Former Biden Family Business Partner Lays Waste to the Biden Family Legacy in Interview With Tucker Carlson – Shipwreckedcrew

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This breakdown of the Bobulinski interview by a longtime federal prosecutor is excellent and a must read:

Tucker Carlson broadcast approximately 45 minutes of his interview with Tony Bobulinski done earlier in the day on Tuesday from a hotel room in Los Angeles.

The broadcast involved lengthy passages of Bobulinski speaking largely uninterrupted, setting forth a detailed narrative of his involvement with members of the Biden family — Joe, James (Joe’s brother), and Hunter.

His description breaks down into three basic temporal components: 1) Events leading up to his agreement to become CEO of Sinohawk Holdings; 2) Events in the early stages of the formation of the company, and his personal involvement with officials of the Chinese company CEFC; and 3) Events which led to his discomfort with the manner in which the enterprise fell into a dormant stage, and how he came to be sidelined as a participant.

This is my first pass at this story, and I’ll come back to parts of it with copies of various documents and communications when those are more widely available online.

Bobulinski has a long history of participation in international business operations and finance. In that career experience he came to be acquainted with James Gilliar, a British investor and entrepreneur with similar experiences and background. In 2015 Gilliar contacted Bobulinski and let him know he was in the process of working on a business enterprise that would involve one of the most prominent US families and overseas investors. He told Bobulinski that there might be a role for him once the business plan was further developed and heading towards becoming operational.

But at some point in 2016, and into 2017 he was brought into the conversation and planning of matters with James Biden and Hunter Biden. He met Rob Walker who was a close associate of the Biden family that Gilliar had been working with. Walker told him that he was a “proxy” for the Biden family in arranging transactions for them around the world. Bobulinski understood that the plan was to involve a partnership venture between a US group including Biden family members and a Chinese Energy company known as CEFC.

In May 2017 Hunter Biden decided it was time for Joe Biden to meet Bobulinski. On May 3, 2017, Joe Biden was scheduled to speak at the Milkin Global Conference in Los Angeles. He arrived on May 2, 2017, and Hunter and James Biden had arranged time on Joe Biden’s schedule for him to meet with Bobulinski. At approximately 10:30 pm, Bobulinski was with Hunter and James in the bar of the Beverly Hills Hilton when Joe Biden arrived with his security detail. Hunter met with his father briefly before bringing him over to meet Bobulinski. Hunter said to Joe that Bobulinski was the person they had been telling Joe about who was going to run the business venture with the Chinese. It had been prearranged with Hunter and James for Bobulinski to not get into details about the business plans, as this meeting was just a chance for the two of them to meet and get acquainted. The meeting was not expected to last long, as Biden had arrived earlier from the East Coast and was speaking in the morning.

Bobulinski made a critical point — if this meeting wasn’t about the “Biden Family Business” that Joe Biden is aware of, then why is the former VP meeting a stranger in a dark bar in Los Angeles at 10:30 pm on a Tuesday night after having flown cross-country?

Bobulinski had not registered to attend the Milkin Global Conference in 2017 so he had no credentials. But the Bidens invited him to be their guest, emergency credentials were secured, he was walked through security the next day and seated at a VIP table in the very front. After Joe Biden’s speech, Bobulinski joined all the Bidens and some others backstage where he had a few moments to talk to Joe Biden again. Joe Biden asked him to walk out to the car with him, and they talked some more along the way. Bobulinski told Carlson one thing Biden said to him — “Watch out for Jim and Hunter.” Carlson asked what Biden meant by that but Bobulinski wouldn’t speculate. But Bobulinski did say at least twice in other contexts that Jim Biden and Hunter Biden had no idea what they were doing in trying to arrange international business deals and finance, and they had no qualifications for being involved with these foreign enterprises like they were other than the fact that their last name was “Biden.”

After the meeting in May 2017, the group began putting together all the final documentation needed to make Sinohawk Holdings operational. Individual LLCs were created in Delaware to hold the equity interest of each of the five equity partners in Sinohawk Holdings — Hunter, Bobulinski, Gilliar, Jim Biden, and Rob Walker. Bobulinksi noted that the final structure had Jim Biden with 20% equity in the business, whereas an earlier email sent to him by Gilliar showed Jim Biden with 10%. The other 10% was listed as “H held for the Big Guy”, which Bobulinski said was Joe Biden. But that 10% disappeared in the final structure, and Jim Biden’s share increased from 10% to 20%. Bobulinski said the reason for the change was exactly what you would think.

The structure of the finances for the joint venture was that the Chinese partner, CEFC, was to provide $10 million in capital to fund operations. But part of the funding turned out to be a “non-recourse” loan for $5 million to the Biden family. The other $5 million was the capital for the Chinese partner’s participation. In essence, CEFC was funding the capital contributions of both the Chinese Partner and the Biden family — with the Bidens getting a loan that they did not have to pay back if the venture was unsuccessful. The loan document didn’t mention Sinohawk, Gilliar, Bobulinski, or anyone else. It referenced a transaction between CEFC and the Biden family.

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Tony Bobulinski attempted to overnight mail some copies of documents from NY to Tucker Carlson in Los Angeles but it all went missing!

This is the MOAB in the biden crime family. This is one instance of the activities the biden crime family was engaged in. Where is all of the money? There should be a special prosecutor to expose all of this malfeasance.

I am beginning to wonder if US Attorney Durham may have had access to the laptop from hell.