Sunday Funnies

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I don’t say it every week, but thank you gentlemen. Y’all put a lot of effort into these compilations. You have my gratitude for a pleasant Sunday morning coffee ritual. (It’s not like I can read the newspaper any more without stroke inducing blood pressure spikes! lol)

@Vukdawg: Besides, the newspapers are now small advertising brochures with a little libturd propaganda as filler-you aren’t missing anything!

book burning in Nazi Germany was a big thing. there were several small events but the biggie was on May, 10, 1933 in Berlin. about 40,000 gathered and Joseph Goebbels gave the introductory speech as to the reason to burn over 25,000 volumes.
-just a matter of time when BTM -Black Terrorist Movement aka blm, become anti-semitic and start burning down temples. Jew are easy targets for hate, surprised they have not been targeted by now.
-to stop a movement one cuts off the head of the snake, once the head is gone the body dies quickly. Mossad employed selective targeting in the past to deal with suicide bomber. may it is not a bad idea for the two domestic terrorist groups now in America.

When i was in High School back on the early to mid 1970’s one class room had a copy of the U.S. Constitution on the wall with VOID WHERE PROPHIBITED stamped in Red on it


The pansy ass poster(greg) only will post to a headline. Too much of a pussy to post the details which do not implicate the McCloskeys for exercising Constitutional rights. In a civil society, litigation is a means of seeking a just remedy. This too is an affront to the Marxist movement of the left.

TheHill now publishes hit pieces against random citizens?

Over the span of two years, the McCloskeys reportedly evicted two tenants from a modular home they own. The first was a single woman with three children who they claimed had one rent check that bounced. The woman told the Post-Dispatch that she did not ever miss rent and when she showed up in court for the eviction hearing, Mark McCloskey allegedly told her she had no chance of winning, so she left.

The second tenant reportedly failed to pay rent in April and May and was served a $8,299 judgment. The Post-Dispatch noted that the same day that tenant left the rental, the McCloskeys had their encounter with protesters.

Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24 year old mother of 3 year old boy was was shot and killed in Indianapolis on July 5, 2020 by Black Lives Matter protesters because she said, “All Lives Matter.” She was shot in the head and leg by several black assailants who waited to ambush her and her fiance .
She was not black but, her life mattered.

When will The Hill list all the actual crimes committed by George Floyd or the Atlanta criminal?

Or the two police officers ambushed?

Or the dozen or more black children recently killed?

@july 4th American: Read up on the prosecutor going after the couple, she is a real gem. Make sure to check the St Louis dispatch link it gives more details than the Hills hit piece. It was a badly run down mansion before they bought it, there was a dispute during the sale they in no way got the mansion for free. Any body who has dealt with HOAs rolls eyes at the suing neighbors misdirection of the headline.
Assholes maybe, having a right to protect their property, they were within legal rights.
Suddenly Greg doesnt like lawfare wars lol.

@july 4th American, #13:

The pansy ass poster(greg) only will post to a headline. Too much of a pussy to post the details which do not implicate the McCloskeys for exercising Constitutional rights. In a civil society, litigation is a means of seeking a just remedy. This too is an affront to the Marxist movement of the left.

So here’s you, reflexively defending the “right” of a couple of utterly contemptible, parasitic idiots to point their guns at people on the sidewalk…

The imbecile posting as greg seems to think a sidewalk in a gated community is public property. This is the problem with brain dead posters like greg. Apart from trespassing into a private gated community, the trespassers destroyed a gate into the private property of the McCloskeys. Once the gate was destroyed, they trespassed onto private property. The McCloskeys were well with their rights to defend their property in any manner they sought to be fit. They chose guns and should be applauded for that. I give the McCloskeys credit for their restraint. Were I in that position, each of the puke trespassers would be a live target for a live round….


Assholes maybe, having a right to protect their property, they were within legal rights.
Suddenly Greg doesn’t like lawfare wars lol.

The imbecile poster(greg) is a typical leftist loyalist. His/her loyalty is to (capital T) The (capital P) Party. He/she is not principled in the least. Were he/she principled, he/she would not be inconsistent as he/she demonstrates frequently. He/she is only here to instigate in any manner he/she chooses. If he/she is trying to change minds here based on his/her content, his/her time is a complete waste.