New York City- a story of how not to handle a crisis and blame everyone else


Image may contain: possible text that says 'We need Ventilators! People are Dying!!! Quick, let's Fund the Kennedy Center!'


FEMA guidelines stipulate that states are to be the first line of defense in emergencies and are expected to respond accordingly:

Local governments are the first line of defense against emergencies and disasters and are primarily responsible for managing the response to and recovery from those events. At the local government level, the primary responsibility for protecting citizens belongs to local elected officials such as mayors, city councils, and boards of commissioners. When a local government receives warning that an emergency could be imminent, its first priority is to alert and warn citizens and take whatever actions are needed to minimize damage and protect life and property. If necessary, it may order an evacuation.

When an emergency or disaster does occur, fire and police units, emergency medical personnel, and rescue workers rush to damaged areas to provide aid. After this initial response, the local government must work to ensure public order and security. Vital services such as water, power, communications, transportation, shelter, and medical care must be provided, and debris removal must begin. Public and private utility company crews, along with other emergency teams, must be on the job to restore essential services. The local government coordinates its efforts with voluntary agencies who assist individuals and families in need.

Of course, the Federal government must act in concert when appropriate.

New York City- the current epicenter of COVID 19- proved itself far short of the goal in action and all too successful in the finger pointing exercise- a hapless Governor and a feckless Mayor.

A 2015 Task Force found that New York would be woefully unprepared in terms of ventilators should a Spanish flu type of pandemic strike. Cuomo did not choose to purchase more respirators and instead accepted a triage plan.

That task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have the highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst) depending on a “triage officer’s” decision. In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugarcoat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor.

Cuomo’s defense was “no else did either.”

“There’s no state in the United States that bought ventilators for the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. The federal government did not buy ventilators for the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Nobody in the world bought ventilators in preparation for a 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.”

That’s true, but then blaming Trump is also wrong. Prior to the current crisis a Johns Hopkins study reported that New York did not have the average per capita number of ventilators available. Cuomo is demanding 30,000 ventilators and as of March 21 New York had 7,000 on hand.

This week the Trump administration shipped out 4000 more ventilators to New York. Other steps have been taken, including using one ventilator for two patients.

Right this very moment Cuomo is explaining why he believes he needs 30,000 ventilators and it is dependent on the worst case scenario. Dr. Deborah Brix, on the White House Corona Virus task force, says that number may not be necessary and is not necessary at the moment. The Huffington Post writes

Birx also said there were “over 1,000 to 2,000” available ventilators in the city, though she did not provide details on how and when hospitals were getting access to them.

As of yesterday, after dismissing Trump’s assertion that New York had many more ventilators than is currently needed, Cuomo had 12,000 ventilators on hand.

Watch Cuomo lie through his teeth here

Both Trump and Cuomo are realistically trying to the best they can, Cuomo could do with less posturing, less accusation and less lying. Trump and Cuomo have a relationship based on conflict with both ups and downs. At the moment Trump is moving heaven and earth for New York.

On the other hand, there is Mayor Feckless DeBlasio. I cannot understand how a quasi-intelligent person could vote for this moron. New York has absolutely failed its citizens miserably.

The clown Mayor of NY on March 2:

The NYC Health Commissioner on Feb. 2:

“The risk to New Yorkers from coronavirus is low and … our preparedness as a city is very high,” Barbot said at a Feb. 2 press conference supporting the Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival. “There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take a bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday [Feb. 9].”

This is the NYC Health Commissioner on Feb. 7

Then within four days DeBlasio began screaming about Trump ignoring New York and he finally ordered some COVID supplies on March 6.

Mayor Bill de Blasio has blamed President Trump for the city’s severe shortage of COVID-19 supplies even though City Hall didn’t secure its first order for emergency protective gear until March 6, The Post has learned.

Officials with the city’s Office of Emergency Management tried to purchase nearly 200,000 n95 masks on Feb. 7, but weeks later they learned the vendors had already run out.

It was not until March 6 and March 10 — over two months after the coronavirus outbreak first hit China — that they finally secured the first emergency procurements of masks and hand sanitizer, according to the city comptroller’s office.

Feb. 10

Lest you still doubt what an idiot DeBlasio is- this from March 17:

De Blasio, a failed 2020 presidential candidate, announced that the city would be shutting down restaurants, bars, and gyms on Monday and urged people not to go to those public spaces to combat potential exposure, but that did not stop him from going to the YMCA that morning for one last workout. A number of people expressed their frustration with the mayor, seeing his actions as an implicit double standard.

And this from Ben Domenech on Twitter



New York City continues to allow the COVID infection to spread. If you examine the lines of infection in the greater New York City region it becomes clear that it is spreading along commuter lines into Connecticut and into Eastern Long Island and is exploding in the city.

It’s all about mass transit.

Neither Cuomo nor DeBlasio has even broached the possibility of doing something with mass transit and that is why the Chinese Wuhan virus continues to rage in the NYC area. There are steps that must be taken to control the virus spread. Donald Trump hinted at the possibility of quarantining the tri-state area and Cuomo went ballistic.

Cuomo, in an interview with CNN, said that preventing people from moving in and out of the tri-state would amount to a federally imposed lockdown, which he believes is illegal.

“A lockdown is what they did in Wuhan, China,” Cuomo said. “We’re not in China, and we’re not in Wuhan. I don’t believe it would be legal. I believe it would be illegal.“

Great, but instead of staying home as recommended, New Yorkers are fleeing the city and smearing infection everywhere they go- Connecticut, Rhode Island and Florida. And that’s not all- they’re having Corona parties:

While most New Yorkers are hunkering in place, others are popping corks and staging parties that defy occupancy and social-distancing edicts.

Lucian Wintrich, a former White House reporter and advertisement hand, is one of them. The 31-year-old contrarian recently hosted a “corona potluck” at his small but chic East Village apartment.

“They can’t diagnose us all,” reads the invite Wintrich sent to a select group for the March 14 gathering. “Don’t wash your hands. … Bring your fav dish!” The tongue-in-cheek advert also included an image of a boy covered in chicken pox and a fork digging into a coronavirus spore.

“The majority of folks I invited, if they got it, would recover fairly quickly and build up an immunity to the present form of COVID19,” he said unapologetically. “It was relatively inspired by the chickenpox parties that were all the rage in the 90s.”

The problem is nothing Cuomo or DeBlasio is doing now is working. They are being entirely reactive and not proactive.

This is what I would do

1. Make everyone wear a mask. There are easily enough once a union admitted it was hoarding 39 million N95 masks coincidentally after AG Bill Barr said he would prosecute hoarders.  If it can’t be N95 masks then any mask will do. Anyone not wearing one should be detained and quarantined. Put police in masks and face shields and allow them to hand the masks out.

2. Expand mass transit services – buses, trains and subways- such that social distancing can be observed. Disinfect them repeatedly. Hand out disinfectant wipes on each one.

Shutting down mass transit is the real answer but it could mortally wound the city. Cuomo might want to stop whining and stop ignoring the fact that New Yorkers are ignoring him.

Unless he simply wants to allow the disease to run its course.

And don’t tell me Trump’s the problem.

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Notice Florida got everything it ordered, seems my prediction about dealing with FEMA was true.

You mean Florida, the elector-rich, Republican-friendly state that likely holds the outcome of the 2020 election in the balance? Or is there another Florida?

@George Wells:

Play nice.

So done playing nice You chose your ignorant face plant.
Only one Florida a state that regularly deals with FEMA and has those that know how to deal with the federal government.

@kitt, #49:

I think a consensus opinion held by the most knowledgeable people differs greatly from a consensus opinion held by the general public, whether it’s among climate scientists or medical doctors.

If the grid ever goes down, people will be asking why no one pushed harder for solar panels when the possibility was so obvious. A single solar flare event could take the grid down for weeks or months. It’s happened before, back when we weren’t so dependent on electricity and fragile digital data and communication technology.

@Greg: If the grid goes down they should ask Why the executive order by DJT was ignored after the next big solar flare.
Science brother real science please dont prove how dumb you really are. Scientists dont vote on if the agree they verify by repeating results. REAL scientific results.
Medical doctors used to bleed people to death They all agreed it was bad blood.


There’s not much excuse for our failure to meet the sudden demand for personal protective gear.

I agree. Obama left our stockpiles in terrible condition.

It should have been stockpiled and ready for rapid distribution all along.

NY, California and Washington have failed, haven’t they?

We’ve spent trillions preparing for the threat of wars. Not so much for the predictable pandemic.

If it was so predictable, why was NO ONE anywhere prepared?

If the grid ever goes down, people will be asking why no one pushed harder for solar panels when the possibility was so obvious.

If the grid goes down, what good will solar panels do? You wouldn’t be able to get the power to homes without the grid and solar panel installations on homes merely supplement their needs, not provide it.

@Deplorable Me:

I agree. Obama left our stockpiles in terrible condition.

Perhaps you forgot that Obama spent a $trillion trying to extricate us from a credit meltdown that placed the rest of his presidency in recovery mode, yet at every turn he was criticized for being too liberal with our cash. His spending worked to some extent, though not on the “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects he’d hoped for. I don’t recall anyone of either party suggesting he instead build up a strategic reserve of medical supplies. Apocalyptic hypotheticals were and are the stuff of science fiction, not of serious forward thinking. Why NOBODY was prepared for this is because THIS is but one of a thousand possible apocalypses, and there isn’t enough paper to print money on to pay for all the possible “preparations” that could be paid for, much less room to store them in.

@George Wells:, and over 12 K died from Swine flu.
Before this kung flu and forced shut down, we had more jobs than skilled labor to fill them.


Link failed.

@George Wells:

Perhaps you forgot that Obama spent a $trillion trying to extricate us from a credit meltdown that placed the rest of his presidency in recovery mode, yet at every turn he was criticized for being too liberal with our cash.

Oh… sorry. I didn’t realize there was a “good” excuse for the shortage of the PPE everyone is screaming about.

It wasn’t Obama’s job to tell someone to restock the shelves. The agencies should have done it as an SOP. Likewise, after Trump took office, it would not ave had an agenda item to go and inventory the stocks of every agency that the previous administration allowed to drop the ball.

But, it’s good to know that Trump can be blamed for every minute detail that is more of signal how federal agencies don’t take care of business than Trump’s stupidity, but Obama gets a full pass because “he was busy”.


Duly noted that the article linked was written by GOP Preibus, so cannot be assumed unbiased.
That said, Obama’s stimulus did fail on many of its promises. Politicians’ promises usually do. Obama presided over a drop in the stock market that exceeded 50% while so far, while Trump’s market drop has not yet exceeded 35%. And Obama spent less than 0.9 Trillion while Trump has already notched 2.2 Trillion. And we have yet to actually see but a tiny fraction of that 2.2 trillion spent, so we can’t really guess whether or not those expenditures actually worked. I sure hope they do. All of them. But we won’t know until the fat lady sings.

@Deplorable Me

“he was busy”

You know that is no excuse. Tell me, at what point in the distant future will all these problems stop being Obama’s fault? There is a REAL difference here between Obama’s administration and Trump’s. Obama’s is history, Trump’s is the future. You can’t use one to excuse the other. Obama tried that with Bush, and you wouldn’t let him get away with that, and rightly so. Each president has to work with what he gets on Inaugural Day, and not all Inaugural Days are created equal. You can keep going back to Obama’s administration to assign blame for everything that goes wrong for Trump if that makes you feel better, but you aren’t going to take the USA down to a third-world level by throwing Obama in jail for allegedly filling an off-shore bank account with pilfered billions. He didn’t live up to his hype, but that doesn’t make him criminal.

@George Wells: Agreed. Obama is no criminal. It’s fruitless to bring him up now, but it’s being done in defense of wrongful blame used politically by the Dems and their media.

My issue will always be this, however:

Trump and most other people who want to be President – wake up one day and say “I” want to run.

Obama – wakes up one day, and powerful people come to him and say “WE want you to run”.

I don’t think Obama knew half of what was being installed during his tenure. He was a puppet, a true Manchurian candidate. I know that pisses off Dems/Libs, but when you look at the facts, it’s really hard to treat him like just another candidate who ran and won. He was hand-picked, and completely aligned with the media/education/entertainment complex. That bothered me.

Anyway, as you said, that’s history. There is now a basic difference with how Dems and Reps see the role of the Federal government, and cases for each.

That said, it’s courageous mayors and governors who are going to be the real heroes in this, government-wise. WE have a Dem governor here who is losing public trust because he’s blaming Trump, not rolling up his own sleeves and getting sh*t done. There will be time to assess what we all did, but now is not the time.

And when that time comes, we’re all going to be guilty enough as to not cast stones, glass-house dwellers that we are.

A short video; anonymously tracked cell phones map the dispersal of persons gathered for spring break in Fort Lauderdale a few weeks ago back across the United States, with coronavirus going along for the ride:

March 28, 2020 – Cell Phone Tracking Analysis Shows Where Florida Springbreakers and New Yorkers Fleeing Coronavirus Went to Next

Young people are expected to often exercise poor judgement; state governors should know better. Florida still has implemented no state-wide stay-at-home protocol.

@George Wells: You brought up the failed stimulus .The swine flu is now seasonal Im sure the kung flu will also join the ranks, its why a treatment is so important so our flu season doesnt take out 10s of thousands more than it does now.
So when this president gets unwarranted bashing, or lack of credit we ask as compared to what.

GOP Preibus, so cannot be assumed unbiased.

what did he have wrong?
Pelosi trying to rewrite recent history yesterday on CNN by lying.


They also tracked people fleeing NY. Why didn’t you mention that?

Oh, that’s right; Florida has a Republican governor, New York a Democrat governor. Oddly enough, it’s only the Democrat governor that’s trying to dump the reasons for the lousy job he’s done on someone else.

@Nathan Blue:

Obama – wakes up one day, and powerful people come to him and say “WE want you to run”.
I don’t think Obama knew half of what was being installed during his tenure. He was a puppet, a true Manchurian candidate.

David Axelrod has to be the smartest man to ever present a candidate to the United States. No one should ever short change Axelrod’s brilliance in the political realm.

@retire05, #66:

They also tracked people fleeing NY. Why didn’t you mention that?

Did tens of thousands of college students gather into close proximity on the New York beaches for spring break, and then spread out across the country?

Andrew Cuomo imposted a ban on large gatherings in New York on March 12th. DeSantis banned gatherings of more than 10 people in Florida on March 17th—but didn’t close the beaches. So, this, multiplied by thousands. I don’t believe they’re keeping at a distances of 10 feet.

@George Wells: The things that are Obama’s fault are Obama’s fault. That can’t be changed. He squandered his “stimulus”, he overregulated the economy, strangling it, he made terrible foreign affairs deals, he weaponized the government. He did what he did and didn’t do what he didn’t do.

None of these references to Obama are in a vacuum. None if it is “yeah, but….” It all relates to the childish accusations of something Trump has or hasn’t done. Much of it was the responsibility of the previous administration and much of it is a demonstration of the hypocrisy the left exhibits of accepting total failure of their own while expecting absolute perfection of a Republican. I understand why do many Democrats wish to forget Obama ever happened, but it did.

@Nathan Blue:

Trump and most other people who want to be President – wake up one day and say “I” want to run.

Obama – wakes up one day, and powerful people come to him and say “WE want you to run”.

I don’t think Obama knew half of what was being installed during his tenure. He was a puppet, a true Manchurian candidate. I know that pisses off Dems/Libs, but when you look at the facts, it’s really hard to treat him like just another candidate who ran and won. He was hand-picked, and completely aligned with the media/education/entertainment complex. That bothered me.

I’m not going to research it but I’m pretty sure Obama was both a state and fed Senator, thus giving him at least a reasonable perspective of the mechanics of properly running the country.

I don’t get that part of “aligned with the media/education/entertainment complex” as Trump was a failed business man playing the role of a successful business man on a reality TV show but I do get the part about appealing to Trump being a “damn the establishment” and “beholding to no one /bull in a china shop” mentality in order to “shake things up”. Electing a bull to bust up china and turn over tables is arguable enough but what we have is more akin to a rabid wolf in charge of guarding the hen house. Even in the crisis and desperation, he seems to be focusing more on how to stash and hide $500 billion of the slush fund rather than he is in getting help to cities in need.

But even if you adamantly reject that, here’s an epic exposure of the difference in our political parties. Republicans have focused for years on defunding and/or eliminating bureaucracy of science and protective infrastructures. They’ve always had a rejection of science and a disdain for the EPA, OSHA, and on and on and have pushed for defunding or eliminating entirely. There’s never been any attempts to correct or make these programs better or more successful but rather to destroy them. And it’s fair to say that Trump has been at war with the CDC, WHO, EPA, OSHA, etc.

COVID 19 isn’t Trump’s fault. But when you try to destroy preventive agencies in place to protect us, as Trump did by firing the U.S. pandemic response team or in his attempts to pull funding from the CDC , it leaves us naked.

I’m not a tree hugger or butterfly chaser but the Trump & GOP’s climate denial and rejection of world scientist is likely another COVID 19 on steroids waiting to happen. And if so, it will be handled in the same denial (pack the churches) rejection from the capitalist/profiteering/wolf-in-a-hen-house prominent leaders as we’re seeing today.

Gutting the EPA, another Republican wish list, will likely hand us another Bhopal disaster. Their weakening of OSHA, MSHA, and worker’s rights are slowly returning them to dangerous and deadly sweat shop working condition.

Trump and Republicans are guilty of failing to plan which is actually, planning to fail. And they do this, on every front, to simply steal more hens from the hen house. That’s who they are.

@Ronald J Ward: Yeah, research would only destroy your point of view. Better stay ignorant of facts, AJ.

How stupid is Gov. Cuomo? He just said that he did not want FEMA coming into New York messing up New York’s system. And for the last 10 minutes, he’s been pimping his brother’s CNN show because Chris Cuomo tested positive this morning and talking about what a great guy his brother is because………………………. Then he took a swipe at Fox although Fox is airing his daily b/s session.

WTH does that have to do with anything? And I have news for Gov. Cuomo; maybe FEMA should take over New York because that blathering Italian has little of import to say about anything.

@Ronald J Ward:

COVID 19 isn’t Trump’s fault. But when you try to destroy preventive agencies in place to protect us, as Trump did by firing the U.S. pandemic response team or in his attempts to pull funding from the CDC , it leaves us naked.

Although this lie had been exposed to you many times, like the sick-in-the-head so-called journalists that you seem to fancy, repeating the lies doesn’t make them now truth.

I’m not a tree hugger or butterfly chaser but the Trump & GOP’s climate denial and rejection of world scientist is likely another COVID 19 on steroids waiting to happen

And exactly what does your “global warming” b/s have to do with the Chi-Com virus? As to denying science, there are no greater science denies than the left with their belief that there are dozens and dozens of genders and that a baby is nothing more than a clump of cells. So please, don’t lecture us on science.

And you’re slipping, AJ/Ward. You failed to remind us what a xenophobe Trump is because he shut down travel with China on January 31st.

Your hatred for all things Trump has made you dumb.

@Nathan Blue:

Your #63: Refreshingly, open-mindedly so true. Thanks again for speaking out of your own head instead of someone else’s.


Florida still has implemented no state-wide stay-at-home protocol.

Sort of reminds you of the mayor and city council of Amity Island in the movie “Jaws,” doesn’t it?

@Deplorable Me:

I understand why do many Democrats wish to forget Obama ever happened, but it did.

Well, you just keep reliving 2008 – 2016 if it makes you happy.
You might observe that I’m not obsessing over George Bush’s presidency, or Reagan’s, though I lived through them. If you spend all of your time looking behind you, all you get is a good view of your own ass.

@Ronald J Ward: *sighs*

All garbage rhetoric, ace. You CHOSE to see things in a highly erroneous, and partisan way.

You sidestepped what I said about Obama, and couldn’t even deny it. He was a prop.

If you believe that Trump was a “failed businessman”, then I’m not talking with a serious person. That’s the only thing your party can now do: conjure false stories with overarching disinformation. That’s literally all the Dems know how to do at this point, and people aren’t buying it.

Reps – less government
Dems – more government

It’s that simple.

I’ve supported both parties, and I support the Reps now because they support our form of Constitutional Republic. The Democrats do not, but favor a slow morph into something different, mainly because more government always leads to tyranny.

You’re free to have you opinion, but you don’t get to steal or silence mine. That’s what you party is about. That’s what they do, and that’s why I’m against them.

Country over party. The Dems are primarily atheists, and their ideologies are religion..which is why people like you so rabidly “believe” you are right while losing the ability to think.


Although this lie had been exposed to you many times,

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team. It’s true He also made efforts to slash CDC funding but that failed thanks to Democrats.

And exactly what does your “global warming” b/s have to do with the Chi-Com virus?

Ok, you didn’t read what I wrote or refusing to understand. When you deny science, medical warnings, and reject concrete evidence as has been attempted with the CDC and WHO, you are unprepared and even invite disaster. When you do the same with climate change, you are unprepared and invite disaster. When you push to defund programs such as the EPA, you invite things like this and this. When you push to defund programs like FEMA and put incompetent cronies in charge, you are unprepared when in real need. When you “deregulate” corporations and Wall Street and then “deregulate” more, you are removing laws or in other words, making them lawless and thus, inviting both social and economic ruin. When you continue to legislate to weaken social security, medicare, etc,, you are inviting a larger pool of poverty of the elderly.

That’s what the Republican/Trump party is all about, gutting protective infrastructure in order to benefit the wealthy. This is nothing been as they’ve been doing it for years, historically by the “death by a thousand cuts”. You now have your rabid wolf guarding the hen house who is taking that destruction to new levels.

Get it?


@George Wells: Thanks! You too.

Look, I’d love to vote for the Democrats in 2024. I think they can turn things around and offer something of value.

I just go for whatever party or candidate that is going to a) protect freedom, and b) not tell me what to think, ideologically.

@Nathan Blue:

The Dems are primarily atheists

I’m not sure you want to make that argument.
While I have a HUNCH that the majority of athiests are Democrats, the majority of Democrats are certainly not athiests. A similar false argument would be that Republicans are primarily billionaires. While I have a hunch that the majority of billionaires are Republican, the majority of Republicans are certainly not billionaires.

and people aren’t buying it.

Here you make an unsupportable assertion. People ARE buying the Democrats’ message, enough to win the popular vote in 2016, enough to win back the House in 2018, and enough to turn out record numbers of primary voters this year right up to when the COVID-19 pandemic postponed the primary season. Don’t be eager to write checks you can’t cover.

@George Wells: In 2017, the average age of all Florida residents was 42. Loads of retirees. I bet they have televisions, might have heard about the national emergency and that older people are more likely to die. An official golden engraved order might not change their habits one bit. Leftist must believe the government has to tell everyone everything Pffft.
You guys just keep pushing for martial law, so you have even more to cry about.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team.

No he didn’t.

@Ronald J. Ward:

That’s what the Republican/Trump party is all about, gutting protective infrastructure in order to benefit the wealthy. This is nothing been as they’ve been doing it for years, historically by the “death by a thousand cuts”. You now have your rabid wolf guarding the hen house who is taking that destruction to new levels.

It’s called reducing government, and maximizing the private sector…you know, the People.

Behold how our Constitutional, free-market Republic works

We don’t have a King, or totalitarian government. We have federal, state, and local governments who are expected to lead their tier. Our infrastructure has always been primarily in the private sector, and the Obamacare debacle reminds us why.

@Ronald J. Ward:

When you deny science

At times I think that denying science is a plank of the GOP platform. Here in Virginia Beach we now have palm trees, and our last frost this year was nearly our first, back around the middle of January. It didn’t used to be this way at all. Now March is the new May – we were at 87 degrees two days ago, in a region that used to have a median last-frost date of April 15. This sort of CHANGE is unparalleled – a three-month difference – yet we have LAWS forbidding the utterance of the term “:climate change”. WTF!

@George Wells:

People ARE buying the Democrats’ message, enough to win the popular vote in 2016, enough to win back the House in 2018, and enough to turn out record numbers of primary voters this year right up to when the COVID-19 pandemic postponed the primary season. Don’t be eager to write checks you can’t cover.

And what exactly are you basing that on, other than your own partisan bias? People ARE NOT buying the Dems message…because they don’t even have one. Seriously, look at your candidate right now, and tell me there’s a “message” to believe in? You can’t.

And a reminder, you have to win the EC to be president, not the pop vote. You don’t lose the 40 yard dash and keep running…win the 50 yard dash that no one else was running, and then declare yourself winner of the 40 yard dash.

The tyranny of the majority is real. Otherwise, you could just infiltrate media, education, and entertainment to get a false “majority” by way of propaganda….oh wait.

And I contend the Dems will lose the House. Trump will win the EC and popular vote.

There is no message from the Dems other than that of a soft coup. I don’t know what they stand for other than stale ideologies that have made the political Left into the Fundamentalist Right of out time.

@George Wells:

a three-month difference – yet we have LAWS forbidding the utterance of the term “:climate change”. WTF!

Climate change was weaponized by the Left decades ago, so they can cheaply marginalize any who stand in their way as “deniers”. It’s the same mechanism that goes into putting Jews into camps and such, or forcing Jews to convert to Christianity in Medieval Spain.

It’s just such a cheap technique.

At times I think that denying science is a plank of the GOP platform.

Yes, that was the disinformation goal. Leftism is “normal”, and Conservationism is for White Homophobic Christian Rich Assholes who hate science.

It’s like saying black people like watermelon. It’s that ignorant and wrong.

@George Wells: Sorry George. I just have my beliefs…but forgive me if I’m being too harsh. I respect your opinion.

@Nathan Blue

“Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team.

No he didn’t.”

Did too, did too, did too.

We could perhaps, if it makes you feel better, word it differently and say he nixed it or disbanded it or maybe even say the team resigned or quit but it’s an absolute fact that National Security Council staffers left abruptly in 2018 and Trump never replaced them or had any intentions of doing so.

@George Wells:
Trump’s ordering the removal of the wording “climate change” and similar language is another example of that death-by-a-thousand-lashes strategy only on a higher level.

Trump and Rs know climate change is no hoax but they are beholden to their corporate donors. This is evident with the virus as we are seeing in red states vrs blue states and with Trump resistance. We’ve seen this movie many times with their allegiance to the NRA, health insurers and pharmaceuticals. We saw it with opioids and how the elite were allowed to exploit it. We saw it when Trump bribed a foreign government by withholding congressional approve funding in order for them to dig up dirt on a political opponent. (and yeah Nate: did too, did too, did too and by the way, did too).

When it gets right down to it, today’s so-call conservatives don’t give a flying rat’s ass if mass people die or their leaders sell us out to another country or even denying people the right to vote as Trump just admitted that Republicans could never win if more people voted.

All they can do when their self inflicted crap hits the fan is to lie and hopefully gaslight their way out of it. But it’s like Al Gore said recently, you can’t gaslight a virus.

@Ronald J. Ward: haha…even your Leftist site disagrees with you:

No he didn’t.

Tell me about how good Biden is, and how you can’t wait to vote for him?

All they can do when their self inflicted crap hits the fan is to lie and hopefully gaslight their way out of it.

You’re gaslighting right now. It’s what you do.

@Ronald J. Ward: Are you under the impression climate has never changed? Yup just the other day seeing that poor wooly rhino dead on the side of the road so sad. Sitting here on a 2 mile thick ice floe the great lakes, nothing but glacier as far as the eyes can see who is being gaslighted? Did that mammoth just fart cause suddenly I see grass and trees. Quick raise taxes, make more regulations, that will fix it, yes the almighty powerful government.

@Ronald J. Ward: You say:

We… know… climate change… hoax… is evident

Your very own words.

@Ronald J. Ward:

But it’s like Al Gore said recently, you can’t gaslight a virus.

You can, however, gaslight a population and make basic environmentalism into a hate-filled ideology where you ask citizens to trade one corrupt energy cartel for another.

The Left’s “climate change” self-righteousness isn’t about caring for the planet, it’s about money and power.

@Nathan Blue:

forgive me if I’m being too harsh.

For the record, Black people DO like watermelon, DO like fried chicken, and chitterlings are just about NEVER found outside of grocery stores catering to Blacks.
Whites ALSO like watermelon and fried chicken, and Vietnamese use “‘chittlins” in their cooking, but call it tripe. The whole PC movement turned against telling the truth because it was being done so in a racist manner, making fun of Blacks doing the same things whites do as if they don’t.

People ARE buying the Democrats’ message…

what exactly are you basing that on?

I based that on the results of the recent elections I referenced, and the Recent FOX poll that put Biden ahead of Trump by 9%. Now, I recognize that in 2016, polls put Clinton ahead of Trump, and even Trump was surprised that he won. So I’m not saying that Biden will win in November. I’m just saying that he has a competitive following, and he wouldn’t have that if Trump wasn’t so ridiculously hostile to Democrats. If you think the man has been friendly to gays, well, you’ll notice that I refrain from being as insulting as Republicans on F.A. and leave it at that. I just don’t see what being intentionally hurtful adds to the human experience..

@George Wells: I think there’s a vested, and decades-old interest for Dem/Leftists to constantly seed the world with the idea that “everyone agrees” with them, and the polls prove it…until those polls are wrong.

There’s never a Leftist here bringing up polls on the day Trump beat Obama’s rating at the same time in his term, or when Trump’s coronavirus response approval went up, over 50% (which is the popular vote justification your party loves).

The Hill runs a Harvard poll article, and suddenly anyone on the Left runs around like it’s proof-positive that they are this vast majority and disagreeing with them is wrong…

That’s fascism, and it’s also propaganda.

No, the majority of people DO NOT think Biden is a better candidate than Trump. This is f*cking damage control given Biden’s recent conduct, and these “news” agencies need to get their base, you, to go out and intimidate the opposition into saying “yes, THE MAJORITY want Biden over Trump, so just give up. The polls say so!” These polls amount to basic gaslighting, and are not accurate.

Don’t you see the power that issuing poll “results” can give a political party, at least psychologically…even if we don’t know how the poll was really collected?

The people conducting these polls vote Democrat. The people reporting on the polls vote Democrat. It’s a biased and corrupt system, and the results mean nothing.

@George Wells: Oh, and for the record, I’ll never say that “black people like” anything, because each person is unique and differs in their lives.

I hate the term “people of color”, as if a coalition of non-whites marginalizing whites is the answer to poverty.

I’m white, and I’m a “person of color”. I have pink skin. I have a color. I’m not a evil race that others get to have revenge on. I don’t let people tell me what I like and what I think, because of the color of my skin.

@Nathan Blue: I wish I had saved the link, but I read an article about polls that digs deeper and shows that while Biden edges Trump in support, Trump overwhelms Biden with “enthusiastic” support, indicating TRUMP’S support will vote while Biden’s may not, probably because much of it really supports other candidates long out of the race.

But, who knows? It looks like Biden has this cinched, so his supporters don’t even need to bother to vote; it’s a done deal. Woe is us.

@Nathan Blue:

The people conducting these polls vote Democrat. The people reporting on the polls vote Democrat.

I reported the results of the most recent FOX poll… are you telling me FOX is Democrat?

I’ve already said that Trump will win reelection, and that if he keeps doing the right things that he HAS been doing for the last two weeks, I’ll even vote for him, so you may respectfully back your dogs off my heals.

@Deplorable Me:

It looks like Biden has this cinched, so his supporters don’t even need to bother to vote

Well, the Dems fell for that logic in 2016, and you see where it got them, and as they collectively have the attention span of a moth, they’ll fly into that bright light over and over again. I’d give Republicans credit for intentionally skewing poll results for just that purpose if I thought they were that smart, but they’re too busy chasing their own windmills to notice.

Watch and see me be right come November. That is, IF we have an election. Trump may just install a throne for himself in the White House and proclaim himself a living GOD and OUR savior. His Bro Putin showed him the way.

We may need to demand a wellness check on Brother Bob, teaching little Bob the basics of quantum physics may have overwhelmed him. Kids get bored if you cant present new challenges for them.
My first grandson was into astronomy, for a while, and I was having him name the planets he skipped Pluto. So I asked about it he said Pluto was kicked out, I asked him why and he was going into the dwarf planet answer when my granddaughter piped up to correct him and said No Mickey got mad at him and kicked him out.

@Ronald J. Ward:

@Nathan Blue:

@Ronald J. Ward: haha…even your Leftist site disagrees with you:

No he didn’t.

From the very factchecker you linked, did too:

The Trump administration did indeed eliminate a key position that would have been involved in pandemic response.

The Washington Post reported that former National Security Adviser John Bolton dissolved the NSC’s Office of Global Health Security and Biodefense in May 2018 in a reorganization effort. That’s when Rear Adm. R. Timothy Ziemer, who was senior director of the office, left his post. He was not replaced.

I suppose you’re arguing that is was Bolten rather than Trump? I get that to a degree as Trump, in his dereliction of leadership, as taken on the role of “hey, don’t blame me, I just work here, it’s these other guys around me that did it”.

@Nathan Blue: There’s that ole so familiar flip flop on polls again, dismiss them when you need to feel better and endorse them when they console your agenda.

There was considerable reporting on that 50% hiccup approval on Trump’s COVID19 response. It surprises me you even want to go there considering that in a time of crises and of historically rally the leader, it missed the mark of expectations by a landslide. It’s rather telling that the majority of Americans didn’t want Trump in at as they chose his opponent over him by nearly 3 million votes. But let me guess, voter fraud?

So when you come up with this “No, the majority of people DO NOT think Biden is a better candidate than Trump”, it’s kinda hard to take you as credible when the majority thought Hillary was the better candidate (and no, I’m not say he legitimately lost or Hillary should have been seated but the count proves the majority argument) and that other than a meager rally bump that history dictates to be temporary (and at best equates to a tie), Trump’s popularity is pretty much unchanged.

But again, you often conclusively declare the Nov electoral outcome without merit or evidence other than accepting polling data when it gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling while rejecting it if it doesn’t.