Hitler had his concentration camps. Cuomo has his nursing homes

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Andrew Cuomo

I need to get something off my chest. Andrew Cuomo is an arrogant pompous self-righteous a**hole.

Strong letter to follow.

Cuomo has an obamaesque ability to deflect blame from himself to any and everyone else.

Ten years ago I wrote a post in which I outlined Cuomo’s role in the financial crisis. He screwed things up monstrously. He made predatory lending legal.  He pushed GSE’s to require 50% risky mortgages. I said then that he should have been in prison. Now I find myself again asserting that Cuomo belongs in prison for his depraved indifference in the deaths of 25,000 New Yorkers, with nearly 8,000 deaths in nursing homes.

The nursing homes that he forced to accept COVID positive patients. He repeatedly points the finger at the White House, but he made the wrong choices, not the White House. Watch as he blames others

He made the asinine assertion that patients sent to nursing homes were ‘probably not contagious.’ He was dead wrong. Nice tan, though, huh?

He was roasted by Seema Verma, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:

Verma added later that it is “disingenuous” for Democrats such as Cuomo to claim they were following federal guidelines when they were not.

“I think the most important thing though is I think it’s disingenuous to try to undermine the federal guidelines,” Verma said. “They were absolutely clear and nursing homes across the country adhered to those and that’s why we’ve seen at the vast majority of nursing homes. I just don’t think we should ever put a nursing home in a situation or a patient where we force them to take a patient they are not prepared to care for. That not only jeopardizes the patient but it jeopardizes the health and safety of every single resident in that nursing home.”

He was also ripped by WH spokesman Hogan Gidley:

My statement regarding Governor Cuomo’s ridiculous comments attempting to shift blame and erase his direct responsibility for so many precious lives lost in New York,” Hogan Gidley, the deputy assistant and principal deputy press secretary to President Trump, quote-tweeted ahead of a screenshot of his actual statement Tuesday morning.

“Governor Cuomo alone is to Blame for refusing to shut down New York and forcing seniors who tested positive for Coronavirus back into his state’s nursing homes. His reckless response did not follow CMS and CDC guidelines devastating the senior population — and no amount of revisionist history can erase Governor Cuomo’s grossly incompetent decision or the fact that President Trump’s bold, aggressive actions saved millions of lives,” he wrote.

And by Steve Scalise (R-LA):

Our investigation centers on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision, on March 25, to force nursing homes to accept known COVID-positive patients while also prohibiting homes from even testing patients for COVID-19 prior to admission. This policy, which remained in place for more than six weeks, likely contributed significantly to the thousands of elderly deaths in New York nursing homes.

New Yorkers deserve accountability and transparency. Cuomo, who is ultimately responsible, has been neither accountable nor transparent.

The governor has deflected responsibility for this mistake to any number of other entities, including, bizarrely, the New York Post. More recently, Cuomo blamed President Trump, saying, “Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance.” PolitiFact rated this statement “Mostly False.”

In October Cuomo signed legislation allowing NY to prosecute anyone pardoned by the President. But when it comes to his accountability- not so fast. Watch this proclamation

In a series of calamitous and embarrassing interviews, Fredo Cuomo interviews his big brother “the luv guv” and just gushes

“I hope you are able to appreciate what you did in your state and what it means for the rest of the country now and what it will always mean to those who love and care about you the most,” the former ABC “20/20” anchor added. “I’m wowed by what you did, and more importantly, I’m wowed by how you did it. This was very hard. I know it’s not over. But obviously I love you as a brother, obviously I’ll never be objective, obviously I think you’re the best politician in the country. But I hope you feel good about what you did for your people because I know they appreciate it.

“Nothing’s perfect, you’ll have your critics,” he concluded. “But I’ve never seen anything like what you did and that’s why I’m so happy to have had you on the show. And I hope you know that.”

He’s proud- proud that his brother doomed 8,000 elderly. Others are not so proud.

Janice Dean lost both her in-law parents to CUOVID.  She’s not proud of Cuomo

Fredo said “let the facts tell the story” and this morning on Fox News Joe Concha went over those facts:


Mass transit you say? Three months I wrote this

This is what I would do

1. Make everyone wear a mask. There are easily enough once a union admitted it was hoarding 39 million N95 masks coincidentally after AG Bill Barr said he would prosecute hoarders.  If it can’t be N95 masks then any mask will do. Anyone not wearing one should be detained and quarantined. Put police in masks and face shields and allow them to hand the masks out.

2. Expand mass transit services – buses, trains and subways- such that social distancing can be observed. Disinfect them repeatedly. Hand out disinfectant wipes on each one.

Shutting down mass transit is the real answer but it could mortally wound the city. Cuomo might want to stop whining and stop ignoring the fact that New Yorkers are ignoring him.

Hitler had his concentration camps. Cuomo had his nursing homes. For the occupants of both the outcomes were largely the same.

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Andrew Cuomo is an arrogant pompous self-righteous a**hole. YES he is a gigantic, arrogant, pompous,self-righteous asshole who has a NPD narcissistic personality disorder. interrogation is always fun, the face gives the subtle clues of lying. one has to look at the eyes, eyebrows, forehead, corner of the eyes, the nose and the nasal folds and the chin to name a few. conceited stud muffin is lying. there will be suits brought against the city and state. he is a phony huckster. recall in the days of the old west the medicine man with his new elixir for everything from gout to snake bites-selling the same crap.
-masks are the norm
-disinfecting subway cars is a must
-the tattoos of the prisoners at auschwitz, flossenburg, banjica, bergen-belsen were burned onto the left arm. the tattoos of the nursing home patients that died are their medical records number.
-studmuffin andrew cuomo should be tried for acts of genocide, but the time mag next year will name him man of the year like they did with Hitler in 1938.

Biden and Cuomo are protected the media gushes over this very ugly man and serial killer. The virus went world wide and Italy with its aging population was hit hard. Using that excuse, just making shit up as he goes along. NYers are dumb they elect these types. Now The mayor jealous of Cuomos death count pulls back plain clothes police and murders skyrocket.

Honestly, I can’t defend Trump if I crucify Coumo. We’re better than that.

This pandemic straight-up sucked….for everyone.

Mistakes were made. We need to forgive each other and move on. A protracted “civil war” is what our enemies (foreign and domestic) want.

God bless Trump, Cuomo, and all our elected officials.

Cuomo has an obamaesque ability to deflect blame from himself to any and everyone else.

It’s called “the corrupt liberal media”. Without them running interference for worthless losers like Cuomo, these turds would be flushed long ago.

The governor has deflected responsibility for this mistake to any number of other entities,

What if it wasn’t a “mistake”? I’m not sure it was. No one is THAT stupid. You feed infectious people into an environment loaded with the most vulnerable to infection people with a purpose, not by “oops”.

obviously I’ll never be objective

Does COVID19 affect your ability to lie? Finally Fredo comes clean.

Hitler had his Ministry of Propaganda. Cuomo has the liberal media. Both served the same purpose; gloss over failures and blame them on the outside and cover up crimes.

Honestly, I can’t defend Trump if I crucify Coumo. We’re better than that.

I can. Trump played the hand he was dealt. With each revelation, he acted decisively. The killer was the CCP and WHO lying about transmission between humans; by the time they reveled the truth, the virus was already spreading here. It’s also not like NY’s hospitals were overwhelmed to the point that it was necessary to seen infectious people to the worst possible place they could be sent; none of the auxiliary facilities set up were even used. Cuomo PURPOSELY sent those people to their deaths.

@Deplorable Me: I disagree with Nathan he is entitled to his opinion, Cuomo hardly handled his state competently during the height of the pandemic, he got what he needed by screaming like a 3 year old in the check out lane that wants a bag of M&Ms, Trump gave him those and a snickers bar. He still deflects blame, the old who broke my flower vase, “Not me”
2 of my kids Not me and I dont know are still grounded my eldest is 40, and my youngest swears they moved in with her, they might have nothing gets broken around here. Ahh the joys of empty nest.

The union claiming to have found 39 million masks were actually being scammed.


In a shamelessly un-self-aware moment, Cuomo said this about President Trump’s handling of the pandemic:
“Admit you were wrong…and we have to start doing something about this.”

Now, here’s the nursing home rub:
NY state: 30k deaths out of 130k total US, that’s 23% of all deaths. NY state has 6% of US population. So on 6% of population you have 23% deaths.

So, who’s in need of admitting he was wrong and start doing something (different) in future?