The Harris/Biden administration comes into focus

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Everyone knows that Joe Biden is a doddering fool. He’s been frequently described as an “avatar” but I think of him more as a marionette. It is very clear that he is incapable of handling the job of President of the United States and democrats know it as well as we do. Here he confirms that all the spontaneous questions from the press to him are scripted

Here he was trying to say…well, I have no darned idea what he was trying to say

Here China Joe speaks of his plans

It is painfully obvious he’s several cards short of a deck. That means someone else will be doing the actual work of being President. Thus it no surprise that on occasion the truth slips from the tongues of the left, starting with the person who would actually be the President- Kamala Harris:

Biden seems to agree

“A Harris-Biden administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing it further to make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers, to ensure teachers know how to support military children in their classrooms,”

The harlot whose career was er, conceived in the bed of Willie Brown and who made a reputation for putting 127,000 blacks and Hispanics in prison while withholding evidence would be your President- but not by herself. There are others behind the curtain.  One of the members is AOC, who plainly stated that Biden can be manipulated:

“I think, overall, we can likely push Vice President Biden in a more progressive direction across policy issues,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) says in a recent video. “I think foreign policy is an enormous area where we can improve; immigration is another one. Criminal justice is another area where we can pursue a lot of progressive direction.”

You can bet your life there is a cabal organizing this farce and I would bet big it includes Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Back in March I wrote about the plan to replace Biden. He won’t last a year and even if he does, he will simply be a marionette controlled by the likes of Obama, AOC and the Squad, Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

That’s frightening.

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Amazing hiden biden is seen only during the day. Seldom in the afternoon and to my knowledge absent the spring debates, not ever at night. biden is a sundowner. As the day progresses he becomes less and less coherent. The sundowner effect is commonly present in Alzheimer’s and dementia affected individuals.

How about comparing Trump’s failed promises he made in 2016 while running to what he has actually done?

Trump just added $3,000,000,000,000.00 to the debt in one year-probably closer to 3.5T.

Trump promised us the debt would be gone in 8 years-it as gotten worse under Trump yet nary a word from Flopping Aces. Shame.


got to love it, a paedophile and a whore in the wipe house. under the 25th Amendment, child porn king biden will be removed.
need to read and not listen to clown news network. the orgy of violence which black movement terrorist group and antif**k-up have engaged is is no different than Stalin in the communist purge.
you know the only difference between Trump’s pay check and someone on welfare is the color



Enjoy this one, esp johnny carson’s bite.

So, what if Biden leaves and then Kamala chooses Bernie to be VP… then SHE leaves?


Trump promised us the debt would be gone in 8 years-it as gotten worse under Trump yet nary a word from Flopping Aces. Shame.

I don’t know if anyone told you, but one, Democrats, controlling the House, have been driving spending and, two, we’ve had a pandemic which drove us to shut down our economy, which required financial aid for citizens and businesses. Also admit that were it not for Trump and Republicans finally standing up to Pelosi and Democrat’s going on a wild wasting spree, the deficit would be up another $3.5 trillion.

@retire05: More like a dumbass alert. Could be one of AJ’s trainees; sounds just like him. All lies, no reason or fact.

You know, I really can’t feel any sympathy for Joe Biden after all that he’s done and hasn’t done.
But I despise the people that are pushing him through this. His wife, his “friends”, his staff.
Especially his wife. This is a man who should be spending his final days with his family and friends, in comfort, being taken care of by people who love him.
Instead, he is being propped up as a show horse for politics.
It is a terrible thing that he is all alone during this time.


How about comparing Trump’s failed promises he made in 2016 while running to what he has actually done?

Why don’t you make a list of all the promises that he kept. Warning: it’s a long one and will make your silly argument look…silly.

As for the debt, we are keeping money that we once paid to European nations and others, and we are bringing in billions from China.

Now, please send me one campaign promise that Trump didn’t keep. Something factual, not partisan garbage.

Why Kamala Harris will lose in November

In a bit of chutzpah worthy of Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris told Americans during a roundtable to be ready for “a Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States.” She quickly corrected herself, but by then, Humpty-Dumpty had crashed to the ground.

A day later, talking about jobs and educational programs for military members and their families, Biden said this:

For example, making it easy to carry your professional credentials with you from one state to another when your spouse moves. Harris-Biden administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing further to make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers[.]

What’s going on here? Here are some scenarios. Take your pick.

•Biden and Harris are both addle-brained; it’s just a matter of degree.
•Joe is scared of Harris and the left generally and didn’t dare correct her.
•Joe’s wife wears the pants in the family, so he’s used to being second.
•Joe was just reading from a script as usual, doing as he’s told.
•Joe was afraid of being accused of sexism and/or racism if he corrected Harris.
•Harris thinks she’s already in charge and doesn’t need to clear anything with the Biden people.
•Harris was admitting what everyone knows: Biden is senile and won’t be making decisions in their administration.
•Joe is often confused. He doesn’t know where he is, which day it is, whether it’s about Iraq or Iran, and so on.
•Joe was predicting who’ll be running the show.
•Biden sees Harris as a female Obama and obediently put himself second, which is where he was for eight years. Old habits die hard.

Though you didn’t see this admitted on CNN or the rest of them, one key reason Hillary Clinton lost the election is that millions of Americans perceived Clinton, correctly, as an ambitious, heartless, corrupt, arrogant harpy. These attributes are also present in Harris, who is an AA/EOE “twofer” to boot: female and “person of color.” The latter is why she got the V.P. spot, despite dropping out after a disastrous campaign for the top position.

Americans absolutely detest arrogant politicians. A “Harris-Biden” or “Biden-Harris” administration is delusional. Forget about polls and other propaganda nonsense on the news, including Fox, claiming that the election will be close. It will be a blowout, because it’s about sheer survival. The choice is simple: the rule of law or anarchy. Without blue lives, whom Republicans love and Democrats hate, we are at the mercy of the “mostly peaceful protesters” coddled by the Democrat press. We can’t afford the security details Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have, paid for by taxpayers.

Democrats have done absolutely nothing to disavow the rioting and the looting. On the contrary, there is a widespread and correct perception that they encouraged the mayhem, calculating that it would help elect them. This should boomerang and result in the removal of Nancy Pelosi as House speaker. President Trump will be able to work even more miracles with full congressional support during his second term.

@Nathan: I guess Joachim is still “researching”.

Biden said during his last powder-puff “Town Hall” on CNN that had Trump “acted quickly” and done such momentous things as making people wear masks (when everyone was staying at home and the CDC was saying masks weren’t effective, by the way) that NO ONE would have died. Even the WaPo called him a liar!

Exactly, much like the china virus knows the difference between a blm protest and a Trump rally, the china virus would not have killed a single American had joe biden been potus.

Is there any other evidence needed that Democrats will use any lie possible to try and win with their worthless candidates?

@Deplorable Me: The gall that the Left has is claiming Trump didn’t do anything or keep his promises is so dirty. Trump is the first President in my life time at actually DID keep those promised. Before Trump, you just assumed candidates said one thing, but would do another.

The Left keeps acting like the debt is a killer for Trump (that’s the pot calling the kettle black, btw), but they are not talking about all the money we are now either raking in or keeping.

The Blue Church is crumbling hard these days, I suppose.

@Joachim: Maybe he should have let everyone die from the China virus . Would that make you happy you silly man?

@Nathan Blue: Well, the left simply says whatever comes to mind that sounds bad against Trump. They don’t worry about facts or truth. They’ve lied about him being a Russian asset, they lied about him calling Mexicans rapists, they lied about him saying Nazis were “find people”, they lied about him calling the virus a hoax, they lied about him promoting HCQ, they lied about HCQ being harmful and ineffective, they lied about him committing ANY impeachable offenses, they lied about obstruction, they lied about him telling people to inject/ingest bleach or Lysol and they’ve lied about his response to COVID19. All they do is lie. It’s a clear sign of desperation.

Please, @July 4th American, it is XiNN, the semi-official paper from Bejing. They hear and obey.
I watched the Kavanaugh hearings. Harris is vicious. Heels Up will never be wheels down at Andrews.
A brain is a terrible thing to waste. Camel-toe waster hers years ago. Shows a dead conscience.

Perfect example of the derp state…

@mathman: #16
She has no brain since her boyfriend pounded it down and out through her back door, so to speak.