Actually, the Corona Virus Is Exactly Why We Shouldn’t do The Green New Deal


A recent headline in the dead tree edition of the Opinion section inThe Washington Post bore the ominous headline, “Coronavirus is Killing You, but Climate Change is Killing Us!” I figured this would be an entertaining read, and of course it did not disappoint. When I searched for the ones and zeroes version for blog purposes, the title didn’t come up. I finally found it, with the changed title of “Politicians blew off Gen Z’s climate goals. The coronavirus shows we can act fast.” What is it with Lefty rags having to changing idiotic titles of their stories? Out of curiousity I did a quick search for the same issue on Conservative publications but came up empty. Hopefully our Lefty troll pals can be constructive and provide some examples – genuinely interested!

Back to the story. This post is just short enough that I can go blow by blow through the article. It starts off with:

By Jamie Margolin

Jamie Margolin, an 18-year-old Colombian-American climate justice activist, is a founder of the international youth climate justice organization Zero Hour, and author of the upcoming book, “Youth to Power: Your Voice and How To Use It.”

I’m 18 years old. In the four years I’ve spent fighting for climate justice, I’ve constantly heard the same excuses from the leaders who are supposed to protect me, my future and the future of generations to come: “We just can’t do that. We can’t transform our economy. We can’t change that fast.”

First off, I’m sorry that you went through high school without any parents in your life. To clarify, for all I know you may have been raised by your biological mother and father, they just haven’t been parents to you for the last four years. When you could have been developing life skills, enjoying your youth, and maybe getting an education, you’ve been instead following this crazed death cult that’s been calling for the Apocalypse in 5-10 years for, what, a half century now? And how do I know you haven’t had an education? I’m impressed that in four years of high school you haven’t had an English teacher who taught you about that mysterious, exotic thing known as the adverb. Between the title and opening paragraph you’ve already made two grammatical errors – you should be calling for us to move/act quickly. Save the adverb!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks the Green New Deal as the “green dream or whatever.” President Trump dismisses the idea that the United States should ditch fossil fuels: “I’m not going to lose that wealth. I’m not going to lose it on dreams, on windmills, which frankly aren’t working too well.” Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who unrolled a “middle ground” climate plan last May, instructs critics who want more drastic action, like a refusal to replace old natural gas pipelines, to “go vote for someone else.” When I testified in Congress last fall, Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.) told me that the United States shouldn’t take urgent action because other countries aren’t doing their share to reduce emissions. These climate proposals simply aren’t realistic, I keep hearing.

Maybe part of the reason people aren’t feeling a sense of urgency to adopt The Green New Deal is beacuse one key component missing from it is… the impact it will have on the climate. Yes, unlike you I actually read the entire bill, and you might want to do the same. This drek was such a powerful message that Democrats actually got offended when Cocaine Mitch called for a vote on it.

Well, the coronavirus pandemic has blown their cover. It has exposed how government leaders, and the American public, actually can make immediate, dramatic behavioral changes — even when those changes have serious consequences for the economy and our quality of life. It’s just that, until now, they haven’t been willing to.

In Ron Howard’s Arrested Development Narrator Voice: “Actually, it didn’t.” The biggest difference between the two issues? The Kung Flu Virus and the Boogie Wuhan Flu is real.

Don’t get me wrong: I am strictly following public health guidelines. I am staying indoors and self-isolating. I canceled all the events and travel that I had planned for the next few months. I am doing all my schoolwork, socializing and activism online. I gave up my freedom of movement and my ability to fully pursue my passions, and I did this immediately and gladly, because I will make sacrifices to keep us all healthy. I’m encouraging all my friends and peers to do the same. I do not want to catch the disease or transmit it to older and more vulnerable people.

Excellent on all counts, and good on you! Note that the big difference between the two crises is that the Corona Virus is calling for temporary changes (although plenty of Democrats want them to be permanent). You’re demanding we permanently surrender our freedom. As appealing this may sound in your drum circle, this one is a hard sell with the Normals.

But the way the coronavirus disproportionately affects older people is the exact way the climate crisis disproportionately affects young people. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the coronavirus fatality rate is as high as 11 percent among people between the ages of 65 and 84, but 0.1 percent for those between the ages of 20 and 44. In China, more than 80 percent of deaths occurred in adults older than 60; in Italy, that proportion is more than 96 percent. While those in my generation are indeed at risk of getting the virus, and no age group is safe from covid-19, older generations have the highest risk of dying from it.

When it comes to the climate crisis, most of the statistics are flipped: Young people will suffer the most. A United Nations study estimates that countries have roughly 10 years to take “unprecedented” actions to cut carbon emissions, before it’s too late. In a decade or two, many of today’s most influential politicians won’t even be around. But my generation will be. And we will be suffering and dying in massive numbers from the countless harms of the climate crisis: air pollution permanently damaging our lungs and immune systems; more pandemics of infectious diseases; severe and frequent natural disasters, droughts and famine; a projected 150 million people displaced by sea level rise.

Remember that part about the continuously moving target of how the end is coming in ten years for a few decades?  Your case isn’t helped by the smartest president in American history bought a $15 Million mansion that’s going to be underwater in a few years.

You want young people to sacrifice — to stop socializing, to shut ourselves inside — so older people can live. But many older people aren’t sacrificing so the youth can live.

Our leaders say shutting down extractive fossil fuel industries would be too disruptive. They say factory farming and animal agriculture are here to stay, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. They say it’s too expensive to build mass transit. They say it’s simply impossible to get to net zero emissions by 2030. They say rapidly transitioning to a renewable-energy economy is too inconvenient, too expensive.

It’s true: Those things are hard. But the coronavirus has proved that they are not impossible — that people will act in an emergency when they understand that it threatens them. Under normal circumstances, the climate catastrophe seems remote, or at least remote enough. Corporations think in terms of next quarter’s results, and politicians worry about the next election, which is at most six years away. There is no incentive to take inconvenient action, so the powerful claim they “can’t.”

I’m going to be constructive here, and offer some serious advice that will help you get taken seriously – show us a plan.  In simple, broad strokes:

  • How have you determined what the “correct” global temperature or rate of change is? And what are those starting benchmarks?
  • Show us a a timeline, and what results we should expect to see by your drastic action. And no, “The fact that our model wound up wrong is further proof of how drasticly the climate is changing!” If it wasn’t accounted for in your orginal plan, then you’re wrong.
  • How are you riolling this out? If we’re going to move on from fossil fuels, where is all of the alternative energy going to come from? Where will all of those solar/wind/turbine sources going to be placed?
  • And of course, what will be the cost? And no, “It will pay for itself with the bazillions of dollars in health care savings and the world not being destroyed!” isn’t research or data.

Back to the end of the article:

This pandemic shows that they simply won’t. We’ve seen schools and businesses and churches closed, and sports and entertainment events canceled. The social and economic consequences of this emergency response have been dire, including mass layoffs and losses in profit. Our leaders have demonstrated a sudden, passionate willingness to make corporations completely modify the way they operate and to shame people into changing their habits. All of this contradicts the usual excuses for climate inaction.

This pandemic has brought business as usual to an official halt. When the worst of the illness has passed, instead of rushing to return to “normal” — the old, comfortable pattern of destroying the planet — we can take this opportunity to restructure our economy and society in a way that will ensure today’s children can live.

My generation is giving up our youth — our schooling, our fun and our freedom — so that you can see next year. When this is over, you may have to keep giving something up so that we can see the next century.

Whoah – you are not “giving up your youth” for us. I’m not belittitling what you’ve given up, whether it be spring break trips, proms, or graduations. But many grown ups are giving up these things called “their livelihoods”. And when this is over, we’ll go back to producing things like the energy that charges your smart phones, your organic/fair trade/free range coffe beans, and everything else that generates the wealth that funds your ability to pretend that working for some parasitic activist group grants you some kind of sainthood.

You gave up your youth when you joined this cult. I’ll leave you with one prediction that I make with 100 percent certainty – you’re going to be miserable until the day you leave.

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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I finally found it, with the changed title of “Politicians blew off Gen Z’s climate goals. The coronavirus shows we can act fast.”

So, they let the cat out of the bag? Their plan to save the planet is to destroy the word economy and put everybody afoot? Just lock everyone in cells and everything will be fine!

I guess people who want nothing expect nothing. They have no idea how livings are made, where income comes from or where the revenues that is supposed to fuel that wonderful pie in the sky is gotten.

Someone posted an article cheering AOC and, just to instigate, I noted she was an idiot. Ever notice how when you get a LOT of liberals together, all their collective intelligence simply evaporates? They swarmed to her defense, not for any particular accomplishment (how could they?) but just… ’cause. Eventually I got around to the Green New Deal, the carbon footprint that would be left by replacing buildings with better ones and that $95 trillion price tag. I was assured all that was just kicking ideas around and the $95 trillion “an estimate”. I wonder, what’s it like living while denying all reality?

@Deplorable Me: There is no cure for an activist.

You had to figure the Washington Compost would bring up this false story about Global warming/Climate Change in their liberal rag their as bad as the NYT’s the usial Propaganda their always giving us

April 2, 2020 – Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses

Two months before the novel coronavirus is thought to have begun its deadly advance in Wuhan, China, the Trump administration ended a $200-million pandemic early-warning program aimed at training scientists in China and other countries to detect and respond to such a threat.

The project, launched by the U.S. Agency for International Development in 2009, identified 1,200 different viruses that had the potential to erupt into pandemics, including more than 160 novel coronaviruses. The initiative, called PREDICT, also trained and supported staff in 60 foreign laboratories — including the Wuhan lab that identified SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Field work ceased when the funding ran out in September, and organizations that worked on the PREDICT program laid off dozens of scientists and analysts, said Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, a key player in the program.

On Wednesday, USAID granted an emergency extension to the program, issuing $2.26 million over the next six months to send experts who will help foreign labs squelch the pandemic. But program leaders say the funding will do little to further the initiative’s original mission.

“Look at the name: Our efforts were to predict this before it happens. That’s the part of the program that was exciting — and that’s the part I’m worried about,” Daszak said.

“It’s absolutely critical that we don’t drop the idea of a large-scale, proactive, predictive program that tries to catch pandemics before they happen. Cutting a program that could in any way reduce the risk of things like COVID-19 happening again is, by any measure, shortsighted,” he added.

It is unclear whether another five-year grant would have dulled the impact of the current pandemic. But the Trump administration has come under increased criticism for its past moves to downgrade global health security, including proposals to slash funding to science agencies and the elimination of the National Security Council’s key global health post.

A spokesman for USAID said PREDICT was “just one component of USAID’s global health security efforts and accounted for less than 20% of our global health security funding.” He also said a new initiative to stop the spillover of viruses from animals to humans is scheduled to be awarded in August.

We are putting a temporary fix on a temporary problem.
The Left would make it all permanent and for nothing.
Their models about climate are as fraught with error as the coronavirus models just thrown out (and replaced by real data) by our White House coronavirus team.

One of the few bright sides of the sheltering in place non-laws is that the air is much clearer, cleaner.
About a week ago I noticed a HUGE planet in the west after sunset.
I thought Saturn or Jupiter, too white to be Mars.
But it turned out it is Venus.
Every now and then Venus moves to its furthest from the sun while it also moves its closest to our earth.
It was a beautiful sight!
Then I started getting out at about 2AM for star gazing.
No smog to force me to drive anywhere.
Just right out on the front lawn.
Later this month a meteor shower.

@Brother Bob: I posted the story of the NYT letting the Biden campaign edit the story about his rape accusation. All they do is tell me the Washington Examiner is “not a credible source”. They don’t even read it. One said it was lies; I asked if the NYT editor was a liar? Again, when they are grouped in a murder (like crows) the get even stupider, if that is possible (all deference to your wife, of course).

One guy posted a graph showing all the news sources and where their bias lays… as if it doesn’t take bias to MAKE the graph. CNN was barely left of center; that’s how “non-biased” it was.

They are truly a pitiful lot.

@Nan G: The Democrats want to act like the Nazi party did when the Reichstag burned down; enact “emergency powers” that they never lift.

@Brother Bob, #8:

Nice job of using a debunked lie to try to hijack the thread!

Where was the story debunked? I didn’t see any indications of that in the articles I found. The NY Times story precedes the COVID-19 outbreak.

A link would be appreciated. I’d like to know both sides.

@Brother Bob: Without regularly going to the debunked file, what do liberals actually have to say?

Yeah, I tell them this would be an excellent time for them to set me straight; I could really use it. And it should be easy. A pack of them were crying about Trump’s briefings while every one of them admitting they never watch them. They do it to themselves.

@Greg: NYT… aren’t they the outfit running interference for the Biden campaign, covering up his sexual abuses? Yeah… now THERE’S a credible source. THEY sure have no motive to lie.

@Brother Bob:

Barbi’s Green New Deal may very well fall short of perfect but the demand from the Party of Trump and their corporate donor machine to reject science and facts while injecting lies, disinformation, and head in the sand denial along with orchestrating the silence of reasonable debate of the issue is consistent with our very unprepared and slow response of the present pandemic problem.

@Ronald J. Ward: Explain the science of building a green new world without fossil fuels or an economy?

@Deplorable Me, #13:

NYT… aren’t they the outfit running interference for the Biden campaign, covering up his sexual abuses?

The New York Times isn’t the only news outlet that carried the story about the cancellation of the pandemic early warning project. As you can see from this search restricted to results from 2019, the stories came out before COVID-19 was even in the news.

The coverage was factual. Nothing has been “debunked”. We defunded a program that was intended to provide us with a sort of radar capability to detect potential pandemic virus as they came over the distant horizon, and critics recognized it as a potentially serious error at the time. COVID-19 has clearly established that they had a point.

As for “hijacking” threads, I share such links where they seem most appropriate. Shutting down a pandemic “radar” project is certainly relevant to the COVID-19 situation; epidemiology is certainly relevant to climate change and expanding human activities in previously isolated areas of the world. In my view, a blind spot in the Trump administration resulted in a blind spot in our national security. Shutting down PREDICT was one part of that. We also pulled U.S. epidemiologists out of China, and warnings from the U.S. embassy in China about potentially dangerous problems with the Wuhan bio-lab’s safety protocol apparently went unheeded by our own State Department.

@Greg: Ok Greg you are right ban all travel to and from China forever, if anyone has been to China for the last 6 months quarantine them for 40 days.All those hundreds of millions to train the chicoms and they just were not able to learn in what 8 years 10 years? Stupid commies.

@Greg: It’s not relevant to the socialistic, totalitarian Green New Buttf**king that Democrats are salivating to use to overcome all personal freedom. It’s also not true.


We defunded a program that was intended to provide us with a sort of radar capability to detect potential pandemic virus as they came over the distant horizon, and critics recognized it as a potentially serious error at the time.

That’s not an accurate assessment, but just partisan rhetoric. It’s not going to go far.

Lies and monday morning quarterbacking worked for Katrina. They won’t work for this.

Why don’t you field a good candidate and have a viable platform? That’s how the country works: you win elections on the merits of your platform and how the People decide that you are fit to carry it out.

It’s not run on disinformation. That’s why Trump won twice (2020 is already in the bag, mainly because of how much the Dems pissed people off with the politicizing the deaths of Americans and over-sympathizing with a Totalitarian regime that lies.

You’re handing the November elections to the Republicans every time you post, junior. Maybe when you retire some day you’ll have a bit more perspective and life experience?

@Nathan Blue:

Maybe when you retire some day you’ll have a bit more perspective and life experience?

Comrade Greggie claims to have fought in the Viet Nam war (although he won’t say for which side). If he’s not retired by now, that because he’s been a loser all his life.

@retire05: Yeah, he’s said bunch of stuff. He’s a retired Nam vet, he’s from Puerto Rico, he’s all retired and better than everyone…

He’s just a kid…or a few kids…working in a troll farm. He’s paid to just keep talking. It’s fun to watch him pivot and just post some retort to a claim no one ever made, when he’s cornered.

He doesn’t know he’s helping the Republican’s win…

In my view, a blind spot in the Trump administration resulted in a blind spot in our national security. Shutting down PREDICT was one part of that. We also pulled U.S. epidemiologists out of China, and warnings from the U.S. embassy in China about potentially dangerous problems with the Wuhan bio-lab’s safety protocol apparently went unheeded by our own State Department.

And, to double down on stupid (and to shift blame and create yet another media distraction from the fluster cluck that the White House COVID-19 response has been) today Trump is stomping around and threatening to stop U.S. funding to the World Health Organization—which is yet another “radar” system that provides early warnings of emerging epidemic and pandemic threats. WHO potentially has access to international reports and data that we don’t. Whatever you think about their handling of COVID-19, they were in fact one of the first flashing red warning lights on the panel.


We also pulled U.S. epidemiologists out of China, and warnings from the U.S. embassy in China about potentially dangerous problems with the Wuhan bio-lab’s safety protocol apparently went unheeded by our own State Department.

Of course, no link for that little bit of rebuff. Why did we pull epidemiologists out? Was their time there up? Were they afraid of the conditions at the Wuhan lab and left on their own?

And, to double down on stupid (and to shift blame and create yet another media distraction from the fluster cluck that the White House COVID-19 response has been) today Trump is stomping around and threatening to stop U.S. funding to the World Health Organization—which is yet another “radar” system that provides early warnings of emerging epidemic and pandemic threats.

Would that be the same WHO who bought into China’s lies that the Chi-Com flu was not transferable between humans and China allowed millions to leave Wuhan to fly to all parts of the world while shutting down Wuhan traffic to other areas of China?

Are you paid by China to promote the Chi-Com talking points? Seems like you are.

@Greg: Let China fund them Im sure the will when they actually do something about their carbon output.

@Greg: The only cluster has been in the Democrat obstruction and lies about the great response to this crisis Trump has mounted. Trump is leading the effort but he always gives credit do all those doing the work, the experts and highly skilled people he collected together. Base on the models, Trump has saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

In every country affected, the spread would have been exponentially less (literally) had China and the WHO not lied about human transmission. Are you not mentally capable of understanding that massive significance of that one lie? While countries prepared for a very few cases, people that didn’t even know they were infected were mingling about the world infecting others, who infected others who infected even more. The MOMENT the WHO finally broke down and revealed the truth (because Taiwan had already warned them and the truth was bound to leak out), the pandemic was already in place. Whoever responsible for that lie needs to be prosecuted.

@Nathan Blue:

It’s not run on disinformation. That’s why Trump won twice (2020 is already in the bag,

Aside from the obvious satire,

Why Trump’s slump is likely to last all year

Even Fox News doesn’t dispute it”

Trump is down in the polls, and may still slip further back. With Biden expanding the map into Arizona and the president losing ground in the Midwest, Democrats have more plausible paths to an Electoral College majority. And as a recession becomes a reality, the president will bear the brunt of the blame.”

How Americans View The Coronavirus Crisis And Trump’s Response

The briefings aren’t working: Trump’s approval rating takes a dip

Majority of Americans disapproves

Trumps approval underwater

The authors are on the advisory board of the Lincoln Project- We’ve never backed a Democrat for president. But Trump must be defeated.

Big restaurant chains get small business aid, sparking backlash

Wall Street feasts on federal coronavirus aid while Main Street starves

The 2018 elections were telling of of things to come. The Wisconsin election was telling of the determination of people to get rid of your ungodly false prophet. We’re not likely to be “up and going” by May and Trump’s still dragging his feet and making things worse, all while he and Moscow Mitch are looting the treasury for the most wealthy, all while we have nurses wearing trash bags and doctors in sport arena rain jackets.

Don’s Teflon is starting to peel and the scales over many zombie eyes are starting to fall off.

@Ronald J. Ward: Ya sure Barry and Warren waited to endorse Biden….til there was no one else, nobody else what does that even mean? You sit down suck your thumb and try to think about that one. Weekend at Bidens Joe who cant hold a rally for more than 7 minutes and they still get enough comic gaff to go viral Such as he wants to give citizens citizenship and other senseless word salads.
Trump at this point has no competitor.
We call your links suspension of sanity.

@Ronald J. Ward:

The Wisconsin election was telling of the determination of people to get rid of your ungodly false prophet.

Sorry, the false prophet (i.e. the political messiah) left the Oval Office in January 2017.

he and Moscow Mitch are looting the treasury for the most wealthy, all while we have nurses wearing trash bags and doctors in sport arena rain jackets.

And the Democrats have done what, exactly? The only thing they have to say is “Trump is evil” while Malig-Nancy shows off her $10,000 plus freezers full of $12.00 a pint designer ice cream.

Do you ever visit any websites that are NOT far left wing? Never mind, I know the answer to that.


Do you ever visit any websites that are NOT far left wing? Never mind, I know the answer to that.

Would you mind pointing me to a few who deliver unbiased and simply straight up accurate (or at least reasonably non biased accuracy) who don’t have a political preference?


you never stop bing a communnist

@Ronald J. Ward:

Could there be any source that I provided to you that you would not dismiss? No, there would not be.

So while you rail on President Trump, why don’t you tell us what the Democrats have done, or even any ideas they have, to put our nation on a track to recovery? Or do you thinking that giving themselves a raise, giving millions to the National Endowment of the Arts and other pet groups does the trick?


Could there be any source that I provided to you that you would not dismiss? No, there would not be.

Well, I suppose I’ll agree with you on that one.

As far as what Dems have done or not done or Nancy Pelosi this or that, I’m pretty sure the discussion with Nathan that you interrupted pertained to his insistence that Trump and his brown-shirts have already won the Nov election.

In the meantime, Trump in going into full blown egotistic meltdown and obviously out of control in the middle of a national crises. A few folks are getting their TrumpVirus checks while Wall Street robbed us of another few $trillion. And still nothing on a vaccine, slow on ventilates and PPE, but yeah, let’s talk about those damn Democrats.

@Ronald J. Ward: Slow on ventilators but not one American went without one, nearly 10 K in the stockpile. Have you any idea how long it takes to develop a vaxx you roll up your sleeve for a vaxx that hasnt been tested you be the lab rat. Take one of those that Gates the de-population guy is sinking billions into, step right up.
PPE there are many companies now making PPE as China had cornered the market being a Clinton anointed preferred trading partner.

@Ronald J. Ward:

As far as what Dems have done or not done or Nancy Pelosi this or that, I’m pretty sure the discussion with Nathan that you interrupted pertained to his insistence that Trump and his brown-shirts have already won the Nov election

Clearly, you don’t understand the concept of an open forum which FA is. If I wanted to respond to Nathan, my post would have his name on it, not yours.

Brown shirts? Ah, the ever handy Nazi reference. Perhaps you should try something new.

A few folks are getting their TrumpVirus checks while Wall Street robbed us of another few $trillion.

The ever standard liberal response. BORING!!! Never mind that Nancy Pelosi is entertaining her grandkids while workers in American are trying to figure out how to buy food.

And still nothing on a vaccine, slow on ventilates and PPE, but yeah, let’s talk about those damn Democrats.

Every medical professional says a vaccine takes at least a year and a half. Maybe Chuckie (The Schmuck) Schumer can pull one out of his ass for you.

@Ronald J. Ward:

And still nothing on a vaccine, slow on ventilates and PPE, but yeah, let’s talk about those damn Democrats.

Several vaccines are in trial, but I understand people who make it a point to maintain their ignorance wouldn’t know that.


Considering Pelosi is ready to convene in the event of emergency measures needed, I agree with the social distancing needed.

In the meantime, looks like Trump just handed the bankrupt company Panthera Worldwide LLC who says to have no employees and no history of manufacturing medical equipment a $55 million contract to make N95 masks. I suspect the media findings will be interesting.

Even corporate and banking CEOs are telling Trump to back off his unprepared and half-baked reopening in order to let their golden goose heal-you know, the actual successful business people rather than a muti-bankrupted silver-spooned who played the character of a business man on a reality TV show).

How’s that cutting aid to the Worldwide Heath Organization in the middle of a worldwide health crises panning out? How about all these folk depending on that $1200 trumpvirus check only to find out team Trump’s allowing the banks to grab what they want first-all while the peons learn that those making $1 miilion + will ultimately get $1.7 million out of the deal?

So yeah, I’ll admit Pelosi et al more than likely scrape some of the cream off the top now and then as we all know politicians are crooks and liars but Team Trump has taken it to new levels, in the middle of a crisis when people are dying or scared of death and he tells states they’re on their own (unless they are nice to him).

And the results are that every major country in the world has seen a significant rallying bump but us. Trump’s approval has fallen. Lindsay Graham and Susan Collins are being crushed in fundraising compared to their opponents. McSally and Ernst appear to be underwater. The mighty Moscow Mitch from ruby red KY is running neck and neck.

We have a charlatan egomaniac fox-in-the-chicken-house in charge of something obviously out of his league yet content on profiteering for him and his wealthy loyalist.

Of course, his racist flock has known this all along but as proven again and again, “it just doesn’t matter”. Well, it appears that for many, it does now matter. He still has a strong base and we’re seeing them traveling states with their Trump and Rebel flags waving while disrupting and protesting governors trying to protect their citizens.

Welcome the new “pro-coranavirus” Trump cult.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Considering Pelosi is ready to convene in the event of emergency measures needed, I agree with the social distancing needed.

We are in a continuing “emergency.”

Even corporate and banking CEOs are telling Trump to back off his unprepared and half-baked reopening in order to let their golden goose heal-you know, the actual successful business people rather than a muti-bankrupted silver-spooned who played the character of a business man on a reality TV show).

So now you’re pimping for Bill Gates, the man who thinks the world population should be reduced and who is a major contributor to the Chinese run WHO?

So yeah, I’ll admit Pelosi et al more than likely scrape some of the cream off the top now and then as we all know politicians are crooks and liars

But as long as she is one of your crooks and liars, it’s seems to be OK with you.

but Team Trump has taken it to new levels, in the middle of a crisis when people are dying or scared of death and he tells states they’re on their own (unless they are nice to him).

Still pimping your lies, I see.

Of course, his racist flock has known this all along but as proven again and again, “it just doesn’t matter”. Well, it appears that for many, it does now matter. He still has a strong base and we’re seeing them traveling states with their Trump and Rebel flags waving while disrupting and protesting governors trying to protect their citizens.

The only racist on this forum is you, AJ/Ward. You are eat up with racism, and hatred toward anyone who doesn’t agree with you.

Now, please tell me, just exactly what has the Democrats done to alleviate this pandemic and make the lives of the millions who have lost their livelihoods better? I eagerly await your response. I’m sure it will be a doozie.


We are in a continuing “emergency.”

By “emergency”, they mean something suddenly appears that can be politically exploited, she will grab her flask and beat it back to Washington. Human suffering is not that interesting to her.

Now, please tell me, just exactly what has the Democrats done to alleviate this pandemic and make the lives of the millions who have lost their livelihoods better?

I’ve been asking that question all over the place, even to people who haven’t proven themselves to be chickenshit little liars who lie and know they are lying. They have NO answer.

@retire05: Bernie boy says

disrupting and protesting governors trying to protect their citizens.

In Michigan its ok to buy weed and lottery tickets but not garden seeds and baby seats for your infant.
The tax slaves of Michigan with the worst urban schools and crappy roads will only have what Queen Ignorant deems fit for them.

If the dictatorial leanings of Democrat mayors and governors don’t scare you into never wanting to make their actions apply to a permanent “problem,” what about big tech’s?
Bill Gates made billions off tech and admits openly he’d like it if a huge chunk of the global population died off.
But HE’s in charge of creating one (or some) of the Coronavirus vaccines????
And “smart phones” are already being used to track people suspected of being out where they might get exposed or expose other.
Does the “smart” phone snap a pic to see if you’re wearing a mask or not, or does it simply report you?
Next a “smart” house’s doors and windows will be locked by the computer so you CANNOT leave, maybe even if a fire breaks out.
Maybe a “smart” vehicle will refuse to start, too.

The so-called Green New Deal is more based on a pack of lies than the coronavirus models.
Dems are all wanna be Nazis.

@Ronald J. Ward: @Deplorable Me: @kitt: @Nan G: This guy Ron/AJ is hilarious. It’s like Baghdad Bob, but even worse….I think he actually believes what he’s saying…LOL.

But I guess if we’re keeping him ranting here, he’s not out hurting himself or others. Wonder what anti-psychotics he’s on?

He’s most likely “on” the FBI’s list of crazies, so that’s good.

He really is a lesson is what political delusion looks like. I’ve saved his tastier rants for my work, to show people what rabid cultists look like when they’ve truly “bought in” to irrationality.

@Ronald J. Ward, #37:

In the meantime, looks like Trump just handed the bankrupt company Panthera Worldwide LLC who says to have no employees and no history of manufacturing medical equipment a $55 million contract to make N95 masks. I suspect the media findings will be interesting.

It looks like you’re right on that point:

April 16, 2020 – The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it’s never manufactured

But hey… Obama.

@Greg: We agree every shyster on the planet will be after a piece of the Trillions, this should be investigated and the applicant if the goods are over-priced and or undelivered be jailed and it needs to happen with a bright media spotlight of shame to try to scare off these sleazy types.
N95 masks vary, some with full silicone seals inside with valves to simple dust masks with a light strip of foam inside across the nose. Price comparing the full spectrum isnt full disclosure.

@Greg: Ah…Ron/AJ went back to being greg…how fun.

Anything to pull attention away from your senile groping joke of a candidate, eh?

And there’s a little more to the story about Panthera, but hey…what do facts and analysis matter when you think hastily written “articles” will suddenly overturn a fair election?

At what point do you and your party learn? The disinformation by way of media isn’t going to work anymore.


April 16, 2020 – The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it’s never manufactured

Hehe…this isn’t the silver bullet you’re looking for, troll. Read again.

This is the new “hoax” the Dems/media are tying to manufacture, that Trump is giving contracts to friends or partially owned companies, etc.

God you idiots continue to look stupid.

@Nathan Blue:

Anything to pull attention away from your senile groping joke of a candidate, eh?

I thought vagina grabbing and groping was perfectly acceptable behavior for the Trump cultist.

And there’s a little more to the story about Panthera, but hey…what do facts and analysis matter when you think hastily written “articles” will suddenly overturn a fair election?

Please elaborate. I’m sure there’s more to come out.

@Nathan Blue:

April 16, 2020 – The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it’s never manufactured

Hehe…this isn’t the silver bullet you’re looking for, troll. Read again.

To the Trump cultist, there is no silver bullet. And it isn’t a matter of some single “silver bullet” but rather a reality of an impostor.

Greg’s entire “story” relies on a man, Robert Starer, who is suing Panthera.
Starer’s “story” relies on the idea you’re all too dumb to know what a third-party vendor like many of the companies the admin made deals for masks and other protective equipment with.
Also the Virginia LLC registration was allowed to lapse after the company focused its business in Delaware (where it is registered.)

@Nan G: These guys are hunters of PPE, who else has never made a mask, My Pillow 10,000 units a day to 50,000 units a day , GM 1.5 million per month and Boeing delivered its first donated shipment of 2,300 face shields Friday to the federal government April 10th. Jockey donating 250000 isolation gowns for frontline medical workers eventually be cranking out 30,000 to 50,000 a week.
Dozens and dozens of others.

@kitt: Good point.
Up until they closed their doors, we’d go to JoAnn’s and make masks using their materials and machines for free.
We did it in round robin style, when you get tired, someone takes your place and you go to the back of the line.
Now we have a new place that does it, Nutalls.
But they are too far away for me.
I make them at home with materials I have had on hand from projects over the years.
I pack them in pairs in sandwich size plastic baggies.
I mentioned this to a checker when I was buying some more baggies and she got her manager who gave me a whole bunch of packages of them!

So, having never done it before means nothing.