Dear Press, please stop telling us how f**king wonderful China is


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This is the face of evil. Make no mistake.

Led by idiot politicians, the press continues to extol the virtues of of his and China’s response to the Chinese Wuhan virus outbreak.

Hillary Clinton is now  the chief lobbyist for the Chinese Communist Party.

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Chinese collusion!

“China stepped up to lead coronavirus response” says one politician.

World leaders praise China’s efforts in fighting coronavirus

Leaders and officials from various countries have praised China’s efforts in the fight against the novel coronavirus, a health epidemic in the country that has claimed over 560 lives.

They have spoken highly of China’s quick response to the disease and the effective preventative measures the government has taken.

“The preventing measures taken by the Chinese government are very professional,” said former Prime Minister of Egypt Essam Sharaf, giving his firm confidence to the virus-hit country.

“I want to say that the crisis will for sure be conquered. China is a great country, and will be even stronger after the epidemic.”

The World Health Organization praised China for its response to the Chinese Wuhan virus.

One of China’s responses to the Wuhan virus is to burn patients alive

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As the World Health Organization (WHO) praises China for its “tailored approach” to handling the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, a video has surfaced of a Chinese woman vividly describing patients being bound in body bags and cremated while still alive.

On Feb. 24, a group of overseas Chinese students which calls itself Youth Production (少年譯製) uploaded a video of a Chinese woman approximately in her 60s sharing her traumatic experience surviving a stay in a Wuhan hospital while infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In the video, titled “Burned Alive,” a woman wearing a surgical face mask and speaking with a heavy Wuhan accent tells her harrowing tale to a taxi driver who is covered from head to toe in protective gear.

The Chinese government is entirely dishonest. Nothing they say can be trusted. Their claim of no new cases is contradicted by evidence on the ground.

Chinese citizens report long lines outside of hospitals, new makeshift hospitals, and forced quarantines

China stopped counting mild cases of Wuhan virus in February. It destroyed evidence that would have invaluable to arresting the outbreak:

Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news, a Chinese media outlet has revealed.

A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

The detailed revelations by Caixin Global, a respected independent publication, provide the clearest evidence yet of the scale of the cover-up in the crucial early weeks when the opportunity was lost to control the outbreak.

Censors have been rapidly deleting the report from the Chinese internet.

The press is running defense for China non-stop

The media is desperate to attack and condemn Trump for the coronavirus at any cost, even if that means touting propaganda from a foreign government. This week, several networks have tried to deflect blame from China by insisting that Trump calling COVID-19 the “Chinese” or “Wuhan” flu was racist. MSNBC’s Brian Williams and his liberal panel late Wednesday night were even more blatant in their attempt to cover for Communist China, claiming that just by calling the virus by that name, Trump was endangering the country.

11th Hour Host Brian Wiliams began the segment playing the clip of two reporters grilling Trump on his “racist” terminology. The MSNBC panel looked aggravated, with Washington Post’s Philip Rucker shaking his head in disgust. Host Brian Williams asked panelist Ian Bremmer in frustration, “Ian, what are we doing here?”

The predictable Chris Cuomo

Calling it the Chinese Virus or the Wuhan Virus or the Kung Flu. Listen, you may think it’s clever but it’s hurting,” Cuomo proclaimed. “The idea, ‘well it did come from China.’ Then why doesn’t Fauci and other top health officials, why don’t they call it that? You know why? Because it could have come from anywhere.


Washington Post

China cries racism and the press follows

From cable news to The New York Times to broadcast news to outraged intelligentsia on Twitter, each time the president or, frankly, anyone refers to this virus as originating in the place it undoubtedly originated, they echo the exact deflection approved of by the “Information Czars” in Beijing.

“Your racism won’t divert blame for your failures,” they all scream as if they’re doing anything but providing cover for a murderous, totalitarian regime.


This is a pangolin

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It is an endangered species. It is thought to be a carrier of the Chinese Wuhan virus, acquired from bats. It is also considered a delicacy in China.

Pangolins, native to Asia and Africa, are the world’s only mammals with true scales made of keratin. Despite international trade bans, pangolin meat and scales still fetch high prices on the black market. Demand is especially high in China and Vietnam, where pangolin parts are used in medicine and served as a culinary delicacy.

The Chinese Wuhan virus is thought to have originated in bats. Meanwhile, in China….

See the source image


This outbreak and everything- the loss of lives, the destruction of economies- is at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party and its feckless leader. They gave us SARS in 2003 and the Chinese Wuhan virus this year. The next time it could be even more lethal. They don’t freaking learn.


So please, liberal media. STFU

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China’s dear leader, Xi, looks just like this guy.
I wonder if it’s for the same reason.
You know, more powerful-than-you, more protected, more well-fed, better paid, etc. And with an “I’ve got a secret, I won’t tell,” smirk on top of all of it.

Asking the press to quit siding with all who can hurt Pres Trump is like asking them to pull out their own fingernails.
They just won’t do it no matter how odd their bedfellows become.
However, it is great to see a few Dems, in office and dealing with the situation, having newfound praise and appreciation for how the Trump Admin is dealing with it.

Dr. John, it comes as no surprise, well, actually expected, to see you abet Trump in his xenophobia.

It goes against the backdrop of critical thinking to argue against Trump’s history and keen ability to stoke and fan the flames of racism in order to appease a large faction of his base as well as strike a nerve in white blue collar workers who have a long history of white grievances but alas, I know you must. Or at least, you must send in your ankle-biting sock-puppet patrol to assist you in that endeavor.

Trump fell spectacularly on his face with his previous press conference by answering questions of his handling and decisions with: “No, I don’t take any responsibility” and “Don’t blame me”. He well understood that just didn’t look good when during the time of national and global crises, the leader of the most powerful country in the world basically says: “Hey, don’t blame me, I just work here”.

True to Trump form and expert ability, damage control was applied to the next press conference with “Chinese virus” which is saying: “hey, don’t blame me, it’s those yellow people over there that’s stolen your good paying jobs all these years that’s doing this, not me”

It’s a sad state to see such a powerful figure to use a national platform at a time of crises to replace his traveling road show Klan rallies. It’s also a shame to see un-American and hate consumed spinsters help him in those efforts.

recall that whore dog billy sold classified intelligence on drone development, nuclear bomb development, and deployment, along with radar and missile technology. whore dog and his slut wife got paid billions. she continued this selling as secretary of slut. both gov’s of oregon and washington and most of the democrap senators from these two states have very close trading and banking agreements with china. wake up-china is the enemy and has been for a long time. recall Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the podium at the UN-“We will bury you”. America is burying itself thanks to blind stupidity. sad note-the leaders of tomorrow are not educated nor fit to lead this country

@Ronald J. Ward: You are absolutely right. How dare Trump ban the Kung Flu from our country. We have Shown the Mexican H1N1 still circulating now as a seasonal flu is just as deadly. Our melting pot should accept all these germs, even ones we wiped out of our population!
The picture above of the Lady eating the bat makes me wanna barf but as Americans we will not be out done!
You Go Bernie Beggar, tell em!

@Ronald J. Ward: If there was any delay in response on the part of the US, we now know the Democrats are to blame because their hoax impeachment inhibited the government and served to distract everyone.

Trump has been doing his job well. The Democrats, on the other hand, have gotten more people killed than would have otherwise.

The media’s bad conduct, and disinformation, are part of an effort to use this global crisis for political gain.

They don’t seem to understand how many votes they are losing, and will likewise be surprised when they lose the House in November (no one else will be).

Dems have gotten people killed now, and they’d kill more people just to sate their wild TDS hysteria.

Saner heads prevail, and good thing we have a fearless President to calmly dismantle these clowns for the world to see.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Dr. John, it comes as no surprise, well, actually expected, to see you abet Trump in his xenophobia.

Oh, and Americans are dying because of China’s INFERIOR form of government (a tyranny), their INFERIOR hygiene, and their INFERIOR culture.

If you decide to make that racial, that’s on you.

If the Chinese stopped eating endangered species and embraced science…and good, ethical animal farming practices, no one would being dying right now.

Their country is not equal to ours, and should not be given the same respect we give to 1st world countries. We need to treat them like monkeys until they stop acting like monkeys.

“No, I don’t take any responsibility” and “Don’t blame me”.

So your saying Trump invented and caused the coronavirus? Talk about unhinged nutjob you are…

But the Dems killed people with the impeachment, as we now know, given they hobbled our government response. It’s natural for them to cover that up by attacking Trump. Too bad everyone knows, now.

@Nathan Blue: Trump didnt give the CDC a second chance when they muffed the testing response, he found outside of government Privately own companies that could get er done. Finding out supplies of respirators were too old he went to 3M and found out that the identical mask was used by drywallers got millions released. Ventilators yes some machines used by anesthesiologists can be retro fitted (visions of Apollo 13) Perfume companys now making hand sanitizer. The government overwhelmed with nasty privately own businesses making offers to retrofit and pitch in.
China threatens to cut off drug supply, we know the people of China are not making these decisions its their organ harvesting leaders.

Interesting posts. Let me see, now: according to reports later deleted by the ChiComs, COVID-19 was first detected in November 2019. What was Congress doing at that time? I seem to remember that they were impeaching Donald Trump. What were the ChiComs doing? Oh, yes. Jailing the doctor who reported on COVID-19. And putting reporters out of the country for reporting. What, precisely, did Trump have to do with the reporting from Wuhan? Oh, he tried to close the border with China. He was denounced as a racist, and some folk allowed to move to Washington State, where those individuals spread the plague. Trump was overruled by his State Department.
Supposedly Trump is attempting to stir up his base. If you had political supporters, would you not want to encourage them? Supposedly COVID-19 may not be referred to as Chinese, because it was first identified in China. Supposedly Trump may hold no more press conferences, because the requirement to silence him is more important than keeping the nation informed. And in doing his job people might actually have the chance to see him at work. And that would be political.
I wish there were a better understanding that no President is God. When Trump does not know something, he appears to find someone to tell him about it. What a concept! And those to whom he turns appear to be the best informed people available. He does not run to Bono or Oprah for help.
I guess I must be an un-American hate-filled spinster. Mr Ward’s opinion of me might be even lower, were he to find out that I am a capitalist. And a Christian. And male. Friends like him I do not need.

@Nathan Blue: @kitt: @MOS #8541:

The cheerleading flock loves to go off in different directions to avoid the abject failures of their God King.

All that gibberish is real nice and all but it evades the argument at hand and that of which I responded to- Dr John’s “Dear Press, please stop telling us how f**king wonderful China is”.

At a time of needing unity, Trump went for buck-passing and blame-shifting. It kinda blew up in his face (except of course for folks like you who if Trump were to address an attack such as another 911 by walking to the podium, raising one leg, put the mic to his ass, fart and then walked off, you’d praise him and talk about how he so owned the dems).

But in an attempt of refraining to bash Trump, let’s just say he had a bad day, the worry of the country was on his mind, or he was caught off guard or such, it just didn’t go well. His ratings per several polls dropped a bit, leaders from other countries were laughing at him, and I suspect he even glance back and thought he rather botched it.

Okay so Trump comes back for another presser and spews “Chinese virus” for the strategic reasons I posted in comment # 2. Here, I’ll say it again so you don’t have to scroll back up:

It goes against the backdrop of critical thinking to argue against Trump’s history and keen ability to stoke and fan the flames of racism in order to appease a large faction of his base as well as strike a nerve in white blue collar workers who have a long history of white grievances but alas, I know you must. Or at least, you must send in your ankle-biting sock-puppet patrol to assist you in that endeavor.

Trump fell spectacularly on his face with his previous press conference by answering questions of his handling and decisions with: “No, I don’t take any responsibility” and “Don’t blame me”. He well understood that just didn’t look good when during the time of national and global crises, the leader of the most powerful country in the world basically says: “Hey, don’t blame me, I just work here”.

True to Trump form and expert ability, damage control was applied to the next press conference with “Chinese virus” which is saying: “hey, don’t blame me, it’s those yellow people over there that’s stolen your good paying jobs all these years that’s doing this, not me”

So the press is not “telling us how f**king wonderful China is” as Dr. John spins. Trump screwed up and played his well known and well used xenophobia.

It doesn’t matted what this man does, you will always be there to defend him while finding a way to blame others.

Hillary Clinton is now the chief lobbyist for the Chinese Communist Party.

Well, you gotta hand it to Hillary; I am truly surprised at her loyalty. I guess all that money China fed into Bill’s campaign and the Clinton Foundation wasn’t wasted even though she lost her bid for the Presidency.

Who ARE these people who will jump on the side of the first enemy of our country to take a side against Trump? Who the HELL are they? Damn. Do they not realize that the people they are praising threatened to cut off vital drugs from anyone that does not validate their propaganda? WHO supports this kind of shit?

Well… Democrats, I guess.

Let it be noted that on “Deep State Ringer….” thread, I challenged Greg and AJ to explain, if Trump is dropping the ball here, why New York and California were not clamoring for support to meet this crisis back in early February, by which time Trump already had his team in action and closed off travel from China? Greg just vanished and AJ responded with, and I quote…. “Pfffft”. In other words, they have no answer for that logical question, proving their criticisms are totally unfounded and based solely on their hate and prejudice. And showing, by the way, that they KNOW it, but continue to lie anyway.

We’ll get through this, but no thanks to Democrats.

@Ronald J. Ward: The true “God-King” was Barak Obama, and we see how that cultist following made out: full of hollow promises and a very erasable tenure. Obama helped get Trump elected, afterall.

At a time of needing unity, Trump went for buck-passing and blame-shifting.

No. Right now we need unity, and your party’s media want to blame Trump, daily. Everyone is onboard except Dems and their vast propaganda machine.

And the continued lame effort to perpetuate the “Trump is a racist” hoax is now just making you like a retard. Yes, someone with a brain that didn’t develop correctly because you have damaged DNA.

Retarded. You.

Since you dodged it:
@Ronald J. Ward:

Dr. John, it comes as no surprise, well, actually expected, to see you abet Trump in his xenophobia.

Oh, and Americans are dying because of China’s INFERIOR form of government (a tyranny), their INFERIOR hygiene, and their INFERIOR culture.

If you decide to make that racial, that’s on you.

If the Chinese stopped eating endangered species and embraced science…and good, ethical animal farming practices, no one would being dying right now.

Their country is not equal to ours, and should not be given the same respect we give to 1st world countries. We need to treat them like monkeys until they stop acting like monkeys.

“No, I don’t take any responsibility” and “Don’t blame me”.

So your saying Trump invented and caused the coronavirus? Talk about unhinged nutjob you are…

But the Dems killed people with the impeachment, as we now know, given they hobbled our government response. It’s natural for them to cover that up by attacking Trump. Too bad everyone knows, now.

@Nathan Blue:

“No, I don’t take any responsibility” and “Don’t blame me”.

So your(sic) saying Trump invented and caused the coronavirus? Talk about unhinged nutjob you are…

My comment clearly stated, and then repeated, the comments were directed to questions of his handling of the virus, not who invented it or caused it. It was his own cowardly dodge from his very ignorance that prompted him to blame the invention and cause of it on others.

No where did I say or imply anything of the such. You invent things that are not true, thus, just another lying hack to prop up your master, a mere propaganda tool with no interest in the truth or reality. Or, your reading and comprehensive skills are profoundly flawed.

But just like deplorable, I’ve slapped the taste out of your mouth so many times that you are becoming quite boring. You don’t even seem to try, or want to.

@Ronald J. Ward: You DO know that when Trump speaks, he is NOT answering imaginary questions being asked in your hollow head…. right? All your quotes are taken out of context and are meaningless for your stupid, lie-centric arguments.

RJW: Help me to understand. A person who did not germinate a virus refuses to take responsibility for the virus. Somehow this is wrong? He should take responsibility for the virus? What else should he take responsibility for? SARS,polio, and the Black Plague appear to be valid candidates in your mind for Trump to claim responsibility. You can’t possibly believe the nonsense you spout here. I just hope you think you’re having fun poking people. Someone posted a picture on Facebook this morning showing people standing in line outside the local Meijer store. It implied that there were panic buyers. Someone else responded that they went by and there were just a few people waiting for the store to open. Posting pictures like that is sick. The same way trying to get someone to accept responsibility for something that they had nothing to do with is sick.

@Ronald J. Ward:

It was his own cowardly dodge from his very ignorance that prompted him to blame the invention and cause of it on others.

I know that’s the narrative for yet another “hoax” your party hopes to perpetuate, but yet there’s just no proof beyond disinformation and mis-quotes.

I’ve slapped the taste out of your mouth so many times that you are becoming quite boring.

Given you are the resident Leftist pet of this site, we get to see just how deranged Leftist cult members have become, and what they schlepping. You’ve done a great job in serving conservatives everywhere.

Never have you “won” an argument here at FA, with me or anyone. You only serve as rabid a whelp held by the scruff, in the air, kicking and whimpering, so we mature citizens can examine the “infection” we’re currently facing from the Left.

You’re also being carefully monitored for violence in the event the FBI needs to move in, given your frequent threats.

That’s all, little dog.

@71Grad: This logic somehow worked on Bush with Katrina, so the media and their cultists like Ron/AJ have to keep doubling down, no matter how stupid they look.

It’s all or nothing now. Trump has proven to be a good, effective, and competent president, His ideas are superior to the Left’s, the Obama-induced swamp is being drained, and the Dems power/money is being drained with it.

The mesmerizing of low-thinking people like Ron/AJ is what helped the Dems get power, and that that framework is failing. As people like him watch their identities slip away, they become more and more insane, and dangerous to themselves and the public.


You can’t possibly believe the nonsense you spout here.

He longs for the day that he finds someone as gullible and ignorant as he is and there will FINALLY be someone that he can best. Hasn’t happened yet.

@Nathan Blue: Ask the colossal Mr. AJ when he might answer my question about why Democrats never raised any flags or ruckus about the approaching virus crisis since HE thinks Trump was so behind the curve on everything. In reality, all that has outright failed is the hold-over garbage Obama left behind.


“RJW help me understand”

If you cannot comprehend the words of the argument, I doubt that I can.

Dr. John, you seem to be scraping the bottom for your ankle biting defense.

Wow. Someone takes himself pretty seriously. Someone that can’t even face the challenge of a question. What a joke.

“Wonderful” China has been supplying us with disposable masks, gowns and hair covers.
Who, besides me, remembers what we had in the pre-AIDS days?
We had COTTON masks, gown and hair covers.

However did we clean them????
Well, industrially hot water, detergent and bleach, that’s how.
Too bad some entrepreneurial clothing business can’t start running up these.
But almost all clothing is also made in China, so…..
Maybe a sewing machine brigade could do it.
Do people under 50 even know how to sew???

@Ronald J. Ward: @71Grad:

If you cannot comprehend the words of the argument, I doubt that I can.

That’s what he usually says when he conceded the argument…or concedes that he didn’t have an argument in the first place and is just projecting whatever his mental illness is, most likely borderline personality disorder.

@Nan G: Some over 50 cant thread a sewing machine which hasnt changed much since the 1900 treadles. My neighbor got a beginner model for her daughter and they couldnt figure out why the stitches were a nasty snare, looping the thread through the upper tension was missed.
The cost of some of the embroidery and quilting machines can cause sticker shock, then you would want a koala cabinet. =8*0

The left reports to a different god.

Nan G:

Too bad some entrepreneurial clothing business can’t start running up these.

Trump announced yesterday Haines is going to help make masks. Nationalization was not required.

@Ronald J. Ward: says:

My comment clearly… was…cowardly dodge from… ignorance.
I’ve… becoming quite boring.

His own words. He likes it when his corrupt media does it, so he should accept the validity. Besides, it actually describes the facts.

@Deplorable Me: I hope that doesnt cause a run on underwear, but next time I’m shopping their patriotism will be remembered. 3M, and GM. I already avoid pet food and treats made in china.

@kitt: Haines is my brand and I need some more. I hope they don’t vanish off the shelves, too.


Anyone siding with and defending China on this issue is an idiot.

That’s loaded fairly heavily with rhetoric. I’d say most knowledgeable Americans would agree that leaders of China, North Korea, Russia, et al are ruthless discussing people. Why Trump keeps idolizing them and his followers keep approving of it is disturbing. Perhaps as you say, they are idiots.

Per your post.

The Chinese government is entirely dishonest. Nothing they say can be trusted. Their claim of no new cases is contradicted by evidence on the ground.

I don’t disagree yet, Trump says he trusts China’s Xi on coronavirus (considering you prefer the far end spectrum of Breitbart such for your arguments)

Of course, Trump changes his tune on life and death situations based on the applauding volume of his crowd. Yet, you, as you say, “side with and defend” regardless, as do the bulk of his enablers.

Your arguments of the media and others “siding and defending China” is a rather unhinged grasp based on unhinged sources.

Getting back to the core issue, that COVID-19 came from China, it appears it did. So what? Should we kill the yellow man? Is to say we should not “siding and defending”?

Or maybe you’re alluding to it escaping from a lab? That’s fake news.

You seem to go with China’s poor response. Yet, you praise Trump?

I predicted you would come to this.


@Ronald J. Ward: Responds:

I’d… agree that… I… side with and defend… China

Yep, that’s what he said. His own words. Giving him as much context as he gives Trump.

@Ronald J. Ward:

You seem to go with China’s poor response. Yet, you praise Trump?

Saying Trump’s response to coronavirus is just partisan rhetoric, and easily dismissed.

@Nathan Blue:

Saying Trump’s response to coronavirus is just partisan rhetoric, and easily dismissed.

There you go again making stuff up without anything to back up your statement. It isn’t partisan rhetoric. It’s easy for his enablers to dismiss it because that’s what they’ve been instructed to do. What you and they are is a basket of proud deplorables proudly clinging to your alternate facts.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I… prefer…. alternate facts.

YOUR words.

@Ronald J. Ward:

What you and they are is a basket of proud deplorables proudly clinging to your alternate facts.

Nah. I’m a free-thinking American. You’re indoctrinated. It’s that simple.

Back among the land of mature and competent adults, we have our private industry making what we need to get through this, the Senate passing the relief bill, and individuals doing what they can to contain the spread of the virus.

What are you doing? Using dead Americans, and dead citizens the globe over, as your long-awaited crisis to take down a President you irrationally hate. There’s really nothing the man could do that you wouldn’t distort into something negative, but this is what the Dems and media have programmed you to do…so you have my pity. Poor bastard.

I laid out the timeline of events. There are questionable actions made by everyone at some point (and some that are just wrong, like China’s), but all in all our nation, including our President, are doing their job.

To say otherwise is just partisan rhetoric, and from someone who is realizing how useless they are…still bent on their hate-induced identity pathology even in a time of crisis.

Crises like these usually weed out weak beta cowards like you. Better grow some character, or you won’t make it through…standing on the backs of men like me and Trump won’t save you, in the end.

@Nathan Blue:

Nah. I’m a free-thinking American.

Now that’s funny. I’ll give you a Trump “10” on that one.

@Ronald J. Ward: The press has taken the least important thing about this emergency and chose to push that. If thats where you stuff your sausage good for you. We will continue to tell you language control is the least thing you can do to inform idiots that watch you garbage cable channel.
We will shelter in place you can shiver.

@Nathan Blue: Look… you beat him and he admitted it.

I’ll give you… that one.

HIS own words. I quote.

@Ronald J. Ward: you, sir, are an absolute idiot. I pray your brain will begin to function!