FBI whistleblower – Mueller and Weissman were out to “get Trump”

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Nancy Pelosi is now out there spitting out all sorts of gibberish and horse manure, which means something big us up and she is desperately trying to steer attention away from it. This is what that is.

In the release of an explosive document based on interviews with an FBI agent we learn that Robert Mueller and his team were not interested in evidence- because they had none- but were interested in trying to “get Trump.”

Now this is nothing new for a lot of us because we’d said this from the beginning but it sure is nice to have concrete proof.

Agent William Barnett was originally put in charge of the Michael Flynn probe:

An FBI official who served on Robert Mueller’s team said he believed the special counsel’s prosecution of former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn was part of an attitude to “get Trump,” and that he did not wish to pursue a Trump-Russia collusion investigation as it was “not there” and considered it to be a “dead end.”

Barnett, during his interview, detailed his work at the FBI, and his assignment to the bureau’s original cases against Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Barnett said the Flynn investigation was assigned the code name “Crossfire Razor,” which was part of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation — the bureau’s code name for the original Trump-Russia probe.

Barnett told investigators that he thought the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe was “opaque” and “with little detail concerning specific evidence of criminal events.”

“Barnett thought the case theory was ‘supposition on supposition,’” the 302 stated, and added that the “predication” of the Flynn investigation was “not great,” and that it “was not clear” what the “persons opening the case wanted to ‘look for or at.’”

After six weeks of investigating, Barnett said he was “still unsure of the basis of the investigation concerning Russia and the Trump campaign working together, without a specific criminal allegation.”

And it gets worse. Form the document:


On Jan. 30 2017 the FBI told the DOJ that they did not believe Flynn was a Russian agent, but Special Counsel’s office went on to ruin Flynn’s life anyway. The ultimate goal was Trump himself:

Barnett added that he believed the appointment of Mueller in May 2017 “changed everything,” and described the situation pertaining to the special counsel’s office as “‘upside down’ with attorneys drafting search warrants and getting agents to simply act as affiants,” the 302 stated.

“Barnett thought there was a ‘get Trump’ attitude by some at the SCO,” the 302 continued.

In the process the SCO would misrepresent many things, including this:

One example Barnett shared was comments made by the president, saying investigators “needed to ‘get to the bottom’ of a matter. One of the SCO attorneys said Trump wanted to ‘cover it up.’”

Barnett “corrected it saying, ‘no, he said get to the bottom of it.’”


But Barnett went on to tell investigators that it seemed that the attorneys on Mueller’s team “wanted to be part of something ‘big,’ a successful prosecution.”

“There was a lack of letting the evidence lead the investigation and more the attitude of ‘the evidence is there we just have to find it,’” Barnett’s 302 stated.

And again

“Barnett believed Flynn lied in his interview to save his job, as that was the most plausible explanation and there was no evidence to contradict it,” the 302 stated. “Barnett believed the prosecution of Flynn by Mueller’s office was used as a means to ‘get Trump.'”

Barnett had this exchange with Jeannie Rhee

Rhee, you might remember, was Hillary Clinton’s personal attorney. Mueller would later say he never knew that.

Barnett saw this Flynn investigation as abusive and wanted out

The agents involved in the coup were so concerned about their deeds that they bought liability insurance

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency’s potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump was inaugurated president, previously hidden FBI text messages show. The explosive new communications and internal FBI notes were disclosed in federal court filings today from Sidney Powell, the attorney who heads Michael Flynn’s legal defense team.

“[W]e all went and purchased professional liability insurance,” one agent texted on Jan. 10, 2017, the same day CNN leaked details that then-President-elect Trump had been briefed by Comey about the bogus Christopher Steele dossier. That briefing of Trump was used as a pretext to legitimize the debunked dossier, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign and compiled by a foreign intelligence officer who was working for a sanctioned Russian oligarch.

And- catch this

“Holy crap,” an agent responded. “All the analysts too?”

“Yep,” the first agent said. “All the folks at the Agency as well.”

The Agency. As in the CIA. We’re not done yet. It seems that the dossier which was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC has a real problem.

The source was a Russian spy.

Key takeaways from the FBI’s declassified summary:

  • First, the primary source for the Steele dossier was likely a Russian agent. 
  • Second, the Primary Sub-source was suspected by the FBI in 2009 of being a Russian agent, and there had been an active counterintelligence investigation of this individual.  That FBI investigation revealed the Primary Sub-source was suspected of providing information to the Russian Embassy and was in contact with known Russian intelligence officers, and made offers to people connected to incoming Obama Administration officials that any classified information they provided could be paid for.  In addition, during this investigation it was disclosed that the Primary Sub-source persistently asked individuals about a particular military vessel of the United States. 
  • Third, the information provided shows that in December 2016, the FBI knew of the previous counterintelligence investigation of the Primary Sub-source and the source’s ties to Russian intelligence services.  However, they failed to inform the FISA Court.  In fact, not only did they not inform the FISA Court the Primary Sub-source was likely a Russian agent, they continued to use the Steele dossier to seek warrants against Carter Page.  They told the court the Primary Sub-source was truthful and cooperative.  Specifically the three FISA applications filed after December 2016 make no mention of the previous counterintelligence investigation against the Primary Sub-source and the last two FISA applications additionally misled the court about the results obtained of the interviews of the Primary Sub-source in January and March of 2017.

Comey knew. The FBI knew. The CIA knew. And they went on despite it. The country suffered for nearly four years because of this garbage.

Because Hillary was never supposed to lose.

Heads must roll. There has to be an accounting for this gross abuse of power. There has to be punishment for the attempted coup of the President of the United States.

And a reminder. Aug. 2016

“[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted Strzok.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.


John Brennan cut out from ICA the part about Russians wanting to help Hillary:

Former CIA Director John Brennan personally edited a crucial section of the intelligence report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and assigned a political ally to take a lead role in writing it after career analysts disputed Brennan’s take that Russian leader Vladimir Putin intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump clinch the White House, according to two senior U.S. intelligence officials who have seen classified materials detailing Brennan’s role in drafting the document.

The explosive conclusion Brennan inserted into the report was used to help justify continuing the Trump-Russia “collusion” investigation, which had been launched by the FBI in 2016. It was picked up after the election by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who in the end found no proof that Trump or his campaign conspired with Moscow.

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@retire05: I know greggie is not real. He is a composite of all the deranged liberals in this country.


Nothing about greg is real. He is a clown show. His rants on President Trump are unhinged and irrational. His propaganda is fake news of the first order. He is not here to garner support from the FA faithful. His hope is enough non involved readers will be tempted to accept his lies as truth and in some way change an outcome.
It is more that obvious he is a paid troll. It has all of the earmarkings and denial on his part is laughable.
He contribute nothing to this blog, nothing.

@July 4th American: He and others are here to erode support for this nation. In fact, the lies and dishonesty they employ to try and make their points on reinforces my determination that what I believe is the correct position.

@Greg: Obozo used the NSA to wiretap innocent people as Biden cheered him on. Two really Hitler clones.