The NY Times: Mount Rushmore must go

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The NY Times has totally given up on a few things- journalism, objectivity, veracity, and history.

They now advocate for the destruction of  Mount Rushmore



First, a history lesson.

The Lakota tribe only held the land around Mt. Rushmore for a time. They stole it from the Cheyenne.

After this, the Lakotas became fierce buffalo hunters riding on horseback. In around 1720 the Lakota split into sects and scattered in the region but later by about 1760 they relocated in close proximity on the east bank of the Missouri river. However, they couldn’t cross the river for over a decade due to the influence of powerful tribes Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara. Ending the long wait, in 1780, after the great small-pox epidemic killed three quarters of these powerful tribes, the Lakota crossed the river and settled in the grass prairies of the high plains. By 1775 all the Lakota sects were settled in the high plains and a year later they defeated the Cheyenne people and captured the Black Hills (Paha Sapa) and made it their home.

They weren’t exactly a peaceful tribe:

The Lakota are a very strong and fierce tribe with legendary warriors and the battles and treaties that took place between the Lakotas and the United States’ Government have a long and popular history. First recorded incidence was the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804 where the Lakotas did not allow the explorers to head upstream the Missouri river and the conflict ended without casualties after a standoff. The southern Lakotas, in 1843, attacked a village owned by Pawnee chief Blue Coat in Nebraska and killed many and burned their lodges down.

However, Lakotas and other tribal bands attacked emigrant trains and settlers which attracted a vengeful hit back from the US Army in 1855 under General William Harney, killing more than 100 Lakotas.

The US obtained the land from the Lakotas who killed the Cheyenne for it. The Pawnee also got hammered along the way. It was all so peaceful.

The Lakota slowly migrated south and westward and pushed aside the Omaha tribe in this early migration. At first, they didn’t have horses, but horses were spreading throughout the Plains from Spanish settlements in the Southwest. By 1742 the Tetons had gotten horses and they became more and more like horse-riding nomads. In the Central Plains the Lakota came into conflict with the Pawnee, a village tribe that held the rich hunting lands of the Republican River Valley until the Lakota entered the region. The Pawnee war parties usually made their trips on foot, unlike other tribes. Because the Lakota were mounted on horses, they had an advantage.

The Omaha war parties varied from eight to a hundred warriors. All members of the party were volunteers. The leader was usually a well-known warrior who had demonstrated his skill in battle. The warriors are said to have worn a white covering of soft, dressed skin for their heads. No shirt was worn, but a robe was belted around the waist and tied over the breast. No feathers or ornaments could be worn at this time. In actual battle, the warriors wore only moccasins and breechcloth.

Sometimes the wives of a few of the men accompanied a large war party to help care for their clothing and to do the cooking. A sacred War Pack, kept in the Tent of War, was important in any war activities. The contents of the pack were believed to protect the tribe from harm. A returning war party with the scalp of an enemy held a special scalp or victory dance. Men who won special honors on the warpath were permitted to wear an eagle feather in their scalp locks. Certain warriors might also wear a deer-tail headdress. Only important men wore the large feathered headdress seen in movies and only on social occasions. Only the men wore feathers in their hair, but the women might wear them on their clothing.

The Times cannot bring itself to tell you how brutal these tribes were to each other, but it is the truth.

Trump spoke at the monument last night. The Times’ response was predictable


Yet when obama visited there in 2008 Mt. Rushmore it was well, different

In 2008, CNN anchor Ron Marciano said: “Barack Obama is campaigning in South Dakota. That state’s primary is Tuesday. Obama arrived there late last night and got a good look around Mt. Rushmore — it’s quite a sight if you haven’t seen it.”

Fellow anchor Betty Nguyen added: “Barack Obama is in South Dakota today. He arrived there last night. Take a look at this. He got a good glimpse of the majestic Mount Rushmore. Well, South Dakota and Montana have closed out the primary season on Tuesday.”

Of course it was different. A democrat liked Mount Rushmore. In 12 years it’s all changed. Now that the left is uber-woke and has lost its mind entirely, Mt. Rushmore is one more national icon that needs to be blown up in the quest to destroy America. Riots and violence? The Times doesn’t even notice.

Mount Rushmore should live on. The NY Times should be blown up.

Almost forgot:


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KGB took over management of NYT 90 years ago. Had an uncle 70 years ago banned it. My Dad 3 uncles fought Japs. NYT ran many articles in ’44 45 saying they were only fighting Japs because they’re “White nationalist, racists!”!. In ’59 I went to library and checked out microfilm of NYT. Uncle was right. The NYT hated Americans!

New Owner but same KBG management! Hate Americans today as much as they did in 1931!

Woke Lefties mirror their spiritual brothers, the Taliban as they destroyed national monuments, too:

Yes, just 12 years ago it was OK for a Dem/Lefty to see Mount Rushmore and enjoy it.

Dr John, it’s interesting how the right always find justification in the atrocities of white men against other races because of previous sins of who they sell as inferior races (thus, the very definition of racism). While not coming out and saying verbatim, Treyvon Martin was obviously guilty because traces of drugs were found in his system (although having nothing to do with the incident) or Micheal Brown deserving of being shot because of a previous robbery (even though the shooting officer having no knowledge of it and it having nothing to do with the shooting) and the list goes on and on. It’s like an automatic default for the right to defend what might be institutional racism as something else, some need for denial that the “superior race” could possibly be at fault because of the obvious and well known documented sins of the “inferior race”.

I seriously doubt that any reasonable historian would argue that the white man didn’t steal the land from Native Indians. None can argue that the white man didn’t break treaty after treaty, pushing the them back each time. It’s beyond the pale to try to say that there wasn’t an orchestrated effort of early American government to sell a fear of the red man or promote hatred and decisiveness of them in an effort to, let’s say, either exterminate them or put them in their place.

So it’s only expected of you to use the same playbook that stealing their land and sculpturing their stolen property with powerful leaders of that heist to be justifiable because, well, the Indians were violent people and the Lakotas even stole land from the Cheyenne, as if this is justification for the “superior race” to stake claim against the low life and evil “inferior race”, those “savages”). The justification simply isn’t there my friend.

So we had the government indoctrinated “savages” of that day and the government indoctrinated “mobs” of today. Were the Indians savages? Violent” Probably so. Are many of the poorer black community guilty of larceny or drugs or other crimes? I don’t have numbers but for the sake of argument, probably so.

Bears can be angry, dangerous, and violent creatures as well which may be a good reason not to poke them with a stick. If one chases a rat in a corner and continues to poke a stick at it, that rat is going to fight- either to the death or until the one prodding retreats. Today’s so-called conservatives rely on a playbook to justify the end results of their prodding because of the inferiority and violent nature of those they have prodded. It’s disingenuous on every front but the ship of deductive arguments and critical thinking of the Party of Trump and his enablers has long sailed

Happy Forth.

@Ronald J. Ward:
Why destroy history, so you cant predict an obvious future. You once burned your hand, remove that memory and you must get another painful blister to know use an oven mitt.
The marxists or communists murdered more of their own citizens than they did any any war they ever entered, the great buildings in these regimes were built before marxists came to power. No great inventions to lift humanity ever came from these regimes.
Take your twisted ideology and logic just f-off. Please move to a marxist country where they bury their history and its a utopia. Enjoy all the blisters you will get.
If you test positive for the Kung Flu they will lock you in , just hope someone loves you enough to bring you food, because the government doesnt.

Happy 4th of July brought to you by those you want to erase during a much more lethal epidemic, small pox.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Wow – you sound like you are qualified to work for the NY Times. You do wonderful ‘historical revisionism’ – re-writing things to suit your lies.

Travyon Martin did have drugs in his system – and perhaps that is why he tackled George Zimmerman and tried to pound his head to a pulp – and then reach for George’s gun. Martin was killed in an act of self-defense.

Michael Brown had just robbed a store – but that is not why he was killed. He tried to wrestle a gun away from a policeman – and then started to charge him – and did not stop as ordered. No ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ – but a raging bull intending harm against a cop. Another clear act of self-defense to anyone with common sense….but leftists will re-write history.

The only ‘institutional racism’ that still exists is the white hot racist hatred of Democrats – and their opposition to school choice. They want kids stuck in failing government schools, and they would deny them VOUCHERS – school choice – a chance to escape horrible schools – run by leftists who indoctrinate – but don’t teach. Kept down, kept dumb, they become victims and dependents on the government – which is the plan by Democrats.


you are correct, the slime hates America. the slime headline prove it. maybe it is time for the slime and the post to go.
-if you notice on yahoo news and other hate America outlets; the slime the post wsj, huffington, salon and only selected medial outlets are allowed to post long, fake historical and communist laden lies.
have a great and blessed day
Semper Fi


After reading 3 times, I tried to capture some connection between your angry and vulgar response and my comment which you responded to.

Obviously, that endeavor came up short.

@Ronald J. Ward:

comrade ward:
see you are still smoking a lot of weed when you write. ever thinking about applying to the slime for an editorial position as a political analysis? little do you realize that if it were not for the men and women in history that died for this country you in a generic timeline would not be here. i forgot, you don’t believe the holocaust ever occured.

@Mike Vineyard:

Wow – you sound like you are qualified to work for the NY Times. You do wonderful ‘historical revisionism’ – re-writing things to suit your lies.

He is indeed. He can lie and abuse quotes just like the big boys.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Treyvon Martin was obviously guilty because traces of drugs were found in his system (although having nothing to do with the incident) or Micheal Brown deserving of being shot because of a previous robbery (even though the shooting officer having no knowledge of it and it having nothing to do with the shooting) and the list goes on and on.

Trayvon Martin was guilty of trying to beat Zimmerman’s brains out on the pavement and Michael Brown was guilty of trying to kill a cop. Facts, not your racist revisionism. NYT itself sits on land stolen from Native Americans; should it be blown up?

@Ronald J. Ward: Poor baby one doesnt have to be angry to tell some revisionist, ignorant, twisted fool to F off.
You are the perfect example as to why to reopen insane asylums.
Always trying to blue pill Dr. John. Bwahahahaha.

@Deplorable Me:

Trayvon Martin was guilty of trying to beat Zimmerman’s brains out on the pavement and Michael Brown was guilty of trying to kill a cop. Facts, not your racist revisionism.

You have this way of validating my arguments, unwittingly proving me correct. Neither Martin or Brown were ever proven guilty. In fact (you did mention the word “Facts” albeit I question with a straight face), witnesses admitting to lying, juror admissions, prosecutor history, officer’s changing of story, lack of actual evidence, and other variables that can be applied to either or both cases will leave these cases questionable for years.

Again, Martin nor Brown were never proven guilty. Again, what you said: “Trayvon Martin was guilty of trying to beat Zimmerman’s brains out on the pavement and Michael Brown was guilty of trying to kill a cop”. You don’t know this but you say it anyway. For whatever reason (which I suspect is due to Fox News indoctrination and in reverence to Trump), today’s so-called conservative default to blame non-white folks and defend white folks. It is done by blaming them for past behaviors or simply as you did, just lie about it.

@Ronald J. Ward: You love to mix the facts in two separate cases, Hands up dont shoot witnesses proven by Eric Holders investigators as liars the officer was found innocent and his version of events accurate.
Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder; following a high-profile trial that riveted America, he was acquitted of the charges against him.
George Zimmerman had a broken nose, black eyes, cuts on the back of his head and a minor back injury he got from Florida man Martin before Zimmerman shot him once in self defense.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I seriously doubt that any reasonable historian would argue that the white man didn’t steal the land from Native Indians. None can argue that the white man didn’t break treaty after treaty, pushing the them back each time. It’s beyond the pale to try to say that there wasn’t an orchestrated effort of early American government to sell a fear of the red man or promote hatred and decisiveness of them in an effort to, let’s say, either exterminate them or put them in their place

Since that seems to weigh heavy on your heart, I suggest you research what tribe inhabited the land that you now live on. Once you learn that, you need to give up that land to the tribe it historically belonged to. You don’t sell it to them, you GIVE it to them, clear deed and all. Call it “restitution”. Insist the rest of your family does the same with their land so that you can rest easy at night knowing you, and they, have righted a wrong that is so long over due.

Oh, and while you’re at it, demand that all memorials to the Buffalo Soldiers be torn down. After all, the Buffalo Soldiers had one goal, annihilate the savage natives. Think how good you’ll feel knowing you are helping right the wrongs of your ancestors.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Neither Martin or Brown were ever proven guilty.

No dummy, they were never on trial, but the actions that ended their lives were declared valid by investigations, one of which was by the FBI of a Black president. I see that your skewed thought processes have not changed.

@Ronald J. Ward: I seriously doubt that any reasonable historian would argue that the white man didn’t steal the land from Native Indians. None can argue that the white man didn’t break treaty after treaty, pushing the them back each time. It’s beyond the pale to try to say that there wasn’t an orchestrated effort of early American government to sell a fear of the red man or promote hatred and decisiveness of them in an effort to, let’s say, either exterminate them or put them in their place.

All you prove with this is your own lack of knowledge of history; European history.
So-called “whites,” were the English, who hated the Irish, the Welch, the Scots, the French, the Dutch, the Belgians, the Germans, the Spanish, the Italians, the Italians, etc.
Yeah, they are ALL “whites.”
But they fought one another, their borders slid back and forth over centuries, and killing one another was A-OK with every last one of their leaders.

Also, by the same token, the “red men” hated one another.
They fought and killed one another over hunting grounds, nomadic hunters VS settled gathers.
The losers side’s women were taken as sex slaves.
The losers side’s children were taken as work slaves.
The hunting tribes looked at white settlers as invaders and treated them no differently than they did their non-hunting tribal enemies.

Mt Rushmore “belonged” to several different tribes before the whites moved thru there.
The actions of the attacking tribe on wagon trains led directly to the war that ended in a treaty.

The federal gov’t felt it was time for natives to quit being dominated by the federal gov’t so they encouraged assimilation and ending the inequality of reservation life. (If you ever lived on a reservation, pre-this change in 1953 you’d have been pleased to get freed of reservation poverty and dependance.)
But, like many immigrants today, some Indians preferred living off of handouts.
Like many welfare queens of the 1960’s and 70’s their children romanticized reservation life and sought to return to that imagining of a perfect life.
Today’s Indians are part of the Antifa/Civil Rights axis.
They all want to see the collapse Cloward-Piven promised happens just before the commies can come in and take over here.
They are delusional if they think they would come out of that revolution in good shape.
Look at Che.
Look at Pol Pot.
Look at Mao.
Look at Stalin.
All commies kill their own useful idiots 1st.

52 years ago I was an 0311 squad leader (Buck Sgt). but I confess I know not #8541. Did you work in G2?

@Nan G:

Today’s Indians are part of the Antifa/Civil Rights axis

No, Nan, we are not. Only some, like the ones who thought, decades ago, that violence was the answer to the plight of the Native America.

Some reservation life is pretty good (Cherokee of Oklahoma, Oneida of Wisconsin,for example) but other tribes have not done so well. After generations of having the Federal government taking care of them (welfare) it has removed all desire to better their lives themselves. Dependency is taught, Nan, not inherent.

Making a blanket statement like you did is wrong.

@Ronald J. Ward:

You have this way of validating my arguments, unwittingly proving me correct. Neither Martin or Brown were ever proven guilty.

No, dead people are not usually put on trial. However, if you had paid attention, the details of the events came out in the investigations. What I validated was your abject ignorance of facts. My facts were validated in court.

@retire05: You don’t seriously believe someone like AJ can be a land owner, do you? To own land, you have to have a skill, to work, to earn, to dedicate yourself to responsibly maintaining a job that yields enough spare income to pay for property. That doesn’t fit AJ’s profile.

What kind of Land it the NYT’s Building sitting on what about New York City itself just think the Big Apple sits on what was once a Wilderness and what about the area where the UN sits as well Think about that for a while New York Pravda(Times)if its all possible

The New York Pravda covered up for Stalin and Castro their war crimes why should anyone ever trust these lowlife scoundrels

@Deplorable Me:

My facts were validated in court.

No, they were not and you actually did it again. If anything, quite the opposite of validity was found in court. What the court exposed was the many cracks in the system and “good ole boys” tactics of police protections along with self-serving prosecutors. Neither men were “factually” proven one way or the other, particularly Martin as least 1 juror concluded they felt he was murdered but there simply wasn’t evidence or witnesses to convict Zimmerman beyond the shadow of a doubt. Ultimately, no one other than Zimmerman really knew the facts. That isn’t, anywhere in the real world, proven guilt of Martin.

One could argue some circumstances but you edit in your mind reality and grasp at some minute glimmer to form your “facts” which you need as a default exoneration of the white man and conviction of the black man. Rather than objective deduction, you grasp at straws you need to deduce that “Trayvon Martin was guilty of trying to beat Zimmerman’s brains out on the pavement” even though reality says otherwise. That’s what today’s conservatives do. That’s what Trump and his enablers do. That’s what racists do. It’s who they are. That’s who you are.

@Ronald J. Ward: Also, it looks like the prosecution committed fraud in conjunction with the Martin family attorney. The substituted a different “girl friend” instead of the real girl friend who was on the phone when the situation started. Zimmerman has filed a multi-million dollar suit against those who committed the fraud. Did not see RW comment on that. He seems to pick and choose his facts instead all of the facts.

@Ronald J. Ward: So, you only support our legal system if the results validate your biases.

Got it.

Brown and Martin attacked legally armed men and got shot for it…legally.


@retire05:No, Nan, we are not. Only some, like the ones who thought, decades ago, that violence was the answer to the plight of the Native America.

Sorry for the geeralization, retire05.

I had been riffing off of those at the My Rushmore demonstration today as I wrote it.
I started out with:

But, like many immigrants today, some Indians preferred living off of handouts.
Like many welfare queens of the 1960’s and 70’s their children* romanticized reservation life and sought to return to that imagining of a perfect life.
Today’s Indians** are part of the Antifa/Civil Rights axis.

*their children being of those “some Indians” from what I wrote just before.
**Today’s Indians also was meant to just apply to those Indians who were at the demonstration at Mt Rushmore.

I was imprecise in my writing and I hate that!

But, as soon as I checked the news this AM I learned it got worse overnight:
Now it is freeways that are white supremacist! Freeways have to go! They bypass black neighborhoods so white people can get to work.

Both martin and brown died justifiably. Their lives would have never amounted to anything and removing them from the living saved the taxpayers a huge inconvenience. Their departure is to be celebrated.

@Ronald J. Ward: Something you are proven to have done you are guilty of doing. Sorry facts prove so inconvenient for your world of lies.

as least 1 juror concluded they felt he was murdered but there simply wasn’t evidence or witnesses to convict Zimmerman beyond the shadow of a doubt.

There’s a couple of lessons there you purposely choose to miss. One, is honesty, another is respecting the truth. The juror said her personal belief was Zimmerman was guilty but the evidence didn’t support her predisposition. So, she voted based on the evidence (aka, TRUTH). Likewise, you should begin basing your posts on FACTS instead of what you WANT to be true.

Ultimately, no one other than Zimmerman really knew the facts.

Well, Zimmerman… and anyone that heard the recording of the phone call between Martin and his girlfriend, in which he stated he was stalking Zimmerman and attacked him. But, you know… that’s just truth and stuff. Nothing you would care about.

Rather than objective deduction, you grasp at straws you need to deduce that “Trayvon Martin was guilty of trying to beat Zimmerman’s brains out on the pavement” even though reality says otherwise.

What “reality” says otherwise? Please explain.

@July 4th American:

Both martin and brown died justifiably. Their lives would have never amounted to anything and removing them from the living saved the taxpayers a huge inconvenience. Their departure is to be celebrated.

That’s my point. As you say believe, their lives are insignificant so the validity of the alleged crime is simply an aside. Regardless of facts, you find justification. And this follows history and mindsets like yours as the same was played out with Emmett Till and Willie James Howard.

@Nathan Blue:


So, you only support our legal system if the results validate your biases.

I’m not sure where you got that but then, the sockpuppet regulars here are well know for the batshit craziness of their spin. Nothing has to make sense.

Brown and Martin attacked legally armed men and got shot for it…legally.

The only outcome from the Zimmerman trial was that it was unknown exactly what happened. There was simply no evidence or witnesses to legally convict Zimmerman. That Martin attacked Z is simply your opinion or even at a hell of a stretch, your hypothesis. But yet, here you are stating as fact to vindicate the white man and incriminate the black man when your facts cannot be verified.

As for Brown, it brought out an extremely bias prosecutor. It also exposed a rigged system incriminating the poorer blacks of that community.

I’d say July 4th America summed it up pretty much for you.


Zimmerman has filed a multi-million dollar suit against those who committed the fraud. Did not see RW comment on that. He seems to pick and choose his facts instead all of the facts.

Zimmerman’s lawsuit of Martin’s parents has been viewed as a DOA by most credible legal scholars. I didn’t even know it was still ongoing. I also didn’t mention Zimmerman and his wife’s shady past before and after the shooting as it doesn’t pertain to the argument.

@Ronald J. Ward: You equate sending a Christmas card and whistling with a vicious beating of zimmerman and what would Brown have done with the officers gun if he would have managed to get it? Its shit like that that reveals what an ass you are and the twisted logic behind all your posts.
I dont agree the young mens lives wouldnt amount to anything when a dope smokin terrorist associate can be elected President.

@Ronald J. Ward: Actually it does. The “girl friend” who testified at the trial was not a girl friend at all. She had no knowledge of the incident let alone being on the phone with Martin. It has a lot to do since the prosecutor and family attorney knew her testimony was fraudulent.

This was one of the sources for the BLM start up. The Brown incident was investigated by the Obama FBI and also a grand jury in East ST louis. Both found the shooting was righteous. But BLM burned the black businesses in town.


If you read my comments, I never exonerated Micheal Brown but rather pointed out the injustice of the courts, the persecutor, and the overwhelming predatory profiteering of the legal systems of Ferguson and neighboring precincts. I also pointed out that Brown was never proven (as D. Bill stated) to be guilty of anything.

Likewise, I never said that Martin was innocent but rather that there was never enough evidence or witnesses to make an educated call. Zimmerman disregarded a 911 dispatcher chased Martin into an ally (or such) and shot him. Zimmerman said he was attacked by Martin and shot him in self defense. There was never enough evidence or witnesses to confirm or disprove Z’s story and accordingly, Z was acquitted.

So getting back to @Deplorable Me: comment #9 claim of “Trayvon Martin was guilty of trying to beat Zimmerman’s brains out on the pavement”, that was simply not true. Yet, he sands behind it just as it appears the rest of the FA resident sockpuppets do. Why? Because it’s as I said in my @Ronald J. Ward: # 3 comment to Dr John. It’s just what those who’ve sat too near the Fox News channel do. Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with anything but there must be a way for Trump loyalists to spin it to “white man good, black man bad”. It’s what racists do. It’s what you do.

@Ronald J. Ward:

As you say believe, their lives are insignificant so the validity of the alleged crime is simply an aside.

Both might be alive today had they not initiated violence against their victims. That is the bottom line; they both attacked the WRONG GUY and it made them dead. In the game they chose to play, they both deserved to die.

Zimmerman disregarded a 911 dispatcher chased Martin into an ally (or such) and shot him.

Nope. Wrong. You should have followed the trial instead of Spike Lee. The 911 dispatcher told Zimmerman to go back to his car, which he was doing when Martin jumped him.

I also pointed out that Brown was never proven (as D. Bill stated) to be guilty of anything.

And, of course, you were wrong. He was guilty of beating up a cop and trying to steal his gun.

The NYT is like the horns of a Steer a Point here a Point there and lot of Bull In Between

@Ronald J. Ward: Actually, there was an eye witness in one of the houses. You just always want to skew the facts to meet you opinion.

Brown did commit a theft prior to the shooting incident. That had been broadcast to the police man who shot him over the radio. No one usually places dead people on trial, but I already told you who exonerated the police man.

You seem to always find a way to be wrong!

More like you at your family reunion

Their own words reveal what they are. It’s also known who they are. Hopefully they’ll be charged and convicted.