Joe Biden, as I expected, chose Kamala Harris to be his running mate. She is a very good choice- for the GOP. Harris’ career was born in the bedroom of SF Mayor Willie Brown
Kamala Harris’ first significant political role was an appointment by her powerful then-boyfriend Willie Brown, three decades her senior, to a California medical board that has been criticized as a landing spot for patronage jobs and kickbacks.
Then 30, Harris was dating 60-year-old Willie Brown, at the time the Democratic speaker of the California State Assembly, when he placed her on the California Medical Assistance Commission in 1994. The position paid over $70,000 per year, $120,700 in current money, and Harris served on the board until 1998.
The medical commission met twice a month, and Harris, a United States senator for California since 2017 and now a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, missed about 20% of the meetings each year, according to commission records obtained by the Washington Examiner.
The seven-member board was largely comprised of late-career former state officials who were semi-retired or biding time before retirement. At 30 years old, Harris was the youngest appointee by some three decades.
Harris, now 54, and Brown, now 85, started dating in the spring of 1994, showing up arm-in-arm at numerous high-profile functions, including Brown’s lavish parties and celebrity galas. He has been separated but not divorced from his wife Blanche Vitero since the 1980s and has maintained a string of girlfriends over the years.
Brown is quite proud of it
“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago,” Brown wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle.
“Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was [California] Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.”
Now that she is Biden’s running mate she will be facing a lot of things she said in the past. Among them, she said she believes those who accused Biden of improper touching.
Her view on police?
But rather than have me tell you what Tulsi Gabbard said in the debates, let’s have Gabbard tell you herself
Here Harris calls Biden a racist
She’s an anti-Catholic bigot:
Sens. Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris, in written questions to District Court judge nominee Brian Buescher, challenged his suitability for the bench because he belongs to this charitable Catholic group. Hirono claimed that the Knights have taken “extreme positions” such as affirming Catholic belief in traditional marriage and even asked Buescher, “If confirmed, do you intend to end your membership with this organization to avoid any appearance of bias?” In today’s Democratic Party, the new McCarthyism asks, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Knights of Columbus?”
She got the wrong guy 5 times.
Remember that time @KamalaHarris was San Fran DA and knew she had a drug addicted lab tech who was stealing opioids and tainting cases resulting in about 600 wrongful convictions, but covered it up and had to be smacked down by a judge?
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) August 11, 2020
Harris is descended from slave owners
Wow. Kamala Harris is a descendant of an infamous, IRISH slave owner Hamilton Brown those are her roots in Jamaica. He founded Brown Town. #Kamala2020
— Rosie Memos (@almostjingo) January 28, 2019
But my favorite is this one- under her watch 120,000 black and Hispanics were incarcerated:
While serving as California’s top cop, Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) oversaw the incarceration of at least 127,000 Black and Hispanic Californians, data obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.
These data, based on reports from and a request to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), almost certainly undercount the total number of individuals who were sent to prison while Harris served as state attorney general. Still, they reveal that at least 44,172 black offenders and 83,370 Hispanic offenders were newly admitted to California’s prisons between 2011 and 2016, compared to 48,761 whites and 11,182 “other”-identified individuals.
Percentage-wise, these figures translate into 23.6 percent of new incarcerees being black and 44.5 percent being Hispanic. By way of comparison, as of July 2018, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that 39.1 percent of Californians were Hispanic/Latino and just 6.5 percent were black or African American.
The career launched in Willie Brown’s bedroom built as its bedrock putting black and Hispanic men in prison. She believes Biden is a racist guilty of improper touching and still she er, took a knee to him.
I’m sure we’ll add to this story in the coming months.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Like I said elsewhere, this is what Democrat convictions look like. Watching Democrats rally around this trash shows us what the rank and file think of “convictions” as well.
@Deplorable Me: She is anti catholic and Joe calls himself one.
In what universe is traditional marriage an extreme view?
@kitt: Their total lack of principles is on full display.
She claims to identify as African American. However, her father is Jamaican and her mother is from India. She is not African American , she is either Jamaican American or Indian American or Jamaican Indian American. That is her ethnicity not her color or gender.
@July 4th American:
OK someone was prepared for this historic announcement, yes the internet slueths will be doing a bit of reading.
@kitt: All any of this means is that the left has no principles and their moral convictions only go so far as what can be used as a political weapon. Kamala attacked Biden for his policies that would have, she said, prevented her from attending a good school. She claimed she believed the women accusing Biden of rape and harassment. Biden picked her because she was almost black; why couldn’t he pick a black “black”?
@Deplorable Me: Her racist identity politics does not allow her to tout her Irish roots.
NYT wastes little time playing their race and gender cards.
@Deplorable Me: @Deplorable Me: Both cards are over the limit.
@kitt: Yeah, amazing both Biden and Harris play them, then ignore them but expect others to take them seriously.
Shades of the “immune” Cindy Sheehan. (Well, until her money ran out, that was.)
The media is going to pretend a presidential campaign can include a VP candidate who is IMMUNE from criticism.
Donald Trump don’t play that!
President Trump will be making Kamala’s every wart public.
Her disgusting slandering of practicing Catholics enrages most Hispanics who learn about it.
Her habit of imprisoning blacks who committed minor drug-related crimes while habitually stoned herself will enrage blacks who might otherwise have supported a Dem ticket.
She is far more expensive to the Dem ticket than she is contributing toward it.
And, then there’s Biden.
@Nan G: Immune, nope she is one 25th amendment from the oval office if Joe can get to November at all.
A woman with bad character and no professional ethics, she can swing her politics on a dime depending on where and to whom she is pandering to.
We knew as soon as we saw her weird cheeky pump up the volume facelift fail.
@Deplorable Me:
Chris Hahn, radical left wing Democrat “strategist” was upset because Tucker did not pronounce Comma-la’s name the way Hahn thought he should have. Talk about picking nits. But then, Chris Hahn was born angry and that comes through every time he opens his mouth.
Hahn is going to have a lot more to explain as Comma-la’s past is splashed all across your TV and computer screens for the next two and a half months.
Comma-la’s own father disowned her comments about why she smoked pot. “I’m Jamaican.”
My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.
says Jamaican Raheem Kassam.
Comma-la is not black, she’s brown and there is a major difference.
One reason Trump needs to be summarily ejected is that he’s favored by so many who subscribe to your anachronistic racist color-coding system. If it weren’t for them and it weren’t for that, the color of a candidate wouldn’t be relevant. It’s racist attitudes that have made it so.
Raheem Kassam is the London-born son of Tanzanian ancestors who immigrated to Africa from India. He’s also a right-wing nationalist. Maybe he once listened to some Bob Marley records.
Not my “anachronistic racist color-coding”, Comrade Greggie. It’s the system of your party, the party of KKK, Jim Crow and segragation.
Since you’re always saying “go ask a black person” why don’t you go ask a Indian-American (as in India) if they mind being called “black”. That is, if you know any. Ask a Hispanic if they mind being called “black.” That is, if you know any.
Biden, himself, made it relevant. There were many others that would have been better than Comma-la but the Biden team made it all about race and gender, not Republicans.
I know the left wing media you rely on ignored this, but the largest Republican State Delegation in the U.S. just elected a black State Chair.
Quick, quick……………..kill the messenger.
On top of everything else, Comma-la is dishonest as pointed out by Politifact:
Politifact pointed out.
Harris tweeted a clip in which Kavanaugh said, “Filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were — as a religious matter, objected to.”
In Harris’ tweet, Kavanaugh appears to define contraception as abortion-inducing. But the video failed to include a crucial qualifier: “They said.” In fact, he was citing the definition of the religious group Priests for Life. He has not expressed his personal view.
We rate this statement False.
But Harris clipped out that context to make it appear that it was his own opinion, a knowing deceitful edit, designed to smear him as an extremist against birth control.
Are you saying that she is lying about being Jamaican too?
You can not have it both ways, All that was said is her Father didnt like a doping daughter using ther heritage as an excuse for getting high, so you attack the only black educated blood in her, is that the ticket?
camela is a train wreck. Never had more than 2% in the primary. Got out before Iowa and was projected to place 5th in her home state. Comma-la does nothing for an already dead ticket.
Your spelling deteriorates when you’re angry. Hey, it was you who said the following:
You’ve also made such a distinction regarding Barack Obama in the past, denying his membership in America’s black community. It’s as if a person isn’t allowed define their own identity unless it corresponds with your classification system.
Don’t worry. You folks came to love and accept Barack Obama. I’m sure you can manage the same with Kamala Harris. After all, she’ll only be Vice President.
@July 4th American, #18:
No doubt that’s why she was selected. Donald has absolutely nothing to worry about.
kamel-a is left of bernie sanders. America is not a socialist country. bernie would not have beaten President Trump and this ticket will not.
Nice to see you are accepting the coming landslide loss.
To bad Coma-las dad had so little influence on her. She never ever learned to respect her heritage or herself.
For you to talk about racism of DJT when you cant actually point to anything but leftist perception is laughable.
Tell us imbecile greg, will kamel-a need to speak with a slight Indian accent when she visits the local Dunkin’ Donuts in Delaware?
@July 4th American: Thats funny, maybe she can practice at the 7-11
The problem the democrats have with this extremely weak ticket is joe is fading so fast he may not make it to Election Day. Debates will show his mind to be completely absent and not functional enough to to hold any elected office. The public will be confronted with a choice. They will not be voting for biden but for his lackey kamel-a. Comma-la has poor national recognition apart from her lack of any executive experience. We had that nightmare from 2009-2017.
camel-la is not strong enough to carry the ticket for dementia joe. 2% was all she could muster in the primaries.
Uh… WHAT? It was YOUR PARTY that directed that Biden had to pick his VP based on skin color!!! Good Lord, you think people are as stupid as you are!
What is this aversion you white Democrats have against supporting an actual black candidate? Are they TOO black?
One of the things the left likes about Kamala is that she is an unprincipled LIAR that will say and do anything to score political points. In the Kavanaugh hearings, she did nothing BUT lie to destroy a man, his reputation and his family simply because she didn’t want Trump to make a Supreme Court pick.
@Greg: “You folks came to love and accept Barack Obama. I’m sure you can manage the same with Kamala Harris. After all, she’ll only be Vice President.” You must believe the fake news polls of obozo’s popularity. He disgusted most of us and we tolerated him because, unlike libturds, we accept election results. People were afraid to say they hated the worthless POS. As to his usefulness, he did a heckuva job getting the hildebeast elected…oh wait…
The fact that he hasn’t installed a cast-iron jockey on the White House lawn is not evidence that he is a model of racial tolerance, any more than posing with an upside-down bible is proof of his piety or hugging a flag is proof of his patriotism.
I give many of Trump’s supporters the benefit of the doubt by assuming they’re simply very poor judges of character. As Biden has recently mentioned, as much as anything, the November election is about restoring honor, decency, integrity, and dignity to the Office of the President.
You’re going to hear a lot more of this from Biden in the coming weeks because we don’t have those things now, and many Americans consider them to be enormously important. I blame many of the things that are presently going wrong with America on their devaluation or absence.
@Greg: Why don’t you conduct an inventory and see who, in the past couple of weeks, has made the most blatantly racist statements, Biden or Trump. It’ll be interesting, I’m sure.
Another statement of ignorance do you know the history of that statue? No you dont.
The figures were used in the days of the Underground Railroad to guide escaping slaves to freedom: “Green ribbons were tied to the arms of the statue to indicate safety; red ribbons meant to keep going … People who don’t know the history of the jockey have only the stunted mental ability to associate them with racism.
No doubt that’s what people have in mind when they install a replica Jocko on their front porch. Trump ought to put one on the White House lawn as a symbol of solidarity with black folk.
@Greg: Did it ever occur to you that people might install one because they’ve seen them installed at grand estates? Does it ever occur to your race-baiting haters that people do things for reasons OTHER than showing their racism? Will people ever be able to just do something because it is to their taste and not be accused of racism?
By the way, I don’t have a lawn jockey.
@Greg: give one concrete example of trump doing something that is racist.
if you have to use the debunked example of Charlottesville, you clearly can’t offer anything.
Now, Biden said “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.”
That is actual racism.
@Deplorable Me, #32:
Only concrete lawn gnomes, deer, bird baths, or gazing balls are politically correct. The acceptability of pink plastic flamingos largely depends on local community standards.
Actually, I don’t worry all that much about lawn jockeys. Glad they came up, though, as I’d never heard the story about the red and green ribbons. It seems plausible, as the jockeys were very common in the days when horses needed hitching posts. I remember seeing a lot more of them when I was a kid.
The red and green coding is interesting, too. It was established during the 1830s after a railroad disaster. They had previously used a red light to warn of an oncoming train on the track and white to signal an open track and safety, but a head-on collision resulted when a red lens fell out of an elevated lantern, leaving a white false safety signal. The solution was a second color. If an engineer saw white, he immediately knew the signal couldn’t be trusted.
That’s the story, anyway.
Here is a shot of the people waiting outside where dementia joe and phony comma-la were to speak. Wow such enthusiasm for these two dirtbags.
@July 4th American: They do draw a crowd to watch tag-team lying.
@Greg: Please provide concrete evidence for WHY DONALD TRUMP IS RACIST!
And remember, it’s actually racist to call a white person racist because they are white. That little Marxist “gem” is being rejected by most.
I can’t find anything Trump has said, done, or not done, to suggest he’s racist.
If a black lesbian ran for President, the Democrat party would call her a white supremacist in an effort to smear their character.
It’s insane.
Shove your Marxist political correctness when it comes to yard decorations. You, or no one else, has a right to tell me what I can put in a yard I paid for and pay taxes on.
Then why did you even bring them up? Or do you normally devote time thinking about things you “don’t worry all that much about?”
Where’s your sense of humor? Trump’s 3 1/2 years seem to have made you even angrier and meaner. Getting what you want may not be good for you. You haven’t been hanging out with any of those QANON crazies, are you?
@retire05: @Greg: greg knows the Biden/Harris ticket is train wreck, is trying to play off his defense of it.
Come on, man!
Biden has a lawn jockey at his Delaware mansion, btw.
@Nathan Blue:
Used only to catch runaway slaves and return them by force to the democrat plantation.
I find no reason to laugh considering what your [now] Marxist party wants to do to this nation,
Nope. You can thank the lying Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. for that.
@Nathan Blue: Biden IS the lawn jockey, to stand there immobile and serve the socialists of his party.
I just read today that Harris isn’t a natural born citizen. Sure, she was born in California… (that isn’t a disqualifier, tho it should be. 😉 ) …. but neither of her parents were US citizens at the time.
Uncle Pervy was told by his handlers what the requirements were for his pick for VP. Consider his options. Rice lied to the American people repeatedly about Benghazi, was neck deep in Spygate, and considered Bergdahl a hero. She would have been a disaster who probably belongs in prison. Then there was Bass or Bast, who unlike all the other closet commie choices, was an open commie. Another disaster. Whitmer would have guaranteed Michigan for Trump given what a disaster she has been in that state. Abrams is just plain batshit crazy. Through process of elimination it came down to Commieala Harris. There is also a name for people who provide sexual favors in exchange for money. Ask any of them working Rush Street and they can tell you what it is.
@jims: then she can’t run, yes?
Breaking news… A compromise has been reached. A likeness of Trump’s butt is going to be cut into the backside of Mt. Rushmore.
With the addition of a terraced walkway, this could someday become an even bigger tourist attraction than the Blarney Stone.
@Nathan Blue: Under the 14th Amendment’s Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship. This type of citizenship is referred to as birthright citizenship. Her parents were both here legally.
@kitt: cool cool
@Greg: Breaking news…
Sources say reported a huge increase in Biden support when Biden said the “Ass-u-ment” would be changed to Obama’s Ass, if Biden were elected. also said Biden is up, 71% to Trump’s 21%…and the Senate will flip if you give $50 to the campaign….and that 2+2 does, in fact, equal five.