You won’t find any coverage of it in any legacy network democrat owned media, but the crazies in Seattle have seized a six block section of town, blocked all the streets in and out, seized a Seattle police department precinct (with the acquiescence of the SPD chief) and declared it “autonomous.”
If you haven’t read “Lord of the Flies” you will see it play out in Seattle over the next week or so.
The feckless Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, claimed he knew nothing of it.
Washington Gov. Inslee on the so-called "autonomous zone" in Seattle:
"That's news to me".— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 11, 2020
It is no small irony that the first thing these twinkies did was to put up a wall around their “zone” to keep out certain people.
How is this peaceful? #SeattleAutonomousZone
— Summergirl198 (@summergirl198) June 11, 2020
“Autonomous zone”
Listen to this Anitfa soy thing explain the Seattle autonomous zone makes it want to cum! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
— Karli Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@KarluskaP) June 10, 2020
They’re an independent “zone” with no government, no police. Outside of the US. With city water, city sewers and city electricity of course.
This is autonomous as in Mommys’ basement autonomous.
Within two days they’re begging for food.
All this is working out as well as you would expect
Speaking on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the unfolding situation, the official told Fox News some people living in the area — which includes numerous bars, restaurants, businesses and private residences — have been “begging for help because they are not being allowed into their homes without ID.”
Police have been told to stay away from the region unless there is a call to 911 for help.
The official also added that leaders in the anti-cop zone are “starting to extort money from the local businesses within the border for ‘protection.'”
Mckenzie Diamond, who lives in the “Autonomous Zone,” told Kiro 7 the experience has been “a bit stressful.”
“It’s like checking in with somebody to get into your own home,” Diamond told the news outlet. “Just making it so people can get into their buildings. Keep the zone however they want, and move the fencing so people can go home.”
“No one at these checkpoints has the legal authority to demand identification from anyone. We ask if anyone is subjected to these demands to call 911 and report the incident,” Nollette said.
“While Washington is an open-carry state, there is no legal right for those arms to be used to intimidate community members,” she told Komo News. Nollette also added that they are aware of threats to burn down the East Precinct, which she said “would endanger residents, firefighters and businesses.”
“Police have been told to stay away from the region unless there is a call to 911 for help.”
Excuse me? What about all that autonomous crap?
Did someone mention protection?
And here it comes
And here is a video of Simone allegedly harassing a woman in "The Family," an organized prostitution scheme.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) June 10, 2020
This is a thing of beauty. I hope it’s real.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan thinks it’s a block party.
“We’ve got four blocks in Seattle that you just saw pictures of that is more like a block party atmosphere,” she said. “It’s not an armed take over. It’s not a military hunta. We will make sure that we can restore this but we have block parties and the like in this part of Seattle all the time. It’s known for that.”
Beg to differ, says SPD Chief Carmen Best
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is really a giant playpen for unruly children. Unruly children pretending to be real adults. If they really want to be autonomous and separate from the United States then there are steps that should be taken. City water, gas and electricity should be cut off. Cell phone coverage should be shut down. No services should be permitted to enter. No one should be able to leave the playpen without a US passport. As they want the police defunded, no police protection or response should be provided. Fire department services should be suspended, including EMT response.
Let the twinkies learn the hard way what autonomous and independent really mean.
This will not end well.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Stupid in Seattle look at whats happened to Seattle these dirty Antifa Bolseveks taking over lets see their crime rate go up and yes Socialists always appear to want t o help the masses when all they want is a Communists America
They even address their problems like children.
After losing all their food, they begged for more from outsiders.
Failing that they “planted a garden.”
At the ball park they dumped potting soil on top of part of the outfield lawn.
Then they “planted” starter veggies by setting them on top and smoothing more potting soil around them.
The total effect looks good BUT….
In 3 months it might (MIGHT) make enough for 4 adults to have a salad.
And rain might wash the potting soil away.
And the grass underneath probably will simply come up thru the potting soil and take back over.
OR, some hungry souls might pull up most of it early and have a little snack.
@Nan G: I guess what you are saying is none of them took agriculture as a major.
If you really want to know what is going on in the CHAZ, why not post a link to the video from TheYankeeMarshal, who walked through the CHAZ for 30 minutes last evening?
Why not post a link to the CHAZ official web site which includes live video streaming and an FAQ?
Why not post a link to The Stranger, Seattle’s only newspaper which is providing real analysis and on-site coverage?
Sorry to see that you are becoming just like the other fake news sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN etc who discard facts that don’t fit their narratives.
The CHAZ doesn’t seem to be as dangerous, chaotic, or crime ridden as some hysterical sources are depicting. There are obvious political motives for those distortions.
It’s not an insurgency. It’s a manifestation of civil discontent, less dangerous to lives and property than direct, violent confrontation on the streets. It’s also unsustainable. Just give it time, and the “occupation” will quietly and peacefully dissipate; confront it forcefully, and you’ll get the exact opposite.
Local authorities have to resist people who have reasons for wanting direct confrontation. Their ulterior motives are the most dangerous part of the situation.
June 12, 2020 – Here’s what Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone looks like
Its a bloody damn joke they play on themselves. Cordon off the area, they will go home with their tails tucked behind them. Civilizations begin with farming, who will make clothing do they have organic sheep for wool? 6 city blocks, city blocks how many acres is that, average 2.5 occupied with building and roads. According to the USDA , small family farms average 231 acres occupied by just several buildings, house, barn, machine shed and perhaps a few smaller sheds and silos.
They have no cows, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens the whole thing is insane. Sanity and basic common sense is not available in Chaz, it may be against the law there.
Behold todays hippies, where are the hippies of the 60s? They got a haircut and a job.
They became Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
@Greg: Idiot, they were both born in 1955 so they were hippies of the 60s? Like at 13 or 14 years old U R such a moron.
@Greg: Was the CHAZ authorized by current elected leaders and the voters of Washington?
If not, it needs to be steamrolled and all of the domestic terrorists arrested.
The United States of America, not a banana republic in the middle of Africa.
@Nathan Blue: They are just a group of mental defects, they have no real life skills. Their little Utopia might teach a few of them a good life lesson. Just starve them out it will crumble under its own stupidity.
International assistance was required for the perfect metaphor.
A group called Free Capitol Hill on Tuesday released a 30-point manifesto demanding sweeping social reforms, starting with the complete defunding of law enforcement.
At the same time, though, the city has continued to provide the zone with various services, including electricity, water and sanitation.
The Seattle police are still responding to 911 calls in the zone.
There was a dumpster fire last night and the CHAZ leaders called in the Fire Dept., even removing their barricades so the trucks could enter.
In other words, just like when they were in mom’s basement, these babies can’t make it on their own.
Now, they are even trying to walk back the term “autonomous” from their zone.
In Lord of the Flies the boys gravitated to serve under their worst bullies.
Those responsible souls who could have gotten them rescued (without burning down their entire island) were consigned to the outskirts, begging for mercy.
conrad greggie-poo, one is dealing with a very violent group. maybe they should visit your home and neighborhood. turnoff electricity, water, land lines, no exit or entry into the area and shut down tower service to that area. America mist treat them as terrorists. isolate the area. maybe you should have a conversation with my friend Vladimir Nikolayev about violence.
You don’t seem to know much about their early years. Though Gates was more of a nerdish sort, while Jobs fit the classic hippie stereotype better, both were creative, unconventional characters. Both experimented with psychedelics.
@Greg: at 13?
When did the Hippie Era End? It could be said that the mass counterculture movement ended in the time period 1970-1973 due to various factors. 1. Vietnam War winding down – protesting of the war was some of the glue that held the movement together.
at best Jobs just didnt bathe. So if bad BO makes you a hippie then so was Hillary during the 2016 election. Peace man.
Time to start smashing hippie skulls!! All it will take is to shoot one or two of the dirty hippies in the head and the rest will give up. They really don’t have any resolve.
A new nickname for Seattle THE CITY OF THIEVES