I don’t need credentials or a license to state my opinion, which you are not required to listen to or think about.

Who the hell are you to be asking anybody for their papers? You’re just looking for opportunities to vent and be rude.


And who the f**k are you to decide what a traditional American conservative is? And no, Trump is not a “traditional” conservative.

Obviously, the irony and hypocrisy of those statements flew over your head.


I’m the guy who is telling you that. I don’t need credentials or a license to state my opinion, which you are not required to listen to or think about.

You’re the guy who comes here every damn day blathering your bullsh!t. How many times do you want to be insulted before you realize that no one here gives one tinker’s damn about what you think or what your opinion (proven wrong more times that anyone can count) is?

Who the hell are you to be asking anybody for their papers?

What the hell are you babbling about? Papers? When did I say anything about papers, blithering idiot?

You’re just looking for opportunities to vent and be rude.

You don’t deserve politeness. You deserve all the rudeness directed at you.

You’re still an idiot, Comrade Greggie.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Obviously, your brains fly out of your arse.

How many times do you want to be insulted before you realize that no one here gives one tinker’s damn about what you think or what your opinion (proven wrong more times that anyone can count) is?

I don’t believe the people who put on red hats and shout insults through their megaphones at anyone who disagrees with them are representative of everyone who comes here. Half-a-dozen people do not account for the 317 views the thread has had today. That’s one reason I make an effort not to become rude, however challenging you try to make it. I don’t assume that everyone who disagrees with me is an idiot. Only those who behave like one.


The only person trying to “steal this election” is Donald effin’ Trump, who has been methodically setting up his plays for the past year.

Such as? Give ONE example. Meanwhile, the Democrats set up this entire bogus vote by mail scam with the sole purpose (because there was no need) to expedite fraud, make the conditions more fertile for fraud, create chaos where fraud can go unnoticed and basically piss all over the sanctity of our electoral process.

I don’t believe the people who put on red hats and shout insults through their megaphones at anyone who disagrees with them are representative of everyone who comes here.

And when does THAT happen? No, that is YOUR terrorists that do that, as they are throwing bottles of cement at innocent people and sneaking up behind theme with skateboards to clock them in the back of the head.

If the media had not LIED to the American people, Biden would have lost. That’s why Democrats had to rely so heavily on cheating.

In Texas, we don’t just look the other way from voter fraud. We PROSECUTE it. It is important for find it ALL.

Social Worker Charged with 134 Felony Counts of Election Fraud

@Deplorable Me, #37:

Such as? Give ONE example.

People have been giving examples for the past six months. Two immediately come to mind: Louis DeJoy’s efforts to sabotage timely pickup, processing, and delivery of the mail weeks ahead of the election; efforts by republicans to prevent the use of officially designated drive-up drop boxes for ballots, which were put in place in a remedy to anticipated postal delivery problems. I don’t even want to get into all of the b.s. Trump said beginning months back in an effort to convince people that there would be “massive voter fraud”, or his refusal to commit to a peaceful transition of power—unless he won, of course.

Too much b.s. to tolerate, even for FOX News…

The media’s message is clear enough: Put up or shut up. If they’ve got proof, they should show it. They can’t expect everything to go on indefinite hold to allow them time to build support with empty talk. In case they haven’t noticed, the world hasn’t gone on hold. Congratulations are coming in on Biden’s win from foreign governments all over the world—with a couple of notable exceptions.


I don’t believe the people who put on red hats and shout insults through their megaphones at anyone who disagrees with them are representative of everyone who comes here.

I don’t own a red hat (I know you are referring to a cap, not a hat) and I have never spoken into a megaphone. I do know that you never had any problems with a left wing singer who donned a pink pussy hat and screamed into a microphone that she wanted to burn the White House down with Trump in it. Seems you are quite selective with your outrage.

I don’t assume that everyone who disagrees with me is an idiot.

Everyone here that disagrees with you knows you’re an idiot.

@Greg: Both MA and CA had ballot boxes burned so having them lay about in the open isnt a secure nor sure way to cast your vote. Quoting Murdock’s boys Faux News isnt an effective argument, Paul Ryan has been dragging them down for a couple of years now.
Things are about to get real.
69 Million Trump Supporters Take To Streets


Louis DeJoy’s efforts to sabotage timely pickup, processing, and delivery of the mail weeks ahead of the election; efforts by republicans to prevent the use of officially designated drive-up drop boxes for ballots, which were put in place in a remedy to anticipated postal delivery problems.

There was no “sabotage”. The streamlining of the USPS was underway BEFORE Trump took office. There was no need for massive amounts of mail in ballots going back and forth; THAT was the Democrats’ doing, as I said, building in chao. NEXT?

You might want to open your glazed over F**KING EYES in order to see the MASSIVE amounts of evidence of fraud.

There was no “sabotage”.

Oh, please. It was so damn obvious that DeJoy was hauled into Congress to answer questions. He stated he would undo his b.s. until the election—and then didn’t. A federal judge had to order him to do so, for all the good it did so late in the game. He’d already screwed things up.

How the hell was mothballing automated sorting machines part of “streamlining” the USPS or boosting efficiency? The s.o.b. was doing his bit for Trump’s intended reelection, and scoring a brownie point for acting against Trump’s enemy, Amazon.
He was simultaneously making the post office less competitive with private delivery companies, which a company he and his wife have a financial interest in provides services to.

By the way, Trump never did get around to filling the empty chairs on the Federal Election Commission, did he? He left the FEC without sufficient members to properly function. Do you think that wasn’t deliberate? The last thing he wanted was campaign finance oversight.

@Deplorable Me:
But Greg had left his basement to join the federal bench in Pennsylvania and already reviewed the 105-page lawsuit filed today.
Dont make Greg cry by telling him Real Clear Politics has pulled PA out of the win column for Biden, AZ soon to follow.

Evidently for the media voter fraud has to be “widespread” to be legitimate fraud, investigated and prosecuted..

I’m wondering if their house was robbed and no other house on the block was robbed would they want the robbery to be investigated?

It was only one house … YOURS!


Oh, please.

After 8 years of lawlessness that was the Obama administration, you have no room to complain about anything.

You are an idiot, Comrade Greggie.

Whine, whine, whine. Suck it up buddy, Trump is STILL president until you DemocRATS manage to steal this election and then he will be on a fast track to get things done by January 20, 2022 you DemocRATS cannot undue..


Any proven voter fraud should be prosecuted whenever there’s actual evidence of it. I haven’t yet heard them cite a single specific incident, however.

They’re not just claiming there was some voter fraud without citing any specific case, however. They’re claiming there was a multi-state election fraud conspiracy involving unnamed public officials, some in states where republicans were overseeing the entire process, that changed the course of a presidential election. They haven’t submitted a damn bit of evidence supporting those accusations either—only vague anecdotal reports, rumors, and claims that have already been debunked. They’re also rolling out the same arguments that have already been tossed out of various courts for lack of merit.

William Barr—head of a department that is supposed to be non-political, but has been blatantly turned into a political tool—ordered an investigation into election fraud without citing anything specific, just to please his master. The DoJ’s election crimes chief, Richard Pilger, responded to Barr’s order today by tendering his resignation:

“Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications, and in accord with the best tradition of the John C. Keeney Award for Exceptional Integrity and Professionalism (my most cherished Departmental recognition), I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch.”

@Greg: The DoJ’s election crimes chief, Richard Pilger, responded to Barr’s order today by tendering his resignation.

That would be the same guy who, faced with video proof of voter intimidation in Philly as a member of the “new” black panthers wielded a truncheon at potential voters so all he didn’t approve would have to stay away, couldn’t find a crime. In fact he fired (or forced to resign) the agent who brought it to his attention.


How the hell was mothballing automated sorting machines part of “streamlining” the USPS or boosting efficiency?

Because they weren’t being used. You DO know that machines are supposed to be USED for something… right? And, again, this was ongoing since the Obama administration and everything doesn’t get turned up on end just because whiny Democrats throw a fit and want more opportunity for fraud.

In the end, all that caused delays and chaos was late mailing of ballots, misprinted ballots, ballots sent to the wrong people, LOST ballots, ballots THROWN AWAY.

Biden and Democrats were so confident and reliant on fraud they kept Bumbling Biden in his basement, away from questions. When he did venture out, he could not muster up enough supporters to play a softball game. But, they had to use so much fraud that it can’t be hidden, but we are just supposed to ignore it.

William Barr—head of a department that is supposed to be non-political, but has been blatantly turned into a political tool—ordered an investigation into election fraud without citing anything specific, just to please his master.

He is telling the DOJ to look into what is obviously blatant fraud. Remember Holder dropping a voter intimidation case that had already been adjudicated and the New Black Panther found guilty. Remember THAT? Then Obama and Holder ran guns to Mexican cartels so people would be killed with them and they could further restrict US gun rights. But, Barr… Fat Man Bad!!!


Evidently for the media voter fraud has to be “widespread” to be legitimate fraud, investigated and prosecuted..

No, the only thing that will make the media pay attention is REPUBLICAN voter fraud, which is truly rare.

Pilger is obviously a deep state ideologue, so good riddance.


After 8 years of lawlessness that was the Obama administration, you have no room to complain about anything.

Fox just ran a montage of Democrats claiming Trump was “illegitimate”, the Russians put him in office and all their other whining. Then they showed them claiming Hillary never questioned the outcome. It’s hard to believe they can even BREATH with so much hypocrisy weighing them down! But now, we are all supposed to just accept fraud, accept the loss, watch the erosion of the nation, shut up and get over it.

@Deplorable Me: They are desperate.
They called us every nasty name the could think of for 12 years,and like the good beaten wife we are now to get up off the floor put on our cheap sunglasses, a little thicker foundation to cover the bruises, and pretend nothing happened or else.
No that aint gonna happen, not this time. Whistle blowers, sworn statements, examinations of voting machines and “glitchy” software.

HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

Dont bother trying to google any of it , their new algorithms have a my pillow over its face. You tube has it banned, twitter has it in twitter jail til you delete it. dont even try to share it on facebook.
A few Thousand dollars in social media ads placed by Russia was alleged to have turned the 2016 election, we are to think the massive efforts by tech Oligarchs in the USA had no effect at all.
IMO I think this election if examined in the full light was a landslide to rival Reagans second term.

@kitt: Liberals don’t get it and they likely never will. They can only see their world and their perspective. Not only do they not see any other possible point of view but they won’t allow any other. The only option they allow anyone is to accept THEIR views.

Well, I’ve lived with that for years now and have grown quite used to it. If they want to separate themselves from me permanently, it’s OK by me. I’ve already gotten over it.