Nancy Pelosi, after what seems to be over hundred years in office, is bent on removing eleven Confederate statues from the US Capitol.
In a letter sent on Wednesday, Pelosi asked the Joint Committee on the Library — led by Senate Rules and Administration Chairman Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican, and House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat — to direct the Architect of the Capitol to remove the statues of soldiers and officials who represent the Confederacy.
Pelosi specifically mentioned two prominent Confederates — Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens — who served as president and vice president of the Confederate States of America, respectively, and who were charged with treason against the United States. Stephens’ statue was given by Georgia and Davis’ by Mississippi.
They’re all democrats, BTW.
Additionally, she is removing Confederate portraits as well
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday ordered the removal of four portraits in the Capitol of previous House Speakers who served in the Confederacy.
The move marks Pelosi’s latest effort to take down Confederate imagery in the Capitol, following her push last week calling for the removal of 11 Confederate statues displayed in the Capitol complex.
“We didn’t know about this until we were taking inventory of the statues and the curator told us that there were four paintings of Speakers in the Capitol of the United States, four Speakers who had served in the Confederacy,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol.
Well, while y’all are removing statues, what about the one above?
The statue is of Robert Byrd, former Senator from West Virginia. The man was a racist by anyone’s standards.
The guy was a library of racism
The racist Byrd was lionized by democrats
When Byrd died in 2010, he had served in the Senate longer than anyone else; the New York Times described him as “a pillar of Capitol Hill.” In a statement, then-President Barack Obama called him “a voice of principle and reason.” Biden said Byrd was “a dear friend.”
Byrd was an “Exalted Cyclops” in the Ku Klux Klan.
If there ever was a statue that screamed for removal, it’s Byrd’s.
Your move, Pelosi.
The Confederate statue dedicated by Pelosi’s father was taken down 3 years ago. Her father, Mayor of Baltimore, had this to say at its dedication:
It was May 2, 1948, when, according to a Baltimore Sun article from that day, “3,000” looked on as then-Governor William Preston Lane Jr. and Pelosi’s father, the late Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., spoke at the dedication of a monument to honor Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.
The article said Lane delivered a speech, and Mayor D’Alesandro “accepted” the memorial.
“Today, with our nation beset by subversive groups and propaganda which seeks to destroy our national unity, we can look for inspiration to the lives of Lee and Jackson to remind us to be resolute and determined in preserving our sacred institutions,” D’Alesandro said in his dedication. “We must remain steadfast in our determination to preserve freedom, not only for ourselves, but for the other liberty-loving nations who are striving to preserve their national unity as free nations.”
He added: “In these days of uncertainty and turmoil, Americans must emulate Jackson’s example and stand like a stone wall against aggression in any form that would seek to destroy the liberty of the world.”
Pelosi never once recommended that statue be removed. Her continued silence suggests she is feeling a heavy guilt at her father’s racist past and that it clearly stains hers as well.
She really should resign in disgrace.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Deplorable Me:
Sure he does. He has the same freedom of speech anybody else has. But if he’s going to look at someone trying to stand in the way of his promotion from one prestigious lifetime-tenure job to another, slightly more prestigious lifetime-tenure job and compare that to an actual extrajudicial execution, then I don’t have to take what he says seriously.
What we can conclude from that is that Democratic partisan loyalty is not blind.
What the GOP has become now is what the southern Democratic Party was then.
So it’s OK with you if Democrats disparage a black man and try to ruin his reputation for no cause other than he is considered (by Biden and Kennedy) to be an “uppity” black man? And you, who never walked in Thomas’ shoes, or went through what he went through as a black man, support actual racism when committed by Democrats?
Got it.
@Michael: He used the term to describe what was being done to him. Of course, Democrats did the same thing to Kavanaugh. Seems the urge to lynch is inherent in Democrats.
@Greg: We can conclude Democrat hypocrisy and dishonesty is enormous.
Do you understand the vast distinction between what you have described here and an actual lynching?
In Thomas’s situation, he doesn’t get a promotion at work. In an actual lynching, the guy is dead.
@Deplorable Me:
I know. That’s the only reason we’re having this interaction.
It was crazy what almost happened to Thomas and Kavanaugh, isn’t it?! They almost didn’t get a promotion at work!! That was close!!
@Michael: The Democrats invented lies to destroy their lives to achieve a political end. Yeah… kind of a shame.
@Deplorable Me:
I guess that depends on who you’re talking to. Both instances are still up for debate.
@Michael: Yeah, it depends on if you are talking to someone that condones gross lying (Democrat) or a human being.
Destroying a man’s reputation wrongly can take a man’s life. Too bad you leftists don’t understand that. But hey, as long as it is Democrats doing the destroying, no harm, no foul where you are concerned.
No. You don’t get that one, unless you give me “Not clapping at the end of a jazz solo can cause the heat death of the universe, and if you don’t clap, there’s a real chance that everyone will die. For reals.”
You need to stop comparing what happened to Thomas and Kavanaugh to actual, somebody-is-dead-at-the-end lynching.
A man who takes his own life because he has had his reputation, and his life, wrongfully, and willfully destroyed by others is just as dead-at-the-end as your example. And if what Biden and Kennedy tried to do to Clarence Thomas was not a “high tech” lynching attempt, what would you call it?
You are f**king certifiable.
“Who takes his own life.”
“Who takes his own life.”
A man may choose to take his own life if his reputation is ruined. The difference between that an actual lynching is that the victim is being killed against his will. He doesn’t get to choose anything in that scenario.
Well, I wouldn’t call it a lynching. A lynching is an extrajudicial execution. First of all, Thomas’s life was never in danger. Second, there was nothing extrajudicial about the process at all. Everything was done according to the rules of the Senate–the actual Judiciary Committee, in fact.
There was nothing about this that resembled a lynching.
Words have particular meanings. You don’t get to use them any-which-way and be taken seriously.
Of course not. That would be to concede the issue of what Justice Thomas said.
And you know that how? Have you watched all of the hearings? Are you a Senatorial parliamentarian?
I have as much right to apply a meaning to any word that suits me just as the left does on a regular basis. Hell, the left wing of the SCOTUS just ruled that a word in legislation does not mean what the word was intended to mean but has an actual new meaning. If you lefties can change the meaning of words at will, so can anyone else.
Oh, my God.
Face it: the term you want to use to describe Thomas’s hearing doesn’t fit the situation in any way. It didn’t then, and it doesn’t now. The more you follow this line of argument, the more you reveal that you literally have no understanding of what lynching is and how it differs from somebody saying mean things to somebody else. I’m sure there are other terms you could use to describe what happened that don’t make you look ignorant. Why don’t you use one of those instead?
Well, as long as you’re admitting that you’re totally making up your own definition to the word and using it in this discussion, I guess that’s something. It’s not much, but it’s something.
It isn’t my term. It is the term that Justice Thomas used himself. He felt he was in the process of being lynched. The process of lynching (person, rope, tree) has to be completed before there is a death from being lynched.
Perhaps you are black. And perhaps someone tried to lynch you. At that point, you have a right to dispute Thomas’ feelings.
And again, as is usual with you, you failed to answer the question; are you a Senatorial parliamentarian?
My guess is you are just a product of some third rate university that only cranks out stupid, indoctrinated clones.
…And killing Thomas was never on the table. Perhaps you didn’t know that. That fact would not surprise me.
If he had not been confirmed, Thomas would simply have gone back to his prestigious, life-tenured job as a Federal judge. Same with Kavanaugh. They were looking for promotions at work, not fighting for their lives. I can’t wrap my mind around the idea that you don’t understand the difference between a Senate hearing and an actual lynching, where a person winds up dead at the end.
(As an aside, lynching doesn’t require hanging the victim; any extrajudicial execution by a mob is a lynching.)
I’m not black, and I’m not disputing his feelings. I’m disputing what happened. What is it you guys like to say again? Oh, yes: “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
No, I’m not. Are you? If I’m not qualified to say anything about the thoroughly-documented proceedings because I’m not a Senatorial parliamentarian, then neither are you.
And my guess, based on interacting with you for a few years now, is that you dropped out of continuation high school and have since forgotten most of whatever little you did learn while you were there. And then suffered a traumatic brain injury. And are now in the throes of late-stage Alzheimer’s.
See? I can hurl insults, too.
Well, of course you come from a position where lying and trying to destroy a man’s reputation, family and life is just the means to an end, when aimed at an opponent, so naturally you wouldn’t see it that way. But, make no mistake; those were lynching, a public and unsubstantiated destruction of a person’s life. They just failed, that’s all.
@Deplorable Me:
If that were the definition of “lynching,” then you might be on track to having a point, but, since it isn’t, we’re right back where we were before you weighed in.
@Michael: It was a metaphoric lynching, as in a racist mob enacting mob justice without factual proof of any wrongdoing. But, you like pollical lies that attempt to destroy people’s lives… because, desperation.
@Deplorable Me:
I’m not particularly feeling any desperation right now, as the Trump administration appears to be imploding.
@Michael: Oh perhaps you are not, the leaders of your Party bow to ZOD er anarchists and cop killers. You are quite disposable to them for the marxist goals. What next in Minneapolis The Reichstag Fire Decree ?
We see how well its working for CHAZ or CHOP not exactly mommys basement when bullets begin to fly. Their requested Gestapo isnt exactly keeping the peace.
The democrats are crumbling at all levels, a Presidential Candidate that cannot form a complete thought to city coucels that bow to commands of brown shirt wanna-bes. Those in CHAZ are your future, they must all hold college degrees and will expect their well educated demands be met. After all they gave them a degree, they, now like the strawman of OZ, know everything.
Jokes on you.
Just the usual propaganda in lieu of any actual platform or improvement.
Trump won’t win.
Trump was aided by Russia.
Trump is “impeached”.
Trump didn’t shut down the country soon enough.
Trump hates black people…
Trump’s campaign is “imploding”…
Why don’t you just say Trump is an alien?
Trump wins the popular vote and EC in November. Get used to it now…so you don’t implode later.
@Ronald J. Ward: Wow!. That’s a list of bad stuff! I guess Trump is a bad guy.
Who can I vote for instead of him? What’s the Democrat candidate, again?
Just promise me your candidate can:
a) complete a sentence.
b) Not pander to blacks
c) Not make his son rich with his own political influence.
Your list is all partisan rhetoric and completely dismissed.
I’ll vote for Trump, because Biden isn’t a serious candidate.
@Michael: Desperate people do desperate things. Inciting riots, standing aside and allowing looting, supporting the riots and looting, supporting and encouraging the destruction of historical monuments, the use of pollical violence and terrorism; in totalitarian regimes, this is all normal fare. I the United States, it is the desperate acts of a desperate party, on that has a very weak and incompetent candidate facing a candidate that tears formidable candidates to pieces.
@Nathan Blue:
I’ve said several times that Trump could commit crimes against humanity, even to his own fellow Americans, in broad daylight and on live TV and his cultist would still back him.
And just this weekend, he openly admitted on live TV and to a disappointing 6K of his cultists, that he intentionally impeded testing for COVID19 because it would push the numbers up and possibly hurt his reelection chances.
That’s beyond sinister. It is in fact a crime against humanity. He’s literally causing more people to die and ruining our economy for no more than his very own personal interest. There is no other logical conclusion and the admission came from his own mouth- on more than one occasion.
Yet, here you are again supporting him to the end while somehow blaming or pointing at Democrats, just as you’ve repeatedly did before in which I’ve repeatedly predicted each time.
Fortunately, as we saw from the low attendance at his Klan rally as well as other indicators, people are starting to see the real Trump.
@Ronald J. Ward: I watched the rally, Im sure you did not. He was joking asshole he cracked up the crowd. When did Creepy Biden ever get over 6 thousand in attendance for any rally ever, he is lucky to fill a youth center. Truth Trumps team made the testing numbers possible.
As far as someone shooting a person on a public street Biden could do it and the news would ask Why Trump did that.(example Ukraine)
@Ronald J. Ward:
But that is merely your opinion based on your own racist hatred, something you have proven time and time again.
@Deplorable Me:
Is Ronald J. Ward a person of color? If he’s not, I don’t know how his intense dislike of Trump could be a product of “racist hatred.”
You suggest that the ever-Trumpers’ adulation is not unqualified. Okay, I’ll bite: what would Trump have to do for you to turn against him?
Why should anyone answer your questions when you, yourself, refuses to answer questions put to you?
A) I’ve answered all the questions you’ve put to me, you demented fool, even when you yourself forgot that you asked them. Check through the last couple of threads in which you and I have interacted.
B) Shut up, you demented fool.
Oh, I missed your response to my question. I know it hurts your feelings that I don’t sit around waiting on your posts.
Here was your initial statement:
I then asked if you were a Senatorial parliamentarian. You finally responded:
What you don’t admit is that your original statement was not based on any knowledge of Senatorial parliamentarianism. It was your opinion, nothing more. An opinion you are not qualified to proffer. And then, you make the declarative statement that I do not have a right to say anything about the “thoroughly-documented proceedings” because am not a Senatorial parliamentarian, without any information to back that up or not knowing my knowledge of Senatorial parliamentarian rule.
You are nothing more than an unknowing arrogant ass who supports the party of racism. My guess is you are just a product of some third rate university that only cranks out stupid, indoctrinated clones.
Nothing you have ever posted changes that.
A) If you were the Senate Parliamentarian, you would have said so.
B) You are too ignorant and, frankly, slow-witted to hold a job like Senate Parliamentarian.
If you’re a current or former Senate Parliamentarian, go on the record with it now. Are you Charles Watkins, Floyd Riddick, Murray Zweben, Robert Dove, Alan Frumin, Robert Dove, Alan Frumin, or Elizabeth MacDonough? If so, prove it. If not, for God’s sake, zip your lip on the topic.
You want my CV? OK, Bubba, you first.
Well, I’ve never been Senate Parliamentarian. Your turn. Are you now, or have you ever been, Parliamentarian of the United States Senate? That’s the only part of your résumé I’m interested in learning about.
You want my CV? OK, Bubba, you first.
A CV doesn’t include what you have NOT done, moron.
You are just a product of some third rate university that only cranks out stupid, indoctrinated clones. Yep.
That is the most transparent bit of deflection I’ve ever seen you perform. It’s embarrassing to observe. It’s like watching a little kid who has been caught red-handed doing something he shouldn’t, but who still tries to jailhouse-lawyer his way out of the trouble.
You argue yourself into these corners, and you flop about pathetically in an attempt to bluff and bluster your way out, and you think that something like your last comment will be like a smoke bomb in a Scooby-Doo cartoon, enabling you to sidle away while nobody sees. It’s adorable.
Anyway, I’m not Senate Parliamentarian and you’re not Senate Parliamentarian. In order not to be a complete tool, you either need to rescind your ad hoc rule that only Senate Parliamentarians may say anything about the conduct of the Thomas hearing, or you need to end your own opining, since you weren’t Senate Parliamentarian, either.
I’ll go with whichever one you choose.
I know you follow the ideology of throwing false accusations around and pretending (when convenient) that anything said or done in the past doesn’t matter, but AJ’s racism goes way back.
In addition, AJ is a liar. He lies about what people have said and didn’t say, all in an effort to, like you, support a totally degenerate ideology.
He could promote polices that favor non-citizens over taxpaying citizens. He could denigrate the military. He could support domestic terrorism. He could promote economic policies which punishes businesses for being successful and, thus, destroys jobs. He could promote and support racism.
In other words, he could become a Democrat and I would no longer support him.
Like the child you are, you can only use equations pertaining to children.
Huh? Explain yourself, child.
Would you like to provide the verbatim quote where I said what you are claiming?
Why? Do you feel like you’re on the losing end of this “discussion?”
And you know that how?
Okay. Are you now, or have you ever been the Parliamentarian of the United Senate?
You want my CV? OK, Bubba, you first.
I hope you’re at least ashamed of yourself.
I’m sure glad the Trump Admin put its foot down over the BHAZ attempt to pull down the statue of President Andrew Jackson in DC.
Someday people may realize what we’ve lost in allowing these babies having tantrums to pull down and destroy so many historic statues around our country.
Babies having tantrums is not a reason to get their way.
In fact, it is really bad parenting to give in to a baby having a tantrum.
BLM and Antifa are filled with useful idiot emotion-ridden babies having tantrums.
Their puppet masters incite them thru paid leadership.
@Nan G: They are doing the same thing the Palestinians and Hamas does; provoke a violent response, then whine and cry about being treated “mean”. But, a violent response is now the only response and it will take several examples before those being used as the useful idiots begin to see that it’s not as much fun as they were told it would be.
As many in the world have pointed out, taking down statues and re-writing history is the first step in Communist Control.
Next its going to be certain movies you can’t watch…oops…that’s already happening (GWTW).
The current situation is a Communist takeover of the United States by the corrupted Democrat Party. It’s happening.
@Nathan Blue: Well, they can’t find any books to burn.
Facts don’t persuade morons.