Remember When the Press Didn’t Hate the American People?



OK, maybe that’s not fair. It took a bit of looking, but I was able to find a few articles where the MSM showed genuine sympathy for Americans whose lives have been upended by the The Kung Flu Virus and the Boogy-Wuhan Flu. First, we go to NBC:

If the government-mandated shutdown continues through this week – and there is no end in sight – Friday will mark the second paycheck missed by affected workers, whose household budgets have been completely upended. 

An estimated 800,000 employees have been caught in the political crossfire of the shutdown, now in its fifth week.

President Donald Trump’s proposal to reopen the country, which outraged immigration hard-liners on the left and was instantly rejected by Democrats, is headed for a vote this week in the House, where it will probably fail.

 Next, The Washington Post shows its compassion with this heartbreaking personal story:

Donna Kelly dumped a pile of bills on a table at the office of the union that represents low-wage contractors, including janitors, security guards and cafeteria workers, locked out of their jobs by the shutdown.

Kelly, 63, is one of them. For the past four years, she has worked as a security guard. She earns $15.72 an hour, barely enough to pay the rent on her subsidized apartment on Capitol Hill and meet the rest of her monthly expenses. Now she is facing the loss of her paycheck as the partial shutdown enters its third week — a scary prospect.

“We have one more check coming,” said Kelly, a shop steward for the Service Employees International Union. “For me, it’s not a full check. If I don’t work, my bills don’t get paid. The reality is frightening.”

ABC news found another sad angle to our difficult plight: 

Lisa Gray was supposed to go on vacation with her family on Thursday, but now it’s up in the air.

Her husband, Thomas, an employee affected by the shutdown. He won’t be getting a paycheck for his work this week, directing aircraft in and out of Oakland International Airport.

But that’s not all. His family won’t be able to go on vacation, either, since he’s unable to receive paid time off for the duration of the shutdown.

“All scheduled paid leave and other paid time off, (including paid holiday time off), are canceled. As a result, Gray’s family vacation may be upended.

“He did have to turn in his vacation week for next week because there’s no guarantee you’d get paid for vacation days,” Lisa Gray told ABC News.

HAHAHAHAHHA!!! I’m kidding, of course! Yes, those links are real, and most of the stories you read are as well. These stories are all from the Acela media lamenting the plight of those long suffering, oppressed workers who support the federal government. Today’s average Americans who don’t live in a stronghold of Leftist extremism? Not so much. A month before Pelosi Antionette’s brilliant “Let them eat chocolate ice cream!” gaffe, she was telling Americans her true feelings toward them – “I don’t care!” Even my local small town paper, whose owner/editor in chief is a late stage Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer, likend Texas’ Lt. Governor Patrick suggestion that some older Americans might choose to go back to work is akin to Hitler’s final solution. Sadly, I’m not exaggerating, but that could be a post of its own.

Another interesting note, some personal happenings have forced me to spend a lot of time on Facebook the last few days (I mostly left FB back in 2018, another topic for another day). In my purely informal and unprofessional of surveying attitudes in the media and individuals, I’ve noticed a common thread among the people who support our near total lockdown and not reopening the country until total ruin has been achieved. Every one of them has at least one paycheck coming into their household. And I don’t see any of them publicly proclaiming and calling on others to donate their next two months of take home pay to households that haven’t gotten paid in months and whose federal aid is being gleefully held up by Pelosi Antoinette.

At the end of the day, I’m seeing a lot of today’s state capitol protests akin to the early days of the Tea Party rallies, but again, this topic can also be a thread of its own. Contrary to that The Radical Left would like to stereotype, these aren’t mobs of violent, dangerous extremists. Yes you get a few loons at every rally that the MSM searches for to report on, but most of us just want a common sense approach to reopening the US, as we’ve seen how well top down central planning works up close and personal here in Northern Virginia. Kurt Schlichter and Jon Eckdahl also weighed in on how differently our media and Leftist leaders are treating our current situation. And as a gentle warning to Lefties, if you didn’t like the Tea Party, you’re only seeing the beginning of a movement you’re truly going to hate.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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likend Texas’ Lt. Governor Patrick suggestion that some older Americans might choose to go back to work is akin to Hitler’s final solution. Sadly, I’m not exaggarating, but that could be a post of its own.

No, you AREN’T exaggerating; not one tiny bit. Patrick made a statement like, “There are things more important than life; like the futures of his children”. Of course the left left all the context off for their bombastic headline, implying opening businesses is more important than life.

No, liberals don’t understand financial stress. They live in a world where if they take stupid loans to pay for worthless “education” and it causes them inconvenience to pay it back, the only fair thing to do is wipe out the loan. Personal responsibility and worrying about fulfilling it doesn’t resonate with them.

I saw some memes describing these protests against unnecessary oppression as merely wanting “The Cheesecake Factory” to reopen. Ignorance actually can be bliss, I suppose.

Underlining it all is a desperate liberal instinct to simply oppose anything Trump says or does.

They went and filled ina skateboard park with sand in L.A. to proves what a bunch of lowlife scum suckers they are yes Liberals rear their ugly heads

To the Left’s false-dilemma viewpoint it’s either 1. keep the country locked down to its destruction, or, 2. Open the country by throwing all caution to the wind!

There’s plenty of space in between.

The Trump Admin is leaving it to the individual govs to decide whether or not to open their states.
Moving to the 1st phase of opening still requires social distancing, protection of those in higher at-risk groups and more.
But you’d never know that if you listen to Lefties about opening the country.
To hear them it is going to be the Wild West, a laissez-faire thing where dying in large numbers will be necessary.
I’ve even read where Lefties expressed that black Americans would be destroyed by a re-opened America.
As if the American black is too dumb to protect himself from infection unless everyone is legally shut in their homes.

@Nan G: They want the country closed down to not only damage the economy but also to provide support for their fraud goldmine, mail-in voting. That’s really all they care about.

We should pay their warning heed… after all, look how right they were about concealed carry…

I cant remember in my lifetime when the press did not hate anyone who was not believing their crap. Now WHO do they side with The governors of American states that are behaving like governors taking their orders from a foreign power. In this case, the power is the CDC, the World Health Organization, and by extension, the United Nations, of which the WHO is a branch.
These are the stars of media not villians.
Yes, a bloodless coup has already occurred.
The UN, in particular, has stated in a thousand different ways that it wants the US, and every nation, to bow to a world authority. The current strategy is medical. If climate change didn’t do the trick, try another angle.


the press and the media has always hated the American people. roosevelt’s new deal was not to get the country out of the great depression but to move those unsettled republican votes in both the house and senate to the democratic side. roosevelt had no interest other than enforce and enlarge the democrap party. walter cronkite belittled every American soldier in Nam. cbs (china broadcasting network) showed doctored videos of alleged action by American troops. walter was a traitor not only to the American people but to the world. the gay muslin terrorist pres. claimed he had the fbi burn his library upon his death..WRONG! this traitor’s entire library was moved to a secret location in Maine.

I may need the men in white coats to come after me, but looking at how this is all working out makes me think that it is possible the dimocrats colluded with the chi-coms to set this (not that lethal) virus loose and using the LSM, the dims propaganda arm, to drive the insanity on. That was planned to crash the economy helping China in 2 ways-they get rid of Trump and the US is critically weakened. The sad part is that, with everything that’s come out on plots against Trump, I can see the dims doing it!

@Bookdoc: Not just America the Chicoms while locking down Wuhan citizen in the city allowed them to fly out and tourists from all over the planet come to celebrate the Chinese new year, effectively bringing every country to its knees only a few countries were not convinced the chicom model of lock down was the best solution. Cornering the market on PPE they made money while others bled it out. They sold substandard garbage as always.

@Nan G:

I’ve even read where Lefties expressed that black Americans would be destroyed by a re-opened America.

That comes from a statement hyped by Dr. Fauci (who I do not trust) that minorities are suffering in greater numbers from the Chi-Com virus.

I live in a minority-majority state. So you would think that it would be reflective of Fauci’s statement, right? Ooops.
In my state of positive cases:
Whites – 35.6%
Hispanics – 26.7%
Blacks – 11.7%

So Hispanics and blacks combined barely exceeds the total of cases in white.

Of course, Fauci also predicted that HIV/AIDS by 1990 would show that heterosexuals would represent 40% of all cases. He was wrong.