Thoughts about what ought to be done next in the battle against COVID 19



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The Wuhan Corona virus continues to spread. The exact mode is still in some debate. While droplet transmission is not in question, there is disagreement about transmission via aerosolization. More recently doctors like Marc Siegel on Fox opine that the virus is spread by symptomatic patients coughing or sneezing upon others. So how do we fight this other than accommodating the obvious steps?

There are divergent paths to be considered: the ones in which countries are seeing fewer cases and deaths and those which continue to see them rising.

Forget China and pay no attention to anything happening there. They lie about everything. China stopped reporting mild cases in February and are under-reporting cases now.

Japan and Korea seem to have a relatively good handle on the disease.

In Japan masks for all seems to be a very good policy

From the study cited:

It was found that a 50% compliance in donning the device resulted in a significant (at least 50% prevalence and 20% cumulative incidence) reduction in risk for fitted and unfitted N95 respirators, high-filtration surgical masks, and both low-filtration and high-filtration pediatric masks. An 80% compliance rate essentially eliminated the influenza outbreak. The results of the present study, as well as the application of the model to related influenza scenarios, are potentially useful to public health officials in decisions involving resource allocation or education strategies.

Here is the link to the study and others.

The fastest growing venue for COVID 19 in the US is New York City. IMO, it is because of one thing- mass transit.

People are jammed together in trains, subways and buses and are at high risk for contracting the virus should an infected individual be on board. Realistically, mass transit can’t be halted but there are measures which can and should be taken.

  1. N95 masks for everyone

I know there is a shortage of masks but at some point this will be resolved. The earliest supplies should first be sent to NYC and other urban areas which see continued increase in viral loads and then on to rural areas. Everybody should get one. They can be reused if properly decontaminated.

        2. Take the temperature of all trying to board mass transit


Won’t be easy, but even if done on a revolving basis can limit exposures.


        3. Limit the number of riders on any train, bus or subway to ensure “social                       distancing”


Again, a real inconvenience but necessary.


        4. Refuse boarding to symptomatic people


This should be completely unnecessary but unfortunately it is.

In the meantime people should continue to observe all of the CDC recommendations.

And frankly, isolate Bill DeBlasio and keep him quarantined and keep him in isolation and out of public contact until this crisis is past. Andrew Cuomo is doing a good job. DeBlasio need to get out of the way.

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@George Wells: Well, Despicable Me was making an argument that implied that closing the borders to illegal aliens would have prevented the COVID-19 pandemic, and that simply is not the case.
So is it the case that he used it as an argument or not?
You see your ignorant always contrary ways have made you insane. The southern border isnt the only access to the country but The Department of Homeland Security states that so far this year, 328 Chinese nationals have attempted to illegally cross our Southern Border from an article dated March 7th.

@George Wells: Legal and illegal immigrants should be screened. Legal immigrants must have vaccination certificates. Legal travelers must have vaccination certificates. Illegals do not. You lefties have been putting our country at risk with your open borders policies. Like most liberals, you fail to understand the safe guards regarding legal travel and immigrations. Your ignorance when allowed to dictate law/policy is detrimental to the health of our citizens, but then again, you folks are only interested in voters no matter their status.

@Deplorable Me:

Ok, OK. lets back up and look again at what I said. I did NOT say that DM argued that closing the borders would have prevented COVID-19. I’m not giving him CREDIT for saying that, because point of fact: If our borders had been closed – TIGHT – as in to ALL traffic – COVID-19 would not be here. PERIOD! DM brought up the Southern border wall issue IN THE COVID-19 CONTEXT, and THAT IMPLIED that if the Southern Border was locked down tight, COVID-19 would not be here… and that is not the case. COVID-19 came from China, and while Kitt believes that 328 Chinese nationals have ATTEMPTED to sneak in through Mexico, chances are about a bizzillion-to-one that locking that border up tight wouldn’t have made a lick of difference.

And just for any of you who still, amazingly, think that I’m a bleeding-heart liberal, you’re wrong. Donald Trump – GOD bless his misguided soul – is the best thing that’s come down the political pike for me in decades. He’s made me and mine about $8 million so far, and in spite of how the COVID-19 thing is temporarily screwing things up, Orange-Daddy is printing enough cash to fill in any gaps caused by everyone staying at home for as long as it takes. And the gold I bought two years ago in anticipation of Trump’s largess is doing great, too. I have Orange-Daddy to thank for that.

No, I DIDN’T vote for him. I voted for the other crook – after all, politicians ARE all crooks – not because of the politics, but because I feel sorry for the Democrats. They can’t get it together – can’t make it happen by themselves, like they have some sort of evil handicap. And I’ve told you before that I REALLY hate it when one party gets control of all the different facets of government, because then the mischief explodes, so sometimes I vote with the Dems. And, if any of you remember this discussion, I supported Democratic candidates AND the HRC AND the ACLU the when gay rights were being litigated. But now that’s done.
Obama only won because he was Black and the Blacks voted for him. Evidently, that was a winning strategy, but the Democratic Party didn’t bother to find out how far they could run with that, and you see the results.

Now, my BIG problem with the GOP is that it has abandoned MOST of the positions that I really respected it for – like fiscal conservatism – and Republican politicians have proven themselves to be no more principled than the Democrats they abhor. So what’s a girl to do? Well, now I vote for ME. It’s all about ME. My MONEY. Greed. Nothing else, no self-respect, because there’s none of that left, not in the political sense. Oh, it bothers me that Republicans treat science like an evil religion, but, Hey! I don’t have children to worry about. I don’t CARE if Republicans screw up everything for the next generations, ’cause I won’t be there.

Build a wall. I don’t care. I won’t be paying for it. I’ll bother to explain to you that a wall won’t keep out things like COVID-19, just in case you HAVEN’T figured that out for yourselves yet. And I don’t CARE about the death penalty, though I’ll happily point out to you the illogic in your support of it and the inconsistencies of that position in the context of your opposition to abortion. And I happily have my guns… just in case. Just because someone considers themselves of one party or the other doesn’t mean that they swallow every extreme of either… unless that is your intention – to be nothing but a parrot.


I’ve travelled abroad MANY times, and the only time I was required to be vaccinated for anything was when I travelled to Africa on business. I was NEVER screened upon return, from ANYWHERE. Now, if you have a medical emergency during a flight, you MIGHT be attended to upon arrival, but that would be at the discretion of the flight Captain, not something that DHS would enforce. Every flight I’ve ever been on had people coughing and sneezing, and they all disembark without incident. Yeah, maybe all that should be changed, but will it?

@George Wells: George I cut and pasted your comment highlight added. I did not edit it nor twist around the words at all.
You voted for the other crook, because of feelings that makes you exactly what you are denying to be. Emotions such as feeling sorry for a party to determine your vote is KooKoo for Cocoa Puffs.
I too am disappointed with the party I vote for, even calling Paul Ryan a filthy traitor for the last budget he put out before he tucked tail and retired.
I do have kids and hope I have taught them not to be dependent, be prepared.
You can try to walk back your ideology again your 1/2 lies poison isnt working.

@George Wells:

Ok, OK. lets back up and look again at what I said.

Yes… let’s.

Well, Despicable Me was making an argument that implied that closing the borders to illegal aliens would have prevented the COVID-19 pandemic, and that simply is not the case.

There’s no implication of that whatsoever. None, and I certainly didn’t make it. However, we can make whatever effort is required to control the spread in the country and treat the cases, but if new cases keep coming in, we’ll be fighting this forever. By the way, I live in Texas… where part of the border is. Kind of important.

So, I won’t engage in 10,000 back and forths discussing something I never even hinted out.

But protecting the border would have no impact on the spread of disease… right?

Anyone that would vote for Hillary puts no value on the law, the Constitution, national security or the good of the country. One would have to ignore all that to support her.


While gay marriage was being litigated, I could not aid and abet the enemy, just as our judicial principle will not force one spouse to implicate the other. Self-interest must prevail, or so dictates evolution. That same self interest now turns its attention to my economic well-being, and the Democratic Party does not share my economic visions of the future.

Are you listening? Are you following current events? People are buying up guns like they are buying up toilet paper. They have no faith that our government can maintain order. They have no faith that our society will not degenerate into lawlessness. All this dire anticipation over a virus that, if Orange-Daddy is right, will be subdued by Easter Sunday! And, evidently, they all expect a bout of rip-roaring diarrhea to boot!

Half-lies? Poison? WHERE! Connect those words to something, else they are just background noise.

And as for voting for Democrats, try this on for size: John Roberts, REPUBLICAN Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of The United States, sometimes votes against the court’s conservative block TO MAINTAIN BALANCE ON THE COURT. The same BALANCE that I prefer to see in OUR GOVERNMENT. Look to Russia or China or Venezuela or Iran or North Korea if you want to see what a one-party government looks like. Biden is a Coco-Puff, but voting for him isn’t necessarily insane.

@George Wells: maybe in the old days. Now you need to get visas in most countries. Shot records are usually required. Why do you want to allow illegals into our country with out a health check? You failed to discuss the vector diseases. I mentioned. You are like all of the rest of the lefties. You only address the things you can find an angle. You always avoid the real issue. I had forgotten your past posts. Looks like you and greggie are on the same IQ level.

@George Wells: I do not recall voting for Roberts.


I am happy to debate issues, and will keep up my end if that is what you want, but I no longer respond to insults.


I do not recall voting for Roberts.

Irrelevant. The point was that balance has value.

@George Wells: when you avoid direct debate, I can only conclude you are following your ideology because you lack the mentality to address issues. You also miss quote to make your point.

@George Wells: See, you just made my point.

@Randy: @Randy:

Why do you want to allow illegals into our country with out a health check?

I want no illegals here. My discussion of the border wall focused on its irrelevance to the COVID-19 pandemic. I did not address the other diseases because illegals should be prevented from entering our country. Their health status is irrelevant to that position.


when you avoid direct debate, I can only conclude you are following your ideology because you lack the mentality to address issues.

Still insulting. What issue have I avoided?
Everyone here thinks that I am liberal. I’m not. Life is more complicated than that. But once you take up that belief, nothing seems to undo your mistake. Y’all keep obsessing over some sort of connection between Trump’s wall and COVID-19. That connection doesn’t exist. That was the first issue I called attention to when I joined this thread, and now almost 100 posts later, it is still what everyone’s stuck on. BUILT THE F-N WALL! It’s IRRELEVANT!

@George Wells: Roberts is a cuck we know this. There is nothing I can find in the constitution that forbids gay marriage, if fact it should have been left to the State governments because of that. When it came up for ballot vote in MO the voting was worded in such a way as voting yes meant you were forbidding it, so it failed. Its your private, life but some kooks decided they needed to go out of their way to try to force people into baking a cake. Some have to ruin it for everyone by shoving their rights above others.
I am more a libertarian leaning originalist.

White House dismantled the National Security Council’s global health security office.

Debunked 1/2 truth
What is there in Bidens platform that represents you? Why would he be better as the most powerful man on the planet? He is just a frail old man that has a feeble mind. Yes it is insane.

@George Wells:

Are you listening? Are you following current events? People are buying up guns like they are buying up toilet paper.

Well, once again, no they aren’t. You don’t need a background check to buy toilet paper and a package doesn’t cost $500 or more.

And as for voting for Democrats, try this on for size: John Roberts, REPUBLICAN Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of The United States, sometimes votes against the court’s conservative block TO MAINTAIN BALANCE ON THE COURT.

What “balance”? The issues they judge are either Constitutional or not; it isn’t supposed to be “liberal or conservative”. What you and other liberals believe is that you need a majority of liberal revisionists to judge against the Constitution to advance the liberal agenda.

My discussion of the border wall focused on its irrelevance to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If it keeps infected people out, it isn’t irrelevant, is it? It doesn’t CURE the epidemic, it merely keeps it from getting unnecessarily worse.

@Deplorable Me:
“If it keeps infected people out, it isn’t irrelevant, is it? ”

The border wall? I said build it, OK? What is your problem with that? COVID-19 didn’t come from Mexico. EVERY indication is that it originated in China, and that American citizens IN LARGE NUMBERS brought it back. Some took cruises, some came by plane, but they seeded it in multiple locations around the country so that once we figured out what was happening, it was already too widely disbursed to contain. Locking down the Southern border is like closing the barn door after all the animals have escaped. As a preventive or corrective strategy to deal with COVID-19 it IS IRRELEVANT.

People are buying up guns like they are buying up toilet paper.
Well, once again, no they aren’t.

I’ll have to tell my favorite gun shop in Richmond, ’cause they said “they’re just about sold out… like toilet paper.”

The issues they judge are either Constitutional or not; it isn’t supposed to be “liberal or conservative”.

Supposed to be, yes, but in reality, no. I realize that you ALWAYS think that the “liberal” justices are ALWAYS wrong and that the “conservative” justices are ALWAYS right. If that was really the case, sooner or later the ones that were ALWAYS wrong would be lined up and shot. It’s just never quite that simple. What happens when the originalists butt heads with the textualists? Both schools ignore the people who are living today, choosing to reflect instead on either what they THINK the founding fathers meant, or alternatively focusing on EXACTLY what they wrote in the Constitution. After 250 years, give or take, I’m not sure I want either of those perspectives ruling my life. There are so many different issues that are current today that didn’t even remotely exist back in the day, and as Kitt notes, what isn’t directly mentioned in the Constitution was INTENDED to belong to the States. Were that to hold literally, in another few hundred years the States would own just about everything and the COUNTRY would be left with a handful of dusty documents. Maybe you want to live that way – in the past – but I don’t.

You haven’t touched my defense of our two-party system. No comment? You think the GOP could do a good job if the Democratic Party wasn’t out there keeping them honest? Or do you believe that power DOESN’T corrupt?

COVID-19 didn’t come from Mexico.

ONCE AGAIN, that’s not what I ever said.


I guess the concept of shutting off all regulated means of entering the country to prevent further entry of the virus into the population isn’t very effective if infected people can just walk across our southern border and, not self-isolate for 14 days, but go directly to densely populated sanctuary cities makes no sense to you, does it? Since it doesn’t, why discuss it?

Selling toilet paper is not the same as selling guns. Buying toilet paper is not the same as buying guns.

I realize that you ALWAYS think that the “liberal” justices are ALWAYS wrong and that the “conservative” justices are ALWAYS right.

And you come to this realization… HOW? Making judicial decisions based on what benefits liberals is just as wrong as making judgements based on what benefits conservatives. Constitutionality is the only criteria and unless and until the Constitution is properly changed, it should be respected. Declaring killing a baby is a privacy matter is absurd… and liberal, for instance.

Here’s my suggestion to you; what do you need me for? You address your comments to me based on what you’ve made up that I said; why don’t you just carry on your inane argument with yourself? You’ll probably get far less push-back when you mangle a comment or position to suit your own argument. Unless you are going to honestly respect what I WRITE, leave me out of it. It wastes my time.

@Deplorable Me:

OK, here is what you wrote:

Declaring killing a baby is a privacy matter is absurd… and liberal, for instance.

You have attacked me for sloppy conflation of details, so I’ll return the favor. A “baby” is not the same as a “fetus”. (Just like toilet paper is not the same as a gun, OK?) Abortion kills fetuses, not babies. These two DIFFERENT terms have specific, scientifically valid definitions, and conflating them to confuse an issue is just as ethically mischievous as equating guns and toilet paper.

As for this never-ending discussion of the Southern border, I have said over and over that I have no problem with building the “Wall.” What I have ATTEMPTED to explain is that the vast majority of diseases that enter this country are brought in by legal American citizens, not illegals. If you directly disputed that, I apologize for missing it. I am not disparaging the Wall. I simply said that completing the wall will make only an insignificant difference in our efforts to keep Americans healthy.

Look at the experience of cruise ships. They provide us with a perfectly verifiable laboratory in which to study the transportation of communicable diseases. How many of those cruise-ship-infected passengers do you suppose were illegal? To embark, they ALL had to have legal passports and/or visas permitting their travel to their intended destinations. What do those ships have? Hundreds of infected LEGAL entrants documented, but ZERO illegals. Same thing with air travel.

And as far as the Southern border goes, many thousands of legal citizens cross daily. Do you have any idea how many of them are sick? No.

I have entered the country at the San Diego crossing a number of times, and recently. Never once was I screened for any communicable disease. How many legal American travelers cross daily as opposed to illegal? I don’t know, but I understand that the number of legals crossing daily is huge. That suggests that the larger problem may be the Americans, not the Mexicans. If there is some sort of data that compares the transmission of disease in this country by Illegals against the transmission of diseases by legal American citizens, that data would answer this question with certainty. In the absence of that data, we are left with our own beliefs in the matter. You believe that the transmission of communicable diseases in America is at least significantly contributed to by Illegals, and I believe that that transmission is insignificant. Never mind the argument that as few as one death is significant, we are at an impasse. I think that I characterized the problem fairly. Again, if I missed something important, I apologize. If you prefer to discontinue this discussion, then simply stop answering me.

@George Wells: So, where in that example (provided AFTER your declaration) is the concept ““liberal” justices are ALWAYS wrong and that the “conservative” justices are ALWAYS right” derived?

So, at what point does “life” begin? At what point is the line between abortion and murder crossed?

And as far as the Southern border goes, many thousands of legal citizens cross daily. Do you have any idea how many of them are sick? No.

Indeed. NO. And THAT would be the point. Thanks for making it for me.

Definition: Xenophobia: The fear of foreign people.

I don’t think that Donald Trump is afraid of foreign people. He seems to progress from one bromance with a foreign dictator to the next with little time to spend in between with his wife, who is also foreign. But he’s a savvy politician, and he correctly senses the xenophobia that is endemic to the lesser-educated strata of his political base. He intentionally appeals to that base by stoking their fears, encouraging them to chant “Build That Wall!” He also rubs the same nerve every time he calls COVID-19 the “Chinese Virus.” He knows what he is doing, and he will win the next election for that as much as for running against an opponent who can’t win for losing.

@George Wells: Liberal: someone that bases every argument on a false accusation.

@Deplorable Me:

So, where in that example (provided AFTER your declaration) is the concept ““liberal” justices are ALWAYS wrong and that the “conservative” justices are ALWAYS right” derived?

It was derived from my observation that I never see here a single instance where liberal justices were right about something that conservative justices were wrong about. It’s a “corollary.” Never mind the assertion that liberal and conservative blocks of the SCOTUS do not exist.

So, at what point does “life” begin? At what point is the line between abortion and murder crossed?

I’m not sure that either the Bible or the Constitution answers that first question. Neither is there a clear consensus on the second question. The only definitive answer I can give you is that “life” is not the same as “Baby” is not the same as “Fetus.” These terms may not be used interchangeably.

@George Wells: You have missed something because you never replied to my comment about communicable diseases. Also, a fetus is a baby in the womb. If the baby can survive outside of the womb and is then killed is that ok with you? You do know that several states have allowed that legal abortion can apply to a baby born alive can be allowed to die by denying medical support. Also, some fetuses are killed in the birth canal by the abortionist using a scalpel or scissors. I accept you apology for missing something. You do not seem to understand herd immunity. You also do not seem to understand that most everyone in this country has mandated vaccinations. There are some diseases that are endemic in countries south of the border as I explained before. Parasitic diseases are not subject to vaccination. Also, introducing different strains of a disease that evolved in another country like this corona virus can adversely affect the health of our country. You moving back and forth from country to country is not the same threat as having illegals immigrate into our country with out medical surveillance.

If you have read much about the history of the Americas, the residents of the Americas had developed herd immunity against most parasites and viruses were rare. With the “first illegal Spanish immigrants” bringing viruses to the Americas, some historians and anthropologists estimate that within 30 to 40 years as much as 80% of the native Americans perished due to virus diseases. Different populations have different diseases and variations of those diseases. Indiscriminate mixing of these populations are threats.

This is observed regularly at a lower level by the US military. New recruits attending basic training come from all over the country. They all carry adenoviruses that are normal from where they came from. Within 2 weeks of arrival at basic training most of the recruits suffer from upper respiratory infections from the new strain of adenoviruses they were just exposed to. While I was assigned to a major Army training post in one 5 month period more than 900 soldiers were admitted to the hospital for treatment. This number exceeded the totals for the remaining Army training sites combined. The immune systems of these soldiers were severely compromised. If they had also been exposed to another disease either bacteriological or viral, they may not have survived. So Mr Wells, if you are to consider your comments as fact, you need to do considerable more research.

@George Wells: The only difference between a fetus and a baby isnt scientific at all, its if the CHILD is wanted. It is totally unscientific to say its the womans body and that what she is carrying is not a baby. Only a clump of cells, well so are you only, a clump of cells.
No scientist will say says life does not begin at conception.
Terribly sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.

Genesis 1:3

You want to talk guns? They are quite an equalizer for little girls and women.
Buy a gun youshould also do this

@George Wells:

I’m not sure that either the Bible or the Constitution answers that first question. Neither is there a clear consensus on the second question.

So, until that answer can be reached, wouldn’t it be prudent to impose some limits on abortion, particularly when they are being conducted at points of the term when the “subject” acts as though it feels pain and has developed enough for the remains to be a marketable commodity? Most certain, the late, late term abortions supported by the left are over that line.

The answer to the question of when life begins is deliberately avoided by the left out of pure cowardice. To concede life actually begins at any moment before a killing of convenience is desired would infringe on a liberals “right” to erase the consequences of their own irresponsibility.


Also, a fetus is a baby in the womb. If the baby can survive outside of the womb and is then killed is that ok with you?

Sure it is. Wells is a one issue voter. He doesn’t care about dead babies anymore than his own state’s governor cares about dead babies. Ralph Northam committed an offense that would have caused any other governor to be sacked, but he was absolved of all (racist) actions because…………….he’s a Democrat. Not only that, Northam has suspended all unnecessary surgical procedures until the Chi-Com virus threat is over, all but one, that is. Abortions still reign supreme in Virginia.

You do not seem to understand herd immunity.

Of course not. Why would he? That would require some interest in how diseases are transmitted and how the human immune system is a wonder that will eventually fight against diseases that are trying to take the human species out.

You moving back and forth from country to country is not the same threat as having illegals immigrate into our country with out medical surveillance.

Wells also seems unaware that due to illegal immigration, not only was German measles reintroduced in the U.S. but also a new strain of TB for which there still is no known cure. Both diseases became epidemic in the colonias of Texas where so many illegals would first stop before their continued travel in El Norte.

So Mr Wells, if you are to consider your comments as fact, you need to do considerable more research.

Wells doesn’t provide research, he only provides opinion which is subject to revision when he catches flak for the first opinion.

Sooner, or later, Randy, you will realize that responding to Wells is a fool’s errant. He’s a chameleon.


If you have read much about the history of the Americas, the residents of the Americas had developed herd immunity against most parasites and viruses were rare. With the “first illegal Spanish immigrants” bringing viruses to the Americas, some historians and anthropologists estimate that within 30 to 40 years as much as 80% of the native Americans perished due to virus diseases. Different populations have different diseases and variations of those diseases. Indiscriminate mixing of these populations are threats.
This is observed regularly at a lower level by the US military. New recruits attending basic training come from all over the country. They all carry adenoviruses that are normal from where they came from. Within 2 weeks of arrival at basic training most of the recruits suffer from upper respiratory infections from the new strain of adenoviruses they were just exposed to. While I was assigned to a major Army training post in one 5 month period more than 900 soldiers were admitted to the hospital for treatment. This number exceeded the totals for the remaining Army training sites combined. The immune systems of these soldiers were severely compromised. If they had also been exposed to another disease either bacteriological or viral, they may not have survived. So Mr Wells, if you are to consider your comments as fact, you need to do considerable more research.

I agree with every word of your above assessment.. I’m a Vietnam War vet, and I experienced what you describe first-hand. I have also studied the archaeology and anthropology of Costa Rica in depth and know that within 80 years of the arrival of the Conquistadores, 80% of the indigenous population of that region (it was not at the time a discrete country) was wiped out, and within 200 years the Diquis and ALL other tribes in the region were extinct, replaced eventually by Spanish immigrants more resistant to European pathogens and by imported (and enslaved) native laborers who died copiously while looking for the gold that the Spanish colonials wanted.

I’m not ignorant of the facts. I did not respond specifically to your comment about communicable diseases coming from South of the Border because I didn’t recognize a specific question that related to the COVID-19 issue, the subject of this thread. I also felt that I had addressed that issue generally by my contention that the most significant vector for communicable disease transmission from the South is the same as the most significant vector of communicable diseases from other places on the globe: Americans traveling abroad. You make the correct observation that those travelling Americans are more susceptible to infection by foreign pathogens than the respective native populations, and I made the equally relevant observation that there are more sick American travelers returning to American soil than there are sick illegals sneaking across ANY borders. I Just don’t see that there is a hole in this logic, and I thought that the subject had been dealt with adequately and honestly. Remember that I do not object to the “Wall”. I just think that it isn’t the answer you seek.

As for the abortion issue, I REALLY regret touching that question with a ten-foot pole. I’m not religious, I’m not liberal, there is absolutely ZERO chance that I will ever have to face the issue personally, and I simply don’t care one way or the other. Like Retire 05 points out, I am a one-issue voter. That just means that my vote at every election is determined by one issue – the most important one to me. In 2016 it was gay rights, and in 2020 it will be my personal financial security. Sorry if that bothers you.

Yes, I said that a baby isn’t the same as a fetus, which is a true statement, or at least it was when I took logic. And questions about the sanctity of life belong in the realm of collective governance and individual faith. Personally, I don’t place a particularly high value on life, considering that the Earth has what? Nearly 8 billion people? Individual life is precious to the person who has it, but collectively it’s worthless. Nobody’s contribution to the bene pool is significant. (So says statistical analysis.) So just for the sake of NOT wasting a lot of time here talking about something that means absolutely nothing to me (nor does my opinion matter a lick to you), I won’t discuss abortion anymore. It’s just irrelevant to the COVID-19 question. But thanks for asking.

@George Wells:

I made the equally relevant observation that there are more sick American travelers returning to American soil than there are sick illegals sneaking across ANY borders.

Now Mr. Wells, if there are illegal immigrants crossing the border that no one has evaluated for communicable diseases, how can you above statement be considered accurate? How can you know if they crossed with out anyone knowing who they are?

I spent 43 years with the Army medical Corps working with occupational, vector and communicable diseases. I also have the degrees that allowed me to submit recommended plans for minimizing soldier and population control. Now you give me “facts” you have made up and deem to be true. You expect anyone to believe anything you write after you make these “facts” up?


I expect nothing of you. I trust the scientific community’s assessment of the source of COVID-19 and its routes of transmission around the globe. The microcosmic example of cruise-ship infection and the expert explanations thereof make logical sense to me. Those are facts as far as may be ascertained. The obsession with the Southern Border in the context of COVID-19 makes no sense to me. Neither do I understand the desire to leave ANY border porous to some people but not others in the context of communicable diseases. You speak of facts as if you have access to an infinite assortment of relevant data, but that does not exist. You can’t prove how many illegals carry which pathogens, and I can’t prove that more than a handful of legal American tourists have ever returned home with a communicable disease. You aren’t GOD, and neither am I, so don’t ask me for what does not exist.

@George Wells: Americans returning with illnesses are treated and the results are reported to the CDC. There is no record of how many illegals were carrying diseases yet you presented that as fact that Americans returning to the US have more illnesses than illegals entering the country. Now, how do you know how many asymptomatic illegals entered the us with the corona virus? How does anyone know? Most people are guessing based on some facts. One of the most serious issues concerning the transmission of this virus which has been considered by US government officials to have been developed in the Chinese Biological Laboratory in the town where the disease was first discovered. Now, looking at the impact of this virus on the World, what would happen if this occurred every 12-18 months and was carried by illegals crossing the borders? That is called biological warfare and has not been ruled out by the US intel agencies. Now you and most of the left believe things like “more Americans return to the US with illness than illegal immigrants”! Someone makes a statement like you have in a previous post and many take it as fact without understanding government procedures and dismissing that we know nothing about the illegal’s health when they entered the US. Mr Wells, those who have studied history and that includes the potential biological warfare attempts thwarted by our government that didn’t make the MSN are very concerned with the potential for diseases carried to the US by illegals. You are aware that a goodly number of Chinese cross the southern border of the US daily? Or that many cross our northern border into WA? Your choosing to limit your comments is liking someone failing to use their peripheral vision to walk down a dangerous road. That is what you are advocating here and it is dangerous.

@Randy: GW doesn’t seem to have the capacity to back off of a foolish statement.

@Deplorable Me: So he is a typical liberal who is all blow and no go! Like greggie who thinks simple math determines the number of deaths by the C virus. Epidemiologists have a great deal of education and develop model based upon statistics generated by closed groups like the Dimond Princess.


this virus which has been considered by US government officials to have been developed in the Chinese Biological Laboratory in the town where the disease was first discovered.


Yeah, and the virologist who said COVID-19 was going to kill hundreds of thousands said “Opps! I meant tens, not hundreds… My BAD!”
So which is it?
When you have several million people working for the government, all sorts of BS gets tossed into the mix, and when you have almost free communication and no way to prove a lick of it, you end up with BS for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No surprise some of it found its way to Flopping Aces. Thanks for the fecal insight.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY can’t wait for Trump to finish his F….N’ WALL!!!! Then and only then will the steady stream of warm, wet and smelly be halted. And I don’t mean wetbacks splashing across the Rio Grande. I mean this sort of BS. Once the wall is completed and in place, all of these infections of the imagination will stop, and Trump will be the HERO. Either that, or Trump will be proven the fraud I think he is, and, as you imagine, Chinese germ warfare will continue uninterrupted. I suspect we’ll find out soon enough. Good Luck!

@George Wells: I don’t think any wall will halt your ignorance, though.

@George Wells: You still have no idea about what I am relating to you. You are seeped in your ideology and can not recognize a fact or the truth if it bit you on your butt. Do you put your finger in your ears when someone says something that you do not want to hear? My dad described people like you when I was growing up. He was an FDR man. His quote in describing people who could only cling to their ideology no matter the facts or the obvious truth: “If their brains were explosives, they would not have enough to blow their nose.” When you continue to make comments and can not respond to real facts, this must apply to you. Remember, illegal immigration does not just occur on our southern border. The wall is only a part of the strategy to maintain sovereignty.

By the way, several intel agencies do believe that this virus was part of experiments in the Wuhan Biological Lab. Looking at the way is was distributed and the vast difference between this corona virus and previous ones. The natural evolution of this virus from previous corona viruses would have been only a little different instead of a vast difference.