Violence and murder are now rampant in big cities across the nation.
79 shot, 15 fatally, over Fourth of July weekend in Chicago
Seven dead and almost two dozen injured in 17 Philadelphia shootings over July 4 weekend
Fourth of July weekend shootings leave 7 dead, 18 injured in St. Louis
Ah, New York, New York…if you can survive here, you can survive anywhere…
On Sunday, July 5th, police officers from the 44th Precinct responded to a 911 call for a male shot at Sheridan Avenue and East 170th Street.
— NYPD Chief of Department (@NYPDChiefOfDept) July 6, 2020
On Sunday, July 5th, Police Officers from the 44 Precinct responded to a 911 call for a male shot at 306 East 171 street. Upon arrival they discovered three males with gunshot wounds. Two of the victims, later died from their injuries, while one remains hospitalized.
— NYPD Chief of Department (@NYPDChiefOfDept) July 6, 2020
Earlier this morning, police officers from the 73rd Precinct responded to a 911 call of a male and female shot in front of 41 New Lots Avenue. When they arrived, they discovered a male with a gunshot wound to the head and a female with multiple gunshot wounds.
— NYPD Chief of Department (@NYPDChiefOfDept) July 3, 2020
In the meanwhile, Mayor DeBlasio is busy harassing Jews.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan allowed the “summer of love” to continue until two people were shot dead.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms refused to do a thing until an 8-year-old black girl was killed by “protesters.” Her father had some grief stricken words
The father of an 8-year-old who was shot and killed in Atlanta over Fourth of July weekend issued a strong message to Black Lives Matter activists following his daughter’s death.
Secoriea Turner was shot and killed Saturday when a group opened fire on a car she was in near a Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed. Her parents, Secoriya Williamson and Charmaine Turner, joined Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms during a Sunday night press conference, where Williamson addressed the Black Lives Matter movement.
“They say black lives matter,” Turner’s father said. “You killed your own. You killed your own this time. … They killed my baby because she crossed the barrier and made a U-turn. You killed a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody,” he said.
“They didn’t give us time to make a U-turn,” Turner’s mother said. “They started shooting at my car before we could even make a U-turn. Shooting my tires out, like why?”
But Mayor Bottoms wants you know she’s all about the important things- she’s COVID positive. While she dithers, the Governor is sending 1000 National Guard to control the streets.
At least 6 children were killed over the July 4 weekend.
BLM doesn’t care.
Nancy Pelosi doesn’t care.
Joe Biden doesn’t care.
Kayleigh Mcinaney made clear the press doesn’t care either
“Finally, I would end with this,” McEnany said to conclude the press conference. “I was asked probably 12 questions about the Confederate flag. This president focuses on action. I’m a little dismayed that I didn’t receive one question on the deaths that we got in this country this weekend. I didn’t receive one question about New York City shootings doubling for the third straight week, and over the last seven days shootings skyrocket by 142%. Not one question.”
“I didn’t receive one question about five children who were killed, and I will leave you with this remark by a dad. It broke my heart,” she continued. “A dad of an 8-year-old lost in Atlanta this weekend. ‘They say black lives matters? You kill the child, she didn’t do nothing to nobody,’ was his quote. We need to be focused on securing our streets, making sure no lives are lost, because all black lives matter. That of David Dorn, and that of this 8-year-old girl. Thank you.”
This is 100% on democrats. All of it.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The only reason that a leftist would care about black kids being killed is if they could use it as a club to hit conservatives. That is why they are the scum of the earth and everyone knows except them.
agree. the lesbo, hiv positive mayor in chi is several sandwiches short on a picnic basket . she was raised in massillon, ohio and both of her brother were dealers, one is dead.
-Black Terrorist Movement does not care about the slaves that is uses to get the job done. these alleged protestors are SLAVES to the democrap party and this terrorist group. they are clueless in that everyone is EXPENDABLE.
-the china a russian propaganda press: the slime, post wsj,wpo all sing the same tune every day.HItler gained control of the press in mid 1933.
-the history of America is both black and white.
-historically the pilgrims came here because of religions persecutions. Wrong, homsexuality was one of the major causes to this migration.
I am sorry. Those black lives do not matter.
In order to matter, the black life must be the life of a felon, and must take place because of a refusal to accept arrest and being locked up. In addition, the death must be captured in a video, and broadcast widely on the internet.
The lost black life must result in riots, property destruction, fire, and death on a large scale. The goal is a Marxist dictatorship.
See the writings of the founders of BLM.
This is the 2020 biden democrat platform. Abolish the police so black thugs can lawlessly run rampant and blame white supremacy.
floyd was a career criminal, rapist, mugger, home invader, shake down. the movement is Black Terrorist Movement.
-Bruce Hoffman and Martha Crenshaw have published seminal works on terrorism and this terrorist group is a true terrorist group. this is a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION.
Its our fault, we allowed them to push their insanity on all of us we accepted it and let them weave it in tightly, if you point out the flaws they attack you and make an example of you so everyone goes along to get along.
Deep dark agendas we allowed take root and flourish to the point where they arent even hiding the agenda anymore.
Its time to plow it under and replant.
June 19, 2018 – There are more guns than people in the United States, according to a new study of global firearm ownership
@Greg: Black Lives Matter!
The “blame the guns” narrative doesn’t work.
@Nathan Blue, #8:
A gun is the common denominator. Every child dead of a gunshot wound was killed by a gun.
We have 67 million more guns than we have people. A significant percentage of the general public are either stupid, mentally unbalanced, delusional, afflicted with serious impulse control issues, or some combination of the foregoing, yet the enormous over-supply of guns has made access to them easier than access to an automobile. The wrong people are frequently the ones who wish to acquire them, because our culture has made them into a symbol of empowerment and marketed them as a remedy to psychological insecurity.
That’s a false irony, and a predictable response. If media attention were presently focused on the deaths of children by gun violence—as it has been in the past—the right would be pointing out that kids are being shot in cities that have Democratic mayors, or that the body count is mainly among black people. This isn’t speculation. It’s a matter of observation. That’s what the right predictably does.
No it is not. The idea of you looking for an easy culprit is the real problem.
50% of homicides are against blacks. 90% or so of those are committed by blacks.
You see, I actually BELIEVE that black lives matter, so I don’t pursue the cherry-picked Floyd-19 epidemic where facts show lower rates of blacks being killed illegally by police (it’s been going down for years) yet complicit media fabricate a false narrative of police brutality against blacks. It’s simply not there.
Since I believe black lives matter, I look at the biggest issue: blacks commit and are victims of crimes at a rate much higher than their percent of the population.
That’s a real problem, and yes…it’s more so in Democrat controlled cities and states.
Black Lives Matter.
I mean it.
You don’t.
@Greg: Oh, and the real common denominator?
Single or no parents. 70% of black kids born TODAY will not have a father present in their life either now or as they grow.
Also, rocks, bombs, and knives will work just fine when a gun isn’t handy, btw.
From yesterday’s press conference:
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D)
“We are shooting each other up on our streets in this city. And you shot and killed a baby,” “And there wasn’t one shooter, there were at least two shooters. An 8-year-old baby. We are doing each other more harm than any police officer on this force.
What do you want to be those two who shot that little girl used illegally owned guns? You never want to discuss that.. Why don’t you provide us with the stats of people being murdered by LEGAL gun owners? I will be waiting for your response.
hey comrade greggie-poo! see your are continuing to spill the same old communist propaganda. black terrorist moment does not care about slaves alleged protesters. their mission is to overthrow the sovereignty of the country. most of them can not read or write musch less complete a phrase in English, so how do you propose they run a country?? outside help? maybe some of your terrorist friends should visit Appalachia and have a conversation with some “good old boys”. place a bet they never come out??
@retire05, #12:
Since you like statistics so much, why don’t you provide “us” with the percentage of the 393 million guns in America that are legally possessed, vs illegally possessed?
My contention is that the status of the gun itself doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to a person who has been shot with it. There are far more guns than there are potentially responsible possessors. This results from an industry that wants to endlessly crank out and sell an inherently lethal product, and from the lobbyists and politicians they pay to fight anything that might impede those sales.
@Greg: 67 million more guns than people, I guess we should all be dead by now if it were the guns fault. It isnt because anti gun assholes own all the excess guns. Going after long rifles only increased sales, defund the police had a line out the door people not knowing anything about guns just wanting what ever was left.
My favorite gun store sign
No masks we shoot people with masks on…jus saying…
About 21% of state and 20% of federal prisoners said they possessed a gun during their offense, while 79% of state and 80% of federal prisoners did not
I’m not anti-gun. I own guns. I’m anti-asshole. Hence my abhorrence of Donald Trump and all assorted manipulative, ignorant, mean-spirited, bloviating parasites. The gold plating hides nothing.
@Greg: You’ve lost the argument. Hopelessly pointing out that we have guns in America, even illegal ones, is not a point.
Murder is committed by those with the intent to kill, using whatever means they will.
The “guns are the problem” or “the NRA is at fault” is a weak position and one that fails very quickly in the face of a viable discussion.
The point is that blacks are killing blacks at a rate higher than the rest of the country. Only Republicans seems to want tackle this, not Democrats.
Blaming cops or guns is simply clownish to say.
Name calling isn’t an argument. Most of us think you and Obama are assholes, but that’s ok.
The real issue is how to ensure freedom and opportunity, especially in a community that is clearly being destroyed by Democrat policies and continually exploited for votes.
That “asshole” Trump has a real record of helping blacks in ways Obama never did in 8 years. That’s what Dems can’t take.
A Tautology fallacy, Greg.
By DEFINITION, all GUNSHOT victims die by GUNfire.
However, if you want to look at body count, millions more black babies (I loved that the 8-year old girl was referred to this way) die by vacuum suction pulling them in pieces out of their mothers’ wombs.
@Greg: I’m anti-asshole.
How about this asshole who calls the police the enemy?
The Democrats
* Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it.
* Democrats passed those discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws.
* Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws.
* Democrats fought to keep blacks in slavery and away from the polls, and they started the Clan to terrorize them.
* Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia is well known for having been a “Keagle” in the Clan.
* Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage.
* Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans.
* Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican, because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.
* Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, reintroduced segregation throughout the federal government immediately upon taking office in 1913.
* Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first appointment to the Supreme Court was a life member of the Clan, Sen. Hugo Black, Democrat of Alabama.
* Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s choice for vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman, who had joined the Clan in Kansas City in 1922.
* Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against lynching.
* Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt opposed integration of the armed forces.
* Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
* Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, in Birmingham, Ala., unleashed vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators.
* Democrats were who Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the other protesters were fighting.
* Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox “brandished an ax hammer to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant.
* Democrat Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring there would be segregation forever.
* Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools.
* Democrat Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act.
* Democrat President John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King.
* Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI.
* Democrat President Bill Clinton’s mentor was U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and a supporter of racial segregation.
* Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William Fulbright in 1966-67.
* Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
* Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
* Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
What have the Democrats ever done for anyone in America?
@Nathan Blue, #18:
Guns make it far easier for idiots or angry people to instantly act on their passing impulses and for frightened people to instantly act on their fears and mistaken perceptions, with far more certain results.
He created an unsustainable economic binge by stimulating the hell out of a recovered economy at the cost of a return to trillion-dollar-per-year deficits. Yes, there were temporarily more jobs while the binge lasted. That, however, was pretty much the full extent of the help, and a lot of serious lasting damage to the social safety net and educational and nutritional support programs was done while the distracting party was underway. Attentive people knew the binge would inevitably turn into a downturn because the deficits were unsustainable, but COVID-19 pushing the deficit toward $4 TRILLION in a single year really wasn’t anticipated.
Trump has probably set race relations in the United States back by decades. The man is a crypto-racist. He has fostered racial division along with others for the purpose of political exploitation. He also believes the poor are less worthy than himself, which compounds his disdain. His entire value system is based on dollars.
The assholes are the scumbags killing people.
The other assholes are ones enabling it- the democrat mayors.
That’s definitely what people like you want others to believe, with evidence to the contrary.
All of your comments are either wild speculation or just partisan rhetoric.
Where’s the proof? Crypto-racist? Idiots like you are perpetrating the new “scarlet letter” of our age. Just call someone a “racist” to marginalize them.
The real issue is that more and more blacks are leaving the Democrat plantation, and you know it. All the more reason to perpetuate the “Trump is racist” myth.
As I said, the facts of what he’s done to help blacks is clear, and far more than Obama or even Biden in his 40 years of politics.
Incorrect. What you selectively miss is the presence of all the trained and armed citizens that stop violence before it begins. All of the mass-shootings in the past two decades happened in “gun-free” zones. Enough said.
Black crime is due to poverty and culture. Employed people with families to take care of don’t commit crimes.
Good. Those “nets” are to help people get employed, stay employed, and provide for their families, not to create a web of slaves that vote Democrat because they are permanently duped into having kids they can’t support and not getting a job.
The “serious damage” you cite was blacks and others rejecting the Democrat tit. It was progress, but bad for your team I suppose.
That you and your party would openly release a virus on the world and sponsor riots is proof of your desperation.
@Nathan Blue: Greg thinks he is clever, Crypto-racist bwahahahaha
When they can find nothing to back up accusations they just create a new catch phrase farce.
Greg prove your mother really loved you.
Such is the crypto-racist accusation.
@kitt: Indeed, the SS and KGB liked to round up all the “crypto-*insert your false crime or ideology here*” before they killed them.
It’s called totalitarianism.
That’s all greg is promoting.
Anyway, he said nothing of the 4 children above that won’t get a life now, due to all the Trump/Republican racism.
@kitt: The larger question is this: can multi-culturalism really work?
If I say “read”, and you say “that’s acting white”, then I don’t know where we go from there.
Basic law-enforcement suddenly becomes “racist” if the policed area doesn’t actually buy into our Constitution.
That’s right, Greg. Some of us own two or more. Legally. Precisely what are YOU going to do about it?
Internet Tough Guy.
@Nathan Blue, #27:
I suppose those who can’t get along with multiculturalism will either have to change their attitude, live with their growing frustration, or find somewhere to isolate themselves with their chosen race, color, or creed, because it’s a reality of the modern world and isn’t going to go away. Intolerance is the problem.
Haven’t you heard? Obama is going to confiscate them all, any day now. Wasn’t that what they repeatedly told you? That was the centerpiece of one of the most successful marketing campaigns in the nation’s history.
@Greg:” Every child dead of a gunshot wound was killed by a gun.” NO-none were killed by a gun. However, they WERE killed by person, usually black, using a gun. Learn the difference. I have a fair number of guns and not one has gone out to kill anyone!
@Nathan Blue: Multi-culturalism does work in our melting pot, foisting culture that is unwanted into the established culture is what causes division. Have you ever tried chopsticks, did they force you to try chopsticks then outlaw forks, we didnt outlaw chopsticks. Every wave of immigrants brings some of its culture into ours mostly food or language based.
Those that come here and cannot melt in should save to return to their homeland, as we are not good enough for them.
@Greg: Did those guns just suddenly appear a couple weeks ago? You think something else might be causing a 150% increase in shootings? Like, perhaps, police being run off and Democrat-led governments just giving crime a green light?
BLACKS is also a common denominator. You going to blame them? If lots of guns was the problem, we’d ALL be dead. No, YOU are the problem… YOU and the people and the stupid policies you support are the problem.
Ha. Then why do you vote for them?
Maybe your Democrat turd “leaders” should stop letting violent criminals out of jail.
Democrats simply don’t care about ANY lives. Black lives just happens to be the current topic, but they don’t care about anyone unless they serve a political purpose. Blacks killed by cops that can be turned into racial events matter; they get the black community stirred up and rallied behind Democrats that can ride in to the rescue. They’ve given tacit approval to BLM destroying police departments and vilifying anyone that protects and serves which has caused cops to pull back and protect THEMSELVES. Now we see crime exploding and, just as anyone with a brain predicted, the needy are the first to suffer. Children and innocent people are killed by thugs… thugs cops aren’t allowed to arrest because it turns into a “racial matter”.
That’s why Democrats can’t stand to discuss the dead that litter the ground due to their policies.
Is it multiculturalism if whites are ORDERED to forego their own personal security?
The City of Seattle held a racially segregated employee training session aimed at White staffers and instructing them on “undoing your own whiteness” in order to be held accountable by people of color, according to documents obtained by a public records request. The session took place on June 12, as protesters took part in the so-called “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” in the Capitol Hill district. One handout distributed in the session said White staffers must give up “the land” and their “guaranteed physical safety” in order to be an “accomplice” for racial justice.
So, how does that play out in the real world?
I should just accept being the “polar bear” in a game of bash in the brains of the next white person (polar bear) some black thug sees?
Should I be allowed to own guns or lock my doors?
Is my stuff suddenly your stuff?
@Nan G: Again with hidden agenda and definition bashing.
Multiculturalism is a word that describes a society where many different cultures live together, never was the meaning kill whitey and take all his stuff.
Black lives matter is a great example of this definition bashing.
Diversity seems to mean Black women only unless the token white guy is gay.
They have a lead on the guy that shot the sweet child near the burned out Wendys, 20 K reward.
Secoriea Turner the 3rd baby from the left see photo above.
Funny. You just unwittingly described BLM.
The vast, vast majority of nations on planet Earth are NOT multicultural. It is not the future, but rather something that’s come up in the past, over and over again.
Right now, black culture allows for crime in ways general American culture does not. That’s not intolerance, that’s requiring all citizens to play by the same rules.
BLM stands for giving blacks different and lower standards, a la affirmative action indoctrination. That’s slavery.
Multiculturalism doesn’t work. Genocide is the ultimate outcome.
We have one culture in the USA, not several.
@kitt: I define multi-culture as different sets of standards and beliefs. Customs may vary, but American’s believe in the rule of law and the equality of all races.
That is not shared by most “cultures” around the world.
A Turkish immigrant must believe, or at least acknowledge, that women are equal to men in the USA. If they think otherwise, that’s a different culture and not to be tolerated in America.
We are not a big subjective pot of relativity. We have real identity and real culture large and expansive as it may be.
@Nathan Blue: We have more cultures than I can name each european country had traditions they treasured and took with them into America. We learned all how to live together. What we face right now is intentional divide and conquer CIA techniques, perfected over time practiced in many countries before this.
MK Ultra used to be just experimental programs in the universities, now its woven into the curriculum.
They no longer need or use LSD, herd acceptance good grade reward is much stonger.
@kitt: Good articles. Thanks!
Which democrat run large city in America has routine weekend mass murder numbers of whites killing whites on par with black mass murder?
It would seem the phenomenon of black mass murder in large democrat run cities is inherently institutionalized systemic racism.
What American city has systemic white on white weekend mass murder? Should cities have chapters of white lives matter so as to encourage white mass murder synonymous with black mass murder?
Should the democrats in Congress pass legislation mandating white mass murder so as the create equal outcomes?
@Nathan Blue: If you like to dig through FOIA there are many thousands at the site.
@July 4th American: Without any police we will soon catch up with the deathcount.
@Nathan Blue:
Their people have all come here, where diversity and the new ideas it gives rise to have been the source of our nation’s greatness. Those who come here have always been those with the initiative and ambition to leave in search of an opportunity to better themselves.
There have always been those who view the newest arrivals as a threat. Some see differences as a threat—racial differences, of course, being among the most obvious.
This pos could care less about the people of Chicago. Typical leftist democrat diversion speak. Blame everything else…
When blacks mass murder other blacks, those lives do not matter. black lives matter is a political narrative conveniently used only to project faux claims of societal oppression.
@July 4th American:
Getting people to be “nice” would also reduce the murder rate. That ain’t happening, either. All she is trying to do is, taking a page out of the standard Democrat playbook, blame anything else but her own incompetence.
Yeah, Chicago has a gun problem, mainly that people who SHOULD have them are not allowed to have them but criminals can have all they want. This is nothing new. But a sharp increase of an already embarrassing shooting and murder rate IS new and it is all a result of how Democrats treat the police. Let us remember that Chicago is where there were pretty clear incidents of improper police killings which former mayor Emanuel tried to cover up and which Light-in-the-loafers-foot didn’t address, either. So, again like Minneapolis, if there is a “systemic” problem… well, the “system” is Democrat.
@Deplorable Me:
Spot on…