The Week In Radical Leftism, 8/28/2020

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Sorry for the late/short post – tough week.

8/20 – Convicted murderer and rapist speaks at DNC

8/21 – What a F***ing Bitch (censorship mine) –

8/21 – There’s a reason that Netflix is sexualizing young girls

8/21 – Portland: BLM Mob Terrorizing Residential Areas, Yelling “Wake Up Mother ****er, Wake Up!”

8/22 – Joe Biden Claims He Won’t Defund The Police

8/22 – Biden admits he’d guarantee ruination of the American economy forever by having 2nd shutdown for Covid

8/22 – Mum in hate crime probe after pro-JK Rowling stickers amid trans rights row

8/23 – Don’t Rule, Britannia

8/24 – Progressive Predator Protection

8/25 – ‘I Was Shot Because of This Kind of Unhinged Rhetoric;’ Steve Scalise Says of Pelosi Attack

8/26 –  Quiet part out loud’: Don Lemon says ‘the rioting has to stop’ … because it’s hurting Dems’ poll numbers; Chris Cuomo agrees


8/28 – The NYT claims that racism, not Democrat policies, are why poorer neighborhoods are hotter

Have a great weekend!

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8/21 – There’s a reason that Netflix is sexualizing young girls

That article ends with this:

What statists have always understood is that our bodies are the first line in the battle between statism and individualism. If a person is allowed to develop a sense that his body is his own to control, he will never willingly yield to the demands of the state. Only by convincing its citizens that they have no personal autonomy, beginning with control over their bodies, can a state completely subsume the individual to the bureaucracy.

Doesn’t that ring true to deviant Leftists who actually try to force straight men to date/have sex with trannies and all those so-called intersexuals?
They (the trannies and other 57 varieties) have the gall to express the idea that straight men (and women) have no right to make their own choices as to who they date!

I hope you and yours are OK, man.

8/20 – Convicted murderer and rapist speaks at DNC

These are the model Democrat citizens. More examples of their “principles”.

8/21 – What a F***ing Bitch (censorship mine) –

This is, of course, what happens under socialism. The “elites” get all they want while the lowly workers only get what those elites feel they deserve. If a few hundred low-life taxpayers get killed due to lack of police protection, well, they can be easily replaced. The leadership elite, though… they are valuable.

8/21 – There’s a reason that Netflix is sexualizing young girls

It is the mission of the left to destroy our culture and heritage.

8/21 – Portland: BLM Mob Terrorizing Residential Areas, Yelling “Wake Up Mother ****er, Wake Up!”

As more details (aka “facts”) about the deaths of Floyd, Taylor and Blake come forth, it becomes more and more clear that the violent, leftist terrorism has nothing to do with any “social justice” issue at all. Of course, as far back as Trayvon Martin, EVERY case winds up showing no racist intent in any of the incidents, but either tragic accidents or justified use of force. No, the violence is for violence sake, to intimidate voters. It is having the opposite effect. Thank God.

8/22 – Joe Biden Claims He Won’t Defund The Police

Anyone notice who the left wing terrorists were calling for when Rittenhouse began defending himself and killing some of their criminal members? Anyone?

8/22 – Biden admits he’d guarantee ruination of the American economy forever by having 2nd shutdown for Covid

At the same time, they accuse Trump of ignoring science (he DID shut down the economy) then they blame Trump for the ensuing cratered economy, as if they don’t comprehend what happens if you shut down the economy. Well, of course they don’t; they don’t even know how money is earned.

8/22 – Mum in hate crime probe after pro-JK Rowling stickers amid trans rights row

No one is allowed to have their own opinions. Never forget that. Liberals get to decide what opinions are allowed. They also decide what a hate crime is and isn’t.

8/23 – Don’t Rule, Britannia

Trump shows success can be achieved only when we stop worrying about how to please people that will only be satisfied when they control everything we do.

8/24 – Progressive Predator Protection

What is it with people named “Weiner”? The left wants to totally tear down society. The Navy has named a naval ship after Milk. I truly feel sorry for those that have to serve on her (him? it? What is the proper pronoun for a gay naval ship?)

8/25 – ‘I Was Shot Because of This Kind of Unhinged Rhetoric;’ Steve Scalise Says of Pelosi Attack

What Democrats call “leadership” incites violence. All Democrats need to be removed from government. If they can show some new people that don’t support violence and terrorism, they can serve.

8/26 – Quiet part out loud’: Don Lemon says ‘the rioting has to stop’ … because it’s hurting Dems’ poll numbers; Chris Cuomo agrees

Of course, that is the ONLY reason to worry about political terrorism; it is having the reverse affect the terrorists hoped for.


Cancel away.

8/28 – The NYT claims that racism, not Democrat policies, are why poorer neighborhoods are hotter

Does racism cause global warming? Or does global warming cause racism? No, DEMOCRATS cause both

Again, hope everything’s OK. Take care.

@Brother Bob: Maybe we’re just a little too… normal?

@Brother Bob: Just tell them you are dating bobdog and the dog gets rabidly jealous.
Otta here to go where there is no internet and bad cell service hold down the fort kiddos.

@Brother Bob: Here, Facebook exploded locally because the school district here suddenly noticed they didn’t have the bandwidth to hold classes on line… and everything crashed and crashed again. I guess running a dry run exercise before the term began was out of the question.

But, everyone got a great education learning how to continually reboot their home systems.